Minnesota Twins have to be buyers at the MLB trade deadline

Minnesota Twins have to be buyers at the MLB trade deadline

[Music] it’s the score North Twin shell a Trevor ploof Tuesday edition of the scor our twin show all we do this once in a while with Coach Trev it’s time for a twins Vibe check here you can find Trevor ploof all over by the way you guys real quick before we do Vibe check you guys just announced a huge deal right you’re putting the warehouse games on on the B Network yeah we are you guys man it’s really it’s really funny I um maybe I shouldn’t say this uh on air but uh yeah we’re putting our games on so it’s like Blitz ball some floorball stuff that we do it’s awesome I can’t believe that this has happened um but it debuted this Sunday and I was I had some people over for a barbecue like hey let’s turn the turn balys on let’s let’s check out the game I don’t even have balys so I thought I did that makes two of us yeah I think a lot of motans can uh relate to that but um no it’s it’s awesome it just what a crazy idea it was it took me a while to buy into it when Jimmy or John Boy kind of came up with it he’s like this is this is gonna this is something I want to do and it’s G to be big and um the production value is insane hopefully one day you guys get to come there and check it out it’s it’s it’s really cool it’s a special place it really like it’s special so yeah did how big is the warehouse and like how what was the process for like buying the warehouse or or leasing the warehouse it’s a it’s a decent size I think it was like an old carpet Factory so you know we have we’ve and we’ve built it up we’ve we’ve um you know put in like a podcast Studio we put in like a lunchroom we’re trying to build some locker rooms in there um uh but the warehouse itself is just this big exactly what you think about it almost like a hanger type of situation and um we redid the floors and we put stadium seating in it like we’ve done a lot to it it’s take if you go back to the first Blitz Ball battle one which was probably 2021 or something like that uh it’s just progressively gotten better and better and the production value as well now we have like a legit like you know Chris Rose has worked a lot of you know studio jobs he’s like this is just as good if not better like equipment uh and we have it all at the warehouse it’s awesome yeah I love how like Kelsey does the sideline reporting sometimes like I it’s you guys have turned it into this like awesome legitimate production I always wondered too cuz like I used to love the first thing I ever searched on YouTube in like 2007 at like the early days of the YouTube was how to throw Whiffle balls like breaking balls so like sliders and risers and all these type of pitches but the blitz ball is a completely different game like that’s a I don’t I have no idea how to throw that for all types of breaking balls and off speed stuff it it takes a while to get used to um but it’s fun man and the competition level we we kind of figured that whole thing out um with making sure that teams are even and um it’s it’s it’s just it’s awesome I’m very proud of uh of the deal and I’m just proud of the where we’re going and if you can find B you can find the warehouse games John Boy media okay twins Vibes are blank fill in the blank right now be high right they’re high as can be I mean they just came from Seattle so maybe for a couple reasons their highest can be uh I was just looking this up uh last 20 games so I believe there was like a five game skid there New York Pittsburgh last 20 games 14 and six and all six losses have been by one run wow it doesn’t get better than that like the you know the offense has really come to life which I believe you know takes a lot of pressure off the pitching staff and and everything um having Byron buckon doing what he’s doing like towards the end of the lineup like it just looks like the lineup is really long and there’s depth there so it’s it’s it’s high it’s high as can be right now yeah I said Contender they’re they’re they have Contender Vibes right now I feel like yes it’s put them in a position where like you we have we have to expect them to promote internally and also make some moves like it’s put them in that position where like if they don’t they’re gonna they’re going to lose the fan base if they don’t make some moves I love this at the deadline so I I believe believe it’s July 30th is the deadline this year all right so right now if you were in faly shoes what would you be looking at and are there any names that you can throw out that that you think would be a realistic good fit here oh man you’re putting me on the spot here um for a long time you know you were talking about like Corner infield or first base or Corner outfielders but like that’s kind of like first space is kind of spoken for right now I mean Santana Miranda they’ve been doing uh exactly what you need so I think realistically like the offense has been I have it up right now right now they’re the eighth best OPS in all of baseball um you know they’re hitting home runs they’re scoring runs they’ve been one of the best offenses in baseball since like the middle of April so like there’s you could always add a bench bat and continue to look for depth but I think they might do that from promoting you know a guy like brooksley or