Arizona Cardinals Paris Johnson Jr.’s “Goal Is To Be Best Tackle” In NFL After Standout Rookie Year

Arizona Cardinals Paris Johnson Jr.’s “Goal Is To Be Best Tackle” In NFL After Standout Rookie Year

[Music] live from Studio y presented by our friends at Circle K it’s your Premier Arizona Cardinal podcast the phnx Cardinals podcast I can subscribe l a five star wherever you get your programming pick up a fresh new tea from the merchandise Locker shop the number 18 collection I’m Johnny venerable joined as always my co-host B Brock in studio K we got producer Jacob behind the mic today get to talk little Paris Johnson Jr B Brock absolutely the uh new franchise left tackle Paris Johnson Jr he joined the NFL Network their Insider show yesterday had some great insight as far as the Arizona Cardinals as he enters in year two and uh just kind of his aspirations where he sees this offense going and it you know it it just continues to kind of pound home the fact that we’ve got a new era of Cardinals football and everybody should be excited about it Johnny yeah long before the Arizona Cardinals made Marvin Harrison Jr a top five pick out of Ohio State it was Paris Johnson Jor ushering in a new era of Cardinal football and again I think fair or not he gets ignored he gets overseen where you know I I believe his comments he is poised to become a franchise left tackle and that’s the new standard thankfully that he and Jonathan Gan and Monty Austin for have set we got almost 70 people live watching drop a like on this video subscribe to phnx sports here on YouTube we are quickly approaching 30,000 subscribers what’s up everybody Azie 221 K2 Jessica special shout out to all of our Die Hard shopping the number 18 collection and uh I’m ready to shop the Paris Johnson Jr collection at some point I can’t get a Marv jersey yet is it time to get an oversized Paris Jersey you know a nice what is he number 70 he is number 70 should I just get a big number 70 and rep it here in the valley I you know I would have said at this point last year that might have been your safest bet as far as where you would invest your money in a jersey right because I mean he was going to be at least under contract for four years he has the fifth year option and you know we were encouraged from what we saw from the best tackle in the 2023 class and uh sure the 70 numbers they’re not sexy but I think you’re seeing Baris Johnson Jr brings a little bit more oomph to the position than like your standard tackle does like he’s he’s he’s athletic he gets out there he’s fun in front of the microphone um and and way more likable I I think he’s got a little bit of his own brand going on his his uh just his philanthropic Endeavors off the field are are just unbelievable what he’s doing with the Tillman Foundation what he’s do what he did you know in his uh during his Ohio State tenure it’s just fantastic and um I think it’s somebody that you would proudly wear the number 70 Jersey for but is it is is it as sexy as a as a big time playmaker like Marvin Harrison Jr no but here’s what I will say though as much as I can’t wait for mhj to hit the field with Kyler Murray and crew and this offense take off the Paris Johnson Jr selection that is more in line with what this organization is going to want to do in the draft going forward like we we told you this uh and we’re were steadfast with this uh messaging throughout the draft process that you know Marvin Harrison Jr is the exception to the way that they want to build at the top of the draft they want to continue to emphasize premium positions um where it’s whether it’s a tackle position whether it’s an edge rusher whether it’s a cornerback uh I think that that’s where they want to go as far as building this roster um because they can lean on obviously those team-friendly rookie contracts and immediate inback players coming from the Collegiate level uh that they you know can identify and immediately put on to their 53 and and move forward with that and get it like they want front seven guys and they want guys who play on the line of scribbage on the offensive side of the football there’s an alternate reality in which Joe Al and Paris Johnson Jr the tackles for this team this year like had the Cardinals won God forbid just one more game last year it’s likely Joe Al that’s a top 10 selection who knows Paris Johnson Jr he may but he may not switch positions from right tackle to left tackle but I think back to like this draft season and we kept using a word with Marvin Harrison Jr that I think was overplayed and that was safe right it was a safe pick but he also had the biggest ceiling of any singular player including Kaleb Williams in this draft class and I look back and I’m like actually it was it was Paris Johnson Jr last year that was the safest pick for the Arizona Cardinals and you don’t typically think that with a tackle right because we have been conditioned as Cardinal fans to think tackle Levi Brown right Levi bust these guys that are just immediate turn Styles it’s one of the reasons why we’re also sad to see DJ humph go because while he was a project early in his career he became the most stable first round tackle this franchise has drafted since coming to Arizona like outside of L Miss Brown it’s it’s he and DJ humph as the stal wars and then there’s Paris Johnson Jr and I emphasize that word safe doesn’t miss a snap last year doesn’t embarrass himself in any way shape or form like I know he gave up a handful of sacks last year I name one of them right I can’t remember the last time he got smoked off the edge and then you talk about the relatability how reliable he is how he’s an ambassador now for the Arizona Cardinals I don’t want to say recruiting mhj during the season but like certainly talking up the Cardinal program talking up Kyler Marine Jonathan Ganon and then like every single time that the Arizona Cardinals bring a player to the facility for a workout or a draft prospect Paris Johnson Jor is like in the parking lot right so he checks every single box from a Collegiate player that oh by the way played on a top four team in college football at Ohio State like we had his offensive line coach on he is a complete Checker of boxes stall worth that you want for your franchise and that’s why like we have immense expectations for Marvin Harrison Jr but man if he just equals what Paris Johnson Jr did this past year and the trajectory he’s on I mean we we beat this dead horse we’re gonna continue to do so over time the Cardinals were just so poorly run from a Personnel developmental standpoint they ignored Ohio State players for the better part of 10 years like outside of Beanie Wells I can’t remember a marquee Ohio State player that the Cardinals have drafted yet and I bring this up all the time they adopted their uniforms they took Paris they took Marvin and they’re on the upward trajectory there’s something to that in mind yeah yeah they they’re going to be their minor league affiliate they’re just gonna be the feeder for the Arizona Cardinals and I I think you’d be hard pressed to find I think there’s probably only five probably programs that you would say that’s