Baltimore Orioles vs Seattle Mariners Live Play-By-Play & Reactions

Baltimore Orioles vs Seattle Mariners Live Play-By-Play & Reactions

yo it’s your boy Ryan Northwest sports fanatics back at you with a new video today is Tuesday July 2nd 2024 with your boy Ryan and the Northwest sports fanatics make sure you guys subscribe to the Channel smash that like button either now or on your way out donate to your boy if you can cash app Dollar Sign o r i o n nwsf or the YouTube super chat right here we got the Baltimore Orioles versus the Seattle Mariners first [ __ ] is going to be here in about 10 minutes so let’s queue up the music take a look at the thumb and I’ll get into the starting lineups hope everyone is having a fantastic Tuesday let’s go Mariners and on the thumb on the left we have gunar Henderson and on the right Julio Rodriguez let’s get into the starting lineup first for your visiting Baltimore Orioles these guys are the real deal just like the Yankees it might be one of those two teams that ends up in the World Series and representing the American League but you can’t forget about the Guardians the Mariners the Royals as well as the twins let’s go leading off for the Oro playing shortstop gunar Henderson batting second catching tonight for Baltimore adley rushman and it’s very rare to have two young players like gunar and adley that you could actually build a team around and that’s why the Orioles are so freaking good I see you batting third playing first base Ryan Oher batting cleanup batting fourth right fielder Anthony santand batting fifth dhing tonight for the Orioles eston kirad batting six playing Third Base tonight Jordan Westberg batting seventh playing left field for the O’s Colton cower batting eighth playing center field Cedric Mullins and batting ninth playing second base for the Orioles jge Mato and on the mound for Baltimore with a 9 and3 record an erra of 3.72 one of the best in the American League and overall in the Major League Baseball rankings great gron Rodriguez this one is going to be very very tough hopefully the Mariners can win two out of three but it might end up being one out of three and hopefully we don’t get swept um again we haven’t been swept at all this year but if we were it would be to a team like this they are very very good now let’s get into the staring lineup for your Seattle marinus leading off for the marinus at shortstop JP crait trid Dan up baby let’s go we’re going to need you let’s go J P batting in the two hole first baseman Ty France and hopefully by putting you in the two- hole you’re not going to hit into a bunch of double plays tonight because if you do this will be the last time we see Ty France in the two- hole batting third playing Left Field should be the everyday left fielder Luke rayy we’re going to need some good Luke rley here in this series if we want to be able to win two out of three or at least try to compete with this Baltimore orial team batting cleanup batting fourth catching tonight for the marinus big dumper Cal Ry batting fifth playing second base should be Ryan Bliss but I guess we’ll take it for now Jorge palano batting six playing right field this evening Dominic canzone and batting in the seven hole for the first time in his career sometimes you need to get punished when you’re not playing well and hopefully this will motivate Julio to get higher up in the batting order and we’ve seen him bat at one we’ve seen him bat at two we’ve seen him bat at three as well as six this will be the first time he’s this low in order but I think he deserves it he needs to be able to find some kind of motivation to be able to get better Julio Rodriguez and hopefully will Julio hitting in the seven hole that’ll help out the eight and the nine hole hitters tonight batting eighth dhing tonight for the Mariners amga and batting ninth playing third base for Seattle Hollywood Josh roof and we’ve seen roof B in the one and two hole but since JP back obviously from the injury about a month ago they moved JP into his solidified role Roos can be played at the one the two or at the nine even the eight if they want to put him in that position but remember this when Josh Hollywood Ro house was batting in the nine hole at the beginning of the year he was one of the only Seattle Mariners to crack the 300 batting average he was batting 300 to 350 in the nine hole hopefully he can get back to his former ways at the beginning of the season and on the mound for the marinas one of our Aces seven and five record with an erra of 3.35 it is George Kirby let’s go baby and like I mentioned multiple times on the stream make sure you guys are taking care of your mental health addiction depression anxiety these are things that a lot of people are going through right now or have in the so if you feel like you’re slipping a little bit into the darkness make some minor adjustments to your daily routine exercise eat a little bit healthier listen to music just doing those three basic things if you’re not doing them right now you’d be really surprised if you end up putting a little bit of effort you can come out the other end a lot faster and you can win the day big facts let’s go baby this is one of the best series in basball Baltimore Orioles Seattle Mariners we’re going to get first pitch going here in about 3 minutes 53 and 31 24 and 14 away for the Baltimore Orioles they are sitting at the top of the division there in the AL East barely over the New York Yankees and the Seattle Marines 47 and 39 we’re first in the AL West we did have uh you know 10 11 games above 500 but again the road trip hasn’t really been too kind to us as of late and we’re just trying to get back on track here at home let’s go baby let’s go M baby let’s get it dxo in the building hey said I’m early for once also the krener being productive this off season you’re telling me man I I was wondering what the you know new regime after hack uh ended up getting the exit you know what were they going to do were they going to be buyers were they going to be sellers were they going to go through the draft only and uh to a lot of people’s surprise they have been making not only moves but big moves and unfortunately some of the midlevel lower level guys have ended up you know getting released or signing with new teams because of salary and they’re also looking for the salary of some of their guys that are already on the roster now for next year but the guys that we ended up bringing in I I’m really liking uh the movement and it’s very rare to see the Kraken so involved uh in this kind of U you know open Period to be able to sign players and I’m liking it man I I think that you know we’ll still have to see the chemistry and the continuity we got a brand new you know obviously head coach there as well and we’ll see how everything has to flow together but I’m very excited to see what the Kraken can bring this next season and with the moves that we brought in you know with some pretty big name guys and I think we had a pretty decent draft as well there’s going to be a good chance that we should be able to compete uh hopefully for one of the playoff spots going into next year and if we don’t make it next year you would have to believe that they would make it the following year uh but I don’t know we’ll have to wait and see but it seems like they’re going to be better than last year and that’s all you can ask obviously if you’re trying to move into a positive direction of being a team that makes the playoffs almost every single year Kraken I see you in the building $5 holla appreciate you stacks on Stacks racks on racks a little Cactus Jack bang bang $5 holla let me know what you want to do for photos and I got you whether that ends up being Kraken or Mariners I got you appreciate you Daniel on the building what’s good Megan in the building HRA around hey I appreciate that you always coming through and showing love and supporting and you and me are big Kraken fans so obviously this is a kind of a it’s a fun last couple days but also with some of the lower level guys uh you know signing the other teams it kind of feels a little weird you know especially when you kind of have this love for certain types of players even if they’re not top tier if they’re not bork strand or matd baners that’s fine we still have love for everyone on the roster you know whether it’s the third goalie in net you know or it’s one of the guys that’s a defenseman that barely gets any playing time or a center or a forward so I know those are things that are going to be kind of um you know kind of tough you know for a few days but looking at the names that we actually brought in considered you know and comparing it to the people that we have to let go and have to you know have those players sign with new teams I would say that we came out on the winning end you know with the draft and with the free agency so far so I’m very excited to see where this team is going to move forward and it looks like uh you know they’re trying to make some moves to to show that hey we can be a playoff team and I’m hoping that we will be uh for many many years to come appreciate you stacks on Stacks racks on racks little Cactus Jack bang bang $20 holla let me know what you want to do before you end up getting uh you know if you have the migraine a little bit and you got to dip out early let me know and I got you appreciate you Captain Oreo in the building what’s good I hear a little something for all your troubles hey let’s go and I grinded out I got a lot of bills to so it really