Miami Dolphins Offensive Line Room Breakdown | Training Camp Battles

Miami Dolphins Offensive Line Room Breakdown | Training Camp Battles

we are back people what’s up going through more training camp previews breaking down some players but really you know we gone through the D line the tight ends the safeties the receivers now we’re going to the o line which is a little bit different because you know all these groups you know we were watching some guys fight for you know their roster spots but you know the o line we’re going to watch some people fight for roster spots but also talk about who’s going to win some of the starting spots cuz those aren’t aren’t locked in either especially on the interior uh definitely an interesting group lots of players to run through here so you know we’ll get through as many as possible at least the guys that you know I have a good grasp on as players uh you know the guys who are definitely going to be around so we’ll definitely get in to all of that I got you know some clips pulled up on different players at least you know get through some of them and I also want to talk about like roster construction because I’ve talked about this before but when it comes to like the offensive side of the ball you can keep an extra guy I think at one spot and I’ve been saying I would do that at offensive line just consider ing injuries considering the talent at the position the Dolphins have I would rather keep that extra body at the offensive line like keep a fifth tackle like Keon Smith and you can also keep Kendall lamb obviously and then you can keep your normal numbers at receiver running back tight end uh instead of keeping that extra body but we’ll see how it all plays out I mean injuries play uh you know a factor in all of that too but we’ll let people get in here uh let people share their thoughts things like that let me just pull it up make sure I’m good um okay [Music] here what’s up what’s up and okay everything looks pretty oh flashbang everything looks pretty good yeah we’re live we’re live we’re live nice um I guess we can just talk about Armstead first cuz you know don’t have to spend too much time on Armstead definitely the best player on the Dolphins offensive line his biggest problem is obviously staying healthy he did say this is like the healthiest he’s ever felt at this part of like the offseason which is good thing so obviously him staying healthy is always a big help a big boost to the offense you can always super rely on him he’s a great scheme fit super athlete like great veteran presence uh really his only downside as a player is he is his availability like he doesn’t play a full season so if we get like a majority of games out of him I think that’s pretty good I do feel better about the tackle spots anyways when it comes to like the starters and the depth because at right tackle you know they have Austin Jackson who stepped up last year arms set at left tackle and then I think they have pretty solid depth across the board um we’ll let people swing through here you know drop some comments down below let me go let me see you know when people are in here how you guys are doing what’s up um but yeah arm said just super veteran super Nuance player too he’s very fun especially like some of his old film is so good too cuz he’s like one of the best like when it comes to like snatching people in the game like that snap snatch and trap technique really understands how to use his hands uh it’s always you know like in him and Tua have a lot of respect for each other which is cool too so Armstead in the room don’t need to spend too much time talking about Dr Armstead but obviously a luck obviously a starter biggest question marks with him is staying healthy and that’s why I was saying like some of the offensive linemen have some injury problems I think you keep that extra instead of keeping N9 o line cuz a lot of teams keep nine if they’re going to keep an extra body on somewhere across the o line or across the whole offense I’d rather keep like a 10th offensive lineman than like a seventh receiver or an extra running back or an extra tight end uh personally uh yeah and then we can go to who should we go to next let’s go to Austin Jackson actually Austin Jackson kind of the breakout player of last year you know obviously Dolphins drafted him in the first round I think it was 18th overall four years ago still very young I think the biggest thing about it is like they drafted him when he was 20 years old I mean first of all look at him moving out in space getting after Ron Smith I think one this system has really helped him out cuz last year was really his first chance to play in the McDaniel system because he barely played uh during McDaniel’s first season because of injuries um he’s always had like a nasty type of play style not the strongest player but when he’s moving forward he’ll go after it in the running game or out in the screen game like we just saw but he really improved just in pass protection overall consistency I think the scheme definitely helped him there like just all around keeping like making his job making his job much easier you know he really got to show his stuff right away in the Chargers game going one-onone vers Bosa a lot like I had a lot of reps uh really good hand usage there winning the hand fights really like the improvements that Austin Jackson show I got to give him a lot of respect they got him on a pretty nice contract too when you look at him compared to other tackles around the league uh with that midseason uh extension that they gave him so lots of props to him he’s still very young so I think he’s like 25 26 uh going into like his second contract which is really good or might even be what is Austin Jackson’s age I think he’s 25 let me look it up real quick cuz I think they dropped him when he was like 20 he was on like that 2021 uh range right there so I’m typing with one hand he’s 24 okay he’s 24 and he he’ll turn 25 in like about a little over a month yeah damn he’s so young that’s crazy that’s actually insane uh but yeah Jackson’s an absolute stud like really he is like he still has some things to work on but like he improved so much and I got to give him all the credit like cuz he was one of those guys that I think Dolphins fans kind of just gave up on because usually after three years it’s like okay it’s over but when he was drafted he was very young there were some things he was working through I remember can’t remember exactly what it was but I know uh it was like some bone thing with his sister or something that he had to like transfer over I can’t remember remember exactly what it was but yeah definitely happy for Austin Jackson definitely one of the better stories of last season I don’t know how many people are in here but oh we’ll just keep running it through that’s a lot of the Austin Jackson clips Let’s see we can I have some more here actually here versus some some Washington Clips just a lot of isolated they do a lot of those like play action stuff too to really you know help him get isolated one-on-one looks he just became a lot better with this hands he need got a lot uh he he played with better play strength too and just showed better recovery overall which I think is big for him uh winning as one of ones passing off that stunt there was is nice work really aggressive with it too we go back and actually take a look at that um like you really want to send him to Your Right Guard cuz you know your guy is crashing down so really help Your Right Guard there and then get out of it boom stay Square stay patient love that work out of Jackson just’s a lot of things to be excited about with him feel pretty confident when it comes to your tackle position overall we talked about the starters now with Armstead and Austin left tackle right tackle pretty Quality Group when you have think about it armstead’s still one of the better players in the league just kind of struggles to stay healthy and Jackson is kind of a young ascending player that uh proved that he can play better as it you know as it goes on um but yeah I feel good about Jackson uh The Tackle group overall we might as well just go through the whole tackles um Kendall lamb the I would say Kendall Lamb’s like your next tackle he’s your main swing tackle it’s his last season uh cuz he even said like this would be his last season he’ll he’ll retire after this but he’s he’s a reliable swing tackle he did his job pretty well he’s also has good left tackle and right tackle versatility like he can play both spots so of Jackson or uh arms had gone down he’s proven to be a pretty solid reliable guy especially in pass protection wouldn’t say he’s like the greatest run Blocker of all time but he gets the job done uh not too much to say there I think another reason I’ve said about keeping like 10 offensive lining cuz I think that’s how you keep Keon Smith and Kendall lamb cuz you want to keep five um tackles and then you keep four guards and then your Center and then ikenberg would be a guard SL Center um and then Keon Smith would replace lamb as your swing tackle next season while Patrick Paul is supposed to be you know your future left tackle when Armstead potentially retires in the next season or two as well so keeping Keon Smith around is important I’m a huge fan of Keon Smith um I’m still hold on let me see blocked the chat’s blocked right now um there okay I’m still on the fence letting lamb go in favor Smith for the future if you only keep for tackles yeah I think that’s a tough call that’s why I’ve been saying like if there’s a position you keep that extra body