Detroit Pistons Off-Season Moves Breakdown

Detroit Pistons Off-Season Moves Breakdown

[Music] YouTube what’s up man it’s king and Deuce we are here to talk about a very very important topic tonight one that both of us kind of mentioned but we want to bring it up together man and sitting here have a good discourse about it because there’s a 5050 shade with this this topic right now and it’s about K cutting Ham’s contract it’s about Kade in general to be honest uh Deuce what we got man man first of all shout out to everybody who uh who waited for us we a little bit behind I I saw a few comments uh people calling compar us to Tom gor saying we with Tom goris y’all ain’t funny y’all ain’t funny listen we got to make sure this show is right for y’all man we not we not out here just doing crazy stuff but no shout out to y’all for showing up man we got a few things we was going to hit on tonight K mentioned one of them as far as um K Cunningham’s contract a lot of people have had polarizing views and opinions on that um so we’ll get to that um but yeah we got a few things we want to get into um King how you feeling overall so far far with the offseason that we’ve had so far as far as the Pistons you you feeling good about it you feeling like um it’s kind of underwhelming you feeling like you still got a little bit of patience as far as what maybe come because it’s still early in the process what you feeling it’s early in the process kind of you know it’s kind of mixed feelings you know I like okay so as far as what we did so far um I have no issues with it I have no issues with the the coach hiring I have no issues with uh adding Tim Hardway Jr and Tobias Harris um would I have gone different directions I probably would have but they’re here and I’m not complaining about it at all it was kind of underwhelming though to start a free agency I wanted you know the Pistons to be a little bit more aggressive with you know it’s it was a a lot of guys that you can add to this team that’s just just I mean guys’s just gonna contribute you know what I’m saying we not I’m not necessarily say go out and get a superstar that’s not easy to bring here obviously but there was many guys available that I felt like contribute uh to teams uh probably even better I was pleased to see a rumor that I did see uh today this morning and I don’t know if he went anywhere yet but I seen that the Pistons were in the bag for a laori marketing yeah that this morning that was surprising so um you know like I said it is what it is right now I’m just trying to be patient let him do his is his due and you know care I’m I’m with you bro um a lot has to be decided you know a lot still a lot of dominoes still have to fall you know it’s still early in the process we still got cap room and things like that so I’m kind of G to hold my opinion until we see what it looks like on the court that’s where I’m at because even with names and guys bring you guys you bring in it still may look good on paper but it doesn’t mean it’s going to translate to the basketball court so I’m just kind of sitting back at observing you know what I’m saying and just kind of kind of letting the chips fall as they may and then once that happens and then we kind of have a clear picture of what this team looks like on the court then I think will’ll be the time where I can really be able to give a proper analysis of what I think as far as the team so one thing you mentioned King um before is that a lot of these signings and moves that pons are making um a lot of it won’t matter until we have a coach right so we finally have a coach we have JB bigger staff as our coach so now that we have our coach how do you feel about this hiring of biger Staff as a coach you feeling good about it or not so much absolutely I’m feeling good about it because I sat there and watch exactly what he did with the c the Cavaliers the Cavaliers were a similar team they were a very very young team you know that was trying to get themselves into that winning type of mentality right right took that team and you know he got them there they didn’t necessarily advance in the playoffs as far and as deep as the Cavaliers organization wanted to but for a starter coach a starter coach to take young guys and get them to play you know well enough basketball in order to get themselves into a playoffs um that’s what that’s what we need right now let’s just be honest about it that’s what we need right now whether you know he’ll be the coach in the future once we do get there to take us to the next level let’s leave all of that to the future but right now this team needs exactly what he is so I have no problem with the hiring whatsoever I’m kind of with you on that bro I mean I think one thing that gets missed and I mentioned this in the previous video is that this is not destination a for free agents or coaches you know what I’m saying it ain’t just like we talk about it often with free agents like they’re not gonna sign here y y y but you gotta consider that same thing with coaches coaches don’t want to come in a situation where it’s going to make them look bad or feel bad either so that’s one thing we have to keep in mind and we you know I talked about it I wanted M Anor right I wanted M Anor uh Timber Wolf’s assistant who was pretty much the acting coach in the playoffs after round one pretty much that’s who I wanted but like I mentioned we don’t know if he wanted to come here or not I kind of compar it to um Ben Johnson with the Lions right the mo one of the CED assistants one of the most coveted assistants that everybody wanted right and because he realized he was in a good situation and he felt he could still win a Super Bowl with the current situation he was in he decided to come back and that may have been a case for Mike nor he may have figured yeah I could go coach now but those coaching jobs are going to be there if they’re there now and I may they were close to to getting to the finals last year you know they got beat by Dallas but he may have figured yeah that’d be great but I want to get this another shot so considering that I’m not mad at hiring because we got a guy who has a chip on his shoulder he’s defensive minded we saw what he did for Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland right that back court they didn’t both become Allstars until he was there together so that just gives me hope for our back court so I just want to see what he’s able to do for this team um but I love the chip on the shoulder that he has I love that because that matches what we have right now everybody’s laughing at us you know everybody felt that biger SAA got fired prematurely right because he took them to back-to-back playoffs they Advanced further this past year than they did the first year so it seems like they had very realistic expectations for him and he may have been rubbed the wrong way I would have been R the wrong way about that so he’s gonna come in with a chip on his shoulder to prove y’all shouldn’t have got rid of me y’all gonna miss me you know and keeping that that that Lions theme right now the pons are doing something similar to what the Lions did and that’s bringing the coach before the GM right we’re going to pick the coach that we want out there with the players and then we’ll go get the the GM