means a lot Captain Oro with a seven thank you guys three of you coming up big early before the game starts it means a lot to me thank you so much stacks on Stacks racks on racks little Cactus Jack bang bang and for a lot of y’all know I do this full-time so this isn’t like a part-time gig so every dollar counts every like counts every share counts everything counts every sub counts so thank you so much I appreciate you thexpo Captain Oreo and Megan let me know what you guys want to do for photos and I got got you let’s go Sarah in the building what’s good I think the main reason that they wanted to do it is because they want to score you know and that was a big problem you know we obviously need a little bit more consistency in that and I agree we do need defensemen right but obviously if you can have high-profiled centers you know and forwards that I can actually get the puck in the net we can eventually over time start collecting defensemen in the draft and in free agency right and again they’re making moves a little bit of everywhere if you actually look at the draft and look at all the players that we brought in we’ve kind of sprinkled in a little bit of everything a little bit of centers a little bit of forwards a little bit of defenseman even getting a a new goalie in net you know to compete with the ones that we have obviously dredge you know moving on Tomas Tata moving on and a few others dumolin and that kind of sucks but for the names that we ended up bringing in uh you know we have someone that has Stanley Cup Final experience almost every single year we’re bringing in at least one or two guys that have either gone to the Stanley Cup Final or won it all and I like that so I really like the direction of where we’re going and it looks like we’re going up up up Matt in the building what’s good let’s go baby we’re at 32 68 to go let’s get it happy birthday brother day in the building what’s good let’s go all right got you yeah but do we actually feel comfortable with the centers and the people that we have you it’s always good to be able to bring in more individuals that can take over each line you know if we only have like one Center out of four lines that we really feel confident in being able to get goals you know game in and game out I don’t think it is a problem one bit do we need more defenseman yes we do but again we have many years to be able to build this team we’re brand new we’ve only been in existence for a couple years so again you know each year is going to be a little bit different this year heavy on the centers maybe not as much on the on the Wingers and and in the goalies and the defenseman but maybe next year it’ll flip and maybe next year they’ll focus more on defenseman Less on centers because we got them this year you know and we just have to be able to see how it all plays out but I like the way that this regime is doing things so far and uh hopefully it ends up working out for the Kraken moving forward let’s go top of the first gunar Henderson in the on a onew count let’s go baby and obviously with guow and dord you know they had their moments but also there was times where they didn’t look that good either so again you know I was mentioning even last year in the next five to 10 years it wouldn’t shock me if they start going for you know goalies here and there either in the draft or free agency just to try to be able to get you know that solid piece boom got him let’s go adley rushman up next gunar Hendry and sit down I like that nice job by George Kirby right out of the gates let’s go and hopefully George Kirby can get 7 to 10 K to give us a chance here tonight and if he doesn’t get seven to 10 hopefully four to six and that’ll be good enough for us to be able to get the victory it’s going to be tough here tonight gunar Henderson Allstar going to be in the Home Run Derby absolute stud next up from Oregon catcher adley rushman and again it’s very rare where you have a young upand cominging team that’s got two guys that you can build build a franchise around one in gunar Henderson and two in adley rushman this team is the real deal Holyfield and hopefully we can minimize the damage that gunar and adley will do to the Mariners let’s go little Chopper Roos Ty France here we go two away Odin in the building what’s good but I was a little shocked with some of the bigger name players that the Kraken ended up getting and how those individuals you know really felt loved and and wanted and that’s why they signed with Seattle and we ended up getting a few long-term deals done you know not for like a couple years like you know two or three or four but a couple of the deals from the bigname guys were like seven years so that’s a that’s a nice sign now will they play all seven years in Seattle we don’t know but you know to give a seven-year deal out um you know to a couple of these new studs coming in you know to give us some stability I like that popped up Ryan o’ three up and three down baby great inning Gunner Henderson see you later Aly rushman see you later Ryan o’n see you later nice job by George Kirby let’s go but at least someone in the Pacific Northwest is spending money you know we already know with like the Blazers and the Mariners obviously the sonics will be back here in a couple years and hopefully they’ll spend money but a lot of the teams in the Pacific Northwest it seems like are a little stingy with the pocketbook so to be able to dish out the dollars and to bring in a few individuals to the Kraken to make them better uh pleasantly surprised and again I think a lot of Kraken fans when they opened up social media within the last couple days after the draft it was uh it was it was kind of a a welcoming surprise on the timeline you know I was like wow really you know and again we don’t know if these guys are going to pan out it’s too early to say that but based on what they have done on previous teams it seems like we ended up getting some real good character guys and that’s really what it’s about and bringing out being able to make this team molded into some type of playoff worthy team year in and year out so I like what I see let’s go leading off for the marinez short stop J B Crawford batting in the two hole first baseman Ty France and batting third left fielder Luke brayy see if I can squeeze in a couple photos here real quick get a couple Marin Moes out of the way we’ll keep them in the bucket they’ll get popped up here and there got to get Maurice up there early and often appreciate you dxo Captain Oro and Megan appreciate you very much like sub donate comment share help your boy out if you guys have a Twitter SLX account do your boy a solid and like and retweet the stream it’ll help us get more individuals here not only on the Twitter SLX side but on the YouTube channel side as well it’d be greatly appreciated and shout out to the four individuals that have done that already Sarah Megan True North Trident and Matt thank you to the four of you very very much and let’s try to get to 20 likes within the first hour and we’re going to shoot for 30 to 50 within the Stream So if you are in the room right now and haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do we just hit double digits we’re at 10 we got 19 in the room now we’re at 12 there’s seven of y’all that haven’t done it just yet but hopefully you will here in the next few minutes and then we can get to that 20 number and then move to 30 let’s go 20- pitch to JP Crawford in there for a strike two1 count two one pitch pitches outside but called with a strike right on the corner of the The Zone there supposedly come on JP chop foul 2 two count I mean I think the Seahawks are going to spend money no matter what you know that that’s like the one organization you know out of all the teams that actually spends money Blazers Mariners and obviously up to that point JP back back back to the warning track caught one away you know but I feel like uh you know with the Kraken they’re so new you know we didn’t really know if they were really going to be buyers you know or if they were just going to try to build it through the draft and just try to work with the guys that they had so I think that uh with the Seahawks you’re going to see them spend money sometimes they’re going to spend more money than expected sometimes just about what you thought and then they’ll build within the draft like most teams but I think with the Kraken I don’t know man I was really surprised that they ended up grabbing you know as many players as they did and high-profile players at that you know with long-term deals that was shocking to me so hopefully that’s going to be a part of the new regime moving forward Ty France two away next up left fielder Luke Ry let’s go Luke like sub donate comment share we got 44 in the building let’s go pitch on the corner for a strike 01 count let’s go Luke we’re going to need a big series out of you 01 pitch to railing toop behind the plane behind in the count 02 go Luke one thing about Luke rley you know he’ll always play tough and always Hustle No matter what every single play 02 pitch from Rodriguez to reallyy got him and again Rodriguez is lethal nine and3 record with a 3.72 erra so there’s a chance that the Mariners won’t have really a whole lot of hits or runs until the seventh inning and I’m hoping you know uh the seventh eth and Ninth are going to be good for us which they typically are the seventh inning is our best inning out of all SE uh all nine innings throughout a game but you know when you have a pitcher like