Baker Mayfield’s Best Supporting Cast

Baker Mayfield’s Best Supporting Cast

[Music] welcome Peter Report readers viewers and listeners to a brand new edition of the Peter Report podcast energized by Celsius the official energy drink of Peter happy Monday to everybody hope you all had a fantastic weekend as we move uh closer to training camp and of course Fourth of July coming up this week as well we got a fun one in store to kick off the week as we will be talking about if if this is Baker Mayfield’s best supportting cast we had mini camp a couple of weeks ago Baker was asked if this is the most talented group that he had he responded to it um but we’re going to dig dig a little bit deeper when it comes to the talent that b Mayfield has worked with in the past and the group he will be working with this season so a lot to get to and of course uh any comments questions anything from the Peter people as well we will happy to get to along with roll call coming up at 420 I’m your host Matt matar joined with me as my fellow colleague from Peter Adam slavon is on the show Adam how we doing man Matt we’re doing great happy to be on the show with you you mentioned it’s going to be a fun when not just to kick off the week but also the month of July and the month of training camp couple weeks from now really excited to dive into this topic and how it kind of correlates with the beginning of training camp there’s plenty of weapons to talk about when looking at Baker Mayfield and kind of like the arsenal of weapons that he has uh Scott Reynolds he did a Peter pulse on it uh this past week and I’ve kind of done a couple articles looking at just how this Supporting Cast compares to Baker Mayfield early in his career with the Browns and even last year with the Bucks because you look at it from last year with the Bucks the additions outweigh the subtractions going into this year when you look at the new weapons the team added in the draft uh even in free agency so really excited to kick off the show with you yeah you had two great articles I’m putting them in the chat right now um it’s a part one and part two of if this is Baker’s Best Supporting Cast so uh obviously this is kind of the audio version of um of that article and then you can uh go and read it as well on PE the part two one came out uh not too long ago so uh yeah C two three days ago so yeah definitely make sure you check that out and I think there’s like multiple ways to kind of look at it too because sure you could just look at the stats and say oh well you know Baker did we did last year with the 28 touchdowns and the 4,000 yards and and all that stuff and oh his you know best season with the Browns was when they made the postseason a couple years ago and to a degree that’s very very true but I think there’s more to it than just saying oh well he threw for 28 touchdowns he has the most talented cast um there’s a lot more factors that get into it and I think there’s like a fair argument as far as from a talent perspective whether it was Baker and the Browns and kind of that 2019 range especially when they first traded for Odell Beckham or you know last year’s bucks or even this year’s bucks and the Rams fully healthy I think that’s another discussion as well but when bger went there he you know it wasn’t the the Super Bowl winning team that that people thought so yeah I think there’s a lot of different ways to really break it down yeah for sure and kind of like first looking at it when you look at Baker Mayfield’s Browns tenure I think the 2020 season was kind of the blueprint for Baker Mayfield because the Browns had two really solid running backs and Nick chub and Kareem hunt uh together they combined for like you almost don’t see it in today’s NFL they combined for 400 carries 1,00 yards 18 touchdowns having that kind of backfield made it so much easier for Baker Mayfield to really distribute the football in fact he had six wide receivers or running backs that had over 20 receptions so I feel like with a more improved running game this year which is likely to happen I mean they can’t finish dead last three years in a row there has to be some improvement especially with Liam Cohen kind of establishing the Run in terms of offensive scheme if it’s even middle of the pack and you look at the receivers and Mike Evans and Chris Godwin perhaps being the two best wide receivers Baker Mayfield’s ever had Odell Beckham included there’s just so much room for this offense to really grow and Thrive yeah and that was one of the big- time benefits that Baker really had with the Browns is that I mean even to this day the Browns running game is great whether it’s Nick chub or you know the third string backup because Nick chub TS ACL so I I think there’s no argument in terms of Best Supporting Cast we can’t say that even though Rashad white was very talented last year we can’t say that the Bucks running game is the best talent that that Baker Mayfield has been around you can’t come to a team that’s dead last two years in a row and say oh well Rashad White’s a superstar no Rashad white is great I mean if you want to argue Rashad White’s the best receiving running back that Baker Mayfield has ever had then I think that’s a debate yeah and and have that discussion but as far as the Run game in of itself if we were drafting this which we’re not but if we were I I think I would definitely take Nick chub as um as the number one guy it’s so crazy too thinking Baker coming into the league like the Browns did not win a football game and that’s why they had the the first overall pick were able to draft him and people may forget Baker didn’t start right away as um as a rookie in Cleveland it was Tyron Taylor that y got the start and then infamously it was a Thursday night game where Tyrod Taylor got hurt they were playing the Jets and Taylor got hurt but like he wasn’t playing well either so Baker came in kind of sparked the comeback he actually caught a a touchdown pass as well and then you know the team was really Baker’s ever since so that’s a little bit of the timeline for um how Baker really got his start with with Cleveland back back in the day and I think that’s kind of an underrated aspect of how Baker Mayfield really started his career because coming to a team that was 0 and 16 and then him being the backup the first couple of the games of the year his rookie year he still threw for 27 touchdown passes with a Supporting Cast really led by Jarvis Landry and that was a rookie record for touchdown passes by a quarterback until it was broken a couple years ago by Justin Herbert but just Baker’s ability to take a team that was just mired in dysfunction 0 and 16 before that uh like just years of peral losing and being able to turn that around I think they won like six games with Baker uh his rookie his rookie year and then kind of evolving into a playoff team the couple years beyond that like the Browns were in their best place probably with Baker Mayfield under Center in 20192020 and it could be argued that if he was on the Browns today with their Elite defense and their cast a weapons they would even be more successful than with DeShawn Watson so just his abil his ability to turn around in organization I think is just really underrated yeah I think that’s a good point and it would be really interesting to dissect I