at personally for me I would have it be at o line keeping 10 instead of nine cuz a lot of o line injuries happen it’s happened in the past it’s also probably your weakest group when you think about especially the interior like your whole offensive line group is probably your weakest group compared to the rest of the offense so I I don’t mind keeping Keon and Kendall um because obviously they’re going to like you’re not you just draft to Patrick Paul so he’s obviously going to be there but how much are you expecting him to play in year one who knows see but to me you just keep two quarterbacks keep two quarterbacks and you keep that extra offensive line that’s where that’s where I would add like the extra spot too and Keon’s a dog really improved still pretty young too he can be your swing tackle of the future uh when he came out of college he was pretty raw but has shown a lot of improvement like he’s a really good athlete has like your ideal length he’s really only a tackle only like like Kendall lamb Austin Jackson um Keon Smith teron Armstead Patrick Paul all five of those tackles are tackle only players like none of them really have guard versatility in my opinion um which kind of sucks some of the other players though like uh like Jack Driscoll can play tackle and guard he’s done in the past I guess ikenberg has played tackle in the past but I would not play him there I feel like Driscoll is probably the only one that I could see playing like all the way across the board like every spot Isaiah win too has tackle uh experience uh but he’s definitely better at guard um do you keep wide or Skyler I mean to be honest as you said I’m not thrilled with either either either either um I think Mike White is like slightly better but like if Skyler and him are pretty even I’d rather just keep Skyler because I think you could save money on getting rid of white um but also you have to think do they think they could get Skyler who’s more likely do they think they can get on the practice squad you know cuz you keep one on the practice squad and then you can Elevate them whenever you want uh so that could also play a factor into it and I I don’t I don’t really know to be honest I feel like teams would probably pick up Mike White as like a backup I think I could see Skyler getting through Iber tackle D are over oh yeah Iber cannot play I’m just saying he played tackle in college but he cannot play tackle at the next level also Hardison is intriguing at quarterback but yeah right back to the o line talked about lamb really yeah big fan of Cam Smith length ideal length athleticism uh plays with good play strength just and still could work on his hands too like hand placement and timing and all of that uh could still become more consistent he has improved though I like the Improvement he showed in those area made a lot of videos breaking down ke so people can check that out if they want to see um all my stuff on Keon cuz I’m a huge fan of Keon Smith definitely one of my favorite underrated guys on the roster um the only problem is I do think if like if they he is on like the roster bubble like he still has to fight for a spot he is not guaranteed and I do think if he gets cut he showed enough in the regular season last year and in the preseason last year where I think he gets claimed like I feel like teams would be pretty stupid to let him go unclaimed good day I love your videos and takes on the players oh I appreciate that Michael um just love watching film definitely big passion of mine is just going through I feel like I’ve watched so I’ve watched a lot of these players so many times I’ll probably do another o line breakdown soon I might do one on Driscoll because we’ll get to the Driscoll uh here in a second but to finish up the tackles we talked about all the tackles except Patrick Paul which people know my opinion on Patrick Paul def I mean I haven’t talked about him in a while he is a player I am excited to see in the preseason though because I want to see there’s been any signs of improvement I think that is good you know he’s still young uh he’s a good athlete not a great athlete in my opinion he’s not like an elite athlete like he’s got great size like his size is insane and I think for his size he’s a pretty good athlete uh which to me gives him some decent upside but I just don’t have his high as upside as other people because I think other people see him as like an elite athlete Elite Physical with his size I don’t quite see that on film but cuz he does lack a lot of the tech technical ability so he needs a lot of development I don’t expect to see much of him in year one but in year two I think you know he could see some playing time we’ll see how that all ends up playing out uh but to me when you really would expect to see the jump would be year three uh if that does happen but he’s not the player I’m highest on to be honest I don’t want to you know lie uh definitely because that’s how you know I felt pre-draft about uh Paul coming out of Houston he was really sloppy when it came to you know uh his hand plays has been his footwork all of that over lunging uh he has some dominant reps but they were just very you know few and far in in between so uh it’s not a bad upside pick not the pick I would have made but with your tackle room right now uh he does not have to really be forced into playing time but I am interested to see how he looks in preseason and see you know what Butch Barry can do with him and I do have some faith in [ __ ] Barry cuz he showed I feel like every player last year that could that needed Improvement on the o line that we saw like at least you know like Austin Jackson even players like Keon Smith you watched Keon Smith the previous preseason he looked like you know just pedestrian out there there’s nothing to really talk about but Keon Smith improved ikenberg improved even uh even someone like Lester cotton who I don’t think is good and should not make the team looked better than he did in the past so like people were improving across the board like Isaiah win looked better better than he ever did at New England so those are all big pluses in my opinion um yeah that’s the tackles let’s go into we’ll go to the centers next Aaron Brewer now I know some I feel like people are actually kind of mixed on Brewer um I actually have very high hopes for Brewer I’m actually feel like I’m probably one of the higher people on Brewer when it comes to him in this cuz I just think his fit is ideal like if you could have found Brewer the best fit for him schematically it would have been this Dolphins offense it’s exactly what they need like I think Connor Williams going down last year actually hurt the Dolphins pretty dramatically um when especially when it came to the running game like consistency wise like the Dolphins needed a center that has this lateral range like it’s definitely the most important at Center I think in this system cuz at guard they kind of got away you just have to think of alignment going left and right like you didn’t always need your guards like you don’t always ask them to like cut people off uh especially when it was like you know some playside runs on backside of runs they definitely had to uh cut people off a decent amount uh but definitely feel confident confident with him at Center in the syst like the super athlete he’s going to help the running game so much on a consistency level if FS exactly what they’re going to do you’re going to see players like aan moster Feast on you know those outside SE Gap runs could be tosses move him out in space he’s also great as a you know out in spaces like on screens and stuff like that which the Dolphins love to do uh or whether it’s like reverses they ask their Center to move a lot I think you know he’s going to help a lot that era and I know people have questions about his pass protection his pass protection does need work but I don’t think it’s as bad as people have made it out to be overall um and I think the system I think one thing people don’t think about is the system he’s coming into if you watch Tennessee their quarterbacks held on to the ball a very long time compared to what Tua does so that will just help his pass protection out like a lot right away just from Tua getting the B rid of the ball quickly and you also have to think of the system the center gets a lot of help and pass protection it’s a lot of play action it’s a lot of sliding not a lot of true one-on ones for the center within this scheme team so I’m not too worried about the pass protection stuff cuz they can be he can be protected very very easily uh if that’s what McDaniel wants so definitely not to worri about that but I think he will help out the running game so much like I he’s out here diving at people but he cuts people off he’s just such a natural mover and even when he’s got straight base block people down the field like he’ll you know he’ll play with some nastiness like he’s undersized but he has a nastiness in the Run game look at his hips getting across people cutting them off doing it like it’s nothing getting to the next level and cutting linebackers off on these toss plays and this is from the Tennessee where they ran a lot of outside Zone they run so much outside Zone as well like oh like this play is insane bro like Center is like this is a 2i and you know you got to reach the two ey definitely a tough ask for centers on the play side of this you know lead toss um and he just gets it instantly instantly Cuts him off takes a perfect angle to the point of attack and that’s exactly what you want in this system just creating so much