or or whatever it may be to add to the depth there so I think really you got to look at the starting pitching like that’s to me where the biggest need for depth probably would be I think the bullpen is okay you can always throw an extra guy in there if you need to but I I would look realistically at the starting pitching options the only problem with that is there’s not a lot out there and the guys that are out there the flarities the crochets they’re going to cost a lot so I think those guys are probably not going to happen so they might need to get creative and go and look for maybe like a younger guy that has a bunch of years of control you’re going to have to be have better prospects for that um but yeah it’s it’s going to be an interesting Market there’s so many teams still in contention and there a lot of teams are deciding whether they want to be buyers or Sellers and I don’t know when that’s going to happen it’s it’s going to be a difficult trade deadline I think to be a buyer in but they got to find a way I I I so yeah I guess I don’t even have like a really good name to give you as far as like a starter because I don’t think they’re going to go after flare I don’t think they’re going to go after um crochet so they’re gonna have to get creative yeah I feel like crochet is off the board I mean I think I saw a stat today the top three War leaders among starting pitchers are all AL Central guys so like Seth lugo’s having an insane year after being a really good reliever now converted into a starter Jack’s having a really good year uh crochet they get scoble tonight Who’s probably in my opinion the most underappreciated pitcher in uh twins will have their hands full on Tuesday night with him but I mean I mean with so if Jack Jack Flair’s a rental like he signed a one-year $4 million deal the twins are probably going to be in a position where they they won’t be giving up brooksley Walker Jenkins like those are Untouchable prospects at least that’s how I look at it so are you okay with number one paying maybe an inivision tax because you are doing a deal with a team in your division but are you okay with maybe giving up your fifth Prospect or are other teams going to ask for are are other teams going to give up like their third or fourth guy because I would give up a fifth Prospect right now I think that’s Marco Ry on the twins list but I would give up a fifth overall Prospect I think for Jack flarity a playoff rotation of Pablo Joe and Jack would be a great place to start in my opinion if the Twins were to start the postseason yeah I mean I I would but I don’t think that’s going to be the price tag I think it’s going to be higher so so you know when it gets to that point then you have to really think about you know where your team is at and how much how much better is this guy going to make your rotation like Kikuchi might be a guy that they look at uh you know and how much of an upgrade is he going to be like I don’t know like he’s a veteran guy like you can kind of rely on him down the stretch um so I think it’s those I think the dominoes will start to fall if the Blue Jays decide to sell if the Cubs decide to sell like Jameson Tone’s a guy that like you know he’s got a couple years left on his contract what would he cost you know would you like him on the roster would he upgrade it enough I mean so I think once these teams start to decide ah we’re not this this isn’t really our year then you could start to make some moves but it’s it’s too early to say now which is crazy because it’s still like you mentioned I mean or it’s not still it’s it’s only three weeks away basically when everyone’s going to be making these trades I just think the market is going to be such a sellers Market do you just it’s it’s every year is a little bit different but the the the expansion of the playoffs has made more teams feel like they have a chance and has sort of changed the trade deadline now that you’ve seen a few years of this play out where where do you stand on expansion of playoffs and sort of the effect at the trade deadline I I like it uh because I try to I try to look at it now from a fans perspective as much as possible because that’s what it’s about we got to keep people entertained and because you have this extra you know playoff spot there’s more and more teams In Contention every single year now from a player standpoint you could say well that just makes teams want to be middle of the road you know let’s win 85 games instead of going and pushing to be the best roster we can be so a lot of guys don’t like that aspect of it um they don’t like the layoff that you get if you’re a one or a two seed so I mean there’s that but I I I think by and large I am a fan of it because it does keep fan bases engaged throughout basically throughout all of September you can say oh it kind of dumbs down the season a little bit I actually think the I think it I think it might dumb down the beginning part of the season but as we get into August and we get into September and you’re looking at the Wild Card Standings I think people become more and more engaged because hey like we we got a chance here we’re two games out we’re three games out like it it so I I I think it’s been a good thing for baseball it’s crazy because like in the national league right now there’s only two teams that