Will Russell Westbrook be traded to the Denver Nuggets?

Will Russell Westbrook be traded to the Denver Nuggets?

[Music] [Music] all right nuggets fans welcome into pickaxe and roll brought to be our good friends over at bet online and number 38 I’m your host Ryan Blackburn at NBA Blackburn on Twitter part of the Mile High Sports podcast Network and I am here to discuss NBA free agency the Denver Nuggets and what the hell is going on with Russell Westbrook what a fascinating rumor that has come out and has sort of now captivated nuggets fans and taken them by storm I I think everybody obviously has an opinion on Russell Westbrook one of the most polarizing players frankly in NBA history uh he is quite the guy quite the quite the player and certainly a lightning rod for conversation so we’re going to have a conversation we’re going to talk about him we’re going to talk about different plans that the nuggets are trying to instill whether this was actually plan a or not and we’ll talk about some other names as well including Don Holmes and the rookie uh presser that he was a part of yesterday I was gonna if I podcasted yesterday I was going to talk about it but I didn’t talk about it yesterday because I didn’t podcast so now we’re going to go over it we’re going to talk about some stuff and I am looking forward to everybody’s takes on Don Holmes because I have some too but first I want to tell everybody about bet online the number one source for all of your sports betting needs this season from baseball and golf soccer right on up to the top fights with UFC MMA and boxing head on over to bet online use their promo code believe bav V for your 50% off bet credit on your first deposit up to 250 bucks bet online the game starts here okay let’s talk about it let’s talk about Russell Westbrook let’s talk about all of the things that are going down and I know that there’s a lot of discussion it’s going to be very very interesting to see if Denver can actually get all this stuff done that they are talking about doing but let’s get into it it’s been glacial in the NBA free agency market so far I thought that things would certainly free up after Paul George was signed but the rest of the NBA is also kind of slow I most of the main guys have gone but there are still plenty of good players that are out there including LeBron James who will obviously be signing with the LA Lakers at some point but Denver has three open roster spots now sounds like at least one of them is accounted for and maybe two blacko chanar has been discussed a lot over the course of these last few days uh I think it was when Denver decided that they were going to decline that club option that they had I think it was a handshake agreement that they’re they’re going to bring him back it’s just uh kind of a waiting game and Calvin Booth who was not at the rookie Don Holmes presser yesterday was in the air and is now currently abroad and in Europe and was going to go see vaco and probably to go sign him to that contract and she may be talking to some other folks too including somebody that actually played against vaco today but it sounds like the the vaco deal is going to be done so Denver has two roster spots remaining one of them is for o who has been on the roster for 5 years I don’t think people realize how long it’s actually been but he’s been good he’s been he looked good physically in FBA today not necessarily like his most efficient shooting performance but he’s solid he’s he looks like he’s capable and given more time to play and get ready it wouldn’t surprise me if he was back and could give the nuggets minutes next year but the other name is obviously Russell Westbrook who I know a lot of people are here for a lot of people want to know what the hell is going on with Russell Westbrook why is that happening what is the update the rumor came out several days ago and it’s still there still clearly there I think that the nuggets are currently weighing the different possibilities of how to add him to their roster to their rotation and they’re trying to figure out how to how best to do it and there are several different ways they can but first on Russ I don’t want to blow it out of proportion what kind of player he is like he did have a pretty strong season with the Clippers when he first arrived there after I think he was was he bought out was he trade I think he was bought out by or no he was traded to the Utah Jazz and then they bought out his contract and then he went to the Clippers after that played pretty well in that role with the Clippers was pretty solid kind of toned some things down was still himself but it is like you’re still getting Russ at the end of the day for sure but then he played this last year numbers came back down to earth a little bit they added James Harden still have kawi Leonard Paul George lots of different ball handlers that you got to kind of account for and he averaged 22 and a half minutes per game 11 points five rebounds four and a half assists shot like 29 27% from three somewhere around there was solid from the field because he mostly just takes shots around the rim drives some Bank shots in the mid-range things like that but let’s not like let’s be honest with ourselves here Russell Westbrook is fine he’s a slightly better player right now than Reggie Jackson I do not think that he’s signif iFly better Reggie certainly has the advantage with shooting efficiency turnovers and the volatility that Russell West bana brings it can still be a potential Pitfall for him even if it can be a positive at times what Russ would bring to Denver would be a better playmaker better Defender and he sort of like brings the edge that the Nuggets lost when Bruce Brown left and there is something to be said like there’s maybe no player in NBA history other than maybe Michael Jordan that has played with more Edge than Russell Westbrook take that for what you will and if that’s a good thing I don’t know but he would give them some of that that oomph that hoah that I was calling for this offseason I think that they needed to add somebody that had a little bit of attitude that had a little bit of swagger and Russ plays like that for sure so I brought it up before how can the Nuggets actually add him it’s probably the biggest question in all of this it’s probably the biggest reason why it hasn’t happened yet Russ is a like he just opted into his player option which is for just over four million and there are several ways that the Nuggets can try to add him to their team if that is the goal and I think it’s the goal I think joic spefic