space uh so I love this signing I think it’s like the ideal signing for the Dolphins at this position uh hopefully he can stay healthy I think he’s had some injuries through OTAs and hasn’t practiced much so we’ll see how that ends up playing out and then really your backup center I guess I guess that’s ikenberg unfortunately okay let me see I can see chubs 53 so going no l in the beginning giving offense 26 players yeah that’s a decent Point Brewer size deceptive plays a lot bigger yeah he definitely plays tough especially in the running game like um I think he work on his anchor and pass protection but like he’s going to go out there and try to bully you uh definitely has that mentality I think it’s similar to Jackson like Austin Jackson was never the the biggest most powerful guy but he did go out there and Bully some people in the running game even when he wasn’t uh the best but yeah lots of confidence I think there I feel pretty good about the starting spots that tackle and the depth that tackle and then I feel good about the starting center not the depth at Center though don’t feel great about the depth at Center um and now let’s get into the guard group because we’ll go you know Liam is in that guard group but also kind of the backup center at this point got Isaiah win Robert Jones Jack Driscoll I guess we could throw you know Lester cotton theyve had some other bodies here in the mix um but we’ll start with Isaiah win because I think Isaiah win is the most likely of those guys to win a starting job I feel pretty about him being the starting left guard now he does also have an injury history that’s like the biggest problem with the Z line they just have injury histories across the board uh pretty much everyone wi has wi similarly similarly to armet has struggled to like play a full season throughout his career he looked very good in the Dolphins offense last year um here let me run through some wind Clips I think I actually yeah I posted this one on Twitter um doesn’t look great quality but I actually think the Dolphins Miss missed him pretty a lot last year when he got hurt cuz like look how often they would slide protection away from him and isolate him on a defensive tackle um and he just won his 101s cuz he was great in pass protection as a run blocker I think you know there’s some stuff to be desired that wasn’t holding on him someone kept telling me that was holding on him no that was a face mask penalty um but you know he’s a good athlete so he gets the job done on some outside Zone calls but he’s not much of a mover as a run blogger but in pass protection man look at him just constantly isolated whether they slide protection away showing off anchor he has great feet to mirror and match good hand placement resetting this hurt the offense so much so much more than people think when he went away cuz the left guards behind him they could not do this as much so it changed up some of the play calling Tua wasn’t able to be as comfortable in the pocket I feel like you know some of the stuff got stale offensively like they kind of had to run some of the same stuff get rid of the ball even quicker than they wanted to which hurt them so I think having at left guard helps out the offense especially the passing game and he’ll get the job done on like those tosses and stuff cuz he is very athletic like he’ll cut people off I just don’t think when he has to like straight up Square someone up base block you know down block someone he’s going to be create much movement I don’t really think that’s his style of game uh but I was I was a fan of the Isaiah wi signing like I always feel like there’s these other fan bases like Patriots fans said Isaiah win was there Liam mikenberg and then I was watching the film like this guy’s much better than Liam mikenberg like uh and Fitz the scheme perfectly I feel like scheme fit like Cowboys fans said Conor Williams wasn’t going to be good uh and end up being one of the best centers on the Dolph fense uh Broncos fans were saying Butch Barry was going to be a horrible o line coach that’s why I feel like I I just don’t even listen to other fan bases anymore because a change of C can really help out a player and I think Isaiah win ended up in the perfect situation for him hopefully he stays healthy but when healthy I have pretty solid confidence in him as a left guard within this system specifically in pass protection uh but you do do need depth Armstead wind Brewer AG are absolute locks my mind I have Ike as the leader for Right Guard but definitely not a lock yeah right guard is definitely the biggest question mark I would say I agree pretty much locks across the board I think wi is the only one that’s maybe not a lock from injury I don’t know what he’s returning to but he is like if he’s healthy like I think he’s fairly locked up at the left guard spot um and I will say this I do think the Right Guard spot I think cuz I think the rest of the players ikenberg Robert Jones and Driscoll they’re all more right guards than left guards which I think you know plays a part in that too uh they all fit more of that right guard spot I think Liam could probably is someone who’s kind of you know done both but Driscoll’s played mostly Right Guard right tackle and then Robert Jones I think is better at Right Guard than left guard plus his play style fits the right guard position more um but we’ll talk we’ll talk about ikenberg next Liam another one of those players who I think you know the fan base is seen in a similar fashion to what Austin Jack Jackson was last year before his breakout season don’t have a lot of confidence he was another guy I didn’t really like that pick I I love the 2021 draft uh I Wadd Phillips Holland were all probably my favorite players to watch at their positions I didn’t love the ikenberg pick I remember I either wanted Creed Humphrey or Jeremiah wuor MOA which I think would have been better picks both of them um I think ikenberg fine his depth personally I wouldn’t start him at Right Guard I think he has a chance to win the starting Right Guard spot because if you know that draft position I think rear still really likes him um I just don’t think he’s the greatest scheme fit like he does a decent job in the running game but he’s not the greatest athlete like he’ll cut people off I think he does a good job understanding leverage positioning things like that definitely more comfortable with him at guard than Center like he uh played better at Center later on in the season but still was not great um so if he has to be a depth guy that’s fine with me uh personally don’t want him starting if he has to start a couple of games I think you can live with that but the whole season uh I he would have to make a huge jump which I do think he will be better I want to say this I do think if he does play he will be better cuz he was showing Improvement last year and he was playing through injuries at the end of the year which I think you know hurt him a bit and like really only his his worst games came when he like first came back in like when he that first game against Buffalo at Center he was awful like God awful then after that he played uh much more consistent there was the I think the first game against the Jets actually he actually played really well um and then the might have been the Washington game I think he played decent as well um but yeah just a guy I would prefer to be as a backup but yeah I could see him being the Right Guard I think really all those spots are for grabs uh when it comes to ikenberg Robert Jones Driscoll but I kind of see ikenberg and Robert Jones in the same senses they’re kind of I think ikenberg is actually a better fit for the Dolphins offense when it comes to like run blocking because he does a really good job of cutting people off like on those outside Zone those tosses least on the back side or play side like he really does understand positioning and leverage and I would say his first step laterally is actually pretty good like he’s not the greatest athlete I think robertt Jones I actually like Robert Jones as a death guy I think he’s always stepped up and played pretty solidly for the Dolphins and I got to give him a lot of respect for that like coming out of nowhere but I do think he is probably a better fit in like those Gap scheme systems like he has more of that power Ness play style which I like and I do think Right Guard is the position you can kind of get away with that in the dolphin system uh they kind of value the athleticism kind of more at all the other spots at Right Guard they do like Robert hunt who was a good athlete but was always more of that nastiness play style so I do think that’s why Robert Jones fits into more of that power move people guys uh they want more of that like super athlete at Center they valued that more but I do think uh he’s still in the running I like him more as a depth guy I like him more than ikenberg personally as well um and yeah having him around pretty solid he’ll go out there uh get his job done I think he’s a guy that could play left guard and Right Guard pretty solid guard depth though in my opinion he’s another guard depth same as ikenberg uh but ikenberg can be Center and guard depth and then um um ikenberg did play really injured the last for was very impactful yep uh he was definitely he definitely looked injured and he talked about like he probably shouldn’t been playing um which hurt but I do think he’ll be better than people expect but I still don’t think like he is a a starter level player I think at best he’ll be like a lowlevel starter like that’s like the ceiling in