don’t think we have to do it on this show because it’s more of a hypothetical but if yeah if Baker was the quarterback of this current Browns team would it be more talented or better than this current Buccaneers team because I think there’s like an argument to be made that Baker on the current Browns especially with that defense I’m not really taking anything away from the Buccaneers defense but that Browns defense is like unreal especially with with Miles Garrett like if you put miles Garrett on the Buccaneers defense I’m taking the Bucks defense but right I guess miles Garrett is kind of that that great equalizer um I think there is a case to be made that Baker on this current Year’s Browns would be better than you know the current Tampa Bay Buccaneers what do you think yeah I I would agree and it just kind of like I’m kind of reminded of the 2021 season when Baker like in a contract year he played through injury and really toughed it out after the 2020 season and then the brown just kind of gave up on him for Deshawn Watson it’s kind of like a a what if scenario if Baker stayed with the Browns and the Browns really like gave him a longer leash because it doesn’t seem like they gave him a fair shot after turning around the organization leading them to the playoffs in the 2020 season one bad year where he’s injured and they just ship them to the Panthers like I that part still doesn’t make sense to me well I mean it shows why and I know they’ve turned it around recently but it shows why the Browns have been such a bad franchise for you know really the last two decades I guess because even kind of like again going to the timeline of Baker’s career like he had Hugh Jackson for not even a whole season he was fired Then Greg Williams uh took over at Todd Haley was fired as well Freddy kitchens became the offensive coordinator then kitchens gets the head coaching job in 2019 um but then in 2020 Freddy Freddy Kon is gone after one season and it’s really difficult to have that continuity and to kind of build a sustainable winner when every year you’re kind of bringing in a new regime and a and a new set of ways to you know run an organization you know that’s what makes teams like the Steelers so formidable for a lot of years even the Bucks to a degree with you know really just having Jason light as the general manager for a very long time now and you know having Bruce aring since 2019 and even though Bruce aring stepped down there was a plan in place it wasn’t like a you know complete changing on the guard so you know he had stefansky for a year and that’s really you know that’s where he went 11 and five threw for 3,563 passing yards and you finally get an offensive gu in there and then you kind of give up on him one season later it just it it doesn’t really kind of make sense in that aspect because he was hurt for a little bit I mean I guess the dangling carrot of having Deshawn Watson available who was I guess at the time I mean there’s really no such thing as a sure thing unless it’s you know Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes but I wonder if it was more at the time they just knew that they could get the Shawn Watson and it was you know more of a I guess like you had more confidence that he would be a better player than Baker did I’m I’m curious how that went down yeah and it’s just really interesting because Watson he didn’t obviously play the year prior and then the Browns make a big bet on him he doesn’t play for the first 11 games and just looks so Rusty and he just hasn’t really reclaimed that form I wonder how much that really weighed into the consideration rather than just name recognition of oh it’s DeShawn Watson he led the league I think in passing the last full year he played with the Texans let’s go get him Baker Mayfield ah he let us to the promised land that’s as far as he’ll take us we’ll ship him out but kind of connecting it back to the 2024 bucks and it can be debated whether the 2020 Browns or the 2023 Buccaneers were the Best Supporting Cast for Baker Mayfield I think there’s a fair argument to make for both sides when you look at 2020 the ones who punch the running backs I think really helped with you mentioned Kevin stefansky kind of that organizational stability was there in 2020 in 2023 Baker had two top wide receivers and Mike Evans and Chris Godwin they’ve stuck around but it wasn’t always a guarantee that Todd bulls and Dave Canalis were gonna finish out the year in Tampa Bay I that I think that’s kind of a forgotten point when the team was in the midst of their losing streak so the edge probably goes to the 2020 Browns but when you look at the 2024 Buccaneers with all the parts remaining with Todd B baker having some familiarity with Liam Cohen and then all the weapons still in town I think with that improved running game the 2024 bucks really if if all pieces are aligned no injuries I think this is the Best Supporting Cast so I’m in agreement even before they hit the field that this Bucks team this year is better than The Supporting Cast in the offense that the Bucks had in 2023 I can’t just sit here and assume that the running game is all of a sudden going to get better just because they drafted Bucky Irving and Grant Barton I can’t put that ahead of things that have already happened and things that we’ve seen in the past specifically for the Browns in 2020 based on the idea that the Bucks are going to improve the running game because you know what we said the same thing last year the Bucks are going to get this running game off the ground yeah it’s going to you know be in tip top shape Rashad White’s going to rush four a thousand yards he’s the full-time starter it’s much much better for the bucks this time around and you know what it didn’t happen um it it got a little bit better and overall the offense was in a better situation but I I’m not going to make that mistake again even though there’s a lot to like about Liam Cohen he’s a way more experienced offensive coordinator than um you know than Dave Canalis was a season ago he still has fully called plays at the NFL level yes he’s been an offensive coordinator at the NFL level but there’s being an offensive coordinator and there’s also being a play caller um so you know if someone was going to ask me do you think the Run game will improve like will it not be in last place I’ll say yes but how much of improvement are we getting are the Bucks going from 302nd in the NFL to 28 well then I don’t think there’s really been that much of a significant Improvement are the Bucks going from 32 to 15 sign me up for that because I don’t even think the Bucks need a good running game they just need an okay to average running game to really let Baker uh you know sling it with the weapons that he has a wide receiver yeah I would agree like it doesn’t need to go from uh last to First it it can just go from last to middle of the pack and I think there’s just such a marked improvement there and I think what will help the Bucks Run game this season is the fact that they don’t need to rely on Rashad white to carry it 272 times again with less touches I think that white will be more efficient and having more breathers like to go on the sidelines while Bucky Irving comes in for a down or two and I think Bucky Irving really adds like some elusiveness and Home Run play