would probably consider themselves completely out of it right the Rockies and the Marlins yes cuz if and and I’m sure the Cubs are the Cubs aren’t sitting there planning on a playoff series but they’re five games back and they are the third worst record in the national league right now so like literally the entire national league is sitting here on July 2nd thinking okay just a just a couple good series and we can make a run at this thing I I think there’s a case to be made that the next move that that would make sense pushing the deadline back people have said that to allow teams to sort this out because August like to end of August like the previous uh yeah the waiver deadline that used to be yeah sure the waer yeah why not like what what do you have to lose by pushing it back because what’s the differ if it’s if it’s August 30th it’s I guess it it’s more exciting maybe teams are more likely to make a move I have to think more about that I guess I I yeah I guess I haven’t really thought about it I think it’s just because it’s always been in July and I know they moved it back a little bit in the 80s it was in June that’s when the Cubs it’s kind of fun too that’s like so early it was nuts it was like June 14th what when Sutcliffe when Cleveland traded Sutcliff to to the Cubs in 84 and I think he went 16- one as a cub that was a deadline deal on like April 20th decide right now are you in or out put you in June hey hey yeah just decide after about 13 games where are you going you know actually this I feel like this opens a like a broader discussion we’ve we’ve teased Trevor having ideas to change Major League Baseball a few times on the show but we are right now in the middle of the NBA free agent season so the and the NFL’s the same way where if you took every asset that the NFL has every asset that the NBA has like regular season games finals Super Bowl everything the offseason free agency week for both Sports would be like the second or third or maybe most entertaining thing because it just gets speculation and fans and everything and because baseball has no structure there’s no salary cap there’s no Max contracts there’s there’s nothing to Force action in the off season is there a way to make baseball more entertaining in the offseason like this week in the NBA and like you know the second week in March for the NFL Trevor would it be more entertaining yeah like we have isn’t that what the NBA does there’s a there’s just a certain amount of time you know here’s the start date here’s the end date to sign guys is that they do it’s funny cuz not really the the the the structure for the NBA is they have a salary cap it’s it’s a soft cap so you can you can like go over the cap but the best players have caps on their contracts so like if you’re Kevin Durant unlike Bryce Harper who could sit there Bryce Harper sat there for what five months with Scott Boris tling over 13 years or 10 years or 500 million or 400 million there’s no there’s no parameters I think I deserve this and the front office says well we think you deserve this in the NBA there’s a super max contract Y and if you’re one of the best players in the world here’s what your contract is going to be and so there’s the only real thing to figure out is like where do you want to live and and who do you want your teammates to be and because there’s no structure in baseball it just lingers on until the third week in spring training every year yeah I think that’s I don’t think that’s good for the sport uh it does it lingers on that long and you know we’ve seen some of the ill effects of that this year with like a Blake Snell or Jordan Montgomery you know these guys haven’t just they just haven’t hit their stride yet because they haven’t had a spring training um I know know the Players Association is so against you know putting a time limit on it and definitely they don’t want to cap which it’s we’re coming to a point now where it’s it’s starting to there’s starting to be more talks about like well maybe we should Implement some of these things uh maybe we should you know Force the hand of teams uh to you know let’s let’s have a signing period because there was I believe before the lockout that we had there was like a flurry of signings I think Seager got in there and there was kind of like a flurry of signings before this lockout they wanted to get things done the Players Association will always point to well teams will will be able to hold guys hostage and wait till the last minute to make them sign contracts they don’t want to sign they always want to leave that ability to you know do your own negotiating at your own pace so like that they’ll just like never give that up would it be better for fans in the sport I don’t know I don’t know if it’ll translate into baseball and will these owners take advantage of it like it’d be fun things probably yeah it just be fun to have a week or two where like in the NFL it’s you know it’s a lot of casual fans and there’s 53 guys on every team so you don’t really know who the left guard is even on your your the team that you follow but for that one week everybody’s looking at rankings and lists and oh what if we can sign this slot nickel cornerback that I just heard of yesterday and Bas I don’t know man like if if basball had one or two weeks of a flurry like the like the NBA right