MAJOR Trade Imminent… Report Reveals Big Jays Move Incoming | Toronto Blue Jays News

MAJOR Trade Imminent… Report Reveals Big Jays Move Incoming | Toronto Blue Jays News

the Toronto Blue Jays are in an absolute freef fall and we said they hit rock bottom they’ve stayed at rock bottom for the past couple of days here and uh the Jays may be looking to be sellers at this year’s deadline they’re currently eight games back of the final wild card spot and it’s not looking to turn the corner either so I’ll break that down and much more on this episode of Jay’s digest what’s up Jays fans I’m your host Peter Ronis alongside of host Nick gos now happy candidate Day to all of you no upload yesterday uh Nick was pretty busy on the Leafs front of things very busy day for the Toronto Maple Leafs hopefully they can turn things around for Toronto sports fans but the Blue Jays Nick not so good and shout out to Nick as well for holding it down these past few days uh always always could count on him for that but Nick Jay’s a lot of reports coming out that they may be sellers at this year’s deadline and it’s looking more and more likely especially considering the performances of Bo bashet and uh they’re they’re just not gaining any ground right now in the Wild Card race and they played okay against the Yankees they split a four game set I mean that’s all you can expect from them at this point but it’s um I don’t really have the words it’s not getting any better right now and the one silver lining that I will take out of this is that vlat has been fantastic he looks like his old 2021 self not only is he hitting for average he is smacking the the ball out of the ballpark hitting home runs left right and center and he has unlocked his power maybe we could give some credit to uh to the hitting staff for the first time in the past two years because they seem to have been working alongside him and he seems to have changed something I’d have to look at his at bats to to really see what he’s changed but Nick very encouraging sign there but the rest of the team not so good apart from him and Spencer Horwitz yeah we have new reports indicating exactly who’s getting traded and who’s getting kept most likely so we’ll dive into that now so Bob night and gaale made a report yesterday saying the Blue Jays plan to place us Kikuchi Danny Jansen Jimmy Garcia Justin Turner and Kevin km on the trade block ahead of the 2024 MLB trade deadline per Bob Nightingale and he also followed that up by saying they want to make one one last run with Vladimir Guerero Jr and Bob bashet and currently don’t plan on trading them so vlat is gonna stay a blue jay past the deadline bashet seemingly is also gonna stay a Jay past uh the deadline obviously but Peter it looks like that Kikuchi Jansen Jimmy Turner and Kier Meer are all headed for the trade block doesn’t mean all of them are going to get traded but it seems like there’s a uh there’s significant traction towards these guys getting moved and the only one I’m really upset about here is Danny Jansen yeah I’m upset about Jimmy Garcia and Kikuchi as well uh and the way that Justin Turner has been swinging the bat lately I definitely think that there’s going to be a market for him for for maybe a cheap option veteran guy that can come in and play a minimal role but could definitely help out a contending team like those guys all have value and and they’ll be except for maybe Kevin km but those guys all have a place on good teams just the Jays for whatever reason have not been able to piece together good performances day in day out whe whether it’s um the offense that’s going well that’s when the pitching goes to crap and and if the pitching is doing well that’s when the offense fails to to do anything significant so Nick it’s been uh it’s been a very disappointing season to put it lightly and I think we’re we’re 84 games into the year now it’s settled the dust is settled and the Blue Jays are not going to be in the playoffs this season unless a miraculous turnaround happens which I don’t see happening I I just don’t Envision a way in which this team could sneak into the playoffs I know that teams around Major League Baseball have underperformed a lot this year but the Jays have been arguably the biggest disappointment around the league and it’s not turning itself around and and uh we could kid ourselves and say that yeah they’re going to make the playoffs and they’re they’re going to Rattle off 20 wins in 25 games but we just haven’t seen that kind of dominance from them in the past two years so unless vlat continues this pace for the rest of the season and Bo becomes September B again I I don’t see the season turning it self around and yeah considering how weak the farm system is it would be a detriment to the future of the Blue Jays if they didn’t go out and recoup some assets at the trade deadline because Jansen km um not not km Jansen turer Garcia and Kikuchi could all fetch you some pretty decent prospects and then your retool as as you call it looks a little bit more advanced than it would if you were to keep those guys and then lose them for nothing at the end of the season yeah I mean selling at this point is almost inevitable I think Ross Atkins is hoping for a a miracle run over the next couple weeks to give them a reason to buy but I think at this point that’s a bit too far Gand enough seven to eight games back of a wild card spot and they had a good series against the Yankees and they still lost ground or barely made up any ground whatsoever and an interesting article by Ben Nichols Smith was dropped and I want to bring it up a little bit it kind of compares the past deadlines to the Future deadlines also indicating as well the Jays will sell next month so just another report doubling up on that but basically it goes over have Ros Atkin said that they’re prepared to take two to three different angles either winning rebuilding retooling whatever it ends up being but Peter out of these options I’m about to give you I’m curious to see which one you would like to uh to do so there’s kind of the option of making need for need trades and kind of gives examples of this off season or this trade deadline sorry trading Kevin km away for a promising reliever something like that they could go and sell and get big Leaguers back similar to what they did in 2017 where they traded Francisco liano for nor ioke and tasar Hernandez or they could also just kind of blow it up and retool completely which I don’t or resell completely which it doesn’t seem like that’s the option I think at this point buying is almost out of the question it’s more so about how they’re going to go about selling and I personally think this might be the way they go about it where they sell but get big Leaguers back even though they probably should be going for the prospect route I think maybe a trade similar to the L one where you’re getting a promising Prospect and you’re getting a uh in theory who was n who was at the time yeah well I don’t know if the prospect route is necessarily the most effective one and I’ll say it like this because if you do want to keep vlat in town if you do want to keep Bo in town you’re not going to get prospects that are years away from the major league you’re going to want to get guys that are going to help your major league team in let’s say a year or two or maybe even three okay so if you do decide to resign vlat and Bo then you’re going to have to get some major league talent in return I’m not saying that they’re they’re going to have to be immediate starters and come in and fill a void for the Blue Jays but if you do trade Kevin kerm let’s say you’re going to want to get someone that could help your major league team and I doubt that you’re going to get a Blue Chip Prospect for him so you’re going to try to maybe get a Reclamation project that you can control and and have for a few years time similar to like an Eric Swanson type of thing you you won’t get someone that good but someone in that realm right and same thing with Justin Turner you’re not going to get a number one Prospect for him you’re probably going to get um a solid big leager right you’re going to get someone that will will maybe play a role for you down the line but can’t expect huge things right out of the gate I think this is more of a retool situation for the Blue Jays they just need to find um guys that that will be here for the Long Haul and try to get get rid of some of those expiring contracts and I think that’s the best way to go about it try to get close to Major League ready players in return don’t sell off assets if you’re just going to get uh lottery ticket prospects because that that hasn’t really panned out for the Blue Jays in the past few years yeah I think ultimately they’re going to make some deals for some MLB players because if they don’t then who knows if Bo and vlady and all those guys will stay but let us know in the comments your thoughts on this what do you think the best route for the Blue Jays is to take given their current point and let us know see you soon

