[Inquirer] Howard Eskin barred from Citizens Bank Park following unwanted advance toward an Aramark employee

[Inquirer] Howard Eskin barred from Citizens Bank Park following unwanted advance toward an Aramark employee

  1. Spike is going to be working overdrive defending him tomorrow. Gross family

  2. I worked with Howard briefly around 20 years ago. The guy who introduced us pulled me aside and said “Careful with Howard. He’s the kind of guy who will invite you to AC then ask to borrow $100 when you get there.” I never forgot that and eventually learned how much of an asshole he really is. Can’t believe he survived in local media for as long as he has.

  3. Only 50 years too late. Ban him from the Linc next, PLEASE

    Edit: the headline buried the lead and the article described it as an “unwanted kiss”…… nah, Howard Eskin kissed this young lady with 0 consent, that’s straight up sexual assault

  4. Time to call WIP and bring it up relentlessly after you get past the screener. What’s the worst that could happen, they don’t let you call in anymore? Nothing of value lost

  5. Finally, the Eagles are gonna fire this clown. Or at least that’s what I’m hoping. 🤞

  6. Bar him from town, let him get a job covering municipal soccer matches out in fuckin altoona

  7. The entire Eskin family fucking sucks.

    I hope charges are filed and justice is served

  8. Not only is he an idiot, but he’s also a creepy slimeball too. There’s no defending this kind of behavior, but I’m sure Spike will try and twist it where his dad is “innocent”.

  9. What’s buried in the story is that his banning was the idea of Audacy, not the phillies organization. Like the phillies are this family-friendly mental health advocacy organization and they just stood there and shrugged. Like how you do let WIP look like the morally upright people in this? Or maybe it was Audacy corporate that got involved?

    >Sources familiar with the situation said although the investigation into the allegation involved the Phillies, Aramark, and Audacy, it was Audacy’s idea to ban Eskin from the park for the rest of the season.

  10. He was just going on and on last month about getting an honorary doctorate from some college.

  11. I feel so validated by all the Eskin hate I am reading. I’ve thought he was an absolute twat for along time and I guess assumed he was some kind of city treasure due to how he is talked about/presents on the radio.

    What a cock-a-roach

  12. Does anyone remember in the 90s and early 2000s when a woman would call his show? Of course that’s like 1% of all sports radio calls, so Eskin thought it was edgy to bully the caller by saying. “Are you done cooking already? You shouldn’t be calling from the kitchen” and “what’s for dinner tonight?”

    This guy has long overstayed his welcome. The best part of his career when he broke his leg standing on the sidelines at the Linc

  13. Good. The city sports scene is brighter without him.

    Also, fuck your paywall.

  14. Finally dirt on the dirtbag that is always trying to bury everyone else. Love it.

  15. I’ve been gone from Philly since 2001. Some things never change, I guess lol

  16. lol that’s such a Philly headline. That poor human who had to endure that advance.

    Can someone train an ai on eskins voice and make him advance on me? I’ll Venmo you the cost of a whizwit

  17. Who do I reach out to to get him banned for life? No employee should have to deal with this animal after this.

  18. I grew up in the Philly area but left 20 years ago. I can’t believe this douche is still relevant.

  19. Dude has been a raging piece of shit since I was a kid and I’m in my 50s now.

  20. Well if being a terrible reporter wasnt enough, he’s also a creeper. Time for everyone to just ignore this pos.

  21. This guy is the biggest pos cringeworthy everytime he talks he’s bought by the eagles and uses the rest of the teams as his schtick he’s fucking plant 🪴

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