The San Jose Sharks Spend On Tyler Toffoli And Alex Wennberg In the First Day Of Free Agency

The San Jose Sharks Spend On Tyler Toffoli And Alex Wennberg In the First Day Of Free Agency

the San Jose Sharks make some massive additions during the first day of free agency you’re locked on sharks your daily podcast on the San Jose Sharks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello welcome to locked on sharks the premier hockey podcast covering your favorite team in the bay area my name is JD young caretaker at The Reef also the co-host of Western Conference Tuesdays on the lockdown NHL Channel I want to thank you for making lock on sharks your first listen probably part of the lockdown Network we cover your team every day if you want to be an everyday or all you have to do just follow wherever you get Podcast or you can watch this on YouTube as well and these sharks uh they open up open up the uh checkbook here and they make two big signings in free agency uh to the Fords one in Tyler T foi and then Alex wenberg so we’re going to break down where these guys kind of fit in why T foi is the perfect addition why wenberg is Logan contor Insurance and then look at some of the additions to the Barracuda and some more work that mik care needs to get done here so uh before we do all that do want to let you know that today’s episode is brought to you by fandel make every moment more as the playoffs are now done sport stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all custom customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started let’s start with Tyler toley uh as he gets a fouryear deal at $6 million aav uh and it’s also sounding like is a full no move Clause uh with that as well I love this signing I love this sign I know maybe the the fourth year little but uh Mike career said we’re sing one to four years types of deals for players um and toley fits exactly what the sharks are looking for um and that is good players to fit around MN Cabrini and Will Smith uh and Tyler T Foley is that he’s a good NHL player he’s a top six NHL player uh on basically any team in the league um the man’s a walking 20 to 30 goal machine every season um and he is just going to be like the kind of he’s gonna come to the bay and just kind of be a professional and help celebrini and Smith be able to to um just count on and utilize their their lime m right we don’t want another kind of eckan being paired with Luke cunan type of of deal where we’re just you’re you’re wanting these guys to kind of you know do what they can and then they do great stuff and then just not having the caliber teammates around them or linemates around them and I think Tyler tofoli is a perfect addition for the shark so let’s get to know tofo a little bit better um here so Tyler T Foley 6 foot 23 pounds I again signed a fouryear deal of $6 million um with a full no trade clause or no movement Clause 79 games last year 33 goals this was split between the Jets and the Devils um 22 assists 229 shots on gold played a hair under 17 minutes a night cory4 when he was on the ice 55.67 so they were dominating the shot attempts uh when he was on the ice that’s between two different teams goals for 51.4% um again between two teams looking at his evolving a hockey card uh played just a hair under first line minutes last season with an 83 percentile player 91st percentile defensive offensively excuse me 15 percentile defensively um a ton of power play minutes not going to play short-handed or on the penalty kill which is perfectly fine you have a thousand bottom six forwards to do that um Tyler T Foley he shoots he shoots a lot and he is really good at putting the puck in the back of the net so um looking at his J fresh card 91st percel War set wins above replacement over the past three seasons um and I know he’s a little bit older here he’s 32 by the time this deal is done he’ll be 36 uh but 88 percentile offensively 82 percentile defensively um 84th percentile finishing 85 like this guy scores and he’s he’s exactly what the Sharks need right Mike Greer went out and said we need to add more scoring Ty T Foley scores a ton of goals looking at uh what his his transition data uh from all three zones um Matt like shots for 60 when he’s on the ice like he creates offense um shots per 60 chances per 60 like literally off the charts for here um Rush offense especially with the way the sharks are kind of building this and celebrini who in college is a transition wizard Will Smith we know can create as well on the transition tar f is going to be the perfect addition for these guys because of what he does on the ice um not much by passer which is fine um because you need him to be a finisher um and I think with celebrini and Smith whoever he plays for plays with he is going to be a massive addition for those guys and exactly what their skill set is which is uh we know celebrini can create whatever he need you can do whatever you need him to be but we’ve seen Will Smith in his beautiful pass SC in college um both these guys are excellent passers and T Foley is going to uh just be able to just crush crush on some great setups so and then of all V hockey also do contract projection they projected three years at 6.1 he got four years at 6.1 which is right as well it kind of the range of what to expect um for him so I I think this is a rediculously good contract um I know the no trade clause is as I I can already hear sharks fans complaining about a potential no trade cause and I get it from his perspective right um and for the shark’s perspective you have basically the next three years where you’re going to have Will Smith and um mlin celebrini on entry level contracts they are going to be basically paid a million dollars a season for the next three seasons um having a guy like tooy who has bounced around a lot a lot the last couple Seasons you know between the Devils the Jets Calgary like there’s been a he’s played on a ton of different teams over the P past couple Seasons um