CJ Stroud & Will Anderson Are Officially BIG TIME & SHOWDOWN In The Locker Room Grocery Challenge!

CJ Stroud & Will Anderson Are Officially BIG TIME & SHOWDOWN In The Locker Room Grocery Challenge!

CJ Stout and Will Anderson officially Stars if you’re from round here you know plus Gary kubak joins the show has some interesting stuff to say the best Texans local commercials of all time and who got the better groceries was it will Anderson or was it CJ Stout let’s go inside the lock room yeah yeah yeah it’s the locker room on YouTube you know what it is let’s get it hey locker room yeah we in the locker room Texas talk yeah you know what we about to do localize every anger what we really do we The Source we the post of the city too landlock got the game in the headlock localize every time can’t stop won’t [Music] stop all right CJ stra Will Anderson officially Stars been a long day today uh it is the locker room number one source for Texans digital content I’m landre Locker the month of the start of training camp is upon us will Anderson CJ strad uh we expect big things from them they they actually became uh they became Stars uh recently now you might be asking how the hell did two guys who were selected in the top three of the draft uh both of them pro bowlers in their first season both of them uh guys that are known around the league both of them making the rounds in their own respected ways uh CJ strout a little bit more than than will but how did these guys just now become Stars I I’ll tell you why gonna be in HB commercials man uh Will Anderson CJ St looks like tank Dell as well HB commercials are back and all I know we we are a uh we’re really a worldwide but we’re definitely a Countrywide show uh a lot of Texans fans might be saying what the hell does that mean like who cares it’s a big deal it’s a big big deal uh it’s one of the finer local establishments I I I’m a HB fan um and the sad truth is that before last season and we didn’t know how these guys were going to do um HB was actually forced for three years to basically put Toro on I mean who the hell else were they going to put on these the HB commercials you see the Astros all the time they got stars um they’re trying to uh they’re trying to do their thing uh good luck with that um but uh yeah now now we now there’s enough star power to where the HB commercials are back which brings me to this uh I want to ask this question I want want yall to uh in the spirit of the HB in the spirit of Will Anderson and CJ stad the uh two premier seconde players for the Texans I want y’all to answer this question in the off season who got the better groceries was it CJ strad on the offensive side of the rock or was it will Anderson on the defensive side of the rock who got the better groceries that would be uh my question will Anderson got denil Hunter one of the Premier pass rushers um they added some Corners they added aiz Al uh Shyer um they added some guys on the dline who got the uh who got the better groceries CJ Stout he got Stefan Diggs he got Joe Mixon he’s getting his offensive Lineback who got the better groceries between Will Anderson and CJ stra appreciate everyone uh for coming through uh normally I uh normally I uh do the 10:30 stream yesterday we did a little early at 9:30 we’re gonna get a good good schedule going during the season uh I’ll be on during the day quite often um likely in the morning and then we’ll likely get obviously certain videos depending on what happens at practice um the postgame show Saturday it’s it’s it’s going to be multiple videos probably seven I think we just busted uh 950 videos it says 801 used to cuss in the old ones before the uh the monetizing so uh we had that someone says Will Anderson uh got the better groceries jayrock I say Will Anderson there’s some awesome players we added on offense but man we got a lot of defensive Talent uh this off season and and a lot of people were saying well I look I I think the having Will Anderson and denal Hunter coming off the edge I think is just absolutely insane I think I think the most popular uh the most popular answer to that is will I I think the defense is going to be good I really do I think the D Line’s gonna be really really good um I I know that there’s kind of a little bit of uh I I don’t want to say hesitancy I think there’s appropriate skepticism when it comes to the secondary but I think that when you have those guys coming off the edge when you have an offense that’s going to put up a lot of points uh and and allow you to be aggressive uh when you might have a Cashman upgrade in Shyer uh when you have you know some of these guys with chips on their shoulders and all that and and you have Dar Stingley I I think I think the defense I think the defense improved um significantly what’s your prediction for Hunter and Anderson combin sacks this