The Matvei Michkov Era for the Philadelphia Flyers is officially here!

The Matvei Michkov Era for the Philadelphia Flyers is officially here!

it’s the lockdown Flyers podcast for Tuesday July 2nd your daily dose of Flyers news analysis and high quality content that thinks there was a lot more going on on Monday than maybe the Flyers would have suggested yeah it’s getting a little uh interesting you’re locked on Flyers your daily podcast on the Philadelphia Flyers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey there and thanks for making lockedown flyers your first listen every day I am Rachel donor you can find me on Twitter at our Miriam I’m here finally with Russ Cohen who’s on all your favorite social media apps at sportsology we are at lockon flyers on Instagram threads blue sky and Twitter as well today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a booster bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started you can find us over on YouTube or on the SiriusXM app or anywhere you listen to podcast subscribe to get our latest episode as soon as it’s available here on the locked on podcast Network your team every day Russ good to have you back in the chair thanks again to Haley Simon for pitch hitting yesterday and uh getting us a good recap of the draft speaking of which there is the weekly poll about the draft already up on uh YouTube as well as a link in the show notes for that uh let us know how you think the Flyers did in the meantime uh free agent day a lot busier for the Flyers than we would have expected I think there was only one move that we thought that they would be making on Monday and that’s signing Eric Johnson because they pretty much said as much but there was more yeah they uh gave garard halfway two more years so they can keep the aav down um it’s a little puzzling honestly it’s nice to have some guys show the guys the way but then at some point like you don’t need those guys anymore you need guys who could you know put the puck in the net can score on the power play do those kinds of things and you know so as an example if you add up Eric Johnson garard Hathaway and Nick delorier that’s a good player right and then you could have other young players play but that’s a good player who maybe could play with mitchko but now they’ve you know they’ve spent their money another way so they want to continue to be hard to play against that’s okay and that’s a strategy but I I I don’t think they’re going about it the best way yeah I’m not sure if the timing was right on the haway extension and that was the reason reing they gave as far as the uh timing of it was they wanted to keep the aav down and basically the same as that will be for this year um with a very very minor increase right apparently Brier has no concerns on his age for this two-year deal which I think you know yes and no on that but yeah I just think like there’s no reason to do this now uh and I think that they could have waited even until January or February to do it and see how the first half of this season goes to see what kind of you want a guy like hathway to have on see if he has the same stuff he did last year again I think it’s I think it’s a little misguided to think that well Hathaway could play up in the lineup and play in the third line not on a really good team he can’t so you’re now limiting yourself if you’re going to use gar hathway on the third line yeah I think so uh and as far as you know Eric Johnson this was just kind of a given that they want a veteran defenseman the mark stall he sounds like he’s a coach hire him as a coach he doesn’t need to be on the ice everything that they everything Danny said he could do from the locker room yeah I I just I mean it’s fine if that’s the kind of guy they want to have to sit but it it better mean that the other guys play and but we know the answer to that Ronnie ader is not going to start with the Flyers this year he’s not everybody knows it he’s 25 years old he’s ripe for the job and he’s going to have to wait or he’s never going to get the job you know it’s that’s the way it’s headed right now yeah I think so uh but we’ve of course buried the lead here with uh Matt vay mitchoff um I think we were mostly expecting this to happen maybe a couple days from now later in the week um maybe as part of the dev Camp celebration kind of stuff with the fans there and everything but they got it done so let’s talk about it um of course like he got the max out in terms of the cap hit for the next three years at 950 um he got the full signing bonus in there but three and a half million in performance bonuses which is almost as high as you can get for an ELC yeah I mean look that’s what it takes to get a great player like that but they’re in bad cap shape and if he gets that $35 million bonus I’m pretty sure it rolls over to next year so and it just you know compounds the problem that Danny talked about he knows he’s in cap trouble here and so it’s a good and a bad thing you still want him here um you can’t do much about that but it just shows you that he came over quicker than they had a cap solution for you know what I mean that’s the issue yeah and that’s why I’m like perfectly happy with it I honestly don’t care that they did it I think you do whatever it takes to get them over here and that’s fine the problem I have is that that’s