We Have the Inside Scoop on What the New York Islanders Can Expect from Anthony Duclair

We Have the Inside Scoop on What the New York Islanders Can Expect from Anthony Duclair

want to get the inside scoop on Anthony duclair the newest New York Islander we’re joined by JD young of locked on sharks who covered him for most of last season in San Jose we’ll have that plus a lot more coming up on today’s locked on Islanders podcast your locked on Islanders your daily podcast on the New York Islanders part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and welcome everybody to the Wednesday edition of the lockon Islanders podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I want to thank everyone who makes lockon Islanders your first listen every day don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast so you can get new episodes as soon as they drop today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply we’ve got a lot to discuss on today’s show but first if there’s something Islanders related on your mind if you have a question a comment maybe a topic you’d like us to discuss on a future episode you can send us an email to lockon Islanders gmail.com and if you leave your first name and where you’re from we’re happy to mention you on the show when we discuss whatever’s on your mind you could follow the show on X lockon ises and you could follow me Gil Martin on X at ice Wars nyr vsny we’ll keep you up to date on all things Islanders all year long during the off season that’s hirings firings trade rumors free agency the draft if it’s happening to the Islanders we have it for you here on the locked on Islanders podcast uh plus it’s always great to talk a little Islanders hockey with you game time or anytime we’ve got the inside scoop on an duclair without further Ado here is my conversation with JD young of lockon sharks talking about what duclair will bring to the New York Islanders it is my pleasure to welcome to the show the host of locked on sharks JD young to talk a little bit about Anthony duclair the newest New York Islander and JD first of all what what is the biggest thing that duclair will bring to the New York Islanders lineup uh speed uh he is a fast scoring Winger defense definitely not his Forte but he loves to get going get on the rush uh and score big goals on the rush and I I think from what we’ve seen uh at least from what I’ve seen from the Islanders recent years uh sounds like exactly what the Isles need to is to add some some speed and another scoring threat now I I mean statistically he looks like an ideal second line player the Islanders may ask him to play on the first line do you think he’s capable and a good fit of blending with guys like Matthew barzal and Bo Horvat on the Islanders Top Line yeah I mean if you look at what made uh I think to clar when he was had his most success last season with the San Jose Sharks uh he played with a physical player like Fabian zerin uh and then he played with a great distributor like Mel granin who can kind of cover for the defensive some of maybe the defensive issues so uh I think if those guys can kind of replicate what what easily I think what what the Sharks did and uh but yeah duclair that was when he was at his best is when you him and kind of zelin would go out uh kind of be a four cheing monster granin kind of being a little bit more patient but being able to to find those open slots uh and then duclair was was kind of the finisher on that line so it sounds like if he’s playing on that line with those those two guys I think that’s a perfect spot for him to be honest and those uh those three could could really pair together to make a really nice line he has been on a lot of teams over the course of his NHL career based on the season that you know you covered him for about two-thirds of the season three quarters of the Season any thought as to why and is that anything Islander fans should be concerned about uh I mean I think for him it’s because he’s always on these like short contracts right and he’s such an asset to for playoff teams looking to add some of that that secondary scoring I think on a playoff caliber team like you said he’s probably more of a second line type of of guy uh but you know when he’s coming off an injury he blew his Achilles a couple seasons ago um you know coming off that injury short-term deal right and just that’s kind of been Theo and I think you know with for him for a four-year deal here um he looked really strong a year move from that Achilles I think this is a deal that’s probably going to look pretty good at least for for I would say three out of the four years and we’ll see what happens when that gets to that fourth year for him and maybe he loses a little bit of that foot speed but I think though just because of what he won what he brings on the ice and then two also the intangibles uh great locker room guy everybody you talk to about Duke CLA just talk the utmost respect for him uh he’s going to fit into a a mature locker room like the Isles uh he was great in the Sharks locker room where he you know kind of took a father figure to a lot of the young guys like a William eckan and a Fabian zelin you saw zelin have his best season in the NHL even some of the Sharks prospects like Thomas Boro uh who’s also from from Quebec like duclair and uh I I think for for him being just so well respected in the locker room uh you know and whatever role you need him to be duclair just you know he’s more than willing to to kind of take that role uh and kind of run with it I think he’s going to be a great fit for the Isles I know he killed penalties at times in Ottawa did he do any penalty killing in San Jose and based on his skill set if not do you think he’s capable of doing it he did a little bit but the Sharks were kind of more interested in in kind of cross trining some of their younger guys uh you know like Fabian zelin William eckan U kind of so they would put like a veteran uh like a Mel granin