that we want to acquire players good point afterwards and that that formula works you know I’m saying because it separates two jobs your job is on the floor your job is up here in the office with us right that’s the way that you do it you know so like I said I a I have no problem with them going to get him to be the coach uh you know to raise up our young y our young players man and uh you know try to get them into that playoff contention but um the GM search just got that more magnified to me because you know you can have the coach all you want to but at the same time that coach needs to acquire Talent right right now Tran is doing that job but I want the GM to come in here and make some moves and bring some guys in here that’s gonna take us to the next level yeah I’m with you on that bro it seems like the chat pretty much is is pretty happy with that too so yeah Marvin I’m with you I wish we could go and get swe to be our lead assistant but I think much like Mike Anor he figures he’s in a good situation with Dallas and with them just getting Thompson he probably feels like they have a shot a more of a legit shot to get back to the finals than wi all so you that’s a perfect world though that would be a great situation if we can get somebody like him as our assistant but I’m happy with bigger S for sure so let’s move to our next topic bro um we’ve talked about this you and I a little bit but we haven’t had a chance to really dissect it together so Tobias Harris right right signs for two years and King you and I talked about this right a few weeks ago it seems like at first you were kind of iffy about it but considering what our options were and you know the the positives that he still can bring to this team it seemed like you kind of kind of warmed up to a little bit am I correct on that on that U evaluation yeah you know at first it was just like man okay we’ve actually we’ve seen Tobias hais before but then when I I started to really think about it and you know I thought about the the players that we have on this team right now they need to buy his hairs they need to buy his hairs so you know I have a problem with it um at this current moment you know like I said I think he’s going to fit right in he fits with what we have right now that’s the most important thing bring players in here who fits with what you have and what you’re trying to do so you know yeah at first it was a little shaky but I had to sit and think about it for a minute yeah yeah I feel it I feel it especially since he been here before it it you know it kind of may have seemed a little bit redundant but it is a little bit different situation and one thing with him that I mentioned before that I really am looking forward to is just his professionalism bro yeah we always talk about how young this team is you know how they’re lacking uh veteran leadership and professionalism and Keen I you we talked about this bro we talked about Houston you know how they wouldn’t got Fred Van Fleet they wouldn’t got Dylan Brooks they would got Jeff Green and those guys really helped them last season and it show they pushed Golden State for that final play in spot they didn’t make it but they showed that they were trending in the right direction yeah and so to buy Harris provides that you know and that’s part of what comes with negotiating to pay him cuz think about it I’m sure he and his agent know the same way we do that there is a lack of leadership here so that may have went into why he was able to get $26 million that’s still reasonable to be honest but I would have even paid 30 to get him here just because of that you look at teams like Houston and you see how that veteran president was able to grow those young guys in just a season that goes into it too it’s not just on the court it’s also what you’re able to do off the court to help them on the court you know what I’m saying it all works together so we needed good vets and we got a good one in Tobias Harris he’s professional he’s mature he goes about his business he’s No Nonsense he’s not a locker room problem no baggage he’s consistent you know what I mean with his approach to the game I like it I love it I think I think at that price point we we couldn’t have got a much better signing for all the things that we and on top of that he’s a spacer he’s a spacer he can shoot the ball right so that’s going to help the pick and roll offense with Kade and Jaylen durren and Ivy and Jaden dur whoever you want to run in the pick and roll it just opens up like you always say driving lanes for those guys to be able to have space to get easy buckets whether it’s off the oop whether it’s off you know the catch and shooting the corner whatever it is it just gives you more space to have more options so I think that’s a 100% that’s a A+ signing in my opinion and for two years he’s 32 years old so if it was four or five years now you’re looking like toward the back end of that career you’re probably trying to move it and nobody’s trying to take it you know what I’m saying so two years he’ll be 34 he may just start to be declining cuz he takes care of his body too takes really right so 34 32 to 34 I don’t think it’s gonna be much drop off so you pretty much still get uh a high level Tobias Harris for two years which I’m with yeah yeah like I said to bring in a good vet man that add some shooting at the same time that’s gonna be available to play right that’s uh it all works out well for me you know right it’s not just a a Cojo situation to where you got somebody in your ear you know good veteran but he’s not really doing anything on the floor to have you listen to him right your favorite guy yeah so I think I think we all agree as far as um with thebi ha so yeah we’re not gonna um spend too too much time on that I think we all pretty much agreed that that was a good that was a good move for the Pistons a yeah good point good point here by Dwayne not to mention how AAR Ron can learn from him exactly all of our young guys all of our young guys are going to be able to learn when you when you as a young guy are impersonable and you see vets that are in the locker room or that are in the gym early every single day it kind of builds a standard it’s one thing of a coach is doing it or coach is saying it but when you got vets who’ve been here and they’re starting to do it and they’re doing it and they’re sitting that bar it kind of rubs off on the young guys say oh okay he just came here he’s already doing this right I can’t let him out do me let me get in there with him you know what I mean that kind of thing so that’s what I’m hoping to see and Marvin the last thing he’s never really injured play 70 games a year on average can’t ask for better than that in today’s NBA you know what I’m saying so definitely with that 100% yeah okay okay okay now we gonna get to this right here here we go I I’m I’m not gonna lie I have a lot to say about this bro I have a lot to say about this do your thing Deuce can I cook you gonna let me okay okay so K Cunningham received a fiveyear 236 million Max extension let me you said what man whatever ran I Ain listening to you bro um right let me get a dollar okay let me get a dollar um but no but seriously but like I have a lot to say bro so look check it out everybody saying you know we overpaid