my opinion for I ber like a lowl starter but to me I think I see him as like a solid depth guy and then Driscoll I’ve talked about dra Jack Driscoll a lot I’m actually a fan of Driscoll within this offense I kind of see him in the same uh vein as Isaiah win except he’s a Right Guard instead of a left guard um within this offense like he has he in 2021 he played Right Guard for Philadelphia uh he spent the last few season as their swing tackle playing like right tackle when Lane Johnson goes down playing some left tackle too so he has experience you know playing um in those games or you know at that position so he can be like a swing tackle if that’s what they needed but he’s definitely in the running I think for a guard spot he actually was a pretty good guard back in 221 when he had to play that and he’s a very good athlete definitely better in pass protection than he is as a run blocker so I wonder if that is what maybe they value more the pass protection at the left guard spot and maybe they want more of a mer at the Right Guard spot so maybe that’s why they would end up going with Robert Jones un or ikenberg at Right Guard so they slide protection you know away and you know let wi work that left guard spot but maybe Driscoll can if wi goes down Driscoll could play that left guard spot and fill in for that role that wi has played you know cuz I do think wi and Driscoll are kind of similar you could start them both feel pretty comfortable in pass protection and slide your protection to both sides make them both get their one-on ones because they’re both really good athletes they have really good mirror and match ability great Fe like Driscoll’s range is really good I do think like his play strength needs some work um not much of like he’s going to move people he is a good mover like he’ll cut people off in the running game he can do some pulling stuff too uh but I kind of lean towards him as the starting Right Guard but I could see I really could see that that spot going either way um yeah propes for the play to hit the like button yeah hit the hit the like button I don’t even know what the like I don’t even see what the stream right now so I don’t know what what it’s looking like but you know if you guys have questions you know leave them down below we can talk about it uh but yeah that’s how I feel I mean what do you guys think about uh the guard spots do you feel like Isaiah win is pretty much a l out left guard and then like Right Guard who who do you guys feel right now because I don’t feel like anyone has a super confident opinion about Right Guard right now um didn’t Drisco play all five positions in Philly as well I think he I think i’ I’ve definitely seen him play both tackle spots and Right Guard I think he might have played some left guard too um I don’t know about Center but apparently they were working didn’t wasn’t Driscoll working at Center while someone was hurt or something they were like they were giving him some snaps yeah I think he’s a pretty versatile guy that that helps um and I could see that being a reason why maybe he doesn’t start is because he’s more like Isaiah win and they want guards left guard and Right Guard to be kind of different players with different skill sets and then maybe if someone goes down on the anterior Driscoll would be that first guy to be like oh he can play left guard Right Guard Center if you really wanted him to um I do like the Drisco pick up whether he has to start or beat depth um because I do think he’s a good scheme fit and at least depthwise I think you know he’s a guy that’s versatile and uh is going to give you at least something better than some of these other dep guys and could potentially be a better starter than like Robert Jones and ien bger Right Guard cuz he did look pretty good at Right Guard on some of the the plays I watch from his 2021 stuff which I might go back and just break down him starting at R guard CU I think that would be pretty interesting um within Philly like he looked good at Right Guard I think I’m pretty sure PFF had I don’t really care too much for PFF but I’m pretty sure PFF had him rated pretty highly and I think sometimes he could like at tackle when he played as a swing tackle he could struggle more out in space it’s something Isaiah wind kind of struggled with too like being more constricted area at guard made him even better imp pass protection and then uh it allowed him you know in the running game to you know be a little more of a a cut off guy you know be more used as a puller kick people out not used much as like you know a square people up and drive but definitely some of the the Right Guard stuff was was pretty good um so okay arm said wind Iber for scen Paul lamb Keon just we carry line use just my guess right okay not a bad guess um let me look at the edge spot for the Qui we have we have Phillips chub obviously but if chub starts on an IR which I think is likely you have Phillips Barrett chop and then probably mamara and that’s four right Philips chop Shack do you do you just roll with four edges in is that what you’re saying or do you keep like um you keep a guy like you know cam good good or do you keep Grayson Murphy as a udfa they have some other bodies there like Quinton Bell um you just keep four edges initially or do you still keep five because I wouldn’t mind keeping Grace and Murphy around if they’re going to put chub on the IR but I guess you could roll with four cuz in the Raven system I’m pretty sure they used mostly a three-man rotation at starters like they rotated like a they had a fiveman rotation at D tackle but they mainly just used like a thre man rotation at Edge yep those four edges okay yeah I think you you could get away with four edges for a few games plus you might be able to keep some of these guys in the practice squad like uh like they kept Quinton Bill Quinton Bell in the practice last year maybe Cameron good but he’s coming off an injury I do like Grayson Murphy a lot I don’t I don’t know if he’ll make the practice squad but I would be a big fan of him staying around yeah those are the oh clicking buttons I’m not supposed to do okay yeah those are the the O lineman pretty much that I want to talk about about like the at least some of the star we’ll go into some of the depth guys that probably won’t make the roster but don’t mind keeping the’s practice squad Ryan Hayes seventh run pick last year actually kind of surprised me coming out of Michigan he played tackle at Michigan but I actually thought he would be more of a guard just due to like his size athleticism skill set at the next level but he actually looked pretty solid in the preas and at tackle the Dolphins just couldn’t keep him around and then they cut him right and then he went somewhere else I think he went to tenness and then Tennessee ended up cutting him as well after they claimed him and the Dolphins got him back back on the practice squad which I think is pretty good uh keeping Ryan Hayes on the practice squad I think he’s would probably be my first choice out of the these guys to keep on the practice squad because you know you Dro him the seventh rounder he actually looked pretty reliable in preseason he kind of looked like like him and Kon Smith were probably the surprises to me at preseason last year I’m like oh Ryan Hayes actually looked pretty solid at left tackle in his reps which you know it’s preseason so it’s nothing crazy but he looked look just better than I was expecting uh sealer Campbell tart Jones Harris gallamore um Phillips Brooks long Walker Brown and tentes that’s my defense to start front to start the season okay so Seer kellart Jones Harris gallamore so you’re keeping let me look okay so you’re keeping Harris over hand okay I think that’s you know I’m not mad about that I think that one could go either way Harris versus hand and then you’re keeping let’s see Brooks long Walker agreed and then you’re going to keep cam Brown for special teams over like Tindle and Duke Riley I wouldn’t be mad about that either I don’t know much about I haven’t seen cam Brown play I know he’s a good special teamers but I don’t know any film on him but I do think uh keeping one of those guys like a special teamers plus Camron does have an intriguing I know he has a like really interesting like length athleticism skill set so if he did have to play I could see him playing like that Sam R like what I think Harrison play play last year uh for Baltimore if they wanted to ever see him give playing time that would be interesting he is kind of the one guy that would fit that role on this team they don’t really have um but yeah back to the o line Ryan Hayes definitely not mad there’s also Bayon Matas he’s the international guy so I could see him being like the international practice squad player right uh that’s what I’m guessing is going to happen because I think you get an international practice squad spot and he’s the only player there and he’s I I totally forget what where he came from but like he didn’t play at all in College he played some other sport I’m prettyy sure um and just is like a super like freak physical uh like physical size athlete guy so I I don’t have any opinion on him as a player but he’ll probably be your International practice squad player um but yeah wouldn’t mind like Ryan Hayes making the practice squad and then I could see the two undrafted guys Matthew Jones Andrew may may mayor Meer uh fighting for a practice squad spot like I could see them keeping one of them cuz they’re both kind of similar uh mayor played at UTEP as a center Jones played at Ohio State as a guard but he has