acceptable for in the college ranks you know throw LSU in that conversation Alabama of course is in that conversation and you start to look around and it it gets a little bit Tighter and Tighter but Ohio State firmly in that conversation if not the best I mean we’ve shown before that they have just uh monopolized you know end of the Year Awards for your first year players right I mean they’ve been they’ve been taking home defensive and offensive Rookie of the Year honors it feels like for the last half decade and like it was egregious that you know Steve K had more players from Murray State drafted than he did out of Ohio State that’s unbelievable that’s firable and the guy resigned the guy got a chance to unceremoniously resign but you know that that’s a different more you know disgusting conversation that I don’t want to have right now as we celebrate you know this this new era but you know more on the point of what you were saying is like Paris Johnson Jr the first guy that you know newcomers to this organization are going to be greeted by like M it wasn’t just mhj it was Christian Jones a fifth round pick out of Texas that uh potent has potential to play on this line in the future and he said the first guy that he was greeted by was Paris Johnson Jr who’s just getting into his second season with the organization he’s a blue chip Talent that’s embracing the opportunity to to carve out his spot in this league for the Arizona Cardinals and he’s wearing that cardinals red and white proudly where I feel like some people just did it because that’s what they were you know they were selected by the organization and that’s just where they were going to make their money that’s where they were just going to get their opportunity where I feel like Paris Johnson Jr he wanted this he he wanted to come to the valley he wanted to come to where senior played some football and continue that and and make his own name and and carve out his own legacy and and do it proudly wearing a Cardinal’s uniform and buying into what Jonathan Ganon and Monty osport are building here and and you could absolutely see like and you know pjj said this to us like he didn’t feel like he needed to have that rookie season like to just figure it out it’s like hey find a place to live you know get your kind of bearings around the facility but like once you do that like once you know where the cafeteria is you know where the wait room is you know what you is expected as far as in and as far as putting your process in place to prepare yourself for each and every Sunday that that’s now now you’re not a rookie you’re just you’re a professional football player and like whatever expectations you want to set for yourself go ahead and take them yeah I just think about like what you said like having those expectations and meeting them head on and you go to this quote that he has saying you know for lack of a better term like I I’m my goal is to be the best tackle in the NFL yeah and that’s the new standard for the Arizona Cardinals but there was another player that kind of exemplified that and I feel like was kind of laughed at mocked certainly mocked right now is Kyler Murray where he would say our goal is to win the Super Bowl and there be a lot of people nationally and maybe even locally like what is he talking about and I just think it’s kind of ironic that Kyler Murray his goal is to be a winner to be a champion coming from Oklahoma a top program in Collegian football right at the Collegiate level and then you get Paris Johnson Jr saying I want to be the League’s best tackle and nobody bats an eye and it’s just like there are similarities between Kyler and Paris Johnson Jr which is why they are such good friends it’s like they finally now have players like Paris and like Michael Wilson I think James Conor Fitz this mold and certainly Marv who have the kind of ferocity and willingness to be great that Kyler Murray has always had and I don’t want to bring this into like a Kyler Murray conversation but I do feel like to your point earlier there were so many unserious people Associated from an administrative standpoint and then selecting players that were unserious about winning where Kyler Marie is trying to Rally people around like hey this is our goal we want to do X Y and Z and you had this kind of hodg podge of overpaid veterans who had made their money collecting checks had success elsewhere and then young players who did not know what it took to be great and now it’s like okay you add a Paris Johnson Jr who immediately sets the bar raises the standards for what a rookie first round pick looks like this is the bar now he had unequivocally the best rookie offensive uh line season for any singular player since they moved to Arizona yeah like you put Paris Johnson Jr in the category of a Dan deardorf for those of you who don’t know who that is go look him up and a Conrad dobler historically for a Cardinal football offensive lineman that’s the standard now and so you layer on top of that every single season with every selection in April’s draft and I have no doubt that number 18’s gonna carry that baton but that was never a standard set by any player I think Kyler Murray tried hello Defensive Rookie of the Year and then you took a big fart the next year with an off ball linebacker safety out of the ACC and then just went and I and I love zav Collins his development was derailed by Vance Joseph there’s a huge jump don’t act like there’s not from Tulsa to the NFL right he did not have the coaching I think there’s no Championship aspiration that’s also all respect to the golden hurricane out there right he needed an infrastructure that was not present I mean whereas Paris and Marvin and Kyler make the infrastructure I mean Kyler Murray came from Oklahoma that that’s always you know especially when they were under Lincoln RI Riley and Bob Stoops they were always in the conversation you know to be near the top of the BCS or in the college football playoff and and that’s where Kyler Murray came from and like we we’re gonna pound you over the head beat the dead horse as Johnny mentioned about the old regime and their flaws but you know taking guys out of you these these non-power five schools thinking you’re too smart for the room and you’re going to show everybody uh it just you’re not taking people that even in their amateur careers uh are are vying for a championship and Kyler Murray comes in and has that mindset and continue that mindset and and thank God it wasn’t beaten out of them but you know there there were people that there there wasn’t any true accountability in this organizations like the C the check still cashed and you could still reach some statistics and you could still be you know perceived as as a good NF player but there was never like a true Buy in of like hey we want to get to this one goal we want to get to this this goal of winning the final game in the season and I don’t think like if if that’s your mentality first off they’ve probably already weeded you out like we we’ve seen a lot of the people we’ve talked about during this conversation already weeded out of this this organization and it’s like