now PE there’s Timberwolves fans going through lists of Bargain Basement free agents like can we get Joe Engles to come shoot some three-pointers you know I haven’t heard of that guy in five years and I don’t know baseball just doesn’t have that I guess my question would be like what happens to the guys that don’t sign they can’t get a deal done what they are they just out for the next year or is there get deals they they eventually but but I mean they’re they’re signed outside of this Flur of activity see the problem in my opinion is baseball the winter used to be the greatest right the hot stove and you’d get all these crazy ass trades and you get signings and now and now it’s easily the worst like nothing happens and I’m with you the one thing that if I was a player would frustrate me is this whole thing now of going into spring training with Marky guys not signed yes like that’s why I’d look back at my union and be like okay I get what you want for us but now you know I if I recall the Bryce Harper announcement came during spring training on the Phillies dugout in Florida I was there I was in the I was literally in I was in the I think I had already done playing that day I was in like taking my clothes off uh in in the locker room and one of the reporters happened to be in there like we just got Bryce harburn I was like what and um didn’t make the team that year by the way but I was there for that yeah you would have though he took your roster Harper Chapman and now Harper these these guys no I don’t I don’t know man it’s I think we’re getting to point now where everybody has to start thinking differently about the way the Sport’s going we’re getting these huge contracts yeah for the one percenters the middle class of free agents is essentially dead in baseball so it’s like you have these prospects the young guys who are making league minimum and then the the superstars and that’s been a talk you know amongst players for you know a long time it’s how do you how do you fix that how do you get those how do you get guys that are you know made it to free agency but aren’t Superstars but are very serviceable baseball players how do you get them to be continue to be involved in the game and that was like one of the reasons I stopped playing baseball was like okay I’m this guy I have a track record it’s okay I’m like you know uh slightly above average guy but teams like well we could just get two guys platoon them and they’ll make up for for plof and you know he’s costs way more than them that’s the way they think so like you have you know like I said said like you have the guys making league minimum and then the big deals and the pitchers are kind of a different breed but as far as position players by and large the middle class is like gone it feels like the qualifying offer too has become such a big thing where and this happened I think the first time I really think it really started wearing its ugly head or becoming percolating over the last few years was in 2019 when like Dallas kyel and I think it was Craig Kimbrell they didn’t sign till like after June 1st cuz then the compensatory thing went away and and now there’s also certain rules where if you’re a revenue sharing team you get this slot and if you’re not you get this slot I I understand what they’re trying to do of like hey if a if a middle Market or smaller Market team’s losing a marquee free agent they should be able to supplement that with a 50th overall Prospect in the draft but it also just makes things way more complicated than it needs to be like I I don’t know if we I wouldn’t be opposed of getting rid of that but there has to be some type of thing cuz now teams are valuing the 50th overall draft pick instead of signing a free AG that could make you better right now it’s all that stuff though is just like a ruse by the owners let me just and this is I know I’m you know a player and I have my bias whatever it is but I’ve I’ve listened enough and seen enough baseball the you know the competitive balance tax is ridiculous that was supposed to make sure that you know the big teams couldn’t spend enough and then it was more parody in baseball but that’s just it’s it’s a cap it’s a cap call you can call it what you want a soft cap whatever it’s a cap teams will say we’re not going to go over this because you know we don’t want to get taxed on our you know dollar for dollar whatever it is like they put that in you know the comp pick is a same way now we can point to fre oh he’s got a he’s got a comp pick on him so we can’t pay him you know the the money we want to pay because we don’t want to lose this and it’s like all these things they put in that are supposed to create parody in the game and they sell it that way Big Time hey guys this is gonna create more teams are going to be able to compete with this it’s all it’s all to lower the cost them players that’s it’s it’s been that way and like they think they’re slick with it and maybe they’re slick enough because they’ve gotten it all past here we are yeah but I’m on dud I’m on to you guys right little too late yeah it’s it’s um you got to think too like with the local TV mess across you know three quarters of baseball at some point does baseball do sort of what the MLS did and kind of Cobble together all of or it’ll never be all of because there’s going to