Los Angeles Angels Halfway Check-Up: Mike Trout, Anthony Rendon, Pitchers Returning, Logan O’Hoppe

Los Angeles Angels Halfway Check-Up: Mike Trout, Anthony Rendon, Pitchers Returning, Logan O’Hoppe

on this episode of lockdown Angels the Halos are just past the halfway point on the season so let’s check in on trout and randone let’s get an update on Sandy and de Mur and let’s talk about those potential Halo Allstars it’s time to get locked on with Mike and John and this is locked on [Music] Angels you are locked on Angels your daily Los Angeles Angels podcast of the locked on podcast Network your team every day yes it is and yes we are thanks for making locked on Angels your first listen of the day you can find us anywhere you get your podcast including Apple podcast Spotify and SiriusXM by searching locked on angels and if you’d like to give back to the super Halo Bros for all the super Halo content here’s some things that you can do leave us a rate and a review on Apple podcast if you’re watching on YouTube hit that thumbs up button and if you’re not subscribed already please subscribe and become a locked on every day and whether you’re watching or listening come over to YouTube leave a comment it’s one of the best ways to in touch with John and I and Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends at FanDuel you can make every moment more with FanDuel and as the playoffs wind down and Sports Stop sporting like we want them to hey fanduel’s got you during the summer they’re gonna hook up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily there’s something for everyone every day all summer long just visit fanduel.com lockon to get started thanks for being here for this episode of lockon angels where it’s your team every day you’ve got the FR Brothers here with you aka the super Halo Bros my name is John and that’s my brother Mike and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John Mike it’s our third season here at lock on Angels we’ve been Halo fans our entire lives we’re here 5 days a week talking Angels baseball with you are locked on every dayers thank you for making us part of your day or night you know some people like to do podcasts at night that’s fine too uh listen on today’s show the Angels had an off day yesterday so it gives us a little bit of a a breather right Mike and we’re just past the halfway point for the season this year they played game 81 a few days ago they’ve had two more since then so we’re at 83 total games currently sitting at 36 and 47 headed into tonight’s game against the A’s so since we’re at the halfway point we’re checking in on the Angels let’s do a little first half checkup Michael what do you say yeah let’s start with some of the position players and talk about the goat Mike Trout obviously hurt his knee miniscus tear had surgery last update was that he was still feeling a bit sore and there wasn’t any sort of activity well just last week Mike Trout said he’s basically painfree aside from the occasional soreness he said he feels really good and he’s relieved after turning the corner in his rehab trout said he’s close to running and hitting in the cages currently he’s playing catch and he’s jogging on the alter G treadmill hey they got that treadmill finally that feels like something from another world right and it just took what 12 years to get it yeah PS wasn’t very happy to hear that I suppose he’s not maybe because he’s been in the organization he’s like guys since you didn’t get it for me you got to get it for trouty Mike said that he hopes to be back late July but there’s no official timetable however reporters who were talking with trout they all said it sounded like it’s gonna be a bit quicker than that because of what trout was saying one of the reasons that they felt that way is because trout said I’m itching to get out there well of course you are because this team was really good and you probably want to play with a really good team so Johnny let’s play a little uh fill in the blank I’d love for you to fill in this blank Health a healthy Mike Trout with this recently improved team gives the Angels blank a threat threat in the lineup a true threat in the lineup don’t get me wrong I think ohappy especially in the month of June has been more than capable of hitting one out and breaking a game wide open but Mike you’re going to see trout being back in this lineup benefit guys like Taylor Ward who hasn’t had the protection he is used to over his career with trout and Otani in this lineup and now the spotlight has been on Taylor Ward actually think you might see him get better because of Trout’s presence in the lineup he might he might bat let’s see cleanup and then trout might be third but you know you’re going to see a real threat in this lineup not that the guys haven’t been doing a good job but somebody that pitchers are afraid to make a mistake to and you know that if you make a mistake to Mike Trout he’s going to take it for a ride whether it’s a extra base hit a home run something like that so I think he really brings an anchor to that lineup in terms of this is a guy you don’t want to make a mistake to because you could break the game wide open with a bad pitch to Mike Trout what do you say uh Phil in the blank here a healthy Mike Trout with this recent improved team gives the Angels a conundrum and here’s the conundrum these young guys are like hey nobody’s going to come through we’re going to have to come through so the conundrum is are they going to regress are they going to go well we got trouty in the lineup well he’s out in the Outfield well he’s gonna bat this inning so we just got to get the we got to get to him right I I I think that there’s gonna be a conundrum now I I