BREAKING: Phoenix Suns Sign Monte Morris To Join Booker, Durant, Beal

BREAKING: Phoenix Suns Sign Monte Morris To Join Booker, Durant, Beal

point guard point guard point guard the Phoenix Suns got a point guard let’s talk about it next on phnx suns podcast MCO what’s up everybody welcome into another episode of the phnx Suns podcast this podcast is brought to you by indeed listeners of this show will get a 7 5 sponsored job credit to get your jobs more visibility at allity that’s All City terms and conditions apply need to hire you need indeed I’m Lindsay that’s Saul that’s Gerald welcome back Saul how was your vac it was pretty good it was pretty good yeah actually uh I got to think a lot while I was on vacation you didn’t have access to your phone no Internet whatsoever so that was fun uh but you know listen everybody likes to say thato is my work wife here at phnx which is very true cuz he and I are one in the same we work together a lot but on this show Lindsay uh you are my my show wife and so because of that did you give me a ring you oh my God you guys that actually that I actually got in the Caribbean uh oh my so cute though there so I figured you would like that and it’s like purple and like but is adorable I’m going to wear it on this finger good good you wear it wherever you would like my dear uh but also I can’t leave out my man Gerald and the rest of the the crew like I don’t want them to feel left out so what else we get while we’re in Vegas uh I got us uh you know a little little starter pack of cigars cuz I didn’t know if you guys really smoke a lot of cigars or not so uh these are Cubans uh that I got out there in St Martin uh and I figured we would top that all off because when you’re on the ship uh everything’s dutyfree so you get a little bit cheaper get this big ass bottle what of Henny oh the NBA Edition look how dope that is now we are talking Gerald just locked the [ __ ] in wow he was ready for Vegas already summer leg is about to be super to a whole another level so uh uh sorry no free ads Max but this one is going out to the Hennessy crew we appreciate you thank you let’s go awesome thank you so much for all of our presents we going to enjoy that appreciate it also welcome everybody all you early arrivers in the chat Jay enlo Amelia Morty Louise T we see you all thank you all for being here with us make sure you hit that thumbs up button and let us know how you’re feeling about the Suns because we’ve got a lot to talk about today including our desert financial transaction of the day don’t forget you can get $200 in bonuses by visiting sl200 Shams reported that Monte Morris plans to sign a deal with the Phoenix Suns and of course our guy Gerald borget was telling us all about this yesterday that Monte Morris was high on the list of targets for the Phoenix Suns to bring in and also you’ve got a little bit more for us Gerald yeah according to a source this is a one-year contract um and it’s obviously for the vet minimum that’s all the Suns can offer so given the salary uh structure for veterans Monte Morris has been in the leag for seven years so his deal is going to come in at $2.8 million um but it is just a one-year deal for Monte Morris uh so yeah we got a point guard point guard point guard point guard let’s go M Morris is a nice player you know he’s he’s a good backup like if you think he’s gonna come in here and he’s gonna be a starter or try to run this team from the jump like that’s not that’s not what he’s being brought in here to do he’s just helped he’s just here to facilitate and help these guys get to from one point to the another and that’s that’s all you could want he’s as good as you were probably going to get out there um I know some people were probably looking at other options like Cy Lowry and stuff like that but Monte Morris is a is a good shooter uh he’s a good facilitator and uh when he’s healthy he can bring a lot to a team and I know people in Denver uh have a lot of admiration for Monte uh still to this day and uh you know things didn’t work out last year he was a little injured here and there but I’m I’m excited about this right so let’s dive into that a little bit first by looking at his stats from last season so in 33 games he averaged five points per game 2.1 assists per game 1.7 rebounds shooting 40.5% from the field and 38.6% from Deep now these are much lower than his total career stats but that’s because he was dealing with an injury and so and he also swapped teams moved to the Minnesota Timberwolves while he was still trying to come back from that injury and rehab and of course trying to re re uh connect with your body after an injury while also reconnecting with a new team can be tough and he struggled to really find his spot on that Squad it felt like so how much Faith do you guys have that well this is what we have to go off based of last year that he’ll be able to get back to kind of his career averages I mean nothing’s ever certain when you’re coming back from injury um but you know listen Monte has has always been known as a as a as a good solid hard worker um his teammates have have always you know revered him they they’ve loved him so I don’t think that there’s too much to worry about if he’s healthy I think he’s going to perform at a high level probably get back closer to that 10 points a game average that he was at before um and those shooting percentages if anything should go up uh because he’s going to be surrounded by guys that could just flat out shoot the Rocks so I think this is a great signing and again when you’re dealing with vet minimums you you you’re trying to get you know Rolls-Royce prices at a Kia budget and um and this is as close as you were going to get they didn’t get Rolls-Royce this may not Rolls-Royce but this is like at least a used Mercedes but like recently used Mercedes not old I would go with that exactly right no that’s that’s great I think this is a good signing I know a lot of people wanted Chris Dunn we had reported yesterday that it was kind of down to Chris Dunn Monte Morris and Kyle Lowry um Chris Dunn was going to be tough to get because you can’t offer anything more than a vet minimum somebody was going to come in with an offer probably more than that we’re still waiting on details from what the Clippers agreement is going to be but it’s probably going to be more than a vet minimum um and then Kyle Lowry you were going to have a hard time prying him from Philadelphia his hometown team and also like the guy’s 38 so as much as Lowry is experienced he would be able to R run the ship uh steer the ship in that regard I like getting the guy that’s 29 instead and is still a very active Defender he’s really good on that end actually um there were multiple clips that I found of him from his time in Minnesota the number one defense in the league where he’s just harassing guys following them navigating screens and in his last last season with the Wizards where he was fully healthy he was one of the top guys if you look at ball screen navigation on ball perimeter defense all these different Advanced analytics that are out there so he’s going to be able to help with the point of attack defense and he’s also very good at taking care of the ball which as we know was a huge concern for the second unit for the starters for everybody on this team uh he’s not a starting caliber point guard but he is a guy that can come in and make plays facilitate without turning the ball over yeah be is in the chat said this is a guy I wanted to get on this team he does a bit of everything and specializes in playmaking also still in his prime I mean again I think the the turnover thing cannot be overestimated yes like or underestimated however you want to put it it’s he he takes care of the ball and