New York Giants | HardKnocks Preview!!!! πŸ‘€| What to Look For?

New York Giants | HardKnocks Preview!!!! πŸ‘€| What to Look For?

[Music] hello and welcome to Big Dash nose big Dash NOS what New York Giants football Let’s Go Hard Knocks you see the thumbnail Hard Knocks preview I’m excited for this man some people some some fans are not excited about the New York Giants being on Hard Knocks it’s been a long time coming for me it’s been a long time um I couldn’t wait I wish it was the uh the original Hard Knocks you know all the way through training camp and preseason that’s what I wanted it to be but guess what a lot of fans in the Giants fan base always ask questions about what what’s the GM thinking what’s ownership thinking uh what’s the co staff thinking and that’s what this hard KNX is all about all the prep work all the prep work that goes into the combine into the draft Pro days all that stuff is what we’re going to see five-part series I’m excited for it I’m very excited for it it might be a six part series I got to check the Carfax on that but still we get to see some episodes of the inner workings of the New York Giants remember I don’t know how long it might have been eight years ago by now um there was a short Giants documentary called finding Giants came out a few years ago Jerry Reese I believe Jerry ree was still the GM at the time loved it loved it now we’re getting the HBO directed hard knock or HBO produced Hard Knocks I should say how can you not be excited for but there’s some things cuz we finally saw the trailer again it comes out tomorrow the trailer dropped last week I was on vacation didn’t do a review of the trailer this is my review of the trailer in the preview for The Hard Knocks right now the first one of the first things we saw was a discussion you see Joe Shane on the phone and um what with who we who it appears to be is saquan Barkley saying do I have your word are you going to give us a chance and let me tell you something the way that they put these trailers together they know what they’re doing they know how they they’re bu they’re building anticipation they’re building story lines already what that’s what we’re talking about right now we’re talking about if saquan really gave the New York Giants a chance before he ran off to Philly it was a lot of people out here defending saquan Barkley it was a lot of people saying that the New York Giants didn’t do enough to keep saquan Barkley we get to find out what really happened I’m excited for that I’m excited for that I’m one of those guys that said you know what once the season was a r we should have traded saquan Barkley at the deadline to try to get some draft capital for him that didn’t happen and then in the offseason we let him walk and people were highly upset about it how do you let saywan Barkley walk how do you for nothing I was one of those people for nothing how do you like when it happened with Xavier McKenna you know I think we were really trying to get Xavier McKenna back but when it came to Barkley a lot of people just think we didn’t even try but now according to the trailer the Nu window is that was there a verbal agreement that that saquan Barkley would go out and find a deal and then bring that deal back and did he do that did he do that now here’s they only showed us a clip of Joe Shane saying that who knows saquon Barkley might have came back with that deal and Joe Shan said nah you know what go ahead and get your money young man go get your money but right now the way that the trailer is looking it doesn’t look like that looks like saquan Barkley lied to the people he lied to the people but guess what it is what it is he’s a Philadelphia Eagle now so I wish that all the bad things in the world happened to him hopeful not injuries but if he has a horrible season doesn’t have a lot of production this that and the third it is what it is guess what you know what cuz he’s a Philadelphia Eagle right now I loved him as a giant he’s a Philadelphia Eagle now so there’s no more love left for saquan Barkley also they’re going to Fe feature Daniel Jones we saw the clip of Daniel Jones talking about he’s he’s never been injured this way um you know never had this severe of an injury and I think they’re going to go ahead and they’re going to you can the writing’s on the wall they’re going to paint they’re going to make you feel they’re going to make you feel sorry for Daniel Jones I think that’s what’s going to they’re going to try to create a narrative where people are gonna actually want to root for Daniel Jones that’s what I believe let me know in the comments down below what you think about that I think they’re going to try to paint Daniel Jones in this light that oh he got hurt 2022 season he was moving in the right direction and then all of a sudden this injury happened and the season you know was G after that I think they’re going to try to paint it and now they’re going to make it to the point where people going to root for Daniel Jones they’re going to show how hard he works they’re going to show how Hardy rehab they’re going to show him trying to get back um you know with the players they’re going to show him meeting up with players is most likely throwing when he wasn’t supposed to be throwing they’re going to show all the hard work and everything that they say about Daniel Jones first one in the building last one out you’re going to see that I believe you’re going to see that and you’re going to see that a lot of people a lot of people might change the way that they feel about Daniel Jones maybe not change the way that they feel about Daniel Jones but you’re probably going to get a lot more people that are probably going to root and want to see Daniel Jones do good and you know okay guess what If Daniel Jones plays well that means the New York Giants are playing well and I’m all for I’m all for that I’m all about the New York Giants when it’s team over player so as long as the team is winning guess what I’m happy get the wins I’m happy you keep winning