What Was Tom Brady’s 1 Regret With The Bucs?

What Was Tom Brady’s 1 Regret With The Bucs?

  1. His answer amounts to a job applicant telling their interviewer that “working too hard” is their “biggest weakness”.

    I’ve got a better regret – how about the Steeler game where you partied all night the day before and showed up to meet the team the morning of the game, then proceeded to have about ten yards total offense. I like that one.

    Still love ya Tom

  2. He didn’t say anything specific about our the Bucs. Only that he wished he would enjoy football a bit more instead of being hyper focused and competitive at all times.

    He might say that, but I think he is physically incapable of not being hyper alert and extremely competitive. He was condition so hard during his Michigan and Patriots years that he simply couldn’t turn off the football machine.

    Not that he didn’t have fun, though.

  3. Not being more in Antonio Brown’s corner to keep him on the team. The offense was lethal with him and was (a little) without him as well but we went from a machine gun to a revolver and could’ve made 2 SB appearances with Brown there I believe.

  4. Tom Brady Forgetting It Was Fourth Down In The Lost To The Chicago Bears. But It Was Funny Though 😅😅😂😂

  5. Biggest regret is not slapping people that ask stupid fucking questions like this.

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