coming season I’ll say 30 that would be too much that’s a lot uh I don’t know though I mean I I think Will’s definitely double digits this year I think that’s a given he’s up to 260 he’s huge um denil Hunter I’ll say 27 and a half we’ll go 27 and a half um CJ got that fman Yan and Dick see I’m more of a riy guy myself uh if if we’re talking grocery I’m I’m more about that ribeye life um the filet is nice I’m just kind of I’m kind of more ribey New York strip type um denil yeah Deno Atri as well didn’t even uh bring that up 30 possible LOL okay I mean I thought maybe I was getting a little bit ahead of myself but uh who knows it’s been kind of a kind of a long day Raul says 32 Super Bowl season okay there you go uh two weeks away from the draft all right so I want to do this in the spirit of um Will Anderson and CJ strad being on uh HB commercials and I know that the cou fans were like what about tank yeah tank too um but I’m talking about these two uh be sure to subscribe like right along I want to play this uh someone put up a YouTube video of the uh best they they ranked the 10 best Texans HB commercials I thought this was a good video let’s just kind of relive these uh a lot of JJ Watt a lot of Brock Osweiler I imagine we’ll see some uh some Vince will Fork let’s start with uh L JJ God he loved the HB commercials JJ and we’re gonna judge these thumbs up thumbs down uh one to 10 we’ll go one to 10 and this is going to be a fun trip down memory land I want you to rank the commercial one to 10 thanks for the invite what’s going on ah Scott Splendid delighted you could join us I thought we were grilling burgers and steaks these are HB prime one the most exquisitly scrumptious beef you can buy just like they serve in fancy steak houses I love prime one let’s eat bad news buddy there’s a bit of a dress code and you’re nowhere near it perhaps you’d feel more comfortable in this prime one beef as good as fancy steakhouses only at HB well looking sharp man that’s that I mean come on that that’s that’s a four that’s a four right there I got I got to give that one a four that was a that was a bad bad bad bad one I’m gonna give that I’m gonna give that one a four uh right there jrock’s going with a seven you’re generous I think you’re just happy to see JJ um RS going four five um what happened to Scott I don’t know maybe he just doesn’t want to be in the commercials as much anymore I like Scott though uh seven for the bow tie five from Patty eight five okay so we’re we’re probably like as a group we’re probably in about 56 um well now we’re down to a 53 um there let’s go to the uh to the next one talking about uh yes it is a slow news day so yeah I’m not going to break down the too deep today we got plenty of time for that here’s another hvv commercial I’m actually enjoying the hell out of this n who better to talk about our Texas tough products than our very own tough Tex and JJ Watt yep why are they wasting a commercial on garbage bags and meal prep things though and look at JJ with the sleeves rolled up and the this is like this is like Fort Minor singing JJ or even Tough Enough For Me Like Texas tough food bags that you could load up snap and stay closed tougher thicker aluminum foil that stands up to any meal and stronger more flexible trash bags that won’t let you down so don’t just get tough get get the tough tax whoa you got the line wrong again got a little fired up there yeah all right that that one right there that’s probably about a I’m gonna stay at a four I I would stay at a four there um with that one I’m I’m not I’m not really going that high for that I I don’t I don’t know about uh I mean what what are we advertising here Ian I’m not knocking the the bags or the Tupperware or anything I’m I’m not I’m not really feeling that one uh too much R’s going six okay 2006 John Cena is that thugonomics uh John Cena I wasn’t that’s kind of like my dead like after the attitude there I was kind of out on that so I guess uh that’s Thug and nomics we’re going fours all over the place so this is that’s a solid four um foil for the grill is dumb Jacob’s going Hardo there um nothing wrong with that uh here we go to the uh to the next one these h be meal simple on trays are so fast delicious like my mom always says save time on dinner everybody’s a winner that’s what my mom used to say my mom would always say if you want the real deal get a chef inspired meal hey so did mine or she say if you want a meal that’s slamming add some garlic pesto salmon your mom said slamon I might have added the slamon myself guys you know what I think we might be long lost Brothers not seeing it have you seen your arms all right I gotta say this and this might not be popular that’s a 75 right there OS oser was nice in the uh in the HB commercials I don’t give a damn When anybody says that’s a 75 right there Brock