this team was averaging sometimes it felt like they were turning the ball over 30 times a game you know even though they never came it did feel like some games where they you could look at this Sun’s team and make an argument they could have won 10 more games if they just saved about three to four turnovers a game you know what I mean so uh when you bring a guy like this in Off the Bench uh he’s going to be able to take care of the ball he’s gonna and he’s gonna hold other people accountable about turning over the ball too because typically guys that don’t like to turn the ball over absolutely detest if you do so hopefully he’ll hold them accountable and man I’m just hoping for the best I think we all kind of learned a lesson last year not to get too high on some of these vetman guys yes um and this year that’s definitely the approach I’m taking just say I hope it works out I’m optimistic let’s just move on yeah so meatloaf in the chat said you could be the worst point guard ever and look good you got Beal book Durant Grayson OMG let’s go also it’s undeniable that this is an upgrade from what we had in that spot last year yeah you didn’t have anybody in that spot once you traded Jordan Goodwin like it was Jordan Goodwin and then it was nobody as a backup point guard so as much as I don’t think they need a starting point guard and they didn’t really have the means to go out and get one realistically they now have a backup who can come in you can stagger him with the big three as they come in and out of the game um and he can play on or off the ball that’s the good thing about him like he can facilitate he can uh create some of his own looks but he’s also a very good catch and shoot guy I think he shot 42% on catch and shoot threes last year he’s at around 42% for his career in that category so he’s a guy that you can spot up off the ball and he’ll be able to knock down an open look he’s a guy that can run pick roll or you can create with with the ball in his hands so that versatility on that end is good and defensively same thing like he actually spent some time guarding Wings occasionally with Minnesota obviously they have a ton of length as well around him so that he could do that but if you have a guy that can guard to maybe three positions in a pinch that’s a good thing to have um especially on a vet minimum deal Adam Thompson in the chat is asking uh what about him uh makes it seem like he’s not going to be a starting caliber player or or will prevent him from being in the starting lineup and I’m not saying that he’s not going to be but it’s highly unlikely just because of size Alone um you’re gonna be very very small in the front court if you have him Beal and book all running the one two and three and then you put KD at the four then nerk at the five right now um so that’s going to be a little different so I’m going to assume there’s going to be a little bit of you know maybe Grayson or you know maybe another big will will be in that lineup uh to start so um I just don’t see the Suns going that small right off the bat and plus there going to be injuries during the season so in those moments he will definitely step in and probably play uh point so I’m not saying he’s not going to be a starter uh but I just don’t think he will be a starter for a majority of the lineups we did get a super chat from Morty thank you Morty they said Morty approves Monte fire Emoji let’s gok you so much for being here we appreciate it uh before we get to Buddha the skitso uh Super Chat a couple more things on Monte Morris the first thing is that I know Gerald I know you love this and I know a lot of people out there love this as well fantastic I’m hesitant to get on board with this even though I guarantee you within the next like two to three weeks I’ll probably be on board but his nickname you guys we have to talk about his nickname phenomenal The Count of Monte asisto assista turnover yes which I love the idea of it my only beef with it is that I feel like it only works in a written format it doesn’t work as well because his assists as a whole are not super high it’s the assist to turnover ratio is what we got to get conveyed here and just saying asisto I feel like doesn’t convey that as much I’m I’m just wondering when you sto being on team hater yeah when did you switch to team no fun I don’t know I think it was last season honestly last season broke me and made me no fun Gerald I heard the account of Monty asisto uh but then seeing it and seeing that it was a Monty assist SL that’s phenomenal it’s great saying the written it works well the written takes it just like is not there yet the spoken is good if you know what the written is I guess the only thing that I hate about this is that I didn’t think of it first that’s it that’s that’s the only thing that I have oh my God but and also the other thing is like it’ll take up like half of your character limit too I mean it’s a longer nickname but we can work with it look this guy I think last season he only played 33 games or whatever it was but he had 69 assists which is nice and of itself to only seven turnovers right that’s incredible like that’s that’s almost a 10 to1 turnover ratio that’s nuts like he was second in the league out of all players he wouldn’t have qualified because he didn’t play enough games but out of all players in the league second highest assisted turnover ratio that’s a good thing for this team yeah all right uh we have a super chat from Louise thank you they said remember when we got Tyler Johnson the offense looked way better expecting the same From the Bench with Morris running the show that was when they needed Ty when they got Tyler Johnson they didn’t have a starting point guard because those were the Mike James Isaiah Kanan days um and Tyler Johnson was a good fit just by default because you didn’t have anything better I think this is the same situation but with the backup point guard role yeah wow Tyler Johnson Tyler Johnson he was super nice though he was such a cool guy I got Tyler Johnson story do you want to share uh I walked into there’s a spot off of I think Dobson and like uh Warner or something like that it’s it’s a majority of like Asian markets uh it went into like a hot pot spot and he was sitting by himself and I had a family of eight and I was just like and he had his back to me I was like this one [ __ ] he’s all done like he’s he’s been done for like 15 20 minutes and we’re just waiting and waiting and finally he gets up and he turns around I was just like oh it’s Tyler Johnson like I’ve literally seen him like every day the last freaking three months at practice I could have just gone up to him probably and be like hey man you almost done right but I did he he was super nice he was a good absolutely he got traded the next week damn damn they said you spending too much time eating hot pot around here okay couple more Super chats here about the signing Suns fan 303 their very first Super Chat ever welcome to the Super Chat Squad said do you think coach Bud would have Grayson be our fifth starter or sixth man I truly don’t know I feel like there’s a case to be made for Roy starting just because then you would have a bigger Wing defensive-minded guy in the lineup without losing too much of the shooting that Grayson provides but also like Bud is a Grayson guy like he had him in Milwaukee he was he had very complimentary things to say about him when we asked about him at his intro pressor so I don’t know I have no idea Grayson is on the bigger contract so it’s not always about that but something to keep in mind and I think just because that lineup has the most experience together that might be the default until Roy or someone else proves otherwise so sorry go ahead no I would agree with that yeah I I