for Cade you know he hasn’t earned it this and that we only won 14 games out of out of 82 if he was good he would helped us win more games he’s not that good he’s not the guy he’s a piece okay okay so let’s talk about it for a minute that contract right okay all right so in my opinion he 100% deserves it 100% first things first what the fans think he did enough on the court you know he didn’t do enough on the court I think we can all agree that he had the worst constructed roster in the league and Poss POS the worst coaching performance by any coach last year who didn’t even seem to care this team was historically bad last year Greg keler right just recently by the way shout out to Greg keler for collaborating with me on that Instagram post but what he said was very very telling he said when you lose 68 games you’re finding ways to lose and that there were so many games that the Pistons could and should have won last year yep bro tell me you’re talking about Monty Williams without saying you’re talking about Monty Williams if you haven’t seen it go check it out on my Instagram or Twitter feet but it was obvious to me and everybody who commented on it who saw that that he was talking about mani and that this team was way worse than they should have been so I say that to say that Greg kelzer he watched every single game up close last year as he’s done for the last 20 30 years you never heard him talking that way about Dwayne Casey when he was coach or anybody else for that matter and this team was actively tanking the season before last when Dwayne Casey was here and they still managed to win more games than they did last year when they were trying to quote unquote win so with all of that you point the finger at Cade and say he didn’t play well enough or that he should have somehow willed this team to more wins that’s wild to me on top of that let’s just talk about something that we just talked about in our previous segment we just talked about Tobias Harris and why the Pistons paid him 52 million over the next two seasons did we not what did we say veteran leadership locker room presence professionalism right all that stuff y why does that not apply to K Cunningham when it comes to how he’s conducted himself since he’s been here he’s going into his fourth season with his third coach and as far as on on courtplay it’s really his third season with his third coach cuz he he missed a year he’s literally had like he’s had bro have everything working against him since he’s been here it’s got to be hard man on a young player 22 years old looking at all these other teams around him Houston OKC uh Orlando all these teams who were in the same position we were in when he when he got drafted here and they all had better look in the draft they all have better rides to construction and they’re all much closer to contending than we are right now but despite all that Kate is still a consant pro when the Pistons were going through the losing streak more times than not who showing up post game to answer the same questions over and over and over again like so often bro when things are going well star players around the league are front and center right but when things start going South nowhere to be found they don’t want to face the music you never heard Kade being an issue in the locker room or pointing the blame at his coach or pointing the blame at his teammates and this is a young impressionable team like think of the effect that type of attitude could have on that team we think it’s bad now it could have been way worse I I’ll give you an example I’ll give you an examp a perfect example and this is for my all OG Pistons fans y’all remember this the year was 2011 John CER was the coach that team was bad so bad that I think it was either six or seven players they actually revolted can you probably remember this yeah I remember they right they revolted yeah they either show it was a regular play it was a regular regular season game regular season game they revolted they either showed up late to a morning shoot around or they just missed it completely but they were giving excuses you know I spray my esophagus or I broke I broke my pinky it was the most random excuses they were they basically they didn’t care they just intentionally didn’t show up so that left John CER with six Active guys to play that game that night y they intentionally and publicly blamed and embarrassed him and he got a that same night for obvious reasons understandable reasons but the messed up heart those same players that refuse to play were on the bench laughing look it up it’s not hard to find you can go find it I watched it live King I’m sure you watched it live too yep now I’m not I’m not saying that the frustration wasn’t warranted because it was clear that John ker that’s his name John ker he wasn’t the right coach for this team he was in way over his head I get I get that I get it but you still got to be professional yeah you paid well do your job man you got to honor that and many of those guys are veterans I’m not throwing shade on any of those guys but one thing we do on here King we keep it a stat we call it how we see it regardless of what or who it is it don’t matter so this past season something to that same effect could have happened especially after this 27 game losing streak but Kate as a leader what he do the opposite he was encouraging guys don’t jump off the boat this team ain’t two and 27 bad always positive cuz he knew his teammates were watching looking at him that’s the leadership quality so it’s very unfair to put him in that position and he still showed up he still faced the music so he had to know bro that it was going to be a ton of criticism coming his way A bunch of memes coming his way regardless of what he would say in that postgame but he showed up he still L by example so regardless of what you think he did on the court if he’s worth it on the court you cannot deny that his leadership off the court especially during that streak is something to be rewarded that’s rare especially for a 22y old who’s a number number one pick overall so if we G to talk about how the Pistons needed to pay Tobias Harrison part because of his leadership and professionalism as we should because he is then there’s no reason whatsoever that Kate doesn’t deserve to and one more thing for those you might say yeah K was that’s good and all but we still need take K to produce on the court okay fine I got you cover I got some numbers so last season right he averaged 23 points seven and a half assists four rebounds so I don’t think the many even even really notice because the team was so bad last year but last season he had a career high in points per game at 23 as I mentioned a career high in assist per game at 7.5 as I mentioned a career high in field goal percentage at 45% a career high in three-point percentage at 35% and a career high free throw percentage at 86% and his minutes were the exact same 33 so he’s becoming a better player year over year despite the team being historically bad and you might say you might be like okay well it’s easy to score points on a bad team somebody’s got to score the points right okay fine but you know it’s not easy to do on a bad team be efficient because teams are keying on you they’re key you got eight to 10 eyes on