Grayson it’s going to be very difficult to see what we can be able to get on him and hopefully we’ll be able to get at least a couple hits and runs before he gets pulled in the sixth and if we can do some damage to him prior to that and have him go out in the fourth or fifth that would be ideal but I don’t think that’s going to happen nine and three record 3.72 ER Grayson Rodriguez onek a piece so far if I can get a few more photos here plugged in end of the first inning we’re knotted up here at zero next up for Baltimore right fielder Anthony Santander batting in the five hole dhing hastin kirad and batting in the six hole third baseman Jordan Wester get a different picture of Santan there there we go bark at the park baby let’s go George top of the second 0 Orioles and Mariners two of the top six teams in the American League see if I can squeeze these in here real quick send there top of the second 10 count popped up behind the plate foul appreciate you go in for the rest of the photos here in just a second santand there popped up full speed in there for Julio but it drops right in front of him for a base hit for Anthony for of the ball game for santand there next up bhing for Baltimore hon Kira let him know big swinging the Miss on GE stad 0 one count 01 pitch secir stad chops at one foul behind in the count 02 miles in the building what’s good big swing in a miss this is the good George Derby baby there we go nice job George if George can get one or two strikeouts every inning you know obviously that’s going to bode well for us even if he only ends up with four to seven strikeouts you know throughout the game you know just to be able to minimize the damage with this team and again you know things haven’t been really too good for the Mariners as of late you know we had a horrible road trip you know at home uh it’s been a little rough lately you know and we had a you know a nice little lead of 10 games on the Astros and Rangers and now it’s only about four or five games so you know again we really need to see what we can do in these next three series we got the Orioles three of them here at home today tomorrow and then obviously on Thursday then we got the Toronto Blue Jays and then I believe after that the San Diego Padres so hopefully we can beat up on the Blue Jays and Padres and if we get lucky he might be able to win two out of three of this particular series got him what a double play realistically one out of three would be more realistic for the Mariners against the Orioles but if we get lucky and we win this game we might be able to go two out of three let’s go dxo you have any individual that you want I know Captain Oro wanted the Marin her moose anything that you want photo wise let me know favorite player doesn’t have to be Mariners or Orioles it could be whatever you want let me know and I got you next up big dumper Cal Raleigh B’s that one back 01 count let’s go Cal let’s get that batting average up 202 average 14 oh and 50 ribbies here in 2024 Rodriguez is going to be tough we got to find ways to either get a cheap home run or consecutive hits back to back to back to be able to make him pay Raleigh Pops up should be a routine play for the Orioles you got three Orioles converting oh wow that was close three Orioles converging together cowser and Company and luckily they did not run into each other one away next up for the Mariners here in the bottom of the second second baseman Jorge palanco P inside one one count two on count from Rodriguez to palanco bottom of the second 0 Orioles and Mariners let’s go baby 2-1 pitch from Rodriguez to palanco big swing in a miss two two count come on polo got to be batting above 200 my guy let’s go like sub donate comment share if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do let’s try to get to 20 likes within the first hour and then we can get to 30 to 50 by the time the stream ends pitch is high got him all right we’re at 17 25 in the room on the YouTube side another 25 roughly on the Twitter SLX again if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do we need three more out of the eight that are in the room to smash that like button and we’ll be at 20 appreciate yall V done okay gzone takes a strike down the middle 01 count big swinging a mess I would assume that Dallas Vegas and you know obviously with the ABS in the playoffs when we beat them and you know game seven then lost to Dallas the following and you know Vegas is always going to be great so I would agree with that as well Dall I’m not really sure if we have one that’s like you know like you know normally in sports there’s like that one you know but whoever it is I mean I’m not really sure if we have a heated rivalry with any of those three teams it seems like when uh other teams do something dirty to us it’s not those three teams I mean sometimes you know those players will but sometimes it ends up being like one of those Rando teams that ends up being cheap towards us and we uh you know have to get payback later if they end up doing a cheap shot or whatnot but yeah I would uh I would I would agree with those three as well not really sure if if one has priority over the others but I would say that those would probably be the the three you know with uh Dallas and Vegas and Colorado but it doesn’t really feel like a heated you know type of rivalry yet as the years go on and more and more when we play each other in the playoffs and if crazy [ __ ] happens then it’ll build more of a rivalry and we’ll see if there’s another team that will emerge but I would probably agree with that those three for now there Dred Tata sauce little Vince done appreciate you guys guys any other uh photos from the people that donated from uh Oreo captain thexpo and Megan let me know uh if there’s anything else photo wise as we’re going throughout the broadcast and I got you top of the third Z George Kirby wheeling and D next up is Colton cower like sub donate comment share let’s go baby try to get to 100 in the donos and let’s get to 50 likes let’s go cowser Line Drive throw to first one away and the last uh three streams versus the uh Minnesota Twins at home we got 50 53 and 58 so we’re definitely going in the right direction with the light oh I know that’s what he’s going to want to see top of the third z00 Mariners and Orioles next up is Cedric Mullins Chopper towards first foul top of the third 0 0 O’s and M’s 01 pitch Chopper towards foul territory towards first 02 count 378 average for Cedric Mullins last few games 252 career average see if we can knock him out here real quick make it an easy one two three inning come on George 02 pitch pitch is high and outside one two count go Jord onew pitch from Kirby de Mullins popped up goes behind the plate one two count one two pitch Chopper towards first base and foul if you count mollins is battling pitch is high two two count two two pitch to Mullins pitch is high and outside 3-2 count count is full 3-2 pitch and Pitch is high and it’s a walk from Mand we know George Kirby doesn’t really walk too many individuals going into one of the last starts he was averaging only 25 walks a game which was like number one in MLB so usually it’s no walks or one walk and that’s it for George Kirby so next up second baseman Jorge Mato maybe we can get a double play here and get out of the inning Runner goes throw to Second got him Cal righ with another Runner thrown out Cal Raleigh one of the top three individuals in MLB and throwing Runners out let’s go nice job Cal how dare you try to throw on Cal righ good ball placement good catch by palano and a great tag by Jorge as well there we go two away great defense finally we actually get some good defense Oreo there we go that’s another part of Cal’s game that people don’t realize that how good he is not only as a leader catcher is one of the hardest positions to play in baseball and overall in sports you know to be able to go through and manage all the different personalities and the EG keep everyone light and and happy you know and to be able to throw guys out defensively you know there’s a big difference when you know Cal righ is there or sebie zala or Mitch Garber you know and obviously we’re gonna have Harry Ford coming up at some point as long as we don’t trade them away before the trade deadline so I’m definitely excited to see the development of our guys in our farm system but Cal should be the catcher for us for the rest of his career I mean if you haven’t if you haven’t bought in to Cal Ry yet I don’t know what else he needs to do besides get his batting average up but everything else you know he’s done and he’s exceeded the expectations defensively as a leader uh you know being a good switch hitter and on top of that coming up clutch in the seventh eighth and ninth inning more than any Seattle Mariner has since he’s been there so again but batting average could be better you know we know he strikes out too much but you could say that for every player on the Mariners and hopefully we’ll be able to get his batting average up to 250 to 300 and then once that happens he will be a perennial Allstar Salvador Perez is getting a little older ABY rushman will always get more votes than him but Cal could be the second catcher you know in the near future after Salvador Perez either retires or falls off a little bit popped up for Mato there we go canzone is there easy one two three inning there for George Kirby baby let’s go go to the bottom of the third 00 Orioles and Mariners and it wouldn’t surprise me if this same type of scenario