appreciate what you just said about ohappy and some of the players coming through I do think that Mike Trout benefits this lineup he’s a threat in this lineup but I don’t want to see these guys regress trout it won’t be his fault right I don’t want to see these guys shift back into Wow Mike Trout is back right or wow there’s Michael Jordan walking into the room I want to see these guys go yeah man look where our team is at look what we’ve done look at how we’ve stepped up Mike I want you to be a part of that we want to be a support to you I don’t want these guys to regress at all are you crying about Mike Trout’s no I’m just kidding he just had a frog in his throat that’s fine it happens when you’re on a podcast guys we talked for 30 straight minutes uh listen I agree with you I think these guys can’t regress to admiration um but at the same time they’ve had all this time without Mike Trout and I think they finally understand what it means to step up and contribute to this team and I say that because like you said they’re the only guys that they have to count on ohpp neetto they know that this team success is their success and look I know didn’t win Sunday’s game and there were a couple of dicey moments through the weekend not not of course like when Davis Daniel goes out there and throws eight scoreless but when the games are close and you’re trying to come back and you’re thinking man we need somebody to come through I mean was Zack Netto like one for 11 this weekend and so that just I mean you felt it right you felt his lack of bat in the lineup over the weekend even though the Angels were able to pull off three wins that’s fantastic right so I think these guys are finally at a point where they know they have to be the ones to be successful if they want the team to be successful another player possibly close to returning is John’s favorite Anthony rendone and uh was that a was that a your boy Anthony rendone your boy yeah I just like saying that and then watching the comments of people who are new to the show go you like Anthony rendone what’s wrong with you yeah yeah and you’re welcome wash said that the hope is to have randone back for the last six to seven games before the break thought that was interesting so that’s like really really soon he’s scheduled to face live pitching this coming weekend so John fill in the blank randone returning means less playing time for blank I’m gonna throw a wrinkle at you on this one Mike okay Joe Adell and Mickey moniac Okay the reason I say that is because you’re gonna need a spot in that infield for an Anthony randone obviously a third base now he could DH and I think it would be wise for him to DH considering he’s coming back from that that issue but I think you got to have Reno in there and if Reno is not going to be at third if drwy is going to be at second I think Reno goes to right field where he can also play he has been a great utility player playing all over the field he doesn’t do anything any one thing in particular very well all the time he’s capable he’s much more capable than he’s been I’ll say that but I think if they’re GNA try to find a way to get Ren heo in this lineup I think it’s gonna come at the cost of somebody in that Outfield and I think it’s going to be moniac or Joe Adell now does this all get sorted out once the trade deadline comes and goes absolutely and I think if Ren heo is still on this team it’s because the Angels should extend him they should have already extended him but considering that he could also be on the trade block I think these answers are going to work themselves out but how about you Mike rendone returning means less playing time for I’m going to go with should Okay so so it should be less playing time for somebody who hasn’t been playing at all and that’s Brandon Drury I me the guy hasn’t even been able to get back on the field and when he’s on the field he got hurt again he wasn’t effective and so I’d rather I’d rather see a Miguel s uh in there I’d rather see a ren heo in there and I’d rather see like a randone switching off at DH and third base because that bat if randone is the randone that he was at the start of the Season that bat that presence in the lineup stretches this lineup out again and he’s going to draw walks he’s going to help Shaun noell move maybe to a spot where he’s a bit more comfortable and then randone can be somebody that is going to get on base be a threat at the top of the order but also be somebody that you can use in the field and he’s been pretty solid defensively and somebody that we can count on so I would say that it needs to be Brandon Drury I know that that puts a wrinkle in things with the trade deadline because you want drury’s value to go up right but I I honestly think that because he hasn’t been able to get on the field and he’s had some issues when he’s been on the field that you got to go with the guys that have the hot bat you got to go with the guys that have proven themselves and drewy hasn’t proven himself you’d rather see Miguel so over Brandon drwy is that what you’re telling me yeah I would because drwy just every time he’s gotten in there his 117 batting average hasn’t been sexy so I’d rather see I’d rather see somebody that’s at Le at least making contact and and contributing in in some sort of way I think it’s randone Soo and Brandon Drury I don’t think that you even mess with the thought of not having ran heo in there every single day and I don’t even know if I would want to take him away from third base I mean the guys played a pretty spectacular Third Base so maybe so and randone are just B bopping and scatting at DH right like maybe they’re just switching in and out of DH and and then you you leave it at that