ability that the Run game hasn’t had I mean Rashad white last year he was really a factor in the receiving game but in terms of the Run game there was just so many games where it just didn’t get going he would run between the tackles two yards a two yards a carry and it’s like that’s not going anywhere like in terms of being a successful running game you need that balance so I think Irving kind of adds some balance to the Run game and I I see it being better than probably 28th if it could just get to like 20th 20 22nd yeah I think that’ll really help yeah it doesn’t it needs to get out of the exact basement like when I said 32 to 15 it doesn’t have to be 15 I think yeah it even if it gets around that 20 range that’s still moving up essentially 12 spots that’s a really really good um Improvement for The Buckaneers and I think what will be most important in improving that running game yes absolutely having Bucky Irving in there is Big Time um he’s already getting a lot of hype from and I know we complain National media never pays attention to the Buccaneers well a lot of people are paying attention to Bucky Irving and you know that that’s good to see people are saying he’s going to be a fantasy football stand out that people are saying he may take the starting role from Rashad white I don’t necessarily see that happening especially in today’s NFL and especially unfortunately with the way that Todd BS is kind of slow to push the button in terms of we need to make a change personnel-wise at any position yeah um but you know he does tend to trust his veterans and it feels weird saying veteran in terms of Rashad white who’s only going into his third year but as far as that running back room goes outside of Chase Edmonds he is the veteran in the room but I I think the biggest thing for improving this run game is obviously you need help from the offensive line but more specifically it’s limiting the amount of questions that you have about the offensive line for example Cody M yes he’s bigger he looks fit for the role yeah like an N can’t we can’t totally say he’s going to be fantastic terrific and all that stuff Gran Barton same type of thing first round pick starting center you think the problem’s solved but we can’t totally dial in and plug it in and say all right grant Barton’s the guy now after three or four games those two answers may be solved and then all the Bucks have to worry about is the left guard situation if the Bucks can get to let’s just say the first month two months of the season and really their only issue is the left guard I think that’s a good situation to be in for Tampa Bay um in their running game because you could still rely on the passing game the running game does not have to be the number one overall uh go-getter but just give something for Baker Mayfield because again going back to that 2020 season you give Baker a run game and he will run with it uh you know no punt intended so I think that’s very very important and we have a uh Super Chat from hammy actual thank you for the 999 Super Chat you know our rule too I know we’re talking about Baker Mayfield then this current bucks offense but if you want to talk to us about the defense I’m absolutely down for it um yeah so you Super Chat us you cut the line we’ll talk about whatever topic you want so thank you to hamy actual for the Super Chat who says do you guys think if Levante played his entire career in Dallas one of those large Market teams is he Hall of Famer first ballot on Al lante keeps his Super Bowl in this scenario you know we got a question like this on Wednesday show that means Scott answered so Adam I’ll let you attack this one first and then I’ll give my opinion on it you know this is a really good question because it’s something I’ve thought of not just in football but in baseball too like when you look at like guys that play for the Yankees or uh even the Mets like bigger Market teams like their name is just out there so much more all the headlines are like Aaron judge hits a home run and it’s like in in terms of Levante David if he played with a bigger Market team or at least a team that saw more success throughout his career I mean Levante didn’t make the playoffs was it like the first eight years of his career so if he was was like on the Seahawks and like Bobby Wagner was I feel like he would be a Hall of Famer because he would get all the Pro Bowl accolades although the Pro Bowl selections don’t mean much like if anything when a player retires that’s all like the national media looks at how how many times he make the Pro Bowl how many times did he get all pro selection if he played for a bigger Market team he he’d definitely have more than one right he’d at least have like five or six and really build up that resume and I feel like to be a Hall of Famer you need that resume so if Levante played for a bigger Market team I definitely think he would be in Hall of Fame consideration I think there’s no question he’s a Hall of Famer and you hit the nail on the head I mean he made a pro bowl or two and got an all Pro with the bucks if he’s playing for that with that star on the helmet in Jerry world for the Dallas Cowboys and he’s Super Bowl champion you got to think he probably has at least three all pros and probably eight Pro bowls or something like that just from playing from Dallas um and he has the Super Bowl and the stats like his stats are better than in some areas than Bobby Wagner and of course they would be ahead of Luke Keeley because Luke heeley retired at a younger age we saw this play play out last Hall of Fame with Demarcus Wear now Demarcus Wear played for two different teams and you know kind of excelled at both and won a Super Bowl with the Broncos but Simeon rice has better numbers than Demarcus Wear however Demarcus Wear played for more popular teams um and because of that and you know the super bow he won with the Broncos pton Manning was his quarterback so naturally that team got more attenion than Simeon rice and Brad Johnson as you know as as their starting quack so I think without question Levante David would be a Hall of Famer if he was on the Dallas Cowboys I think really the difficult part to answer is is he a first ballot Hall of Famer with the cowboys that I’m gonna say no but I think he gets in not long after like probably the the second year of Eligibility maybe the third year of Eligibility I don’t think he waits very long but I don’t necessarily know if he would be a uh a first ballot Paul fam yeah that’s true and kind of looking at it though it’s an interesting what if because if he played for the Dallas Cowboys his whole career would he be seen as kind of like that Ray Lewis like that transcending inside linebacker one of the best ever if every season it’s 150 tackles couple interceptions like just being a menace for another team a bigger market like yeah I don’t know that’s a great question it’s a really good question appreciate it and thanks uh for the Super Chat once again uh maybe something we’ll break down further um at another time talking about you know the future hopefully Hall Famer Levante David um but we do have to turn our attention to something else something just as fun that we do around 420 every single Monday uh unless we’re talking about Levante David then we’re happy to push that time back a little bit but it’s