you and despite that his efficiency went up so his turnover is yeah I get it he got to cut down on that but come on man based on everything we talked about and considering he’s still only 22 there wasn’t much more he could do imagine what he could do with a proper coach on a team with just average conditions just League average conditions and then let’s talk about that contract so anybody saying he’s not worth it after that after all I just laid out I I ain’t trying to I got nothing else to say to you it’s nothing I can say to you to to convince you there’s there’s no way you can look at that situation as a whole and put the blame solely on him and say he doesn’t deserve the money no way you know like I said before it don’t take somebody with a half a brain half a brain to realize that if you place Kate if Place Kate on any one of these these other rosters that were actually productive and that didn’t have a coaching staff that was non-existent we having a whole different conversation right now right leave that 14 win season exactly where the hell is at let it go let it be let it let it be man yeah joh somebody said John CER out had got more wins That season than man Williams got last year like what what are we talking about man if John if if Monty Williams performs the way most of us thought he would not saying get 50 60 games but if he just does what we expected him to do in year one even in year one we not having this conversation about K’s contract there’s nothing to talk about anytime you have we say all the time a coach playing a guy that’s no longer in the league over your starting two guard there’s nothing to talk about nothing so for all those just just think about just think about those things man you got to look at the big picture if you’re going to reward Tobias Harris for professionalism and all those different things there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it to K Cunningham who’s been do this for four years right come on man so that’s that’s my piece on that I just had to get that out because I saw so many people talking about Kade in his in his contract and it’s like what what more did you want him to do he got better when the team got worse I I don’t get it I don’t get it so that’s that’s his my take maybe I’m off base Maybe I’m Wrong I Don’t Know But I I feel like there’s there was nothing more he could have did last year and I think once he has a competent team KN on wood think come on trasan make it happen then we’ll all see that he was worth that contract I have full confidence in that yeah K he’s he’s going to continue to improve you know what I’m saying he’s going to continue to improve I just hope that this team can improve with him right saying make make it a little bit easier on yourselves man and go out there and give it everything y’all got just like Kate is you know just like Kate is man that’s all we asking let’s stop being the laughing stock of the league yeah you know like I say all the time the league is better when the Pistons are good yep especially the East yeah sure when the Pistons are good so yeah um you know let’s just let’s let the process be the process man and and you know with these pieces that we got currently let’s see how they fit together um let’s see how this development goes let’s see what our our offense looks like let’s see what you know the coaching strategy is we got a lot to learn with this team yeah we are fresh and new all over again it’s a lot to learn with this team and it starts it starts in summer league and count you know what I’m saying you know with our young players that we BR um in summer league just see what we got at five you know what I’m saying see what right type of player we gonna be adding to this team and then at the same time Camp man yeah Camp be very important because that’s where the chemistry in the building starts that’s where the respect starts that’s where all starts that’s where your identity starts there you go that was exactly I I was going to say 100% that’s where you build the identity the camaraderie all that stuff all that stuff so yeah man I just wanted to get that out the way um so we can move on okay so few more things we’re going to get here it’s going to be a relatively short show for y’all we want to get all these different topics in before we got out of here so let’s get hit a few more things K we talked about this a little bit in our previous stream um I got some visuals here that we can throw on the screen there is a number of different of different combinations you can go with as far as the potential starting five and honestly we may not even know at all what it’s going to be yet because we still got 24 million CPAs so we may not even be whole yet we’re not whole yet but I just wanted to kind of talk about based off what we currently have do you have a particular starting five kinge that you would like to see at least rolled out at the beginning of the Season or is there something that that you like to see what are you looking at uh me for Kade Ivy’s sake because obviously those two are gonna be my starting guards right I would love to see those two maybe maybe it’s tough so let’s let’s do this I got it’s a three and four spot for me dur right for you got you got of course Tobias is gonna start yeah um but you got fonio and you got assar that’s the question for me between obviously fio is the shooter and thear is the defender I think they should do it based off of matchups if I’m if I’m the Pistons that’s how I’m doing it based off matchups you know what I’m saying um okay okay yeah I’m not mad at that I um I do like I’m on the same boat for me one through three and five are pretty much solidified you got K the one Ivy the two for me I have to buyas at the three and I have Duren at the five we talk so much about the two big lineups in the East yeah all the time putting Tobias at the four does not help you guard those two big lineups at all not at all we saw it when he was here before we talked about it when Kevin Love was dominating him in 2016 in the playoffs when he got swept LeBron was just tossing ball down to Kevin Love every single time and go to work in the post and it was hard to watch I don’t want to see that anymore all the contending teams in the East are big they all have size so if we’re going to try to contend in the East we need to have size so my ideal lineup as of right now is not a popular one but but stew at the four but stew at the four that’s to me that’s that’s what makes the most sense far as being able to have spacing size and defense he’s too small to guard starting fives right so to me that will make the most sense you could easy say fanto and Tobias together that’s that’s fun that’s fun that gives you more spacing probably going to score ton or more points but now you’re relying solely on Jaylen Duran to get the to grab rebounds and that’s I don’t want that and I don’t I don’t want to see any of our fors getting bullied in the paint I don’t see down there by himself trying to get a rebound when you got two other bigs in there’re trying to go against him I don’t see that I know Ste is not many people’s favorite pick because you know people think he’s an undersized five or maybe he’s a backup five but he gives you all those things we’re looking for that either assar or