be the Yes Network and some of these bigger networks that stick but like are there 20 or 24 teams that would band together and take that entire product and now that money gets spr I just wonder if we’re headed toward a more uh like Nationwide business model compared to the last 40 or 50 years and maybe that unlocks some sort of you know yeah salary cap or something it seems it seems like that’s going to happen if that does happen then you know there I think each team will probably end up receiving a lot less money than they were used to from these Regional Sports networks that’s at least that’s kind of like what I’ve gathered from what I’ve read about you know what would happen if we did that so yeah it’s gonna it’s an interesting time in baseball for sure I don’t know that teams want to or will share that that’s why they pursue the players assets to come after them uh to backtrack on something that you said at the top of the show about the twins though so what do you think as as far as like the pressure to make a move cuz I I mean this team’s good but PR wise it’s been a tough year with the TV thing and just a bunch of things you know with coming out months ago and saying we’re not going to spend as much what do you think the pressure is on this team from that standpoint Trevor to make some type of move at the deadline to say to to acknowledge the fans but also say hey this team is competitive therefore we will spend X Y and Z instead of you know backing off again I think there is pressure there and I know I know ticket sales and concessions are only you know a fraction of what a team you know makes during the year but the attendance hasn’t been great for the Twins and I know it’s supposed to tick up as the summer months go on but if you want to bring people to the ballpark if you want to show your team on TV which you know they really can’t right now but if you want to show your team on TV with a packed house nice b c if you want to show your team with aack T TS and yeah you you got to reward you got to make it a reason for them to come out the team’s playing better so that’s going to help for sure um but if they go out and make a trade to signal to the fan base hey like we’re like legit like we’re going to go to the playoffs we’re going to be in contention you know to to you know to break this spell I mean we did it last year like we’re going to continue to go and push forward in the playoffs like you have to you have to make moves you have to you cannot stand P so I think I think there is pressure there but again to be fair to fvi and and LaVine like it’s it’s gonna be a difficult market like what Tyler Anderson um Kikuchi Eric fety like are these guys like are these the guys that are gonna put you over the top like probably not right so you again like they’re gonna have to figure some stuff out and get super creative they might have to part with some of those big prospects like at at what point do you C those in like I I think it’s probably this point it’d be interesting man I mean like do they trade Julian if they feel like Brooks Lee is just going to slide into second base do they wner doogie’s reporting that they’re getting calls on walner I mean that’s you have so many Corner guys in a heart dud in a heartbeat you have Corner outfielders at the Triple A level at the big level that you can I mean kof’s one of them too like this guy’s got potential to be a impact bat at the big Le level those just don’t grow on trees so uh if you when you have a surplus you you got to you got to do it yeah uh we have we have a very important dumb baseball question to throw at you here in just a minute after we shout out Nicola the exclusive official personal injury law firm of scor North podcast so Nicol a law knows that when you or a loved one gets injured put on the IL life can get complicated things can come to a stop and that’s where Russell nicolay and his team come in here they’re just normal everyday folks who live in the Twin Cities that happen to have law degrees to help you get the compensation you deserve after an accident so if you’ve been injured get Minnesota’s local award-winning injury lawyers get nicolay nickola law.com or 1855 nicolay and with the twins coming back here for a holiday home stand your soda summer continues at Target Field tickets are available at twins.com tickets 612 Saturdays $6 beers $1 snacks $2 food or if you’re like Dean and going to a bachelor party sweet Gathering you could try the uh 999 plan THS I got a sweet on Thursday Trev in at tet field for a bachelor party and I think there’s gonna be a couple boys trying the 999 challenge all right what’s the n999 nine beers nine hot dogs nine innings yeah what about nine zins isn’t that like a new thing I can do nine I can do Nine zins and Nine I don’t think you could do nine zins I would not do that you nine glasses of wine instead of be I just replace the come on man get with the times Phil that’s that I would I would put it you telling me if I can put a new Zen in every inning I think I could do that way more than it’s a nicotine pouch oh I’m like oh Red’s in no you’re you’re out bro we were talking about age and time like you’re so far pass your by see that’s why I stick out of the conversation I have no idea what you’re talking about so I get my mouth shut that’s twins.com tickets twins.com