#Cowboys Fish Live: Now Micah’s Gonna Hold Out from Camp? CUT THE CRAP!

#Cowboys Fish Live: Now Micah’s Gonna Hold Out from Camp? CUT THE CRAP!

there’s the six bongs on the wall it must be time for fish at six I’m Mike fiser you’re trusty and trusted reporter uh Dallas Cowboys talk from the inside this is the Fishbowl did I say that that’s the star uh Straight Dope no bullsh I know that I advertised tonight that we were going to do a parlor game pick one Dak or CD or Micah uh we’re going to push that to 7:20 tomorrow morning and here’s why I got so much meat on the bone I am so loaded for bear I got so much stuff um some of it uh more urgent than a parlor game but we will spend uh a moment and this will be a nice crisp show as crisp is my beautiful Master’s shirt this be a nice crisp show so you can get to your families yes we will do a Morning Show on July 3rd that’s tomorrow morning yes we will do an evening show on July 3r and yes uh for 40 years covering the NFL I’ve worked on holidays why would I stop now and I know that you oh you got your family time but you’re going to duck out on the 4th and say honey uh thanks for breakfast I’ll be right back I’m going to go rape the leaves and and then you’re going to join me at 7:20 and then at 6 p.m. you’re going to go honey uh we’re going to do fireworks later uh but uh I need a break I need to go um check my uh Investments I don’t know here we go top 10 takes these are not hot takes these are simply fact-based opinions Emma God Irma God uh Irma is in the house sugar don’t be jelly she likes my shirt Ray G fist you’re going to do shows on July 4th no way way item one yes yes yes the Dallas Cowboys can sign all three of them I’m seeing this today and this we are gonna we’re going to do a little pro football talk tonight pro football talk.com tonight yes yes yes why are they so confused you absolutely I I I know why they’re so confused now are you going to be topheavy if you do this if you have a $55 million or or more quarterback if you have a $35 million pass rusher or more if you have a 32 33 or more receiver are you are you topheavy you are topheavy is it without precedent it’s not without precedent we’re going to do a study on this by the way just off the top of my head the first team that I’m going to look at didn’t the Rams have Stafford um Arnold right cup and Ramsay Vinnie Hagen three players over 30 million that’s right Danny Savage what about Bland Ferguson Smith I know I mean I know and when you look at the next group it does cause you to ponder the idea of as Jerry said in in in and what was at the time viewed as a bit of an incendiary thought I’m paraphrasing would I rather have CD lamb or five guys would I rather have one cidd lamb great CD lamb or five good guys and as you go and I’m glad you brought this up as you go to now the next chapter after this which is which is Tyler Smith I don’t know about all your other names Tyler Smith is a stud I I think bland is too but am I but your question’s right am I going to play am I going to play Bland $20 million I’m telling you right now I’m not doing any of this with Ferguson so I would not include him on that list but Danny you’re right there is a Next Level thing but make no mistake you can do this pro football talk and Florio saying well this is re the reason they’re not all in is because they didn’t get those things done that’s not that’s not it at all it’s not even close they can get those three contracts done and still be more all in than they are now they are choosing not to on the second and at this moment they’re choosing not to on the first item two more on this again uh on pick one Dak or lamb or Micah just parlor game pick one we’ll do that at 7:20 tomorrow morning here’s the thumbnail headline I’m G to write about it later tonight at Cowboys country.com where business is booming and I appreciate you you’re the one making it happen you’re the ones making it happen and I thank you for that Florio is writing he he’s putting Michael Parsons and the world and the word hold out in the same sentence in the same headline didly diddly dink what this year does this bother you as much as it bothers me he knows what he’s doing there is no credible information as we sit here on July 2nd at 60 something 6:05 Central Time in Frisco Texas there is zero credible information that would lead you to believe that Mel Parsons is planning to hold out in Oxnard this summer zero doesn’t mean he can’t sure can they could all hold out all 90 of them could hold out pro football talk Mike Florio Cowboys are Cowboys are facing a mess especially if Micah Parson stays away too what michah Parson’s just holding out it’s news to me Florio kind of sticks his nose into your business and this is what he does he he’s he made a great living at this he’s tells owners how to own he tells general managers how to manage tells coaches how to coach tells Scouts how to scout tells players how to play he is writing not only that Michael Parsons might hold out but that he should and this is where he’s getting up in your business it’s up to Michael Parsons if he wants to hold out the Cowboys have contractual control over him for a long long long long time frankly given that we know what this year really represents for the Joneses you if if you want to go screw yourself financially by holding out for a while this year go ahead dumbass you’re going to screw yourself financially you also