was good on these by the way I have a theory um with kubak I think kubiak’s revenge and and and if y’all missed the Gary kubak interview uh go ahead and check that out uh by the way pinned at the top of the chat if you want to if you want to join into the show and you want to talk talk about anything like any um offseason stuff or whatever uh just click the link and we’ll get you in you just gotta you just got to put what you want to talk about uh but I gotta give Brock a 75 I think kubak developing Brock into a signable quarterback I think that was his revenge on um the late great Bob McNair I think that was kind of his uh his revenge kubby exrain he probably recommended him too uh and was laughing as the Texans signed him he got away from uh kubc and went to boob kind of turned into a chunk uh let’s go to the next commercial I don’t care what y’all say Brock’s nice in these what y’all think Brock what is all this man I’m new to Texas just trying to fit in you don’t need all this Brock you just need to shop at HB yeah they’ve got products made just for Texans like HB prime one beef creamy Creations ice cream and Primo piic it’s all you need to feel right at home here in Texas man great but what am I supposed to do with that mechanical bull I’ll take it what’s this button do my bad bro dud that’s an eight I don’t care I don’t care what y’all say that’s an eight that’s an eight it’s it’s a cringe but it’s an eight you can’t hold his you can’t hold the way he played against him that’s a damn eight right there Brock did his thing there Brock’s a star when it comes to the HB commercial we might need to bring him back forget CJ and will let’s bring him back that’s an eight I’m telling you that’s a good commercial don’t don’t hold don’t hold the play against him don’t hate the don’t hate the play judge the game that’s an eight my friends Brock Brock’s uh br’s batting about 775 here we go some more JJ got the sleeves rolled up uh looks like he’s going to do some guarding I don’t even know what they’re advertising in this one here we go oh remember this one J Garden’s looking great check it out I got cauliflower kale carrots broccoli and cabbage I’m going to make a huge salad well I have all that my HB sweet and crunchy chopped salad and more orange cranberries and sunflower kernels and bacon that sounds pretty good it’s delicious easy and it’s got everything youve got in your garden and more not everything check it out I call him GG wat for gardo I see what you did there you think I should grow a [Music] beard all right that that’s that that’s a two that’s that’s a two right there that’s a two for sure that’s a two man JJ struggling man what’s he what’s he hitting about three seven come on man that ain’t no seven hey I’m just judging man I’m just judging the commercials my friend three three it was decent for what what’ you like about it 399 keep the change four zero that was bad that was bad I don’t know how how does that beat out the two Brock commercials let’s be serious how does that beat out the the two Brocks all right next one ver hey JJ oh these aren’t any Burgers they HB Prime on man look how crappy those Burgers look by the way are those even like those ain’t no HB Burgers I I buy HB Burgers those are not HB Burgers my friend look at that what what is that that one looks like a freaking massive massive massive Frisbee and then that one looks like a damn I don’t even know that one looks like a hockey puck that one looks like a frisbee that one looks like a uh shuffle board ball man we need to get him off the damn Grill please goodness great someone Some Someone Save the Day there so there’s gonna be a lot of sick people at this party season Burgers smells great what are those little ones these are prime one sliders they’re okay that makes sense so can I come over not after what happened last time close up with those burgers after what happened last time JJ spiders they for people like man come on dude what are you cooking bro I like those Burgers where they stuff the cheese I don’t know what my man Scott’s doing little Burgers so can I come over not after what happened last time [Music] JJ I said I was sorry sorry doesn’t take away the pain JJ doesn’t take away the pain all right I’ll give that one [Music] a that’s that’s probably about a six that was probably about a six for sure I I’ll give him uh a six for that yeah I agree with Devon on that six Ramon we got some fives some sevens that one was good um where was the pause what’ I say uh next uh HB commercial as we relive some uh glorious uh days hey guys what are you doing we meal PR Brock’s in here this is going to be at least an eight for the week we’ve got chicken chicken and chicken yeah for our protein we have hb’s natural rotisserie is there anything better than the rotisserie chicken I saw something the other day where