I I actually think that it’ll probably be more likely to be Royce just because of the size yeah um I know you guys were talking about Roy there but that’s not what a lot of people on the internet are talking about um so James sent us a Super Chat thank you James I said Morris like the signing I know this won’t happen but I feel like he should start and move Grayson to the bench but also I know nerk is a hybrid Point Center thoughts ner turnovers drive me nuts a lot of people um so you you brought up Grayson there moving to the bench and replace of Roy O’Neal but a lot of people on Sun’s Twitter are wondering if you could move Bradley Beal to the bench why are we still doing instead it is I listen I get the frustration but at least let’s answer the question you’re not moving your $50 million player to the bench unless you are actively trying to run him out of town and that’s not what the sons are going to do or are doing so no Bradley Beal is not coming off the bench there’s no I don’t understand the incentive to bring him off the bench either like if you’re looking for shooting and scoring Off the Bench Grayson like do that with Grayson I think the incentive is so that book can move back to playing shooting guard and just be himself and so you basically the request is to have a true more true point guard right but then that’s the request but if you’re doing that why would you have Grayson still in the lineup over Bradley Beal like why why are we trying to move Beal to the bench like we gota we got to get past the fact that his contract is really a lot like we he’s the third best player on the team he’s a star he’s a great player he didn’t have a good season he was also jostled between like four different roles he was injured multiple times throughout the year preventing him from ever gaining a rhythm like he’s a good player and I hope that he stays healthy enough this season to remind people of that as they build some chemistry with that big three it’s just it’s it’s it’s been a tough tough go for Bradley Beal in the off season because a lot of people have been directing a lot of their um ill will towards him and nerk yeah and I just don’t feel like Bradley Beal completely deserves it to the degree that he’s getting it like people are thinking that he’s just some scrub um and to be able to juggle everything that Gerald pointed out is hard it’s not easy and if we’re g to give these guys listen we made excuses for these guys about only playing 30 or 40 games together like why wouldn’t we give Bradley Beal the benefit of the doubt in the same way even with him having to switch roles multiple times not even just once so like he is the third best player on the team we got to stop acting like he’s some scrub all because he’s getting paid $50 million a year you think that you think we all give crap no we’re not paying it like he’s he’s getting paid that’s just what it is ain’t my money ain’t my money I ain’t worried about it but yeah um so yeah there’s that all right before we move on I’ve never been on board with a beel slander that’s my guy what anybody says um wants you to tell us about your shirt the Chad wants to know what’s up with the shirt and where they can get it so this is what I call a setup a tease oh because I have a different one tomorrow and the the names will be in the same spots but they’ll be different names so for all you audio listeners Saul is wearing a shirt that says Lindsay and Saul and Gerald and espo and flex we love it and we’ll keep you posted on what shirt he wears tomorrow and I figured you know why not do it on the day that you know we got recognized as the best podcast in Arizona more coming on that one tomorrow that’s another teaser for you so be sure to come and hang out with us tomorrow at 3M before we move on saw just briefly uh since we are talking about Suns moves this uh offseason they did add Mason plumbley uh your thoughts on that pickup I love it I love it uh I’ve I’ve I was able to Dabble a little bit yesterday in Social and see what everybody’s reactions were to it um and I think for the most part people were excited I think there was the the the few that were like oh he’s just like Eubanks 2.0 I’m like no no he’s not he’s a he’s a much better rent protector um he’s just as athletic he’s a good solid strong big you needed somebody that was going to be a little bit forceful down there in the paint and that could that could switch and and be athletic enough and he’s absolutely that guy so I’m excited about that again not too high not too low on any of these guys I hope they come through I hope they contribute at a high level um and they just make this team better and more consistent more than anything else be consistent and for for him as a backup big especially to nerk you’ve got to be efficient at the rim and if he could do that this year the Suns will find themselves in a really really good place uh if he doesn’t then you know have some issues yeah he’s another guy like Morris that like he was a little banged up last year but if he fully healthy this year that’s a guy that could easily get back to pre-injury season form um and he’s not as bouncy as he used to be he’s 34 now but he’s still a bigger lob threat than the Suns had last year um and to your point about the finishing around the rim like this is a guy the Five Seasons leading up to last year 70% around the rim you can absolutely live with that in a backup role absolutely 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and right now because you’re a friend of the program you’re going to get 20% off and free shipping with the code Suns that’s 20% off plus free shipping with the code Suns no more juggling multiple tools or dealing with subpar results just efficient effective group wherever you need it okay I’m sorry but I just want to say this I think it’s far more effective for you to read those it is I disagree because if I’m watching and I hear you’re saying you should trim your [ __ ] I’m GNA listen to you more than I’m going to listen to Gerald or myself or espo I disagree I think it could work either which way it’s it’s like a it’s like you’re a passing of the torch too like if we have younger viewers maybe I’m just saying I I I just feel like if didn’t know anything about this and I was talking to Gerald he’s like yeah you should do that I’m like but then if I if my wife was like you should do that I’m like yeah I’m G do that I don’t know uh a couple super chats here to get us into our next topic moving on for that Michael said uh Gerald you were at today’s introductory press conference for Ryan Dunn and Oso eodo how did they look sizewise they seem to be very personable and articulate will they they crack the rotation so before we get into all of the things I said how’ they look no they’re they’re big dudes I can’t affirm they they’re they’re bigger than than me uh the measuring stick yeah they’re they’re bigger than me 6 fo2 Gerald um but no they were they were very personable they were articulate yeah you’re six fo2 yeah thinking like a good 65 66 oh Gerald for Gerald yeah maybe seven foot I thought you was 6’1 that must be the aura you know AA wa I’m sorry did you just say you thought Gerald was 65 I was joking he was joking okay I was like Eric what no no offense uh no no I’m not 65 uh but no they were very personable they were articulate um I thought they were very well spoken they’re obviously rookies so they’re still a little shy they’re going to break out of their shell as time goes along but um you can tell they already kind of have a good rapport as the two new Sons Kids on the Block um I think Ryan Dunn posted a photo of them they’ve already been in the gym together getting some shots up and doing some drills and stuff uh they were at the Mercury game the