you also damaged the football team in uh in ways that will make if this really happened in ways that would make the the 2024 Dallas Cowboys almost unrecognizable if everybody that was pissed off about their contract and waiting for their contract and waiting impatiently for the contract say you know I’m just going to stay home I’m not going to show up for work ah that would be a that would be a bad look for the Cowboys but Michael Parsons has said nothing of the sort and said he’s said quite the opposite he said I’m patient I understand where we’re at that’s the most team-friendly thing Michael Parsons has said around here in forever and pro football talk won’t let him get away with it pro football talk is saying he not only might hold out there’s no proof of that they don’t they don’t have a source on that it’s just Florio not only is saying he might he’s saying he should Michael Parson should not set foot on a football field until he gets a new deal why not if that’s the if that’s the policy and this is this is one of those things why the Cowboys are different because they’re thought of differently they’re treated differently you know how many guys not that there’s a whole bunch of Michael Parson is you how many guys are playing on their rookie contract that are outplaying it one of florio’s big points is he’s due to only make 2.9 Million this year that’s because he’s on his rookie contract Mike that’s not the entirety of the money that he’s made on his rookie contract that’s his salary base salary for this year that doesn’t count all the money he got up front the fully guaranteed contract that he got up front as a first- round pick you know how many guys there are on 32 teams they could be a seventh round draft pick they could be a udfa they could be a fifth round draft pick they could be who are outplaying that contract who are waiting for their turn that’s how it works and so far Parsons recognizes how it works but man oh man I bet you pro football talk is getting some internet traffic tonight because Mike Florio is saying Mike the Parsons might hold out with zero sources zero evidence hadn’t made one phone call hadn’t asked anybody and in fact what he’s saying flies in the face of what michah Parson himself says but what a story Chris Long how’s Boy by the way true story when I used when I went to the Pro Bowl uh as a in 1990 five six whatever something like that uh and covered the Pro Bowl it was in Hawaii it was actually fun then it’s a it’s a drag now uh I brought uh my little family and so little Nate was with me and we were there for a week and we stayed in the same hotel as the players which was awesome and it had to have been Chris I need to check his age I’m assuming he’s around the same age as Nate mid-30s whatever um I had to go do something and how he long had to go do something and so we left three kids in the hot tub if I’m remembering this right how long’s kid Chris my kid Nate and I believe we I believe that Chris Carter and his son was in the hot tub too and I believe we left Chris Carter babysitting little Hoy long Jr and little Mike fiser Jr no I don’t know what any of us were thinking so C Here Comes Chris long he’s got a very popular podcast the green light podcast and he’s decided former Eagle by the way he’s gonna defend the honor of Micah by saying it’s not about the podcast has not the podcast doesn’t hurt Micah that doesn’t have anything Chris nobody who’s plugged in thinks that Rob right this show is why I watch Uncle fish I want the truth about the Cowboys I don’t want speculative garbage that’s maybe nothing more than someone’s opinion and I appreciate you saying that it’s not that I don’t necessarily speculate fact-based opinions and it’s important to frame them right but I would never come on I would never come on here and Report hey hey I think michah Parsons might hold out this summer a training camp unless somebody told me that I just couldn’t couldn’t sleep at night of course as it is I pee so often at night I don’t sleep anyway but that’s a whole another Old Man story Chris long it’s not the podcast leave this podcast alone Chris no it’s not the podcast the podcast symbolizes what many people including people inside that building who love Michael Parson including in the locker room the podcast symbolizes the problem it’s not the problem it’s just a it’s a it’s a it’s one word podcast that everybody can use to to try to paint the picture of what they think is an area where mik can get better more Focus less jacking around that’s all more concern for the game plan less worry about what’s going on with the NBA referees and Britney Griner and you know the cost of a hamburger get off of it that’s all they’re saying that’s all we’re saying and it’s not just Dopey Sports writers like me who are saying it it’s people in his locker room who love him Chris Long says snarkily I don’t think they lost the Green Bay playoff game because of Micah’s podcast oh you don’t if you understand if you’re a casual then then then you’re obvious respons of course they didn’t lose a football game because of a podcast if you’re a casual if you’re if you’re you 71,000 fish heads in kab nation you understand what it really means it means not did they lose the Packer game because one guy has a podcast that’s not what we’re saying Michael Petty the podcast is a synonym for those who want to say that mic is not focused enough one guy gets it actually