We are sad to announce the passing of our beloved mascot, SJ. We are so grateful for his many years of loyal support and cherish all of the wonderful memories he helped create for fans young and old.

We are sad to announce the passing of our beloved mascot, SJ. We are so grateful for his many years of loyal support and cherish all of the wonderful memories he helped create for fans young and old.

  1. Junior was a great boy.

    Got to observe and lead us out for some of the highest moments of the modern Browns.

    Love that fucking dog.

  2. So sad and only 6. Is that normal for a bull mastiff? If I remember his dad Swagger died pretty young too.

  3. That sucks.  SJ got to see some better football than pops ever did at least.  

  4. Got to live long enough to see us make the playoffs twice and win a playoff game

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