time for roll call we do this every Monday show we want to know where you at computer people because we love interacting with all our fans as much as we possibly can especially because our fans are all over the globe not just in Tampa the State of Florida you can find computer people box fans computer report fans all across this beautiful world uh that we live in so I’m going to start talking about the Buccaneers uh specific topic today and in the meantime Adam will uh put on the screen where you guys are watching the show from starting with Chris in Citrus County Florida excuse me so with I want to talk about today it’s a little bit of a rough day for Tampa Bay fans um and that’s because if you presumably if you’re a bucks fan you’re probably a fan of the Tampa Bay Lightning as well and unfortunately well they did get Jake gensel and I’m personally a big Jake gensel fan but the the other news that is affecting a lot more Tampa Bay fans at the moment is that Steven stamp Co is no longer with the light lightning after 16 years the captain of the team won two Stanley Cups went to four Stanley Cup finals um I don’t know where he is like in the alltime goals and points but he he’s certainly up there anyway um he signs a four-year deal with the Nashville Predators after 16 Seasons with the buck with the lightning he goes to the Nashville Predators and we’ll probably finish his career there um bit of a tough pill to swallow for the light in especially given that they just made that trade with sergachev to kind of open up some more room and it doesn’t get done and a lot of people are unhappy and it just kind of made me think because in today’s Sports World and you’re seeing it with the NBA right now like Klay Thompson just signed with the Dallas Mavericks it is so difficult and it’s really no one’s fault I know a lot of people are man at the lightning GM and understandably so but it’s very tough in today’s sports landscape the Sports World for one player to stay with one team the team that either drafted them or traded for them on draft night to stay with their original team for their whole career it’s very few and far between I mean think of the greatest of all time in every sport Michael Jordan Bulls and the Wizards LeBron played for a couple of teams Tom Brady obviously wasn’t just a patriot he was a Super Bowl winner with the Bucks as well and you know Wayne Gretzky obviously played for several teams so that just shows how difficult it is for one star to stay with one team um for for its entirety of their career and I bring up teams like the Patriots where you know Tom Brady and grank probably their two most popular players didn’t just play with the Patriots the Cowboys when they had the dynasty with Aman and Michael Irving yeah they stayed with the Cowboys but EMT Smith was probably the best player out of the three of them and EM Smith went to the Cardinals um you know the Steelers have won a ton of Super Bowls James Harrison was a guy that you would think he’s an all-time stealer well he also played for the Bengals and a couple of other teams it’s so so tough to have a star player that you picked that you drafted to stay with your team for their whole career and for the bucks they’ve been really lucky they’ve been able to do this for a good portion of their franchise history Derek Brooks Ronde Barber Mike allop three guys that spent their their whole career with the Buccaneers Ronda Barber’s in the Hall of Fame Derek Brooks is in the Hall of Fame Mike allot is in the Buccaneers Hall of Fame and is beloved by everybody for the way that he ran over defenders um and now you look at the current day Buccaneers and nothing’s really set in stone until there’s officially a retirement but it doesn’t really look like Levante David’s going anywhere he’s only going to be a Buccaneer Mike Evans just signed that new contract with the Bucks odds are he’s going to be a buck for life I mean that was the buck slogan that was Mike Evans slogan it’s just really cool to see and I think the Bucks should consider themselves lucky that they’ve had some big-time names in their organization be bucks for life be players that were drafted by this team signed on with this team and have only played for the Buccaneers historic franchises all over have not been able to do that the Lakers arguably the most historic franchise in NBA history yes Kobe was a Laker for his whole career and Magic but Shaq wasn’t Kareem wasn’t obviously LeBron wasn’t um you know the Celtics too like Paul Pierce wasn’t a Celtic for his whole career none of the big three with any of them well we’ll see with this current team um but like I said Brady and grank too even like Joe namoth everyone thinks of him as the Jets like he also played for the Rams things like that it’s I I think everyone’s trying to I think everyone understands the point I’m trying to make it’s very rare that you see it in today’s sports landscape yeah as Christopher oxen says Joe Montana finished with the Chiefs I know it’s really difficult right now with Stephen stamp Coos and what went on but try to appreciate some of the other guys that have been with their Tampa Bay teams for their whole career and everyone can still enjoy when stamp Coast gets his jersey retired by the Bucks by the lightning a couple years yeah and I I think you hit the nail on the head I really like how you connected that from Steven Stam Co to kind of talking about like some of the Buccaneers and just how hard it is across the professional sports landscape to see players with one team their whole career and like you mentioned a lot of the quarterbacks like the greatest ever uh Tom Brady Joe Montana Brett Favre Aaron Rogers like you think of players with just one team but towards the end of the career for one reason or another other teams maybe pay for the name rather than the production and right it really sad to see with uh stamp Coast but at the same time like the lightning also have to navigate the future and uh I believe the guy that they got in his mid 20s compared to Stam Coast being in his 30s now it’s hard to like balance that emotion with the production that you’re maybe going to see out of those players and kind of connecting that back to the Buccaneers Avon David and Mike Evans are still like two of the two of the best players at their respective positions even though they’re entering like their early mid-30s so I think just overall it’s really hard especially in other sports uh like hockey the NBA it seems like every single year Superstars are on different teams so for the Buccaneers there’s just so many players that have been Buccaneers for life that fans should really appreciate it’s really really hard to do and if if it’s not a sure thing for Tom Brady I don’t think it could be a sure thing for anybody like right now people would say you’re crazy if you think uh Patrick Mahomes is going to play for anyone else besides the Chiefs but if Tom Brady could be Expendable to the Patriots and come to the Bucks who knows you know it could turn out that Patrick Mahomes ends up playing for another team late in his career obviously right now that sounds kind of crazy but you never know I’m glad you brought up you know the fact that Mike and Levante have been doing it so well for so long because look at Odell Beckham and look at Mike Evans like they’ve been in