Fired-up Giants QB Daniel Jones Aims to Prove Critics Wrong

Fired-up Giants QB Daniel Jones Aims to Prove Critics Wrong

  1. I hope he does prove me wrong. Having a QB do better than you expect is a good problem to have.

  2. >Anyone who was witness to the open practices and press conferences this spring couldn’t help but notice how Jones, who is currently recovering from a torn ACL, had a little extra edge in everything he did. While he was not cleared to do 11-on-11 work in the spring, Jones insisted that he’d be ready to do everything by the time the Giants hold their first training camp practice on July 24.

    >When he wasn’t moving around with purpose in the field, the normally stoic Jones, when taking to the podium, struggled to keep his feelings in check.

    >“I’m focused on what I need to do,” Jones said in his first public comments since the draft. “That’s part of it. I’m focused on playing the best football I can play. I’m always motivated. I consider myself a really driven guy. I’m always going to work as hard as I possibly can.”

    One thing for Jones that could never really be said is that he wasn’t working at his craft to get better, whether it was studying up or getting healthy, etc. His work ethic is a stronger part of his presence on the team and sets a good example as even someone with a more extended leash he’s still showing up early to the building and leaving out late at the end of the day.

    >Jones insisted that he is in a good spot with the organization and its commitment to him for the long term, even though the team can exit from the four-year, $160 million contract they gave him last off-season if things go south again this year.

    >“I feel good about where we’re going. I feel good about this team,” he said. “My job is to get healthy and play good football.”

    >He’s also not worried about the presence of Drew Lock, whom some believe was brought in to compete with Jones for the starting job. 

    >“We’re all trying to do what we can to make this team as good as possible. Like any other year, I’m competing with the guys in there. Like every room on our team, there’s competition.“

    >Jones, who has been hard at work on his rehab, has made it crystal clear that he expects to be ready to go on the first day of training camp and shares the team’s expectations for the coming season.

    What could be argued is the type of competition Jones has had alongside him while here as our QB1.. that said, it’s still something that should be a driving point to assuring overall QB play has some type of meeting ground where we can question what we are really getting out of the position. I’m holding out good faith that Jones (by his word) can get 100% healthy before the start of the season, but I hope it’s well into training camp that we will see him in 11-11 drills and of course a pre-season game or two, to really feel more confident in his health as the season starts up.

  3. Wasn’t he fired up last season?

    Wasn’t trying to “prove the critics wrong” the season before that?

    Wasn’t he a ‘give him time and see guy’ the season before that?

    ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)it’s not even worth it

  4. This sub a year ago today thought the was a borderline top 10 guy – between the 8-12 range lol

    Dude will have us in QB hell the next few years.

  5. Oh man and here I thought he was just gonna go out there and suck ass. This changes everything!

  6. I think he’s going to have a good season with a decent offensive line.

  7. To the moon Jones, to the moon. ( please, I can’t take much more of this pain )

  8. Marcus Stroman was caught leaving Giants Stadium the other day so it’s no wonder that DJ is showing a little fuckin’ intensity bro.

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