(Mychal on Klay signing with Mavs) “I’m not feeling too much in a congratulatory mood… I was praying he’d finish his career with the Lakers.”

(Mychal on Klay signing with Mavs) “I’m not feeling too much in a congratulatory mood… I was praying he’d finish his career with the Lakers.”

  1. Klay finished his career as a warrior going 0-10 btw. Looking at his numbers will fool u just like looking at Dlo’s numbers can fool u. I wanted him for the mle but it’s good we ain’t paying a washed up dude 20 mil, we would’ve regretted it in a year or 2. I also think Lebron and gsw have too much history and lakers beat them last time in the playoffs, kinda ended their whole dynasty prolly played a factor.

  2. yall forget Texas doest have income tax. Klay is going to make significantly more in Dal eventhough we offered more.

  3. Klay has turned into a hero ball shot chucker and him taking that DAL contact proves he still thinks he’s the old Klay. The only FA I feel we really dropped the ball on was Kyrie

  4. If Dallas makes the finals and Kyrie chokes again Klay will realize the mistake he made. We’re all disappointed in him

  5. Whenever the Mavs come to play us and Klay hits a shot he’s gonna give that pissed off whisper.. “Klay for 3… lucky shot” lol 😂

  6. My theory is that Klay didn’t want to tarnish any goodwill he had with the GSW fans since he knows he’s a legend down there. John Ireland did say that Mychal told him Klay was thinking Dallas all the way. Klay may also just think the Mavs are closer to being a contender than we are which is fair.

  7. You’re 4 times Champion, youve beaten Lebron before and now trying to secure your 5th. Do you really want to join the clown show of Daddy and Me at the Lakers  for the next 4 years? Clay made the right choice. 

  8. As Kobe said, if you dont have it you dont. Klay doesnt have it. He cant handle the pressure of a laker

  9. Aside from taxes, I think since Curry and Bron are tied for chips he didn’t want to add to the legacy of someone he’s been rivals with for his chip runs.

  10. I was praying he wouldn’t.

    I’m praying the same prayer for DeMar. “Please, God, let him sign somewhere else.”

  11. Yeah, minimum or nothing. I’m glad we dint give this dude 80 mil (from what I’ve heard)

  12. He’s had two pretty catastrophic injuries back to back… I was surprised he even came back for the Warriors.

  13. Something weird with klays pride. He comes across as insecure. Of course he can’t be a laker. He’d never survive.

  14. We offered him more money and his own dad couldn’t convince him to sign in LA. Dude never wanted to come here he just wanted to use our name as leverage. Where are all the Pelinka haters?

  15. Klay is like a lot of other modern basketball players and just wants more money, even though he’s already gotten paid 225 million in salary already. It really seems like that is a lot of money already, but other people have more so people weirdly feel the need to compete in salary too.

    I am fine with not having him though. I like Klay as a person and a connection to the team, and I think he gave a lot to those teams. I don’t know how much he has left in the tank, especially 3 years from now. I think other guys could help us more and for potentially less money.

  16. Me thinks Mychal is being a bit tongue-in-cheek about this, guys. Clearly made in jest. 🙂 He would never seriously air his son out **publicly**…by all accounts he’s a very good father.

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