some good Center tape mayor’s a really good athlete but really lacks like like the ideal play strength to play the next level so he has to add on some muscle and his work on his like core strength um work on his ability to Anchor pass protection but he’s a really good mover um Matthew Jones played some Center last season when H the center got hurt and actually looked really solid so I wouldn’t mind keeping either of those guys on the practice squad uh especially cuz both compl Center and I don’t feel too good about the center depth on the roster so I think you should if you’re going to keep some guys you have your International practice squad and then you keep like Ryan Hayes who could be like a tackle you know and then maybe you keep Matthew Jones Ohio State as like because last year they kept A Center on the prct squad they kept that other guy from San State I forget his name um but yeah then you keep this Matthew Jones I think or maybe Andrew Meer whoever you know looks better in the preseason I’m excited to see I’m excited to see a lot of the udfas because I don’t think a lot of these udfas will make the roster most of them I’m thinking pretty much all of them probably won’t but they do have a chance if they really show out in preseason then I think you know sometimes you’re kind of forced to be like okay let’s keep this guy in the roster over someone uh or keep them just as an extra spot but I think a lot of these guys can be udfas or the a lot of the udfas can be uh practice squad guys which still end up sometimes practice squad guys see plenty of playing time depending on injuries and stuff so I kind of like Ryan Hayes Matthew Jones Andrew Meer as potential practice s guys everyone else I’m not sure about too much about Chason Hines I know I think he’s from New England he was around here last year he was like a good athlete player uh but I just don’t know too much about him filmwise I just remember he played with a lot of athleticism um but I really can’t remember anything else about him so I don’t have too many opinions I see guys like Murphy and duck on the practice as well yeah I think you have a good yeah it just depends if they get picked up uh but I do think yeah if if Grayson clears claims then yeah you keep him on the practice squad for sure it also depends like sometimes like that’s the tough things about these udfas and preseason if they do play well then they’re most likely going to get claim somewhere else if you cut them like because preseason is like really where all those Scouts are watching film for like the claim time of the year uh so you have to hope they just look like pretty solid in preseason hopefully maybe it’s like they look good in one game and then you just shut them down be like okay we’re going to get these guys hopefully get these guys in the practice squad and then Duck’s another good shot like Duck I could see like a mark Perry as well um for DBS knowing lamb is only for one year messes the numbers up Armon might be one- year old I think they have to find a way to keep Keon swing for next year unless they plan on drisle yeah Jason I talked about that early on um that’s another fact like I would even if that wasn’t the case I would be trying to keep Keon Smith but that also is another Factor like lamb is for sure gone and then you have to think like arm set is probably pretty like 5050 gone next year and then you have Patrick Paul who’s like do you think Patrick Paul will be ready for next year even with that too but you’re probably going to swing Patrick Paul into as your starter before you would Keon but I would love to keep Keon around that’s why I’m thinking of keeping an extra body there can lamb play guard I don’t think so I’m pretty sure I mean for most of his career he’s been a tackle I think he’s even talked about like I think even lamb said he doesn’t play guard and he just doesn’t have the skill set for it um didn’t we have a Murphy type linebacker last year as well in training camp damn I forget his name um depends who you’re talk like the like an edge that could like move around a little bit because um they still have what’s his name on here they still have that Ezekiel Vandenberg guy who was an undrafted player but he got hurt um maybe you’re thinking of uh Mitchell Aude AI a from he was from the U I’m pretty sure Miami I’m not sure I they they picked up multiple edges last year that were like UD face um yeah lamb that’s what I was saying earlier I don’t think any of the tackles on the Dolphins rosters roster can really play guard like like Armstead can’t Paul can’t lamb can’t Keon they tried playing Keon Smith at guard in preseason hopefully he improves I would be trying to work Keon Smith at guard in preseason because we already know what Keon Smith can like a tackle but I would be trying to give him reps at preseason at guard but he looked he looked really good at tackle last preseason and looked really bad at guard so hopefully he can improve but I still don’t feel that confident about it and then Jackson is your right tackle actually do think Jackson could play right guard and not be that bad but he is definitely a better tackle than guard Aubrey Miller well he was more of like an off ball guy and Grayson’s more of a an edge but can move around a lot of people liked Aubry Miller but Aubry Miller was like he was a big hitter he was like out of wasn’t it wasn’t he out of that school where what was the school I think where Dion coached previously before Colorado um but he was just like a big hitter but didn’t play with like he wasn’t a super athlete didn’t play with a ton of instincts but like he would destroy you if you got a clean hit but yeah I’ll REM Miller with people like that um any other o lineman here the only other o line on this list is Ireland Brown I think that’s another uh he’s another udfa but he was like one that they signed after like you know those camps like um so he was like a trial guy basically he’s from Ruckers and you know I’m not expecting him really to stick around even on practice squad usually those guys have like a really outside chance but he has a really good athlete that’s all I know about him though there was not much F him Jackson State yeah yeah yeah yeah I knew it was Jackson something state was probably very obvious and I just didn’t say it uh yeah that’s the did he end up anywhere I don’t know I didn’t personally I wasn’t like super high on him but who knows yeah so we’ve gone through all these groups now we gone through safety tight end dline receiver now o line um and I think that’s everyone so we still have tried to before training camp or even during the training when training camp starts we’ll still go through like quarterback running back now we’ll finish up offense and then we still have to go through edges off ball linebackers and Corners which will be fun I’m trying to think who I should make a video on next I might make a video on Jack Driscoll I kind of want to make a video on kou as well seeing like how coo will fit in the new system because feel like you know there’s not a ton of talk about Kar um especially after his down second year so we’ll see if he can bounce back um especially playing Just strictly the slot but who ends up knowing that’ll be interesting but health is the most important factor for the line yeah probably the most important factor for the whole team could we have a rotation lot um like if you mean like rotating throughout the game I doubt it I could see a world where like early on they rotate o l liman just to see cuz they’ve done it before where like you kind of see who fits better and I wouldn’t be surprised like if they kind of rotated out the Right Guard spot at the beginning just to like just to like see uh who ends up working best in live action so that wouldn’t surprise me but like an actual rotation I don’t really see that um you know players will go down and you know you’ll rotate players in and out just due to injuries and stuff but um I could see it in like the first game CU like in the first game last year was it the first game last year I know there was a game last year they were rotating out the linebackers for sure like trying to see who fit the linebackers best but then there was a game where they they were switching off drives right I feel like like ikenberg would play a drive and then the other Right Guard would play a drive or something like that maybe that wasn’t last year maybe that was two years ago but there’s it’s definitely been a time where it’s happened but I don’t think it’s something that should be a a full-time thing like as yeah oine consistency in like building that you know uh chemistry together is very important on offensive line so uh you just got to find the best fit and once you find the best fit that’s what you roll with yeah you that’s you want to find it by training camp I agree Scotty you got to find it quick personally uh I don’t know who the best fit is right now I think Jack Driscoll is just the best scheme fit but will he be the best fit for what they need if they want more of a nasty player o line on the Right Guard then they probably would roll with someone like Robert Jones even ikenberg uh cuz they’re more they’re better run blockers but Driscoll’s the better pass protector J at Right Guard works for inside Zone yeah and Robert Jones is more of an inside Zone Gap scheme type of guy and that’s kind of where definitely jayen Wright’s experience comes from I’m excited to see Jaylen Ryden preseason 2 because I want to see how he works on outside Zone cuz he very rarely got to work on side Z own Concepts at Tennessee like they