tickets you’re so far gone bro my God dumb baseball question what’s a Zin I I don’t do zins I’m not a I’m not really like a nicotine tobacco guy but that’s all the there’s no tobacco in it it’s just stra no tobacco it’s just nicotine and flavoring it’s all it is well however Dex needs to make the math work on the 999 we support responsibly okay dumb baseball question do you think the Royals are cheating oh my what does that mean have you seen this speculation no so this is all over at least my Twitter algorithm like two days ago and it’s like analytical people in the Twitter baseball world that if you look at the Royals so home and road it’s like if you’re Colorado it’s one thing if you’re like the Metrodome twins okay but when you see like really wide Home and Away noise It generally means something’s off so record wise The Royals are 30 and 16 at home yeah and they’re 17 and 23 on the road but if you dig deeper they have the number one Gap home and a home and Road Ops weighted on base average batting average strikeout percentage and swing and Miss percentage and exit velocity differentials the widest Gap in all those categories home verses away people are speculating that they’re hacking pitchcombe something do you think the Royals is it just statistical noise or are the have the Royals figured figured out the new trash can system oh my gosh you should dig around on this really put me on the spot here I’m gonna say no they’re not cheating I I could my guy Bobby with Junior would not do that there’s no way he’s too pure he’s too pure and beautiful for the sport to be able to caught up something like that I I don’t batter’s eye is so pure in Kansas City that they are just they’re seeing the ball yeah I was just looking cuz they record in June is not too great but and they did just have a long uh like a 10day on the road where they lost a lot of games Dodgers Oakland Texas but they took three or four from Cleveland right they just at home okay oh see oh boy oh boy oh shoot you know what dude here I hate pitchcombe the sport where it’s like okay if you’re an infielder like you gota look at the signs you got to peek in there you got to shift over now everyone’s got it’s telling what pitch now people want the umpires to have pitchcombe new new battery whatever it is I I can’t stand it but doesn’t I mean if you think about it how hard would it be to hack a pitch Gom like a guy that went to rip Radio Shack but like you could do it in a in five minutes so would it surprise me if teams ended up doing it at some point you’re convincing yourself that the Royals might be cheating this sounds I don’t know I’m not saying they’re cheating your guy wh Junior I’m saying if you wanted to right you could easily do it here’s here’s here’s the thing here’s what I think um is going to happen is probably already happening I’m not saying the Royals are doing this and this is why they’re great I’m saying that probably every team is doing this I think every team is now look putting all the video they have of pitchers and they’re putting it in some software program and they’re they’re able to tell when a guyy is tipping pitches better than ever and faster than ever and easier than ever and I hate that aspect of the game as well like I I I want want humans to still be doing baseball I want the human fingers giving the signs I want humans with their eyeballs checking out a pitcher’s tells I I don’t want software programs doing this I just I think that’s really we’re there’s no reason for that like come on man keep it a game at some some level here are you Pro or anti- electronic strike zone I’m Pro challenge yeah which is what they’re going to have yeah I’m Pro challenge I I don’t want to full on uh robotic system it’s just funny that like we probably to your point probably have the the AI technology to put together you know hey here’s here’s a thousand pitches from this pitcher is he tipping his breaking ball and and we can send a Rover to Mars but we up until like a couple years ago Rob manford’s like ah it’s tough to adjust for the height of a batter with those electronic strike zones I don’t know what’s preventing us from you could you could easily do it there’s no doubt about it I just think that I I think you need to leave some of the human element in the game it’s what makes it compelling I mean how and I said this a lot on our shows like how often do we talk about umpires and For Better or Worse like there was the fans love those interactions they love a manager going on yelling at the Umpire it’s the biggest cheers you’re going to get during a game sometimes is when your manager goes out and gets in an umpire’s face like I think that still has to be part of the game like that that’s that’s the beauty of it you we can’t get so far gone like I’m and I’m not saying get rid of all data and analytics that should be part of the game but like we need it to be a game played by humans and have human air and all those things because that’s kind of the what makes it beautiful so so Trev what uh you know the Astros thing especially sort of brought on this oh my God there’s cheating you know it’s rampant as a player though how much did you suspect teams were cheating long before that be because I mean the Astros form of cheating was not exactly a you know New Wave technology like you could watch