UPDATE on Jacob Trouba and the start of FREE AGENT FRENZY on a special live edition!

UPDATE on Jacob Trouba and the start of FREE AGENT FRENZY on a special live edition!

has Jacob trouba played his final game as a New York Ranger plus the Rangers are reportedly signing Sam Carrick and of course it is time for free agent frenzy on this special LIVE edition of locked on new yearor Grangers you’re locked on the New York Rangers your daily podcast on the New York Rangers part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday welcome back blue shirts fans to episode number 1102 of the locked on New York Rangers podcast I’m your host John chick so want to thank you guys as always for making lockdown New York Rangers your first listen every day we are free and available on all platforms including YouTube and today’s special LIVE edition of locked on New York Rangers is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit fanduel.com lockon to get started and we are of course part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day so indeed we are live here on lockdown New York Rangers it is T-minus 17 minutes until the start of free agency in the NHL but that obviously hasn’t stopped a lot of I don’t even know if I want to call them rumors you know I guess in theory nothing can really become like a officially official until the noon start time here but there’s reports all over you know TV and the internet and everything social media Twitter that this guy’s gonna sign with this team and it’s gonna be for this many years and that many you know that much money and etc etc and unfortunately I’m starting to get a little bit nervous here because you know earlier in the day the Rangers are being connected to guys like T Foley maybe somebody like Stam Coast Terra Vin and you know I’ve got mixed feelings on just about every free Target that there is there’s always some risk and some reward involved with any body that you sign especially if it’s for a lot of time and or a lot of money but lately you know the last you know half hour or so has not been very kind of the Rangers or their prospects of you know Landing a a big-time free agent when the bell rings here today because all of a sudden you know Stam Coast is being connected to Nashville and I want to say the the latest report that I saw had to fley possibly going to the Chicago Blackhawks a couple others as well but Rangers right now uh nothing really cooking at least you know going by these most recent tweets from you know some of the more respected uh NHL reporters that are out there on social media but we’ll get to the free anding in a little bit here I want to kick off today’s episode by talking about Jacob trouba and the layers on him and what’s become kind of a messy situation and uh just kind of an ongoing saga here the last few days with Jacob trouba so uh if trouba does end up getting traded or waved that will eventually be a whole other episode I might even do that episode a little bit later today and then put it up uh today’s mostly going to focus on the free agency stuff but we’ve got some time here it’s a good time good opportunity to talk a little bit about Jacob trouba at least for a little while here a report from Larry Brooks that was out this morning really made it sound like Jacob trouba one way or another has played his final game as a member of the New York Rangers and of course this could go a lot of different ways this could conclude a lot of different ways but we do know that Jacob trouba about a week ago give or take a couple of days in either direction was asked by the reers to submit his 15 team list of the teams that you know he’s going to put on his no trade clause up until now Jacob trouba had had a full Mo no move clause for his entire contract or not the first year which is kind of strange but the four years after that full no move clause for Jacob trouba and now uh it goes down to 15 teams next year it would be 12 teams but the Rangers asked for that list and it looked like you know just kind of bring everybody up to speed here anybody that might be uh you know not up to date on everything happening with Jacob trouba looked like the reers you a couple of days ago had a deal in place with the Detroit Red Wings the Rangers would send Jacob trouba there and the general uh feeling among you know people you know in the reindeer front office and whatnot is that that might be a place that Jacob trouba would prefer to go to as opposed to some other destinations some other places that he could be traded to because you know obviously uh trouba well first of all he’s got Andrew cop there they’re they’re BFFs from way back in the day and uh he also played a season of college there with the University of Michigan and you know Jacob trouba the belief when he was with the Winnipeg Jets is that he wanted to play for a team in the United States uh and if that is still the case I would imagine that he’s probably included all of the Canadian teams on his you know no trade list doesn’t want to be traded back to Canada and you know I can understand that to a degree but the trade that was reportedly in place between the Rangers and the Red Wings would involve trouba going to Detroit and the Rangers retaining 2.5 million of trouba’s $8 million capit now that’s less than ideal because obviously you’re paying somebody money to not play for you so it’s not a perfect situation for the Rangers but I think most Ranger fans were on board with this just because you know trouba just did not play like an8 million defenseman last year and if you shed yourself of $5.5 million that’s a lot more cap space a lot more freedent money that you have to to play around with you know this year as fre agency starts here and a lot more damage you can do as far as you know attracting some of the big fish in the freedent pond to come to the New York Rangers uh unfortunately there’s obviously a hold up here it’s not known if Jacob trouba is going to include Detroit on his list as an attempt to uh block the Rangers from Trading him there but and let me get back to the Brooks report here it sounds like what probably will happen if Jacob trouba blocks the trade to Detroit or the trade with Detroit falls apart in one way or another that what will probably happen is the Rangers will place Jacob trouba on waivers as they did with barklay goodro and then at that point any of the other 31 teams can trade Jacob trouba because just like goodro uh yes trouba does have a partial no trade clause but he does not any longer have a no move clause which means he can go on waivers and anybody at that point can claim him and if you’re trouba it might make more sense if you like Detroit over you know a lot of the other potential destinations it might make sense for you to just accept the trade to Detroit if that is your preference over the Alternatives because again that Brooks report really makes it sound like trouba is done with the reers in one way or another and that the decision has been made by Chris jury and Company to move on and you know I don’t take any joy in it Jacob trouba is obviously one of those guys that you know wears his hard on his sleeve and goes out there and battles every single night and gives you everything that he’s got but the cold hard truth here is that this is a business and Jacob trouba certainly not recently and maybe not ever during his tenure as a reer has played like an million a year defenseman that’s just the facts the other fact that Braden Schneider is basically it Clips Jacob trouba in every single facet of the game it makes trba a little bit more Expendable you don’t want to be paying 8 million a season to a third pair defenseman I don’t care who it is and and at this point you the Rangers have four defenseman I mean I know lingren is an RFA you never know he could get traded Bron Schneider the same thing although I think Schneider will certainly be back um but bottom line the Rangers have at least four defensemen who are you know ahead of Jacob trouba in the pecking order so it just makes sense from that perspective and there’s one other point I want to make here regarding trouba I have not seen anybody else make and that is looking at the Jacob trouba contract so again to to go through the whole Jacob trouba contract seven years eight million a season that’s the contract extension that he signed after the Rangers did their deal with Winnipeg however many years ago that was so to break down everything