PFT PM Mailbag: Kansas City Chiefs stadium, PFT is 15 | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

PFT PM Mailbag: Kansas City Chiefs stadium, PFT is 15 | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

best moments in your 15-year relationship with NBC that comes from our good friend pftp Andi yesterday was the 15 year anniversary of the moment the switch flipped from PFT as an independent operation to housed on the NBA system I think the best moment for me there are several I mean realizing that they were going to put me on TV and actually allow me to continue to be on TV after my first shot at TV uh that was rewarding because it just changed everything that we do it expanded things it changed my life good ways and bad ways not being home on weekends during football season I kind of like to be here but hey it’s you know it’s worth it to uh to go be part of NBC’s football night in America but I think the most rewarding was when we did our most recent contract because you know you never quite know if the NFL is ever going to successfully get the message through to its broadcast partner we we probably had enough of this guy maybe you should think about not keeping this guy around so the last deal we did which was uh one that I was very happy with financially um and that secured our relationship through June of 27 it’s kind of the point where and that’ll be three years from now it’ll be 18 years with NBC I’d like it to continue after that but if it doesn’t I already got my I got my money I don’t need to to keep doing what I’m doing at that level PFT can go back to being independent I can do whatever advertising deals I need to do I’ll have the money to keep the doors open while we go back to being independent but if that’s what happens I’ll be fine I’ll be fine so that was the moment where you always want to get to the point where and it’s a profane term that I usually use to describe this amount of money it’s and I don’t want to make Kristen bleep it out it’s Fu money once I signed that deal I knew that by the time it was done I did the math I I was probably already there but this kind of cemented it like this would be 18 years unless they fir me first but there’s still a contract that have to deal with uh 18 years and if it doesn’t continue I’ll still be able to keep going as an independent media Outlet which frankly and I this is probably the best argument to the n F to not try to silence me uh imagine how worse I’d be if I wasn’t connected to a broadcast partner so so those days could be coming in only three years and who knows maybe I’ll choose three years from now to take that path all right uh another very important question from pfdp Andy what’s the best thing you’ve grilled lately most fun thing you’ve done during Hiatus I’ve discovered the chicken cutlet Tommy cutlets hey I used to buy the big chicken chicken breasts that are like an inch thick and they take forever to cook and it’s hard to get them to the right level of moisture and then you get the chicken tenders which cook very fast the grilling experience of the chicken tenders is not all that great because by the time you put them on they’re basically done the cutlet is awesome I made them last night the cutlet is awesome my wife found some seasoning that’s kind of a buttery seasoning that you sprinkle on and you flip it over three minutes three minutes then I put a little bit of butter my wife likes this Irish butter that I don’t really like it like on toast or anything but you put it on top of a steak for that last minute or so on top of a grilled chicken cutlet the last minute or so it is awesome and I got a couple left upstairs and I’m probably G to go have one for lunch as soon as we wrap this up most fun thing I’ve done during the Hiatus haven’t really done any fun things yet uh you know what happens during Hiatus is that’s when I spend time paying attention to the things I don’t have time to pay attention to during the regular grind so it’s medical appointments it’s annual physical it’s other issues that need to be addressed it’s things that I probably won’t get to that I want to get to that I’ll kick to next year during Hiatus you know I spend a lot of time on the fiction project son of mine is done and sent to the printer that’s due to come out September 3D I’ve got another one that I’m working working on that I want to get done before the end of Hiatus I’m about 35,000 words in and the process for me I apologize if I’m repeating myself but the process goes like this I just sit down and see where spirit moves me and then after about 30 to 40,000 words I look at where I’ve been and I figure out where it’s going and I make it all work and I think it works usually it’s up to the readers to whether it does so I’ve got one going on now that I’d like to get done at least by the time football season starts so I can focus on football and I’ll probably dust off a couple of the ones that have been sitting around and try to clean those up the creative process is more demanding of just you know your thoughts and your time when you’re actually in the drafting but I have a little more time than usual during football season I can find an hour or two three or four days a week where I can really sit down and crank and uh so that’s that’s one of the things that I’m trying to do to keep busy during this Hiatus which is already two weeks in and we’ve got six weeks left and then we’ll be back on PFT live every day CJ Newman are you going to give away any codes this year for Madden I don’t get Madden codes anymore you know what happened and I’ll be candid about it remember when they had the song on the soundtrack and they bleeped out calling Kaepernick’s name remember that I dared to write about that and coincidentally or not I don’t get free codes anymore so anyway I play Madden every day I’d be a great Ambassador for Madden if they just chose to lean into it I get on a bike I ride it for an hour and I play Madden Ultimate Team every day I could be a great salesperson for Madden a great Ambassador for Madden if they chose