or a nerm with one of these young guys to kind of that way you have a little bit of cross training uh he could be a Potential Threat especially to to kind of pop one if you’re looking for to maybe add some short-handed juice on on your penalty kill I don’t know if I would uh say defense is his strongest uh kind of strength but he could be a threat on the especially if you put him with a really really strong Center uh where he could be a Potential Threat to you know if he gets out in the open there’s not too many guys are going to catch him um and he has some some pretty nice dangles in the open so he could be a potential shorthanded threat if they wanted to kind of go that power kill type of a approach uh but I’m not he’s not like the first guy I’m throwing over the boards on the penalty kill how about shootouts because the Islanders have struggled mightily in shootouts and on breakaways over the last two three years is he a guy who if you were coaching you would say he’s one of the guys you would consider for a shootout yes he he definitely has some uh he’s got one kind of really like A+ move on the shootout that he tends to go to a lot uh but it works uh pretty well so you’ve seen him uh plenty of times just kind of get out in the you know even on the breakaways and on the shootouts yeah he’s definitely I I would say a shootout candidate U for the aisles if if that’s an area that they’re struggling in it’s kind of weird that we have to like think about it the shoot it’s like something you need to focus on uh but yeah he’s a uh yeah like he definitely had he’s got soft soft hands um and can dangle with the best of them and yeah he definitely likes to kind of do the little like shake and bake five hole move um which when it works it works great uh but I think he needs to kind of maybe get a second move to kind of go off of that but I I I could see him being at least one of your three uh your three uh shootout guys the Sharks obviously struggled on the ice last season it was it was a full rebuild what did you notice about duclair in spite of the difficult situation he was in in San Jose yeah I mean he was always positive and you could tell the losses hurt too and there’s one right before the uh the trade deadline where he got uh sent to Tampa Bay uh the Sharks blew a game to the I believe it was the Dallas Stars where they were up uh multiple goals in the third period thanks to duclair and duclair had this monster monster game kind of at home his like last harah because he knew he was getting traded everybody in the building knew he was getting traded uh like this was going to be his last game in teal um Monster game he had had two goals if I recall like was really close to getting a hatch trick uh and then Dallas came back and and won the game and it was the look on his fa like you could tell like even in that that type of scenario like winning like just does so much and he wanted to continue to win even when the odds were very much against the Sharks most nights that they were not going to be winning games but uh the dudes a competitor he you know there was a a couple times there was at least one time where he was a healthy scratch because of uh you know he didn’t do something for that the coaches liked took it with stride kind of owned up to it like I need to be better at this you know and kind of came out there and realized you know especially with such a young team he had to set the tone um and he had to play well to also get traded too so there is a little bit of that in there but um duclair like he’s a guy who’s he’s a competitor he’s a warrior you’re going to absolutely love having him on the aisles because I think he’s going to provide a lot for what they need on the ice but then also off the ice and uh again I know the Isles are very much V in team but I think he’s going to fit him perfectly with that team and I think fans are going to quickly uh love Anthony declair and what he brings was there one thing that surprised you about him like that you didn’t expect in his game or in his personality uh that you found out after he arrived and spent most of the season in San Jose uh just how much he does off the ice for the community I know he has a Hockey Camp that he continually runs in Florida trying to kind of help grow the game uh um and you know I think that’s huge because it be very easy for players to just kind of you know do their thing and kind of maybe do their their charity events through through the team but no he I mean even after getting traded from Florida he kept that that that camp going in South Florida um and I I to me that that showed a lot to him and just his commitment to help grow the game and especially to help maybe uh underprivileged or uh youths or just kind of guy PE players or kids who maybe just aren’t going to have the same EXP exposure to hockey to try to help grow the game for the Next Generation so when I found out like even after he was traded he was still doing that uh I thought that that was kind of like my first impression was just like how much he cares that these kids are getting the attention that uh you know getting some attention and getting exposure to the game that we all love all right JD I want to thank you so much for joining us why don’t you let our viewers and listeners know where they could find you if they’re interested in following the Sharks and uh both the podcast and on social media of course you can follow uh lockon sharks wherever you get podcasts and you can watch on YouTube if you want to see uh Macklin celebr content out the wad zooo I got you covered there um you can also follow the show on Twitter Facebook and Instagram at lockon sharks you can follow me on Twitter at my fry hole all right JD thanks so much thanks Gil we have got more to get to on today’s show we will talk about some other moves that are possible for the New York Islanders and what it’ll take Plus a former Islander now headed elsewhere and a long island native off the