because I think Ren heo is somebody who’s really proven himself and you don’t want to mess with Reno’s rhythm guor is gonna be an interesting one too because I think he has another year of control and I wouldn’t mind having him off the bench next season either even the remainder of this season he’s been really great especially defensively I think a lot of what we saw in terms of defensive success last uh weekend had everything to do with gor May being out there uh him and Netto turning double plays things like that so yeah I think yor is going to be an interesting equation as well I’m I’m interested to see because they have to make room I’ll be interested to see who they make room by moving down as somebody to make room for randone when he comes back hey thanks for making lockdown Angels your first listen of the day the angels are playing the A’s in Oakland 6:40 Pacific time and Jose Sorano starting and it’s getting louder Mike you hear the drums and they’re playing the A’s maybe it’s is it starting already oh my gosh listen you can catch every pitch at the Angels Hometown broadcast on Sirius XM with the sxm app all you got to do is search Angels coming up on locked on Angels let’s check in on the pitching side of things we’ll give you a little first half checkup on the pitchers of the Halos in just a minute hey lockdown Angels is brought to you by our friends at FanDuel we are big sports fans here obviously we know that our every dayers are big sports fans and FanDuel keeps you engaged whether your favorite sport is in season or out of season all you got to do is open up the app and then dream up any bets anytime that you’re in the mood and what’s great about FanDuel is 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for like the first of like a 100 games for the rest of the season which is fine with me we’ll take it right they can sweep them again they’re playing at 6:40 Pacific time you can catch every pitch at the Angels Hometown broadcast on SiriusXM in the sxm app all you got to do is search Angels let’s check in on the pitchers Johnny halfway through the season just a couple of games past the halfway point Patrick sanval said he had a brace inserted as part of his Tommy John surgery so you might be asking what’s the brace for it’s inserted right after surgery so that the elbow is secured at a 60 to 990 degree angle that sounds comfortable yeah right right like it just it feels like the Seinfeld episode where the guy has the uh cast on and he’s got his middle fingers wrapped up and he fli off him and Danny tardal that’s what it feels like it’s just kind of right there uh so the goal is to protect the healing tissue and reduce inflammation Otani also received a similar brace when he had his surgery santal was told that the recovery would be 12 to 14 months so this potentially puts him back with the angels between next June and next August John the question is is is that really going to be the case when will we see Sandy again you know he’s young and I think he’s got the ability to recover well we haven’t seen an injury with Patrick sandal Mike so it’s it’s really hard to tell how his body is going to respond to this I mean every picture seems to respond to this Tommy John elbow issue differently especially when there’s you know braces involved I feel like it’s changed a lot yeah over the years but you know the fact that he’s 7 he’s still relatively young for MLB player of course I think I would imagine his recovery will be on that timeline 12 to 14 months but look if he’s not back before the end of next season I don’t think that that’s a big deal I think that if you prepare yourself for 2026 with Patrick sandal I think that’s where you want to be as a team you want to I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t go into next season thinking well you know what when Sandy comes back in September we’re really gonna get rolling that you know what I’m saying like there’s just no there’s no urgency there’s no push there and there’s not really a reason to do that and you’ve got some capable guys kind of showing what they’re about and you have a lot of guys to give starts to in terms of Davis Daniel you’ve got Sam Bachmann working his way back Chase silth should be on his way soon Reed Detmer is still working on things so as much as we feel like this rotation is depleted well they actually have some pretty decent options and that’s before an offseason even happens with this team so if they’re able to sign somebody and lock them up for what could be a competitive window I’m saying maybe 2026 is when that window truly Starts Now based on how this year goes you might make the case that hey these guys made a lot of improvements we got a full season of ohpp we got a full season season of of Netto maybe we could go for it next year and so that might be an option too but again I think 2026 is that competitive window so I think it would behoove them to sign some Frontline starter to help with this rotation and not have to worry about Patrick Sandoval coming back now Mike the Angels who had another pitcher get Tommy John sergery is Jose kiata remember kada spicy remember him yeah yeah uh he recently made his second appearance on a rehab assignment on Saturday in the Arizona complex League he allowed one run across two appearances in the ACL so far so he’s pitched two innings one hit one home run and five strikeouts you like those numbers right yeah absolutely he’s got two years of arbitration left 2025 and 2026 he’ll be a free agent in 2027 so Mike where does a fully recovered Jose kiata fit into this bullpen well if they trade Carlos estas I think that he could be somebody that competes for the closer Ro now I’m trying to I’m trying to remember when