Avalanche Active in Day 1 of Free Agency. Questions Still Remain With Their Cap Situation.

Avalanche Active in Day 1 of Free Agency. Questions Still Remain With Their Cap Situation.

on today’s episode of lock on Avalanche free agency is here and the Avalanche were active a lot of low term low aav numbers like we expected but do we like them new episode of lockdown Avalanche coming at you your locked on Avalanche your daily podcast on the Colorado Avalanche part of the locked on podcast Network your team Team every day all right everybody Welcome to the locked on Avalanche podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m your host Chris Mell with me as always is Mr Shaggy Von Doom Kyle Sullivan thank you for tuning in and making it your first listen of the day always appreciated make sure you’re following us on social media lopor avalanche on Twitter X locked on avalanche on Instagram and threads questions comments concerns and opinions locked on avalan gmail.com and follow us on our YouTube channel hit subscribe get notified when a new show goes live and make sure make sure you’re subscribed to our subtext link to that’s in the show notes below and when you do you chat with Kyle and I oneon-one we get your opinion a everything Avalanche related which we share on this very podcast all right sir uh it’s free agency episode uh is probably gonna be from from beginning to end uh free agency heavy because the Avalanche maybe surprisingly we’re we’re very active on day one we knew what they had to to do and it’s like they did all of it in one day uh which we’ll talk about but just everything going on around the league a lot a lot of money thrown around Kyle I think it was over a billion dollars in just that one day in over aund something signings and moves so I love this day um what’ you think overall for free agency day one yeah and I think 50 of those moves occurred in the first hour of official free agency maybe even like minus hour like before fre even started like why do we even have this rule if no one’s going to abide by it why do we even have it because Sig we knew about signings hours before the the noon uh get-go we knew about signings but the Drew in one was just it felt like three and a half days on that to be revealed but when it finally was you were excited and you’re like finally the ABS are done and then you lean back in your chair and then they got the band back together of every role player and accessory of former AVS history they they come on back here’s all of them yeah uh Jonathan drewan yoel kiv rant Calvin Dean Jacob McDonald welcome back TJ tinan welcome back uh Parker Kelly and Cali Rosen welcome back so yeah a lot of familiar faces and let’s start with Jonathan drewan because that was the name right that we were talking we’ve been talking about him for a while we talked about him yesterday it got done fairly quickly after the the noon start time I think it was right it was only like maybe an hour or so I want to yeah it was right around um about I want to say about an hour or so after so things were in the works and you kind you know it was okay we didn’t get the right before you officially became a free agent but we got it done a one-year $2 and a half million contract um there were a couple contracts that came out before his that I had mentioned uh put up on on social media one was Matt duchan who stayed right where he was for $3 million which is still a steal and someone pointed out well he is getting paid from Nashville which is true that is very true so sometimes guys do go other places for less money because they’re getting paid somewhere else that’s understandable and the other was uh was trenin who goes to Minnesota for three and a half million so he’s getting paid more than Matt duchane go figure so in my head I’m like who who’s how does it how does it every time a move happens you kind of say well how’s that affect my guy and I I couldn’t tell I couldn’t like H how do you justify those two signings for those two guys that are Polar Opposites and um you know obviously this was already in the works so maybe it really didn’t come into play too much but end drwan gets a a $2.5 million deal for one year so we’re going to be right back here again next year Kyle yeah and and we everything we were talking about with in our grades yesterday of M ranton and talking about you’re gonna see career numbers with a contract year you’re going to see that in Spades with Jonathan Jin he’s comfortable on this Avalanche team he loves playing with Nate and you saw his production almost hit 60 points last year and yeah with druin almost hitting 60 points last year this contract screams okay that was good what else can you do and you feel like and especially with all the other moves that you mentioned they were all for about a year yeah th this is basic like we have you a team this you’re back with Nate your good buddy if you could do that again we’re going to look at this contract and we’re going to make not only draw it out but put some more money in your pocket and you heard that he took a little bit less to stay with Colorado like it’s a mutual I could show you more than show me more and then we’ll talk about this next year I and we’ll have more answers on the two floating contracts that everybody loves talking about with Landy and nuke at the end of year but I love this deal and I’m even more excited as a fan to see what drewan is going to bring to this team with a full year of offseason and working with this team yeah I think it’s um I I don’t feel like the at the Forefront of it is you know show me deal like sure that’s in there I mean if you have a one-year deal um I think any one-year deal is just it’s a it’s a pro IT contract not just for you or the team you’re playing with but the rest of the league so um I I think I heard the Rangers were in on on Drew and they were one of the teams that did want to bring him in probably could have offered