board for the Islanders and the 2024 25 schedule is released we’ll look at some key dates for our Islanders birthday of the day a defenseman who was with the Islanders from their second season until well he was traded at the trade deadline as part of the Butch Goring deal let’s see if you can guess who that is we’ve got all that and a lot more coming up on today’s locked on Island podcast today’s episode is brought to you by game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on game time actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch with killer last minute deals all in prices and you get their lowest price guarantee so game time takes the guest work out of buying MLB tickets my favorite feature on the game Time app you go on the app and you can see a panoramic view from your seat before you purchase the tickets so you know exactly what to expect when you arrive take the guest work out of buying MLB tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem code l o c k e d o n NHL for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed are you watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day have to turn down the volume with all that shouting make the switch to lock on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel program for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming locked on sports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 20 47 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day so a little news before we get to uh the main point of this segment uh first of all Sebastian AO not gonna be back with the New York Islanders one thing we will not see this coming season when the Islanders face the Hurricanes Is AO versus AO Sebastian AO the Islanders version now a member of the Pittsburgh Penguins as uh they signed him on Tuesday to a new contract what that means is that as of right now it is likely that Samuel Balou will serve as the Islanders seventh defenseman unless injury strike or he is able to beat out Mike Riley which I don’t anticipate at least right out of training camp so we wish Samuel buluk all all the best uh in his future endeavors and then you can cross this name off the Islanders wish list pretty confident about that long island native Shane Pinto signing a two-year deal with the Ottawa Senators now uh is it possible that the Senators then turn around and trade him to the New York Islanders theoretically yes is it likely I I would say not they have a an upand cominging young player for a lot less money and you know what would the Islanders offer the talk has been oh yeah the Islanders will send JG Paso back to Ottawa as part of that deal so you’re asking the Senators to take on a player with less offensive upside higher salary older guy as opposed now you know that’s not to say that Pou wouldn’t have some value as far as leadership as far as uh defense and penalty kill and faceoffs I get it but from an overall hockey standpoint trading Shane Pinto by you know to the New York Islanders for JG Paso not really gonna make a lot of sense from an Ottawa perspective so again pretty confidently saying that that deal is not going to happen but if anything is going to happen for the New York Islanders the rest of this off season and let’s let’s face it for the most part that’s the next couple of weeks yeah something could happen in Late July or August but usually that’s the quietest time on the NHL calendar and it’s going to have to be by trade the Islanders right now have approximately $1.06 million available in cap space as of right now they have not resigned Simon Holstrom they have not resigned rouson ishkov and they have not resigned Oliver walstrom even though they did qualify all of those players with 1.06 million at most you can sign one of them you can sign probably any one of the three hrom may be worth a little bit more but probably not a lot and realistically you know you you you you can sign one of those guys but any other Improvement is going to have to involve a trade a hockey trade as L larell is so fond of saying and the question is can he pull one off to make this team better there are still needs on this team I still want this team to get younger faster and more skilled I think duclair with his speed as you heard JD Young mentioned in the first segment definitely contributes to that he gives them a legitimate top six forward and I think he’ll fit in well with Bo and Bary on that Top Line do you have another top six forward that’s a tough one because a top six forwards cost more money guys who could put the puck in the net that’s a a premium okay you might be able to get another guy in a similar situation as duclair a second line guy who maybe has a little bit of baggage maybe is coming off an injury maybe is uh you know eager to sign some kind of a pro it deal or is in the last year of his contract and wants to change scenery but anything you do to bring in a player whether it’s a puck moving defenseman whether it’s some toughness for the bottom six whether it’s uh another guy with speed and offensive ability either uh you know forward or a defenseman you got to move somebody out and there are obstacles to moving people out modified no trade Clauses full no trade Clauses look you want to free up cap space Ryan Pollock Adam pelic both of them you trade one of them you’re freeing up a nice amount of cap space right there and depending on what you get back you can get maybe a puck moving defenseman and a goal scorer not you know expensive ones but you could get you know some good value there but both of them have full no trade Clauses they would have to wave there are still guys out there who really would be interesting for the Islanders even if Shane Pinto isn’t necessarily one of them Nikolai eers still out there still available theoretically in a trade and I mean if your top six becomes Horvat duclair and barzal Nelson eers and palmary that would be a huge huge upgrade from having the guys the Islanders put on the