happens tomorrow where it might be a pitching duel and it might be a little tough you know Corbin Burns Orioles Logan Gilbert I mean we we might have the same type of thing so you know being able to find way to win even if it ends up being one Z or 2-1 is going to be very critical against this Baltimore orial team squeez in a couple here for Matt and Megan usually I’ll wait towards kind of the end of the broadcast but it’s Matt’s birthday so we’ll show him some love I’ll get you your little T Swift and then if there’s any specific Oregon players you want to see past or present just type it in the chat and then I’ll uh get those mixed in during the commercial break I got you happy birthday my guy there you go Bud next up for the Marines in the seven hole for the first time in his career center fielder Leo Rodriguez batting in the E hole dhing for Seattle is hanar and batting third in the nine hole third baseman Hollywood Josh Roos let’s go Hollywood let’s go Roos and I think that it was smart to be able to uh you know punish Julio I mean he hasn’t been really playing well so again if you have a lot of pressure either batting lead off or being in the two or the three hole you might as well move him down you know to the six seven eight hole and have him earn back the position that he lost you just can’t keep putting a guy in the same spot thinking that things are eventually going to turn around and I know he’s been putting in extra work you know with Edgar Martinez and with the couple batting coaches that they have and obviously it hasn’t really been working so far you know not a whole lot of doubles or triples not a lot of home runs not hitting with a lot of exit V for power probably lost some confidence and some Swagger you know he’s been hearing you know all of the chitter and all the Chata you know that he’s not been that good this year but again you know this is a you know one of the bases of the franchise and hopefully he’ll be able to turn it around here in July and August when the weather gets warmer Judah in the building what’s good brother how are you now we’re going to have a heat wave coming up here from Thursday until like Wednesday where it’s going to be 90 to like 105 uh almost every single day so might have to be able to get the AC unit plugged in maybe a couple weeks early normally around the second or third week of July but hell if it’s going to be 90 to 105 for like six or seven days straight uh that’s going to be a little bit too hot for just you know box fans or personal fans they jammed Julio easy out one away and obviously they know that Julio ends up you know swinging at a lot of pitches inside he gets more pitches inside than any Superstar player at baseball they know how to work him they watch tape and obviously it’s worked and hopefully Julio can either change its stance step back a little bit further you know so that way that he’s not getting jammed so much in the inside but another out for the Seattle Mariners next up dhing for the Mariners Mitch hanar slow roller throw to first two away next up third baseman Hollywood Josh Roos let’s go Hollywood EZ in the building what’s good yeah I’m going to the uh Orioles game here on Thursday on July 4th so I’ll be doing the stream here tonight we’ll be doing the stream tomorrow Corbin Burns and Logan Gilbert I was really hoping to see Logan Gilbert but when Brian woo got injured it kind of [ __ ] up the start so we’re gonna see uh you know Bryce Miller probably the worst pitcher that we have on the staff depending on if they bring up Emerson Hancock but with that being said that might be the game where you actually get some runs and you get some hits hopefully so I don’t see a whole lot of runs and hits in these first two games for either team it’s a pitching duel in this game a pitching duel tomorrow Corbin Burns and Logan gilbertt but with Bryce Miller you know on Thursday hopefully we can get five runs seven to 10 hits and there’s a lot of foul balls and hopefully I’ll end up with a ball or two on my way home on the fourth of July obviously if I get two I’m going to keep one give one to my buddy since he’s never got one if I only get one I’m going to give it to him so but I’m going to be shooting for a Julio Rodriguez Cal Raleigh Gunner Henderson or adley rushman those are the four players that I’m going to be shooting for so my head will be on a swivel I will not be doing a lot of heavy drinking you know I’m going to make sure that I’m ready to go rohawk right up the middle nice base knock there we go Josh hell yeah we got to celebrate little minor thing when you play against a team like this because again you know we have a hard time getting runs and home runs you know let alone hits and when you’re going against one of the best teams in baseball you got to be able to celebrate every little hit even if we only get four or five this whole game we got to make sure that we can hopefully get into a rally where we can get more than one hit an inning you know and if we do get a hit in an inning it’s got to be a home run later in the game so hopefully we can get a couple base knocks here and we can end up getting some RBIs before the seventh inning next up J D Crawford pistol fingers up Trident up let’s go one pitch JP easy routine play to first and that’s what happens when you go against Baltimore very tough we leave one stranded end of the third inning Z Orioles and Mariners any other photos from Captain Oro dxo Megan Matt you let me know I got you like sub donate comment share let’s see if we’re at 20 likes yet we’re just approaching the 1 hour mark and let me know what Duck players you’re thinking if you want Marcus Mariota L Michel James DeAnthony Thomas or if you want some Dylan Gabriel obviously for the new regime you let me know and I got you appreciate you man I got to delete some of these make some room take a look at the pitching stats here real quick for both pitchers all right so first with h Grayson Rodriguez this guy’s a stud he’s probably the best no-name pitcher that no one even even heard of in the American League three Innings pitch one hit no earn runs no walks three KS he’s got a nine and3 record I don’t think many people know who he is I mean obviously if you watch the Orioles every day you do but if you don’t this might be the first Glimpse that you’re seeing of Rodriguez and you will see him in the playoffs big facts 9 and3 record 3.72 ER and then let’s take a quick look at George Kirby’s numbers George Kirby three Innings pitch zero hits zero earned runs one walk in 2K so he’s only 1K behind ra of 3.25 3.59 for Rodriguez let’s go let’s keep it going Kirby and obviously you know when Kirby is off you know we’re giving up one to four runs within the first two innings and when that happens that’s when you know Castillo is no good right Logan Gilbert’s no good you know Kirby’s no good W Bryce Miller you know Emerson Hancock when you give up one to four runs within the first two innings you know they have no chance of getting eight n 10K and they’re probably going to get pulled within the first four Innings maybe five so so far so good we’re in the top of the fourth both hitters on both teams are struggling pitchers are doing great going to be a pitching duel today a pitching duel tomorrow only one hit each so far and we’re in the fourth inning so it shows it shows you if you got a good pitching staff even if you’re hitters are very very good and we know Baltimore is a much better hitting team than we are right but we got to find a way to limit the production and the Damage especially to gunar Henderson look at that 287 average 26 homers 58 ribbies going to be in the Home Run Derby and I know that you know we were hoping that Julio would have numbers similar to this and like Aaron judge but he’s nowhere near that but gunar is really taking off this year I think most people have known Aly rushman as the best player on the team but Gunner with a hit right there is showing that hey you know a lot of people are going to know that this is adley rushman team but you know down the road will gunar Henderson end up being a better overall player tough to say they both look like they could be Hall of Fame type of players if they keep it up but I like what I’m seeing from gunar Henderson and adley rushman nice base Knock by gunar right up the middle just like Hollywood Roos had in the last inning next up from Oregon catcher adley rushman nice to be able to see you know a player high draft pick from Oregon State you know ended up winning some championships there and uh you know when you’re a top pick and then you end up going to a team that you know is a bottom Theater which what Baltimore Orioles were when he first came up and then to be able to see the progression that Baltimore has made in these last few years it’s very exciting and hopefully the Mariners can follow suit let’s go baby like sub donate comment share help your boy out where are we at on the likes are we at 20 yet we got 57 in the room so we should be 30 on the room on the Twitter or 30 on the YouTube side 27 on the Twitter exide and you guys did it you guys are the best we’re at 22 likes we have eight people that haven’t the like button just yet out of the people in the room but we got to 22 we need eight more to get to 30 and then we want to be able to try to shoot for 50 we’ve hit 50 plus in the last free screen top of the fourth 0 Orioles and Mariners runner at first 02 count to adly rushman let’s go M Chopper throw a second and it hit gunar Henderson safe damn it should have