him more uh but he stayed I think he’s smart to stay this is a great fit for him he knows it’s good and if he can replicate and even beat what he now he’s off ront he doesn’t have need that buffer period to to get going he knows what exactly how this team operates where he fits so you would expect numbers to improve so is it a show me deal I don’t think that’s the reason why the ABS went one year on it um I it just works out that way because it is one year and hey like he does what he’s supposed to do and sure he benefits off that I think it’s just one year it’s because like you said all of these contracts today are one or only two guys got a two-year deal I don’t think Cali Rosen got a two-year deal Parker Kelly and Jacob McDonald got two-year deals everybody else is a one-year deal that’s just the the hell that the Avalanche are in right now so they are hold they’re just just going to buy their time fill plug these holes that because that’s really what they have to do is plug holes uh and with outside of drewan right he’s he’s he’s a top six guy he’s a Topline guy everybody else is fill in the blanks fill in the holes so I think for Jen it’s it’s you know even for the Avalanche it’s we are going to see how this year plays out with the two guys you mentioned Gabe landeskog Val Ausin and then we have a much better understanding and this will benefit you if you outplay what you did the first year with us um if we if we have an idea where we’re going with these guys that will benefit you I mean the downside of that is if landos Scott comes back I don’t want to say it’s a downside but maybe for for uh Drew and it is if L Scott comes back no ill effects he looks good okay then he’s in the mix if valin comes back you have no problems with him I mean I know but you have no problems with him you might not be able to sign drwan because he’s going to need now even more of an increase so that’s down the road but for right now it’s a very team-friendly deal I think he knows that I think he he knows hey I just got to put in one more year of what I did even then some and I’ll cash in somewhere if it’s not with the Avalanche it’s not going to be with the Avalanche can I go back to the the show me contract conversation MH if this was a three-year fouryear $2.5 million contract if let’s say his points are around the 20 to 30 range is do you start scratching your head saying this was the one that the one contract you wanted to go out and get and he’s already regressing and then you look at the rest of the pieces you’re like okay yeah this is filler but then what are you going to do next year and then you’re going to have this conversation like how valuable is this contract what did we just sign up for did we purchase a good season and then you get a lot of 2030 40 Point Seasons out of him is that going to be a success is this going to be the panic button is this going to be the hey this is not working he had one good year and then it’s back to normal Jonathan drewan where he was bouncing around is that gonna I I feel like that’s where this show me thing is like show me consistency like if you can dance around this 50 60 point we’ll pay you and we’ll give you term but I feel like it’s a little much to sign him up for more than deal yeah no I can see that because he’s had in his career he’s had three seasons of 50 points or more and you’re you’re you’re basically signing on to the promise of that but more than more often than not it’s dancing around that 30 point range 20 30 40 Point range and you really want want to see what you have in drwan and he has no reason not to show you the best version of drwan this season yeah I I you can’t really deny that there is maybe some of that in there again I don’t think it’s the focal point of why the ABS went no one year but is it is it in the back of their mind sure I think I think it might be because I think as much as he struggled when he was on Montreal um to come in and do what he did in one year I think they’re pretty confident that hey this system works for this guy so I don’t really feel like they they’re they’re expecting any regression from him could it happen absolutely but I don’t think they’re expecting that so I think the the one year A lot has sure I mean maybe that that’s a little slice of the pie sure but a lot of it is the cap crunch that they are in um could you give him I know maybe he didn’t want to go three four five years at 2.5 he’s not GNA sign that deal yeah no um and the other part of it is Moo like that is coming into play too everything they have to Du for for this offseason heading into next year is the mo contract so that comes into play as well um there’s a lot more that we gotta talk about here with these signings and how all of this works big picture because yeah made a lot of signings just ran through them we’ll talk about some more of them but they’re they’re in the hole right now if you look at cap friendly uh you if right where they are right now if you bring Vin back they’re over the cap so something needs to happen here and what is that so let’s kind of get into that we’ll do that coming up next all right 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guys that you know we we listed them off um what do you think like out of kib I think we’re both happy that he’s coming back I think he’s a a great depth piece I thought he he showed up in the playoffs um I he might be another guy get another just a full season with the Avalanche and an offseason going to next year I think he can have another pretty solid year doing what he does um Jacob McDonald he’s back he’ll be one of those up and down guys we loved him when he was here just just the the heart that he played with um you get TJ tinan who comes back another one who’s just going to be up and down uh if they need him uh Cali Rosen he’s back same same situation there only St Louis Blues games right into Jordan Bennington right into Bennington and then we’ll