that camera you could go bang a trash can in 1978 um how much did you guys privately suspect teams and you know I think it’s something that you’re not going to out of Team especially if you might have some tells yourself like how much has this was this going on and the public didn’t think about it or really know about it until the Astros thing I’ll be honest with you I I didn’t I never thought about it and maybe that’s because the Twins were like the nicest organization in baseball but we never had anything even close to that the twins didn’t even do steroids really in like the 90s you know Matt hit 12 R like 12 Ron cumer got 15 bombs you know it’s like all right it’s great yeah no I mean you know I played in a couple different organizations you know I think I end up playing in the big leagues for four organizations and I never uh and that was all before the Astro stuff came to light and never once was I introduced to some system or um anything that would be considered in my opinion cheating and I prided myself on being able to to pick apart a pitcher and to get on the top step and look at him and find something different uh I don’t think that’s cheating I think that’s gamesman ship that’s part of the game yeah I wish it was only that uh but I never not once was introduced to anything like that so I as as weird and rudimentary as that system was I mean it’s a camera pointed to a screen and banging a trash can that’s still blows my mind that that’s what they went with banging a trash can like there’s so many easier more subtle things to do than that but I never never once thought about it and you know there was some of the Apple watch stuff but again I was like what is what are they I don’t know if that’s ever come out like what exactly were the Red Sox and Yankees doing with an Apple Watch yeah like I don’t know but I to answer your question I’d never thought about it never was introduced to it at all that’s that’s completely honest with you as your former teammate Trevor May said he thinks it should turn off in the bottom of the ninth or just in the ninth inning the pitch what’s that pitchcombe so on the ninth it goes away what pitch clock or pitch C pit well well the pitch clock for sure but maybe there is maybe there is something to do like in in the bottom of the ninth or the top of the ninth of an inning to not have something they’ll never they’ll never do that because they don’t want to go backwards they like where the game has gone for them so they’ll never ever do it um pit I don’t pitch’s so stupid I don’t get it I don’t get why want it you’re you’re right though they are cheap like if you’re going to use the D thing make sure that they all work yeah like once a game it’s like it’s also like you’re also like sweating out in you know July weather and zap yourself you know yeah someone’s going to get electrocuted when the game online it’s pitcher killed by yeah who knows what radio frequency whatever magnetic thing on your brain all the time brain cancer at like 60 oh no dude I’m wearing these ear airpods right now I’m always worried about be careful with those Philadelphia with the turf the Old Turf there that yeah I don’t know uh I don’t know why I have so against pitchcombe on the field I think there can be five right five so the two meld center fielder pitcher catcher yeah yep and I think you can give it to somebody else if you want so everyone will oh God F I think the fans should have one too it’ be great you know see what’s pitchcombe on that this is a great idea this is a great there fingers man just one two you know yeah and now we don’t get to see the the finger paint either like I was always F nail polish and or tape them up like with orange tape tape I love the orange tape and and then guys trying to look back and so they they get hit because pitchers get pissed that was my favorite be careful with that we just solved lot of baseball’s problems here I feel like compated our mortality before the show so that was good for me thank you I’ll think about that the rest of the day yeah and uh yeah enjoy some uh red wine or nicotine packets whatever whatever kind of Zin you’re into I don’t think I have any up here this is the scorner twin show Trevor ploof Tuesday see you guys

Former Minnesota Twins infielder Trevor Plouffe joins the show; The Twins have to be buyers at the trade deadline; Who should the Twins target; Can MLB have a better offseason structure; Are the Royals cheating and more on the SKOR North Twins Show.

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  1. I could be on crack but I care more about getting bullpen help than I do starting pitching help at this point. Would I take a starter? Sure, but I'm not gonna give up a high level prospect for one. I think if somehow you could get someone like Aroldis Chapman or whatever for a bullpen guy, it might not cost much and it would help to find a more stable left handed option.

  2. I just can’t believe how little respect Bailey Ober gets here. Dex worships Ryan, Mackey loves Lopez but Ober gets no respect here and he has been pitching better than Ryan or Lopez the last month.

  3. So glad Trev comes on here weekly. Jake REFUSES to talk Twins on Talkin Baseball, to the point where he gets visibly annoyed whenever Trev mentions them.

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