never ran that and that’s what we like primarily run so like he has to still do that but I wouldn’t mind you know seeing more inside Zone stuff out of the Dolphins this year but yeah that’s the old line any more you know questions about the o line or just like any positions in there we can just talk anything because what’s been the talk on like dolphin stuff I know there’s been talk on Tua and the contract stuff we don’t get need to really get into that too much I know people are like I’m just going to see how that one plays out you know cuz people said they were less confident and then someone else came out saying like they’re still confident and gets done i’ I mean I would be surprised if they didn’t end up extending him at some point yeah the quicker the better let the same five get as many reps together as possible P our Keem pass offs yeah I agree um o line is definitely an intriguing group because you have we get to see like people fighting for like at all these spots we get like a lot of the spots we get to see people fighting for roster spots which we do see still on the o line we’ll see some people fighting for roster spots not as many not as much here but at o line we could see people fighting for like a starting spot which at other spots that’s not necessarily the case um like tight end we’re fing people fight for roster spot uh safety we could potentially see people fighting for a starting spot but also roster spots same thing with uh dline we’re watching people fight for roster spots so be my opinion has zero impact on his contract yeah I mean it’s not my money and we’ll see how the contract ends up looking cuz here’s how I look at it right whether you extend him or not Tua is probably going to be here for the next couple years either way right he’s on your fifth he’s on a fifth year option and then if he you if you didn’t extend him you leave him on the fifth year option and then you probably also franchise tag him cuz there’s not a lot of other options out there at quarterback so say you don’t extend him that happens he’s still your quarterback for 2 years I’d rather just extend him now and if it didn’t work out you could get out of the contract in a few years and there’s really not if you look at the draft there’s not options to replace him so even if you were thinking like if you’re I’m not one of the people trying to replace him I think two is good I think a lot of people really underrate him I don’t really get it he’s a perfect fit for this scheme either way whether you extend him or not he’s probably going to be the quarterback here for another couple Seasons anyways might as well extend him and then if it does work out then you have him on a cheap cheaper cont contract and that the contract looks good in a few years you know what I’m saying uh that’s just my logic behind it um yeah Chase edans was not an outside Zone guy um I have a friend I trusted as a huge CX fan he as Jordan bricks has Miss reviews Miss made a lot Miss lot as well thought um I’m a big fan of Jord Brooks I think he’s a perfect scheme foot for the system um I know Seahawks fans have mixed feelings about him I don’t think he’s like a per player he will miss some tackles I think he’s definitely better in coverage than he is as a run run Defender I do think he has good like range as a run Defender um but overall he flies around the field I just think scheme fit wise he’s going to like play that Ron Smith role and make that impact so I feel like he ended up in in the perfect spot for his skill set I’m confident in it in it and uh I’ve had fans of other teams tell me things like Jordan like I’ve seen CX Fans Say negative things about Jordan Brooks I talked about earlier like Cowboys fans said negative things about Conor Williams but when I watched the film I was like oh he’s going to fit perfectly on the interior for the Dolphins which he ended up being one of the better centers of the league same with Isaiah win Patriots fans said he was an ikenberg player like an ikenberg level player I’m like I didn’t see that at all like he looked bad at tackle but I’m like he’s not going to play tackle on the Dolphins he’s going to play guard um and they looked better there Butch Barry Broncos fans said he was a horrible line coach and he’s turned around the old line in the first season so I don’t put too much stock in other like fans opinion because I do think like changing teams changing schemes uh can really change a player plus uh Brooks played like last year he was coming off a Toren ACL and he still looked pretty solid in my opinion so I expect him to be even better but we’ll see um wait most are at the parade yesterday oh yeah he was at the the prayed right yeah I saw him uh holding up the Stanley Cup um also said Brooks wasn’t as good in coverage as he is being made out to be yeah well people think Brooks isn’t good in coverage because of PFF for some reason PFF has them low PFS like has certain grades that are very like flawed so like they don’t grade linebackers like in coverage if they’re not targeted so only they only grade targeted reps so like all the Reps where he’s untargeted they’re not grading so to me they’re very flawed and I actually think he’s very good in coverage um I don’t know that’s just my opinion trade Uno yeah okay a hard cap hit on a Fran tag would severely limit us yeah I would not be a fan of that move this is last year in Miami I don’t think so if they kept three tight ends in hill with to Smite um they keep three tits and Hill does what Smite can do do you think Smite gets cut now I thought about this before and personally I wouldn’t mind keeping Julian Hill over Durham SM do I think that’s what the Dolphins do no I think the dolphins really like SM Smite they think he he’s the guy who’s been around he understands the system um he’s just very reliable now I do think Julian Hill will go out there and give you more high level run blocks but he’s more inconsistent with it and I think the Dolphins just value consistency now I am totally not against keeping like Johnny Smith Julian Hill and Jodie forson I would not be against that if they wanted to keep three tight ends and got rid of smite um but I don’t think the Dolphins would do that personally but yeah we’ll see how it else ends up playing out yeah o line group definitely I would say interior line is one I have like uh the biggest question marks I like Smite um yeah I I like Smite too I think he’s solid as a tight end too I think he gets the job done um but he just doesn’t do anything special in my opinion I just think the Dolphins but do value that consistency like he is a consistent player across the board like he’s consistent as a run blocker but he doesn’t like he’s not like a big mover out there he’s consistent with his hands but he’s not going to like get open create a bunch of Separation um but I just think you know Johnny Smith gives you way more as a receiver and especially with the ball in his hands I think Julian Hill potentially gives you more like highend level run blocking reps and I think Fortson also gives you more as a receiver but SM I don’t see them cutting him I would be pretty surprised if it happened but I’m not against the idea that’s one idea I’m not actually against um but yeah that’s kind of everyone I didn’t spend too much time talking about Patrick Paul but um we know my opinion on Patrick Paul I’ve talked about him a lot uh yeah yeah I was going to say Smite was re restructured so that means yeah he would be all dead cap I didn’t know exactly the numbers but that was also thinking a thing in my mind I’m like I don’t know if they would save money from cutting him because they did just restructure him and usually when that happens you’re not saving too much so um yeah definitely I do like the tight end group though it’s definitely improved from last year it’s not an elite group or anything but but I definitely feel better about it hello we know deep down you love b h yeah it’s I’ve been hiding it all along I actually hope I I hope Paul proves me wrong is Conor Williams wanting to move on more about him playing Center or does he feel slight we didn’t play pay him last year um I’m sure he feels slided about it but I do feel like if I think it’s the center thing is more important because I do think even if he was slided right I think um if the Dolphins were like come back and play starting center like I still think he would be like considering it so I think it’s the center thing I think he found his spot as Center he knows that’s where he can make his most money and like prolong his career at so I think it’s the center thing and like he’s not going to play center right now for the Dolphins coming off that injury the Dolphins sign Brew to a pretty solid deal it’s just not in the card so I think the center thing is the big thing but I’m sure that the second part also plays a part in that if Patrick Paul performs well do you see them starting at right tackle moving age to Right Guard uh no I would be very surprised if that happened plus I think they’re trying to make him a left tackle plus I I just don’t think Jackson is a Right Guard I think he could play right guard but I do think I just don’t think that’s the right move to move Jackson finally coming off a good year from right tackle to Right Guard and I would be surprised if Patrick Paul performs well enough to play right tackle year one he’s more of a a developed type of player not getting paid and getting hurt basically GRE or cost him tens of millions in my opinion it’s way more than position like I guess he could feel like slided by that but like I don’t