went to first base there or hey palano what are you thinking idiot take the easy out to First instead of trying to go to Second for this double play that would have never happened Ryan Bliss hello Ryan Bliss are you there let’s let’s go hit gunar Henderson in the butt cheek and then get nobody out instead of one out at first that’s another reason why Jorge palanco has got to go Fielder Choice run her out says r grounded into the fielders choice is second Henderson is out at second supposedly okay okay next up is Ryan oarn here we go one away Hearn fly out to left next up for the Orioles right fielder Anthony santand nice catch by Luke grle there let’s go baby let’s go 23 likes 7 more to get to 30 good choice bro pick off play Hey I get it man when you have other things that you you’re doing you know uh no worries what Lego set are you building are you building uh just like a generic Lego set or is it like something specific like Star Wars or something enjoy aord for the Dono great choice5 do Hala appreciate you stacks on Stacks Haisley stacks on Stacks racks on racks Cactus Jack bang bang five Halla we’re at 37 there we go 63 to go to hit the goal send there takes a strike 02 cow top foul 02 count let’s go George 02 pitch to send there pitches High onew count all right I got you guys top of the fourth Runners at first and second with one out send Pops that one up does it stay in foul territory out of play lucky souvenir for someone in the fifth row and hopefully that’ll be someone like me here in a couple days but either way you know if we get a ball or two or if we don’t get any I’m still going to hook up my uh buddy with a nice surprise at the end of the trip I just haven’t decided yet what I want to give him you if I want to give him an icho Suzuki rookie card graded I already gave him one of those the last time I saw him or maybe a Julio Auto you know graded something like that I don’t know Julio rookie card so we’re going to have to wait and see we’ll see at the end of the trip on what ends up happening but I’m going to do everything in my power like I always do when I go to games to try to get at least a ball you know I don’t want to get greedy I don’t need to get you know a lot you know but it’d be amazing if we could end up getting one or two and usually in the areas that we sit you know we’re in a good spot so you know there usually will be a couple chances you know it just depends on if the ball is going to be in a row close to us where I can run up and down on the aisle because I have an aisle seat uh you know or if it ends up being like a line drive or if it’ll be over my head you know because I’ll jump if I need to it’s you know if I got to get a finger on a on a baseball going over my head and I’ll jump and I’ll try to get it that’s what ended up happening with the Julio in 2022 and uh his rookie year JP Crawford had a baseball that went right over my hand and it hit my finger but it went back like about five rows after it hit my hand but then about seven Innings later that’s when I ended up getting the Julio in the ninth inning in his rookie year so sometimes you just got to be patient two two pitch but in that that game uh when I got the Julio ball when we went to go see Bobby Whit Jr I think I had five chances in the in the area that we were sitting about you know 15 rows back right on the aisle and if I really wanted to be an ass I could have stepped in front of a couple people and you know and got a couple more you know but again the people that ended up getting the baseball weren’t even the people that were in the row they dropped it and then usually kids will end up getting it uh-oh there brings in an RBI one Zer Baltimore Santander with a nice RBI there got Runners at first and second one away one Zer Orioles next up dhing for Baltimore hon kirad sentan there single to right Henderson scored rushman to Second they got to stop the bleeding we can’t get this lead up to a very high number you know because again the Orioles you know we have to understand them and the Yankees and the Guardians you know those are going to be the top three teams in the American League and one of those three more than likely will make it to the World Series and if it’s not those three then it’ll be Seattle the Minnesota Twins or the Kansas City Royals so those are the best six in the American League and then again Braves Dodgers Phillies Brewers Padres and then we’ll see if there’s another team that ends up emerging later in the season one pitch on the corner for a strike one-1 count nirad one one pitch from Kirby to Kad big swing in a miss one two count let’s get out of this inning baby we want we don’t want to be down three Z we got to keep it just to one all all my buddies are like no Bliss like no kidding onew pitch that one fouled off one two count come on George onew pitch pitches low and into the dirt nice job by Cal Ry scooping that up and you got to think if Cal wasn’t so good with awareness think about how many wild pitches that you’re going to have from Castillo Kirby Gilbert woo Miller that if he didn’t have that awareness how many extra runs would have scored and how many Runners would have advance from first to second second to third third to home based off a wild pitch that couldn’t be handled by someone like sebie zalo or Mitch Garver so you know we have to be very grateful for someone like Cal Ry that we have as a catcher for the Seattle Mariners 3-2 count to Hon kirad come on Mariners got to get kir stad out let’s go 3-2 pitch fou back almost everyone on Baltimore looks like they’ve made they’re made from like a laboratory some of them look very similar to each other as well top of the fourth one zero Baltimore Runners at first and second one out three2 pitch from George Kirby to Hon kirad come on George 32 pitch got him nice job Kirby here we go two down third k for George Kirby three KS for Rodriguez on the other side as well the only difference is Baltimore’s got three hits now in a run and we only have one hit let’s go m next up for the Orioles third baseman Jordan Westberg come on M yeah if you got a good farm system it definitely helps I mean this is the brightest future that the Mariners have had maybe ever you know and and since their existence they have such a good depth you know in the farm system I’ve never seen depth like this before and I’ve been watching since the 80s so but it just depends if we’re going to keep those guys and have them develop or if we’re going to trade some of them away for a big name this year or next year or in future years that that’ll be the real big question I honestly do feel that some of the players could be starters that we have in the farm system at one point Lazaro Montes Cole Young Cole Emerson Harry Ford you know and then you still got guys like Tyler Rockler and Ryan Bliss that should be playing every day in my opinion I get it you know Ty France and Jorge palanco are are like bigger names but if everybody’s striking out you might as well just go to the young guys and see what they can do and then just move those other guys like palanco and France at DH popped up canzone is there all right we leave two stranded so it ends up being only one zero instead of three Z George is a little upset but hey one Zer against one of the best teams in baseball first place team Orioles first place team Seattle Mariners I mean pretty good you know you would want it to be around one or zero at this point so let’s see if we can actually bounce back here and give them a little piece of our medicine here and hopefully we can get on the board as well let’s go to the bottom of the fourth inning one zero Baltimore next up for Seattle 0 for one first baseman Ty France batting second 0 for one with a K Luke rayy and batting third 0 for one big dumper Cal Ry let’s go ch appreciate you I don’t it doesn’t look like it based off the voting you know maybe maybe uh you know if someone decides to not play you know but I would assume it would be pitchers you could say Andre Muno would be deserving Logan Gilbert you know or George Kirby you know would maybe be deserving but those would probably be the only players that would actually get any type of look and obviously they’d be a bench person you know they wouldn’t be getting very much playing time they would probably get like half an half of an inning like in the seventh eighth or ninth inning and that would be it so I you know or they might not even play at all sometimes you go to to an All-Star Game and if you’re one of the last guys pick sometimes you don’t even get in depending on who’s managing the ball club and if they have like a a grudge against your team or whatever so but I would say you know George Kirby you know Logan Gilbert is the most deserving pitcher then George Kirby as far as starters are concerned Brian woo would have been in consideration if he wasn’t hurt even though he didn’t have enough really starts under his belt but for the games that he did play I mean he played pretty [ __ ] well right uh and then obviously Andre Munoz is one of the closers so I would say Logan Gilbert and Andre Muno probably have the best shot I don’t think Kirby has any shot to get in but you never know unless people did people Decline and then maybe he gets in but I would say Gilbert and Munoz would be the ones that I would think that would be the most deserving at least this year besides Cal Ry but he’ll get snubbed uh and then obviously Julio might get invited if he does the Home Run Dury otherwise if he doesn’t then he wouldn’t be invited at