did I go to that game last year and he he hit that guy and it was like the bases were loaded and I was sitting close to it ail I said hey it’s time to take him out Phil like everybody knew right and Phil gave you a dirty look and and you were afraid for your life because I would I wouldn’t talk trash to he yelled at me uh I I’m the reason why I’m bringing that up is because so that was april-ish right we’re in June a year later and kada is in the ACL so thinking about sand of all I mean if that’s kind of the the timetable that’s 14 months that’s 14 months right and and kada is not anywhere near coming back yet so there’s a there’s a lot to do with him and there’s a lot to do with Sandy so I think that you are right and correct when you talk about like let Sandy not even be around next year I think with kada if we can get him back maybe after the All-Star break maybe even after the trade deadline then I think he can at least cons be considered to slot in in the closer role because that was something that he had planned on doing and the angels planned on doing with him and Estes at the start of last season hey remember those times at the start of last season like this was a well maybe this guy or maybe that guy and then he gets hurt and then EST devis ripped off what a bunch of saves in a row 20 something in a row yeah was really great and then fell apart and then fell apart again and now he’s now he’s back so I think that he can slot in perhaps back of the bullpen maybe even as closer what do you think yeah I think that especially if if Estes is gone by the trade deadline you have all the room in the world to see how kiata recovers maybe even let him compete with Ben Joyce for that ninth inning I mean the way Joyce is pitching right now I know they were up five in the ninth a couple of nights ago but it was kind of fun to see him in that ninth inning mik I’m not going to lie I think he enjoyed it too he was so pumped when he left absolutely hey Reed demmer’s most recent start for triaa Salt Lake Salt Lake looked like this six Innings pitched four hits three earned runs two walks 11 strikeouts wow and zero home runs he had a 64% wi percentage on the slider so that’s where all the strikeouts came from so when you have a great first start from Davis Daniel you’ve got ransy contz kind of getting in there giving you almost opener role I guess you could say yeah uh and then you’ve got Griffin canning Tyler Anderson obviously Jose Sorano is going to be back tonight what does this all mean for Reed Demmer Mike I I’ve been an advocate to keep him down as long as you need to keep him down I think you need to let him work through all of The Yips I think you need to let him work through all of the struggles and get him to a place where he is confident I know that we saw him get confident when he got sent down last time came back up was really great I’d love to see him be really confident and honestly even though we’ve had this nice kind of run recently you don’t need to rush read back because you do have contas and you do have Davis Daniel and you do have some of these other guys that can fill in and Kenny Rosenberg is now off the I so you can bring him up if you need to Reed’s gonna be a piece for the future and so you want him to be a solid piece for the future especially if you’re not gonna have sand ofal next year so I think that you let him figure it out as long as he needs to figure it out and something tells me that what they’re going to be looking for is first pit strikes and throwing a lot of strikes because that’s what wash said about Davis Daniel he’s like hey I didn’t see him I didn’t know what he was doing in the minor leagues the only report I paid attention to was that he was throwing strikes and he did that tonight when when Davis Daniel pitched last Thursday and went eight Innings wash was impressed by that so I think the angels are going to be looking for that so these numbers are great John I don’t think these numbers are bad but I think that what they’re GNA be looking for is first pitch strikes and how many strikes compared to how many balls Reed Detmer is throwing throughout his entire start yeah two walks across six Innings not bad at all I mean that’s something that you want every single time and look Davis Daniel came up to the majors I think with a five something erra right down in in Triple A and and look that’s that’s the nature of Triple A that’s the nature of of pitching in the PCL because it is a hitters League because of the high altitude and so really if you think about the inflation that happens I know we hate talking about inflation right now but you think about the inflated numbers that happen it doesn’t really give you an accurate read read but these numbers here two walks 11ks that’s a good ratio Mike and that’s something that I’m confident that the angels will be looking at make sure that deur can do that a few more times before they decide to call them back up everyday price price picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than 5 million members two of those members are John and I and we would love for you to join us on price picks that’s right one of the most fun and exciting ways to get on all the action while you’re watching your favorite sports and favorite players and you can turn $10 into a, doll you can win up to hundred times your money with price picks all you need to do is pick just four four correct picks and it’s not hard right Johnny it’s picking more or picking Less on two to six players there’s stat projections so for example you’ll see like strikeouts oh this person’s going to strike out five and a half and you decide if it’s going to be more of that or less of that I’m doing the I’m doing the greater