blame somebody else this time yep um the the ones that I really like Kyle are obviously outside of drewan uh the danan and the Parker Kelly s yeah um Calvin Dan i’ I’ve liked and I I we I mentioned him a couple times in years past of someone that maybe they could go after he he’s kind of it’s weird because it’s like Calvin danan is like your replacement for like Jack Johnson and Parker Kelly is your replacement for like kagano and even like duim if you want to say like that style of player so they went out and they replaced guys that they lost with guys you know that kind of are in that same mode and I think danan and Kelly could be pretty good on this team if you ask me and Kelly’s going to be here for a little bit longer than all these other signings full years hey now so and I I like what he brings I like his I mean his style it’s going to be a good addition to the team and I feel like around like Allstar break well what four whatever the all International game that they’re playing the I feel like he’s really gonna find his legs in his role about that time danan he’s going to be perfect he’s going to be a nice utility just a Swiss army knife he’s going to fit this Avalanche system really well I love that and like I understand like getting the former players back because they understand the system and they’re cheap you can plug them in they know the speed they know how to play with Nathan mckin and mik Ranon and let them go but none of them are other than Jacob McDonald nothing’s like wowing me when I see them come back you’re like oh okay cool I remember this but but that’s you know that’s where AVS are with this offseason this is what we were expecting like they have their their big names signed and locked up so they’re not going out and and signing the the big name you might get that at the trade deadline yeah um but you’re not getting it in free agency and I there was some people that were kind of upset like they’re seeing all these names go off the board it’s like why weren’t they involved in that why weren’t they involved with that why wen’t it’s like you can’t sign them all people like like there’s that’s why there’s a cap involved here and the ABS have their top guys locked up so this is what teams in their situation do they go out and they like I said they plug those holes they you know you’d like to see like maybe more term just because you don’t want to keep doing this year after year like if you get a guy that’s like a depth piece that works like your cagos um you sign them for a little bit more so that’s shorted up um but I get why the avalanch are doing it this way right now uh but I want to talk about if you got a thought go for it but after you say what you got to say like there’s some cap issues going right now which is no surprise but go ahead and that’s that’s kind of where I was going to go and this will transition into that point you everyone has to understand this team was put together to be on the ice to evaluate both the contracts of Gabe landeskog and or valer nushin you need to see what you have there and I know everybody sees this Avalanche team sitting in the hole right now and saying ah they’re going to get rid of nuke it’s finally happening no I hate to break it to you I don’t think that’s what’s about to happen I didn’t so I I’ll say it this way like I I I I didn’t think it was going to happen and I still think it it won’t because I just don’t know if there’s a buyer out there for him exactly but I I think the Avalanche are are working like heck to make that happen uh because right now if you look at cap friendly um you know you have capat friendly and puckpedia those are you know with capat friendly going away in a few days um they have the ABS projected cap space right now at 5.56 whatever five point you know there’s more numbers there I’m not GNA wor you with all of them uh 5.56 million in cap space that is not including uh valins 6.1 125 so if you include that they are already over and they still don’t have a full roster even with the guys that they signed today they still need to sign more so how do you make this work Kyle like sure I mean right now you do have you have some if you go over to puckpedia here’s another interesting one puckpedia does include uh more guys on the ABS uh roster like on on on cat friendly they include um kovalenko puckpedia does not but puckpedia does include Val NuSkin so they they have they’ve removed uh kovalenko adding to Shin that puts them at they only have $300,000 left to spend and you have players you have 17 players out of 23 on a roster somebody is getting moved here K like you have to do something there is no way that you can keep you can sign six more guys with only only $300,000 like it it’s it’s impossible the minimum is not $300,000 it’s twice that and a little bit more so somebody’s getting moved here and I really feel like the way the avalanch are doing this is with the idea of the names that we throw out all the time uh Sam Gerard Ross Colton um Josh Manson those guys did nothing wrong to to be thrown into this whole fire of we might have to move a contract val nukin did so because of that I really feel like the Avalanche are working overtime to try to move that contract and I’ve kind of changed my mind on them well I shouldn’t say theyve changed my mind I feel like they’ve always been trying to do it but maybe they’re they’re going into overtime trying to move that because it can’t continue the the way that it’s continuing with them signing guys and needing to fill out this roster with zero money to do it and see and the the thing that really complicates this if you’re going to go after your Manson your Gerard if you’re going to go after Ross Colton and try and move that contract and package nuke you’re talking over $10 million that you’re trying to move off your team and who’s going to take that on with the chance of what is nuke going to do here um that’s it’s a big gamble and then