#HardKnocks Episode 1 ReCap| New York Giants 👀 ✅️👍🏾

#HardKnocks Episode 1 ReCap| New York Giants 👀 ✅️👍🏾

[Music] episode one is in the books New York Giants Hard Knocks HBO shout out to everybody involved shout out to the New York Giants Organization for you know allowing themselves to be a part of a hard KN you know I don’t know if they had a choice really cuz when you’re not a winning team in some cases you don’t have a choice whether or not um you know your hat is in the ring for for Hard Knocks but Whatever Whenever However it happened it did and I’m excited for it so hello and welcome to Big Dash knows big Dash knows what New York Giants football let’s go you see the thumbnail recaping episode one and it did not disappoint at all at all um put out the video yesterday the preview of things I wanted to see you know throughout this whole entire Series in episode one did not disappoint the whole saquan thing we already know where it’s headed we answered some questions already they they decided they they weren’t going to franchise tag saquan Barkley they were willing to take the risk they did not come well the show did not air the famous phone call yet between Joe Shane and and saquan Barkley whether or not he was going to give them a chance or not we haven’t seen that part yet maybe that’s going to be the next episode but boy did we see a lot in this episode and I had the handy dandy notebook man I had the handy dandy notebook and guess what I work hard man cuz right now I’m dealing with a headache my head is rocking right now but it is what it is shout out to everybody out there hit that like And subscribe button if you’re New York Giants fan the way that I’m a New York Giants fan Bleed Blue Die Hard true blue go ahead and hit that like And subscribe button now let me talk the the episode was Heavy sequan Barkley that’s that’s the first part that’s some of the first notes that I have heavy sequan Barkley they biged up saquan Barkley they talked about you know how he contributed to the New York Giants he was the star or the face of the franchise since he got there shout out to saquan Barkley I know what I said what I said La uh yesterday on the video I don’t wish him the best of luck with the Philadelphia Eagles I just don’t I’ll be lying to you guys I wouldn’t be authentic if I said I hope that saquan Barkley kills it with the Philadelphia Eagles that wouldn’t be me I hate Philadelphia you guys already know that unless you know you don’t know that but I hate Philadelphia but they they talked about his price they talked about his age they talked about injuries they talked about how much he had left in the tank talk about you know you know what do we do if saquan Barkley is gone one of the best clips of the whole episode was the last minute I forget who it was ni it was McDonald he goes what did he say you know we say say we lose saquan Barkley what’s the identity of the team what’s the identity of the offense so much saquin is such a big percentage what you know what do the New York Giants do from there and Joe Shane said well we paid Daniel $40 million and we didn’t pay him $40 million to turn around and hand the ball off to a $12 million running back listen that’s cold that’s that that’s cold right there probably probably the best quote the bar the night um fantastic rebuttal and it’s absolutely right absolutely right why are you paying Daniel Jones all of this money if he needs a guy like saquan Barkley to be the guy that he needs to be facts now one thing I also would say because they did talk about Daniel Jones they did talk about the injuries but one thing that they said about Daniel Jones that they needed a contingency plan they are aware of his injuries the guy McDonald said you know you if if he’s the quarterback it was a lot of quotes man there was if if your ears were tuned in there was a lot of phrases and a lot of quotes in there that made you think like okay the Giants paid him this money but they’re still not exactly sure if he’s going to take it to the next level Joe Shane said you know we got a he has a contract but we need to know if this guy’s going to be the quarterback for the next 10 years or do we need to go ahead and start from scratch so even you heard it from the you heard it from the guys themselves they still have question marks with Daniel Jones they have faith they believe in him they said they want to build around him they want to give him the pieces to succeed and they want to see if he can do it that’s all people are asking for you got to see if he can do it now the main thing is whether or not you believe he can or you can’t that’s where that’s the two sides right there whether or not you believe he can or he can so let me get back into my notes one one other thing they talked about or you know was featured on the show with Shane Bowen the hiring process of Shane Bowen and it was very very short you basically saw Brian dable and Joe Shane walk into the walk into the office close the door and get the whispering about what they want to do he Brian da starts off I want to off I want to offer Shane the job that’s what he said and he said you know what Jo Shane look at what he did and he started running down the stats of how how good the Tennessee Titans defense performed and and I guess the uh cherry on top was I need my Russian defense to do that is that a knock on on on wink Martell is that a jab it could be I don’t know I’mma take it as a jab because I think it’s I think it’s funny but it seemed like Jo Shane had nothing to do with who the DC was going to be that was all Brian dable and Brian D made that happen now here’s the thing if you’re Brian dable and you went through what you went through with with um wink martinell you better believe that he’s going to make the decision of who’s going to be the coach who’s going to be the DC he’s hiring one of the guys that he feels comfortable with the guy that he did the research with a guy