specifically is pushing for this and I don’t know what that says about Michael Malone I don’t know what that says about joic I don’t know what it says about the front office but what I do know is that joic is pushing for this for sure and he wants him he wants him in town and the Nuggets can do it in I think four different ways I’ve come up with number one they could trade two of their smaller contracts for him most likely Hunter Tyson and Jaylen picket for Russell Westbrook I think that makes a degree of sense but if you’re the Clippers you want to save your roster spots maybe that’s not the best way to do it maybe they don’t want to take any players back they just want the the flexibility to add the players that they want to add not the players that the nuggets are willing to part with number two the Nuggets could trade Zeke Nagi and a 2031 first round pick get off of Zeke’s contract for Russell Westbrook and air coffee and they fill an extra roster spot that way with a wing that could play a little bit of defense that can shoot a little bit PHS kind of that kcp type of mold of a three and D Wing not necessarily clearly not as good obviously but Amir coffe is a good player and the Clippers just added Derrick Jones Jr so there is a possibility that maybe they don’t need air coffee although they also just lost Paul George so who knows that’s another one I’m not sure if that’s the right way to use zek Nagi and then the 2031 first round pick but if you feel like the need to get off some money that’s one way to do it number three they can fold Russell Westbrook and the Clippers into that Charlotte trade that they did involving Reggie Jackson all you got to do in that case is make the Clippers give up a protected second rounder to Charlotte Charlotte would probably be amendable to that they could they get a protected second round pick out of it probably nothing but there’s a possibility of something an asset for free and so if they did that Denver could work that in their deal and rather than give up Reggie Jackson by himself they get Russell Westbrook for him and that to me would make some sense that would make a degree of sense probably the easiest way to get this all done but it involves the Clippers and they would have to give up an asset to give up Russ they may not want to do that they may just want to deal with their own stuff the fourth way and the most painful way would be using their taxpayer mid-level exception which they can do it is a legal thing that they can do now that they have the new CBA is they can absorb Russell Westbrook’s contract because he makes less than 5.18 million and they can absorb his contract just using that it doubles as an exception that would be bad because then would limit Denver’s ability to add anybody else in free agency they would lose that opportunity they would only have minimum contracts left to offer and that might be a problem when it comes to adding the 15th player that we haven’t discussed yet and if that’s the case then I kind of like option three personally the one where you just fold Reggie’s contract or Russ’s contract into that deal and then it makes logical sense to me but I don’t know why like Charlotte may not feel super enticed to do that the Clippers may not want to give up anything else and that could be an issue so there are pitfalls in each of the scenarios but I think the one that’s most advantageous for Denver obviously is that third option but yeah I’m I’m very curious as to what Denver decides to do here this is not done by any stretch of the word Denver is gonna try to do it I was told that you should consider Russ like as like happening but the way that it happens I think matters and Denver should not settle for the least of the options which in my opinion is using their taxpayer mid-level ex exception to just absorb him into that that would be the second year in a row that they used it on what I think is a horrible option hypothetically if they had just waited and had Reggie Jackson’s salary on their roster they could quite literally trade him back to the Clippers and acquire Russell Westbrook and do that deal now whether the Clippers would be interested in that I don’t know and I think it’s fascinating that the Nuggets really weren’t thinking about I don’t think they were thinking about doing anything like this until niik yic said something about it so that is interesting that is a a layer to all of this that is still yet to be determined um there’s a lot to kind of sift through here and the nuggets have plenty of pitfalls that they can fall into on this but I do think that the best way for them to make this happen is to just try to make that a three- team trade trade for Russell Westbrook and then you’ve got Russell Westbrook on your team which I’m not sure is a great option either like I do think that he is a slightly better player than Reggie Jackson but there is a lot of volatility that I think really makes this problematic so we’ll see what happens we’ll see what they do but look could Russ help Denver sure I gave you the the layout for how he could absolutely do it there are plenty of reasons why Denver could consider adding Russell Westbrook there are also plenty of reasons why teams haven’t and there are plenty of reasons why it might not be the most ideal because it hasn’t been ideal for many places basically ever like think about ever since he left OKC how many places have actually been happy with the way that the Russell Westbrook experience has gone I think you’re like 0 for four 0 for five so is Denver Really Gonna sell out for Russell Westbrook here maybe to please Joker we’ll see let’s take a break when we come back we are going to go over that 15th roster spot what Denver decides to do there and then we’ll talk about donon Holmes and the Nuggets rookie presser that Tommy baltis was at uh and I asked him a very curious question about kcp that I’ll make sure to bring up as well we will be right back but first number 38 in Rhino our home base for Mile High Sports I think we’ve re-ed there for the football season so if you’re curious about this bar that I’ve been talking about if you want to go hear Mile High Sports talking about football and talking about the Broncos bow Knicks and everything like that and you want good food while you’re at it make sure to go ahead over to number 38 where they’ve got great food great drinks lots of things on top lots of great options loved my 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that they can play immediately it doesn’t necessarily make a ton of sense to me to have jic