Detroit Lions Continue To Find Hidden Talent!

Detroit Lions Continue To Find Hidden Talent!

so next up we’ve got Wingo is winning and uh this is a big one I feel like uh we’re we’re kind of on the cusp here of seeing some rookies that have been drafted later in the rounds really have an impactful season and I think that Wingo is one of those players this year that could embody what a a true late round gem is and and there’s been a couple of stories that have been written about him over the last couple of weeks but I wanted to highlight this one from Justin Rogers he says there’s no of hand or or persuasive argument capable of altering the fact that Lions rookie defensive tackle maai Wingo is undersized for his position okay I’m going to take this in chunks I disagree I disagree that he’s undersized because he is the exact size of Aaron Donald almost to a t uh there is maybe a half of an inch that separates them in arm length that’s about it uh maybe 10 PBS of weight that’s about it other than obviously Hall of Famer rookie that’s the big separation here Wingo has a long way to go to get to know anywhere even close to sniff uh you know what’s coming out of uh Aon Donald’s shoes even so in my opinion he’s not under sized I I think that he’s a tweener for sure um he’s definitely not prototypical size but I don’t think that the term undersized can really be used here because we’ve seen guys around this this height you know 6′ 285 win in the NFL and and I think that if you have that dogging you you can win and and I think that Wingo is already showing that he can win uh and he plays with a lot of lever I’ll disagree with that first statement he goes on to say but instead of focusing on the limitations of his frame the team is determined to accentuate and utilize the strengths of the sixth round pick out of LSU let’s not forget that he wore number 18 and the embodiment uh of of wearing what it means you know to wear number 18 uh is that you embody uh exactly what LSU is all about and their football team and just being full of that grit Factor right that it Factor you go above and beyond on and off the field um and and you display you know what what being an LSU Tiger is above and beyond all else so look this guy’s a leader he’s a born leader and and just because he was picked late doesn’t mean that that’s going to stop at the next level uh but he goes Justin goes on to say this at the professional level defensive tackles rarely come in smaller packages than Wingo who measured in at 6′ 284 lbs at the combine obvious obviously still large compared to the average human being uh the professional discrepancies are revealed as he goes through drills alongside teammates who are 3 to 5 inches taller and up to 40 PBS heavier throughout his football career being undersized has only sharpened wingo’s attention to detail the way he described it after being drafted is he’s always felt compelled to do ordinary things extraordinarily that’s a great statement so I’ve said this in different ways but you have to make up for your deficiencies is how I say it so if you’re deficient in size you make up for it in the small details if you’re deficient in weight you have to make up for it in in you know how your hand fighting is or uh how quick you get off the line or your pad level you know staying low working with Leverage these are all the things the Wingo is doing and when he combines that with his ability to play at a high level we see great things on the field that’s why his tape was that good uh Justin goes on to say that at the combine he showcased an ability to offset his size concerns with rare athleticism demonstrated through an elite vertical jump and 40 yard dash results particularly the 10 yard split which is also what I look at more closely than a 40 his explosiveness is readily apparent that helped him tally 7 and a half sacks and 44 quarterback pressures the past two seasons at LSU and has similarly shown up during his first couple of months in practice with the Detroit Lions uh here is a quote uh by by the new Detroit Lions defensive line coach ter Terell Williams the one thing I’ll say is he’s an explosive player that understands what his limits are and he also understands what he can use to his Advantage uh he’s an explosive guy with extremely quick hands he can rush the passer and I believe he’ll be a good run Defender for us so I’m excited where we get where we got him and what he’s been able to do so far I’m super excited about that player look I’m excited too I think that he’s he’s got a lot of untapped potential that is still within him that you know it’s going to be realized over the next couple of seasons and this training camp is going to be our first taste of of what Wingo uh in his potential is going to be uh but I’m betting on Wingo right now I think that he’s going to have a unique season where you know obviously he’s going to have to carve out some time in a role uh in a very what I considered to be a pretty loaded defensive line especially with his type of position where he’s truly a hybrid interior Defender that also can play outside as a pass rusher and get inside pass rush ability uh and utilizing those three techniques uh I do believe that he’s going to carve out a role that is maybe a little bit indifferent to just one or the other he’s going to be used in certain situations that the Lions field are going to be able to accentuate upon his ability to get after the passer uh and also as a run Defender as they mentioned so we’ll see what happens there Williams went on to say that he’ll be used inside and outside simply put when you have guys with position Flex it makes it tougher on offenses because they don’t always know where these guys are going to align uh his uh initial expectations for contributions from a six round pick are typically low and that