what do you do do you put um let’s just throw out just an eagle Two Eagles a draft pick and nushin what is you you you alleviate the N contract but you’re still having to compensate for this by removing more pieces of the Avalanche roster that you really can’t afford to do right now because you need to put a team together the ads are in a really tricky spot and I agree that they are trying to get nushin out of here but the more the deeper this goes into the season it’s going to be harder and harder to do and they’re going to eventually have to do something to put a rest of the team together are you going to start calling up Eagles is that where they’re going to go you’re still going to have to pay them and it’s still not going to be cheap because that’s a lot of roster spots to fill the AVS yes all the signings were wonderful well and good and I know what their intentions are but right now as we sit there’s a problem yeah there is and and you know I think it could be something like the deal they made for Shawn Walker to say like you know we’ll give you a fit first but we also want you to take Ryan Johansson off our hands so I think it it won’t be Sam Gerard and uh valin that is way too much even with the the issues valentus skin has uh you are not just just saying hey here’s a deal for Sam Gerard so that alleviates some cap space and here take uh vukin and give us a fourth round pick like that deal is not happening uh but it could be like you do you might have to dip into a prospect pool and give somebody a couple prospects to take Val nusan off your hands could that be the way that it happens and then that team that’s I mean they’re still getting a I don’t say Hefty contract it’s 6.1 million that’s not the end of the world for some teams out there but we saw the moves people were making yesterday there there’s already so much money that’s soaked up in into free agency does anybody have that left right now maybe I haven’t gone through every team but um I I think that maybe the ABS tried to do that beforehand before free agency started to get his cap number on somebody else’s books right away before all these signings went in onto these books and and they just might be stuck and if they’re stuck what in the world are they gonna do man I can’t figure out like I I’ve never the avalanch have really never been in this situation I can’t remember um of needing to sign this many guys with this little money basically no money and you’re going to go over the cap and you’re allowed that right now but um man when it when it comes down to it they they have to figure out how to move move a contract and if it can’t be Val do they just have to move one of those guys that we mentioned because they got to get compliant somehow some way and if they try day in and day out to move Val and it’s just not happening one of these other guys might be coll collateral damage and that’s just unfair to them or start the season with Gabriel landeskog on the ltir and don’t bring him back until trade deadline until they can clean this up clear this up but it doesn’t work that way with LTI because because if he can play he has to play The League monitors that and we always rip on like Vegas and stuff like that for putting players on ltir and they do uh but the league supposedly monitors this stuff and if you have a guy on ltir and he is capable of playing he has to play you can’t just dump them on ltir because you want to save the money you can’t do it that way it’s it’s one of those with the the lisc thing it’s been years since he’s been able to play yeah can you justify saying because the as have to do something and if you can’t move pieces because you can’t have addition by subtraction and you can’t subtract any more roster spots from this team than you currently have it’s going to have to be something like Landy going just saying year three we’re g to flush this down the tube until you’re 110% ready to play and we’re going to have to play with the ltir and that money to put this team together and figure it out through the season when somebody starts out in the first 10 games and their seasons on the slide trade out some contracts try and alleviate that and then address Landy later but that might be the option they have to go I mean you could lie and just I mean because he’s been out for two years and just be like he’s not ready yet like he’s been testing he’s not you know if you’ve been out for two years and you’re expecting a guy to go back in and play the game of hockey um that’s a big ask so you want to make sure he is he’s not gonna you know his career is gonna be over the first hit he takes I I don’t know man it it’s I guess you could lie and just put him on there for for what for but he wants to play is it a sit on huh is it a lie I don’t know I don’t know maybe we’ll never know but I truth is out there he’s not going to sit out any longer than he’s had he’s been out for two years you telling me Gabe log is going to be like yeah keep me out another four months like no he’s ready to go well he’s not ready to go you know what I mean like he when he’s ready to go he’s gonna be ready to go well you can’t there and double shift them no no no this is we we knew this was gonna be an interesting offseason I want to it’s weird because like it was a good day for the ads because they did they they they signed needs I’m not sold on all of them um but the ones that I’m not sold on are not going to be with the team all year long like Jacob McDonald’s not TJ tian’s not Cali rosen’s not um and the ones that are with your Parker Kelly uh Calvin Dean Kibby Ron I think those are good decent low money signings for what they need but everything else is just like man like it’s the fascination has just begun yeah for for the ABS in this offseason so uh what what could these lines look like what we have so far what do we think we’ll do that next all right so lot of signings um miraculously still work to do but with