you got guys that are coming in that it’s like hey I expect to compete if I’m in high school I’m competing for the state champ I if I’m going to college I’m seeking a place where I can go compete for a championship and then you get drafted in the pros like why does it change and I like that those guys are like going to be stubborn in that in that way and that they’re finally going to bring that type of mentality to the desert one more thing I want you mentioned DJ humph man uh I mean the guy red shirted his his F his rookie season is with the Arizona Cardinal he didn’t play a snap he was inactive every single game for the Arizona Cardinals in 2015 so you already look at where Paris Johnson was and in a tip of the cap to Kevin Patra of who you know repurposed the interview he did with the in insiders Tom peraro and M Mike arolo yesterday uh kind of going through the the quotes and where PJ is uh but also gave like true context to his rookie season instead of ESPN Seth Waldren who just wanted to hang his hat on a certain like pressure rate percentage in where he finished the season which is just ridiculous and doesn’t give like a true idea of where he is and like Kevin just said you know Paris allowed 42 pressures in eight sacks playing right tackle last season but he didn’t allow a sack in his last three games and just gave up one hurry over those final two tilts that’s important information that Seth that that Seth Waldren who had the Arizona Cardinals way down his uh offseason rankings and you know this this like this fear pornography about the offensive line that doesn’t exist just based off a a just kind of a a a umbrella statistic well look back to our uh if you can find it our breakdown with baly the Tuesday after they beat the Philadelphia Eagles and what Paris Johnson Jr did to the defensive line for Philadelphia and what he did to Guys Like Jordan Davis and Hassan reck I mean he erased people that day he I mean like you talk about somebody being unblockable defensively it was the reverse of that as the Arizona Cardinals ran rough shot over Philadelphia and had the upset for John and Ganon and Company like that was paris’s coming out party and God fored a team that outside of the Packers I think played the most rookie snaps in the NFL get better and have an upward trajectory where yeah maybe if you average all the contributions from one to 17 weeks one to 17 it doesn’t look the best but then maybe take the back half of the season I don’t know the final four games of the regular season it’s kind of like the Green Bay Packers who were not a good team at the beginning of last year they were an afterthought and guess what they got better every single week in route to almost making the NFC championship game they played the most collection of rookies last year the difference is they got a big time head coach and I believe in John Gan but Matt LEF Flores won a Super Bowl and or has been to a Super Bowl and then also Jordan love was healthy all the year like imagine what Paris Johnson was would be able to do if Kyler Murray was his quarterback all season last year and the heights that this offense would have reached and is going to reach this year it’s funny like you mentioned DJ Humphries I remember that rookie year in 20 what was it 2015 and I went to the Edward Jones Dome that year to watch the Cardinals play the Rams and I remember they would work out Bruce arens would make not make but it was part of his development DJ humphers would go out and work out with the offensive line coach um Harold something and they would go and work out before the game and he wasn’t anywhere close to being ready it’s why he was inactive right just he wasn’t ready to participate and the Stark difference between that to a player that’s coming on a very different team than that 2015 team but a team that’s coming in playing three quarterbacks and doesn’t miss a snap like I love DJ Humphries there’s a reason why Paris has those expectations his ceiling is a top five tackle in thef he is already in my opinion a top five to six player for the Arizona Cardinals entering this year I have no doubt do you that he’s going to be a a captain on this team he’s their franchise left tackle he should be on everybody’s top 25 under 25 it’s ridiculous that he’s not but again everybody as me and Kim said is a year behind on this team yeah so if there’s one player outside of Kyler and Marv and the guys we talk about all the time Trey McBride that if you look up in December January everybody’s going to perk up it’s like hey Arizona’s got a franchise left tackle under 2 three years old making no money that’s one of the most outside of QB contracts the desirable contract that you’d want to secure in the NL yeah no doubt about it and like that goes back to my point of like what their true draft philosophy is and it’s nice to get Playmakers like Marvin Harrison Jr we’re going to see that the benefits of that but at the same time why they would do that is because you’re you’re getting a guy that’s you know at a position where when you hit the free agent Market or you’re in in negotiating extension you know they’re making 20 $25 million a season and it’s it’s not inexpensive so like what’s going on in the chat you guys are crushing it out there alpha male JV absolutely I love the the username we’re a top 10 offense offense for sure um also we’ve got uh a couple up let’s see uh K2 just saying we’re going to win 10 plus games but look the the offensive line it just seems to be very cohesive unit like I haven’t seen anything like as far as the pre season pre-training Camp rankings that are like where they’re just crushing this offensive line like the biggest thing that they’ve said is they’re kind of anonymous right like you don’t know too much like you don’t know yela frol he’s not a household name like the last time people saw Will Hernandez was he was a former second round pick in the New York Giants that you know it did it didn’t work well his first stent in the NFL but it’s worked out pretty well for the Arizona Cardinal the last couple seasons and then uh you know Paris Johnson Jr who is the six overall pick the previous season but you know the less you hear about an offensive lineman It’s usually the better uh and then they’re going they bring over Jonah Williams and and what we know about him former first round pick at ofama left tackle to right tackle last year and then probably Evan Brown at the left guard position so I think it’s a solid unit you know Evan Brown’s already endeared himself to that tight-knit group and I think it just bodess well for them to pick up where they left off last season and like to look at some offensive line rankings where you know they’re 20 or lower than that that I I just think that that’s a tremendous oversight yeah again like people want to cherry pick stats so I’ll do the same thing like Paris Johnson Jr had one segment of the Season where he gave up some sacks and some pressures and he wasn’t terrible by any means you know who those defensive lines were Pittsburgh Cleveland his worst game was with Cleveland when the Cardinals basically threw Clayton tune to the Wolves the