someone got a big ass baggie and you just put the rotisserie chicken in there and you just squish it with your hands so that you get all like the bones out man those rotisserie chickens go in those are sick Costco has bigger ones though uh HB has random ones Costco’s got those massive Birds three chicken so what about the vegetables HB has Italian herb rotisserie chicken and the fruit lemon pepper chicken okay what about grains barbecue MKE JJ barbecue isn’t a grain my house my rules there was a a sign out front all right I I’ll give that I’ll give that one a solid uh solid six I think just because I like those uh just because I like those chickens uh I don’t know but they only had like four chickens and they had all the uh meal prep looked like they had meal prep for like 20 weeks so not as realistic as I would like but yeah that’s that’s solid it’s solid we’re get we’re getting some solid grades um on that pretty pretty solid could be a lot worse all right I think we’re down to the final three uh three damn yeah you must not like the uh the meal prep proportion with the chicken either uh next one JJ those HB Prime L Burgers look great yeah grillin reminds me of my hope look how much better his burgers are than than Scott look at those dude can we go back to this all right what are we at here this is 349 look at Scott burgers and look at his look at Scott’s hey JJ these aren’t any Burgers JJ’s smells great what are those little ones these are Prime on HB guy look at those burgers and then look at these yeah grillin reminds me of my childhood with Dad look at that Scott why would you you at why wouldn’t you want JJ o reminds me of my childhood with we’d cook burgers together and then we’d do other father son things like work on the car together collect some firewood and do a little fishing the KN head right here good times man Burger [Music] yeah all right you got you got to give that one that that one’s at least an 85 yeah it might be a nine just for the burgers I’m I’m kind of hungry now man he might have me he might have me in the whip going to of burger man at this point good Lord who JJ man damn he can cook some burgers where the hell is uh where the hell is Scott at there good Lord that was solid this is this is the best one yet look at those Burgers one more time good gosh JJ’s Burgers man pause but really though look at these things that’s that part they got the Jalapeno in there too got a little grilled chicken bre look at that he’s already got the chicken and the jalapenos there I feel like JJ was actually grilling man damn man doing his damn thing all right next one um there those those Burgers let me bring those up for y’all look at that that look at that tell me you’re not hungry right now seriously what is I know why is this the only one that’s on the HD yeah what happened to Scott where where the hell is Scott doing his thing man some good burgs all right next one um they have this ranked is the second of all time hey Scott hey guys I’m glad you could make it hey I’ve been to HB and I picked up all the essentials for our Thanksgiving meal got the turkey the ham of course you got to have a brisket my favorite is that pan pie in Texas Brock we call it pecan pie potato potato no one says potato all right fine can I have some pie I don’t know Kan you Happy Thanksgiving what that’s a solid that that’s a solid right there that’s a solid that’s a nine that’s a nine right there for sure that’s a nine Scott retired huh man you can’t why would you retire from the commercials though [Music] um at least he’s not dead I wanna I want to meet Scott from HB what do yall do y’all think Scott from HB parties like you think if he’s at the game he’s tailgating or anything like that yeah I would say I would say that’s at least a nine right there look at willfor Fork with the um overalls too y’all think Scott like if he’s tailgating you you think he’s partying or you think he’s just kind of he kind of strikes me as a dude who like you go to the tailgate and you’re like oh hey Scott what’s up man and he’s like sitting there and you look in his left hand he’s got a damn not even like a Sprite like a effing uh offbrand like lemon lime soda or he has like a uh I’m trying to think about what Scott would be drinking at the tailgate like uh something like uh what is Scott sipping on man at the tailgate ginger [Laughter] ale he’s got a he’s got a Ginger Bell uh HB PR toppo someone says squirt I like Scott would be sipping on like a uh freaking man what is he sipping on I’m trying to figure this out who knows man all right let’s go to the uh to the next one yeah no Scott’s Scott’s sipping on Fanta orange man Scott’s got him a Fanta orange uh 40-Year-Old Virgin Fanta Fanta orange 100% yeah that’s what he’s got that’s Scott at the poker table everybody sitting around at the tailgate Scott sitting there with