I think for T foi it gives him a little bit of Peace of Mind of I’m not going anywhere unless I want to go somewhere which which guys can wave their no trade clause um and then if you get to that fourth year and the sharks aren’t competitive yet which is very much in their kind of range he can always wave his no trade clause to go somewhere else like I wouldn’t worry about it I think for for this might be one of those kind of costs of of doing business things for tofi is give him some peace of mind and his wife is also from the bay like uh she’s from montere like there’s I think he he genuinely wanted to be here and for his wife to be home gives them again some peace of mind they’re not going to have to go anywhere they’re not going to pack things up um and I think again he is his skill set fits amazingly with Will Smith mbini William eckan um Mel granin like however you Shuffle the lines eckan being a great passer into fley just being there in the right place at the right time uh and being able to kind of crush like yeah tofo is going to just kind of help raise the bar and if you guys want to talk about you know leadership all that stuff he’s been part of a cup team you know he he even said he wanted to come here and help the young guys because of his journey with the LA Kings right he joined a a basically a kind of a team that was in their Prime he won a cup with the the the kings in the 2014 and is I think he’s in that kind of I want to pay it back um kind of of uh mindset so I absolutely absolutely love love this signing for the Sharks and even if the last year’s not so great the capital but you keep going up you’re going and if he’s playing like third line minutes for you Tyler tooy on your third line and you have guys like Quinton musy um you know uh Casper honin whoever I was like three four years from now making their kind of debuts and impacts like even though those guys are going to be on their elcs you’re not like this is a perfect contract for what the sharks are are looking for to build and Tyler Tooley is going to make celebrini and Will Smith’s life so much easier over the next couple Seasons because of the style he plays fits perfectly with the style that they play so um A+ A+ for Mike Greer on this one trying to fit fit a need with what you’re looking for and kind of saying to your budget here so uh we’ll continue to look at uh some of the shark’s newest editions uh including uh Alex wenberg who we talked about on the show as cotor insurance and Mike Greer went out and got some Logan Couture insurance so we’ll talk about that here in just one minute Sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but with the playoffs now done we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep on the sports going whenever ever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to lockon and start making the most of your summer bandal official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball all right um let’s get uh so yeah Alex wenberg little bit of an overpay uh two years $5 million aav uh I think he has a the contract details are starting to come up I think he has a no trade clause the first year but then there’s some trade projections are for year but I think they lighten up the second year um wenberg who split his time last year between the uh Kraken and the Rangers I know some people are a little about wiberg and kind of what this means for cotor and stuff but this is Logan cotor Insurance so if when if cotor is not able to come back welcome to your new 3C in Alex wenberg um and I think he’s a that’s he’s really good at playing defense um I think he is really good passer maybe not you’re not going to see the goal production out of him but I think that that’s kind of your where he slots it if goor comes back windberg can slide to the wing or if you want to put Cur on the wing to maybe lighten his load um you gives you a little bit of flexibility there and I think that’s what the Sharks were looking for is uh somebody who can play play both Center and wing and wenberg can 1,00% do that and with gloor right there’s so much we don’t know with him especially because he played six games last year having a guy like wenberg who can kind of play those hard dirty minutes he’s good defensively um I think is is a smart bet and it’s a two-year deal so if you know this year works out and then next year you can be potential trade piece at the trade deadline with wiberg um who teams love to add these type of players I mean the Rangers added him this year this is a another short term again you overpaid a little bit with with the dollars but that’s okay especially when you’re the Sharks and you have of a bajillion dollars in cap space um I’m totally fine with kind of overpaying for a guy right now at least dollar-wise to just help raise the bar of the talent on this team and wber does that so um let’s get to look at kind of what Alex wenberg brings to the Sharks here so wenberg uh 6 fo2 180 pounds two-year deal at 5 million aav 79 games between the Rangers and the Kraken last year had 10 goals 20 assists with 90 shots on goal again doesn’t shoot a a bunch so um average time on Ice just a hair under 18 minutes cory4 48.96963 but the Kraken were kind of also a bad team all season and he was um you know that’s fine so but the goals for they’re kind of uh holding the uh holding kind of the dam back there in that type of scenario so um look guys evolving hockey uh playing firstline minutes 63 percentile player 65 percentile offense 21st percentile defense um these short-handed defense uh he played a a ton of short-handed defense and wasn’t that great last year but if you look at some of his previous Seasons it’s a much better so maybe um things just kind of fell fell off a little bit here this year um also played a bunch on the power play so he’s going to help on kind of the Sharks power play as well but good defensively good at creating offense um for wenberg again playing kind of first line minutes especially with