going on in the trouba contract the first year again had no trade protection or no move Clause of any kind in theory the Rangers in the first year of trouba’s contract could have traded him to any team in the NHL although that’s just a strange thing to me because if you sign somebody to a seven-year deal how bad would they have to play for you to think like oh my God we have to trade this guy and if they played that badly in the first year of the contract what team is possibly going to be looking uh to line up and take on a contract like that so that was always a little bit strange to me but bottom line that first year where he did not have any no move Clauses or no trade Clauses or anything like that that year came and went and that meant that the next four years uh Jacob trouba would have a full no move clause and of course those four years have come and gone and now he’s got the uh partial no trade clause but the point I want to make here Jacob trouba’s contract that he signed with the Rangers was for seven years and 8 million a season if a no move Clause was a full no move Clause was that important to Jacob trouba and the trouba family and they really wanted to make sure that okay we’re going to be here for the entire you know ation of this contract and there’s no way that Jacob trouba can be traded in any way or another if it was that important to Jacob trouba what he could have done potentially is taken a little bit less money per season and gotten the full no move Clause put into his contract he did not do that now do I know for sure that the Rangers would have offered him that no but bottom line if somebody if you’re paying somebody $8 million a season then you got to figure there was room for negotiations there like Jacob trouba could have taken a little bit less and had the full no move Clause put into his contract but he didn’t do that he wanted to get as much money as possible and hey more power to him that’s the case for most players in the NHL you might have a guy every once in a while give this team or that team a little bit of a discount you know panan took a little bit less money from the Rangers than he could have gotten with the Islanders and he’s been here ever since but you know there’s people that feel for trouba and I get that too you know he he’s a new dad and he’s got an infant child right now and you know he doesn’t want to leave the Rangers and he wants to be here and he wants to continue being this team’s captain and I respect that and I respect uh the fact that he goes out there and battles every single night but again he took the Rangers for every dollar that he could and that’s what a lot of players are going to do but I still get the feeling that a no move clause for the entire contract probably could have been had for Jacob trouba had he taken a little bit less money per season these are not charity causes you know when when you have somebody that has a no move Clause a full no move Clause a partial no trade clause whatever it might be there’s all give and take you know going on with these contract negotiations and um you know a lot of times a team might give out a full no move Clause as a way to pay somebody a little bit less money and with Jacob trba again if it was that important to him and that crucial to him that he knows for sure he’s going be with the Rangers through the entire contract and nobody can touch him and he can’t be waved and can’t be traded or any of that stuff then again I gotta believe that he could have left a little bit of money on the table taken the full new move clause and um he wouldn’t be having to deal with the situation that he’s having to deal with uh at this point so that’s kind of where we’re at right now I I get the deal with trouba if he uh does not you know get traded today that you probably will see him on waivers and at that point um you know I so I don’t really know how it works I’ll be completely honest here I get the feeling that if Jacob trouba is on waivers that they don’t you know necessarily get all eight8 million of his uh cap space to use on free agents today I don’t see how they possibly could because he’d still be on the books you know there’s a 24-h hour process there that allows teams to claim him and um you know we’ll just take it from there if uh if Jacob trouet is indeed playing on waivers but we’re going to keep everything rolling in just a second we are seven minutes away from the start of free agency and I want to talk about somebody that the Rangers have already signed and that is Sam Carrick or you know that’s the report is that they are going to sign him so we will do that in just a second all right we just want to take a quick minute to let everybody know that today’s episode of lockon New York Rangers is brought to you by FanDuel I love sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like we all want them to but FanDuel lets us keep the sports going whenever we want all we have to do is open up the app and dream up bets anytime that we’re in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head to fanduel.com lockon and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League baseball all right we just want to take a quick minute to let everybody know or thank everybody rather the every dayers for uh supporting lock on New York Rangers and for the every dayers you guys are definitely going to want to stick around this week because uh we’re not stopping here we’re not slowing down here on lock on new yearor Rangers it might be the offseason but um we’re going to continue talking about everything the Rangers do and maybe some of the things that they don’t do here in free agency we’ve also got the entire draft class uh to review you know we talked about Emory briefly but we’ll have some more on him and the rest of the players that the Rangers took as well and yeah just kind of uh keep things rolling and again talk about all the wheeling and dealings uh for the reers this off season but I do want to shift our attention to somebody that it sounds very much like the reers will be signing I put out a very short video about him a little bit earlier today you can check that out if you’d like but that player is 32y Old Center and right winger uh Sam Carrick he signs a three-year deal with the New York Rangers worth $1 million per season kind of reminds me of the Jonathan Quick situation last year where we have a free agent signing before you know free agency really begins you know it was heavily rumored that quick would be joining the reers of course he did and had a great season but as for Carrick what we know about him six feet tall 200 pounds uh he started his career with the Toronto Maple Leafs they took him in the fifth round of the 2010 draft uh at number 144 overall spent two years with Toronto five and a half years with the Ducks and then half a season with the Edmonton Oilers so one win away from becoming a a Cup champion Sam Carrick uh but he was part of the the trade deadline frenzy that went on this past year he was dealt at that time from the Ducks to the Oilers my first thought when I saw that the Rangers were signing Carrick because you know I I’d heard of him and I’m pretty familiar with his game know that he’s a bottom sixer but as soon as I saw that my first feeling was that okay this is the guy that they’re bringing to replace barklay good and I hate to even phrase it that way because I don’t want to make it sound like you know every bottom six player is just this interchangeable you know Ken and fodder for this team or that team but you can understand why the Rangers did this you know Barkley goodro is making $ 3.64 million per season as we’ve established on here and as many of you have ained in the past that’s just too much for barklay goodro it’s too much for really anybody that’s playing in the bottom six and certainly uh somebody that is predominantly playing in the fourth line so they put good draw on waivers he gets claimed by the sharks sharks have a boatload of cap space and they bring him in as a veteran leader uh but now you get somebody that’s basically going to step into the barklay good role and again that is Sam Carrick uh known as a reliable defensive forward he’s obviously not a superstar I mean we know that the contract uh would let you know that in and of itself uh but a physical player uh killed penalties for the Ducks but did not do that nearly as much with the Oilers which makes sense the oers are a better team and they probably