fono only gives you one you know you know what I’m saying fio he’s 67 205 Tobias is 68 235 so if I don’t want Tobias my I definitely don’t want to find Tech you on my at the four you know what I’m saying so for me I just I just don’t want to I don’t want to be undersized I don’t want to have a big back court and have a small front court because now you’re just you’re throwing it off you’re offsetting your size so to me Ste would make a lot of sense at the five because he gives you spacing you don’t need him score a lot of points because now you have spacing on the floor which Tobi his Harris he can get Buckets for you he can give you more spacing so now your guards can get guys like Ste easy buckets cuz they can they have d you know what man so it just opens up I think the offense and the defense it allows the defense to still be intact to where you’re still able to match up with those bigger teams and I’mma answer this almost every team that we watch in the playoffs yes almost all the all the good teams that we watched in the playoffs Milwaukee and Boston right those are the two the two biggest threats even New York they play Big yeah you know what I’m saying so all all the timber wolves right the Timberwolves the they got OB toppen and they got Miles Turner like all the teams that are in the playoffs in the East they have these two bigs so if we’re going to try to contend I don’t want a 68 big that’s that doesn’t play bigger than the size we gota be the match up well give steu opportunity and a chance you know if he if he’s still on the roster what gives him an opportunity and chance is him showing an ability to stretch the floor last season right that’s what gives him an opportunity you know playing him at the four you got a much of a better chance of him defending a four than a five exactly exactly 100% so that’s that’s just my take or if they want to go out and get somebody in for if they don’t you know if you don’t think Ste is a starting player okay then use that 24 million and go get somebody at the four go get a I know probably not going to happen but a miles Bridges type of guy and he’s not even really that big of a four right he’s an athletic four so he can play Above the Rim right but if that’s the move then if you want to get somebody else to bring in to fill that four spot and have St Off the Bench as your five or something like that I’m with that but I just want to have size in that front Court man because the teams going to be playing they gonna bully us if we don’t have that size they just they just are so that’s that’s what I would like something something like this right here this is this is what I prefer right here paid Ivy Tobias Stu and durren that’s what I I got a visual here for right here to me this this is what I want to see right here yep right here Kade Ivy Tobias St JD I think that is the most balanced start five as far as to what we need and offensively and defensively on both sides of the ball I think that’s the most balanced starting five in my opinion unless you can like I said unless you can go out and get a Lorie marketing right that changes thing so drastically right this is based off obviously what we have right now so you know I still think the Pistons are definitely not done roster we still need backup bigs you know what I’m saying so yep you know wisan just went and uh got the bag yeah he did he shout out to him man shout out to him man I know I know it didn’t work here you know what I’m saying I’m happy for for both us and for him because I really didn’t see a fit for him any longer on this team but I am happy for him too that he’s going to get another opportunity I hope this time he can really find a home and and get it together CU it’s been a rough go for him so far you know this is interesting because I’ve seen a couple of comments on Twitter I think hardaway’s pass the starting days I think he’s an off the- bench guy now I do too I think he’s past his starting days man I don’t want him taking Ivy’s minutes either from away from his development he needs to come off the bench I agree I agree and I think you kind of just live with it you may you may feel like he’s a better you know fit and maybe he is currently right now but that doesn’t mean that Ivy can’t turn into a better fit I think at at a ceiling Ivy is is has a much higher higher ceiling than a prime Tim Hardway Jr you know what I’m saying in my opinion so let let’s let’s see what we got we have a new roster we have a new coach we’ll have a new GM and we have a new president I want to see what these guys look like under all this newness we haven’t seen it so I definitely am going to give Ivy a chance to prove that he deserves that starting two guard spot and if he doesn’t I’ll be having a different conversation but to have not seen it with this new um this new team that we have this new front office that we have this new coach that we have I gotta see it first before I can just dismiss it yeah for sure so yeah like go ahead go ahead bro start them if they start hard way hard away at the two then you know Ivy being the six man obviously I mean I guess I just have to deal with that but me personally I just don’t want to see it right right pass that point to me and Marvin you’re right he did say he wanted to play with him but he didn’t say he wanted to start with him I’m just saying we don’t we don’t know to the extent of what that meant so yeah we gota wait and see man I’m definitely not benching iy after what he had to endur last year I’m not messing with this confidence again bringing in somebody who is no longer in their Prime y you know what I’m saying who’s never played here and you haven’t given OB he haven’t given nav a chance to play under this new infrastructure I mean that’s the perfect way to mess with confidence even more last season I’m not doing that we’ll be stuck in the same scenario where we are now saying that H and Kade only played 60 60 plus games you see what I’m saying so I don’t want nobody getting in the way of that bro move your ass out the way let these our back court build some chemistry and play together and then you know like I said he can come off the bench yeah 100% they played a total of 68 out of a possible 164 games together that’s like a third of the games so there’s no way I’m I’m pulling him out of that starting lineup right now I got I gotta see what it looks like first yeah on paper like we talked about earlier on paper Tim might look better but on the court we gota wait and see so we kind of talked about it a little bit bro but let’s just kind of get to it one more time as far as this cat space we have I heard Lori marinan a lot in the chat and I’m not mad at that is there anybody else that you have your eye on as far as free agents um that a couple of them got deals today um obviously I was looking at more Orlando to see what happened with those bigs over there those guys gots man so yeah um as far as bringing in another big is especially at at the power forward spot I would have to see and and look and see what’s available um I’m not quite sure what’s available because a lot of it was some signs that just took place while we sitting here talking yeah you know what I’m saying so right I would have to see what’s available out there but I I prefer we go big and either get