that he handpicked and that’s what he did with Shane Bowen so shout out to Brian da for that we’ll see how this thing works um one thing Shane Bowen did in his introductory meeting you know inside the um the office or or or the meeting room they wanted him to to you know explain his defense or the New York Giants defense he said he wants the four best pass rushers up front he needs the middle linebackers to be intelligent and um basically he also they also asked him about um what his role how how did he see Isaiah Simmons and he said clearly he said Isaiah Simmons to me first and second down he plays nickel third down he plays the money and that’s how a lot of people expect uh Isaiah Simmons to be played you know that hybrid role linebacker cornerback and linebacker safety type deal um I think they’ll be a little bit even more creative than just the money for him on the third down but that was his initial statement Shane Bowen uh for Isaiah Simmons fantastic also when they talked about free agency and adding to the defense they mentioned Chris Jones you know they painted the picture of what what what a defense with with Dexter Lawrence and Chris Jones would look like obviously you would have to pay him an astronomical amount of money so it wasn’t realistic but you saw them talk about guys they talked about um Boogie Basham they talked about Ryder Anderson who’s going to be the guy playing next to next to Dex Lawrence can these guys do this um what else did they talk about um that’s it for Shane bone let me let me go back to the handy dandy notebook um okay also you got to see um a little bit of what the room is how the room is built the scouts the player Personnel people the people in charge of the players that are coming into the building you saw you saw Brandon Brown you saw a lot of guys it was one guy that was talking about um the running back room and um you could tell that he was a fan of saquan Barkley because Joe Shane was trying to say that you know what how many teams are really going to pay him this amount of money and the guy was like well how many people to saywan Barkley and and you can see both sides and a lot of things make sense and like I said for me I got a lot from this episode I’m thinking I’m thinking um we’re going to probably the episode two we’re going to get whether or not saquan Barkley did agree to you know um giving them a chance to match to offer now here here’s the thing too with that saquan Barkley could have gave him a chance to match offer in the New York Giants said no I can’t remember exactly what sequan was saquan signed for with the um with the Eagles but I swear it was something similar to what we offered him in 2022 Shan uh Joe Shane also you know also mentioned that what he went through with saquan in 2022 the the negotiation said he they aged him 10 years and he didn’t want to go through that again um he said he wants to do what’s best for the team this stand yo it was fantastic man in in youo in a nutshell it was fantastic if you haven’t seen the episode go ahead and watch that episode this is what we’ve been waiting to see exactly how these guys that are running the New York Giants from the ownership to the coaches to the to the to the admins to the to the to the management we wanted to see what these guys were thinking and what went into some of the decisions that they were making and we’re actually going to see a lot of that and one thing I also learned from this episode cuz a lot of people sweeping down that these guys are dumb these guys are not dumb they’re fully aware what’s going on they might tell us some certain things at the podium things that people might want to hear they might want to pacify people at the podium but when you got cameras in secret spots microphones everywhere we got to see these guys for real and I know they probably cut things out that they didn’t want to be aired but I seen enough I saw enough going on and for me I’m I can’t I can’t wait for next uh for next Tuesday I can’t wait for episode two I want to see more how these guys work how they how their minds you know process everything that’s going on we you know they T they touched a little bit on it on the uh East West Shrine game they talk touch a little bit on the combine um uh yeah so for me I’m just like give me more pause I’m I’m trying to see something else um I’m trying to see exactly like I need to see exactly uh what these guys are thinking cuz right now I’m feeling a little bit comfortable more comfortable that you know these guys just aren’t just aren’t oblivious to what’s going on they have they have certain question marks about certain players on this team like a lot of of people do they’re not they’re not just brushing that stuff to the side and telling people just you know accept whatever’s going on we we’re seeing um that they have question marks too whether it’s the offensive line he said he wanted to improve that they talked about the weapons around Daniel Jones but again the quote of the night was what did we we we have Daniel Jones we paid him $40 million and we didn’t pay him $40 million to turn around and hand the ball off to a $12 million running back and that stolen show for me so I hope you guys uh like the recap again go ahead and watch it for yourself let me know what you guys think in the comments down below I’m excited I can’t I can’t wait for episode two so with that being said I want to thank everybody for vibing with me please like comment and subscribe and for one Giants fan to another this is big Dash NOS Big Blue Nation let’s go [Music] oh

Hardknocks Episode 1 ReCap | New York Giants

  1. Big Dash, Joe proved the whole media were WRONG!!!! THEY WERE NEVER LOOKING AT A QB TO DRAFT!!! I appreciate that and DJ should as well. Media don't know shite, they up there acting like they have a source and they look like fools, but no one will check them on that.

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