LA Rams and the San Francisco 49ers that you could argue those are four of the top seven fronts in the NFL maybe four of the top five fronts in the NFL when you consider Nick Bosa miles Garrett I think he gave up a sack early in the season in michah Parsons so he is playing the best defensive lineman in the NFL so I I don’t expect him to go out and dominate those players year one but to your point as you mentioned what what did he do to end the year well he went to Chicago had a really good game went to Philadelphia had a damn near 80 pass block grade they couldn’t do anything and then had arguably his best game of the year against Seattle at home like the Cardinals were in a position to win that game multiple times we wouldn’t be repping this gear if they did but at the same time it’s like okay Paris Johnson Jr the trajectory is there for him to be I know he wants to be the best tackle in the NFL this year and the Pro Bowl we’ve talked about this is very much a popularity contest competition but like if Paris Johnson Jr is a top 10 tackle this year I mean we’re just we’re doing handstands and cartwheels I mean it’s it’s unequivocally a huge success and I think you start talking about maybe I’m a year early on this like you get try McBride locked up after this year assuming he doubles down on what he did a year ago and then I it’s like Paris hnson Jr it’s like okay he’s on fiveyear contract fifth year option but that is somebody that projects as a long-term piece that’s goingon to be Mak 100 plus million dollars for this team I mean we’re generally seeing it with position players non- quarterbacks going into their probably their their fifth year that they negotiate that quarterbacks it’s once you’re eligible once you’ve played your third season in the league and you can renegotiate that they their uh their talk in extension but yeah I mean he’s probably like it’s Trey McBride and then who’s getting paid next and it’s most likely going to be Paris Johnson Jr unless you’re looking at somebody else in their draft class that emerges who’s on a four-year deal doesn’t have the fifth year option hope we’re hoping it’s you know BJ oari Garrett Williams Michael Wilson making the case uh for an extension uh after their third season next year yeah I’m willing to bet on Paris Johnson Jr uh every day all day and speaking of B 365 never ordinary I want to shout out in the comments here let’s see if I can find this comment producer Jacob somebody dabbled with the bonus code phnx 365 and was locked into some WNBA 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by game schedule prediction for the Arizona Cardinals and here here’s my biggest criticism of it you know we’ll get into uh where he went really wrong but it it was just so uneven like the games that I would say the the Arizona Cardinal should win he had him kind of losing he had him have a a random win against one of the teams I think is going to be really rock solid in 2024 I I just didn’t feel like there was there was just no rhythm to what Adam rank was trying to do as far as his 2024 Arizona Cardinals game by- game record prediction okay uh we want to show his his final record prediction we’ll go through it here so he has him uh Johnny opening up the season on the road up in rough buff with a loss to the bills which is fine then coming home dropping a game week two to the LA Rams and then you know randomly beating the Detroit Lions at home taking down the Washington Comm commers which I agree with and then dropping one two three four five six straight to the ners Packers Chargers Dolphins Bears and jets in we 10 and then going on a little bit of a run and winning four of five sweeping the Seahawks dropping a game on the road to the Vikings beating the Pats taking down the Panthers and then finishing the season with back-to-back losses against the Rams and the ners uh to finish with a six and 11 record yeah I can we see that again producer Jacob I again if you start two- two I think a lot of Cardinal fans would take that like I I think this podcast would take that you you start two- two with those four teams you know Washington you have to get a dub anybody I think in the chat would sign up right now with the prospects of who they have in the second half of the Season where I have a big issue with is look at the teams in that six-game losing streak yeah Miami which we will be at that game in attendance in South Beach tons of turnover this off season the Chargers gutted the roster they’re a rebuilding team I believe you play them at home Jordan love and you know the Green Bay Packers a nice story last year do a lot of people feel like they come down to Earth At the beginning of this year you’re losing to Caleb Williams at home and I like Chicago fine and then an aging Aaron Rogers you cannot lose back-to-back games to the joke New York Jets and then subsequently the week before to a rookie you can’t lose games to Caleb Williams and JJ McCarthy you just can’t and I I like the fact that you’ve got he’s got them sweeping Seattle that’s a necessity but it’s a quarterback lead the Arizona Cardinals with KY Murray have an advantage against those teams you want to tell me that they lose to Superior quarterbacks I can understand that that makes sense to me Buffalo with Josh Allen Stafford as we’ve talked about Tua Aaron roders with one leg at 100 years old and then as we mentioned a bunch of rookies that does not comp for me it’s Jonathan Ganon has an advantage defensively when he’s going up against a Young quarterback and Kyler Murray is the superior player so I I like some of it it’s not as bad as the initial record you know sticker price shell shock would indicate but there there has to be more W’s the front end of the season because otherwise as you saw Cardinals could make a run in the second half it just doesn’t matter yeah no it it wouldn’t right and it’s like they’re randomly going to beat the Detroit Lions who are one of the more balanced rosters deeper rosters in the league uh ton of expectations they’re just gonna beat them beat Washington and then just fall apart like the only thing that would make sense for them to go on a six-game skid like that is if they had significant injuries key injuries especially one at the quarterback position and but if they get consistent quarterback play like they’re I don’t see any way that they can’t stop the bleeding and that they’re gonna they’re GNA suffer six game skid especially at that juncture in the schedule like it just to to a lot of the points you made like I I know people are trying to to Really jump on and jump start a jet type train but I I see that as very fraudulent and then like you know the between like what I’ve deemed the wild card spot of their schedule between the Chargers on that foe Monday night game that you might be able to find on you know uh your smartphone or something like that and then you got the Dolphins nintend and the Jets like if they drop all four of those games like look out like we’ll be hovering our our hand over the panic button if that if that comes to fruition I’m gonna tell you right now like I like the Chicago Bears this year I think they’re