the kind of thing you do for Matt Bay mitop I don’t understand why then you commit to additional cap space for Garnet haway when you know like now when you know there’s the potential for these performance bonuses now if one of the performance bonuses is like a half a million dollars if the pliers get to the second round of the playoffs you know I mean there’s certain degrees of risk that we don’t know what those performance bonuses are and maybe they’re less concerned but from an outside perspective I think that that’s where you got to pump the brakes a little bit on other deals until you know what the roster is gonna look like this fall right and teams I mean let’s be honest here Danny didn’t want to say it teams don’t want to talk about taking bad players or taking bad contracts no they’re not talking about that right now that’s not what they’re what they want to do right now that’s the big thing that’s why yeah but very excited to have mitchoff here uh for sure the ink is now dry um mitchoff is posted to social media so I am pumped about that aspect of it that’s good we we’ll see if Brier’s cap gambling pays off in the long run as far as other things he talked about um you know no trades on the table right now he’s in discussions as always but he recognizes that things shut down over the summer so if nothing happens in in the next week or so wouldn’t expect anything to happen at that point right I mean we so there’s two things to talk about there um he’s trying to get cap relief those are the only trades he’s willing to make right now and I get it and so far it’s not happening and then they acquired all these picks if if people think that they’re going to make trades from these picks where’s the money coming from because you’re going to get a player that’s going to be a a a pretty well-sized salary for that kind of deal where where are they going to be able to fit that in yeah and certainly Nashville is not going to be a good trade source for the next little bit because they locked up a whole money all the money I mean rightfully so good for them but yeah you know dashville has been a common trading partner for the Flyers and I I don’t think that’s going to be the case for the next little bit at least and uh we know Utah is in a whole different Stratosphere than Arizona was as far as spending so yeah um that is also maybe something that’s going away uh that had been kind of in the Flyers back pocket as well um the other thing that Brier talked about was the Alexa kosov situation yeah this worries me a little bit he has sort of said you know he’s staying home for a little bit and uh may or may not come back and you know there’s only so much the Flyers can do of course he’s under contract to play with the Flyers and can’t play anywhere else in North America but that doesn’t preclude him from you know trying to play in Russia again because we know that they probably won’t let him they probably won’t let him but still what if he decides I don’t want to come back because you have a loaded goalie situation there you didn’t play me in the playoffs like he has some points he does and so you know the Flyers the Flyers have done the right thing in the sense that they’re letting him have the space but the fact that it’s up in the air is bad and it’s up in the air right now they don’t know I think so but uh stay tuned on that um as far as Dev Camp goes that’s kicking off and uh seeing the roster very excited for MIM Mo Rizo and getting a first look at him in addition to the 2024 NHL draft picks that we’re going to see for the first time um all of them will be there except for Ilia poov the Russian Winger who was selected in the sixth round and of course Matt vay mitchoff won’t be there either but um I think it’s a good group this year there’s like a whole bunch of invitees as well um I think the other big aspect is that Carson bjis is the only prospect goalie there so he’s gonna have a lot of eyes yeah that’s that’s always tough when that happens they’ll have these other standin um to to try and take away the uh this The Strain yeah the interesting thing about um Rizzo so you almost wish and again you resign Hathaway you almost wish they didn’t do that because if Rizzo were to somehow be ready or looks good with Brink you’ve now eliminated that possibility yeah I mean there’s one forward slot open on the team but not two or two yeah and mean just those guys know how to play together and that could help Brink because Brink is on the brink we as we’ve talked about but so that that part’s puzzling to me yeah so that is a giant question that I have as well but very much looking forward to seeing him in action Yes again and we’ll have more on development Camp as the week continues Russ will be there I’ll be there for vers of it as well uh so we will be reporting on that looking forward to seeing who steps up as a leader at Camp I think it should be Jr Avon but we’ll see Avon could be the guy yeah that’d be interesting yeah all right well uh because he wasn’t here yesterday uh we are going to get Russ’s breakdown of the 2024 Flyers draft class and we are going to do that coming up next I love sports I love him so much I never want him to stop and we’re now in full swing for summer sports like baseball we absolutely Miss hockey but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer fanduel’s hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for 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looking up the whole time because there’s just everything is just surrounding you and swarming uh it was fantastic so the atmosphere was great and it was really exciting so looking at the Flyers uh draft class in general lot of centers no goalie was the big observation that I had um there’s a lot of size but as Danny Brier said they were looking for size with smarts but uh what do you think okay so like at the beginning of the year when they tell the scouts this is what we’re looking for we’re looking for toughness size hard to play against and when the guys come back with just that you can’t act surprised and say that it’s a coincidence sorry Danny that’s we’re not going for that um I look the one that they really made a choice on was not getting X buam and I spoke to some other experts analysts some TV people that do this too and they all love boam so it’s like even if you think Rachel you’re loaded with defenseman to the hilt you still got to take the best guy on the board they made it Choice jet lenko is a good player but you may have passed up a much better talent in a different position so that’s the that’s the gamble they took a gamble there and you know I’m not saying lenko is not GNA make it or anything I think he will I think he’s a great kid uh you know he’s he’s strong he’s a good playmaker there’s things to like but you may have passed on a defenseman who’s better than every defenseman you have yeah I I do think that’s possible and it’s a calculated risk and yes and I think this class overall is above most classes that I’ve dealt with in in that it is definitely a wait and see class I think that it’s really hard to grade this class right away just because oh there’s a lot of I mean you can’t do that in general but I think there’s a been a lot easier time making an educated guest in terms of how this class is going to turn out not this year I think there’s a lot of you know potential here but a lot of uncertainty on that potential right no I think that’s fair and it it was a class that was loaded with defensive talent and it had you know a fair amount of centers it’s just that the centers weren’t all top liners but they may have passed on a Topline Center in in helenius so you know that’s that’s another calculated risk because like we brought up before when you have people say what they’re saying about him and he’s going to play in the NHL the next year or two it’s okay that luchenko is not in the NHL in the next year or two but now people are going to be keeping an eye on helenius and see how he does compared to luchenko that’s another guy yeah that’s for sure it’s far as the other picks and especially like moving up to get another pick in the second round once uh we didn’t have that Columbus pick what do you think about that move and getting Jack Bergland and Spencer guilt with those picks well I like Jack Berglund um I covered him in the five nations I had a long time to chat with Jack because he was on my flight and so for the last two days while we were getting the runaround we we chatted uh was a great kid and and he’s got talent and I I think that he’s got a frame that he could um put on some more muscle so I think there’s a lot there I don’t know if he’s more than a third line Talent it’s possible he could be a second line talent but that’s what I think we’re going to find out but he’s not going to be a punishing 6 foot4 Center that you know he does hit I’m not saying he doesn’t but he’s not going to be that overly physical guy you know he still wants to get his points he’s he’s offensively gifted but not crazily offensively gifted yeah I think so um I I am definitely excited for him and I do think he has a lot of potential it seems like he a really good kid that’s G to work really hard to get to his ceiling and um really energized about coming to the Flyers and so I I appreciate that um spener guil just so you know I mean as far as with berglin so he’s not gonna play in the shl next year he’s still with Faria stad at j20 so you want to see if he progresses sometime during that year and can play in the shl I mean that’s where you sort of can decide then you know how Advanced he is right and then Spencer Gill is the question mark I have like I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad pick it’s just that I didn’t understand moving up to get yeah um I never really had a real good look at him this year because he had a limited role in the u8s he um but he’s a big kid he’s a good skater uh he there were people that feel like there was more that he could do but they didn’t utilize him like meaning Team Canada so I think there’s some potential there I I don’t think he’s more than a four so I think you know I think that’s probably you know the the spot for him but you know I could tell you I was chatting with him I I do like him I think he um oh sure yeah he’s a good kid he’s gonna work hard he’s just not like super talented but he does the job if that makes sense right and you know describing him as a two-way defenseman that can step up offensively yeah we haven’t really seen it like everywhere yet so we’ll see yeah yeah I think I mean in his League yes right and that’s the big thing is like can what he does in the que even translate we don’t know