another backup center or something at Power Forward yep yep I also think side note that all these bigs playing off the board you know the Nick Clin and the hartenstein to me that signals confidence in Jaylen durren from the front office at least at least up to this point they could still go and get a starting big I don’t know who who was better than Jaylen dur right now who’s out there but I think this signals that they have confidence that he is this the center of the future and I am happy about that because I was not willing to be impatient again like we just talked about and spend 25 million plus a year on a guy who is arguably not better than him it’s Up For Debate Nick Clon I I would take Jaylen dur over Nick Clon hardenstein You could argue he’s better now but Jaylen Duran SE ciling is way higher to me than hartenstein so I’m just but we won’t see it if we’re too impatient that’s why I’m not rushing anything with these guys I’m so glad that those bigs are gone we can stop talking about that and now we can let these young guys grow man cuz I just feel so much impatience right now and I get it but we got to let it play out man if we’re going to really see how to maximize all these guys first or move them when the time is right once we have evaluated what they what they are you know I also at the same time want to back up a veteran backup point guard I I do want a veteran backup point guard so let me ask you this how you feel about Ty Jones been seeing that a lot yeah um yeah wouldn’t mind that at all to be honest I just like I said I just want to backup point guard that’s that’s a vet I’m I’m not comfortable with having Kade and then Sasser that’s not I’m not with that I agree cause s to me Sasser is not a point guard not a point guard I think he just puts he gets pigeon hold there because of his height if he was 6’4 yeah he wouldn’t be you know what I’m saying he would he’d be looked at as as a scoring as a scoring too in my opinion so yeah I yeah I I like SAS but I definitely want a veteran you know backup point guard on this squad to kind of settle the offense Off the Bench for sure and lead the offense Off the Bench for sure I agree with you that’s that’s a great call on your part for sure yeah we we released we got a lot of we I mean we let everything else go you know so we got we got to fill in that depth now right with those that we let go so yeah I mean pretty much just just go and fill out this team with some good players that’s all yeah some good competent basketball players that’s it that’s all we asking for man we haven’t had in the last few years so as a team we’ve have pieces here and there but not a team so yeah man that’s what I wanted to get to also and we haven’t heard any news on summer league yet right we still waiting to get that um but I am looking forward to Summer League bro I am really looking forward I’m looking forward to Ron Holland I feel like he about to show out I feel like he’s about to show out because you know how it is in summer league there isn’t a structured offense it’s a lot of turnovers a lot of Fast Break plays which is where he shines he’s a really really he’s a dog on defense I see him getting two to three maybe four steals a game I see a bunch of run out fast break dunks and you know wire to wire play I see a lot of that with him I think he’s about to show out I I kind of think our um our young Wy big man is going to steal the show really Mr out of Sweden I think he’s going to steal the show I was I had an opportunity to sit and watch him a little you know what I’m saying obviously competition level ain’t the same over there but looking at you know his skill set and some of the moments I seen with him yeah I think in summer league in summer league he’s going to uh he might steal a show he might have distance fans like oh right I can see why we drafted exactly exactly real quick shout out shout out to Jaylen Jaylen Benning Ashton Ashton’s brother go follow him Instagram he’s got a ton of hilarious and good content on Instagram I think it’s beey digital correct me if I’m wrong Jaylen I think it’s be either Bey TV or Bey digital but check him out go check him out he’s got a lot of great stuff um but yeah man getting back to yes getting back to Clinton yes man I want I want to I think he’s like you said a dark horse bro he is nice man like just he’s one of those he kind of gives me like SE yakum Vibes a little bit like he’s just a wiry guy who can kind of do a little bit of everything you know what I’m saying he’s a he’s a good Defender he’s got great measurables he’s got a crazy wingspan he’s athletic he can shoot the ball he’s great in transition I like him man that may that may be a very underrated pick so that’s a great call bro I forgot about him for a minute and I’m really looking forward to seeing him on his team like going forward I think he fits his team perfect yeah you could put him in a bunch of different positions and he can guard different positions too on defense so he he going to be nice man he’s I think he’s going to stick around yeah yeah can’t wait to watch it man like I said we we also signed a few young guys too man just to I don’t know I just love the summer league love League uh but you know like I said at the same time a grain of salt you can’t put right we’ve seen Stanley Johnson and Henry like I was thinking about this bro how many how many summer league Stars ended up being NBA stars right not really too much so it’s like I’m not really I mean a bunch of we’ve seen that here with the guys we just mentioned you know what I’m saying so I’m not going to put too much into it as far as like points and stuff like I’m not I’m not looking at stats when it comes to these guys I just want to see what they can bring us I want to see how they look against other other players other professionals because it’s different when you playing overseas or when you playing you know college it’s a little bit different I want to say how you guys look against guys who have already played in the NBA guys who are trying to get who are trying to latch on with a team guys who are coming at them to because you got to keep in mind summer league is for development and it’s also for guys trying to to get a contract with a team a lot of guys in summer league when it’s over are not on a team right they’re auditioning to try to get on so they trying to they trying to show out right they coming at you they want they trying to make memories for these coaches and these these staff they trying to stand out so I want to see how these guys respond to that that’s what I’m looking for more so the it test than the stats is what I’m looking at with summer league for sure and that’s it that’s it I always say you know stats are meant to elevator argument it test is always GNA be to say all be all for me 100 perc 100% bro so yeah it should be fun should be fun couple of weeks I’m still waiting to see what we do with with the GM spot I still don’t know I I would love to have like taan Prince somebody com in like that that would be he just he just fits the bill for me like he just has he he’s a student of the game you know what I’m saying he just has that type of mentality to where you know he’s going to do his work the right way I would feel very comfortable having somebody honestly more