going to be competitive I think Matt uberl is a big time fraud and I think that a lot of us forget how bad that bear team was last year at times and the fact that listen disclosure Adam rank is a Bears fan they beat the Minnesota Vikings 12 to10 in one of the most unwatchable games ever yeah here the here are the teams they beat last year they beat the Chicago Bears beat the Washington commanders one of the worst teams in the NFL they beat the Raiders one of the worst teams in the NFL they beat the Panthers by three points at home at Soldier Field the worst team in the NFL they beat Joshua dobs or whatever was left of Minnesota in week 12 by two points 12 to10 their only viable win of the year they beat Detroit at home a divisional game anything can go 28-13 then they beat the Cardinals what was left in them at the end of last year and they beat the Falcons Falcons that they were rotating Taylor hinei and the guy Desmond Ritter who’s now backing up Kyler Murray the Bears were one of the most fraudulent winning teams at the end of last year so you’re telling me right now and I like Caleb Williams he’s be a really good player and Keenan Allen and everybody is excited about Roma dun Bears got a nice collection of talent I don’t bears are not going on like 12 and five right that [ __ ] out of here they’re not coming across country to Arizona in the second month of Caleb Williams and beating the Cardinals they’re just not and then the Cardinals are not losing to the Jets the Jets are the most overrated team in the NFL I mean it’s that people are are beer bonging the Bears Kool-Aid right now like they they love the off season it’s like they look at where they were last year at this time everybody was was buying the Justin field type they were gonna be the team the same thing it’s like are they the new Denver Broncos are are they gonna is is is their fan base ever going to learn their lesson like you can win the off season as much as you want does it translate to to regular season wins is is is the guy that you’re deciding to move forward with the the head coach is is he the Right leader of men like that’s going to be an interesting part of their schedule to see like we’re going to they’re going to know a little bit more about eflu by that point and and his seat potentially could be hot I just I just don’t see it during during that little part of their schedule where they’re going losing four straight especially the Chargers Dolphins Bears Jets because if so something’s gone rotten in the desert and I just don’t think that that’s that’s the case I just don’t think Jonathan Ganon with a with a much improved roster is going to let his team bleed out like that there’s just every year there’s the Holy Trinity of teams that are pubbed up by the national media because they have big markets and then fall in their face and we laugh at them it is the Denver Broncos the New York Jets and the Chicago Bears every year like clockwork take those teams unders with our friends at bet 3 365 and it will make you money parlay it right now I’m sure you can do it with bet 365 those are three of the biggest joke franchise in the league and the Cardinals are going to take losses to two of those teams you rest assure that that folks nationally are going to pick the Cardinals to lose to the Broncos in the preseason game because everybody is pubbing up Denver now led by eighth year senior Bo Knicks and his rag arm these are the easiest things to Telegraph to make you money this NFL season so what’s it what’s it actually look like I mean if if we’re doing this and I know we’ve done this exercise probably uh to a fault but you know you and I believe especially with how this bills organization is in flux that a win in the opener is is possible I mean are you ready to bet on it Cardinals are seven-point dogs I am ready you know you got the Rams week too you got the lions at home week three commanders Cliffy comes home that’s got to be an absolute dub as as rank does predict here um ners Packers couple teams that faced off in the divisional round and then you got the Chargers who were picking just right behind the Cardinals this past season like did they do enough to improve their roster like sure they switched out head coaches and that should help but is the roster where it needs to be enough for them to to be the you know definitive favorite at home or on the road against the Cardinals on Monday Night Football probably not and then you know the the Dolphins thank God you know Dame is not here to defend them like there was there was a ton of talent that left that organization this past season the Dolphins are one of the easiest teams to head on a major regression this year and by Major I mean like that’s a seven- 10 team this year I think that division as a whole takes a step back I think Buffalo could win that division with 10 games and I think the AFC has a little bit of a retread year but the talent discrepancy in the NFC just can’t be ignored and I the Cardinals to me you you flipped though that Jets game and the Bears game and suddenly now the Cardinals are eight n and much closer to the nine and8 projection that you and I had to begin this year making the playoffs is a seven seed at nine and eight very doable right but you can’t be losing to Rookies and you can’t be losing to the ebra flues and the fraud Robert Salas like johnan Ganon has to solidify himself as as a at least a a good head coach in the NFL we think he’s good but of course he would tell you you got to win games and then the flip of that eight n to n and eight is you can’t get swept by the Rams and the Niners right can’t because we just outlined it you can beat these teams with the fraudulent QBs and the fraudulent head coaches if you’re still getting swept by Kyle Shannon and sha McVey it’s going to be very difficult for you to find yourself playing in January can you imagine though I mean if if they get a um if they are able to sweep the Seahawks and then they could just get one win over it’s all yeah you go three and three in the division and and you’re in a decent spot um but like if you’re beating one of those teams and then you’re dropping teams to these these other organizations and and what this prediction tells me is is people are discounting the head coaching position as he said you know you got Su you got ebra flu and also discounting you know how hard it is to play quarterback at the NFL level and you know a loss albe it on the road to Minnesota all the way in week 13 like just chalk it up like I I won’t accept that like that’s that’s a game where the Cardinals should be very competitive and should be able to get out of there with a dub even though the organization hasn’t won there since like the 70s um like what do we we’re going to know a whole lot about JJ McCarthy and Sam darnold in that quarter back position by that time in the season and hopefully it it bodess well for the Cardinals love this Super Chat IL Dre friend of the program 199 Cardinals will make the playoffs mark my word well we’re betting on it here uh you can to are their friends at bet 365 thank you so much ilre and again as Jessica’s outlined you got to