Dodgers vs D’Backs [FULL GAME] 7/2/24 | SHO ME THE HOMER πŸ”₯ Can’t Be Stopped πŸ”₯ Walk – OFF Big Win πŸ”₯

Dodgers vs D’Backs [FULL GAME] 7/2/24 | SHO ME THE HOMER πŸ”₯ Can’t Be Stopped πŸ”₯ Walk – OFF Big Win πŸ”₯

first home start and lasted just one and two the catching hey Bobby Miller after field he’s trying to find it half games off we go if you maybe you’re checking the box score nothing close to what his speed makes this a close Cel Marte is built off of that great glove this year vastly hey really and he wants to be one of the Marquee fouls this one off and it’s over the float by just the state from Miller Marte takes starting to get healthy he’s going to determine are they and this especially Dodgers then the Padres really is for Mike ha to decide what they to First Miller loses him after getting strikeouts and I I think when you’re talking Peterson with a fast spine myself trying too hard it’s nice to see him dot one there at the knees he does 90 much different than the up there it’s hard to hit 9899 at Dodger Stadium is bring out the best in Walker this may Dave Roberts into a sure do respect what this guy does from Miller and fouls it off County so Bobby trying to is two2 short for Roos scoreless now for Dave Roberts against an seven pitches as the opener trying to shut this man down to 316 he’s first in home as this year goes on man applies 11 otal he can’t get it grounded first but enough got there and then just over there you it’s just going to be a fly that’s just a Miss B Smith Double yeah so sure good good finish to it went into his Saturday’s game and there were a lot of guys that could [Applause] [Music] speak Will [Applause] Smith sming his return from the injured list settles fin is Freddy Freeman at 39 we’re talking about you know at first one gone swings at the first Le you know where you’re looking at the 14 runs and I feel like when in the year I felt like they were exhaust that ball falls down to Carol the injuries you look you can look ins similar with M yeah third five home runs four different Bullpen righty nowels into the game same situation back on 26-year-old from Henderson likes to throw things hard mix in the whatever he finds that is into the corner for tner on his way to third [Music] 5 that four seamer that four seamer is much off the four seam fast pahz takes up in terms of usage just nine takes that fast ball a little earlier about the lineup and and you know let him do his thing you’re talking there’s Max right there two two to pz offense in the National League when you’re facing real good pitcher Andy pz swings through a Oscar Hernandez after having Sunday off and then really year but he said at this point yeah that’s leads off this second for the diamond back to back heers makes with an eye on staying healthy to play once he get the prep has flipped few gel chops this one to third Chris Taylor’s one out working hard you have to go all out three but I should have been Brett Butler a center fielder for us Gabriel Lis and yoga to his routine whereas it used to be like and it’s more embraced and off two didn’t admit that recovery was ear comes home has room here ball one on Suarez stud this year looked pretty darn dominance and then things just any type of rhythm effective movement on 31 to Suarez is fouled off payoff to Suarez he got a Chase F against Ryan Nelson and hooks the for the first out it’s a season so much of last year’s penet being hurt or have a chance they bounc it a first easy one down complet a bit of leash there yeah saw a little bit up to the plate you happened the body language Nelson he leaves it upstairs for but maybe the confidence comes a little aren’t going well yeah see I shot all day long somebody patting me on the back in the Dugout 10 games last seven games first one one is in the dirt this has been his best two- one pitch he fouls it well in this situation league right down the that protection behind you t double his got another strike grounded off that’ll do it for the Dodgers in the second Alec Thomas leads in March where they injured his hamstring he got to cut it loose like center field the way he one of the things that made the the Diamond Back Gold Glove caliber defense his third year now Miller out of McKenry Thomas takes a lead they got Pomo back a few Scott [Applause] room back to the top and Carol takes St one to his last [Applause] five right now the only REM and first shot to come back bu [Applause] back on one out 3-1 pitch climb the pz round number two Bobby takes off on the ground to three scoreless innings for and fouls off Ryan Nelson other night all eyes onland before he was a big tou both played baseball ouch [Applause] just a yell fouls it off Otani swings and misses he pinpoint up they’ve already lost one MVP to the broken hand there to check on him he you Smith home with the one two Smith pulls it through the Treeman he says defense was set up there was a whole right stands Will Smith on his that then he says all right gel’s taking itz came into the game two for his last and Taps this one back second one the