Aaron Portzline (@Aportzline) on X. Steve Mears to replace Rimer

Steve Mears to replace Rimer

  1. Mears was born in Murrysville PA and came from the Penguins. I’m surprised they thought he should be the guy.

  2. I’ll give him a shot. But I might end up listening to the radio broadcast instead

  3. A bunch of bummed out people on Twitter that it’s not Bucci

    He was being kind of a dick to fans yesterday who were making “what could our lines be with Monahan” posts and was a complete dick about Detroit at the draft. Don’t need that shit here.

  4. Anyone have any clips of him? I would like to hear what he sounds like.

  5. Lots of disappointed people here. I admittedly don’t know much about this guy. But I am looking forward to having a new and younger voice on the broadcast!

    I too love Bobby Mac, but prefer him on the radio (which I listen to a lot), and I never thought Bucci was a legit candidate.

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