get some dubs gotta get some wins in the NFC West and the Cardinals went over for this year so I think a lot of people are scoffing at the idea that they suddenly can become competitive or competent but again you played all last year without your quarterback for the most part like say what you want about Eber flu and how you know people are assuming that he’s gonna be just the Renaissance coach of the year he’s better Coach of the Year odds than Jonathan Ganon for for God’s sakes he had his quarterback all year he had Justin fields are year and they were still not a playoff team and they were still winning games in the teens 12 to1 13- 16 against Carolina the Bears had W of by the way the easiest schedule last year they played the NFC South last year not not great not great Bob so I I I do feel like at the end of the day when when you look at these we’re gonna be dealing with this for another six to eight weeks yeah projections like look at the quarterback matchups Adam look at the quarterback matchups and then look at the guys like Robert and eflu that their fan bases wanted fired in December and January right they were waiting on Black Monday where are the heads rolling and now we’re just we’re just assuming these teams are going to the playoffs Chang they’re the same guys hey look I mean you’re counting out a 40-year-old that had an Achilles Terror that said drown out the noise and focus on football and then took a pre-planned trip to Egypt during mandatory mini camp like you’re betting against that guy Robert Salah dyes his beard and is Mr cool guy with his bald head winning four games a year and can’t put together a competent off who’s still running that offense by the way Daniel hack yeah the Hackman MP 199 Fields was hurt for five games didn’t the Chicago Bears win games with that like undrafted rookie that was tatted up who was that last year Tyson uh bent bent I don’t want to hear about Justin Fields being hurt when he played they lost they lost games they lost more often than not when Justin Fields was their quarterback last year yeah but then yeah point you said he was relatively healthy he missed some time five he missed five games last year that the year before maybe that 1210 game you mentioned on was it Monday Night Football it was the do’s father he threw four picks and the Bears squeaked out a win all field goals he missed four games um they finished with Justin fields in the lineup four- two um and they scored over 31 time and then he put up nine points in Lambo why are we even talking about Justin F I’m just I’m making the point when when e flu had his quarterback they were they couldn’t win games right and I like Caleb Williams I think he’s GNA be very viable this is not we’re not this is not an anti- Caleb Williams podcast but to think Caleb Williams is gonna come in Arizona and beat Jonathan Gan and Kyler Murray I just don’t buy that as like maybe maybe in a year or two not this year no thanks so we got the Cardinals more around nine and eight 10 and seven 6 and 11 that I’ll be an improvement it it would be tough especially if you got a six games kid in there and that that’s not acceptable like the the organization JG would tell you that himself like that ain’t ain’t happening this podcast is going to be fuming if that happens and you’re gonna have to put us out as hot as it is in Arizona you’re gonna have to spray me with a hose to cool me down and speaking of cooling down you can cool down right now with our friends at Circle K America’s thirst stop thankfully I’m not that hot but I am a little bit dehydrated and to go pick up a 79 C Polar Pop or froster right now you can tune now through September 3rd at any Arizona location all you got to do join the Inner Circle which is the Circle K app for free right now download it today and find out why everybody’s fired up about America’s thirst stop on their smartphone or mobile device again it’s a free membership program where you can save 25 cents per gallon on your first five fill-ups and then three cents per gallon every single day you like free stuff I do too and uh you can always get hooked up with the Inner Circle offers whether it’s Polar Pops frosters or whatever scan and save with Circle K terms and conditions apply at participating locations bow visit Circle for more details love it love the frosters love the Polar Pops 79 cents tough to beat that right now there’s a promo in the Inner Circle app where you can save 10 cents per gallon got to check it out yourself also you have to join us at the end of this month training Camp’s going to be in full effect but you’re going to want to get out to Glendale for another reason July 27th we have our phnx 2024 summer pickle ball tournament at chicken and pickle this is going to be elite that’s right Saturday July 27th from 99 to noon and this is all the proceeds for this tournament are going to go to the state 48 Foundation great cause right there there’s limited spots so get your team signed up today head over to go and SL events get your your Duo signed up or you could be a single at go events uh if you haven’t checked out chicken and pickle maybe go get back in the lab before the tournament get that swing right get your battle dialed in what’s that Bo and Damon don’t want the smoke um I I hear I think Damon is got a different partner the the dynamic duo is gonna have to wait think I’m going to partner up with with my wife uh my original My Life my that’s gonna throw you for I mean I don’t know if you’re ready for that Bo I don’t know if we’re ready for it either um but look that’s roster roster decisions were made and I think that that’s that’s what I’m going with uh join D got I think tow Tre so yeah it’s beat I like my situation little I like my situation a little bit better has Johnny dropped the bore at my wife I I also appreciate that I didn’t miss that uh if you haven’t seen chicken and pickles got delicious F food unbelievable menu there also they’ve got the handcrafted cocktails great ice cold beer check it out for yourself and of course the best pickle ball quartz in the valley just in the shadow of State Farm stadium in Glendale head over to chicken and to see all the fun you can have at their Glendale location we got Bears fans in the chat I’m here for it uh here we go uh first of all illr coming back 499 why do people talk about Fields like he’s an all pro Kyler’s worst SE better Fields uh best to see the bias um again I think that speaks to Ill this next Super Chat from MP again 199 we appreciate the engagement my guy MP Fields destroyed the Cardinals and Caleb is better Fields had one of the worst passing games in the NFL last year when he played the Cardinals but he yeah you’re right he ran around on the Cardinals XFL practice squad level defensive line congratulations the Bears defense he almost threw him back into that game ter toson as the game should have been in hand and like that gave the Arizona Cardinals a sliver of a chance it it was it was not it was a it was a brutal performance on Christmas Eve by the Cardinals I’ll I’ll give them that no doubt but if if we’re gonna sit here and try to play up that Justin Fields was you know