first Smith is into score based on that dejection hit with [Applause] place he was moving in now top five in the hours remaining ball a strike on pz sent to Oscar Hernandez to his first all good take an Allstar in 2021 went up with the fast ball and time one of two for Nelson broken back little on a hop another T pieces straight from the hall coming that one of the most important things we can be do tell the story of of the two countries and and and we felt it was important as well as Dave Roberts and T and then vice versa and the teams Peter Al’s including a well third there it is Hall of Fame and that’s just one say that La is the started with that tour here there was noo Mania yeah right another fires Walker you talk about noo I mean training uh and and connected him did you say if I said field pz on AER Dodger players career in this ballpark you know he’s behind and then tried to trick with that slide in pulls the first Josh you’re not supposed to bring bad luck about both squads here hearti the front of the building you walk into the plout in baseball history and their artifact is forever and we we we told Otani 100 years from now they’re great grandkids let’s stop and and look at it but when I took this from Marino when I took this that was really the the seminal moment people say all the time oh it’s on my bucket I I I will say Josh they be there for a week at one of those best week ever for these kids Cooper Town Suarez down in a wo’s arrival you out there I just waiting for this pitch that’s out that EK no way was ever has a chance of being sniffed and we have we have today I think noo just wanted to get like a burrito yard one of the unique things that people just baseball run organization and while they’re what we’ve got there come and see us or any of the others that we have John I’m going to get to Cooper’s town I’m going to make that long as next time you bring in out so two pitch swings and misses gets off the headset for Pomo in the dirt and a good stop on one oh R called and roas grounded out in that pitch gone in a tie game Le and you know while he will tell been attacked the way down you figur that thing still is a mile away yeah you see where you Chopper first in time 10th versus the pirates for Dodge roas hit it hard his first six last year to two no way I mean it makes sense bounces this one to Third that’s Suarez that he goles up cleanly to get and what does it look like when M bet yeah there’s a bit of a chit stop and he’s saying option that’s inside when he reads those rumors that they got to he gives the Dodgers another you on what they decide [Applause] to and they did ask second and Dave said yeah play at first and still got a while before he’s going to come back to that spot but a pretty good I think you just hit it on the head too two away Nelson trying for the just tune in phrase it that way one delivery draft pick 2019 got end of the year Strikes Out Chris and by your Southern California Toyota inning catel Marte leads off still nobody out Miller was able no small thing like more than anybody would like in trouble and got right out of it ball f ball [Applause] bying just 118 against it three times to Peterson in this home of the 2-2 it is Chris Taylor has it spotted it’s the Dodgers already this year 30 home run season guy that waited years for [Applause] ouch Walker who’s gotten it years old down in a it’s in today and tomorrow guys it’s one of them there and Sh his foot one ball one strike on get check on get one1 from Ryan Nelson swings [Applause] and first one in the third it’s going full on lock on and Smith the follow in this fifth inning two Lux fouls it off runs his best start out of his three C SW to third [Applause] Lux scored in the first inning struck out and that the job done tonight first pick for 10 with two KS let’s get both of them working together CH he’s got a hit the league thinks Victory though if an opposing pitcher he get you couldn’t ask for a more perfect pitch come on he’s there going to be the guy for the sixth inning G again the the last couple outing were they that was not I didn’t want it Al those is as mentally taxing it’s it’s you know it’s not anything Freeman you wish you would have now yes but when I play for the same sort of thing is don’t no two to two has had a fantastic year great they’ve been there hasn’t been continues to move the starters struggling strikes him out on Kelly started his rehab ass brid face is empty one away takes out Ramirez got I I mean for me and that first out Roberts in the dodg organization he’s got a one and a half you’re ever to see too much of that great smile Revitalize that but D I trust you’ve got good bouncing ball to a charging Roa two third Bas worth diamond back one and throw far di backs traded for things in the last 5 years he’s only got six so is out ring he’s walked and he struck out o and [Applause] two a two- two pitch and got for Daniel Hudson and the as leads off the six and grounds a base the six strike osar shoot it out to left field nine having reach just one way up no for T Oscar the smile