other night as well so it’s good to see them bonding and uh I think we’re going to get to see more of their personality as time goes on we didn’t get a Sun’s rookie last year after all we almost did with tumani and we haven’t had one in a while so it’ll be nice to have some young blood on the team and uh they do seem like very smart um very intelligent and very committed to like yes we’re excited to be here but we know that the work is just starting and we’re ready to get to it I wasn’t there so I have no idea yeah well let’s dive into it because we’ve got clips for you guys first and foremost here’s what Ryan and Oso had to say on the draft moments hearing my name called was very surreal um as a kid U my mom’s probably laugh but I used to wear a suit when I was young and watch it on TV and dream walking across that stage and shaking my mom’s hand so to do it in real time at this time it was kind of Sur moment but it hasn’t really hit yet me yet that I’m really here and I think once I suit up and start playing I will probably hit but um it was kind of just a moment of all the hard work I done as a kid and growing up now but starting this chapter now it’s a lot more a lot more to go um I got to this mountain I got to start climbing it so I’m excited to have that for me yeah when I heard my name it was it was crazy uh just super blessed to have this opportunity and to experience that with my family and and my coaching staff uh was was super special my mom started crying so I was I almost I almost held it in cried a little bit but uh yeah it was super special uh really good night for sure they’re both so sweet I think I love them already like they’re just they’ve got really like Precious Vibes to them I think Oso is going to be in the running for your sweet baby I think so I think so yeah already already Sweet Baby Bear he’s a sweet baby bear hasn’t even played the game yet oh we nicknamed him the bear Why by the way because ooso means bear in Spanish Alo so we’re gonna he’s the bear he’s the valley bear he’s the bear the valley Bear yeah whatever you want to call it you know what I mean he’s he’s our bear so there we go uh so sweet moment for both of them obviously excited to be here excited to be joining the NBA absolutely committed and ready to get to work that was a theme throughout this entire press conference um but they were asked so this is from Oso and Ryan both Oso was asked about the style of play that he saw in college and how that will help him transition to the league and then Ryan was asked about the pace and space of the league opening up his game at marquet we ran a lot of NBA offense just free flowing five out and it was uh I feel like it really prepared me to play in a system like this with a team like this um yeah I think my playmaking and my ball skills will be really good for this team as a connector all the scoring that is on this team I think that someone like me that can kind of fill those gaps in between is uh can be really effective so I think that I’m going I’ll lean on my experience at Marquette and uh try to bring that here for sure yeah uh my offense was a little bit different more methodical like you said but I think you know learning the pace and you know getting up and down more and being more transitional offense is going to help me a lot um me and alsoo are FL system is going to help a lot with the young energy you know getting up and down the floor and you know just finding a role um I think that’s what Virginia is about learn being in your role and doing the best job in your role so um finding my role and establishing this early in the year and you know learn from Kevin and B and everyone you know the good vets and you know just keep developing my game over time so I think that’s probably help me a lot man I I feel like this is gonna be a little bit of a shock to a certain degree for for Ryan just because I mean Virginia oh my God I would rather stab both of my eyes out with a with a dull ass pencil than watch Virginia play basketball it is super slow it’s just methodical it is boring as hell they D up everybody like they play very solid defense that’s obviously what what he’s going to be all about but I’m excited to see what kind of Freedom he’s going to be able uh to get out there and summer league is going to be the first opportunity we get to see see that into actual action and to see him develop really like that’s the biggest concern that I’ve I’ve had is is he going to be able to develop that shot to the point where he’s not going to be you know a detriment to the team out there and if he can and he could just be consistent enough to be a threat you don’t have to be all per all World performer just be enough of a threat then the defense will take care of itself because that never leaves you so I’m I’m excited but again cautious I feel like that’s my theme of the offseason cautiously optimistic that’s fair especially coming from last off season I think it’s fair yeah um did you have anything to add to that Gerald no I I think he covered it well I I do think like I’m excited to see him at Summer League we did get confirmation from James Jones that uh the two rookies as well as Jaylen Bridges and Colin Gillespie will all be at Summer League they’re excited to play there um but I’m looking forward to Dun like just bullying people on the defensive end and getting out in transition because as much as there are concerns about his jump shot and his offense and all this stuff at The Rim he finished very efficiently he’s very athletic and in transition he’s going to be able to you know put those home especially if he’s getting steals or blocks and taking it the other way so I’m excited to start to get our first taste of that in Vegas for for all the spots that he could have landed to be able to land with a team like the Suns and have Kevin Durant and Devin Booker and Bradley Beal on this team that are really high high performing Shooters I think that can only help you especially with Grayson on there like and and as somebody pointed out his mechanics do look good it’s just you know they’re not consistent enough and that just comes with reps and time and um and and obviously Pace has a lot to do with it when you jack up a shot every seven minutes playing for the University of Virginia yeah you’re probably not going to be all that great unless you’re just on a heater that night and a heater means you made four shots in a game oh for Virginia Cavaliers well listen let me help you guys out because of course he was asked about the jump shot right as well as the pre-draft workout here’s what he had to say Ryan I was curious about your jump shot in the pre-draft process was focused on a lot how eager were you to get in pre-draft workouts like the one you had with Phoenix and show excited I was so excited um you know just just showing what I can do and how I can shoot it um you know I that was the whole talking point of my whole draft process could I shoot so you know not just even in Phoenix everywhere I went it was just you know show that I can do a little bit more um and it’s still improving um just more reps and more reps over and over again you know just getting out there and shooting but I’m I’m excited you know it’s the show so a Greatful I did a pretty job here okay two things one I left Kell’s a question in there specifically so that you guys could see how eager he was to answer that question that he actually cut Kellen off before he was able to finish the question because Ryan was so eager to share some thoughts and give answers around his jump shot but after that he answered that question another reporter followed up and asked him if he thinks that the percentages from college misrepresented what he thinks he can bring to the table and here’s