top line last year whether it was Casey cikas or Hudson fashion or you know so Pierre enval uh guys who I’m not saying they’re not decent hockey players or useful players Andrew Lee they just didn’t belong in the top six and you know if you can get another guy like that boy that would be a a a big deal for the New York Islanders but again it is not going to be easy there are some other guys out there Frank vrono Brock besser guys who really could you know be good additions but you know you gotta figure it out now could guys like Oliver walstrom rousan iskakov and Simon Holstrom be part of a trade in addition to let’s say a pageo or a Lee or uh you know somebody who where you could shed excuse me a a decent amount of cap space at absolutely but you know whether you sweeten it with salary retention draft picks the rights to some of these guys who uh you know you may not have a lot of use for as in Oliver walstrom all of those are possibilities but at the end of the day you got to subtract before you can add because there just is no cap space to be had and look I give L larell credit the tlof deal the CLA signing bringing back Riley all at reasonable rates uh and reasonable term for a change but to take this team to the next step is going to require another addition or two you did a good job during the draft of replenishing the pipeline and that is always important because the prospect pool has been weak if not the worst in the league according to most sources so now the question becomes will L larell be able to make another deal another move that will help strengthen this team because right now as much as I like the deals that the Islanders have made and the draft picks that they made in the off season more than I dislike them yeah the Islanders are a better team after duclair and Riley and the draft than were at the end of last season but but still got to replace some physicality especially if Cal Clutterbuck and Matt Martin are not coming back and it looks very much like they are not you still need to get a little more speed in this game you still need a little a little more goal scoring but the other teams in the conference got better also so it’s not like the Islanders can say yeah we went from a fringe playoff team that clinched the playoffs in game 81 to a team that hey April 1st seven or eight games left nine games left we’re going to have everything all wrapped up because we are that much better than everybody else in the conference a lot of other teams in this conference also got better and even in the division I mean the Devils certainly made a lot of moves you know the Rangers and hurricanes are going to be good uh the capitals made some mov moves teams in the Atlantic division made some moves Tampa Bay was pretty gutsy as far as not resigning Stam Coast so I would like to see L larell do more it wouldn’t shock me if he’s done but the only way to get it done since the buyout window is now closed is a hockey trade and we’ll see if L larel has one up his sleaves we will cover it for you every day every step of the way right here on the locked on Islanders podcast you know what else we found out on uh Tuesday the schedule for the New York Islanders has been released all 82 games up there we’re going to talk about the schedule a little bit and uh we’ll also have our Islanders birthday of the day all that and more coming up on today’s locked on Islanders podcast locked on has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fighter TV in the free Fire TV channels app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so we could start making plans for the fall and the the winter and maybe the early spring the New York Islanders official schedule is out all 82 games released on Tuesday and as previously mentioned the Islanders open their season on October 10th at home against the Utah Hockey Club that’s a 7:30 Eastern Time start then a three-game road trip uh at Dallas at Colorado at St Louis uh before a return home on Saturday October 19th now there are six instances of back-to-back games on the schedule so 12 backto backs overall there is a break of two weeks in February for the four nations Faceoff so between February 9th and February 22nd no NHL games but we will be having that tournament so obviously plenty of hockey to talk about but not specifically Islanders games uh always want to know about the Islanders meeting the Rangers it is four times this year it’ll start November 3D so no waiting until February for the Rivalry to bounce back and intensify it’ll be a Sunday November 3rd game at 1 o’clock Eastern time at Madison Square Garden uh and then UBS Arena on February 25th that’s a Tuesday MS G on March 3rd that’s a Monday and then the final of the four meetings back at UBS on April 10th that’s a week before the end of the season and that again is a Thursday game so four meetings right there with the New York Rangers and another rivalry that they’ll face four times within the division the Carolina Hurricanes these two teams obviously have met in the playoffs each of the last two years and let’s face it the Islanders came out on the short end of the stick both times December uh December 7th basically uh at 5: PM that is the first of these three meetings January 25th uh at 7:30 those are on Long Island and then the third time rather in Raleigh or we have December 17th and March 30th so those are the four meetings there the defending Stanley Cup champion Panthers will be coming to UBS Arena Twice first on October 26th then on March 16th and they’ll the Islanders will be in South Florida on February 2nd the Edmonton Oilers who represented the Western Conference in the Cup Final and have Leon dry Sidle and of course Conor McDavid they will face the Islanders in Edmonton on November 12th and at UBS Arena on March 14th first trip to Utah for the Islanders January 11th part of that Western Conference swing so there’s that you have a seven game home stand that’s the longest of the year it is between