than anybody else in that starting five Championship starting five he is the guy I would want in that role he just seems very studious very much of a researcher very much just about basketball not saying they’re not but they have you know johon C is a coach now you know Ben is doing his own thing his businesses taan is about hoop still you know what I’m saying that’s who in that GM spot somebody who’s about hoop still and who’s always looking to improve the team who’s always looking to be Innovative who’s always looking to get better that’s T and somebody who doesn’t command a lot of attention like he doesn’t he’s very about he’s very like offstandish very aloof I don’t mind that from a GM as long as you’re doing your job properly I don’t care I kind of want you to be in the in the like in the background when it comes to that and just and just showing your face through your moves you know what I’m saying showing your face through the decisions you make on a team being remembered that way being recognized that way not being in the Forefront and that is exactly what he is so having a guy like him front office man if that’s all we do going forward it will be a winning off season in my opinion yeah absolutely man absolutely um Chris you my guy I’m just simply say this okay let’s hear it let’s hear it I don’t know I love to get assets I do but him I don’t want to be that team to touch him every other team in the league is is has enough sense to say hell no I don’t want the Pistons to continue to be that one dumb team in the league to do something okay no you’re you put yourself in that position Chicago with him so let me ask you this because he’s currently I believe on a fivey year I don’t know what year it is but he’s in a 5ye $215 million contract I don’t know how much is a year how much is that a year that’s got like at least 40 million a year um and he’s always hurt always hurt what would it take though to say yes what if they gave you four first round picks I mean no team is going that far like everybody has a price right like what what is your price what your price be I just don’t want them dog I don’t I don’t want him here I don’t man because I know as soon as he get here he going he GNA slip on a a drip of water no y’all ain’t tired of that bro we do that all the time no bro yeah no stay stay the thing is too is that we’d have to it have to be we’d have to give up something back it wouldn’t just it wouldn’t just be draft picks we’d have to um send a player out too because we only have 24 million left and he’s making about so we be about 16 million you know away from being able to make that move so we’d have to send out a young guy which we just talked about we’re not trying to do until we see these guys on the court that’s the reason I would say no I wouldn’t take him either because of just him in general you don’t like you’ve never lik you you’re already paid you don’t want to be here in Detroit well guess what I’m gon do I’m gonna be hurt for majority of the time I’m here and get paid for it no it’s Fool’s Gold do not do it don’t do that that’s yeah I feel you bro I’m not mad at that at all I just I feel like if if the price is right I’m G I’m G just suck it up for me if the price is right I’m G just suck it up because everything we’re do right now is about our future everything we do now is about our future the trade or the this the trade that we made the trades for Tim Hardway Jr all these different things to get those picks those three second round picks for the future Tobi he’s he’s a guy to help grow these guys in the future like everything that tran is doing he’s trying to build up his treasure chest of draft picks I get it so if that’s the move he’s trying to follow follow looks like what OKC is doing they got a ton of draft picks right Boston had a ton of draft picks so I just feel like and they’re contending now so I feel like well Boston’s a champion so it’s just like I feel like with that strategy if the price if they giving me three or four four unprotected first round picks and a few pick swaps to where I can switch a pick like we did this year go from 37 to 53 53 whatever yeah then I don’t care what you do fine go go go sit down cuz now I can still let my young guys play and you’ve netted me a bunch of a bunch of draft Capital that’s the only way I do it but aside from that I’m not mad at you bro because I really don’t want to he here either to be honest yeah man listen Ken I don’t want nothing out of Chicago the only thing that I wanted out of Chicago is in Philly now I don’t want nothing ELO they put themselves they they roll the dice over there and put themselves in them situation stick with him because you don’t even know if Lonzo gonna play basketball you’re right nope I don’t want none of nothing over there yeah the only if he gonna even play basketball or that yeah you’re right no you’re right like if he’s not playing once again the price has to be ridiculous it’s got to ridiculous on the plus side he will be reunited with Fred Vincent who helped to change and fix his shot I’m just I’m grasing that straws to be honest with you because that’s that’s not even a good enough reason to do it but I’m just trying to find any possible reason to do it if the price is right that’s I just keep coming back to that bro it’s it’s got to it’s got to be the hall it’s got to be a crazy Hall especially because everybody else has already said no I’m I’m I’mma Bluff a little bit two draft picks you crazy everybody who how many other teams you didn’t give two draft picks you think I’m stupid you better give me at least three or four I’m playing hard ball because you got leverage so with that if the price is right that’s the only way that’s the only way yeah man I I’m I’m good bro I don’t even want his bones here in the cold weather because they might crack even faster bro I’m you know what I’m saying the only light skin I want is Tobias and and Kade on this team that’s it it’s enough man stop with this stop with the light skin stuff bro I gotta stand up for my for my for my people now always throwing the little lightskinned shot in there but no I’m with you bro I’m with you man it’s got it’s got to be the right situation otherwise I’m hanging the phone up so yeah I’m with you on that so that’s it man that’s pretty much all I want to hit on tonight um anything else you want to hit on any anything else in the chat y’all want to he me before we get out of here um I did see this as far as guys from Chicago what about kuso yeah he gone now well he is gone now isn’t he he’s gone you’re right that’s right everything I wanted over there is gone so right y right he’s OKC yeah okay yeah ja javelle McGee is not an option either um Enoch Enoch um he’s not an option man he’s going to go to a contender yeah lot players yeah a lot of these players have definitely announced that they’re going to a contender they’re not going to no rebuilding teams no building teams they want because there a lot of these guys their career is starting to come to a close so they only got but so many more years to you know try to go for it agreed agreed few more things I want to make sure I get a couple of these comments in here get everybody engaged so look I did see this first Robert Williams how you feel about him Robert Williams I of