all and he hasn’t really earned it this year either it would just be like a fan thing you know putting Julio in but I mean hell if they’re gonna put Julio in they might as well put Cal righ in as like the third catcher or something but no Dawn in the building what’s good appreciate you you guys have a stellar team man you guys are small market like Seattle and uh again you know you got you and the Yankees and the Guardians at the top and then you got the sleeper teams you know the Mariners the Twins and the Royals so realistically as long as there’s no major injuries to step Quan Jose Ramirez Aly rushman Gunner Henderson Aaron judge Juan stto as long as there’s not major injuries to those guys or the pitching staff it would probably be more than likely one of those teams that makes it representing the American League but with that being said if there is injuries or is there kind of a slump you know going into late summer early fall the Royals Twins and Mariners are definitely good enough to take advantage if a team ends up going into a slump so uh we’re definitely 16 I don’t know who’s going to end up making it but uh congrats to your Orioles and again they are a very fun team to watch I’m going on Thursday to watch them on the 4th of July I only yet get to go about one or two games a year so I’m streaming this one then I’ll be streaming tomorrow Lin Burns versus Logan Gilbert should be a pitching duel just like this and then we got Bryce Miller on Thursday and I don’t know what we’re going to get in that game that one might get ugly where you know both teams give up three four five runs a piece and uh maybe I’ll have a better chance at a foul ball appreciate you Don onew pitch from Rodriguez Dey pitches outside two two count come on Luke two two pitch from Rodriguez dery got him and this might might be the best pitcher that no one has ever heard of nine and3 record erra of 3.72 of course Rodriguez would love to get his ra into the high twos rather than into the high threes but you can’t take away from his record nine and three he’s getting a lot of run support yes but again you don’t want to be able to diminish his skill set he’s a stud another k for Grayson Rodriguez next up big dumper Cal Raley first pitch goes foul 01 count 0 for one with a fly out in the second for big dumper let’s go baby hopefully one day we’ll be able to figure out how to be able to get back-to-back hits in an inning let’s go one zero O’s yeah rubber match is going to be a [ __ ] show you already know that I mean you got Rodriguez on the mound right with George Kirby who’s our second best pitcher at this point since Woo is injured right Logan Gilbert is our best pitcher and you to go against your quote unquote best pitcher tomorrow in Corbin Burns so you know I I don’t know what’s going to happen I it could end up being where the hitters get extremely lucky and both teams get to five runs and you know it ends up being like a six5 game but I highly doubt it I I would assume it will be like this it’ll be kind of low scoring but once the starting pitching goes out we don’t really know what’s going to happen you know we’ll see what Bullpen uh you’re Bullpen better than ours more than likely so you guys still might be able to get some good hits and home runs later in the matchups today and tomorrow but for Seattle you know we’re gonna have to wait for Rodriguez and burns to go out so we’re GNA have to you know see what we can do in the seventh eighth and ninth inning and hopefully the O’s don’t have like a three four run lead at that point for us to catch up hopefully it’s only like one or two and then maybe we’ll have a chance to win one game out of three in this series I mean best case scenario for us is two out of three and that’s probably the same thing that the O fans are thinking but if there there’s a team that would sweep it would be the Orioles sweeping all three games not the Mariners you know realistically I feel that we’re going to win one game or none that’s kind of how I feel and uh if we win today then I think we can win two out of three but if we don’t win this one we’re probably only going to win one game and I don’t know if that’s going to be tomorrow or Thursday but we’ll see how it goes we’ll take a walk there like sub donate comment share help your boy out we take that rayley couldn’t get it done C Raleigh will take a walk next up second baseman Jorge palano 0 for one with a K where’s Ryan Bliss Chopper oh right into a double play good job palanco you idiot palanco worst player on the Mariners boo go back to Minnesota boo we want Ryan Bliss palanco why ability on defense and offense I mean when is Scott servus going to get the hint he ain’t it and like I said palano should get if you’re going to put Julio in the seven hole you might as well put palano as a DH player you know have him substitute with a different player each game you know and again I don’t think he’s as bad as Ty France but again palanco needs to go to DH or Triple A God damn it end of the fourth inning one- Zer Orioles let see who’s up next here for Baltimore next up for the Orioles 0 for one left fielder Colton cower batting second oo with the base on ball center fielder Cedric Mullins and batting third 0 for one second baseman Jorge Mato see where we’re at on the likes and the subs and everything now where we at trying to get to 50 likes we got 32 watch ing on YouTube 32 on Twitter SLX we are at 25 likes we need five more to get to 30 there’s 32 people in the room 26 likes six of y’all haven’t smashed the like button just yet but hopefully you will before the stream ends we need four more to get to 30 and then we’ll be on our way let’s go shout out to all the people watching on Twitter SLX as well as YouTube love you and appreciate you and like I mentioned multiple times on the stream make sure you guys are taking care of your mental health addiction depression anxiety these are things that a lot of us are going through on the daily or have in the past so if you feel like you’re slipping into the darkness a little bit make some minor adjustments to your daily routine eat less fast food eat healthier right exercise a little bit more go for a walk and if you’re not listening to music every day start doing it and if you do those three minor things eat healthier go for a walking exercise once in a while right and listen to music you’d be really surprised you’d be able to come out on the other end a better person and you’ll be able to get back on track a lot quick and win the day big PS let’s go baby one Zer Orioles here in the top of the fifth got a few more likes to get to 30 and we’re going to be shooting for 50 big swinging a Miss to cower yeah but again you know we went on a road trip and everything that we built up Dawn kind of disappeared you know we had a 11 game lead like on the Rangers and Astros and we were sitting pretty everything was looking great right and then you go to the white socks one of the B you know worst teams in baseball and then the Marlins and then the Rays who are you know halfway decent they’re like a 500 ball Club JP to first one away and you know when you barely can win a game against the White Soxs barely can win a game against the Marlins and barely can win a game against the Rays you know not a good look you know and then obviously the confidence got shaken we already know the twins are a very good team as well and it it shows that we’re a much better team at home than we are on the road we’re 28 and 14 at home but we [ __ ] suck on the road like we could literally play all the the the bottom five team in baseball and we might only depending on the time of year we might only win one out of three or one out of four it’s sickening you know we need to get better but again you know pitching Can Only Hold Us so far our Bullpen isn’t very good um you know starting pitching we’ve have a few injuries you know with Brian woo now out of the lineup um you know we haven’t had Brash all year or Santos but Santos is working his way back as a mid relever um and again Julio is not playing well we have zero 300 hitters you know it’s it’s been a rough year we we can’t hit we’re we one of the worst teams in baseball at hitting that’s considered a top 10 team overall but you know pitching can only take you so far so hopefully at the trade deadline we’ll trade for a couple bats and a couple Bullpen guys and then we might be able to catch up to teams like you and the New York Yankees as well as the Cleveland Guardians all fly out to left two away but we’ll see where it goes but it can only you know get better from here on out nothing there for cower Mullins popped up next up for the Orioles orge Mato 63 people in the room like sub donate comment there help your boy out pitch is outside one no count one pitch to Matta one one count let’s go baby Matteo popped up there you go JP hopefully we don’t have to wait Captain Oreo until the third series that we play against the Padres to get that third win you know we might only win one out of three in this series unless we win tonight you know if we win today we’re going to have a chance tomorrow or on that Thursday match up if we lose this it’s almost guaranteed the Orioles are either going to sweep us or we’re only going to win one game then we go against the Blue Jays and the Blue Jays aren’t really same type of a Powerhouse team as we were back in 2022 they’ve kind of dipped a little bit and they may be sellers at the trade deadline with Vlad Junior and B bashet right so we have to kind of see what we’re going