think the dolphins really owed him that like he’s only been here like it was like his second going into his second season as the Dolphins um and I know he wanted an extension like we literally just paid him the previous year so I don’t know I still think like if the Dolphins were willing to bring him back as a center on a new deal I think he would still be considering it thoughts on using aan and right as kick returners yeah I’m and the you’re talking about the fake stuff honestly I think they should be CU apparently they’ve done the data they think with the new kick returner rules there’s no like extra added injury risk so for me I’m putting aan in uh right back there because one I’m trying to get I’m probably trying to keep other receivers over baros and baros path to making the roster is being a returner mostly a punt returner though um so I’m trying to replace him as a punt returner and a kick returner and I do think with the new kickoff rules it is kind of like with how it’s set up it’s more like reading like a running back hole you know running backs I think with vision will do pretty good there and I do think you know aan has a lot of experience kick returning I could see Jaylen Wright doing it very well um but yeah I’m not against either of them being back there for sure um especially like he just said I I want hn rp1 I do think um I would I also agree I would want hn rb1 but I do think moer will technically be rb1 but I could see hen getting like moer starts but aan gets a lot of touches um but yeah if it doesn’t add injury risk yeah I throw them both back there I also be down for Malik Washington too especially I think Malik could be the P returner I feel like Malik kind of has is very reliable with his hands now if he can catch P returns throw him back there and he can do kickoff return stuff too I’m not mad about that either I think the Dolphins have plenty of bodies that they can throw back there that have potential I wouldn’t be even surprised if like depending on different parts of the season if we see different people like say aan is like for sure the starting running back because of injuries then a Chan’s not back there uh then you throw guys back there like Malik Jaylen right but then you know say one of them is getting more touches in a game than usual then you could see just being like you know what you know [ __ ] it we really just throw Tyreek back there for a play or you know Jaylen wad but they I don’t I wouldn’t see them getting like actual legitimate return stuff yeah Taj also another shout cuz he’s an also guy that could see going back there cuz he could fight that would be a path for him to the roster yeah I’m definitely which Dolphins running back you drafting in fantasy I would draft um well I know aan is definitely the highest like ADP R right um I would draft a Chan probably would be the Anan train but if you get moer I think most’s good value though still I don’t think he’ll be as good last year because I don’t see him scoring as many touchdowns he did last year but I still think he’s going to be that Red Zone guy he’s still going to get a lot of touches but anan’s going to get a lot of value touches which I think is huge and he has super high upside um I’m excited though I love fantasy I’ve been uh playing fantasy for a long time I’ve won in my main League I think I’ve won the most I’ve won three times in my main league and then I think there’s a few other people I’ve won twice but yeah uh been doing pretty good in Fantasy last year did I have any Dolphins last year last year I had Tua and like a two we had you know a cube we you start two quarterbacks I had I think two was one of my quarterbacks and I’m trying to I think I also I also had hn last year too that was an absolute steal oh yeah okay any more questions before we end here about anything you can ask me anything cuz I’m excited to see how this all plays out lots of interesting spots interesting players here fighting for spots fighting for starting spots you just start a fantasy league with channel members oh that’s a good idea actually that’s actually a really good idea first like 10 people to be cuz I think I only have like one member on the Channel first like 10 channel members uh in the fantasy league and then we can play with like a pot or whatever from the whatever the uh gets like donated or something that would be interesting actually not a bad idea is your 10 on kickoff coverage oh God let me look through that um so siren Neil if Ethan Bonner makes it Ethan Bonner um Elijah Campbell if he makes it uh cam Brown if he makes it linebacker wise uh depending on the linebackers so whoever the back of linebackers I bet they both would be on it um probably let’s see D we need a lot of spots here I could see like some of the EDG is even getting getting involved um um if Cam Smith isn’t starting probably cam Smith stuff to say just reading the roster I need just know who makes it you probably see one of the backup running backs being on uh like if we keep four running backs one of them being on the as your kickoff coverage guys maybe even a receiver out there yeah I don’t know you don’t need pen line cuts from other rosters um oh who did I hear people talking about who’s the Buccaneers of lineman Kamar yeah Kamar did I say Kamar but yeah that’s who who I should have said if I didn’t say that out the edges um there’s a bucaneers alignment I’ve seen people talking about I think and they drafted like I feel like Graham Barton’s replacing him people said he could get cut because of money and he would be a good shout I’m just forgetting his name off the top of my head I could look at the Buccaneers depart but I don’t I don’t know I haven’t looked too much at other roster so I would have to look I could do like a stream where we just like look at other rosters to see potential cuts the only thing is though we’re probably not going to get any like claims we have to get like people who are like cut you know not uh or like released um is it oh yeah Robert hany um that’s someone I could see he’s you know from Notre Dame potential scheme fit um wouldn’t be bad to uh bring on because he has you know Center some guard versatility too uh so but that’s it I don’t know too much about other gu I could see them bringing on other o linan like I do think that’s like the one position I think they could still add up even potentially now before you know cuts are made but I don’t know if they will because there’s not really like I know there’s like GG van rhen I’m not super high on Van rhen after watching him like I don’t think he’s a batch like he would make the Dolphins roster but like I wouldn’t feel like super great about him starting either oh yeah Steelers we could look at the Steelers J chart I don’t know what they got I know they yeah they drafted uh they drafted everyone I liked didn’t they they drafted uh no they drafted fanu and they drafted uh Frasier who else they draft oh they drafted McCormick too yeah they have Frasier as they’re starting center fanu as they starting right tackle mccormic a backup uh I don’t see too much on here that I’m familiar with at least so I’d have to watch film on them for sure damn Steelers dude when fatan all I know I want do you think if the Steelers didn’t draft fatano the Dolphins would have drafted fanu over chop because I saw people saying they still would have drafted chop um but I don’t know if I agree with that I’m not saying like do you think you would have drafted fatan or chop do you think the Dolphins would have because I think the Dolphins would have heavily considered fanu there because he can play tackle and guard um that’s tough I love the draft man I’ve already been watching some 2025 guys definitely some interesting players there uh draft’s my favorite time of the year so looking forward to that also I wonder I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do film breakdowns on Monday this year like right after the games cuz um I think get I don’t know if I have the I used to have like a connect to get like the film right away like way before everyone else I don’t know if I have that anymore so I might have to just do film breakdowns where when everyone else does them which is unfortunate Don was my favorite player so I’m going to believe they would have yeah I still think they would have my gut tells me they would have I don’t know Dolphins don’t do anything I want so no they did what I wanted on day three for the most part day one and two didn’t do what I wanted day one I wasn’t mad about though um oh yeah the fanu won her yeah that’s true 2021 they did exactly what I wanted Wadd was my favorite at that spot they took Wadd Phils was my favorite at that spot they took Phillips um I think Holland was the guy wanted at that spot from what I remember I was thinking they were going to take Holland or Devonte Williams that was that was like the rumor right but I think I wanted Holland so like the first three picks they took what I wanted in that draft um trying to remember who when did they take I’ll tell you when they didn’t um what draft did they not okay Charles Harris was I did not want Charles Harris and I was right on that one um I wanted they did draft I really wanted Minka Fitzpatrick and they did tank Minka Fitzpatrick which didn’t work out for the Dolphins but he has been he is a good player um obviously unfortunate that they didn’t work out but who else did they draft I didn’t want Austin Jackson and Austin Jackson has started to work out so that’s good um I can’t remember who I wanted with their third first round pick in that draft but it was I it wasn’t