Nick Gosse and Peter Vryonis break down how a major trade is imminent following multiple reports revealing that the Toronto Blue Jays are looking to trade several of their key players over the next several weeks. We break that down as well as discuss what that means going forward.

Jays Digest is a YouTube Channel that covers all the latest news, trades, reports, and rumors regarding the Toronto Blue Jays. We provide comprehensive coverage on topics such as game highlights, player performances, and in-depth analysis of team strategies. Our channel features discussions on key players like Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Bo Bichette, George Springer, Alek Manoah, and José Berríos, as well as insights from Manager John Schneider and General Manager Ross Atkins. Stay tuned for all the exciting updates and engaging content on everything Blue Jays!

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  1. Good. At this point. Retool. If the boys dont wanna play, toss em. I guess the boys need Gausman to keep the ERA down otherwise they need to be a hitting machine. (what goes around comes around)

  2. Pls everyone reading this comment look how Jansen plays behind the plate he won’t frame any pitch even if it clips the zone and that makes umps less likely to give the close calls the our pitchers. Someone like Kirk always try’s to frame it and u might not think it helps but know you know watch Jansen play and you will see exactly what I’m saying, sometimes he makes it look like it was hard to catch even tho it’s a cm out side the zone. Idk why there is no coach getting mad at him for it

  3. They have the same chance as the Habs at turning it around. Vlad stopped listening to the hitting coaches. I called this crappy season out of spring training.

  4. Why do Newphy's love the Leafs so much?
    All those people on the trade block, are easily replaceable. Catchers are abundant, a fifth starter isn't hard to find, niether is a DH, don't need KK, the only one semi-valuable is Garcia. BUT the big trades need to be unloading Gausman and Springer. Gaus is figured out by the league, they know how to lay off the splitter and he is helping them by losing speed on his fast ball. Springer is hot, don't let it fool you, he is in a fast freefall with age being his biggest hurdle – get something for them, and relive yourself of the money's so we can turn it into FA's, or trades for next season. Leafs still suck!

  5. Terrible year for you to start your channel, you guys have great info.
    FIRE the 3 fools and burn it down and make massive signings even overpay in off-season if needed

  6. Jays a gong show for 3 years now. Why do you want to keep bo and vlad if you can get serious prospects? Both guys have proven they can’t carry a team to win – look at how many playoff series games they have win. If they aren’t able to carry the team than the only real choice is to rebuild. But before all this talk. Where is the push for firing Atkin and Shapiro? Where are the fans showing they are fed up with this front office (sold out game yesterday for a sub 500 team??). Maybe another front office can retool this team, this front off surely cannot.

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