by the time they acquired Carrick you know had their guys in place and he just never really got to make much of a dent there um as far as like his career stats I do have his page open here his hockey reference page so eight seasons in the NHL um 240 games 28 goals 25 assists 53 points he’s a minus 41 in that time I do get the feeling that has a lot to do with the fact that he’s played for the Ducks who have been down in the dumps the last you know handful of seasons for what it’s worth uh the 16 games with Edmonton that he played in the regular season he wasn’t even plus minus so he immediately saw an uptick uh in that stat basically as soon as he got there um but yeah minus 41 for his career averaging 11 minutes and 19 seconds of ice time uh he has also won 50.7% of his face off so slightly above average and uh coming off of what looks to be the best season of his career when it comes to the faceoff Circle between the Ducks and the Oilers this past year he was at 53.4% so somebody that wins a few more than he loses that’s always a good thing uh 94 block shots in his career 478 hits and that’s with limited ice time so he’ll go out there and throw his weight around for sure and uh 62 takeaways against only 53 giveaways so to me it’s a quality fourth liner Sam Carrick and you know it’s not a move that’s going to make or break the rers but you have to fill out your roster in one way or another and I think getting a defensively responsible physical forward uh to again basically take the place of Barkley goodro that’s just what the doctor ordered for the new for the New York Rangers now when this happened I tweeted out that I like the move I just hope this isn’t the biggest thing that the Rangers do today and yeah I really hope that that’s the case but I’m getting very nervous there’s a lot of names around the NHL big ufas this guy’s gonna sign here this guy’s gonna sign there and we are now just two minutes away from the official start of free agency so we’ll see what happens but as of now yeah it’s uh it’s not looking so good for the Rangers when it comes to uh Landing one of the the big fish in the sea uh so to speak uh the one other thing I’ll say about Carrick before we move on and turn our attention to uh free agency officially beginning here is that you know I saw some people expressing some concern about the length of the contract it’s three years uh I don’t have any problem with that at all the fact that it’s three years to me that’s just a way to keep the average annual value and the cap hit as low as possible only 1 million a season if I’m remembering correctly I believe the league minimum for this upcoming year will be 750k so it’s it’s barely a shade above that and if it ever comes down to it if if Carrick you know the third year of his contract he just can’t play or you just don’t have much of a use for him anymore uh you can send him to the miners you can place him on waivers if somebody claims him then you know they get him obviously but if you have to send him down to the miners uh you can bury his entire contract there so this is not the kind of contract or the kind of deal that’s going to hurt the Rangers in any way going to three years actually makes sense because if he does play well then you can hang on to him for you know the length of that contract and if he doesn’t there’s plenty of ways you can uh move on from him and not have it hurt the team in the slightest so I actually really like the fact that it is three years again a good signing overall more depth more physicality um just good defensive forward and somebody that again is very likely to step into that uh that barklay good rule there so yeah we are going to turn our attention to the start of free agency if you see me looking in this direction every so often it’s because I’ve got the NHL network on up on the wall there and 20 seconds away from free agency so when we come back uh free agency will have officially started and uh we’ll see you know who signs where and hopefully the Rangers can figure out a way to to do something to improve this team you know they have a very good team but it could certainly uh stand to be improved as well so we will do all that in just a second all right so yeah free agency is upon us it looks like it has now officially started one of my favorites uh Tyler berzi he is going to the Chicago Blackhawks he was like right near the top of my list it looks like it’s going to be four years5 and a half million dollar for berzi I just I thought he would been a great fit for the Rangers he has enough scoring that you could put him onto your top line with MAA and with crder and berzi somebody that plays with such physicality and definitely has an edge out there and uh could do some of the dirty work for the new year Rangers and specifically on that line I think he would have been a really nice fit for this team but unfortunately uh four years five and a half million per season it seems a little high but that’s the name of the game when it comes to free agency if you want to go out and get your guy then you know you’re gonna have to overpay you’ve got other teams that won his Services too and you got to outbid them and sweeten the pot in some way to bring in this player or bring in that player and uh bruzi man he was up there for me and unfortunately uh going to the Blackhawks it’s also being reported now that Steven stamp co uh he’s guy that you know I have somewhat mixed feelings about Stam Coast but the Rangers have been interested in him for about 10 years at this point and you know there were rumors they might be interested in him this year as well uh looks like he’s gonna be going to the Predators for four years at8 million per season now that is a lot for 34 year old but once again that is the name of the game um you know you you want your guy you’re gonna have to overpay at least a little bit and um it looks like uh the Predators were willing to do that and the Rangers not so much or I shouldn’t even say that you know maybe stamp Co for one reason or another uh preferred going to Nashville he’s doing the the Ryan mcdonut thing going from Tampa Bay to Nashville as far as players that are still out there I mean I don’t know they’re they’re going pretty quickly here uh toley is somebody that the Rangers were connected to quite a bit um I don’t know that I’m seeing anything on fi definitive you guys are gonna have to bear with me as I scour the internet here and for everybody in the comments section I’ll get to some of your comments as well um but uh oh no so a fully is going to San Jose that’s not ideal uh four years as $6 million again that’s a little bit much for TFI and comparing him to berzi who got slightly less four years and five and a half million I think I would have preferred berzi there but I I could have lived with Tuli you know T’s bounc On The League quite a bit but he’s an effective player somebody that again I think would have been a really nice money uh on that Topline right wing and man the names are flying Fast and Furious here um okay I’m seeing uh I’ll just read random ones too even even guys that not necessarily sure the Rangers would have been interested in Oliver Ekman Larson four years three and a half million with Toronto I mean that’s fine the Rangers uh we’re not going to give him that and that kind of sounds like an overpayment but yeah Ranger fans are are really starting to panic here and I can completely understand why because the Rangers just really aren’t doing anything and like I said all these these top names are going off the board and honestly like if you’re not gonna do anything with the newly created cap space that is caused by again waving barklay goodro then even wave barklay goodro I mean you could do the same thing next season and be in the you know next year is when they’re really going to need some cap space so I’m struggling to find out now like what was the big need to wave barklay good and move on to him if you’re not going to put that money toward anything else you know I I I don’t know what it would be I mean if you have a lot of cap space going into the season then obviously that creates more opportunity to make deals at or near the trade deadline this season and maybe the rers look to go down that road but you know we’re we’re talking about free agents right now we’re talking about guys you can just sign for whatever amount of length and whatever amount of money you want to do when it comes to the trade