Looking at 2024 stats, the Braves obviously got the best position player from the Mariners

Can’t believe the #1 Kelenic fan hasn’t pointed this out yet

  1. Oh wow, I was not expecting to see this today. I’d post this in my very mariners heavy discord, but I’m not trying to pick a fight today.

  2. Mariners needs to take a long hard look at their hitting program cause they all kind of stink collectively.

  3. The M’s have put waaaaay too much pressure on Julio to be the second coming of Junior instead of just letting the guy develop naturally. Dude swings at fucking everything between Mercury and Neptune. Mariners are fantastic at developing pitchers but when it comes to hitters they just don’t have a fucking clue.

  4. I love JK tho, everytime he hits a homer he trots around the bases like mom promised him McDonald’s after the game. He is crushing the lead off spot

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