that at this point we don’t know and it’s easy to get points in the queue like we know that yeah so as far as the other picks was were there any of the depth picks that stood out to you yeah looking over the um the other picks Noah Pal’s interesting you know and over Ager but the way he scores like he’s you know I don’t know if he’s gonna be able to do that at the next level and so like I think I think he’s a a boomer bust kind of pick because you know he’s had the two years in the USHL and then he’ll eventually go to college now he’s going to go to college as 20-y old and it’s not outrageous old or anything that happens so we’re going to have to see because when you when you are like over 200 pounds in the USHL you can muscle in some goals and so having 43 of them I raise an eyebrow makes me raise an eyebrow and to see um what he’ll be able to do elsewhere so um you know Austin Molen I knew a bunch of guys from the shat team this year like will ERS and um Aiden Park and mol’s an interesting one because he’s certainly raw and right and so that he’s one where this one’s going to take a while you know what I mean he’s going to put on some more muscle I think he’s got a a good head on his shoulders I was not surprised that he was at the draft I think some other writers were surprised that he was there because he’s a seventh rounder but any anybody who goes to shadic St Mary’s is going to be at the draft that’s that’s my rule of thumb they’re always going to be there hoping that they hear their name so there you know well it didn’t hurt that he’s from Vegas and was gonna be there anyway true but I’ve always found that those guys are generally there so you know if I gave you a percentage of of him making it probably like 20 yeah I thought he was just a really good seventh round risk to take because yeah in the seventh round it’s fine yeah he’s like the perfect kind of seventh round draft pick in my opinion with like a lot of energy is gonna work their tail off and like has a really good background but it’s just smaller and maybe slightly less skilled right now and you see what can happen now just to show you though what they left on the table like I’ll show you what was behind door number two uh is mirav Catan’s kid who’s a 6 fo7 Center why didn’t you go for that well maybe they were doing somebody a solid there but we’ll see but um you know as far as um Noah Powell goes he is also um going to be going to college like you said but going to Ohio State which is a really strong program so it’s a good program yeah I feel feel like if there’s like the issues that were there with him that allowed him to drop to the fifth round when his scoring was so high in the USHL I think Ohio state will help him on that front yeah I think so um but again yeah so I feel we expect him to be in Ohio State for like three years then a couple years in the AHL and then we’ll see yep I think so but overall yeah I just think my big question is why no goalie and I think that might be a problem unless they can pick two goalies next year which is possible when you have they could I mean they have extra picks they might do that um you know I felt like they did a decent job as far as you know they had needs the only thing they didn’t do was when it came time to getting best player available they didn’t do that and that’s a choice yep they definitely had a bit of a reach pick and uh we’ll see if that that risk paid off in the meantime uh with the schedule coming out uh today there are some potential schedule changes and some new rules for next season so we are going to look at those coming up next all right so there are some new rules on board for the NHL next season and I think you know at least a couple of them are interesting but they all kind of make sense uh they’ve added a situation where a coach’s challenge will be allowed and I think that while you want to limit the coach’s challenges because it drags down the game I think this one is fair because it’s about the delay of game penalties and if the if it’s a deflection and not actually off the player like right trying to just do it to right to to just save the uh his team in the defensive Zone I think it’s fine yeah I think you know to not have a bench Miner for something that was clearly a deflection off the stick or the boards or something like that I mean I think that’s a no-brainer yeah um they’re changing this rule about the no line change after a dislodged net um right now the goalie could get away with it but it’s only on skaters now the goalies won’t be able to get away with it in terms of air quote accident there’s still too much of it going on yeah there’s there’s a lot of dislodge Nets right way more than there need to be how about this yeah nail them into the uh into the ground and then the Net’s never gonna move again to have that and people got hurt real bad didn’t have helmets then either so no that was the bigger problem I guess at the time um I also like following an icing the offensive Center will receive a warning same as the defensive player for a Faceoff violation I don’t know why that wasn’t the case in the first place that’s a great point should have been a case in the first place so yeah I mean again there’s so many things now that get very contested and and these face off violations have become a thing too I have seen them building so fine