deadline you got to play pay a premium more often than not we saw guys you know it started as kind of a uh a sellers Market at the deadline this past year you know Elias lolm was one of the first names to be moved and uh that there was a lot you know going back in the other direction for lolm um but then once we got to the trade deadline and deadline day you know guys were being moved for not really a whole lot so I don’t know man it’s uh it’s not looking good for the rers I know some people uh you know we’re looking for him to make at least one splashy move today you know bring in one of these big name players one of these big money Players I I know you don’t want to overpay and you don’t want to get yourself into a bad contract but you know you do have to overpay uh if you want to land your guy if it’s one of the bigger name free agents that’s just the name of the game when it comes to free agency I know the Rangers need cap space next year and I get that but man you got to do a little bit more than just Sam Carrick on free agency day especially when you moved goodro and opened up you know a good amount of cap space for yourself another bit of news here I’m seeing a tweet from Vince maragliano the New York reinder home opener will be on October 12th against Utah so I don’t know if that’s Utah’s first game ever it’s possible that maybe Utah plays a game before then maybe they’ll be at home uh before they play the reers but that’s possibly going to be uh the first game in the history of the Utah franchise formerly known as the Arizona Coyotes I mean I guess it’s still the same franchise but you get the idea uh the first game for Utah so we’ll see maybe jury’s gonna look to go the trade route uh that’s at least possible um yeah we’ll we’ll see what happens here let me go ahead and get into some of your guys’ comments because you comment section is building up pretty quickly here so uh let’s see yes Jordan Brown says Stam Coast in Nashville yeah that’s that’s uh now being reported as pretty much a done deal um and in fact on the NHL Network here there there’s a tweet going up from Stam Coast to thank uh Tampa Bay and uh thanking him for their for his time there uh we got a comment I can actually put the comments on the screen here never realized I could do that clicked on one accidentally when I was getting the uh the episode set up and lo and behold I can do this but Jame hudler says rinder fans try not to overreact challenge yeah we’re all gonna fail that including me and I I feel like I’m usually you you look at other podcasters and they all do a great job there’s so many awesome rinder podcasters out there but there are some that definitely get like really upset and kind of have knee-jerk reactions and I can be that guy too at times I try to be as levelheaded as I possibly can but I don’t know man if Sam Carrick is your biggest uh free signing of the day of this entire afternoon here that’s not good either um something that I can tell you that we will do is we will eventually um you know do an episode possibly as soon as tomorrow where we kind of take a look at the best of the rest fre remaining because every season this happens it feels like you either sign with a new team if you’re if you’re a free agent in the NHL you either sign with a new team within 10 minutes of free agency starting or you’re a free agent for about 10 weeks you get that initial flurry where everybody’s you know wheeling and dealing and we want this guy we want that guy and the players want to sign too because they’re aware of you know the the cap situation around the entire league and you you could be left out in the cold if all these teams are at or near you know the cap and you may not be able to get the deal that you want if you uh you know take your time in free agency we’ll do another comment from James here this team got to ECF with literally garbage bags on ice rosic trouba and L we will be fine that that’s a little harsh I mean look trouba struggled I I made my feelings on trouba and his playoff performance very very clear um when it came to uh you know what he did in the playoffs the immediate aftermath of the reinder playoff expert I went in on trouba harder than i’ probably gone in on any Ranger player you know in 1,100 and whatever episodes of lock on New York rers rosov viic just didn’t bring much to the table he had some important plays in game six against the canes but he just wasn’t very good uh lingren you know he’s he’s a hard-nosed player and I I I don’t really think he was a liability either uh we’ll see how things shake out with lingren that’s gonna be another big topic that we’ll discuss here on lockdown New York Rangers going forward we’ve got DM H DM hockey excuse me can I say I am really happy with RJ draft pick and finally a defensive Defender I am excited for him yeah you can say anything you want man this is locked on Rangers and we’re live here we’re going to be taking a bunch of uh you know fan questions and inquiry inquiries and you know opinions and everything yeah I I like the RJ draft pick too I think it was time to uh invest in you know the defenseman position in general um because of course you know the reinders uh have not really done that in recent Seasons so makes sense to draft somebody uh pretty high we’ve got DC mechanical trouba and heed to the Ducks for zrus and vetrano yeah that is uh that is not gonna happen I can only assume that’s tongue and cheek but that is certainly not gonna happen um let’s see what else we got here Everest says jury is getting nothing done this guy is incompetent yeah jury to me uh I feel like he has had more hits than misses over the years I mean he since taking over as the GM uh this team has gone from a team that was not a playoff team to a team that now twice in the last three seasons has made it to the Eastern Conference Final but he did have a rough trade deadline this past year um Jack rosic didn’t work out wenberg was fine but like when that’s your most effective player you know he’s a good defensive Center but he’s not going to do anything offensively they just didn’t make the kind of moves that they needed to make and a lot of teams around them got better um significantly better and the Rangers did not so yeah Drury had a tough trade deadline and this is not looking like a good first day of frency either Robert Schmidt says uh unbelievable how do you not land Kane or Stam Coast well there’s not really a whole lot the Rangers could do with Kane because Kane chose to to uh stay with Detroit he signed a deal with Detroit uh before free agency began it’s a oneyear $4 million deal but there’s a bunch of bonuses built into Kane’s contract and if you if if he hits all those bonuses the performance bonuses it goes up to6 and a half million and my understanding is that the extra $2 and a half million dolls there will count against the cap next season and the Rangers do not want that at all because that’s when the Rangers need to do new deals for lafranier for eigor uh possibly for some other guys too including kandre Miller so that’s why no Kane I can’t kill for for not reselling Kane um you know it said that that Kane was maybe interested in the Rangers the Rangers were maybe interested in him was that a play by the Kane Camp to get Detroit to up its off for a little bit that’s entirely possible as well um but yeah they they don’t get Kane as for Stam Co um I mean yeah I mean that they could have gone all in on Stam Co I I think that’s certainly an option that the Rangers had four years and $8 million is pretty steep but I also don’t think that that’s completely unreasonable for a player of the caliber of Steven go the guy’s been a phenomenal player for a long time but you know if the Rangers did sign him everybody would be complaining not everybody but you know there’d be that portion of Ranger fans they would be saying oh my God another guy that’s over the hill and pass his Prime and they’re old and he’s not physical enough and all this other stuff so there were some pros and cons to signing Stam Coast if you’re gonna miss out on like berzi and Kane maybe somebody like T foi if you’re gonna miss out on marcheso then yeah I think at that point you do go out and you get Stephen Stam Co there’s other guys I would have had above St stos but if you’re going to strike out on all those guys and not bring any of them in then yeah by all means I think the Rangers should have made a play for Steven St Co no doubt about it uh