the league almost the same amount of time and yeah Odell probably burst on the scene a little bit quicker especially because he played for the Giants and you know Mike was with the Bucks and still is but their career trajectories I mean Odell’s on his last legs yeah he had more in ACL and that plays a lot into it but Odell’s probably done after this season and he’s only signing one-year contracts now because that’s the only way teams will even commit to him Mike just got a brand new contract with a lot of money and still has high expectations where Odell on the Dolphins is just kind of like yeah all right yeah thumbs up maybe you’ll do something for us this year but it’s not really expected you know like he was what the fourth option on the Ravens last year it’s so interesting and injuries play a part and Mike obviously takes care of his body a ton but two guys that were kind of the the face of their teams obviously been in the league for a long time and one guy’s still going still chugging along greatly and it seems like it’s kind of the last stop for Odell Beckham yeah and kind of like the point you mentioned before with like the super chat with lante David if Odell Beckham did that with a smaller Market team and maybe not the Giants is he still like in the NFL getting these chances every year I mean he hasn’t had over 500 receiving yards I think going back to his time with the Browns so it it’s interesting looking at the Buccaneers and it’s like do they just really appreciate their homegrown talent and why they’ve continued to keep them around and pay them because it seems like so many other teams just brush aside the contributions of players while the Buccaneers like they’ve continue to show like trust and faith that these guys will continue to be impactful yeah it’s it’s very very true and then someone also spoke about Winfield and wors and again you want them to be bucks for life the way that they’re playing you kind of expect them to be a buck forever but you just don’t know yeah some people kind of get tired of staying in the same place and they want to try somewhere else or you know if the Bucks aren’t winning by the time Winfield’s new contract is done who knows if he’s going to want to stay now if they are winning and they’re fantastic then they odds are they will maybe they’re winning so much that yeah I don’t think it’s really a world where a left tackle is like Expendable and they’re not going to pay Tristan wors but I don’t know if Winfield becomes more injury-prone as he gets older maybe the Bucks feel like they can kind of move on these are all hypotheticals and scenarios that hopefully never happen and they just stay with the bucks but it’s just it’s just not there’s really not many guarantees there’s there’s no guarantees for really um you know any of these players that’s why you got to enjoy the moment when you’re in it uh regardless of really what it is just like how I always enjoy the moment when I am drinking a Celsius energy drink the official energy drink of and the Peter Report podcast there’s so many awesome flavors of Celsius including their Vibe flavors which consist of the Galaxy Cosmic and Astro you can also go with the tropical the Arctic VI is my personal favorite so tons of great flavors uh there’s no sugar it’s gluten-free it’s a great substitute for coffee in the morning if um you know you’re trying to switch things up a little bit and of course got a lot more variety with um you know with the different flavors of Celsius so if you 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Browns and everyone was like oh my God the Browns are a juggernaut they got Jarvis Landry they got Odell Beckham they’re great friends they were teammates on LSU this is going to be so much better and man it just did not work out between the two of them and Baker really more Odell because jvis Landry stayed on the Browns for a couple of years I think he even outlasted Baker uh know from the time that they were both there together and by the time that they left but kind of crazy that 2019 was so bad but then 2020 became so good for Baker and the Browns and Odell wasn’t really a big part of that 2020 season because he Tor his ACL and I believe only played in like seven games that year or whatever it was yeah I think he uh did tear his ACL in week seven but just kind of looking at it like the Browns had the right idea right to go get that star wide receiver form that one two with Jarvis Landry but Odell was just kind of the wrong number one wide receiver him and Mayfield just never really built that connection like you saw Mayfield build with Mike Evans last year it seemed like right away Evans and Mayfield like just hit it off and Baker had no problem throwing it up to him and Evans had a Bakers Dozen 13 touchdowns so the results kind of spoke for themselves in that regard but with Odell Beckham he was that star wide receiver with the Giants probably was off to like the best start of any wide receiver maybe uh Justin Jefferson now has an argument but it just didn’t click and it’s just such a wh if because if the Browns really got that wide receiver that connected with Mayfield maybe in an alternate universe Mayfield still is on the Browns he got that big contract and 2020 maybe they did take it all the way because the Browns in 2020 had the blueprint they had Odell and Jarvis they had yeah uh chub and Hunt an elite offensive line uh as you mentioned before in talking about the Bucs offensive line Baker throughout his time with the Browns always had a pro bowl offensive lineman Joel bonio one of the best guards in football JC treder Wyatt teller Jack Conlin he always kind of had those guys up front and looking at it now with the Bucks I see the offensive line is being more solidified I think the guys in their post with Worf ski and Mal not having to switch sides this year you just really want to see grah Barton hit the ground running in the left guard position being maybe just slightly more than a Band-Aid but connecting it all back I think it it’s just a what if for Odell because if Odell was just more for Baker like those two really could have been a potent Duo for years to come and that’s why it shows how important chemistry is because they’re both talented guys obviously Odell in his prime and he was at that point an extremely talented wide receiver but when you have two guys that just don’t kind of M together it could be detrimental to the team this isn’t the best example but you think of like the eagles and Donovan McNab and to they were always screaming at each other and they did go to the Super Bowl that first year with to but he didn’t last that much longer with the team because it just it just didn’t work out and you need that between your quarterback and wide receiver probably more than really any other two positions communicating with each other and I think it kind of stands out when whether it’s Todd BS or Jason light when they talk about Baker they say he’s an offensive lineman with a quarterback’s arm or whatever they say he’s got an offensive lineman mentality who plays the quarterback position I wonder because of kind of what you were just talking about with Baker always having a great offensive lineman that’s made a pro bowl or is All Pro I wonder because he had that in Cleveland so much and we could talk about his