how he answered that I’ll say yes I would say um I think it was a little fa but you know I was had to shoot him so being in this league now and you know having the opportunity you know to be with these guys I’m going have to let it go so that’s my mindset right now so he’s he’s confident in himself that he will be able to grow and develop in that area and bring something positive to the table I love that that Army ain’t going to know what to do when it shoots eight times in a game be worn out by second half got some Virginia in the gym he’s going to be in the gym all summer no listen I I I I I have mad respect for their University of Virginia they have a great program out there it’s just I I do think that sometimes things can be a little skewed because of the system that they run it is a very methodical slowdown system um and it’s and it’s hard to to be at such a high level if you’re not like the most dominant player out there in that system so that’s why they hang their hat on on defense like that that’s that’s as consistent as they can be it lets them get out there and run that’s probably why these guys are such great Defenders is because they’re like the only time we get a chance to just get out there and run is when we steal the ball otherwise [ __ ] we got to walk it up again you know what I mean it was like survival of the fittest we have to do this and we’re not I got to get my number somehow I’m going for this steal again coach uh no but it’s it’s interesting how um excited he was to talk about like yes I feel like I’m a better shooter than people give me credit for and we heard the pre-draft Buzz heading into the draft about like he was impressing teams in workouts with the way that his shot looked um so I actually did get to ask James Jones in a scrum after the press conference about what he showed on the offensive end in that workout and how his shot looked and this is what Jones had to say I mean well I think the unique thing about both of those guys uh is that they’re they’re talented and uh they were asked to do certain things for their teams and like like they both alluded to like like being great teammates being being win first guys they settled on their roles and and for him his role was not to shoot threes and so when he came in evidently he knew that was a narrative that was surrounding him but he shot the ball exceptionally well um shot it with confidence and and what we realized was there’s still a lot of work a lot of room for grow but the fundamentals and the basics are there um I I think you’ll find with with the game’s best players these guys the more volume they have the better they get um I have no doubt he’ll be a a a capable and above capable shooter in the near future okay so sorry for the angle there but James Jones is still really freaking tall yeah but no it kind of speaks to um you know what we’ve been hearing leading up to the draft that a lot of teams were impressed with what they saw they believe that it will get better as dun said it’s still a work in progress It’s not going to happen overnight um but hopefully there is a path to him just being respectable from three because if he is he’s going to be one of the first round steals of this entire draft um all right so here’s the deal we spent a lot of time talking about his offense let’s talk a little bit about his defense because he is super excited as a defensive playmaker being matched up with Elite level scorers on a daily basis to push him look at his look how much she lights up to this question that’s the biggest thing I’m excited for you know I’m playing against some of the best offensive scores in the in the history of of the game um especially right now so um going up against them day by day you know I’ll probably get torched a little bit there and there but it’s it’s how it is I’m ready for that my ups and downs but it will help me get ready you know especially with those those guys you know learning from them and you know having to take that into going against different players in the league so I’m excited you know for me you know so to go against them in practice Virginia players are sick is sick that’s all they love is defense that’s all I I million percent agree with him that you know I could see why he would be excited especially going up against book and KD every day in practice um I’m tired of playing against other teams who have Premier Defenders that are just trying to cause Havoc against our guys it’s going to be nice and a little bit of refreshing um B to have somebody else different than just Josh aogi going out there to cause Havoc uh so I’m excited for the kid I think again this is how he’s going to stay on the court until he gets his offense up to where it needs to be and so I I I hope nothing for the best for him yeah I’m excited to see uh what happens but listen we have a few more things to share with you from the pressor but first let’s take a peek at some of these super chats real quick uh Buddha the skitso sent us one things Buddha they said how hilarious would it be if we traded ner to Utah for Markin not going to happen but I would love to be there to see the look on you Banks’s face laughing face emoji who be nice I don’t even I don’t even know if I would even pay attention to that because we got marketing I’d be ecstatic superna happen but I would be ecstatic yeah uh Colin sent us one and they said have y’all discussed the idea of trading Nas for Kendrick Williams He seems to be losing his spot in the Thunder rotation I think he’d be a great fit yeah I mean we talked about him before we have we’ve brought him up in a couple of trades in the past um and I think that logistically does work because kenri Williams makes 6.6 million which is just under what Nas makes but if you’re the Thunder why are you doing that without some sort of pick attached obviously a first rounder is not going to happen there but would you have to give up one or two of your second rounders that you just added to do it I’m not sure if it’s a big enough upgrade for me so I don’t know I don’t know maybe Sam pressy is fing he’s like oh man I just gave up some draft picks I need some more need back have a second rounder yeah I was like just give me those draft picks I’ll care how they come baby uh Leo sent us one thank you Leo they said sign toian Prince please yay Nate so he would be a great pickup he was one of the top I think he was just under Nick Batum for me in terms of top free agency vet minimum guys that the Suns could possibly Target um but we have to keep in mind like if they do intend to bring back Damen Lee and Josh aogi which I had been hearing was the plan they would opt out and sign for slightly more than the vet minimum if they do that they’re out of roster spot so assuming they’re signing igodo to a standard rookie contract and not a two-way um so something to keep in mind like they’re already at 13 with igodo included they bring back Lee and aogi that’s it yeah so and there are some ways they can they could trade some guys go or trade yes right they could trade like a David Rody or a NZ little they could cut a David Rody or something like that to free up a roster spot so yeah well you brought up Josh Ki so let’s do Michael’s Super Chat as well he said Jaylen bridges over Josh aogi Bridges video is very nice time to move on from AI in general I’m against going against the known and as much as Jaylen Bridges is is is liked right now uh you know what Josh aogi brings and so and that kind of defense that tenacity is hard to come by in the league as we’ve seen we’ve only had one player like that um since we lost basically Mel Bridges and so I don’t I mean I get the excitement over these rookies but you know they’re rookies in the second round for a reason well jaylen’s on a