January 14th and the 28th and only three mates 2 1230 games and one four o00 game so obviously we know traditionally the Islanders have struggled on backto backs uh rather in mates and they’ve struggled in backto backs as well but matays have hurt this team so let’s see uh minimizing them could help now as for the stretch drive it is not going to be easy you look at April they will host Tampa Bay on April Fool’s Day host the Minnesota Wild three days later and then host the capitals on uh April 6th then it’s at Nashville hosting the Rangers at Philly at New Jersey hosting the capitals and finishing up the season Thursday night April 17th on the road against the Columbus Blue Jackets so those are some of the highlights and if you’ll check my account on Twitter uh I did indeed uh post a link to the entire schedule and I can’t wait you start making your plans putting it in your calendar when the Islanders are going to play I I am looking forward to seeing the Islanders on in action again offseason never easy and it’s going to be great to see Islanders hockey so uh we will keep you up to date and that is sort of our little overview of the schedule and I’m excited I am excited to see it in black and white in front of me on my computer screen on my phone uh spelling out what what’s going to happen with the New York Islanders and their schedule for this year time now for our Islanders birthday of the day and today is the 71st birthday of former Islanders defenseman Dave Lewis the Kindersley Saskatchewan native 6 to2 200 pounds which was big for a defenseman back in the 70s third round pick 33rd overall by the Islanders in 1973 also drafted by the then Alberta Oilers of the wh and now they’re the Edmonton Oilers but think about this 33rd pick was the third round in 1973 it’d be the first pick in the second round now joined the Islanders in 7374 stayed with the team until late in the 7980 season when he and Billy Harris were sent to the LA Kings in the deal that got Butch Goring to the island so uh Lewis never did win a Stanley cup for the Islanders even though he played 62 games for that 19798 team uh more of a defensive defenseman but did have 28 points in 79 games in 1976-77 after playing for the uh Islanders and Kings he played for the devils and Red Wings and then later became both an assistant and head coach in the NHL first with the Red Wings was the assistant in the late 80s all the way through two the early 2000s and then was the head coach in 2002 2003 2003 2004 was a head coach again for Boston in 0607 and then back to an assistant with the Hurricanes so Dave Lewis got around played in 1,8 NHL games 36 goals 223 points 953 penalty minutes add a goal and 21 points in 91 playoff games one of his better games is an Islander how about October 9th 1976 at the Coliseum Islanders hosting the Chicago Blackhawks Hall of Famer Tony espito the goaly for Chicago Chico rash in between the pipes for the Islanders and in the first period pit Martin scored for Chicago from Stan Makita and Cliff Carl that was a power play goal Islanders trailed one- nothing but in the third period with the scor still one nothing our Islanders birthday of the day Dave Lewis gets a short-handed goal that was his first of the Season Billy McMillan and Lauren Henning with the assists and then with a little bit more than six minutes left Lewis sets up Billy Harris Bob Bourne also an assist for what proved to be the game-winning goal Islanders beat the Blackhawks by a score of two to one for Dave Lewis our Islanders birthday of the day he had a goal an assist he was a plus two and he had a goal on his only shot on goal and that was the shorty so happy birthday to Dave Lewis he is our Islanders birthday of the day I want to thank everybody who makes locked on Islanders your first listen every day every dayers tomorrow on the show will again have a little bit more of the latest Islanders news notes and happenings any trades any moves any signings and uh we will also dig a little bit deeper into some of the Islanders draft picks and that’ll all be coming up over the coming week so make sure you join us for that until then have a great day everybody stay safe and of course let’s go Islanders

What can the New York Islanders expect from Anthony Duclair both on and off the ice this year? JD Young of Locked On Sharks joins us to give us the inside scoop as he covered Duclair for most of last season in San Jose. What skills does he bring to the table and how will he fit in with Bo Horvat and Mathew Barzal? We break it all down on today’s show.

Plus, Sebastian Aho has signed with the Pittsburgh Penguins and won’t be back while Long Island native Shane Pinto re-signed with Ottawa. So what else can Lou Lamoriello do to improve this team? We discuss the options on today’s show.

And the Islanders complete 2024-25 scheduel has been released, we highlight some key dates and matchups.

All this and more on today’s Locked On Islanders Podcast with Gil Martin.

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1 comment
  1. The big question is why has this guy bounced all over the nhl? 9 teams in 9 years? I get the roy connection and duclair signed on a reasonable deal with the added cap $$$'s isles get. I hear his d is bad despite his speed and scoring ability which isn't there all the time. Duclair may be a better fit with 29, 21 but due to the usual hole on 13, 14 wing duclair probably gets a shot there to start season unless that scoring winger is found. Unlikely since louzer has to squeeze 10 in under the $1.2 mil. cap $$$'s he has left. So once again this is it-the run it back once again roster for next season. Louzer needs to find a team that needs cap $$$'s to unload 27 to. After the cap $$$'s flew yesterday hawks spent a lot. sj added a lot of vets, utah hc isn't at the bottom anymore. Flames, canes cap went down. Only one team is under the cap minimum right now-the quacks. Get to work louzer.

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