with Seattle um at looking at his War so projected wins above replacement uh 28th percentile for him 85th percentile even straight defense so if you want to put wenberg with some of your young players like celini and like Smith especially a guy like Smith who we know is going to have to work on his defense having a guy like wenberg who is a good defensive type of player feel that kind of feels like a really good match there wber also faced St stiff competition last year 83% competition so fac really a ton of tough competition with not maybe not the greatest line mates as well so there’s a potential here where uh if he gets better linemates and maybe less competition you could see some more offensive of of kind of boost here for for wenberg so um offensively again uh little bit more of a passer grade at kind of creating uh point shots uh uh so kind of kicking it back to the defenseman to get shots off there not as much for the shooting uh good with kind of retrievals in the defensive Zone and kind of getting them out and kind of getting the puck going in the the off you know that way but um offensively though I you don’t really see too I think there there’s a chance to to maybe see some improvement there so um he was projected a three-year deal at 4.4 even his two-year deal was at 3.2 so that’s where I Sav the little bit of overpay the two years at 5 uh $5 million um but again we knew the Sharks were going to have to overpay to get Talent on the roster with to F contract coming in kind of right where you expected I’m okay with paying a guy like wber who is going to again just give you a little bit peace of mind and insurance so if cotor doesn’t come back you’re not having to try to scramble to find a three guy and N St did okay in that role but I think you know when you have Barkley goodro in that mix I think it it maybe if Nico maybe kind of moves the wing we’ll kind of at some point here once we get through a little bit more free agency look at the lines and kind of project some lines here but um I think for the Sharks this just gives them more flexibility and kind of a middle six type of player for wenberg um and for the sharks so I’m yeah I’m okay with this move I I talked about wber as a potential guy as Couture insurance and I’m glad to see Mike Greer you know have Logan Couture Insurance because I’d rather have a guy like wenberg who has that flexibility to again if you want to play him with Will Smith um who we know is probably gonna need some help at least you know kind of learning and and defending I think wiberg’s a great great guy to to pair with Smith and uh we know Smith can create offensively um but we also know Smith can shoot so if wiberg’s more more of a defensive role passer um and Will Smith potentially is more of a shooter on that line and whoever else if you want to put like a clam costum who’s a monster four Checker and shooter that could be a potential potential look at the future of adding two kind of maybe bigger uh especially a big dude like C uh wenberg is very sound resp uh responsibly and then I think uh Smith who can kind of be the Creator SL also another shooter on that line kind of something like that so um totally fine I would great i’ would say B+ just because of the little bit of of overpay but again when the Sharks needed to cap get to the cap floor they still have a ton of cap space uh nothing to to kind of fret about and again it’s two years two years is yeah perfectly perfectly cromulent deal so uh we’ll look at some of the other uh small additions for the Barracuda and kind of look at some of the the work I think Mike Greer needs to continue to to look at here um going as as free agency continues on so we’ll that in just one minute all right so the Barracuda also announced the signings so very important the Barracuda announced the signings of uh two defenseman uh so they signed Lucas Carlson to a two-year contract two-year two-way contracts just as a reminder um these are NHL contracts uh but um he will have to go through waivers to get go be put on the Barracuda but with the two-way contract he gets paid more to he get kind of they set the price at the AHL so he kind of gets a little bit more pay when he is in the AHL compared to uh you know if some of the other kind of ways it works around so uh Lucas Carlson last year spent this uh was with the Charlotte Checkers of the American Hockey League which is part of the Florida Panthers organization um got hurt uh at the time you know only played 52 games last year he’s only 26 as well so he could be a potential guy fighting for a job here but I think they’re looking at him as a kind of bar help to kind of uh solidify the Barracuda defense here which is something the Barracuda really def desperately need um so last year he had uh 15 goals um and 39 points uh for the Charlotte Checkers he also the previous year he had 54 points including 20 goals with 61 games of Charlotte so and was also AHL Allstar at the end of the season there as well great offensive defenseman like he is going to really really help the Barracuda group so now you have a guy like him and Jack Thompson um both can really help solidify as a potential onew punch on the right side um for yeah left-and or rightand anyway sorry um anyway you’re you’re no matter what you’re adding like two he’s left-handed my bad left-handed my bad sorry so if that’s your top parent of Jack Thompson and Lucas Carlson or if you want to split them up really gives you some some offensive punch um and kind of really then you can mix a match with your young defenseman like your Luca Canon um or G La rock or Jake fongs like you can really mix match with some of these young guys to to make sure that they’re not kind of out there on an island so um yeah like the Lucas Carlson signing they also signed uh Jimmy Schult uh who last season played uh for the Coachella Firebirds uh he’s 29 oneyear two-way contract same thing we’ll have to go through waivers uh to get put the Barracuda and we’ll play this