Steph’s farewell to Klay 🥲

Steph’s farewell to Klay 🥲

  1. Fuck me, this has been hard. I feel so fortunate to have witnessed the greatness of Klay, Steph, and Dray together. We really went from a basement dweller of a franchise to a dynasty with these guys. Seeing their journey together was a dream come true for me and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

    I love these guys 🥲. This isn’t goodbye for Klay, he’s made his mark on the Bay. No matter what team he finishes his career on, he will forever be remembered as a Warrior and a Splash Brother 💙💛

  2. I hope Klay keeps a house in the bay and keeps posting him sailing around. I hope he still has love for the Bay even though he’s gone.

  3. I’ve been “it is what it is” about Klay leaving for a while, but this legit got me fucked up 😭

  4. Im a 42 y/o grown ass man, with kids and shit. why does this hurt like my first break up in HS?

  5. reality finally sinking in for me reading the last 2 lines especially “splash bros 4 life”  and seeing the pics 

  6. Aaand cue the waterworks again. It was just not supposed to go this way. 😭💔

  7. just to show you how long the splash brothers have been together

    duncan & parker – 15 seasons

    curry & thompson – 13 seasons

    bird, mcchale, parrish – 13 seasons

    jordan & pippen – 11 seasons

    magic & kareem – 10 seasons

    kobe & shaq – 8 seasons

    in this era of the new NBA with player empowerment, luxury taxes, and 1st & 2nd aprons that basically kill long running dynasties that we may never see a duo that was this great & successful staying together as teammates this long ever again

  8. This hurts, do all your reasoning and shit, but next year games aint going to fell the same ( no matter if we win or lose). I feel like everyone deserved a better closure with the big 3

  9. Klay is gonna regret this…unchecked ego and pride can cause such damage man

  10. I think the line “Go enjoy playing basketball” speaks volumes to where Klay has been the past few seasons… He hasn’t enjoyed the game the same way he used to. Steph wants that back for him.

  11. The face to face conversation they had about this must’ve been heartbreaking 💔😔

  12. No doubt gonna be emotional when the Mavs come to town. Circle that game when schedule comes out.

  13. Could he have tried to take less or no? Just a question…
    Because in a weird way they probably could have lowered his contract but then pushed him as a local legend by adding him to more of the local advertising and tried paying him more through that. Have him in a Ginobili role and have him start whenever an injury happens or they need more expertise. Not sure if the trade was 100% needed. Just an FYI I’m a bulls fan soooo I’m not in this fan base often but I always rooted for you guys to beat Lebron 😂 and beyond.

  14. He says goodbye to the Splash Brother so we could become the **SPLASH FATHER**.

  15. Steph is so classy and nice.

    Despite loss of Klay, I’m glad we still got Steph and Dray with us.

  16. Truly changed the game forever. Klay is one of the greatest to do it despite the last couple of years. Hope he does well in Dallas.

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