Pavel Datsyuk at Detroit Red Wings Development Camp

Pavel Datsyuk at Detroit Red Wings Development Camp

oh I’m com back I’m uh totally no fire in my heart what is it like to be on the other side and obviously a uniform in the place you know so well uh I follow Detroit and uh I care about Detroit and I I I hope they made it play this year it’s so close I know it’s how hard to make it off but this what it is what are some of the things you tell these prospects these kids what what kind of advice do you give them oh it’s I can give it to many advice uh what I see in eyes special it’s a let say your favorite job you choose the job you need to be fall in love with the job of how you can make it farther and be good at the D come every day and uh enjoy where were you when you found out that you were going into the Hall of Fame oh I’m uh actually I come for this development Camp I stay in in Florida and how I find out nice to see n cronwell again and oh of course uh it’s I happy to see many people who work there when I’m left and uh they still work and uh they in a good shape I’m happy to see them and uh let I have good memory I of to day two how long will you be here uh I probably for Sunday Sunday left to Florida to catch my PL is it only for a development camp or will you be back more or like what’s your role um development Camp uh it’s a priority development camp and U see friend I have many friends what did it feel like when you found out that you were getting inducted into the Hall of Fame uh I’m still recognized I’m there and hard to believe and of course I’m feel like I’m lucky boy all these kids are talking about watching your videos on YouTube highlights from your career what does that make you feel when these kids I hope so YouTube still working nobody forget me now uh now it’s a two different move they they go through and I hope I helped the kids to love hockey and uh made it like better move do you think uh do you think there’s any uh coaching in your future me no no coaching for sure development it’s so far I want to stay with my family spend more time at home I spend lots of time in the road this is now I’m try to be at home do you enjoy this work you like working with the young kids and yes and no I would uh but most time enjoy it yeah I know how hard to be in a coach or Vel coach but it needed lots of patience now I try to cat this everyone talks about you and playing with you and how great it was who did you enjoy in your time in Detroit playing the most with it’s a probably it’s not only one player it’s all system it’s make you like feel comfortable it’s of course it’s a lots of player around there and uh you just choose anyone I’m uh I’m like one NBA there where it’s 2001 2002 it’s lots of Russian guy who helped me in lots of Hall of Fame guys and I’m happy I’m in finded this time like particular it’s m player you can learn from anywhere from locky room of of locky room and you learn from Brad Hall this is special too you can I can tell you it’s any this people special any guy special and course bre h i probably I just got humor from him what what do you hope the young players here learn from you uh be be trust with yourself and U of course you believe any Dr look like doesn’t matter like how you hard work and uh be trust yourself and be professional from professional player choose from any like how you sleep how you eat how you prepare I think think it’s a m thing made Daniel sense that he had a holy crap moment when he saw you do you feel like you are that person to these young guys uh maybe not everybody know me but I want to yes has anyone any of the kids impressed you at all this week oh I only firstday uh they probably first day usually like I usually where I’m come new spot shy but now they time to come how did you talk to any of your former teammates do you stay in touch with anybody uh slightly like every now it’s a busy everybody have family do something special me to like the Red Wings have a young Russian Prospect Demitri Bell the we’ve not seen him over here yet have you seen much of him I don’t see him much uh my job is a little bit different I’m not Scout for anybody and uh just follow my team this is try to NBA Focus and my job do you do you follow much of the NHL and I mean some of the the new players I mean any any particular player that you like watching or uh I watch highlights a lot I use it highlights for young player to show them how they if you wanted to reach NHL best league how you can what you can need it to do uh but now it’s a new generation lots of new players like uh I watch in the game seven in Florida the Edmonton it’s there a bunch of players to can enjoy to watch you’re Hall of Fame ND and you’re back in Detroit to help you know with your former organization how much does Detroit mean to you he mean a lot is my best year of uh like my career and always fun there probably not like uh 2002 200 like 3 4 where they Tred to trade me but it’s it kind of make me more stronger but no I go ahead I was just going to ask you if you’d like to see your number out there in the rafters um probably every player want to be but no number available but nobody want to to the 13 unlock number might as well hang it up then right uh probably do you miss playing or was is that enough as enough there no I when I chose my uh last year they home team they one time play but I want to be honest with me and lots of fan I don’t have fire this is more motivate me to play to be like love hockey and this is problem time have you talked to uh Henrik since who no of course uh we T this slightly but uh I would love to this is like uh three see lots of player I would love to see him too thank you congrats

Pavel Datsyuk speaks after joining the prospects on the ice at day 2 of Detroit Red Wings development camp.

Datsyuk was recently announced as a member of the 2024 Hockey Hall of Fame induction class.

  1. So great to see that legend back in Detroit even if it is for a short time. I wish he was immortal in that he could play forever. I am so privileged to have seen him play live.

  2. Fucking love you Pasha. Thank you for all the joy you have brought to my life simply by playing a game with such high skill, for being a Red Wing, and for coming back to help the next generation of Wings! GO WINGS GO!

  3. Some of the stuff you pulled off
    Theyre still trying to do it
    You are my greatest of all time
    Stretching in warm up Back hand in stride far side top corner Reach back stick flat snag the pack like a cane
    On and on and on Unbelievable
    Red Wing royalty Hockey royalty
    Thanks for everything you do Pavel really
    I hope you enjoy the retired life You rocked it Hall of Fame
    Made us so proud to be Red Wing fans Thank you for everything The highlights will live on

  4. I'm just a camera guy in Toronto, but I'm willing to re-locate my family to Detroit and learn how to properly mic up, and mix sound for media availability sessions for the Red Wings. I'll take a team friendly contract, I know Yzerman doesn't like term, 2-3 years seems like a number he likes so could start there…

  5. ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥💖❤🤍💙❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥💖💖💖💖💖💖❤💙

  6. I wonder if Datsyuk got to see or chat with Kane. Who would've thought all those years ago that our future prospects would be learning from both of them.

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