a decent quarterback day you’re not going to sell me on that and if you need any proof check out the depth chart in Pittsburgh check out him you know working out the running backs in Fielding punts as well he completed 55% of his throws against the Cardinals Elite destroyed him we don’t MP I love you my guy or gal you must be new here we had the field off Justin fields and Marvin Harrison Junior tandems for about two months and then Bears fans had to come to football Jesus moment and welcome Caleb Williams to town so I I do think it’s GNA be a good game Caleb’s gonna be good I I’ve got family coming into town from Chicago like six people coming into Phoenix that week that are going to that game they’ve been on game time they’re looking for tickets it is one of the most expensive games of the year I’ve already seen for the Cardinals hosting Chicago like you look the next week of the Jets it’s like half the price right now the aftermarket ticket value than that Chicago game so be Bears fans they’re they’re passionate it’s gonna be a hell of a matchup but I think Cardinals win really got to appreciate that passion from the Bears fan I love it that MP might be GRE Greg Jr here he’s back Bears improve way more than cards yall but you’re playing but I don’t like your head coach I like John Ganon more than mie bro yeah and I think KY Murray’s a better quarterback than Caleb Williams and I think again give him a chance not off a torn ACL mid-season to Showcase that I think the Bears have a good roster I I just don’t buy a rookie quarterback coming into State Farm stadium and winning a game two months into his career I just I just don’t buy yeah and look Marvin Harrison Jr is better than Roma dun just you can accept that too I also feel like like again last year the Bears could have ran the ball 60 times at the Cardinals and they would have beaten the Cardinals with what the Cardinals tried it out the Bears really didn’t even need to throw the ball that game right so we’re we’re talking about quarterback versus quarterback head coach versus head coach right they’ll be fun MP will see this fall come back for that week of the chat did you see the engagement farming that was going on today um I think we were tagged in it at phnx Cardinals was it ml football that put it out there the start bench or cut Kyler Murray Russell Wilson Deshawn Watson oh my god well I mean just was it no it was I mean if you look at the replies um I mean it’s the consensus is Kyler Murray which is the right move yeah um and I mean only did a few times that I see some people take Russell Wilson so it was you know start Kyler for the most part bench Russ and then cut deshun Watson yeah I don’t have I mean DeShaun Watson I think is the worst of the three given the fact he has not looked good since he’s comeback Russell you at least feel like can keep the Train on the tracks Kye Murray has the most upside I think people agree with that MP’s back saying gam won four games what are we talking about matlu won three games the year before in his first year and had the number one pick Jonathan Ganon without his quarterback yes won one game his quarterback came back they won three of their last what was it three of they Lo they went three and five they went you know with his quarterback B basically went 500 and Eber flu hasn’t coached his way out of the top 10 of the NFL draft Eber flu was so bad his first year they had the number one pick and he had Justin Fields running around it was it was insane John Ganon had to play with Joshua dobs and Clayton tun for two-thirds of the Season MP say name one better position group than the Bears again I am going off of I think the card the offensive line I would say the offensive line running back better running back they over they they overpaid for uh what was it DeAndre Swift TR is certainly better than Cole Kat they have a better tight end that’s right Jacob they have a better offense I’m sorry they have a better offense they have a better infrastructure because of who is leading it right now not Caleb Williams as a rookie I mean you think Caleb Williams is going to have a CJ strad type of rookie season because that’s yeah you need that to happen for to fulfill your expectations I don’t think that’s happening I look at the NFC North MP I mean the Vikings roster wise very competitive and the Lions and the Packers were almost in the NFC championship game together that’s a that’s a tall Hill to climb very similar what the Cardinals have to deal with yeah MP if you want to you know get deeper into this conversation uh become a die hard today why not keep spending money yeah take just do it some on the website take some of that Super Chat dough that you’re spending today become a phnx Die Hard get into the exclusive member Discord it’s just one of the many perks of becoming a Die Hard that’s right you get full access to an entire site it’s something that you’re going to want to get in now because come training camp myself Craig Morgan we’re going to be dropping some nice little nuggets in there that you’re going to have access to that not everybody’s going to have access to if you missed out on the 999 challenge don’t miss out on anything else again if you do become a member of go phnx die hard you get a free t-shirt each and every year uh that basically you know cuts the price in half you’re getting a free t-shirt make it maybe the mhj Kyler Murray math te get the Maserati Marv tea like Johnny has today or the mhj or one of the other many pH next lock Locker merchandise items that you can find that are always so nice look at that the 18 collection get onethird of the 18 collection for free by becoming a die hard today best thing we’ve ever done the locker I’m biased of course MP’s back 199 Kyler ain’t done nothing since Hopkins be real okay I I I think he’s showed last year he’s a franchise quarterback basically went 500 with the worst roster in the league he was hurt the year before he tore his ACL and then the year before that he was in the playoffs and he was Rookie of the Year made two pro bowls like can we let him come back from an ACL can we he lost the season to an ACL he’s coming back this year can we evaluate him then he’s only in his mid 20s like does he feel like he has more to accomplish I I would say so I don’t think his career is over fields is even we know Fields is not the barrass this is fine I love this for the off season big red six2 Bears ain’t done nothing since 2011 be real have they now they haven’t w a playoff game since 2011 I think I think so they’ve had a lot of Miss field goals in the postseason Mitch trabis had more playoff appearances than Justin fields and we’re not sitting here saying that Mr risky is better than Justin Fields right just like watch football with your eyes Kye Mar has a two to one touchdown interception ratio Kyle Maru when he plays at the end of the day was with Cliff Kingsbury and took him to the postseason in the division with Kyle Shan Kyle Shannon Pete Carol and Shawn McVey like Justin Fields last year it was tailor made for the Chicago Bears to make the playoffs they were everybody’s darling and they fell flat on their face