time with the Panthers and and the Rams momentarily but because he had that with the Browns for such a long time I wonder if that’s why he kind of was able to hit it off so well with the lineman here with the Buccaneers yeah so quickly because remember last year before the start of the Season like they all went on vacation together I can’t remember it was like Bermuda it was some tropical island Y and I’m thinking I mean that’s great for chemistry and that’s awesome and I hope they had the best time ever I’m also thinking Baker’s only been there for a month or two it’s kind of tough not tough but I don’t know like you’re you’ve only known these people for a month and now you’re like hey let’s go on vacation together with our significant others and and we’re all we’re all going to get away for a little bit like that takes quick bonding that takes you know a friendship to escalate positively almost right away and I I wonder if because he relied so much on those offensive linemen in Cleveland especially when things were going going in opposite directions with with the star wide receiver over there that it made it easy for him to get along with you know wors and and get a key in those guys when he came to Tampa that’s really interesting to consider and I I’d argue like yeah I mean when you look at the bond that him and Tristan wors have formed it’s really become like that stepb Brothers like kind of bond and like during the Pro Bowl week those guys like riding roller coasters together like they’re the best of friends and it just seems like at every stop with baker having those quality offensive linemen he kind of really gravitated towards Tristan and some of the other guys there no question about it so as we kind of wrap up Baker’s time with the Browns um he plays through that to partially torn laborum and of course that’s always been kind of the positive and negative Baker he’s tough as Nails he’ll play through anything he wants to play for his guys but when he’s super injured and probably should sit out it hurt him both literally and physically and it cost him his time for you know to be the starter of the Cleveland Brown so he ends up going he ends up getting released and signing with the uh the Panthers did not work out with the Panthers but at the same time not the best cast of characters either yeah so just one more point on Baker’s 2021 with the Browns he really didn’t have a lot of weapons to work with with Odell being released partially like through That season and then Jarvis Landry he was a leading wide receiver he only had like 50 receptions for just over 500 yards and everybody else was worse than that like so Baker really didn’t get a fair Shake in 2021 but going into 2022 the the Panthers plan they were just they were a like Teddy Bridgewater left it was Sam darnold and Baker Mayfield that they brought in they same yeah yeah same draft class same top picks but they weren’t really committed to either and it it wasn’t really a good situation for him in the fact that his head coach got fired five games in uh the interim head coach benched him for PJ Walker so they never really were committed to him it was an organization just mired in instability that maybe is just starting to get on the right track and then he gets a brief cup of coffee with the Rams and what was interesting with the Rams is they were just kind of limping towards the end of the season and they just needed a quarterback to kind of fill in Cooper cup Matthew statford I think Aaron Donal might even got injured too but it it wasn’t really a good situation there and he just had to find a way to put himself back on the map which he did with the Box speaking of uh finding a way everybody I recommend try to find a way to get on to this Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cruise coming up in March right I could do right here nothing like this right here me see p c so high I can them there a my feet St me rolling like a river de let it cuz I know my [Music] soul join the fun with hundreds of Bucks fans on the third annual Tampa Bay Bucks Cruise which sets Sail on March 7th through the 10th in 2 on the beautiful celebrity silhouette ship this is a three- night cruise that begins in Fort Lauderdale and visits Key West and bimy in the Bahamas last year’s Crews had yayad ABI Rashad white Christian izan Luke gety Kate Aon Greg gains Jamal Dean who you saw in that video Super Bowl 37 MVP Dexter Jackson Hall of Famer Warren Sapp Jean deckerhoff and many others even more players are expected next year as well and there’s going to a guest appearance by Derek Brooks there will be photo and autograph opportunities with players raise the flags sailaway party VIP parties with the players special player interviews a water volleyball challenge bucks trivia contest fun games and more reserve your cabin now on the 2025 Tampa Bay Bucks Cruise where drinks including alcohol Wi-Fi and tips are all included with a $200 deposit per person and that’s refundable until August 16 16 so visit Tampa bayb or call 1 800 975 7112 to book your trip that’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers sorry Tampa Bay Bucks or call 1 1800 9757 one one2 uh one thing we have not talked about yet that I want to get to but we also do have a super chat from meets McGee thank you meets McGee for the $2 Super Chat who says cheers to the P report crew just showing love appreciate that we love you too thank you so much for the kind words um but Adam kind of going back to I know we wrapped it up on the Browns but I think the Browns from the tight end position probably had the best duo or players that um that Baker Mayfield got to work with especially with in in joku um who was the other one that signed with them Austin Hooper yes Austin Hooper as well the Rams you could make a case with higgy but he was only there for so little it’s like you know in joku for seasons and Hooper versus Higg for like three or four games yeah I think it’s fair to say that the the Browns were probably his best tight end supporting kid yeah I would definitely agree and it was something that kind of really intrigued me when I was doing research of like just Mayfield’s connections with different players because in 2020 between Austin Hooper David nooku and Harrison Bryant they combined for like 89 receptions almost 900 yards so Baker really had a lot of success finding his tight ends and what intrigues me most kind of going into 2024 is so with K and PNE Durham having Liam Cohen as offensive coordinator it’s kind of intriguing because when Mayfield was with the Rams Tyler higgy had 108 targets like the most targets of anybody and 72 receptions which was second on the team so he knows how to use a tight end Baker knows how to throw to a tight end what does that equate to so then you look at K dton in the playoffs really started to come on was the team’s leading receiver had a big first game against the Eagles had a touchdown against the Lions if he can kind of continue that maybe he doesn’t have to be the the second or third option but if he can just be a really consistent fourth option in this offense he might have his best season yet and then you have a starting tight end and then maybe finding ways to get pay Durham involved with somebody greater than six feet who isn’t Mike Evans to throw the ball to in the end zone so