two-way right didn’t we get word that he’s on a two-way J will be on a two-way yeah yeah so you got time you can still bring back Josh kogi and then come later on in the season if you feel like you’d rather give that spot to jayen Bridges you can absolutely do that so you can hang on to both of them technically for now exactly exactly all right before we move on to the other things I do want to tell you guys that if you are in the market to hire then you need indeed indeed is your matching and hiring platform with over 350 million Global monthly visitors according to indeed data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast so ditch the busy work use indeed for scheduling screening and messaging so you can connect with candidates faster join more than 3.5 million businesses worldwide that use indeed to hire great talent and they don’t just help you hire faster 93 % of employers agree indeed delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites according to a recent 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to see which one we’re doing here okay Manuel said y’all think either rookie make the starting five not early on no not say maybe the second half of the season if some things should unfold but no Dunn is the only one that I think has a chance in my book honestly unless there’s a trade or something like that just because of the defense if the shot is just serviceable he could have a shot down the stretch but I I think it’s more reasonable to expect like Grayson and Rey to be ahead of him in the pecking order there yeah well James Jones did talk about the importance of finding guys who can grow but also chip in from the start here’s what he said I mean I think the story of the NBA is that you always want to find guys that can play the game it’s tough to learn how to play this game once you get here so you have to have the traits you have to have the attributes that will allow you to to transition quickly and I think for them and with this team are they’re perfect matches so they’ll get a chance to compete if they compete the right way hopefully they push themselves and uh to new heights and push our team with new heights uh but I expect them to come and compete and make us a lot more competitive this year is it safe to say they and Jaylen and con be on the summer league s uh yeah the plan is for those guys to to play um they all every single one of them was like we want an opportunity to play and show what we can do and we’re all for I feel like I’ve been mentally trained by Gerald every time he says so is it safe to say I always feel like he’s got a pun that’s about to come out of his mouth was listening for the pun and then it didn’t happen you should do it one time Gerald hit him with a pun yeah see how he reacts should honestly really though James would you say having young guys that can contribute and grow at the same time is oh so amazing come on Gerald I’m sorry the puns aren’t done yet see what he did there all I’m saying is if we have to deal with it at least spread the well let us get some joy out of it too by seeing you do it to other people by seeing him just stare at me like I’m an idiot yes exactly and it’s okay you’re not burning any Bridges if you if you pull if you pull one out in op pressor I will walk over and put a $20 bill in your pocket okay so this you’ve asked about ice cream man you can do this it has to be a pressor it can’t be like a a pregame or postgame scrum no it has to be a it has to be a formal event yes in front of everybody it so just so everybody rolls their eyes and Unison together you remember you remember like 30 minutes ago when you were like when did you get off the fun train okay this will give you back on it yeah all right you remember that fair enough got called out I did I really did fair enough we’re going to unite the valley with my terrible punt at oppressor there we go all right that’s right psycho Hawk 2000 give him the full monty oh my goodness you go all right so one thing that James Jones did address he was asked about actually drafting players this year and bringing in youth which we have criticized him for we give him credit he did have a good answer for us you go into every year thinking of two years ahead and so for us over the last few years we’ve been in a win now mode and we still are in a win now mode U but our team was younger so when you’re you know your best players are 24 25 um you you draft or you approach the draft a certain way as your guys 27 29 30 31 35 uh you just want to have that balance so you’re always seeking a balance where you have X amount of guys under the age of 24 certain number of guys between 24 and 30 and guys 30 plus and so this was a summer for us to be able to add multiple guys with that uh sub 24 uh and that sub2 24 group just thought it was the right time and those are the right guys to do it with see there is a method to the madness I I would P I would push back on the idea that they’ve always been keeping track of this ratio for under 24 I haven’t done the math but I feel like it might not it sounds good in theory and and at least they’re pushing more towards a respectable ratio in that regard I’ll give him that good for them good for James Jones you’re not buying it good for James Jones if that’s what he truly feels then good for him but uh I don’t see it that way we’re we’re starting to skew younger yeah we we got a little bit younger we got two rookies we got a young two-way two young two ways yeah all right rookies but yeah the final question that we will talk about from the presser today Oso was asked if he grew up being a Suns fan and his answer I loved it I thought it was funny I didn’t really grow up a Suns fan the Suns weren’t very good when I was growing up unfortunately unfortunately but yeah I grew up watching a lot of LeBron James was my favorite player watched Kevin Durant obviously um so it’s it’s to have someone like that on the team is special and I always one I like the players I would watch I just you know it was but we’re growing we’re trying to improve trying to win a championship now so uh I’m a Suns fan now for sure it was trying so hard to be so polite and respectful but also be like low key y’ll suck does it make you feel old to know that the time he was talking about when the Suns sucked was like that last decade of terrible Suns play that I was covering we were watching I liked his answer what’s up does it make you feel bad you think he should have lied you know I just you know listen I had to watch a lot of years of bad bad Cardinals football I was still on the train yeah just you know like embrace your hood that’s it yeah but no we have to love LeBron I get it I get it he also threw in KD too did he like LeBron and Katie who doesn’t like the superstars I’ll be I’ll be honest I think a significant portion of our fan base was not around for those bad years because uh I was there at those games the arena was I remember how many people were there and no disrespect to the fan base either because those teams were hard to watch let alone cover on a regular basis so I get it terrible even the players didn’t want to be there exactly quite literally I mean Jon Bender showed it come on he said get me out of here turn over turn over turn over turn over I appreciate his uh honesty and how he tried very very hard to be as polite as possible I just loved his sheepish grin like no no no chance toon really the aobo years come on man listen Ellie listen he was so precious I got a soft spot for the precious one Isaiah Canan died so elely could walk oh man I love that kid anyway CH roll so he could exist L him he low crawled and dragged his legs behind him W you guys are so terrible he was so nice he was so nice he was so nice listen y’all throwing