the waivers game as we get closer to um he had 24 points last year five goals and 19 assists with 60 games with the Firebirds um in the 2022 2023 season uh he had 32 points including 8 goals and 24 assists so um again another good player who can provide offense and good defense um top defenseman in the a one of the top defenseman for for the Firebirds last season a team that went to uh went to the finals of course lost in the finals as well so two big additions for the Barracuda here um as they’re trying again raise the floor of of what the uh what’s going on um down in in with the Barracuda and with so many young potential defensemen like Furlong and Lorac who you hope you know kind of for a full season here can say healthy and if Luka Canon makes the team like lot of a lot of young players but having some of these veterans around who espec especially guys like Canon who offensively gifted but maybe need to continue on the defensive part like having these guys who have been there and done that I think is going to be really really good for them uh we’ll see what the the bear could have do here with the additions of some more forwards uh veteran forwards uh but I I think though it’s a very very good start for uh for San Jose’s free agency so um what they need to do now um M career already said they’re looking for a third goal they expect Vita vanich to be available for the start of the season but they want to find a third goalie which I talked about on yesterday’s show a little bit finding a a third kind of tweener goalie uh with you know especially I know Devin KY was a popular name good for him getting signed by the Flames but uh finding a a third goalie who can play on the Barracuda uh and then if you need him to to play a couple games here on on with um in the NHL I think that that’s on mic has already said they’re kind of looking for that and I still want another right-handed defenseman um hard to kind of see who is available right now because the it’s the signings keep happening kind of furiously here um but I I think trying to find some sort of right-handed defenseman who can move the puck a little bit um the Sharks still have have some I think a hole there in in that spot so those are areas I’m looking for my career to to kind of work on here I don’t think they’re gonna be doing any more signings today on Monday um as mik girl already kind of spoke with with the media here I’m kind of keeping an eye on Twitter as we recording here just to make sure nothing uh crazy is happening but yeah there’s a lot of the defenseman already kind of got picked up today and seen kind of some of those terms and and stuff uh feels like maybe micer might have dodged a couple bullets here looking at some of the some of the terms that going out but I I still think that’s something need to try to do there again as you’re trying to just lift the floor of this team right now to make it more competitive on a night in and Night Out balance uh or night in night out and then giving Smith and celebrating the best possible talent that you can around while you’re waiting for some of your homegrown Talent to to be NHL ready so those are kind of the the the two I’m looking for and then expect to see more kind of Barracuda type signings um whether it’s you know kind of Justin Bailey s guys guys who can potentially play in the NHL um or but are kind of really really really quality AHL uh forwards I think that’s those are kind of the the areas of of need here for the sharks so kind of going into the the next couple days of fre agency we’re kind of hit all the the big stuff here right now on today uh but I I think those are some those are going to be some key areas for Mike Greer uh and for the Sharks and I guess Joe will for the Barracuda so um go find a right-handed Puck moving defenseman and get some a third goalie just especially with v vanich and McKenzie blackwoods uh spotty we’ll say injury history uh and then go find go find some depth of forwards to can play on the Barracuda for you and um and kind of let all those guys you’re gonna have crazy the the camp battles this year for to make the team are going to be uh GNA be interesting so that’s going to do it for me today uh we’ll be back tomorrow with more on whatever uh is going on with with free agency if the jarks um add some more pieces we of course have later on this week the uh Prospect scrimmage game where we’ll get to see m celebrini in action uh for the first time as a shark um and all the new all the new children joining yeah it’s gonna be good plenty of good stuff coming up here at lock on sharks make sure you guys are following uh wherever you get Podcast and of course you can watch on YouTube as well uh follow the show on Twitter Facebook and Instagram at lockon sharks follow me on Twitter at my fry hole till tomorrow bye friends [Music]

General Manager Mike Grier and the San Jose Sharks opened free agency with a splash! The Sharks added two veteran forwards, Tyler Toffoli and Alex Wennberg, who should fill meaningful roles. Start with Toffoli and explain why he is the perfect addition to the Sharks and why his skill sets complement Macklin Celebrini. Then Alex Wennberg might have been slightly overpaid, but he brings insurance for Logan Couture. Examine what Wennberg will bring to the Sharks and why his flexibility will be huge for San Jose. Finally, the San Jose Barracuda made a couple of signings in Jimmy Schuldt and Lucas Carlsson, and look at the areas that Mike Grier needs to attack over the next couple of days in free agency.

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  1. San Jose is still one of my Favorite teams to watch play. This team definitely has gotten a lot better this off season so far. I look forward to seeing The Sharks re build in full swing.

  2. So crazy that Toffoli said Celebrini is a reason he wanted to come here. Celebrini could go down as the most important player in franchise history!

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