I think with the tight end position there’s a lot of promise there and optimism yeah pay Durham I think is the candidate for a lot of people of like who’s going to take the biggest step forward who’s going to make an impact that you know hasn’t before I think a lot of people have their eye on pay durh for good reasons as well and Kate aen is certainly trending in the right direction with the big games that he had and that’s so important for the Buccaneers because they don’t need him to do that consistently because of Mike and Chris and the running backs and everything like that but it is important to know that he’s capable of it he has that in him because there will be a game this year where you know the the opponent is bracketing Mike andik not going to be able to get the ball and you know maybe they they just have some good coverages the pass rush is working that day and Chris Godwin isn’t having a monster game that you would think would happen when Mike Evans is getting double teamed and bracketed and all that stuff well who else is going to step up yeah it’s kind it kind of goes back to what made the buck so great in 2020 and more specifically 2021 is that you could take out Mike for a little bit you can even take away Chris Godwin but you’re not going to be able to take away the two of them Antonio Brown and Rob gronowski and um you know by the way Leonard forette Lombardi Lenny all all that good stuff so I’m obviously not comparing this current Bucks team with um you know the Antonio Browns and groonos and and and that talented lineup but there is enough to like about this team where if Kate auton takes a step forward if Rashad white continues to be uh allpurpose running back you’re going to see a lot more teams shy off from doubling Mike every single time because you have to account for everybody and Kate aen I think could play a huge role in that and you know Payne Durham granted it’s it’s OTAs like he was making touchdown matches in the red zone and that’s exactly what we all want to see will it happen during training camp we all hope so he’s off to a good start and you know uton very curious for him as well because he’s going to be playing less but less will be more for Kate oton in this situation yeah so less will be more for Kate uton and then also Rashad white so just kind of both of them being able to benefit from maybe less touches but bigger opportunities I think will be crucial and I really like the point that you made in that like opposing defenses may have more of a dilemma containing all the Bucks Playmakers heading into next season because you mentioned if they bracket Mike bracket Chris other guys are going to get opportunities but at the same time if the Bucks have four different players who could really make big plays defenses have to account for it and then it gets to the point you can’t double everybody they have to be in single coverage and that’s what made the Bucks offense in 2020 and 2021 like so potent so high scoring just because Mike Evans is on one side Antonio Brown’s in the slot they’re running five wide what are the uh defens is going to do so you might see a little bit more of that this season which will be really interesting because Baker Mayfield in 20 20 like he was just connecting with everybody with the Browns he may be doing that again with the buck and that’s why you hope that Jaylen McMillan you know Comes Out Swinging as that wide receiver three and it kind of hits the ground running right away and Bucky Irving can be impactful and Kate aen can take a step forward because it’s one thing to have the one-two punch with Mike and Chris and that’s obviously going to be most important but there’s a difference between just having options and knowing you have a legitimate third target right like every team has a third and fourth and fifth option but I want Kate a to turn into a legit Target this year not just a hey he’s around I want Jaylen McMillan to be a legit Target a guy that you know maybe doesn’t I want him to like be on the graphic when it’s like Mike Evans and Chris Godwin facing the Saints defense like I watch Jen McMillan on that graphic when ESPN or NBC or Fox or whoever is uh you know is promoting this game so and McMillan’s going to get those opportunities early because you’re going to say all right rookie let’s see what you can do so he will get one-on-one matchups Will he win them that remains to be seen But there is a great chance for whether it’s jayen McMillan or Bucky Irving to make an impact right away which is very difficult to do really on any team and any offense in the league but especially for like Marvin Harrison is going to get a ton of targets because the Cardinals don’t have other wide receivers Jay McMillan does not have that luxury now maybe that’ll help him in the long run because he can kind of focus on different things without having all the pressure but you know if again if this is fantasy football probably taking Marvin Harrison Jr before I take Jaylen McMillan though Jaylen McMillan could be a very nice sleeper uh in a later round this year yeah and you mentioned like all those guys like five six weapons not even Trey Palmer like Tre Palmer AEP threat and somebody that can create a lot of instant offense kind of like Bucky Irving just kind of being that change of pace offering a dynamic none of the other wide receivers have and so with all those weapons I mean this really just kind of connects everything that we’ve said back to Baker Mayfield probably having the Best Supporting Cast yeah I would say so um if I was building a super team of like Baker Mayfield former teammates I think you got to bucks wide receivers Browns running backs Browns running backs the offensive line is tough I mean it is he had Baker’s best receivers are right now but I think everything else is kind of pretty much the Browns yeah just put mors in there right yeah because if we’re taking the whole offensive line we can only go by what Baker had last year in Tampa Bay versus what he had with the Browns so skill position wise it’s it’s mostly just um um mostly just wide receiver for the bucks kind of Browns everything else maybe you want to mix in the Rams in there anyway we’ve got a 499 Super Chat from Justin thank you very much Justin for this 499 Super Chat remember we got a lot of comments and stuff so we can’t get to every single one but if you Super Chat us we make sure we get to it ASAP um Justin says Should I stick with the Bucks I feel like the 2020 NFC Championship game against the Packers I feel like we lost and can you give me an honest answer well I mean should you stick with the Bucks yeah absolutely they’re in a pretty good spot they just resigned Baker they just resigned Mike they have a young core on defense I mean yeah Levon David’s been in the league for a very long time but yeah Antoine mfield Jr is just hitting in his prime and was an all pro safety um yayad diabi and kija cany the one two punch there um could make the defensive line great for quite a while I think and remember the Bucks have the longest consecutive streak of making the playoffs so I think he should definitely definitely stick with the Bucks as far as the 2020 NFC Championship game I know where you’re coming from because the Bucks jumped out to a huge lead and the Packers came back and then stupidly is it Mike or