DeAndre Jordan dariio Arch Don Holmes and Zeke Nagi like five bigs out of 15 roster spots that feels like a lot probably feels like you only need four and so maybe they still work to try to trade Zeke maybe there’s something else that they could do but I do think that Denver like they’re trying to keep that taxpayer mle free so they could use it as a chip and SAR would be good he could’ be a good player you just had a triple double versus Slovenia in the Olympic qualifier he is a smart player he’s a better passer than zek Nagi he’s a better shooter more consistent has a little bit more game more touch not as good of a Defender still a little bit slow coming off of the torn ACL injury that he had but he is a smart player who can run the dhoo and who can shoot those are for sure skills of his so he would be interesting if it’s not sarch though it could be Daniel Ty and it could be somebody else like I don’t know if it’s necessarily perfectly like Optimal for Denver to trade or to sign a big man like I said they already have four do they need five obviously DeAndre is not going to be a BigTime player for them but you want to play Don Holmes you don’t want to bury him on the depth chart so is there another way that they can sort of balance out their roster and there’s a couple of other reasons why I think Denver could try that I think that it would be wise and they kind of backed themselves into this um a couple years ago when they added Bruce Brown holding off on using that taxpayer mid-level exception just in case a free agent kind of falls through the cracks a little bit if you remember Denver didn’t sign Bruce Brown until day two a free agency money significantly dried up in day one and then Denver was like hey Bruce Brown’s still out there see if he’s interested turns out he was turns out it was a perfect fit and Denver got a guy that they couldn’t have gotten like had they tried to sell him on the taxpayer mle day one of free agency so there are players out there that come to mind that might be interesting for the taxpayer Mily if they fall through the cracks because I think one thing that stands out to me is one of these players like they could see that one kcp is out of Denver and there’s an opening for playing time but two so you want to get an opportunity to be a free agent in 2025 when the cap goes back up getting all that TV money getting all the opportunities to see that cap explode a little bit I can see some of these guys being like hey 1 plus one see if I could get back out there on free agency but in the meantime we’re going to play for a championship Contender and I’m going to try to be your Bruce Brown this year I could see some teams doing that I could see some players doing that precious shua comes to mind he got like his uh his cap hold was declined or his ref restrictive free agency was declined by the Knicks in their momentum to try to get male Bridges to try to free up enough money to retain Isaiah hartenstein I don’t know what they’re going to do with their second uh Center because Isaiah hartstein is now in OKC but if they don’t resign precious auua and he’s looking for too much money maybe he doesn’t find it and maybe he’s a guy that Denver could bring in yeah he would be competing directly with Don Holmes but auu is still pretty young and still pretty good so would give Denver some athleticism some switch ability and I think would be a pretty good player for them but there are other players that I think make even more sense kind of on the perimeter Demar de rozan is probably signing for more than this but wonder if Chicago’s like no we’re good who is the deardo Rosen team out there the Clippers just use their taxpayer midlevel or the tax uh the non- taxpayer mid level maybe it’s the Lakers would the Lakers use their mle if they could free up some space is that the right fit who is the team for demard de rozan and could it be the Nuggets is that a good fit I don’t know I think dear is way too talented to be accepting a five million dollar contract but if he uses this as an opportunity to take a OnePlus One get back out there on the market and then be I guess a non- taxpayer mid-level kind of guy going forward there’s some interesting things there I don’t think that it’s happening I wouldn’t expect dearu sign for this level of money so I wouldn’t get your hopes up people but at least like that’s the the thing that Denver should be shooting for it they lost some Talent with kcp they should be trying to recoup some Talent especially in the form of a veteran player that can contribute right now so if it’s not Demar de R rozan what about Gordon Hayward probably not at the same level obviously as a demard de rosan but still capable of playing Caleb Marton could be a three and D option that falls through the cracks I expect him to probably go back to Miami for a slightly increased number than what he left there which was about seven million so he’s probably looking at 10 million probably not looking at five but maybe he’s a name that could be of consideration miles Bridges has Avery as that would be um there’s a name that I guess like he’s a free agent I am not condoning signing miles Bridges but he is also out there and then you get to some of the Wings players that I think could replace kcp a little bit more equitably Gary Trent Jr is a popular name that comes up Gary Trent would be very very interesting because he is also a uh pretty sure he’s also a clutch client if I’m not mistaken and he got a odd deal for with like with the Raptors when he signed it not sure it was a great deal and now maybe this is an opportunity for him to take a one plus one and then he would be Denver starting shooting guard Calvin Booth might hate that but Gary Trent Jr not the worst option in the world to be a a stop Gap shooter he’s also a capable Defender so maybe there’s something there Luke Gard with Memphis he opted out of a or the team option was declined for him there is interest in bringing him back from Memphis but who knows maybe there’s not enough playing time for him and he would like to come to a place like Denver would you do a Malik Beasley reunion would that be interesting to people when Denver needs as much shooting as they can get I very much doubt that the Nuggets would be kosher with a Malik Beasley reunion but that’s the kind of shooting you could certainly get T and Horton Tucker and Isaac aoro those guys are a little bit more defensive options Horton Tucker could be that Defender that they need wasn’t really a great defender in Utah but I think he’s capable of kind of tapping back into