Strays at random Suns players if y’all want to come throw Strays at Gerald and Saul because they clearly deserve it come hang out with us at our next ph& X event we’ve got a whole bunch of them happening throughout the summer we’ve got um the pickle ball tournament happening at chicken and pickle Saturday Saturday Saturday 27th from 900 a.m. to 12: p.m. viously out at chicken and pickle you guys know we love our friends at chicken and pickle oh man there’s the phnx Cardinals event uh we’re teaming up with true fan travel for an insane experience in Miami as Cardinals take on the Dolphins you can get all the information at true fan there’s going to be a Mercury takeover happening soon as well tons of great events head over to go click the events Tab and a reminder if you become a Die Hard you also get a discount on any ticketed events as well yall are wild John L is such a good we started off a chain of uh Suns names you have not heard in a minute chat drop sunny weams in there give us your most random Suns okay oh my Deontay Christmas is just crying Josh childr dear Lord I don’t even know you guys are killing me today I’m going to tell you about Circle K because Circle K never lets me down it’s 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quickly I I’m not going to put anything past dun I think dun will contribute um to what degree I don’t know I’m thinking like maybe 10 to 15 minutes maybe to start at at Max uh but as the season goes along I’m hoping that shot develops and he gets to play a little bit more um everybody else is going to be you know iffy you know Oso is going to have to work now the good thing about Oso is is is he has played in in a spread out system the pick and rolls there um you know if he can work on that that that little mid-range jump shot and I think he can find himself a little bit of a niche uh to play a lot more but it’s going to be there’s going to be some work to be done for these guys to actually get get on the court and contribute at a high level yeah I I think there’s a clearer path to minutes for Ryan Dunn not just because he’s the first round selection but because like defensively they need what he provides especially if they don’t wind up bringing a kogi back like you need a point of attack Defender he can be that you need a better Wing Defender he can be that as well uh he can be a secondary rim protector even he’s a guy that can you can use as a small ball five if you want to go really small just because of his athleticism his shot blocking um the ground that he can cover so quickly uh that is exactly what you need out of a small ball option there so even though he’s a rookie even though he’s going to take his lumps against NBA caliber scorers I think he’s got a clear path to minutes especially if you don’t want to put that same burden on Kevin Durant on the defensive end that he had to take on this season so uh I liked Oso’s path to minutes before the Mason plumbley signing I think with plumbley on board it’s a little trickier for him to be able to work his way in there um but that’s the thing he’s young they’re going to have time and if there is an injury to nurkic or to Mason plumbley he’s a guy that is NBA ready to contribute um there’s still things he’s going to have to work on like maybe blocking more shots but he’s a good perimeter switchable big which is something that I don’t think you can say about nerk or plumbley so against certain matchups if he’s able to prove that he’s deserving of minutes maybe you get to a point where you need a game you need a quarter and you throw him out there just so you can switch one through five that type of thing because he does bring different things to the table than those two do uh an Entourage they used to say if you have a big head then you’re gonna be a superstar and host’s got a pretty big dome he’s got a pretty big body like I’m I think he’s going to be okay I I do I will say this think that he’s um a very intelligent basketball player and I think I think he’s an intelligent person yeah and I and I think that you know well we’re talking basketball so yeah uh but I think he’s going to be able to to adapt quickly um to the nuances of the game I will say that about us so I do feel confident in that uh because sometimes that takes a little while but if you’re a cerebral player you’re going to pick up little little isms here and there and you’ll be able to use that to your advantage so hopeful all right so a super chat here from our friend psycho blue thank you psycho blue they said basketball cthulu has so many receipts he’s looking forward to sharing come oh I know what receipts those are we got a lot of uh there’s a I’m already seen people kind of tier the west and you know who’s in what tier and OKC’s pretty much at the top Dallas is near the top uh and the suns are usually in like the third or the fourth tier and I do think people might might have overcorrected on this team a little bit because I know the sweep was embarrassing um I know the that the big three has things to work out and they have a new coach and new players coming in again but I do think most of the core is intact from next season I think we’re getting a full season of Royce which we didn’t have hopefully we’re getting a bigger sample size for the big three as well um I think this team might surprise people with how much better they are next season than the first year I hope so I really hope so because that last year sucked it was not fun at all in any way shape or form I think had one you know there’s one play that I can remember last year where I was just like I was excited I was out of my seat and that was the the KD game winner against Chicago outside of that it was just like bro we should be so much better than this what are we doing out here you know and it just it felt discombobulated at on too many levels and I hope that the guys took a took some time after the season to kind of Rectify things kind of reset themselves talk to coach bud and see make sure that they get ahead of the game and get on the same page before they even get to Camp and I feel like that is happening think these guys talk a lot I’m just hopeful that we don’t have the same season that we have had this year I’m optimistic again cautiously I just think that with Devin and Kevin specifically because those guys are the faces of the franchise they’ve got to do a better job of of of owning the team and I felt like there was too much vagueness going on in in terms of who is really the leader on this team who’s in charge out there on the court it just felt like it was just it was just too blah and you can’t always rely on the coach to be that guy no but I do think a change in our coaching in our head coach and bringing in Bud will help that situation and I also think that specifically talking about the big three I would like to think that they’re going to take this a little bit personally like I hope and pray that they have a little bit of Michael Jordan in them and say and I took that personally because this year was embarrassing for all three of them in in the fashion in which they went out yeah right and granted I understand you had a lot of things you had to deal with from injuries to trying to build continuity this that and the other but like all three of those players are at such a level that they should take that personally Bradley Beal especially I know he was pissed off with the injuries and the way that he the literally I think the day or two before was like I’ll be damned if I get swept and then comes back the next day I was like well [ __ ] I’ll be damned yeah exactly like I want to hope that they took it so personally that they’re going to spend a good amount of time this offseason trying to build up their relationships with one