to take advantage of it but they haven’t and that’s fine I’m still going to keep playing it I’ve tried other games and I’ll try other games and I end up wasting my 50 or 60 bucks because it’s like yeah this game sucks I’m going to go back and play Madden every day Ultimate Team every day every day that I’m home an hour on the bike and an hour of playing Madden but no free codes presumably because apparently somebody got their nose out of joint when I decided to tell the truth that’s their problem not mine okay uh man these are some random questions CJ Newman did you use AI to come up with these questions did you put in most random football questions I can ask what’s the what’s the most amount of yards you’ve seen picked up on quarterback sneak I really don’t five I don’t know uh another one from CJ Newman what’s the kickoff gonna look like in Madden this year I imagine there won’t be many plays for it available look the kickoff is going to look like it looks in the NFL that’s going to be our first shot at experimenting with it what do you do got to hit the landing Zone from the go line to the 20 if you’re short it goes to the 40 if you’re out of bounds it goes to the 40 if you kick it out of the End Zone it goes to the 30 of course in the early stages of the ultimate team good luck kicking it to the opposing teams 10 with the kickers they give you but yeah we’ll find out how it looks and it’s going to be hard for EA to approximate what it’s going to look like in the NFL because all they have to go on is what the XFL did so it’s going to be I think the most fascinating aspect of the new Madden how are these k going to go and is the algorithm going to allow basically you put a great returner back there he gets through one hole and he’s loose and there’s only a kicker to beat are we gonna have a lot more we should if there’s going to be more kickoffs that are live there should be a lot more long returns in the new version of Madden all right um CJ Newman’s got more questions but I’m going to move on to someone else K Tanada is Elite how can all the NF teams n all the NFL teams afford roughly $500 million each for the Sunday Ticket lawsuit but not have the money to redo their own stadiums themselves oh oh they’ve got the money to redo the stadiums themselves if they had to pay for their own stadiums they would but why do it if you can leverage the local government to give you free money and you make all these ar oh we did this study about the economic impact or hey maybe we’ll move oh we can’t be the politician is responsible for the sports team moving so let’s give them all the money even if the electorate would never approve of this if it was ever on a ballot they’d say no just look at what happened in Jackson County Missouri but we’ll do it come to us I mean Missouri is going to try to find a way to go around the wheel of the people and let the elected officials put the money together to keep the Chiefs from going to Kansas City or from going to Kansas Kansas City Kansas possibly but going to Kansas and leaving Missouri so yeah it’s it’s apples and oranges and again there’s no guarantee they’re goingon to have to come up with that money at least and this is I think one of the reasons why they’re going to push the appeals as far as they can it gives them ample time to come up with a strategy for getting together 14.084 billion because as I pointed out over the weekend some of the owners might not be able to write a check for $440 million if it ever comes down to it here’s a good question from William Reynolds whatever happened with the last two lawsuits Deshawn Watson was dealing with did they get settled or just go away they’re supposed to go to trial at some point we’re going to poke around a little and see I’ll send a couple emails and see what’s going on with those Deshawn Watson cases maybe they were quietly settled and nobody ever asked then nobody ever told and off we go uh with Watson entering year three of his five-year fully guaranteed contract with the Browns all right scrolling through here to get a few more of these before we wrap this up Matt Bostic given the influence of nil in college will the NFL have to liaz so fancy Lia is with the NCA regarding potentially capping College salaries in order for NFL teams to remain salary cap compliant when players come into the league and avoid players getting less pay when they are first drafted look I’m not sure I understand the question but but unless and until there is a nationwide Union that represents all players for all NCA institutions anything that college football tries to put in place by way of a salary cap limits or whatever is going to be an antitrust violation that’s why we got to this point after years of having massive antitrust violations hiding in plain sight because all of these colleges are independent businesses when they come together Under the Umbrella of the NCAA and the NCAA says these are the rules you can only give them tuition fees room board and snacks and that’s all you can give them and you can give them nothing more that’s an antitrust violation because they’re coming together and they’re fixing the wages anything that fixes the wages unless there’s two ways out of this one Congress gives them an exemption to the antitrust laws two they create a multi-employer bargaining unit that unionizes all NCA football employees and they create a CBA like the one in the NFL which has salary cap minimum salary maximum salary trade terms draft free agency whatever it may be they can come up with all the things that if the NFL didn’t have the NFL PA would be antitrust violations so the NFL I think would be very wise to just leave it alone and not potentially commit antitrust violations by getting involved with what the NCA is doing with its players SL employees James M also known as Dr J 144 are quarterbacks underpaid or are star NBA players overpaid Jason Tatum making more than basically every quarterback with his new contract NFL gets way more eyeballs in the NBA but there are 53 guys on an NFL team and many fewer players on