and less than for my third grade math people out there I thought you were just throwing peace signs uh so what I like about price picks is that for just between you and me it’s not that hard they make it so easy for you so you 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really complicated matters or you got some extra money you’re just not sure what to do with you can visit their website TN usa.com locked on hey let’s celebrate Logan o happppy a little bit Mike his month of June was pretty incredible now yeah I just want to read these numbers off here uh he hit 324 batting average a 363 on base and a 608 slugging wow which gives was from five home runs six doubles 12 RBIs across 22 games now I saved this anecdote because I was going to bring it up in our earlier conversation about trout return okay and what you said was a conundrum and this was interesting to me this came from an article from the athletic curtesy of Sam Blum who spoke to Logan ohappy he spoke to his teammates and this came from Taylor Ward Mike listen to this okay he is our captain I think he’s the leader of this team I believe wholeheartedly in him he’s a leader a born leader wow that to me says a whole lot and Sammy even mentioned in the article that you know Trout’s seen as the quiet leader but he’s never been the vocal guy and he also mentioned at the beginning of uh I think it was spring training that Ron Washington said man I got to stick a pin in that guy and let some of the air out and let him deflate a little bit because his energy is just through the roof and so he’s the guy Mike that I think we’ve been waiting for for a real long time now Netto to me also shows those leadership qualities but he’s also he’s a quiet dude he’s pry quiet like pretty mild mannered chill is a good word that’s what I think so that’s an interesting anecdote from Taylor Ward why don’t you get into some interesting numbers from last year compared to this year yeah so this is pretty interesting before his injury in 2023 Logan o happppy was on Pace for 24 home runs a 2.4 War while holding a 139 weighted runs created Plus Great numbers right so far this season oh is holding the same offensive Pace he’s on Pace for 24 home runs 2.6 war and a weighted runs created plus of over 120 did did Taylor Blake Ward tweet that I thought I saw that out there yes yes just want to make sure gave him gave him a shout out for that because what a great comparison absolutely one of our favorites and I love that he gives us those stats I loved those stats because we were really thinking that maybe perhaps Logan o hoppy last year was going to be somebody that could help get trout and Otani to the playoffs and then of course he had the arm issue which was just really heartbreaking then comes back and hits 400 home runs in the final month of the season right like that’s what it felt like right it did and just looked great what I like about what we’re seeing from this ohappy right now is that he’s not just swinging for the fences he is somebody that is hitting the Gap he is somebody that’s going from right to left he’s going down the lines and then he’s hitting his pitches we’ve seen the home runs really get amped up recently especially the late inning home runs and honestly John I’m a huge fan of first through fifth inning doubles and singles RBIs I’m a huger fan is that a word Huger I’m a bigger fan of huge I’m a bigger fan of meaningful home runs yeah not just man I I I popped one in the first that’s great and I’m gonna celebrate that don’t get me wrong but I love the meaningful Logan Oh Hoy home runs that we’ve seen in the last couple of games and all throughout June that guy to me is somebody that is an Allstar but do you think that he’ll get there Johnny yeah I the competition in front of him obviously it’s not GNA happen through the voting right Mike but to get an All-Star nod as one of the catchers who’s GNA be there obviously you gotta get through adley Rutman you got to get through Salvador Perez who’s having like a career Renaissance with the Royals yeah and then you know you get down the list and there’s Logan o hoppy and I think he belongs right up there there with those guys and and so if he gets a nod because he gets selected I think that that would be super fantastic Mike somebody else that I think should be an All-Star is Luis rifo yeah there’s absolutely no reason why the guy who’s leading the league and batting average has close to if not the sameish numbers as a Bobby Whit Jr who you know was like given the red carpet to go into the uh into the All-Star Game but that’s some pretty good company and so I think Ren heo certainly should get the nod as well I mean why wouldn’t you want him right on your team playing a couple Innings out there and it’s a good showcase for hey anybody want to take a look at Ren heo and give up a couple of prospects for him I mean I think that would be a great thing as well but Mike for you ohappy you see him as an All-Star who else is an All-Star for you yeah I think r hoa’s on that list and then of course some going to say Tyler Anderson I can’t think of anybody else on this team that is deserving I think if we were going to stretch it a bit I would throw Zack neto’s name in there simply because Zach has those intangibles that you can’t measure now you don’t make the All-Star team because you have intangibles that you can’t measure sure and so but he’s got that Gary dearen vibe to him Gary dearen was somebody that really held the angels together in the 90s and and was just a great shortstop wasn’t fantastic did have an Allstar appearance and he had a really great season when he got injured that’s when the Angels really fell off and he was somebody that was kind of the