has not W guy who shows up sulen when things aren’t going is hard enough and it brings so much [Applause] stress Alex v got sub one ER way out [Music] leaves it upstairs and those hands they come run into scoring position with two gone Clos Runners the first and second dominant St strike one with the 14 runs and 10 one and it Dives down yeah when you’re talking about stuff you’re talk grounded to short and that’ll end the six packed house as the Dodgers open the Arizona and the nine hitter swings and misses pitches League barely up the middle couldn’t get it out of his glove clean Speedy Pomo does a great J Can’t Do It cleanly Corbin Carrol for three today comes home Carrol shows squares again does not have one this with the way the Dodger def drags a bun Freddy Freeman’s to the bag gets Carrol [Applause] Carol going to play a con number fourel his natural side ready he takes good against this left on the ground’s going to come in to score it was a shot that came off the bat at over 100 that he had that in his glove and Lefty on Lefty for jock who takes there is talked about the pieces they’ve gotten back start tomorrow’s game he was placed on the [Applause] injury Dodgers have their starters line and he did it at a time swinging a miss and seven total STS Walker two run BR a tie with catel Mart will dump in for a base hit two on with two out just strong enough to she has given up three hits in an appearance only the second it’s also how un here’s another soft one his own hands he sh and a catel [Music] Marte Justin Martinez tce takes a for so where it’s like yeah that’s good but 500 and I know let like back to that word inconsistent Lux takes a lead [Music] off yeah Brent the number nine guy with oton power outside ball one he s how will it go [Applause] seventh home run of the year his stands for the most lethal Smith down longest this year it what but it was everything admiring his own work the crescendo night yeah it was Dodgers back in front Suarez will throw him out [Applause] pero but the Dodgers are and the do have Tak a Grand Slam against Kansas City is six seven and eight come up [Applause] here and that is to come back once again and it’s downstairs I I then he’s ready to come back and he’s walked and Lux was walked in front of as Suarez has been the guy T lll wants to buns oh not in time putting the ball in play Staples of Arizona’s game and especially Blake’s just got to eat that ball and still nobody out to askar Hernandez really interesting get the runner to back is square one here in takes ball playing you you’re saying I’m going [Applause] to stops [Applause] tonight major in sacrifice attempts this year Nationals first Padre’s second outside for ball two Carrol Marte on De [Applause] high and this goes to the third base so pz ground ball left side out of his glove the other inning Brown and takes a ball Rogers they’re down near the bottom of the majors pushes a perfect bunt right side it’s a go it off it’s Hayward bunt this for three takes a stri and three of his last 31 is fouled fouls it back went nine and one with a two fouls [Music] [Applause] it two and another pitch is getting at the top of the zone and just he got him this time well Chris Taylor has continued hit two away and [Applause] Taylor Dodgers that gave the Dodgers now there’s a slider [Music] but two it’s four payoff pitch it’s a slider it’s rolled to low throw but [Applause] it’s and he starts Kel [Applause] and he’s going to face a couple of Christian Walker after him wouldn’t know it here though so good strike one and sweeper cutter cutter in on the hands wow opposite direction right covers this one jock [Applause] Peterson tried to run that cutter back back in front a single run year and that’s got to be and he will be the second hitter coming to Walker and it’s down and month of the year with an oblique injury and the back in you’re going to find he just got under it so that’s two of those thinking the same thing for guriel fast Arizona has reached got sh Otani do up second Arizona since that home run is basically a two pitch pitch first pitch is fouled off to give up home runs if you’re the just get under it just like against sea wal back C and that same signs and fouls it off five nine [Music] Lux takes strike so seaal gets Otani with the bases this night really already [Applause] had over the plate I mean he just doesn’t ever throw Otani swings numbers he throws at 1% of not much anybody’s going to do with that one out of four in this game they get a shot smiing he’ll stop there time [Applause] [Music] running out bounces last month almost 370 frie Freeman to the Gap and out doubles herandez with a chance to win the game first guy I’m taking in Major League hernandz here’s the G throw bangang for speee [Music] [Music] speech fore spee [Music] [Music] spee [Music] come [Music] [Music] come foree [Music] spe

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Dodgers vs D’Backs [FULL GAME] July 2, 2024 | SHO ME THE HOMER πŸ”₯ Can’t Be Stopped Big Win πŸ”₯

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