[Brad Turner] Miles Bridges is reportedly a fan of how the Clippers are willing to give players second chances. “People close to Bridges said that after seeing how Clippers owner Steve Ballmer has been willing to give players second chances, the team would be a great fit for him.

[Brad Turner] Miles Bridges is reportedly a fan of how the Clippers are willing to give players second chances. “People close to Bridges said that after seeing how Clippers owner Steve Ballmer has been willing to give players second chances, the team would be a great fit for him.

  1. IDK man. I’m not someone who follows the larger basketball world very closely, and I’m getting kinda sick of typing “what did [player name] do” into google…

    E – and I REALLY don’t like that we have moved from picking up guys who had weird relationships with their teams (Bones, Kai), to guys like Primo, to guys who like to tune up on women when they aren’t playing basketball.

  2. It’s his and KPJs best chance at reforming their careers so I’m not shocked either would say that.

  3. This the toughness yall cried about whenever someone said to trade Morris during that 2021-22 season 😂

  4. Ppl need to understand. What these guys did is horrible. No one is condoning it at all. You can agree or disagree what our team is doing but its sports. Talent usually wins over everything. That’s the reality. I guarantee you when bridges yams it on someone or has a 40pt game the same ppl shitting on him will be the same ppl rooting for him. Its a sad reality.

  5. Guess it’s up to us as fans to boo these fuckers since no one else wants to hold them accountable

  6. clippers def invited the hot takes but if they feel they can get a steal of a deal it would make sense

  7. The moral of the story is that you can get away with being a shitty person and a total monster so long as you have a marketable skill that helps rich people acquire more wealth. Bridges has time left in his life to change for the better, but as of right now he has clearly not reformed himself, and it’s been less than a year since he violated his probation and the protective order.

  8. I’m not saying that I condone any of the actions of these signings, but some should get a chance to redeem themselves if they’ve served their time. How can people be rehabilitated if they’re not given a second chance? I’ve always respected Ballmer in that regard, because it’s not just the reclamation project players, but it’s also investing in the disenfranchised communities. Whether he’s doing it for the optics, or to get players on the cheap he’s not completely ostracizing them because of their past transgressions or locations.

    I’m not wearing a Bridges, KPJ, or Primo jersey, but if they sacrifice, learn, and contribute to being better citizens then I’m willing to let them wear the jersey.

    This is Ballmer’s [site](https://usafacts.org/about-usafacts/) and it shows what he’s about. He’s about accessible data. I remember when he left Microsoft and did an interview about his mission with the site and have respected him since.

  9. Bro what the actual fuck, man… This FO is really making it hard to support this team. I don’t want to watch players like Bridges, KPJ and Primo.

  10. Who have we given second chances too? In some sense we gave a second chance to Lou Will, Nic Batum, & John Wall since they were all planning on or thinking about retiring instead of joining us. Those are all very different from the type of second chance he’s looking for.

  11. Give him the lowest contract you can offer him and see if he’s still a fan of second chances.

  12. Y’all dissing him but Air Felon is really good at putting the ball in the hoop

  13. This Clippers off-season. More twists and turns than a Doc Rivers coached playoff series.

  14. We have a reputation of rehoming domestic abusers. Didnt think it could get much worse

  15. Literally us watching this team this year at this point ..

    Fans: 😡 📣👏🏽

    Lord help us if harden takes these dudes to the club…

  16. Let’s be real here. At the end of the day this is a business. The only way we are able to get young, good talent is to take on castaways in hopes of hitting on one cause our draft picks belong to other teams for what seems like the next 25 years. Bones, Primo, KPJ, Kai and now Bridges have all shown some promise and potential, so imo worth the gamble cause really have no other way to get young prospects.

  17. Growing up in LA I’ve always loved the lakers but still supported the clippers. In fact, a clipper game was the first time I saw a game in person (against the Celtics, we lost).

    If they sign him, I think I’m done.

  18. No!
    Why get rid of Mann or Norm for a guy that is a terrible person? I get it’s just basketball but some of our players will probably not like him (except from the other weirdos we signed for some damn reason)
    He doesn’t deserve a second chance. Just keep our players who deserve to be here and want to be here.

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