[Kleiman] Bills Von Miller claims it was a mistake that he played last season and is ‘angry’ that fans are judging him based on how he performed after tearing his ACL. “It’s crazy how you get injured, and you come back, and you really shouldn’t have even been playing, and people judge you by a

[Kleiman] Bills Von Miller claims it was a mistake that he played last season and is ‘angry’ that fans are judging him based on how he performed after tearing his ACL. “It’s crazy how you get injured, and you come back, and you really shouldn’t have even been playing, and people judge you by a

  1. cont: “product on the field.” “I feel like people are judging me on that [last season], so it’s making me a little bit angry, to be honest.”

  2. Don’t say you are back when you aren’t then. Makes you seem like a liar when you give us hype and hope last year and you did absolutely nothing. Now you’re using it as an excuse. Especially considering all the offseason issues you are lucky you took that contract restructuring so we can feel a little better about the situation

  3. The product on the field is literally what the team is paying him for and what the fans are expecting out of him. I would have been a less angry if he didn’t play at all because he wasn’t ready than some fucking half cooked bread pudding of a season he had instead.

  4. Takes 18 months to return to full form. Very few guys can snap back right away.

  5. I mean I hope he’s healthy and angry and extra motivated. We’re going to need him to contribute this year.

  6. I don’t know why these vets think going out there with a walker is better than someone healthy playing. Nobody is that good of a leader that zero production the field can be justified. I agree he should have been sitting, but I bet he had a lot to do with him playing. Hoping he has a great season.

  7. Im over this drama. Cant wait til hes off the books next yr and we can move on. I dont expect 3 sacks and 10 tackles from him this season if he plays at all. Better to just put him on IR week one and reach an injury settlement with him

  8. I mean this is kinda what happens when you are so positive that you can be back earlier than most people and then people judge you based on your words not matching the results?


    I bet if Von kept his mouth shut, realized he’s older and should probably not try to be Superman by coming back so early, and just focused on his rehab, there would be a lot less “judgement” thrown his way.

  9. Dumbass was saying since pre season he was ready to go and wanted to play again. Then he sucked and now he says he shouldn’t have played.

  10. He could have said no to playing.

    I’m Judging him based on eye test and effort.

    Maybe knee wasn’t there…but doing the stand and hold hands with Olinemen tells me he wasn’t trying that hard that often.

  11. Someone on the last thread that popped up said that this was abuser language and it was spot on. Classic victim blaming response from a woman beater. This guy twisted his own persistence to return too soon into the fans having unrealistic expectations, couldn’t make up that level of narcissism

  12. Fans aren’t judging him because he had to recover after tearing his ACL. We judged him because HE SAID he was back. First it was “I’ll definitely be back by Thanksgiving,” then “I’m back to 100%” when he was clearly a liability on the field. We would have been better off giving basically all of his reps last season to someone else.

    The more he talks, the more he has to prove on the field. Nothing would make me happier than to see him return to pre-injury form and produce on the field.

  13. He talked nonstop about how he felt ready before the season even started. When he did play, he did little to nothing to impact the game in any positive way.

    For a veteran with as many years experience as he has, there is simply no way he doesn’t understand that fans are going to be upset if you don’t play well. He’s trying to rewrite history in order to CYA because his mouth wrote checks his ass couldn’t cash last season.

    I hope he is ready to pay this season.

  14. I mean when you brag about being a full go and ready for weeks when it’s actually not the case and then don’t produce it’s to be expected

  15. I actually kinda liked Von before he became a bill.

    I actually dislike him now that he is. Dude is a clown show.

  16. Just get the job done and win the Super Bowl, Mr. Miller. Then everyone is happy.

  17. He said he would be ready by week one, any and all expectations are his own doing, I hope he plays better this year and am glad he was willing to take a pay cut for the team

  18. Everyone I talked to was thinking why is he rushing back so fast . Maybe that was just my circle ? TF did we need him in week 6 for

  19. I could have overlooked the performance on the field post injury if he hadn’t also assaulted his pregnant gf but I guess I’m just splitting hairs.

  20. Leave it to Dov Kleiman to resurrect old news to stir engagement. Dude is a clown

  21. He took up valuable space in the playoffs that someone healthy might have been able to be an impact. He has no credibility and better figure out how to rush the passer this year and make us forget this.

  22. I’m mad at you because we had to break up our core for you, dude. Your contract is the difference between having Diggs and Tre here still. We can’t add blue chip talent because of you.

  23. Von Miller is going to wreak havoc this year. For anyone that was playing hurt need to get their eyes checked. This man was trying to do his best with a serious injury.

  24. People tend to judge you when you keep saying you’re gonna come back before the season is over, and you do but you play like shit, Von. That’s how it goes. Next time keep the lips shut and come back when you really should.

  25. Should we have judged him for his on the field stuff, or should we judge him for the off the field stuff? Both fields were pretty shitty.

  26. Von, I’m listening brother, and I actually get it, however my man, I’ll give you till week 6. If not in some sort of pro bowl form, he looked real good year 1, then my friend your cooked. If your Von Fucking Miller, which I know you are, then yes you will be your HOF self.
    Von Miller is the dog of dogs, anyone that thinks otherwise is in the 12-30 year old range

  27. “How can fans judge me based on my lack of performance on the field” good lord what a silly mindset. If he really had a nagging injury and “shouldn’t have been playing” then why did he insist on playing 😂 it’s not like he had an impact last season. Hope the guy got time to get healthy and shut up the haters but you don’t get praised by any fan base if you suck on the field. Just the nature of professional sports lol

  28. No, what’s crazy is you claimed over and over that you were ready then made a whole 2 tackles

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