[OC] Why do some “fans” still doubt Brock?

[OC] Why do some “fans” still doubt Brock?

  1. Cause he’s got superstar all around him. lol like shut up every team has superstars

  2. Hes not supposed to be good, and even though he is good, he will have to be the next brady in their eyes or else he didnt live up to his potential. i.e they are stupid

  3. I mean look at our QBs since Garcia… that’s like 20 years of bad play. We had Alex who finally looked decent, then Kap who looked good and fell off a cliff. It just hard to believe we have a franchise QB.

  4. Stupidity is the most likely explanation
    Most people can’t get over the fact that he was Mr Irrelevant and that will plague him for years to come or at least until he wins a ring

  5. It’s very simple:


    You’re not supposed to find franchise QBs with the last pick in the draft, especialy after failing with a #3 pick.

  6. There’s also a bunch of fans out there who believe Trey Lance is superior in talent to Brock and just won’t let it go.

  7. Not being fully convinced after a little over a season of play isn’t unreasonable. I like what Brock is doing, I just want to see more.

  8. Because 49er fans are among the most spoiled in all of sports. Montana and Young your qbs back to back. 5 SBs. Between 1981-98, they won 10 or more games EVERY year except the strike season of 82. Walsh. Seifert. An owner that did everything an owner can do…and invented new things. And an endless parade of legendary players. Those of us who’ve been around and remain rational know we’re spoiled.

    Quest for 6!

  9. Most “fans” look at wins and losses, and do not know anything about talent evaluation or X’s and O’s.

  10. Nobody should be doubting Purdy after last season, if you’re going to doubt anyone at this point doubt Shannahan.

  11. People immediately forget that he just broke the teams single season passing yards record because all he does is “check it down” while also leading the league in air yards for most of the year. People will call him a choker his whole career until he wins a Super Bowl, ignoring the fact that he is in his first full season because the media loves to make people ignore the facts and stats

  12. I think this is a case where Mahomes is the current gold standard, so all top tier QBs get compared to him. In my opinion, he’s in a tier of his own, clearly better than any other QB right now. That leaves ~6 QBs fighting for second best, and with the exception of Purdy, it’s really easy for casual fans (i.e., the overwhelming majority of the people you’re talking to online) to see the impact they each have.

    Allen and Lamar are capable of taking over a game on their own. Hurts too to a lesser extent. But there’s a lot of narrative around Hurts that fuels this a bit. I think all those QB dives for 1 yard touchdowns (and the fantasy football impact) are skewing people’s perspective of his overall talent.

    Burrow is the closest current QB to Tom Brady. His pocket presence, his arm talent, the fact that he looks like an underwear model, and that super bowl run a few years ago helps. Injuries have hurt him a bit, but casual fans will always love a guy like Burrow. Especially if Chase keeps playing at a high level. Because they’re *cool*. Tua is getting the same treatment, but in his case, I think the team around him is doing all the heavy lifting.

    A guy like Stroud is being overhyped (rightfully so), because of his rookie season and the new weapons around him. It’s also because he’s the new hot QB talent, so his upcoming season projection is getting a bit inflated right now. The same thing is happening with Caleb. But that’s just what everyone does with hyped rookies.

    Then you get into guys who are often looked at as better than Purdy by some people:

    Herbert and Lawrence are both looked at with rose tinted glasses because of the situations they were drafted into. Lawrence was the most highly touted prospect out of college since Andrew Luck. The dude looks like Alexander the Great and he won football games in the South. He was destined to be loved lol. He was handed the keys to a garbage franchise and has produced *just enough* to keep him rated highly in a lot of people’s minds.

    With Herbert, it’s the same but to a slightly lesser extent. He walked into a team with an outgoing borderline hall of fame QB who led his team to 8 wins every year. At this point, people know what to expect from the Chargers and their QBs just kinda get a pass for having limited playoff success. Which to be fair, isn’t really Herbert’s and Rivers’ fault. Sort of.