what the ABS have right now what could uh a I want to say opening night roster which by the way we know will be against the Vegas golden knights in Vegas I think that’s the was that the 10th I think it was uh October 10th and then two days later is their home opener against Columbus of all teams so we’re not getting the Blackhawks at home to start the season which is nice but you’re getting Columbus just a I don’t know a weird opener for the ABS um let’s not put because we know he’s not gonna be there we know valus is not gonna be there for opening night uh but why don’t we put gabog in there for opening opening day against Vegas let’s throw him in there because that’s a possibility uh what do you think he’s line two it’s going to be druin Nate and moo line one line two because I know line three is gonna be the roaring 20 like I think I think that’s I think that’s what you should do yeah and then you’ll probably have like Koval Linko and k r online four you got lean Landy line two and middle middle stat okay and then you got RAR and 20s for third line right yeah so your fourth line is you said kovalenko I would put kovalenko kovalenko kii Ron possibly you have I mean you just signed um is that where you want to go Parker Kelly yeah is this do you not want to hold on to Parker for a little bit and see if what and and and and put him down in the miners no he’s he’s he’s beyond that well then you’re gonna put you’ll put Parker Kelly at line four with Ki Ron and Koval Linko I would I think that’s a oh you know who we’re forgetting here dude Logan oconor oh no he you said he’s in the R so we do have him back okay so I’m looking at the the puckpedia and he’s down in the injured reserve yeah um all right so let’s start at the beginning again so you got drwan McKinnon and ranin you think that’s your your top line aot and and we’re pretty solid with that middle stats centering your second line leinen is there and Gabe second line yeah so yeah then Roaring 20s you got wood Colton and ‘ Conor and then yeah your fourth line kovalenko Parker Kelly and uh k r k Ron that’s that’s a pretty solid four line shifters right there and honestly depending on what happens and what they have to do with contracts could you just not replace nuke and Landy depending what do so say that again if if if if they to replace them if they do go Darkest Timeline and play with the ltir and it’s nuke coming back and not Landy would you put put nuke and like if L if land’s on not available longer than when nuke comes back so L’s beyond the middle of November it’s the earliest then yeah I think you just swap those two guys out and then you’ll put up an eagle until whoever comes back comes back if for who for either that Landy nuke spot if they’re both out you mean yeah uh because you’re not getting you’re not getting nuke until November you’re not getting Landy until question mark who knows yeah so say so say they’re both out well we know one so say lisc’s out for the first game um then who’s in that spot then you got to move stuff around and maybe you bring up who you bring you bring up what this will be your Vegas roster this will be your Vegas opening up roster because you’re not getting nuke and you don’t know about Landy yep I think that’s where it gets yeah you you probably bring up um May maybe like foodie I’m expecting more from him this year I am too that was the name I was going to bring up earlier yeah um but I mean he is a center I know he did play Wing in the the the few games that he did come up um but who do you move around do you bring wood up to the second line you bring OK Conor up to the second line do you throw kovalenko in there right off the bat and and have Foody be the because if Parker Kelly is your Center but Parker Kelly can play Wing as well so maybe put Foody in as the fourth line Center move Kelly over to the wing bring up either wood or kovalenko I would probably bring up kovalenko just see just to see and didn’t Jacob McDonald do a little of both he played defense and forward so you can you can bring him in to play on that fourth line too and signing to Han you know really only has leaves you with one spot that you need to fill on on the defensive end because you got McCaren Taves Gerard and Manson Dahan and who probably melinsky yeah melinsky and I think that’s a pretty solid Decor so as it sits right now that all the signings that they made today are fills out for the most part with with the question of landeskog um your opening night roster everything else that they need to fill out for the is is filling so it’s not going to cost you a lot again it goes back to what we’re just talking about what you need to to to still still have to sign won’t cost you a lot but you don’t have that a lot yeah you don’t have it to sign so it it again it’s gonna get kind of uh kind of interesting but as that stands I don’t hate that I don’t hate that lineup no it’s it’s a good roster to get going and again everybody on this roster without with the exception of Parker Kelly has an understanding on how to operate in this Avalanche system so that’s a little bit ahead of the curve where you didn’t have that last year going into the beginning of the year where was a bunch of really big names that didn’t understand the system now you have a lot of lesser know names that do know the system and you’re gonna need them to know the system because uh the central got pretty strong yeah with some of the signings and we’ll talk about that tomorrow but um you know what the AVS have are they uh can can they be in that mix yeah I definitely think so but I think that’s something that we’ll we’ll cover on tomorrow’s episode so tune in to that that’s going to wrap this one up everybody so thank you for tuning in and making this your first listen of the day that is always appreciated and he is Mr Shaggy Von Doom Kyle Sullivan I am Chris Meli this is the locked on Avalanche podcast and we’ll see you guys tomorrow