the uh with the Fanta yes 100,000% right there there’s Scott tell me that ain’t Scott at the tailgate he’s right there there’s Brock he’s got the Budweiser Scott’s sitting there with the Fanta all right next commercial we’re down to the final stretch tricked out with all the essentials guys see You’ got all of hb’s tailgating favorites yep prime one Burgers jalapeno poppers brisket sausage and the works yeah I’m just making a little snack they’re all good out to makeup more excuses to tailgate yeah so what’s his tailgate for anyway all American purebred dog show oh it’s on already HB tailgate favorites everything you need to kick off any game yeah I got that that ain’t better than the other one I don’t hate it but that ain’t that ain’t better than the other one I mean that’s that’s like a six seven whatever but that it ain’t it ain’t that good for sure uh come on uh Hey from C shout out to C Westside uh hope you’re doing well land of CJ how far away are you from where CJ grew up uh you are giving that an eight that’s generous that’s incredibly generous there um Killa X God ask asking a question um quick question guys this is for everyone what is your realistic expectation for our team in year two playoffs noise progress like I don’t want to put like AFC Championship on them sometimes there’s stuff out of your control I would say uh playoffs playoffs playoffs just get back to the playoffs get back to the playoffs get some progress uh going on I am confident that Kamari lner will have a break out rookie year mark my words how do you break out your rookie year my friend um is that possible am I being like well actually guy I’m not really sure I could be can you have a breakout your rookie year or is it just a good rookie year uh so an hour and a half from CJ okay I see you yeah I think these HB commercials are going to be nice I I hope CJ uh buys into him the I don’t know that CJ knows how sick of an honor this is I mean he’s got he had the Cheetos indorsement he’s like traveling all over the place uh I know his guy uh Brian Bernie uh is handling the marketing same guy that does Parsons He did Watson as well um he’s got him doing a lot of stuff but and you get those HB commercials because I remember uh Deshawn had some uh HB commercials too didn’t he um the Sean and nuke um Tex and yes this is a different type of live Vibe normally I mean we’ll get pretty intense sometimes but we’re not uh it’s the slow news day and cubs hopped on uh this morning okay here’s yeah here’s a Desa nuke this is from the cron right here let’s see what this the one where he caught that Sushi thing or whatever yeah yeah this is that that’s fake right yeah that’s fake right hold up man I’m put way too much time into that oh my God appreciate everyone for coming through uh hope you enjoyed the Gary kubak interview you got some other dudes coming on I’ve talked to uh a few dudes uh that are going to come on some big hitters we’ll get some uh some guys on leading up to the season in season uh we’re probably going to get players as well uh on the stream the stream is going to be on multiple times daily uh newsworthy videos uh definitely some stuff in the mornings and then the usual night stream so we’re picking it up it is July couple of videos today we’ll get some more in uh tomorrow got a got a important meeting tomorrow to uh to get to uh as well so appreciate everyone for coming through be sure to subscribe be sure to like be sure to uh ride along uh if you watched the kubak uh interview I hope you enjoyed it uh he had some interesting things to say about CJ strout he’s obviously a big fan uh Bobby slowick uh My Demo Ryan’s theory that it was a big advantage to have all those games at noon um and he wouldn’t bite the hook I tried to make him uh pick a side and kind of embrace debate but he’s too much of a classy mofo did say some interesting things right off the top about the Andre Johnson uh Hall of Fame induction as well appreciate everyone for coming through be sure to subscribe like right along always remember when it comes to this text and stuff we’re all in it together let’s eat it is July we are a few weeks away from Camp business picking [Music] up we got takeways if it’s up then it’s up we number one you don’t need to try your luck uhuh uhuh locker room yeah we in the locker room Texas talk yeah you know what we about to do localize every angle what we really do we The Source we the post of the city too [Music]

CJ Stroud and Will Anderson might have been Pro Bowlers last season with the best yet to come, but they officially became stars this week, at least locally.

Plus, who got the best groceries and trips down memory lane with the best local HEB ads and more. Landry Locker breaks it all down in another LIVE edition of The Locker Room on YouTube!

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