I have a confession to make to my fellow Jag fans.

I think it is time I make a confession to DUUUVAL. I pull for a Tennessee Titans player. Now before you burn me at the stake, let me justify my actions.

That player is Number 3 Cornerback Caleb Farley. Although he is 7 years ahead of me in school, I remember going to Maiden High School football games as a kid and watching him play Quarterback (believe it or not) for the Blue Devils. I always liked Caleb Farley, he even went on a church mission trip with me before he left for college (Virginia Tech).

During the playoffs for highschool football, he would always come watch the games from the sidelines when he could. One time he even gave me $1,500 for making a pancake on a run play, allowing us to get the winning touchdown 😂.

As you guys may have heard, his only living parent passed away in a horrific house explosion accident a while back and it was rough for him. I was there at his dad's funeral to support him through this rough time.

Now that you know the confession, can I still be considered a real Jags fan? 😂

But on a serious note even though we are rivals and we do "hate" each other, can I request that you guys support my fellow "Blue Devil" for now in this hard time.

I know this isn't the best subreddit to post this in, but I just really wanted to help raise support for my boy in this hard time for him. Thank you for your time reading my stupid post. 😂

  1. P.S.- At least I have been honest instead of hiding this information from you guys.

    You guys have to give me a little slack here though, I do personally know the guy (he’s offered to help pay for some of my college). I’ve been friends with his family for years and I was even at his father’s funeral to be there for him.

    For the thousands of dollars I have spent to go to games and buying merchandise, you guys can give me mercy for this once 😂

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