let’s see Jordan Brown saying T Foley signing in San Jose yeah that’s unfortunate uh Robert Schmid throws a couple of names out here I would sign duclair or pan uh I’m open to either one of them we talked about Anthony duclair at the trade deadline this past season he’s not a superstar not a phenomenal player the one thing about duclair though and I I said this when there were rumors flying about tavu terrain as well is that they’re good players but they’re not really what the Rangers need right now because they’re not those you know gritty physical players that go in and do some of the dirty work um you know you could live with them for sure they’re Obviously good players I’d put terraine in ahead of duclair but if you’re in a situation now where the money is tight and uh the big Dames are starting to dwindle I’d be open to duclair and and and maybe even pan as well I believe Jonathan maraso is still out there is he not we’ve got a comment here from uh from DC mechanic who says get Maro that would be great yeah I mean honestly he’s as far as I can tell without going through the entire list right now it sounds like marcheso is the the one like really big name really impactful player that’s still out there maybe the Rangers are uh making it happen with him maybe they’re talking to him and trying to bring him in it’s at least possible um you know we will see um but you know that’s not going to be cheap either I I think certainly there’s going to be a price to be paid and the other kind of drawback about maroso is he is 30 3 years old and he’s not the biggest guy either so you would think that maybe his lack of size would work against him in the playoffs but he’s been a really big time playoff performer uh for Vegas and really throughout his career so um yeah I would love for the Rangers to get marched so especially now that guys like berzi to Foley Stam Coast a couple of the air guys that we mentioned are apparently off the board here well now Robert is saying that Marsh already signed so I missed that somebody let me know in the chat because I can I can look it up myself here but uh I don’t know where I don’t happen to know where marcho signed I did not see that one yet let’s see Scatman John says are players and Rangers mad at the Rangers for the goodro and trouba situations there seem to be rumors that that is indeed the case and you can understand that to a certain degree but you got to remember you know these guys all sign contracts if a no move Clause was that important for Barkley goodro if in no move Clause you know through the whole contract for Barkley goodro for um for Jacob trouba then they had every right to negotiate for that and take a little bit less money to make that happen neither player did that now barley good draw I’m not so sure the reers would have give him a no move Clause under any circumstances just because he’s not frankly that good of a player where he could demand that kind of a thing and as it turns out neither was Jacob trouba um but at the time you know everybody thought the Rangers were getting one of the elite defenseman in the league when they trade for Jacob trouba and ultimately uh gave him that big contract extensions I’ve seen some things where maybe the Rangers aren’t happy about that but um you know what you have to get over it I mean you’re a professional and you’ve got a job to do and this is the nature of the business and it works both ways you know the players can negotiate for contracts that they think they’re worthy of and uh you know teams can do things that they feel they have to to do uh when it comes to improving their team Robert Schmidt says teras senko yeah I uh I hadn’t really thought about tereno that much and he is getting older now what is he like 32 or 33 at this point not the player that he used to be he was extraordinarily quiet uh against the reers until the very end of that series when he scored uh a very important goal but he just won another Stanley Cup and he has some familiarity with the Rangers he obviously plays right wi he could jump back up there with Ma and with uh with krider so that’s an option and honestly that the more that you see the Rangers the more these players that are going off the board here the more open I become to a player like sah like Vladimir tereno I don’t think he’s exactly what the Rangers need and I don’t know what the cost would be and it’s possible that tereno could be an overpayment by whichever team signs him because he’s now won two Stanley Cups and he’s had a great career but he’s starting to get up there a little bit and he is starting to slow down a little bit so I mean we’ll see but um yeah when you uh get to a point where all these top Freeds are are flying off the board uh teraso all of a sudden doesn’t start to sound so bad uh lobot is that the name lobot says trell wiberg rosov kaco hedel gota go all right so there’s a lot to unpack there you’re going to get your wish with wber and rosov I doubt very much that either one of them will be back although again the longer this goes with all these big free agents sing elsewhere the more it maybe cracks the door for a windberg return I think rovic has definitely gone um we’ll see about wiberg trouba I I think you know going by that Larry Brooks report one way or another he probably has played his final game as a member of the New York reers uh kacko that could go either way but if the reers bring in a big you know big time uh rightwing fre agent of some kind then kako is going to stay and he should stay if that’s the case um if the Rangers can’t land anybody they need somebody to play right wing and uh hasn’t been you know perfect hasn’t been smooth sailing for Capo kako but um you know you’re going to take a position where you’re thin and make yourself even thinner if the Rangers don’t sign any right Wingers and if they uh then also decide to trade capoo I know you know br ofman will eventually be an option and everything but get the feeling kako will stick around if the reers don’t make any moves in free agency as for hedel the thing is if you trade Philip hedel it’s basically just going to be a salary dump because there’s no team out there given conc uh filipino’s concussion history that’s going to give up any kind of Premium like Prospect or draft pick or anything along those lines I mean you might be able to get like a fifth or sixth rounder for Philip pedel but he has such an uncertain future that you know nobody’s gonna take on that kind of a cap hit it’s over $4 million um for a player with that much uncertainty unless it’s for basically nothing and even then I’m not so sure uh teams would be lining up to do it so I I can’t see Philip hedel being on the Move either all right we got a comment from Alan Mitchell you block 183 shots and see how your ankles hold up try holding the puck in the other end yeah I mean that’s fair look look Jacob trouba he has his fans out there and I totally get it you know I can certainly appreciate and respect his uh brand of physical old school hockey absolutely um I just keep coming back to the contract you cannot continue to keep giving $8 million a season to Jacob trouba especially when you see the way that he played in the playoffs uh who else I want to get somebody that we haven’t uh haven’t heard from yet we’ll go to Vin Moran here Vin says why do we even want Kane or Stam Co we need to get bigger younger and faster uh because they’re excellent players and they’re guys that can help the Rangers win a Stanley Cup it’s really as simple as that of course it’s a moot point now because they’ve both signed with other teams um yeah I mean look you you do want this team to get I wouldn’t necessarily say younger the rers don’t have an old team I mean when you look at their skaters right now I don’t believe there’s any skater under contract on this Ranger team that is older than like 32 years old so it’s it’s not an old team at all uh if you want to get bigger I mean you can do that they they kind of did that with h the Sam Carrick signing he’s not a giant but he’s got good size um and faster sure I mean look they’re they’re going to eventually uh bring up you know somebody like gate perau he he can fly and uh maybe they sign somebody that um you know is kind of a speed demon you could go out and look for maybe like a a cheap speed kind of a player somebody in the vein of like a Michael grabner grabner was only here for a season and a half but they s him to a small contract and you