to get even if we’re at home you know what we get out of Toronto and then we play the Padres and the Padres are a sneaky good team you know they’re not going to be uh many games above 500 they’re going to be floating about around 500 a game or two above or a game or two below and then at one point they might be able to get to a point where they’re four or five games above maybe after the All-Star break but they got a lot of quality players over there so you never really can you know take them for granted so I don’t really know how it’s going to go but hopefully we can end up winning you know two games in each series but this particular series might only be one hopefully we can get two out of three or three out of four depending on how long that blue jay series is uh and obviously with the pod if we have a three- game set hopefully two out of three uh not one out of three against the Orioles one out of three against the Blue Jays and one out of three against the Padres we we don’t want that so hopefully we can get to 50 as soon as possible I agree we’re at 3763 to go four strikeouts and two walks for Rodriguez dominant canzone in the Box come on Dom bottom of the fifth one Zer or big swing in a Miss finding the count 02 I mean where’s Ryan Bliss and Tyler loer when you need him let’s go Chopper th to first one away Julio 0 for one bottom of the 5ifth one Zer Orioles one pitch from Rodriguez to rodrig Chopper towards third foul one one count come on Julio we’re paying you like a billion dollars in money let’s go Step It Up Julio you got to get out of your own head you got to start having fun again not putting so much pressure on yourself doesn’t have to be a home run every single time you know but again the thing is is that he hasn’t been able to put in the work watching film and and being able to adjust to what what the pitchers are seeing what his weakness is and obviously Julio’s weakness is that chasing pitches outside that are out of the strike zone or jamming him inside and having him still swing at those garbage [ __ ] so at some point or another hopefully he’ll learn otherwise he’s never going to turn into a perennial All-Star or a Hall of Fame player and this contract is going to be all for nothing you know we have to make sure that you know he understands that you know this is a big deal and again you don’t have to be the hero and and in all honesty no one really sees you as a clutch player anyways Cal Raleigh is the clutch player so instead of trying to be like the number one player on the Mariners in the face of the franchise you are a top five popular player but you’re playing like [ __ ] this year you know you definitely went Way backwards and you regressed in your growth from your rookie of the year year in 2022 and then last year with a 3030 season we need you to get back to that and again your exit V is down your confidence is down you’re going down in the bottom in the in the batting order you just need to start having fun again I know it’s easier said than done but again something needs to change with Julio Rodriguez I mean I know he’s working with Edgar Martinez and a few others but [ __ ] ay man he needs to start working with guys like icho and King griffy Jr and there he goes punch out to Julio two away and I’m a I’m one of the biggest Julio fans it’s not like I’m a Julio hater you know but I got to call his fade as fade if he’s not playing well he can’t just give him uh you know the benefit of the doubt or just push it aside like he’s not playing bad or not struggling you know for other players you know the stats might be a little under average and below average but for a player that is supposed to be the face of the franchise King griffy Jr 2.0 um it’s kind of shocking on how terrible he has been this year but hopefully as the weather warms up in July and August we’re going to see the Julio that we paid for let’s go next up 0 for one with a ground out in the third Mitch hanar big swing in a whis for hanar one-1 count 212 average only seven homers for Hanny had a good April and May and it’s kind of faded in June like April and the first half of May was decent and then the last half of May and then June it’s been kind of suspect and I know with some of the numbers you know hanar is one of the lowest ated players with certain statistics like war in the Outfield uh in all major league baseball so obviously we need to replace him with someone that’s a little bit more talented and maybe a little bit younger but if they want to use hanar as a DH you know individual or a backup right fielder that’s fine but you know we already have plenty of players that are struggling two two pitch to Hanny struck him out sixks from Rodriguez wheeling and dealing a couple photos up from mat for his birthday go Ducks me and Matt are huge duck fans and I do all the duck streams as well so that people will know me for doing the Seattle Mariners as well as the Oregon Ducks fulltime and we are very excited to see what Dylan Gabriel will do from the Sooners to the Ducks this season going to be exciting all right one zero Orioles top of the six really the score doesn’t surprise me one bit and I assume tomorrow will be the same unless unless the Mariner hitters get lucky on Corbin Burns I highly doubt it and if the oral hitters get lucky on Gilbert it’s possible you know but we could have a very similar score Tomorrow based off this pitching duel that we’re getting with Rodriguez and Kirby today and then obviously Corbin Burns and Logan Gilbert tomorrow yeah me and Matt we really appreciate the uniforms as well I try to go to one or two Mariner games a season in one or two ducks games a season I’m usually live streaming every day so since I’m doing this full-time uh and I have been for about three years now but it’ll be very exciting with the whole transfer of the uh you know Big 10 and the elimination of the Pack 12 which is a little sad for a lot of us here living in the Pacific Northwest but uh you know it’s all about that money and you know we have to see what uh what happens moving forward here in the Big 10 I know Oregon will be able to hang with Michigan and Ohio State and Pen State not a problem and uh you know it’ll just be up to Washington and USC UCLA and you know some of those other teams to catch up to us top of the six one zero Baltimore gunar Henderson in the Box two two count to gunar whichit is outside 32 count count as full see where we’re at we’re at 64 people in the building we’re at 28 likes still we still need two more to get to 30 if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do we need one more to get the 30 punched him out we’re at 29 we need one more to get the 30 and then we can start go to uh the next go to 40 nice punch out there on gunar Henderson nice job Kirby George Kirby 5.1 Innings pitch three hits one ear run one walk four K nice job George next up is adley rushman former Oregon State Bieber first pick popped up into foul territory by Roos two away there goes Gunner there goes adley that helps next up for the Orioles first baseman Ryan o’n pitches High 10 count to Ryan o’hern 283 average 10 homers and 34 ribbies here in 2024 yeah it’ll be interesting to see all the different matchups you know Oregon against Iowa Oregon against Wisconsin you know and some of the you know teams that aren’t going to be at the top but they will be in the middle you know Wisconsin Iowa Washington USC UCLA you know it’s going to be obviously Ohio State Oregon Penn State Michigan you know those will be the teams kind of at the top and then you’ll have the second tier of teams that’ll be battling it out so for teams like uh Wisconsin and Iowa they are going to be the ones that hurt the most with the addition of the pack 12ub teams joining because we’re going to be taking some of their spots like maybe USC and Oregon you know might be taking some of those spots that maybe Iowa uh and Wisconsin normally would be getting by finishing in like fourth or fifth in the division so but obviously many years you know it’s usually Ohio State Michigan Penn State or Michigan Ohio Penn State but now uh Oregon will join the fold and I’m definitely excited to see what we can do and I think that Oregon can win the Big 10 right away you know based off recruiting and who we have on the roster who’s coming back who we’ve H had coming in to transfer we have one of the deepest rosters in college football right there with Georgia and Ohio State so I’m very excited to see uh the future and hopefully Oregon can end up winning a naty so all the haters can put that to bed oh you know you got cool uniforms and cool cleat and cool helmets but you got no rings you got no championships but let’s be fair out of a 100 division one teams unless you are Georgia B Michigan or Ohio State you weren’t winning a [ __ ] Natty anyways you know line drive to first base so it’s like four teams out of over 100 120 you know not many teams would even have a chance or like if you were lucky enough to have Davos Sweeny and Trevor Lawrence with like Clemson like every once in a while you’ll have that Oddball team that might be good for five years and then they fall off the face of the Earth you know like Clemson did but you know but now Oregon and Texas are going to end up taking Bama and Michigan spots you know they’re still going to be good Alabama and Michigan but with no saving and no Harbaugh that’s going to leave a little wiggle room for Oregon you know and obviously with you know Dan Lanning as well as Texas with Steve Saran to maybe slightly get a