fantastic I don’t care how fake people feel that the wins are if you’re winning games they count as wins when you look at the record wins are wins losses are losses so the New York Giants are winning games guess what they won the game another thing they talked about is the whole Brian Burns deal uh I think we pretty much know the information on that a lot of that information was leaked already phone calls were made offers were made and the deal got done maybe they give us a little bit more detail a little bit more Insider information maybe we get to enjoy some of the conversations the phone calls that were made but it’s no big surprise when it comes to that um a couple other things that I think are not big story lines right now but they might make it a storyline you know on the show the Darius Slayton situation um of course Malik Neighbors at whole they’re going to probably follow um the whole staff going to the LSU Pro uh Pro Day combine this that and the third the meetings hopefully they have some of these meetings um especially the combine meetings hopefully they have you know inside track on that to see how many guys that the New York Giants met with and how many of those guys actually got drafted by the New York Giants I’m curious to see all these story lines and one thing that one thing that Hard Knocks always they always always find an Underdog Story now you can already say that Daniel Jones is that Underdog Story but they always find the Underdog Story and I think the Underdog Story is I got a couple ideas of who the under Underdog Story is going to be and who a lot of people are probably going to root for uh one of those guys is going to be Daren beavers I think Daren beavers is going to be one of those Underdog stories and for a few reasons he’s interesting on and off the field like the man is a off-roader um has dogs Family Man big trucks this that and the third he he does all that but he was also rehabbing and coming back from injury that’s the storyline um Cordell flat um is another storyline that you might see of an underdog that you’re rooting for could he be the CB2 um you know what goes into the New York Giants not drafting a a out outside or boundary corner and you know they drafted Phillips instead of instead of an out side corner um Tyler nuban great story as well um just thinking about who those underdogs could be let me know in the comment section below who you think the underdog stories are going to be cuz again if you if you’re a fan of Hard Knocks if you are a fan of Hard Knocks they always find an underdog um that people can relate to and root for I believe with those Detroit years it was uh khil uh pimpon pimpleton for the Detroit Lions the guy ended up being on uh you um on the practice squad for the New York Giants he ended up being one of those Underdog guys ultimately didn’t um you know get a roster spot but they always find an underdog to promote um to to get the people riled up for and and to get people to root for somebody another guy could be the running back um that we picked up uh turbo d uh Dante Miller is another guy that could be a possible on the dog storyline it’s a lot of them actually when I’m thinking about it now because I didn’t wrate for episode I’m just talking off the top just thinking about um you know what I would like to see in some of the storylines there’s a lot of guys on the New York Giants that um that can be these storylines that they’re looking for you have the quarterback you have the big offseason signing you have the drama with sequan Barkley and also the coaching staff wink martinell got fired are they going to have you know some of that the new hiring of the DC the office of line there’s a bunch of story lines and I don’t know how people are not excited to see this like some people just I hate Hard Knocks they think it’s a jinx every team that was on Hard Knocks ended up sucking well guess what we were already trash last year we already trash last year it is what it is but you know what that’s going to be it I’m excited for you know episode one tomorrow I will be recapping these episodes debating right now whether I’m going to do it theight of but the day after we’ll see what happens I’ll see how I feel tomorrow I am on the west coast so you know it’s still going to be fairly early um I might get a video out late recapping the episode but I’m excited for it and hopefully you guys are excited too but that’s going to be the video I want to thank everybody for vibing with me please like comment and subscribe and from one Giants fan to another this is big Dash NOS Big Blue Nation let’s go [Music]

New York Giants | HardKnocks Preview!!!! πŸ‘€| What to Look For? Storylines and Featured Players

  1. If Joe Shoen puts money on the table first time you dont reject it,Saquon rejected that money,the only thing that pisses me off is he got his daughter to troll us fans who supported him,I hate that team ,they are dirty and I hope his season is a miserable season.

  2. Daniel Jones needs to accel with the weapons provided for him to take the next step.Im a GIANTS fan I have to root for Daniel Jones to succeed. He is a Duke Grad so he aint no Dummy,I remember that rookie season and if it werent for coaching malpractice Daniel Jones would be a much better QB today.

  3. Good to see you’re back at it Dash! 🫑✊🏾..HardKnocks will be the appetizer before the season. Giants fans STAND UP!! .. the Car Fax tho.. πŸ˜‚

  4. I think Turbo will be the underdog bro! Love the content! You, Tainah, and Pizzle my favs! Keep killing it bro πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

  5. I will be curious how much they actually show and what they let out but it should be fun. As for the Jones thing they are absolutely going to try to make him sympathetic and try and make him some sort of root for him thing. That's what reality TV does. Take trash and make people root for it. Otherwise how would the Kardashians or the real housewives ever be popular.

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