I think 71 of 71,000 of you get it that’s it how does Michael how is Michael Petty who’s obviously a genius by the way Michael how you aren’t Uncle fish premium is beyond me how does Michael Petty get it and an army of professional sports media people don’t get it John CB they lost the Packers game because nobody with a star on the side of their head showed up sure absolutely and they got crushed by the way they didn’t just get beat theoretically they lost because they weren’t focused fully focused on 53 men against the Packers this is all a hash 53 Brams trickle down from Jerry it is Jerry can’t go in there and demand that they quit jacking around on social media and quit doing extra stuff over here and podcast again not just the podcast all of it Jerry can’t demand that of his players because they’d look at Jerry and say will you do it didn’t you just hold a press conference yesterday with some boxer didn’t we just do something the day before that with men’s soccer aren’t we having a concert with George Straight tomorrow here at the you you do it St Floyd you can’t steal my line that’s my line I made it up I invented it the Cowboys sometimes seem like a media company that plays football on the side don’t steal my line JT what about Dan Quinn interviewing for the put it on the list it’s the same thing JT that’s what I’m saying it’s not just Micah and it’s not just a podcast it’s it’s it’s an interesting theory that that the Cowboys as a whole from top to bottom are so focused on so much other that they didn’t Focus fully on the Packers and therefore Chris long they did arguably maybe they did lose to the Packers because of a podcast if you know what a podcast really stands for item four I don’t know uh Nate’s a lawyer I have two kids that are smart enough to be lawyers one of them is a lawyer uh I got a wife that’s smart enough to be a lawyer this whole family talks like lawyers believe that but I don’t know much so antitrust and 41 billion and tribl and troubled each NFL team going to write a check because of the because the NFL lost that NFL Sunday Ticket lawsuit each NFL team’s going to write a check to I don’t know I guess fans and bars of 450 million you want to bet Jerry’s going to write a check to fans and bars for 4 450 million do you want to bet you know how Kicking and Screaming he’s going to go you know how uh I I had a discussion with uh with my lawyers my team of lawyers about a lawsuit and the conclusion we came to is it was against a big company and I’m not a very litigious person I’m I’m I’m calm but what we kind of came to the conclusion clusion of is you know you could win and it’s a semi substantial amount of money you could win but it’s a billion dollar company they will drag this thing out and they’ll appeal it and they’ll appeal it again and you won’t get your money till after you’re dead you know how long it’s going to take Jerry Jones to write you a check for $450 million because because you and I think NFL Sunday Ticket is a little too expensive or whatever the argument is we ought to be able to get our game we want we ought to be able to have a single G all the arguments that we make as fans all valid by the way you think the NFL is writing you a check for $450 million times 32 want a bet don’t uh don’t hold your breath with your hand sitting out like this you you your your wrist will get tired waiting for Jerry Jones to write you a $450 million check JT Jerry said he doesn’t get hand cramps in writing checks he did indeed say that a long time ago a long time ago he said that and it was funny a long time ago Kenneth easy Uncle fish premium fish in my job I have to be certified and trained why can any L become a sports writer whatever happened to honest journalism I don’t know I don’t know I’ll tell you this though when I find a young one who aspires to be it I hire him that’s the truth and when I find an old one who merits my attention I follow him uh I don’t follow very many people on Twitter I don’t but everybody I follow is somebody that I find to be trustworthy in that department my call Uncle fish you’re the best Straight Dope no Bulch all Cowboys info Danny going to a sports bar on a single Sunday is more money than Sunday Ticket it can be it can be especially Danny if if it’s a guy like you that drinks a little too much and gets three orders of nachos it does get a little pricer you’re right Bleacher Report wants to trade I think it’s Bleacher Report wants to trade Brandon Cooks what why when who well their theory is pretty clear first of all the Cowboys would save $8 million no they wouldn’t if they cut or traded Brandon Cooks they would not save $8 million there’d be $2 million a dead they’d save $6 million so first of all would you rather have Brandon Cooks on your team this year or have $6 million with a room if you got rid of Brandon Cooks and bleach report goes get rid of Brandon Cooks and then maybe a training camp bring in a couple of guys at wide receiver bring in a couple of guys you mean dump Brandon Cooks to save not eight but six and then make up for it with a couple of guys what are you talking about he’s your number two receiver this team is going to cross its fingers that they can find a number three receiver and you want to give away their number two receiver if you gave away their number two receiver who’d be the number two receiver who’ be the number three receiver Stephen White Uncle fish premium is Brad