another and the new teammates that are coming in and Coach bud and hopefully make this more fun you know that that Meme where they’re like What’s one opinion that you have that will have everybody coming at your throat and it’s like all those swords right to me Bradley Beal is going to have a tremendous B bounceback season and I think he’s going to prove a lot of people wrong um now I know I’m going to catch a lot of flat because a lot of people do not like Bradley Beal right now but I don’t care I’ve always been a Bradley Beal guy I like I like his game I just think that there was just so many things going through his head that he wasn’t able to to really manage and figure out because he was being asked to do something different just about every single night and now he’s goingon to be able to coach I think coach Bud’s going to simplify it a little bit more for him and not put everything on him to to be as diverse a player I think Devon Booker had a head start in that game because obviously we were asking him to play point but he had played point a few times throughout and Bradley be played point to but again like one night he was the point the next night he’s not the next night he’s asked to be you know guard the the the toughest offensive player on the other team it’s just a bunch of different things that I just hope that he’s able to figure out and really condense and get back to who Bradley Beal really is which is one of the best players in the game whether you like it or not he just is yeah and even said it was an adjustment for him like going from being the guy in Washington for so many years to now I have to sacrifice and kind of find where I pick and choose my spots because Kevin Durant and Devin Booker should be getting the ball more they should be getting more shots um but I do think like he still put up 185 and four on 50% shooting like a career-high 40 some percent from three he was very efficient despite having to sacrifice touches so I don’t know if his stats are going to leap off the page next year but I think within the context of them finding a better balance and them you know taking their offense to the next level because they have more familiarity because they know when they’re going to get their spots and their looks and that s that type of thing I think that could make a big difference in just making the Suns more potent I think the the thing that I always think about is is if he I’m sure a lot of you have seen the the clip of him talking to a bunch of au kids in on his Club basketball team and he’s talking to them about you know you think you can play in the League you got to guard me [ __ ] like straight up says it to these kids and I hope he has that mentality about like oh you guys can try and sleep on me but you still have to guard me and I hope he comes in with that kind of killer mentality because if he does he could completely flip the script and there’s one game specifically last year that we had a our takeover against OKC and the suns were in control in the fourth quarter and then things just kind of got out of control and OKC just methodically picked them apart and won the game by damn near double digits when the suns were up by double digits in the fourth quarter that game sticks out to me so much because it was just a meltdown and nobody had control and that’s what I’m hoping everybody is is is really focused on is like let’s make sure that we have control this year yeah I mean at least they’re working on it slowly but surely we’re getting to our finalized product as far as what we’ll see come next season and then they’ll be able to get in the lab a little bit more start working with one another working with coaches unofficially of course right um but it’ll be exciting that’ll do it for today any final thoughts you two yeah coach said broh don’t expect anything positive from this team until uh that be contract is gone this team will inevitably find a way to make us feel embarrassed it’s habitual at this point you know uh I I see where code’s coming from and code has made a lot of points uh that were you know good and I disagreed with but what I will say is this uh I’ve been living this life for 44 years and I’m numb to it I don’t even care anymore I don’t get embarrassed by them flaming out yeah I mean I’m more embarrassed for them exactly I think at this point in time if you’re a Suns fan and you have been for a hot minute like we we are not really we can be embarrassed but it’s more like I’m embarrassed for you like you said right like can’t give up now yeah no I mean what else you guys we’ve been through too much’ been we’ve never won a title what is there to lose another year of not winning a title okay you missed this but yesterday I was doing research for something else and I stumbled upon a forum a fan forum from like 2004 and they were talking about Shawn Marian’s contract and how bad it was and whatever and one of the comments was I don’t think Marian’s contract is that bad but it seems like Suns fans are only happy when they’re complaining about the team and that was in 2004 20 years ago so time is a flat circle basically we just need to win we just need to win one and it fix everything to be fair that’s every fan base everybody’s the exact same if you go on to even the OKC I’m sure there’s people at OKC and Thunder like why would you pay Shay this much money that’s such a waste of money like okay well what are you gonna do you could find someone who does not to% of what he does for half the prize I’m like where indeed where are you help us oh Tyler kic would have done it no he would all right see you guys later thanks for being here with us be sure to hit that Thumbs Up Button if you’re here with on YouTube we appreciate you guys rate review And subscribe wherever you get your podcast and of course give the show a follow on social at phn xor Suns you can also follow me at lindsy Smith a you can follow Saul at sore Bookman and you can follow Gerald at Gerald boray I’ll take it if you thought we were done with the puns I have one that is oh so sweet it’s The Count of Monte asisto oh Hoy hoy we all sting like the May

The Phoenix Suns added a veteran point guard, Monte Morris, in free agency today + Suns newcomers, Ryan Dunn and Oso Ighodaro as well as GM James Jones address the media for the first time since the 2024 NBA Draft concluded. What did they have to say and how do we feel about what’s to come for the rookies? We’ll dive into all of that and more on today’s PHNX Suns Podcast. Join us for the latest around the Suns and don’t forget to follow the show on social @PHNX_Suns.

0:00 Intro/Saul returns from vacation
3:20 Suns sign Monte Morris!
19:00 Saul’s thoughts on Mason Plumlee
25:00 Recapping the rookies first press conference
44:00 James Jones on drafting young guys and developing them
56:00 What are realistic expectations for the rookies this year?

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Like EJ has been saying we need a point guard to set the table for the Big 3 Monte will fit the bill. About time we got a Point Guard, a Point Guard, a Poinf Guard👏

  2. Nurk can still be a hybrid player. Just don't let him dribble the ball up court. That's where most of his turnovers come from. He's better being static receiving the ball and then passing it

  3. Suns Did Great in The Draft id Give Them a 10 out of 10 there plus the Undrafted players…..But Free Agency Maybe a 6 …Now if Miles Plumlee is healthy and The Guard they pick up Can Just Pass That Ball….Suns Will be a Dangerous Team….I Really Really liked The Draft

  4. Toumani couldn’t shoot last year and if we kept him I think he’d been a rotation player at least. So dunn could may very well be a rotation player?

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