that in a a competitive situation aoro obviously a great defender but he is more so like he he is basically Christian Brown in a lot of ways where Brown is not really this capable awesome shooter all the time I think I’d like to just keep developing Brown if I were Denver but aoro is a name Alec Burks veteran name CU maybe he would be interested you get to some point guards what if they don’t get Russell Westbrook can I interest you in one year Markel folz what about one year of Spencer deny how would those two fit as Denver’s second unit creators folz I think would be fascinating he could get into the paint not a shooter but I think he’s capable and he’s probably worth way more than what Denver can get or can give them but if these guys are interested in getting back out on the market who knows uh gome Chomsky asks uh is actually that is not what I tried to throw on the [Laughter] screen that uh that comment just came through uh is tus Jones getable the answer is probably no um I think that he like the target number that he was looking for was 15 million to 17 million I think some team will give him that or something close to it one of the best backup point guards on the market borderline starter not necessar NE a great starter but I don’t think that he’s getable um damn that dwy comment was funny um yeah I’m not I I wouldn’t go for deny I think that Russ is a better player if I’m being honest not necessarily an awesome fit but Russ is still a better player and there’s the cap there Mello thank you hope you guys heard that um all right where was I so if I was to say let’s say that Denver does get uh vaco and Russ and I’ll uh let me answer this one Kyle Lowry not going to be coming to Denver I think he’s going back to Philly I think they’re trying to decide exactly how they’re going to do it but I think he’s coming back to Philly um so if Denver added let’s say they went through and and they added the three of vaco Russ and Dario sarge is that good enough is that a good enough team is that smart like and as I wrote on the side here in the main topics was this plan a was this what the Nuggets were trying to do and to me that’s like that’s a fascinating question in and of itself because I’m just not sure that this is a good plan I think that there are a lot of people that feel that same way within the organization that they’re not entirely sure that this was smart especially with where Denver’s going um I’m endlessly fascinated by this I I don’t know how this is going to work but I put out that depth chart and that uh that rotation earlier today on Twitter and I basically said 10man rotation you’ve got the starters plus with brown in there then you’ve got Russell Westbrook Julian strw pton Watson Don Holmes Dario sarch I put together a rotation was like how many how many wins is this getting and the general consensus was like low 50s some people were higher some people were lower low 50s which be a step back for Denver They just won 57 games now might not be the worst idea in the world for them to take a step back from an energy standpoint and then like lose some more games intentionally just like not selling out their body trying to earn MV not no that’s that’s not fair trying to play every single game because you can I don’t think that this is necessarily a great deal I don’t think this is necessarily what Denver should have been going for I think this is kind of what they’ve had to back themselves into doing and that’s a different thing for sure but to me on the outside it just doesn’t feel like this team is in a good place you lose kcp you lose Bruce Brown in successive years the team has been preaching internal development possibly because there ‘s no other option really bro scratching the bed um has the team gotten better or worse over the course of these last two years I think is a very like reasonable question and that’s just not like super exciting for a team that’s like trying to compete for a championship in nioka just Prime like that’s a lot that’s a lot of a burden and the other thing the Jamal Murray extension isn’t final yet like that’s true like the Shams tweet was so fascinating to read and then reread and then to figure out the Murray extension hasn’t happened yet and there are reasons for that I think but it’s very very interesting that it hasn’t happened yet and I wonder when or if it does like maybe it will maybe it’ll happen but it hasn’t happened yet all in all nothing is sunshine and rainbows right now there’s a lot more pressure in all directions than I think people really understand and that is I think a very fascinating aspect ECT for what this team kind of looks like going forward is this going to be a continuation of last year where Denver just kind of loses one of their main rotation players couple main rotation players and then tries to replace them especially going young or are they gonna pivot are they gonna try to bring in some more vets and try to figure it out I don’t know what the answer is I don’t know but I think that the nuggets are I think there’s more going on than people understand okay let’s take a break when we come back we are going to discuss the Don Holmes presser some things that came out of that and then some uh some interesting things and I I want to spend more time on Don Holmes because I have not done so enough uh but we should bro stop it we will be right back on pickaxe and roll this is just so very like aggro right now what do you want we’re back pickaxe and roll thank you so much for tuning into the show all right Don Holmes very interesting Edition and somebody that I think I was interested in getting to meet unfortunately the kcp news I think was very distracting and like that presser because Tommy btis was there not Calvin Booth ultimately kind of was it was very interesting intense presser and not a lot of confidence I think coming from the org but I thought that was fascinating and learning about Holmes was interesting there’s no doubt about it not as Brash and overconfident as I kind of thought he would be just based off of his style I thought that he would be a little bit more a not a aggressive but like a little bit more not sure of himself I guess just like saying stuff just like just very very out there now he was nice and respectful and uh was a good quote and was pretty funny uh but when he was asked about what he wants to work on in the NBA he said basically everything didn’t really give a specific thing and that’s kind of the run-of-the-mill answer that you get from a lot of these guys because they don’t necessarily want to tell about