egag I didn’t even think they were going to take egag at that spot that one surprised me because I actually didn’t I actually liked igog as like but I thought he was like a third round pick I was like oh it’s a third rounder you know igan’s got some upside he’s like a 20-year-old barely played the position but actually has some good Reps for some high level people they took him in the first round then I was like oh that’s not a good Pi uh no one wanted Harris yeah that that Harris one might have been the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a first round pick at least since I’ve been watching because I’ve been watching the draft pretty heavily since 2012 so tanah Hill was 2012 2013 was Deon Jordan that wasn’t a good pick but the 2013 draft was so bad they should have took Lane Johnson though the Lane Johnson taking Deion Jordan one pick before Lane Johnson but you go back the Lane 201 13 draft so bad man they they traded from 12 to 3 and only give up a second round pick going from 12 to three that’s actually insane the value of that pick insane but they took Deon Jordan who was not a good pick um then 2014 who was that was that Joan James yeah it wasn’t a pick I would have made but it wasn’t a terrible pick 2015 was Devonte Parker um who was 16 with 16 tunel great pick uh 17 was Harris right 17 was Harris 18 was 18 Fitzpatrick and 19 Wilkins and then 20120 we talked about two uh Jackson egag 2021 was Wadd and Phillips and then 2022 in 2023 they didn’t have wait no they yeah they didn’t have first round picks in 2022 and 2023 unfortunate and then obviously they just got chopped I’m surprised I remember that all that off the top of my head oh yeah thoughts on dece vau in this game um I think you know even though dece I actually I mean I know the Cowboys might cut duvon um I liked him as a player coming out I don’t think he’s a great fit for this game uh I don’t think he has the speed to capture the edge you know usually I think even though he is a smaller player he was always better as an inside Runner like inside Zone and stuff like uh like good Vision make people make Miss in tight spaces I don’t think he’s a great scheme fit for the Dolphins Deon walk oh Dion Walker that’s a good shot that guy’s insane bro his a at his size and his versatility to like that guy’s a really good player like that’s a good shout Robbie like cuz I’ve seen some of his reps man where he’s aligned on the like as an edge at his size and his size he’s ridiculous size I think that would be like a dream like especially in the like just the top of my head knowing what Weaver runs I actually think that’d be one of the best picks that Dolphins can make next year just at this point in time you know um I hated Von at Kate ran all over my oners yeah he’s a fun player at Kate just because uh it’s always fun to see someone just like that doesn’t look like they should be out there just dominating people you know so I have a lot of respect for you know him being like five5 and he’s a really good athlete I do think he is like he is a like I do think he belongs in the NFL I just don’t think he’s like a you know a starter level player but good shout Dion Walker I think is be one of the highly titled players next season very intriguing skill set his ability to align anywhere at his size and movement at his size the disruption he creates because usually people at his size are more like just hold their own at Point attack versus the run but he is creating disruption as a pass rusher so yeah that’s a that’s a fun one next year’s Corner class is good which I think is interesting because I do think the Dolphins could start looking into Corners next year as you know even though like cuz you know you signed Kendall Fuller to a two-year deal so you have Kendall Fuller for two years but usually you’re still with your draft you’re looking like two years ahead so by then you’ll have Fuller for one more year you’re probably thinking you know Ramsay is on the older side too you still don’t know he got out of Camp Smith but the next year’s Corner class is legit like the high-end guys are really good like will Johnson Benjamin Morris they’re going to go like top 10 I could see them both going top 10 at this point Bon has been lining in slot in practice oh I I heard that they’ve been practicing him at slot was your college team again um I go to Tennessee games I live in Tennessee now and I go to the Tennessee games for work I wouldn’t say I’m a Tennessee fan so because I didn’t grow up a Tennessee fan I grew up in Southern California and I grew I actually my first team I became a fan of was USC strictly because of Reggie Bush like that’s when I fell in love with in with football watching Reggie play Man Reggie Bush in college like made me fall in love with the game man he was so exciting to watch and he was actually also part when why I picked cuz I didn’t have an NFL team for a little bit growing up uh cuz all the players I loved in college started going to the NFL and I realized like you know I pick an NFL team and Reggie was on the Dolphins at the time and I also liked a lot of players on the Dolphins so I just picked the Dolphins because I liked Reggie Bush so much and then I just became a hardcore Dolphins fan so I would still consider myself a USC fan but I’m not like as obsessed with them as I was when I’m younger I’ve been way more obsessed with the dolphins now for like the past 10 or so years probably longer actually yeah like 12 years yeah shout out Reggie Bush got his Heisman back one of my one of my all-time favorite just football players in general does West Virginia have any players this year I feel like I can’t remember if I saw yeah those oh yeah they had you know they had the Thunder lightning at running back Matt liner at quarterback um but I was also still fans even after like that area cuz I mean they had like the decent receivers but even after that era I was still a fan like decent fan of USC when they had like Robert Woods Maris Lee um um you know those types of players uh even the players like like I know like I was still like I still you know with like Alan R Brown Drake London actually went to that same high school that I went to who now play his first run pick for the Falcons um he’s a good player too USC has a lot of fun players now I was looking back there’s a lot of players like that I played against in high school or now in the NFL that I didn’t even realize like there’s an offensive LM on the Ravens I think he’s a backup but Patrick mcari I played against in high school uh I had to cover Michael Pitman in high school the Colts receiver that was fun um but there was actually a decent amount like Colby Parkinson I think he’s on the Rams he’s he a tight I played against him Matt carral the the quarterback that played Old Miss I think he’s like the what whatever one of those leagues is now but yeah Louisville you’re a Louisville fan Louisville had some good players last year in the draft too I actually liked some of the Louisville players like uh gendo Jamari thrash um yeah almost made that big screen uh West Virginia was one of those teams when um obviously one of the greatest college football players of all time arguably probably the best college football highlights of all time Tavon Austin that 2013 draft was like the first draft I really studied so I watched a lot of Tavon Austin obviously and Edmond Bailey um but also like when I played you know uh like the NCAA games back in the day I would always I would play with West Virginia all the time especially when they had like Pat White Steve Slayton um then like they went to you know uh what’s it called yeah then they got guys like stemman Bailey Tav Austin goino Smith that was a fun era I remember watching them a lot I always enjoyed those West Virginia teams they at least fun to watch are you kicking it into the endzone this year um Austin and Bailey ridiculous yeah I mean if you can kick it in the end zone is it where where you kick isn’t it much harder to kick it into the end zone now though but if you can yeah you should be trying to uh avoid kick returns at all at all cost but I think that’s like the the thing with the new rule they’re trying to get a lot more kick returns to happen but make them uh safer that how many how many views does that One Tavon Austin highlight video have man I swear to God everyone’s seen that video that’s a legendary video and bayy was also pretty good I actually thought bayy was probably the better like receiver Austin was obviously better with that ball in his hands but I thought bayy was like the better route Runner and stuff yeah they were fun with white and slay I remember yeah I played a lot with them I used to watch them they were like one of my favorite offenses to watch when I was like younger those were the days I’m I’m excited to see how this season unfolds you know with the with the dolphins and everything what is happening here okay okay [Music] okay interesting okay play pick up basketball with r Ry M that’s sick Bruce IR oh yeah he was from West Virginia yeah he I’m going to end stream here thank you guys for watching I will see you guys next time I’ll probably have a film breakdown in like uh probably on Wednesday I don’t know who it will be but we will get that one done so later guys

Miami Dolphins OL Training Camp Preview

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  1. Re Brewer, his get off and mobility give him an advantage in the run game. A bit like Chop when he plays inside. If he gets into you before you've moved, you're in trouble.

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