know he wasn’t like a a phenomenal player or anything like that but the guy could absolutely fly so maybe you can find somebody like that if you want to just add a little bit of speed to this team maybe like a diamond in the rough in free agency here uh Nate Ferguson says is jury trying to play out a low-key free agency like he did at the trade deadline I mean maybe but again these names are going like you can only slow play this thing for so long because you know the the free agency day starts and it’s a Sprint I mean you guys see how this thing is unfolding here we saw even before noon rolled around that you know just just dozens of play not dozens but like a lot of players were flying off the board here and this guy’s going to sign here and that guy’s going to sign there uh this is not the day to slow playay things you got to you got to hit the ground running uh if you’re a free agent and look to sign somewhere or if you’re GM and you’re you’re looking to bring somebody in um yeah big thanks to Michael here he says marshy went to Nashville so Nashville kind of cleaning up here they get marcho and they got Stam Coast I haven’t seen like like a whole list of everybody who’s signed everywhere but at first glance here it does seem like Nashville going to be one of if not the big Winners uh when it comes to free agency day here so yeah DM hockey says should trade Mika yeah well he’s got a full no move Clause so unless you can talk him into doing that uh it’s just not going to happen and look I get people being upset with mik’s aband at and you know obviously he didn’t get it done against the Panthers but nobody on the Rangers really in general got it done against the Panthers and when you look at what the Panthers did the Panthers won the Stanley Cup let’s not lose sight of that Panthers won the Stanley Cup phenomenal hockey team and it wasn’t just the ranger star players that they shut down they shut down all the lightning star players they shut down all of Boston star players and they mostly shut down all of Edmonton star players obviously the Oilers got it rolling a little bit when they got back into the series but I mean they they shut down everybody they shut down all the big scores on every team that they played in the playoffs so you got to remember this doesn’t always come down to like oh the ringers don’t want it bad enough there’s not enough effort there’s not enough willpower there’s not enough sandpaper obviously again Ma and the rest of the ringer Stars could have played better but they’re two teams out there and the Rangers just so happen to be up against another excellent team and a team that wants to win the Stanley Cup just as badly as they do and and somebody has to win and somebody has to lose so I can understand there being some frustration with M uh but the guy does everything he does a lot of good things for the Rangers and even in a Down Season you know still flirting with a point per game territory for mik’s a banag to say nothing of you everything that he does defensively everything he does on the penalty kill so yeah I mean trading mik’s a benad the whole thing’s probably a moot point because he’s got the full no move Clause but uh I don’t really feel like that’s a solution either uh Jordan Brown letting us know thank you Jordan that maraso got five years five and a half million it’s a little steep but I think when we did our episode and I was talking about marcheso I pitched something like this I think I said four or five years around like $5 million per season so you could have gone a little bit higher for that of course marcheso is 33 so that’ll take him to his age 38 season but again like that’s just the way it goes if you want somebody like Jonathan mareto you might have to give out a contract it’s a little bit longer than you want I mean Jonathan maruso at 38 what kind of player is he going to be we don’t know probably not as good of a player as he is right now but that’s kind of the name of the game you know you gotta overpay sometimes Robert Schmid says did Skinner sign anywhere yeah I do not believe so and you know he’s an option he got bought out by the Buffalo Sabers um he’s an option maybe he’d sign for a little bit less with the Rangers if he wants to Cup Chase I mean look Jeff Skinner has not exactly played a ton of playoff games throughout his career in fact I’m going to look that up right now um I I know for sure he hasn’t been there with Buffalo because Buffalo hasn’t been uh you know in the playoffs in about 20 years whatever it is I’ve I think like 08 was that the last time they were in the playoffs at somewhere around that that area um yeah uh Jeff Skinner has never once in his NHL career played in the playoffs and Jeff Skinner at this point how old is he now he is 32 so he’s not ancient I like Skinner you know he’s got a heck of a shot I I’m I think he’s got pretty good speed as well but he’s not the ideal fit for the reinders because he’s not one of those guys that’s going to bang around the boards and you know throw his weight around and all those things and uh play that tough physical gritty hockey that Ranger fans so desperately covet but he is a good player and I do think if you were to sign him and put him on the Topline right wing uh he is somebody that you know can snipee and and might mesh very well with mik and krider I don’t think he’s a perfect fit but Jeff Skinner I mean how many seasons has he been in the league here I got to tally them up real quick just give me a second 2 4 68 10 12 he’s been in the league for 14 season and has never played a Stanley Cup playoff game so if he’s getting to the point in his career where he’s tired of that he’s tired of the losing he uh wants to go to a team where he’s got a chance to win the Stanley Cup and he wants to Cup Chase then yeah if Jeff Skinner could come in on like a one-year deal for not a whole lot of money I’d be open to that for sure um it’s somewhat similar to Wheeler wheeler was quite a bit older wheeler was 37 was 32 but wheeler had just been bought out by the Jets he was still getting money for from them uh Jeff Skinner has just been bought out by the Sabers so he’s still getting money for them if he wants to come in at like one year at1 million why not I mean he plays I I believe he’s a right winger is that right Skinner He’s listed as a left Winger here but you know you could throw him in the right wing probably you know most guys are at least somewhat capable of playing both so yeah you know honestly I I’d be definitely open to Skinner because um if he signs here I get a Feeling be for pretty cheap uh he’s got the buyout money still coming from Buffalo so he’d be willing to sign for a little bit cheaper and uh he does feel a need for the Rangers and again the more you see these top free agents sign with this team or with that Team all of a sudden guys like tereno duclair Skinner they all start to uh sound a little bit better you know when it comes to the Rangers and uh their freedent prospects here Mark says if trouba keeps resisting wave him yeah I think that’s probably the end game here if trouba wants to uh block you know a trade to Detroit he’s got every right to do that you know it’s in his contract he can block a trade to 15 different teams if he wants to put Detroit on that list he’s completely allowed to do that but I think this still probably ends with Jacob trouba on a different team next year and if he doesn’t want to go to Detroit and the Rangers wave him then he loses all control of what team he goes to I think what’ll happen if he blocks up the trade to Detroit and the Rangers can’t trade him anywhere else and you will see the Rangers wave him if nobody then claims trouba on waivers then you will probably see the Rangers buy him out I can’t imagine that the Rangers are going to bury him in the miners in the AHL because there is a rule now it’s the Wade Ren rule that you can only bury uh 1.15 million I believe is the exact number of a contract in the minor so yeah tro was bad last year but are you really gonna um take a 6.85 million capit to put trouet in the miners rather than just pay him $8 million to play with the Rangers very very doubtful so I think one way or another again they’ll try to trade him if it doesn’t work they wave him if nobody claims him they buy him out and buying him out would be not as good because he’d still carry a $4 million CIT for this year four million for next year two million the year after that two