their strengths they would like to just talk about what they are like like how they can continue to get better in the league and they’re just want to continue to improve everything which it’s understandable he was also asked and both of these questions were by Adam Mars who had some good questions here asked about what his goals are in the NBA he said just get better every day and win that was his General sentiment there uh Tommy was curious about or he he was sharing some stuff about Don and just the the way that he continues to play he talked about his free throws and how he was very aggressive getting to the free throw line a lot and maybe that’s something that he could do at the NBA level Denver of course needs somebody who can be a free throw guy because joic doesn’t get there as much as some of the main stars and then nobody on the roster I was going over this and I I tweeted this on Michael Porter Junior’s birthday that was not very Salient of me but Michael Porter among all players that average at most at least 16 points per game over the last 20 years has the lowest free throw attempt rate outside of Klay Thompson back in 2018 which I thought was fascinating like think about it from the the perspective of what Denver needs and how they could really help themselves The Warriors did not need any help from an offensive standpoint they could just jack up whatever they wanted and they would be fine the Nuggets I think need guys that can get to the free throw line and make them and maybe donon Holmes could do that maybe he could do a little bit of that for sure um but the most interesting tidbit and it was kind of wasn’t wasn’t this big thing but to me the most interesting tidb was that only Julian St has reached out among current nuggets which I think is fascinating donon Holmes big moment really looking forward to being a pro the only guy that’s actually reached out to him personally is Julian strw and then he met Hunter Tyson in the locker room like okay that was that was unexpected I would say like I’m not EXA I’m not expecting Zeke nji to reach out to him because Zeke’s probably like they just drafted my replacement joic I know is in Serbia he will never do that it’s just never a thing Jamal didn’t Mike didn’t Aaron none these guys interesting interesting so what will Holmes bring in his rookie season what will he bring I think it depends on what Malone decides what the Nuggets Stars wants like how they want to build their rotation more than anything else the good thing about Holmes is that he’s versatile he’s capable of doing a variety of different things and he could play the primary backup center he could slide over to backup power forward spacing gets a little bit cramped if you’re adding Russell Westbrook and then let’s say you’re playing sarich and then you’re playing Payton Watson and then you’re playing Holmes that is a lot of size not necessarily a great cohesive team great cohesive unit so I would kind of guard against that I think the best thing for him is to play him next to peatt where Holmes is the five and pwat is the four or to play him next to a guy let’s say it’s Sarge to play next to a guy like sarch where he’s the four and then he’s playing next to say Julian Str or Michael Porter at the three guys that can really space the floor really shoot that would be good that would be I think a good way to use him you do not have to play him every single night nor obviously do I think Michael Michael Malone would like to do that he doesn’t want to be pressured to playing more young players than he already has to but yeah I like the idea of Denver adding a big man like sarch finding another home for Zeke and then maybe dividing the backup center minutes between Holmes and Sarge that way neither has to play every night you can keep guys fresh you have different options and then other things could happen and DeAndre Jordan plays but I don’t think that that is the answer but look man Denver’s in a really weird place there a really weird team right now and without just getting too into the weeds here the fact that the team like you used to hear about the Nuggets reaching out to all these guys and being like hey so so excited to have you on the team maybe they will maybe it’s just a timing thing maybe they’ll all get into the gym but I’m looking forward to watching Don Holmes play personally I think it’ll be very good if it’s Jaylen picket and Don Holmes at Summer League that’ll be fun Hunter Tyson um I don’t think that Julian St will play but hey who knows maybe Julian St will play and like he has been in town he’s been in Denver so maybe he’s a guy that plays only for a couple games and then you get to see it and then you’ve got Trey Alexander and PJ Hall who were actually at that Don Holmes presser didn’t really didn’t introduce myself it was like we’ll have plenty of time over the course of these next couple days there will be some summer league practices there will be some stuff that’ll be good but going to be fascinating like I said this team is not done obviously the roster is not complete people think that it’s going to be Russ they think it’s going to be vaco they think it’s going to be somebody like AAR whether it is or not that remains to be seen and I know nuggets fans are feeling the pressure over the course of this next week I’m going to talk to Matt more we’ll get him on here we’ll talk about whether Denver’s so much worse that their Championship hopes are over which teams did really well in free agency we’ll talk for sure I’m definitely talking to my guy Jeff Morton we will be doing a half summer league podcast half nuggets podcast like and but like mostly just talk about other stuff that’ll be fun and then we’re gonna Just Vibe out the summer is going to be interesting I am moving over the course of this month so probably not going to be like a million podcasts I’ll will podcast whenever news comes out obviously but I can definitely see myself taking a little bit of a step back over the course of the rest of July but while things continue to go on you’ll definitely get more information from me so I hope everybody has a great day hope we get some good news for the Nuggets soon that’ll make things a lot easier hopefully everybody takes a little chill pill that’ll be good all right that is going to do it for this episode of pickaxe and roll brought you by our good friends over at number 38 and bet online thank you so much for tuning into the show hit that like button hit that subscribe button on the way out would really really appreciate it I will talk to you guys very soon