The Colorado Avalanche were one of the more active teams on day 1 of free agency, but you might not know it since all their signings were more of the depth variety, save for one.

The Avs started their day announcing their biggest free agent signing, Jonathan Drouin, to a 1 year $2.5 million deal. A very team friendly deal which will have the Avalanche right back to where they were before the signing in a year. Is it another show me deal, or did the Avs just not have the cash to offer more? Or both?

The other moves were a mixture of new faces at low numbers mixed with familiar faces at….low numbers. But the Avalanche still have players to sign, and almost no money to do it with. So how can they make this work?

We break it all down! Tune in, subscribe and enjoy!

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  1. I've actually never been up late enough to catch you guys live, watching front Ontario, Canada. Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦

  2. I don't think the Drouin contract is in any way a "show me" contract. They probably would have been happy to sign him to 4 years at $4.5 mil if they had some certainty around Val at least. I think that both sides had a clear vision of how much he liked playing in Denver and how good the fit was for him there as well as the situation for the team this year in regards to the cap. this is a result of them both agreeing to keep a good thing going and rectify the money and term issues in a year.

    In regards to Val, my guess is that their best option would be to mutually terminate the contract and let him go back to Russia and plan in the KHL where they don't care as much about those things.

    Another thing to keep in mind for the cap gymnastics. If Landy isn't ready to start the season, he goes on regular IR. If they don't use the LTIR, and do the assign and recall with several guys on off days, they'll start that daily cap accrual because they'll actually be under the cap until Val returns. That should help them out a little bit and buy time to make some other moves at the start of the season As for filling out the rest of the roster, they still have a lot of guys out there who might come at league min if they don't sign by August as well as PTOs and possible waiver claims.

  3. Chris about LTIR: "the league supposedly monitors this stuff"… unless they go to Vegas to check it out and get distracted by the glitz and glamour 😉
    But seriously, Landeskog is going to be LTIR till early spring. I wish the Avs' Managment didn't play coy that much.
    PS. It sucks Subtext doesn't work for Europeans (or does it, anybody?).
    Love you guys, take care!

  4. Honestly, I think Drouin deal is a layup for another deal, just buying a year for uncertainties in the lineup this year. Love Nuke, but I think he played his last game for the Avs. Once that's clear up, I think the Avs may have offered Drouin a boost on term, money, or even both. How many valued players can play with Nate?

  5. I've been constantly on Cap Friendly & its tight but there is Juuuuuuust enough room to activate Val without trading anyone AND with the discounted Drouin contract, CMac has room for injuries or salary retention on a Val deal.

  6. Shaggy is right, CMac will kinda have to play games w LTIR. If any team has justification for doing it: its COL, who is dealing with an unprecedented scenario.

  7. Everything i wanted the avs to do they did plus more so im satisfied. But i dont think id call Drouins contract a "show me" contract but more of a "buys us some time" contract for next year as i thought the term was a bit short. Like roughly 2 mil for 2 years makes some sense. But one year seems like they're trying to plan ahead and possibly having another team lock him up for 3-4 years doesn't seem beneficial. Because id have to imagine they'll have a better look at the landy and val situation this time next year. And if one or both of those contracts are gone then i think it'll open up enough to keep rantannen. And if drouin plays well again then they'd more than willing to give him more money and term as well. And depending on what happens with colton we might have ro re-sign him as well.
    AKA they're budgeting hard right now.

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