million the year after that so that wouldn’t be perfect but it would free up some money and I I feel like jury’s getting to the point where he almost feels like uh moving on from trouba one way or another might be addition by subtraction at this point as we mentioned Bren Schneider is ready to take his place Bren Schneider has been ready for a top four role in the NHL it’s been a luxury to have him on the third pairing um but I I feel like you know they they certainly don’t have any qualms about putting him you know on the second pairing most likely with kandre Miller and Miller you know he struggled at times last year it felt like he was at his best when he was with Bren schiner so I think they want to roll with that as their second pairing uh for the foreseeable future Miller’s in RFA after this season but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there all right give me a second I got to take a sip of water here thank you guys for tuning in live uh much appreciated looks like uh we’ve got 117 people watching this live so that’s obviously really cool and uh for the every dayers can’t thank you guys enough there’s so many great places to get your reinder news all these different podcasts we are the only daily uh reinder podcast but there’s awesome podcasts all over the place uh when it comes to the Rangers there’s amazing beat writers that do such a tremendous job covering this team so the fact that uh you guys are choosing to at least spend part of your uh free agent Monday with me that that certainly means a lot and I got to thank you guys in the live chat as well uh keeping me updated here I’ve got like I said I’ve got NHL Network here I’ve got you know Twitter on my screen over here trying to stay up to date with everything going on but also hosting a live show while I’m doing it so it’s definitely challenging but I appreciate you guys keeping me updated on everything here um and like I said we’re just gonna keep things going here for a little bit longer take a couple more of you guys comments and questions and um and uh see how everything shakes out here for the Rangers uh at some point we will call it and then might even do another episode later today and if you’re new around here which again 100 and whatever people watching right now I get the feeling there probably are some new Watchers some new listeners whatever it might be definitely go ahead and give us a subscribe on YouTube because we do this every day uh we we do five episodes per week pretty much year round there’s there’s a small section in the offseason where we go down to three episodes per week but that’s only about six weeks or so and we’ll right back at it uh five days a week so every episode is about 20 to 30 minutes except for this one because it’s a special live uh UFA edition of lock on New York Rangers but definitely give us a subscribe definitely like the video if you get a chance to do that as well and like I said I’ll keep an eye on Twitter here I’ll also uh you know keep taking some of your guys comments and questions Nate Ferguson says who’s taking the see if trouba is moved yeah that’s gonna be a a debate for sure um I’m gonna save that for if and when trouba gets moved because I suppose right now there’s still that possibility that trouba is back next year and if he is back I think he remains the captain I think that’s probably going to happen although he’s kind of at odds at Jury right now you never know how that could shake out but uh I think if trouba is moved you’re looking at a situation my vote would be for Vincent troch uh I feel like you know there’s gonna be some people that say either mik aanad or Chris krider and I get that they’re the Elder Statesman of this team and they both been alternate captains forever and you know when you just kind of look at it at first glance it kind of seems like they would be next man up but I also feel like if they were going to make one of them the captain it probably would have happened by now they’ve had mult mulle opportunities to make either one of those two the captain uh they went for like two or three years without a captain at all and kryder and M were here for that whole time and then you had them finally picking a captain in what turned out to be gant’s uh Second and final season as Ranger coach and they went with Jacob trouba so if trouba gets moved uh you know are you really gonna do it now mik and cder I mean you could you could make that case uh if it’s gonna be one of those to I would take krider over mik um I just feel like he has the voice of a captain a little bit more than mik’s aanad does I don’t know that for sure I don’t see everything that goes on behind the scenes but I just get that feeling but tro would be my choice that guy is down in the weeds every single night he’s out there battling he does literally everything for the Rangers a a phenomenal special teams player winning faceoffs left and right he’s an absolute cheat code when it comes to the dot he’ll get under the skin of his opponents a little bit um the one thing maybe you could say about troch that isn’t Captain esque is that we do see him take some bad penalties from time to time maybe slapping the sea on him though gets him to straighten up in that area of his game because I love trouba I’ve always been a troch rather I don’t know if I was saying trouba there but troch um I I’ve been a big fan of him before he came to the Rangers I’ve always liked his game love that signing when the Rangers made it in frency a couple of years ago and um yeah I think he’d just be an excellent choice maybe a little bit of a dark horse kandidate is Alexi lafranier I don’t know that they would go that route with him being as young as he is right now and they’re being some veterans on the team uh if trouba stays though for the rest of his contract the last two years and then walks in free agency and then the Rangers need a new captain at that point I could see them potentially being ready uh to give it to lafranier but we’ll see that that’s a long way off and I get the feeling that trouba um especially seeing that report from Larry Brooks trouba is gonna be on his way uh one way or another this off season Mark says plenty of solid players out there stay away from Mega contracts I mean it depends it depends on the player um but yeah I mean you could go you could play some uh you know we have we have money ball when it comes to baseball you can play some money puck right now if you’re the Rangers find some Diamonds in the Rough find some guys that are undervalued maybe they’ve already done that with Sam Carrick I mean he’s not going to be an offensive jug or not we know that but he could be a solid contributing member of this team and maybe there’s a couple other guys out there like that that um you know could fit that mold for the reers but I just I don’t want to see a a a free Andy you know deal come and go with uh with Sam Carrick being the biggest pickup I’m also now seeing on the screen here Victor arvidson uh this is being reported by Elliot Freedman going to Edmonton two years at $4 million I would have paid that for Victor arvitson Victor arvitson uh was injured last year so there is some risk but he’s only 31 years old he’s a good all-around player and I don’t know I mean two years four million I would do that you know I mean are you spending that money anywhere else it doesn’t look like you are and again I know next off season you need to do new contracts for eagor for La Fier but paying four million to Victor arbiton I mean you could buy out Jacob trouba and save $4 million there and then the other four million I mean I don’t know it it’s complicated but I would I would have done that for Victor arson for sure that that’s disappointing to see him uh not go to the Rangers two years $4 million going to Edmonton so the ranger is gonna do anything what do you guys think here uh Scatman John says honestly Jeff Skinner for 2 million at three years could be insane he’s not that old and he can still put up numbers yeah like Skinner uh quite a bit if they can get him at a reasonable cost I’m not worried about like his age or anything it just to me seems like he’s not somebody that’s really uh the prototypical playoff performer I could be wrong maybe Jeff Skinner goes to the playoffs and he’s lighting up the world and and driving the Rangers to the Stanley Cup you never know what can happen but at first glance you know he’s not a physical player he’s got a heck of