should be no different here with the allons having plenty of Veteran depth along the interior of their defensive front what Wingo might be able to do uh might be able to add uh to that mix should become clear during training camp and the preseason when the pads finally come on and reveal how skill sets in classroom learning will translate a final quote from Williams is he’s done a good job so far he’s really Advanced for a rookie as far as just understanding how to use his hands his Pad level how to rush and where to rush I think when you’re a guy his size you have to play a certain way and he plays that way we’ve been excited for his development so far Eric I’ll kick it over to you I know we haven’t really seen anything yet out of Wingo uh but if you were meeting Wingo for the first time and this is what you read what would pop off right away well this is my thing Brad Holmes this is his fourth draft correct and he’s had some sixth round picks um um the first year we thought his first round or sixth round pick was going to be like an all all NFL Super Pro Bowl guy and that is Rodrigo and at first it looked like it was going to happen that way and now we’re starting to see that he was basically only playing because we had no one else and he kind of came back down to earth the last two last two seasons and uh this year will be huge for Rodrigo but we haven’t really seen anybody like just jump off the page with sixth round sixth or seventh round picks from the Lions yet um you know we’re hoping that Antoine green comes on in his in his second year and I would just say to try to maybe temper it a little bit he’s a sixth round pick same with mahogany these two kids they got a lot of hype behind them right now because I think they were such draft steals I think that they they were both predicted to go much much higher so I was reading this thing about Wingo the other day uh where most pundits had him going in the third round and he didn’t go until the sixth so there really isn’t an explanation for why he fell so much especially since he wore the number 18 he was a captain um he had the stats to back it up um he was hurt and then came back to play in his bulll game so the fact that he fell so far might be a good thing because that might give him that chip on the shoulder that he needs like St Brown did in the fourth round we need more of that that chip on the shoulder I’m gonna know every guy that went ahead of me so hopefully wingo’s got himself a little L going there and he’s got a little black book and he’s taking receipts and he’s going to cash him in that that would be very very nice nice to see um I wouldn’t doubt it I wouldn’t doubt that he’s going to do the same thing here and and and put all of you know those those rocks and chips as you collect them over time and they turn into Boulders and you just become you know I guess one track mind mode right you want you got to do one thing and that’s prove everybody else wrong while proving the Detroit Lions organization and yourself right and and I think that that’s the right mentality to have uh look this guy has a dynamic First Step he’s got lateral range uh he’s very slippery uh when he’s rushing the quarterback and a lot of that comes from his compact size and frame you know he’s able to to get between a tackle and a guard a lot easier because of his frame it’s it’s you know some people look at this as as a negative right as as a deficiency you can almost look at it the exact opposite way and say that well maybe this is something that can be used as a benefit to him because you know the smaller guys sometimes are a little bit harder to Correll right I mean these big giant offensive tackles and and big guards I mean sometimes they’re you would think that it would be easier to take on a smaller guy well quite honestly it’s a little bit easier to keep a bigger guy in front of you you know that they’ve got the bull rush technique and they you know a little bit bigger power you know and stronger right it’s the slippery small guys that you can’t get your hands on and often times you’re creating a penalty because you end up holding them because you’re just trying to get pad level right you’re trying to get leverage you’re trying to get underneath them and and sometimes that just doesn’t happen and flags come flying so I see this as a benefit especially when you’re stacked up with guys like DJ reer ali mcneel um you know Aiden Hutchinson you’ve got some bigger guys along this offense I mean Marcus Davenport’s a mammoth of a man too so you can sneak him in uh you could kick reader down Alim could be out Wingo goes in Davenport on the right side and and you’ve got him sandwiched between two giant men uh that are most Surly going to take a double team up at least between Aiden and DJ reader and I see opportunity there and I think that we’re going to see some of those opportunities come to fruition in this season uh I just hope that he stays healthy and keeps working uh I’m all in on Wingo man I I really do believe that he’s going to have a season um given the fact that he was a six round pick you know he may not get a ton of starts he may not get a ton of snaps but I think that his Snaps are going to be productive and what I think about production I think about what James Houston did his rookie season you know the last six seven games of the Season very high production I’m not saying a wingo’s going to come in and snap off eight sacks in seven games but what I am saying is his production is going to be is going to be high for the amount of snaps that he gets uh so do us a favor uh comment below and what you guys think about about wngo uh subscribe and like this this stream so we can get it out to more Lions fans this morning and they can get an opportunity to watch here so

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