Jazz trade

Rockets aren’t extending Sengun which is wild! He’s awesome and would be great next to Lauri as the 4-5.

I know a lot of people would be against it cause it makes us better, but Sengun is only 21. Send Kessler and a couple picks

  1. If that is on the table I’m down. I really doubt the Rockets do that though.

  2. Thinks it’s more a Maxey scenario, where they just want to keep optionality available and not necessarily a signal that they are moving he and green on

  3. He’s easily the best player available for trade now (outside Lauri). They’ll probably ask for at least three firsts and Kessler. It’s alot but players like him (21 years old, potentially 20–10 all nba potential) don’t become available often. He could be our harden trade that ironically Houston did with OKC. I honestly think this is the kind of player Ainge has been waiting for. Makes way more sense than someone like D. Murray

  4. The rockets aren’t trading sengun to us unless it’s for Lauri. There is no report about them “not extending” him

  5. I like Sengun a lot and if he’s genuinely on the market for draft capital, I think we pull the trigger there. I’d bet the price is somewhere in the range of Kessler+3-4 FRPs+maybe another young player. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that the report you’re referring to is just saying that Houston isn’t sure about giving him a **max** extension, which I’m not convinced we’re ready to do either. Of course Houston is going to want to extend their 21-year-old fringe all-star offensive hub C, the question is just how much.

  6. He’s the number one guy I’d target to pair with Lauri but I’m not sure Ainge is willing to part with the assets to get him.

  7. I highly doubt Sengun is on the table but yes, 100% — ABSOLUTELY the Jazz should go hard after a trade for Sengun if that’s possible. That would be a massive win for the Jazz.

    In fact, you might even argue the Rockets could argue they don’t need to include much else. A Markkanen for Sengun trade might be fair as a one-for-one trade. Sengun is already 44th on the Ringer top-100 and he is only 21!! Markkanen is 28th but in his 7th season.

  8. Oh my bad, I misunderstood. I hear you guys: Jazz could go after Sengun to add to Markkanen, not trade Markkanen for Sengun. I love that idea. I would even be fine if the Jazz sent 3-4 firsts and Kessler or another young player for Sengun. He’s special offensively.

  9. Think there’s any way we can talk them into taking Collin’s instead of Kessler and maybe throw in a little THT and an extra pick? 😂😂

    Legit though, Collin’s might make sense as he would better fill the scoring void that sengun would leave if traded and seems like he would match their play style well

  10. Sengun is the one person that I’ve always had in mind with “big game hunting”.

    He would be a solid fit in the team and could give us a direction out of tanking.

  11. Step one: offer Kessler and some picks

    Step two: rockets laugh and hang up

    Step three: ??

    Step four: jazz get sengun

    Can someone help me with step 3 of this plan?

  12. I’d throw the kitchen table for this guy. Most underrated player in the league.

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