an NBA team is that why this comes up every year when we get into NBA free agency and here’s Jason Tatum with 64 or 65 million per year fully guaranteed on a 5-year deal fully guaranteed 65 million a year 10 million more than the highest paid new money NFL player and I think tatums is not just new money it’s 65 million at signing I think I look at him and I look at Patrick Mahomes and I’ve said in this spot recently that Mahomes should be making 100 million a year his value to the sport is 100 million a year to the entire sport look at Mahomes and look at Jason Tatum in what world is Jason Tatum who I think a lot of casual fans probably don’t even know who that is I don’t pay much attention to the NBA when it was time for the finals I didn’t know who Jason Tatum was now again I’m as casual an NBA fan as you can find but I would say even the most casual NFL fan knows who Patrick Mahomes is and has seen Patrick Mahomes do what he does 200 million watched some of the most recent Super Bowl the average audience I think was like 120 or something like that people know who Patrick Mahomes is Patrick Mahomes is the ultimate ambassador of the National Football League he should be getting paid a lot more the best players in the NFL the most visible players most important players I know this will never happen there should be a separate fund that rewards the faces of the game if you are one of that handful of players that is the straw that stirs the NFL’s drink you should be getting paid by a separate fund Mahomes should be getting a 100 million a year Justin Jefferson should be getting more the best of the best the most visible viable players good luck coming up with a reliable system for deciding who that should be there’ll always be an argument about it Beyond Patrick Mahomes so yes NBA teams are smaller they play a lot more games the NFL still generates more Revenue we see this argument every year guaranteed contracts and NFL players should be making more so look when they come and ask for 18 games this is your chance NFL PA hey why don’t you respond by saying we know you guys want to go to 20 anyway let’s just go to 20 now here’s our proposal we’ll go to 20 and this is what we want we want 75% of the revenue not 50% we want to come up with a a situation where the players collectively hold equity in the league that there’s a way that that the NFL reconstructs so there is basically a 33rd franchise that is owned by the NFL PA come up with something like that go all in but get more find a way to get more the players are doing the best that they can when you consider if push comes to shove the owners will shut the sport down and live off the money they already have and the players won’t maybe that imbalance is the reason why NFL players aren’t getting more but if you want more play more games they want to go to 20 let’s just get nuts you want to get nuts let’s get nuts let’s go to 20 and let’s make a lot more money on the way that would be one way to balance out where things stand between NBA free agency and what NFL quarterbacks make Matt kaver if the Judgment against the NFL is upheld in the Sunday Ticket case could it have an effect on the salary cap for That season when the payment is due no just so we’re clear no it won’t affect the salary cap for the money going out the only way it potentially affects the cap is if the NFL has to change the model to the point where it would cause revenues to decrease the revenues are what Drive the salary cap but I mean come on come on whatever the NFL does here do you really think they’re going to be making less money even if they have to sell Sunday Ticket in a way that doesn’t [Music] maximize the fee and potentially reduces the value of the CBS and fox Sunday afternoon packages do you really think they’re going to make less money do you really think that no it’ll be fine they’ll be fine all right I should wrap this up because it’s been almost an hour some of these questions I see you’re it’s good you’re popping up the questions again and again I’ll get to them eventually um let me just see if there’s one more we want to finish with I keep hitting the wrong button and screwing up the texts not the texts but the tweets uh let’s see come on give me one more here give me one more how do we fix the US men’s soccer team uh I really have no opinions about us men’s soccer other than this the World Cup is coming don’t you get an automatic birth in the World Cup if you host it that may be the only way the US men’s team gets in and I am very fascinated by this Copa America and the reaction to the Grass either the grass that is already there like in Miami and Las Vegas or the the grass that is temporary in Dallas and Atlanta there’s like 14 total NFL venues that are being used for Copo America this is a good dry run for what’s coming in two years when a bunch of NFL stadiums are going to have the World Cup will the World Cup grass as provided by the United States in these stadiums especially the artificial turf stadiums will it hold up to FIFA and soccer f scrutiny and will it will it embolden the NFL players Association to say we want grass in every Stadium hey hey back to what I was talking about earlier you want 18 let’s go to 20 and let’s have grass in every Stadium let’s go to 20 and let’s have a higher piece of the pie let’s go to 20 and let’s have more players on the roster and more players in uniform you know you’re going to squeeze us to 20 eventually let’s just go ahead and do it now what they could get if they would just do that hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching p on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk

Mike Florio opens up the mailbag and answers questions about celebrating 15 years of PFT, whether the Chiefs will actually move to Kansas and more. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #NFL
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PFT PM Mailbag: Kansas City Chiefs stadium, PFT is 15 | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

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