Matt laflor that was the coach or is uh Matt LEF mattor Michael Flor was the uh offensive coordinator for the Jets a couple years ago Matt Flor stupidly deciding to kick a field goal instead of um instead of going for the win on Fourth goal was kind of a crazy move so did the Bucks kind of get bailed out with that a little bit but you also have to remember if Rogers and the Packers score there the Bucks are still going to have a good amount of time with at least a time out or two left to go down and I think they would have just needed to kick a field goal to tie it up so either the Bucks defense gets the stop or um the Packers score but then the Bucks can go and and try to tie it up or or take the lead so yeah it was a stupid stupid decision by laflor especially with having all the timeouts and everything and it was kind of silly to be like we’re GNA put the ball in Tom Brady’s hands and and hopefully we stop him and the Bucks were able to get a first down and and uh you know run out the clock for the rest of the game but I I wouldn’t say that you should feel like the Bucks lost cu they went out and dismantled the Chiefs in the Super Bowl it’s very very difficult to win a football game especially in the postseason so uh you shouldn’t feel sorry for the Packers making a dumb decision because the buckser Super Bowl chance Champs and they’ve made the playoffs ever since so yeah I would jump ship on the Bucks and then the next game was so much more convincing against the Chiefs it was a Todd Bulls master class in the Super Bowl and just kind of answering the question you definitely should stick with the box I mean it’s a team that like you mentioned all the talent that they have but also just such a stable front office that you can rely on to make really good moves and not bad decisions and I think that really speaks volumes and how they were able to navigate post Tom Brady to still being a playoff team I think that says a lot and kind of looking towards the future with all the players being locked up there’s a lot to like for the Buccaneers heading into the upcoming Seasons Matt I did want to get to before the end of the show uh going back to roll call uh a couple of the oh let’s do it up yeah so we got Richard Soka hey Richard watching from Honolulu Hawaii on vacation hope you’re enjoying your vacation uh hammy from Apollo Beach uh clig from Dublin Ireland uh guttin Abend Zoo Tobias Stark bucks Germany um munchin is in the house and Jeremy Corp Syracuse New York free Sean Tucker all right got a Sean Tucker fan in the building yeah good to have his support yeah appreciate everybody for roll call once again great turnout um Justin followed that up with well I love the Bucks and then I just want to know what to expect I would expect a team that is g to be hovering around 10 wins this year I would expect a team that should make the playoffs I’m not gonna say win the division but I think should reach the postseason so that’s what I would uh expect for the Buccaneers this year now um when you are buying a home you should be expecting the best and there is no better person to work with than then Eric Rose and the Eric Rose realy group the official realy group of Peter takes a full team effort to win a football game and it takes a full team effort to win in real estate the Eric gross group has done hundreds of transactions in this crazy real estate market and has the experience in all types of situations uh with their strong team of vendors and a network of over 85,000 agents the Eric Rose group will turn your dream of buying or selling a home into a reality their clients are not just transactions they are lifelong friendships so don’t let the stress of buying or selling a home keep you out of the game uh you can find Eric gross in the Eric gross group on Facebook and Instagram at Eric gross group check out their website at houses give them a call at 513 907 4271 that’s 513 97427 no matter where you are in your home ownership Journey you’ll feel welcome with the Eric Rose group the official realy group of by the way on tomorrow’s show we will be making bold predictions about the bucks for the 2024 season see how many of them come true maybe we’ll uh you know try to remember them and then when the season gets done we’ll be like oh hey you went two for 10 or four for five or whatever it may be so we’re gonna make some bold predictions on the Buccaneers for tomorrow and of course uh if you’re not already doing so please follow us on all of our social media on X Instagram Facebook we are at P report and our YouTube channel is p Report TV where we got uh tons of content and the podcast four times a week a little scheduling note on that it is the Fourth of July weekend coming up on obviously Thursdays the Fourth of July so we’re only doing three shows this week Monday Tuesday and Wednesday U and then obviously the Fourth of July is on uh the 4th so that’s going to do it for us on today’s show quick shout out happy birthday to my dad very happy birthday to you and uh yeah appreciate all the Peter people on today’s show that’s going to do it for us so for Adam slavon I’m Matt Mata saying thanks everybody for watching we’ll see you tomorrow at 4M for another edition of the pter report podcast oh oh

The Bucs have surrounded quarterback Backer Mayfield with several weapons on offense. Is it the best group of players that he’s had to work with in his career?
Pewter Report will discuss it.

Energized by Celsius

#GoBucs #BakerMayfield #BuccaneersFootball

  1. Mayfield had one decent season and management gave him the most absurd contract that's imaginable. No Bucs quarterback; including Brady has ever been offered a contract anywhere near it.
    Mayfield ahould have been offered a reasonable contract and told to take it or leave it. Giving a player money they haven't earned yet is not a good idea.

  2. He needs another Offensive Lineman or two, and possibly another RB. I am waiting to see Bucky Irving and the rest of this new Rookie Class. Lord knows Licht is a wizard at personnel so if he has as much luck with this class as he has with the last few we should be in great shape.

  3. This is probably Baker's best supporting cast overall since his days in Oklahoma I feel he has better receivers in Tampa but he also had Joe mixon semaji perine at RBs and Mark Andrews at TE

  4. If part of the "Cast" includes his OC, this is definitely his best supporting cast. Last season was his first in an NFL system designed with his skill-set in mind. Now he has that again, plus hopefully a better O-line and at least SOME running attack.

  5. Kudos to you guys for pointing out what Baker was up against trying to succeed with the ridiculously bad HCs, and OCs he had in Cleveland. IMO, bad (and ever-changing) coaches just about erases having good players. Bad systems DON'T win.

  6. I've heard Odell Beckham brag about how well he adlibs his routes. Could it be that Mayfield is more of a "timing pattern" QB, who needs to have his target zigg when he's supposed to zigg and zagg when he's supposed to zagg?

  7. The season will depend on how productive the running game is. If it can be top 15 then the Bucs will be in double digits for wins and be able to contend for the Super Bowl. The play action passing would be outstanding.

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