    Then you have veteran guys who have already established themselves as top tier QBs like Rodgers, Cousins, and Stafford. They get the benefit of the doubt because they’ve earned it.

    What’s left is Tua and Goff. Yeah they’re good, but…

    That’s where Purdy gets lumped in for a lot of people: a good QB with a “but” attached to it, whether it’s fair or not. It’s easy to see how casual fans would look around the league and then say shit like, “Purdy is barely above average. If he didn’t have all those weapons and Kyle as his coach, he’d suck.”

    Personally, I think that statement is like 20% true. Put Purdy on the Panthers and I very much doubt he’d be looked at right now as their franchise QB. Situation matters, but you need the talent to make it work. The same argument could be made about Brady if he were drafted by the Jaguars instead. Elite QBs usually only happen when great talent lands in a great spot that fits their strengths. Early development is everything.

    Purdy is a top 5 QB because of the things he does that most casual fans don’t notice. But unless he takes his game to another level or sustains this level of play for years, he’s going to continue to be looked at as “slightly above average”.

    Fuck Dak and fuck the Cowboys.

  13. I’m over it. Keep doubting him! Keep building that chip on our boy’s shoulder!

  14. 49er QBs have always been held to a higher standard than every other team (maybe other than the Cowboys) so unless he wins multiple SBs there will always be the doubters.
    Also the national media pundits are still doubting because 1. They can’t live with the fact a guy who wasn’t on their radar for the draft is playing at this high of a level and 2. They are mostly all Niner haters.

  15. They can’t get off of his draft position and he doesn’t have the traditional measurable like height and a strong arm for them to cover themselves. If he had a cannon they could say shit like ”He finally put it together,” or “We knew he had it him all along he just needed to…”. But they can’t do that because he is playing the same way he did in college.

    At Iowa he was playing with below average skill position players his junior and senior years. He basically spent 2 years trying to play hero ball to replicate the year that he actually had talent to play with. Now with elite talent he is able to show how good he is.

    I’m sure the pundits will come around more if he repeats or has a better year than last season. Except for that one dummy who still has Tom Brady 12th on his list.

  16. He’s gonna deal with doubt most of his career. Same with Brady when he first started. But he won a couple sb and people changed. Just look at what people said after Brady won his first sb, they were asking for bledsoe to take the job bc Brady wasn’t good

  17. I think it’s just plain old fear of being wrong. He was the last pick, he doesn’t have the biggest arm or physical size, he only got to play because everyone got hurt… History says a guy like this is not supposed to be good in the NFL.

    But he is

    That alone creates this kind of skepticism where you expect it all to come crashing down in an “AH HA! TOLD YOU SO!” type of moment. That Mr Irrelevant would be just that, irrelevant. It was just a matter of time!

    But the stats we saw last year and the praise from many of their opponent’s coaches, who’s entire job is come up with ways to stop him, are in disagreement with those who doubt him. They see the intangibles, the poise, the confidence, the leadership, the performance. They see that Brock Purdy is very much relevant in the NFL. He’s the real deal. A rising star QB in the NFL.

  18. I think some fans still doubt him cause Kaep was good for two years and then fell off hard. Sure things went wrong when Harbaugh left but if he was that good he would still be in the league.

  19. I learned long ago to take the immortal words of George Carlin to heart. I’ll paraphrase…

    Think about how smart a person with “average” intelligence is. Now realize that half the people on the planet are **LESS INTELLIGENT** than that.

  20. I think some people would say that a guy like Mahomes or Allen or burrow can make an off platform throw 40 yards down the field effortlessly where as Brock needs to set his feet to get that far which takes more time to get the ball out. It’s physical things that I think they complain about that prevent him from doing what the top quarterbacks do.

    I think these shots of him gaining muscle are probably a way to combat those “deficiencies “, and I think with time he’ll figure out ways to make up for his physical limitations like Drew Brees did

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