yeah I think that one is good this one I don’t know it’s just one of these things that the players are going to have to get used to about sitting on the board so the referee will provide the offending team the coach and the players with a warning regarding sitting on the boards um after one warning the team precipitating the warning will’ll get a bench Miner for future violations so you can’t just like hang out sitting on the bench right sitting boards right I like it because you know you could reach for something you could you know grab somebody when the ref’s not looking you know I think it it’s going to cut down on the H Jinks yeah I I do think so it just seems like one of those things that like come on guys do we really need to make a rule about this like should doing this on your own right right right but they had to they had to be the adults yep absolutely all right so we are getting this schedule today we already found out the home opener is October 19th against the Canucks we also know the Flyers will be in Calgary on October 12th if you look at their home opening uh so the Flyers are starting the uh season on the road well the beat Riders will be happy doing that West Western Canadian swing early in the year much better than doing it in like February yeah we’ll see how much of it gets done then and maybe there that February time will be California I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see there there will be a West Coast Swing it’s just where it is right time um but according to Pierre LeBron they’re having preliminary discussion about what the NHL calendar could look like in the future obviously it’ll wait till the new CBA happens in a couple of years but they’re talking about moving the regular season up to early October trying to get that cup awarded sooner than this year which was a nightmare yes um and I think importantly cutting the preseason to four games per team which I think is a good and bad thing it’s good because well we like it as a good thing but the teams aren’t going to like it because that’s a revenue stream for them right so it’s a combination of of the revenue stream and I think you know there’s there’s a happy medium there with making it five or six games Max in terms of getting that one extra home game in for the revenue and also having a chance to see your prospects one more time right and and that’s a good thing to point out because that’s why I actually go to some preseason games to see how these guys play against whatever nhls are in the lineup even if it’s not the full lineup right and so I think that you know there are pros and cons to it I certainly you know would like this schedule shifted up earlier to start earlier in October and get the season over sooner I mean you know back in the day when the cup was awarded in May that was incredible right yeah because it’s like and it’s not like we need a bigger off season but players do yeah yeah I think given the changes and how players treat their offseasons with the workouts and strength training there really is no off season for them and so to at least have a chance for their bodies to heal a little bit more would be a lot better and you know especially the playoff teams whose bodies are even more broken they have less and less time every year to recover for the next season that’s true um I think that they really need to figure out how to tighten it up I don’t think going to an 84 Game season is going to help that no but if that’s what they need to do to balance the schedule I get it maybe that’s to compensate for losing revenue for preseason games but uh I don’t know I I think I think honestly I think what they’re not saying is by putting in the 84 game schedule is uh they could put more two new teams in the league at some point and that yeah that’s that’s what’s not being mentioned there yeah I can see that for sure but changes could be a foot in a couple of years hopefully they get something along these lines done that will do it for today’s show like I said tomorrow we’re going to talk more about Dev Camp we’re gonna have our mailbag and a lot more as uh the summer gets going as a reminder we always want to hear from you so if you’ve got those mailbag questions let us know on Twitter at lockon Flyers you can email us at lockon Flyers at gmail or comment on our YouTube channel I’m Rachel I’m on Twitter at riam that’s r m i r i a am I’m Russell Matt sportsology spts o l o g y lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube that’s also available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering top sports stories of the day with local Experts of locked on plus National shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app have a great great day everyone

On today’s show Russ & Rachel talk Flyers free agency, including Matvei Michkov’s ELC, Erik Johnson’s return & Garnet Hathaway’s extension. We also preview development camp. Who will be there from the most recent draft class? Who will the veteran leader be? What do we want to see from particular prospects this time around? Then we dig into the schedule release for today including potential changes in the future and the new rules for next season in the NHL

Listener Poll of the Week: How do you think the Philadelphia Flyers did in the NHL Draft this year?

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