sham a friend of the show he is indeed Brad sham 35 year friend of the show very proud of my relationship with Brad he uh mentored me in one very specific area that juggling of hats Brad in his Brilliance he’s a Cowboy fan but he’s also objective he’s a reporter but he’s also an Entertainer he’s funny but he’s serious he’s got a lot of hats and of course now he literally wears a lot of hats Garrett who isn’t a friend of the show that would be one you you you you may have nailed the one you may have nailed the one Le Jugger it’s difficult to express enthusiasm or disain for the upcoming season and and you are inching toward now all this can change they go to Cleveland and win it all changes does it not Cowboys are one and0 they’re uh onepoint underdogs at Cleveland go to the Browns and win and everything changes Juggernaut you’re excited again seriously promise you but at this moment you want to scare Jerry Jones don’t scare him with anger scare him with apathy item six we have a story up at Cowboys country.com and it’s an intriguing one and I think it’s it’s very fair to Sam Williams some people think I’m hard on Sam Williams I am I’m I’m hard on people that drive down the street right by me going 120 M hour I am I am hard on them Randy minich have you ever been asked to be on the radio with B what what Randy you’re asking me if I’ve ever been on the radio yeah um one of my cherest pictures photographs is a few years ago remember the Cowboys at Denver and it was like a rainstorm and a thunderstorm and they had to postpone the game everybody had to go inside and so second quarter whatever it was so this is g to be a long halftime and to get through the halftime because we’re on 105 through the fan we’re not going anywhere we got to get through the halftime and so I don’t know if it might have been it might have been Gavin Dawson or sh back in the studio and so the four characters that had a round table conversation in out up down and the four of us I got a picture of the four of us sitting there it’s babe it’s Brad obviously the radio broadcast team it’s me radio Cowboy sidekick and then it so happened that fox was doing the game and so Aman came into the booth so there’s babe and Brad and Aman and some dumbass named fish so yes I’ve bet on the radio Sam Williams maybe Dallas’s defensive breakout Player of the Year that’s a beard scratcher item seven how about Rico on offense as a breakout I will say this and and and again it’s not quite as exciting as you know I mean like Washington’s breakout kid is gonna be like you know Jaden Daniels who just won the Heisman Trophy second overall pick but we haven’t seen very much Rico because the he’s been here for what four years now we haven’t seen much of him so wouldn’t it be something wouldn’t it be something if Rico proved himself nothing against Zeke Rico proved himself to be clearly better than Zeke now I don’t think if Rico as a breakaway guy maybe maybe we haven’t seen enough of I think of Rico as a tough running guy maybe we need to seen more um s Williams we’ve seen a lot of here’s and we covered this in the story at Cowboys country.com I’ve known Mike Zimmer for 30 years the Mike Zimmer relationship with Sam Williams is critical to Sam Williams and I’m not being hyperbolic when I say this critical to Sam Williams life if Sam Sam Williams will open his ears swall swallow his pride and buckle his seat belt Mike Zimmer can turn him into with his talents and his intellect and his Mike Zimmer can turn him into a disciplined success not just a wild ass wo look at me run down the field look how big and fast I am a disciplined success VJ get Sam off special teams or get him on special teams doing it right Mike Zimmer can go Mike Zimmer can walk over there special team group and say sam do it right do it right the same way every time do it right the same way every time when you’re trying to block a punt you don’t jump straight up in the air only Superman could do that use your head practice it right every time Michael Evans remember for 11 months exclusive exclusive in the uncle Fish Club what’s your relationship with Randy Gall uh and then you mentioned Ed and Frank the late Frank luxa was a joy I just thought really incredibly clever and gifted guy plus uh he despised his uh cooworker and and would not sit with him in the Press Box so they put the other guy way over there because the guys from his own newspaper didn’t want to sit with him um Randy Galloway interestingly even though we were at opposing papers uh one of most flattering things that ever happened to me he he mentored me and I don’t know why because I was working for the other paper but he was uh he was and of course he’s a giant uh he was very kind and helpful to me and and we had we had a good time now once I went on the radio uh it became more competitive but the newspaper he he was tremendous and then of course Ed wder we went to the same college at the same time University of Northern Colorado and I say this and I I I call Ed every year either call him or go see him and say this to him he was at the Star Telegram he preceded me and when he left there and we weren’t friends he just knew my work in in Colorado and in San Francisco he told the Star Telegram just interview one guy just interview Mike Fisher and they did and I got that job and and so Ed the reason I’m here I mean I know most of you come to Texas to chase some girl uh I came here uh