course I mean [ __ ] if you can make it happen yeah if he can stay healthy yeah absolutely um let’s let’s let’s do this how many wins do the Pistons need to get to say it’s Improvement and to get fans to car again that’s a great qu that’s that’s a good question Chris a flat give me give me give me a flat 30 yep that was my number two 30 because even though we won 14 games last season again just like Greg GRE Gregory keler said I watched a lot of those games well all of them actually yeah won we should have won a lot of those games but due to you know non-existent coaching and not having veterans to to push us over the top we just didn’t I think they can give you at least a good 27 to Flat 30 I agree and I never thought that I would say that I want I need my team to double their win count in order for me to be happy because that’s very that’s like that’s but when the but when the win count is only 14 that’s not saying much you know what I’m saying so yeah I think 30 is very I think 30 will get fans turning their head again you know what I’m saying playoffs is probably not gonna happen not gonna happen but 30 wins I think that’s definitely doable um I think for the players it’s a new energy now it’s a new energy now we’re not going into the season with the same situation I think that alone is going to just have guys playing harder you know what I’m saying not having to worry about the things they worried about last season your coach not caring or am I going to get benched for somebody who whatever I think the new voice and the new energy alone is going to help us get a few more wins um okay few more backup center is there a guy we talked we mentioned Mark Robert Williams and things like that anybody else that stands out like to have yeah man like I said I would have to see who’s available to me because a lot of the big men that I wanted gone like I said Orlando resign guys even resign moamba so right Isaac Isaac he just got signed somewhere else didn’t he just he just left yeah okay yeah I thought Jaylen Smith went somewhere I’m not I gotta check yeah that’s what I say I have to check I see I have to see what’s available because it’s been all day it’s been you know yeah it’s been moving I have to check how do you feel about Mitchell Robinson I know he’s still under the contract I believe um they Dr I was calling him baby drum at one time oh baby drum yeah yeah yeah in New York so I would like that but they got to give me something back to take on his contract that would be the ideal situation because now you’re getting a guy who can help you yeah though you wouldn’t let them know that you’re getting a guy that can help you and you’re still following your blueprint of getting the assets for taking on those contracts and I don’t think he will cost more than 24 million right I don’t think he will I think hardstein went for what what’ he go for 30 a year something like that I think so something like that so yeah Mitchell Robinson is not hardenstein that’s why hartstein started and Robinson didn’t right so I think you can get him at 24 million that might that might be my last move you know what I’m saying as far as that goes maybe try to get a backup point guard with your $8 million exception maybe something like that but aside from that Deon said 35 yeah so I I think we could try I think we can get I think we could get Mitch I gotta see his contract is though because I think he’s on the contract I’m not sure how big it is but if we can get him that would be the move for me as a backup center for sure yeah and yeah I think that’s pretty much it man I think we got most of the questions here too so that’s that’s a wrap y’all appreciate y’all showing up and showing out as always man um shout out to you Chris absolutely we do what we can bro um Gary Trent last one Gary Trent Jr last one me out of here yeah fine how you feel about him I’ll take it yeah for sure for sure good player Gary Trent Malik be I even take Malik be spacer something like that Billy B I see you um so yeah we gonna call it that y’all um like I said appreciate y’all showing up showing out can you want to talk about something that’s coming up right it was some breaking news earlier okay FES requested a trade shut up okay Marvin tobert Hey listen man hey it was on NBA Central when I see seriously D see I’m dead ass right now man big bro little bro probably made him mad that’s all that is they probably had to argue about how many minutes he not going to be getting next year hey man the NASA will come over here and flourish I wish you could see my eyes right now to the Lakers man him and bronnie taking the league over you done I’m done you annoying as hell bro I ain’t gonna lie to you man oh man but yeah yeah man um Kane was something you want to talk about as far as tomorrow uh um listen man hey tomorrow it’s going down uh first and foremost shout out to my brother Ty mopkins I mean an incredible incredible person um incredible Creator you know just the most humble person you can meet um he’s been doing this thing and he’s done it to so much of a good level that he recently won an Emy tomorrow we will be at the Emmy celebration with with him and many many other uh even even even uh a four-time Emy uh winner um who’s G to be hosting right tomorrow um so like I said we we are going to have a a great time tomorrow man um yeah for sure party it’s gonna be a party party tomorrow get as many pictures and clips and video clips for y’all as we can right but yeah it’s it’s gonna be a heck of a BL tomorrow man at this celebration this Emmy celebration tomorrow so yeah looking forward to it looking forward to it man a lot of it’s going to be a lot of um notables notables there tomorrow night so we looking forward to being able to get in the building and share whatever we um any footage we get with y’all so it should be a good time man so looking forward to getting back with y’all on Thursday and talking about it but with that K you got anything else bro um that’s it man um I think we didn’t hit on everything think so so we’ll continue to watch free agency um and see what happens around this league see what the Pistons do if there’s any more movement um or if the Pistons just going to play safe right now and go into the trade market and make some noise right we’ll see we still have the the you know 24 to 25 mil plus a possible extra eight Mill is what I was reading earlier so yep shout out to James Edwards for that by the way for that breakdown for sure just to make sure everybody understood because some people were saying well if we have if we only got 24 how do we have eight they’re not they’re they’re separate the 24 million is the cash space and then the 8 million is the exception so we have a total of 32 million but we can’t use it like 32 million combined you got to go 24 for that and then eight for that so yeah but yeah we got we got options man we got options so we’ll keep a lot if anything uh happens that’s breaking I’m sure either myself or King will do a quick little video for y’all but other than that we appreciate y’all showing up and showing out and as always Detroit verse everybody peace peace

Everything King & Downtown Deuce review the Pistons off-season moves so far, and what might be coming next.

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