glue that held it together but he’s got that kind of vibe and maybe even a little bit more gritty gutty I think maybe more Derek Jeter than Gary darar but I I would say if we’re going to stretch it a bit I think that Zack Neto should at least get some consideration for being a backup being put on the roster because I think that this guy is going to be along with Logan ohappy going to be the pillars for the Ang moving forward yeah absolutely now you mentioned Logan you mentioned Netto obviously would make a great case for the all All-Star team one name that’s part of this young core Nolan shaunell and just doing a quick little first half checkup he’s not got a great average right now which is kind of surprising given what we saw at the end of last season of course that was a very small sample size what do you think’s gonna happen with sha ell the rest of this year what do you say I think that he’s figuring it out John I think that maybe perhaps The Narrative of him you know needing to hit home runs might have gotten in his head definitely at the beginning yeah I think that what wash said to to Netto might be the same narrative that he’s saying to a lot of the players remember when Netto went off and he was not doing well and he grabbed the iPad watch said you’re not gonna find what’s wrong looking at that yeah he said stop swinging for the fences I think that’s the key to Nolan shanell’s approach is you got to slap that ball everywhere look at what Ren heo is doing slapping the ball everywhere at the expense of power too yes and I think that that will also help with Shawn ell’s eye at the plate because hison base percentage hasn’t been what it was last year and notice that he’s brought his hands down a bit that the bat is more out in front rather than back and up over and I’ve always felt like you have a lot of I know he has kind of a kick but he has a lot of movement before he gets there six foot four Mike yeah you get a lot of you have a lot of movement before you get there and I think that that’s kind of been his issue and maybe why because he switched maybe why we’re seeing a bit more of an improvement same thing with Joe Adell right like the long swings getting your hands from where they are to where they need to be that bad just needs to rest on your shoulder it needs to rest just behind your head and let your hands go straight through in fact there was a great quote that we’ll share this week uh on one of our upcoming episodes from George Brett who’s like this launch angle nonsense is ridiculous and so I I want to share that with you on one of our episodes this week because he’s somebody of course over 3,000 hits who’s like there’s a better way to go about this and and baseball players need to know this and I want to be somebody that communicates this because these hitting coaches are not doing it or the players are not listening yeah I would certainly Listen to George Brett if I were one of these guys absolutely yeah give me a lot of pinear and angry face and I’ll go and get 3,000 go beat somebody up hey thanks for making locked on Angels your very first listen of the day the Angels play the A’s in Oakland 640 Pacific time and you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast with SiriusXM on the sxm app just Angels hey give us a follow on Twitter lockon Angels connect with Mike and I at Super Halo Bros on Twitter and Instagram if you haven’t checked it out already launched a new newsletter for super Halo Bros that you can check out in the episode description below it’s a substack and I’ll be writing articles there talking about the Halos a little bit more and I just finished the ultimate Los Angeles Angels MLB trade deadline guide so say that three times fast and then get into the article because I talk about everybody who should be traded could be traded and must be traded Mike what do we have on deck for Wednesday’s show well you may have heard this name Kon Hera he’s he’s he’s somebody that angel fans have been talking about because he’s playing at Triple A Salt Lake and he’s doing pretty good John so we’re going to share some of his stats what he had been doing and where he’s at now we share a bit of his career and we’ll talk about why you need to pay attention to him tomorrow on lock lock down angels and of course we’ll be recapping that Oakland game for you until then my name is John and that’s my brother mik and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John thanks for being here with us everybody and we’ll see you back here on Wednesday you know John danels didn’t have a winning streak until you got the standing desk so I think we all should just say thank you to you oh you’re you’re welcome my legs are tired

The Los Angeles Angels have played 83 games in the 2024 season, just over half the season, and we thought it was a good time for a check-up! We begin with Mike Trout and Anthony Rendon, discussing their progress and what happens when they return. We take a look at some updates regarding Patrick Sandoval, Reid Detmers, and Jose Quijada, and, we ask the question; “Will Logan O’Hoppe be an All-Star?” Plus, what about playing time for those already on the roster when Trout and Rendon return? We’ll cover it all on today’s Locked On Angels!

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  1. I can totally see O'Hoppe as Captain of the team with Trout as the veteran player at his side who helps prop him up. When Trout comes out you can see that he wants to do well, but every time O'Hoppe steps on the field, he's got a game face like none other. You can see how fiercely he wants the plays, hits, and wins because it's written all over his face and body language.

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