[Brooks] Wife’s hospital residency among factors keeping Jacob Trouba with Rangers

[Brooks] Wife’s hospital residency among factors keeping Jacob Trouba with Rangers

  1. If you make 8 million as a third pair dman, you better be the best third pair dman in the league

  2. Just looking at the headline, I’d have to guess that was put out by Trouba’s camp, no? Or Brooks is just making shit up lol Need to read the article

  3. Incredible no one wonder we haven’t won a damn thing in 30 years. This makes us look amateurish.

  4. Trying not to be downvoted to hell and back for this doomer take but we didn’t improve on the team that wasn’t good enough (despite .940 goaltending from Igor) when all our competition around us got better

    We’re fucked.

  5. I mean we all knew this, Brooks is all over the place, yesterday he said Trouba was gonna be waived or traded, now it’s none of that. No idea what to believe, some people on the cesspool that is Twitter are acting like Drury is being nice and not trading Trouba bc of his wife which is wild, don’t think Drury has ever shown to be that type of GM.’c he’s cold blooded. The likely truth is teams aren’t offering what he wants because they aren’t sure if Trouba will accept or be happy about it, which makes sense for him to put that out there so he can remain, and it’s hard to blame as someone that has a 5 month old and who’s wife works wild hours like a resident would.

  6. I promise I’m not the worst person on the planet (bad preface … I know!)

    But a wife who has a job and a 6 month old child is not an “excuse” to hold a $5 billion dollar business’s decisions hostage.

    I do not hear cries of outrage for random AHL Joe Schmo who makes $80 grand and has to uproot his family across the country every year.

    Jacob Trouba is NOT a victim. The family dynamics are a big inconvenience for sure, but one a guy with a $64 million dollar contract to his name sure could stomach a lot more smoothly than any of us could.

  7. I’m sorry, every player faces these issues when being traded, spouses jobs, kids in school etc… what exactly makes Troubas situation special here? He now has a M-NTC. Ball is is drurys court.

  8. There’s a reason this team hasn’t won a cup in 30 years. And Trouba is the worst captain in franchise history.

  9. “There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind.”

    What’s this mean? He’s allowed to reject a trade to someone on his approved list?

  10. “There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind.”

    Does that mean he’d retire? Just not report? He’d give up 8 million dollars to hold his wife’s hand?

    But at this point, if they dump him, who’s replacing him? Are they better than he is? And what would drury do with the money anyway?

  11. Fans are going to rip this guy apart next year when he inevitably plays like shit again

  12. Hey does everyone remember those articles calling Drury such a cutthroat and he was determined to shake things up

  13. Get ready for another season of Trouba getting caught out of position, hitting the boards with every shot, and fail to make simple outlet passes again. Surely he won’t be bad at the same things he’s always been bad at!

  14. Why do we care about his wife ? He is not the only player to ever be traded. Other players family members leave their jobs, family, and friends. I don’t feel bad for her or him. Boo hoo.

  15. >“There is no guarantee that Jacob Trouba would accept a trade even to a club on his approved list if that means leaving his wife and nine-month-old (as of training camp) behind.”

    What the fuck does Brooks mean by this? Trouba has a no trade *list*. If a team is not on that list, there is **nothing** Trouba can do to stop the trade from going through. Does he mean Trouba will threaten retirement if traded? I legitimately want to know what Brooks means by this. Because that might be the most incomprehensible thing he’s ever written, which is saying a LOT.

  16. What the fuck happened to “Trouba is 100% done, the decision has been made” ?

  17. Can you imagine what the building is gunna be like if he is on the ice opening night

  18. At this point how can you move forward with him on the team? This player is an active detriment to this team.

  19. This article basically contradicts everything reported on this “situation” in the last 48 hours. What the fuck is going on.

  20. Without getting into the admittedly complicated details… everyone in the league has a wife and kid, Jacob.

    You’re not special.

  21. Geez. This better end asap. What ever happened to the Gary cooper type of leaders? The Strong silent type? That’s what the rangers need. That’s a real leader right there!

  22. With Brooks, sometimes you get insightful articles rooted in decades of covering the NY Rangers.

    Other times, you click and say ‘this asshole works for Rupert Murdoch, and this horseshit article is exactly what I SHOULD expect from the NY Post’

  23. Whatever the truth is in all of this, Larry has made an absolutely mess of it. This is what happens when you’re so horny for sources you publish the first thing you hear.

  24. I can only take the sob story for a human making 8mil a year playing a game for so long. Teams given him 40 mil. This is literally part of the reason the pay is so high. Relocate on a dime. If this was his top priority he should have taken a pay cut for a full nmc. If he still doesn’t want to play out his contract I will gladly take it over.

  25. Worth mentioning that Trouba did the same thing to Winnipeg and they were thrilled to be rid of him

  26. These is a bad job by both parties these talks should of be behind close doors unless trouba got cold feet to go to Detroit this should have never made the headlines

  27. she’s in residency, not the military, her husband makes 8 million dollars a year, i’m sure they have a nanny
    believe it or not there are people doing residencies in cities while their spouses do residencies in other cities
    she’s certainly the richest and most comfortable person in her residency

    this is not very moving or tragic

  28. Didn’t Alex Wennberg literally leave his newborn in the middle of the season because of the trade

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