because Ed worder told me to so yeah I I do have those relationships and they go way back and I’m very proud of them thanks for asking item nine in the regular season when it comes to focus and discipline um late game play leadership hey let’s get training with the Navy Seals let’s do the right thing all that’s a deck he does so much of it the rightest way I’m not prepared to say that the Cowboys are are going to let him be a lame duck all year long if he does this this year without the net of a contract and plays at his usual level I’m not talking about the fluky interception year level this this guy this guy averages like eight and a half interceptions a year not 15 eight not counting the playoffs you you talk about I eat pressure for breakfast Dak Prescott without a contract without a net doing what he does successfully this year if it happens that way that not a blank check it won’t be a blank check there there will be one of the one of the biggest bidding wars depending what happens in the pl one of the biggest bidding wars you ever saw in sports history and I and I’ll let’s let’s leave the playoffs out of this and let’s put it this way if Dak Prescott gets to December and he’s tearing it up in a way that similar to he did last year the bidding war the the the biders lining up for the war will create a situation that will be at the lip of the cup of the greatest one of the greatest bidding Moors in sports history Mad Dog Uncle fish premium fish you mean you didn’t come to Texas to find sugar a worked out that way uh I I often say I wish I would have met her when I was 20 but you know what if I would have met her when I was 20 first of all she was adorable and I wasn’t so it she she would just look at me like some other Schmo and second of all even if she would have fallen for me given our incredible chemistry I would have probably screwed it up when I was 20 but man I’ve been on point for 18 years now on point at at my Advanced age VJ fish do you think Jerry will let the contracts run up and then renegotiate if what you mean is do I think that Jerry and the Cowboys will just go ah you know CD especially especially CD and Dak just you know play it out this year we’ll figure it out you know don’t worry about it and then go to them in December or January or February sure sure he will what’s the chances again CD lamb will still be under contract so Michael Parsons because CD lamb will get franchise tagged when Dak Prescott when we get to March 8th of next year when free agency opens up when the NFL business year opens up March 8th or thereabouts D Prescott won’t just be taking one phone call Jerry’s going to have to get in line and so the real question and this isn’t specific to 55 or 58 or 53 or 60 the real question for the Dallas Cowboys is if you if you’re thinking of doing that next march then why don’t you do it now if you’re thinking of not doing it next march then why don’t you unplug now get off the fence it’s so it’s so strange for me who’s been a Jerry Jones close Observer for 35 years it’s so strange to watch him wobble like this I I’ve never seen him do anything like this Dean Graham any NFL agents Friends of the show item 10 we’ll do this tomorrow morning I promise it’s just a parlor game it’s not it’s not real it’s as fake as Mike florio’s michah Parson reports it’s as fake is Skip bis’s wife he doesn’t really have a wife he’s married no no it’s a bisexual blowup doll she’s just a beard a stooge a bird I tell you it’s a bisexual blowup doll he calls of Ernestine it’s probably what it said on the box I thought that was the lady from that did the telephone yeah that was Lily tomlin’s name too that’s how fake Ernestine is there have been two people named Ernestine in America in the last 70 years and one of them was fake Lily Tomlin and the other one’s fake skip bis’s wife so parlor game tomorrow morning think about it you got to pick one D or lamb or Micah between now and then go read yourself some cowboys country.com and when you shoot your pistol in the air please remember the bullet comes down somewhere that’s a little poetry by the way a little Fourth of July poetry fish out


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  1. The issue with Micah's podcast is that he's dipping into the Skip Bayless well of clownish takes to set up the Cowboys for embarrassment. Micah sleeps after a big game knowing that if his team shits the bed he'll get the bigges ratings of his life on Monday. There's a massive conflict there.

  2. I just think the NFL needs to look into these players that stream content during the regular season its potential for a huge conflict. Other leagues already have bans on streaming during the season. Huge problem solved.

  3. Fish, ya gotta know that Florio needs to talk about something other than himself……and after he blows about himself his next fave topic is dumping on "Cheap" Jerry Jones and his organization

  4. Earlier this year you threw out the idea of trading Dak CeeDee and Micah for future draft picks and it sounded crazy but also enticing. I painfully and honestly believe these three have lead the Cowboys are far as they are capable

  5. FreakN Embarrassing…. “Tank Quotes , we were tired “ FreakN retire than” For One of the many who are blessed to play the game , play the game to the end. I have never heard any past cowboy players ever talk like that …..

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