On the latest episode of Pickaxe and Roll, Ryan Blackburn discusses the latest news and updates around the Denver Nuggets in Free Agency. The Nuggets still have 12 reported players on their roster and are hoping to make more additions, possibly including Russell Westbrook. Will the current Los Angeles Clippers guard be traded to the Nuggets? Who else is coming to Denver? Ryan discusses the names, the plan of attack for Denver, and rookie DaRon Holmes’ press conference.

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  1. The only reason you're having doubts of having Westbrook on the team is because of the laker situation

    If Russ never went to the lakers, none of this would be a problem

    Any other player who can average 11, 5, 4 in under 22 minutes would be considered a valuable asset

    There is a reason why jokic, who is considered the best player in the world want him on the team.

  2. Is there even alignment in the front office ?? Mr Tommy seemed to hint that its more of Booths call and the stubbornness of Booth to bey so much on untalented youth. Also he seemed to imply Zeke was stating with the team…..lets see what evovles

  3. We need ball handlers, especially someone who can play in the playoffs. Unfortunately, Westbrook is the only player like that that we can afford. Let's not hate until we see it, I actually think that he can help…

  4. Russ gets his players paid. If you don’t know what that means he gets his teammates involved! He would forsure turn up mpj. The nuggets need a motor and Russ is that and sum.

  5. I think Jokic should tell Booth I also have a vision of a team future and I want this and this and that change or Im out ! F… Booth VISION like who is he to have a vision at all ? He should ask Jokic what vision should team have !!! Jokic to Booth I have a vision also where you got fired for all the BS we go through !

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