and everybody laughed at them and they were beat in Carolina and Minnesota by two points in the teens I mean they were a joke of a team so we go through as my co-host said every year we do this with the Jets and the Bears and the Broncos right but let’s check back in around Thanksgiving and to see if they’re viable or not right let’s let’s not discount the head coaching position let’s let’s not say hey you it’s just going to translate from the Pack 12 immediately to the NFL level like I I I got high expectations for Caleb but the same time like this this Bear’s team they’ve been rebuilding for a while they it hasn’t it hasn’t jelled yet and just to think that it’s gonna you know miraculously just take a turn for the better like I I like what they did with their pass rush they added sweat transforms thing for that defense Jaylen Johnson keeping him that was the right move but come on let’s mat was beating Arthur Smith isn’t on the schedule every week this year matl and whomever the interim coaches in Carolina like that’s ebra Johnny Ganon went into Pittsburgh and pushed around Mike tomlin’s team with a bottom three roster in the NFL yeah MP saying 199 be prep for a top five pick in 202 yeah ill Dre 499 uh we’re converting fan bases go by that Kyler Jersey you know you want to absolutely yeah I think that’s the move right there uh what else is the move how about joining us I mentioned it earlier in Miami for our Miami takeover are you guys ready with true fan travel to hit the beach Hollywood Beach South Beach Florida myself B Brock Damon dog the GM Saul Bookman and more we are taking over the great state of Florida in the phnx road trip to Miami October 25th through the 28th as the Arizona Cardinals take on Tua Tyreek and Moore get see our buddy Mike McDaniel live and in person and uh it’s not just the game folks we’ve got a booze cruise we’ve got an alumni event everything is set up for you to have a great time with our friends at true fan travel I’m talking airport transportation flights um accommodations a hotel on the beach poolside it’s everything you want late in October One-Stop shop with packages starting as low as $12.99 and again sign up now space out your payments over the course of four months we got a bunch of people going we got spots available we want to see you the die hards the members of this community with us partying in South Beach again it’s not gonna be a one-off where you see bow and Damon and I for like five minutes and then we go and we do our own thing no no no we’re hanging out all weekend everybody was giving us love for the 99 and9 challenge over the weekend it’s going to be an extension of that for four days in South Beach Damon may not make it out alive frankly yeah he’s well he’s gonna make it out he’s gonna um he’s gonna wife up I think we’ve already determined he’s gonna get married on that trip uh do you want to be part of the bridal party well you got to get in right now truan also check out go events you can find a link there you don’t want to miss out on this true fan travel takes out all the heavy lifting for you you basically lock it in and then all you’re doing is packing your suitcase and boarding a flight to Miami it’s not just exclusive to uh listeners right now in Phoenix uh wherever you are around the country we’ll get you to South Beach to enjoy this uh this showdown with the fins late October uh MP just attempting to dunk on this show uh this might be the most ironic uh Super Chat we’ve ever had producer Jacob 499 all y’all saying the Bears are trash Arizona is last thought in the NFL nobody cares about y’all how many Prime Time games y’all got Bottom Feeders you have donated to this bottom feeding show with the bottom feeding Arizona Cardinals upwards of $15 we appreciate you caring and helping out phnx Sports and fortifying this fan base this great fan base here you fuel us MP thank you MP we appreciate you uh bo Brock Hard Knocks tonight you watching it New York Giants uh I already saw a clip where they started talking Brian Burns trade kind of Drew me in a little little bit he was at the Senior Bowl he’s talking with Caroline Panthers but I I don’t know if it’s something I’m gonna probably pop on like right after the premiere but I’ll I’ll I’m G sit going and I’ll watch it at some point uh you mentioned earlier in the show accountability all I remember about that is Michael Bidwell having to talk to the team while Cliff Kingsbury stood there during Hard Knocks because people weren’t studying or people weren’t coming in on time or people were late for meetings and I’m like that we we have reached Peak Hard Knocks it was the propaganda that was two years ago nothing will top that for me that show is Tainted forever in my opinion yeah but on Hard Knocks nobody’s talking about them uh they’re bottom feeders at least I mean at least we’re not trying to like dress up this this guy who sucks at quarterback is a starting quarterback and you’re going to get a first round picked for him and he gets dealt for a conditional sixth or seventh round pick come on like who’s who’s a more realistic fan base of what their football team actually is there’s 100% likelihood that MP was team Justin fields in January that the the Caleb Williams Avatar has since been changed post draft and it used to be one Justin Fields as the last Super Chat of the Day from whom else MP 199 quote money is nothing to me you all in the chat are broke I am broke I’m bankrupt of these takes I can’t anymore um but it’s been a banner show here it has I’m glad means nothing you can just continually buy a new Bears quarterback jersey every couple years huge for you MP we do appreciate it though hey every opposing fans are welcome here uh including you MP we we appreciate the banter we’ve also appreciate all those in the chat that are here on a daily basis or those who don’t participate in the chat you’re great as well thank you like this video if you’re listening on your podcast if you haven’t done so already subscribe leave a five star rating leave a review it does wonders for us uh and tomorrow we got our guy Craig Morgan returning he’s got a banger of a story we can’t wait for you all to read he’s gonna give you the latest on it and even more tomorrow’s pH andx Cardinals for producer Jacob and Johnny venerable I’m Bo Brock we’ll talk to you tomorrow right here on phnx Cardinals [Music] [Applause] City like the May

Arizona Cardinals Paris Johnson Jr.’s goal is to be the best tackle in the NFL following standout rookie year. Do Cards fans believe that Monti Ossenfort and Jonathan Gannon can reach the playoffs in 2024? Will the Cards add a pass rusher via free agency to compete with Zaven Collins and BJ Ojulari? Can the New York Giants make Hard Knocks relevant again?

Join Johnny Venerable and Bo Brack on PHNX Cardinals live on Tuesday!

0:00 Intro
2:00 Paris Johnson Jr and Marvin Harrison Jr were safe picks
11:00 Drafting people with HUNGER
28:00 Discussing Adam Ranks Cards predictions
33:00 There’s no stretch they should lose 5 straight
45:00 The Cardinals are better than Bears

An ALLCITY Network Production

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