a shot but it feels like kind of more the same we want somebody that can you know play a little bit grittier than that and um you know just play that physical brand of playoff hockey uh let’s see what else we got here SMH says uh every team around us getting better and better and jury is just sleeping I don’t think he’s sleeping but I think he’s playing things a little bit too safely here you know what go out and overpay for one of these big time freedance that’s the name of the game you you can’t really bring in an impactful player if you don’t overpay at least a little bit because again there’s other teams that are you know looking for this player or looking for that player I just saw the Boston Bruins just signed Lin Holm and zader off I mean again like I don’t know what the cost there is but you gota outbid other teams that are interested and I don’t know man this is a disappointing day uh at least so far when it comes to free agency ah man who else do we want to from here uh James Ro rashit says I don’t think we are going to do anything it is unfortunately really starting to look there and um you know again that there’s this quick flurry of players that sign here they sign there um you know during this uh this fre Rush every season and then you have other players uh that don’t sign until sometime after that uh so there will be like a second wave of freedance there will be some guys that stay out there for a while uh right now you know we mentioned teras senko he could be an option um Anthony duclair could be an option there are some people out there it looks like marcho is signed so yeah a lot of the bigger names definitely uh not lasting here uh Jordan Brown says not much they can they can’t do much with Jacob trouba on the books yeah no I mean look they they’ve got a decent amount of money right now I forget the exact amount I think it’s like uh $8 million so they could do something um current cap space per per cap friendly for the reers is 11.8 million so yeah no they they could absolutely sign one of the bigger uh free agents uh obviously moving on from tra would help but there’s enough there I mean nobody’s getting 11 million today I don’t think so Jake gensel seems to have the biggest contract and he got n million so yeah they there’s enough money there they can do something uh SMH says no chance we can win it if we just run it back with the same Squad I would have to disagree with that um you know the the reers made it to the Eastern Conference Final they were one of the last four teams standing and uh once you make it that far I think everybody’s got a shot at it I would even argue that um you know any team that makes the playoffs and my mind has a shot at it we’ve seen some lower seated teams go on some deep long runs we’ve seen some lower SE lower seated teams even win the Stanley Cup uh the Kings is an eight seed certainly comes to mind everybody’s got a shot at it but yeah I mean the Rangers against the Panthers right now it’s tough match up for the Rangers I think the Rangers do sometimes get uh sold short when it comes to their physicality people make it sound like they’re this team that uh doesn’t throw their weight around doesn’t stand up for themselves the rers were like ninth or tenth in the league in fights this past season so it’s not a team that lets itself get pushed around and I think they were seventh in hits this season as a team so uh they do play physical hockey but they are lagging behind the Panthers in that department the Rangers are physical the Panthers are more physical and the reers are they have decent size the Panthers have big time size and that was on play at times in the Eastern Conference Finals so um you make a point there like I I see what you’re going for but there’s no um there there’s no guarantee that the Rangers can’t win it with this current te this current team the bottom line is there’s 32 teams there can be only one Champion every year and that’s the biggest reason more so than anything else uh why the Rangers did not win it this past season so I figure there’s nothing really happening right now so I figure we’re going to pretty much call it there we we’ll do one more comment here from Chris jury I can assume this is not the actual Chris jury but that’s the username I’m okay if the Rangers don’t overpay for anyone today the only name I was interested in was marcheso and good luck to him cashing in with the PRS we don’t need any cap issues four to five years later yeah I mean you would probably not be enamored with that contract when it gets later in the in in in that contract but the thing is the Rangers what they would be doing if they were to sign Maro to a five-year deal you’re attacking the current window know that’s open right now and you’re going to pay for it a little bit later but again no free agent contract is going to be perfect because you have to outbid other people and you have to figure out a way to land the player that you want to land so uh I would have been okay with with going that long for March or so um to me it beats not doing anything and I know they got Carrick but Carrick isn’t going to be the guy that uh that uh ultimately you know pushes the Rangers over the top I don’t think you know he’s he’s a nice uh complimentary piece but nothing great let’s see DT 37 ice says jury is doing this right don’t jump off the bridge with the free agents he’s going to make a big trade he might we’ll see but the thing is if you make a trade you got to give something up for that you know you got to give up a prospect you got to give up a certain amount of draft picks today this is free agency day you can just sign somebody you don’t owe this to that team or that to that team uh you just bring somebody in and um you know the Rangers just aren’t doing that and you know the the names are certainly starting to dwindle at this point but I’m going to call it right there for today really thank you guys so much for uh you know joining this uh this locked on live stream here it’s a ton of fun we we mix in some live shows every now and then if you are new here definitely like the the show give the podcast a subscription because again we cover this team five days a week here most episodes are 20 to 30 minutes we talk to you guys every day about what’s going on in rangerland and you know we uh we cover this team from every angle and uh would really very much appreciate anybody giving this uh video a like or giving the channel a subscription but I figur we can call it there the Rangers do anything big and possibly even if not might have another episode a little bit later today gonna call it right here for now though uh thank you guys as always for tuning in if you’d like to get in touch with this podcast please send an email to lockon nyrangers gmail.com once again that is lockon nyrangers gmail.com definitely give us a follow on Twitter as well lorny Rangers once again this _ Yore Rangers and definitely once again subscribe to locked on New York Rangers Youtube channel thanks again guys I will see you next time possibly even as soon as later tonight have an awesome day

Free agent frenzy is here!

-What is the latest on the messy situation involving Jacob Trouba?!

-Rangers targeting Teuvo Teräväinen and/or Tyler Toffoli?

-Rangers sign 32-year-old Sam Carrick to a three-year deal at $1 million per season!

-Reacting in real time to free agent frenzy!

Episode 1,102. Intro song is “Leave the Lights On” by Passafire.

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#NHL #NewYorkRangers #NYRangers

  1. I don’t know this team will make the playoffs but that’s it we not going to do anything to improve from last year we can’t with some of these bad contracts that nobody will take so it is what it is

  2. Let’s actually get through July before saying that Drury is incompetent please. Have you seen some of the dreadful contracts that were signed today?

  3. Everyone complaining about the moves but they picking up these guys for Stanley cup experience obviously they gonna try to get a good deal for trouba

  4. It's the same as at the deadline – all our rivals are out making deals and we hear them scooping up all the best choices and there's nothing to be heard from the Rangers except for some insignificant third tier pickup. It's Roslovic and Wennberg all over again. We know why we didn't make it this time and we are doing nothing to rectify the problem.

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