couple more wins than maybe bammer or Michigan we would assume B and Michigan are still going to end up winning like nine or 10 games but instead of going undefeated maybe Michigan you know loses one two games maybe three and Bama might lose one two or three games and maybe those team go like nine and3 instead of going 10-2 or 11 and one or undefeated when they had Harbaugh and Sab so a little bit more wiggle room you know for some of those other teams and it’ll be exciting to see the progression of the Pack 12 team joining the Big 10 and if the Pack 12 teams do good the Big 10 might be known as the best conference in college football even though you know the SEC has got you know Georgia they got Alabama right they also have Texas and Oklahoma now with the transfer out of the Big 12 to SEC so who big four is going to be the best is it going to be Georgia Bama M you know Georgia Bama Texas and Oklahoma you know or is it going to be Ohio State Oregon Michigan Penn State or USC you know so it’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out but definitely uh the Big 10 is getting closer to being the king of college football SEC is always going to be recruiting at a high high level but with saving gone Alabama’s recruiting is going to down a little bit Georgia will gain ground because sa is gone and then obviously Texas is going to get better at recruiting as well and obviously Lea frogging Oklahoma as the top dog from the Big 12 to the SEC go to the bottom of the sixth inning one zero Oriol roof there we go nice single up the middle in the nine hole nice job Hollywood nice job Hollywood baby two for two let’s get it five Halla I’ll get you some Hawks players stacks on Stacks racks on racks little Cactus Jacks dalah Hala I’ll sprinkle in some of the rookies some of your favorites appreciate you yeah Kevin you know palanco needs to be DH or Triple A I mean that’s pretty much what I feel that is the best for him if you want to keep him on the roster you know put him at DH and he can he can you know mingle around with a couple players at that spot but he should not be an everyday player you know R house at the third Luke rayley at left field uh and Bliss should be the second baseman and again you know we got you know Cole Young and Colt Emerson and Lazaro Montes and Harry Ford kind of waiting in the wings as well so and hell I wouldn’t even Mind Tyler laer you know getting a chance at first base over Ty France here in there or even having lole come up and dhing you know a little bit and seeing what he can do I don’t know I just feel like Bliss and loer have more swag and confidence than Ty France and palanco now I like France more than palanco but not by much you know I feel like France [ __ ] up a lot too so we’ll see how it goes but I mean you know if we want to keep Tai there in that spot that’s fine but at some point we’re going to have to upgrade that position as well but palano definitely is the the most deserving player to get benched I don’t think he’s going to get any better you know again he’s a liability on defense he’s you know liability in the box so why are we even [ __ ] playing him every day I don’t care even if Ryan Bliss comes in and goes over for four like three games straight he’ll give you better defense than palanco will and he gives you better speed on the bags if we need to pinch hit him uh you know late in a game for somebody or a pinch Runner so next up for the Mariners Ty France and hopefully Tai doesn’t hit into a double play I don’t like mentioning it but seems like Ty France is good for two things hitting into double plays and getting hit by pitches you know and he used to be an Allstar with Julio in 2022 2023 he got fat and he got injured and hasn’t been as good since and then this year it’s it started to look like he started to climb out of his Funk a little bit but he’s still 231 average 8 homers and 29 ribbies hell we could get those kind of numbers out of Tyler lock CLE for a lot cheaper so again France and palanco to DH you know since garve is obviously injured right now bring up lle and Bliss and I think that we would end up having better production day in and day out with those two guys and if you only want to make one move then make Bliss for palanco and then throw laer in there but reason they got loer still on the Tacoma reers is they want him to play every day which I understand they want him to get reps so that way if there’s an injury to Ty France or someone else that he’ll be ready so I understand that instead of him just sitting on the Mariner Dugout you know and playing only one out of every six games I understand why they have La clear on the Tacoma reers on Triple A but what’s the excuse for palanco for Bliss I don’t see one besides just the salary but it’s the salary that we wasted on Mitch Garver and Jorge palano I mean you know and again you know maybe they thought that they were going to get better numbers but you know the guys that we have in the farm system I think that could do better than the guys that we have starting what does that say you know even some of these guys in single a high a double A triaa they’re raw and they’re maybe not ready to be an everyday player except for Ryan Bliss but some of these guys deserve a chance to see what they can do I I think you know I’m not the only one that doesn’t like Pano you know to me this is like the worst Mariner signing that we’ve had in a long time I know some people like the Robinson Canó Edition you know when we overpaid for him but if we actually are being honest Nelson Cruz was more valuable you know than a Robinson Canó and we paid him a fraction of the cost sometimes you got to be able to look at a player and understand that you’re [ __ ] up and it’s just not going to be a good fit two two pitch to Tai France pitch is high 3-2 count Rodriguez having a nice night here for the O’s one zero Baltimore and again remember when you end up going against a Powerhouse team like this and you have a hard time hitting as it is chances are it’s going to be low scoring until the seventh eighth and ninth inning and we got to Hope Rodriguez doesn’t go past the sixth inning there we go another walk now if we can end up getting an RBI here then rodriiguez will be done but he was already more than likely going to be done this inning you would think let’s look at his pitch count where’s he at he’s only at 81 so he technically could go another inning after this unless we can stretch this inning out and get him to 9092 and we can go through a couple more batters then he’ll be done and then we’ll actually have a chance to possibly win this game three2 or 2-1 uh in you know the seventh eth and ninth inning next up is Luke rley come on baby let’s go we got lucky there with you know a few few batters at first and second it’s been very limited we only have two HS the whole game let’s go really uhoh right back up to the catcher double play and he fumbled it safe wow how lucky are we right there they’re going to review it gunar Henderson dropped the ball looked like he tagged the base then dropped the ball but uh let’s see if this ends up being a review I would assume they’re going to review this offici score uh ruling is pending here let’s see what happens but if we can end up keeping this uh you know Bases Loaded we we will have a chance never had control of it nice there we go I mean you’re not going to see too many uh Errors By gunar Henderson ever you know but again you know all it takes is just a little lack of focus or a weird bounce of the ball right and the throw was low by Rodriguez so it really it was his fault so he bobbles the ball but when France comes in right and then he gets the ball France’s foot is off the bag so if I’m being real about this and not being biased I say that he’s out you know because he initially bobbled it with a low throw but then when he got the ball in his hand on his hip and then he touched the bag even if it was the side of the foot France’s leg and foot went off the bag and then went on so you know if I was a mariner Homer you know I would just be like oh safe safe safe [ __ ] it right but uh after looking at multiple replays you know by keeping it real and keeping honest about it I think that he’s out at second base but we’ll see what the uh ruling is called here in the replay review booth and obviously with these umps that are discussing it but it’s very very close but uh I hope it’s called safe but on that other angle after he bobbled it France’s foot was off the bag he has the wall on his hip and then the side of his foot is touching the bag so I would assume it’s going to be out see right here he doesn’t have it he doesn’t have it he doesn’t have it TI sliding in he doesn’t touch the bag and then there he’s out see and sometimes you know you got to keep it real you know you can’t be biased and now if France’s foot would have slid in perfectly and stayed there instead of being off the bag and then on the bag he would have been safe but as he when he slid in and bent his leg the foot was off the bag and then he went into the bag so that’s tough but again the correct call Mariners you know we we need these hits and runs but we want it to be legitimate and that looks like they did make the correct call now we got Runners on first and third with two outs bottom of the six one zero Orioles next up the most cul hitter for the Mariners Cal Raleigh let’s go big dumper unfortunate that uh you know that Tai couldn’t have his foot in there straight but Also let’s be honest how often does gunar Henderson Bobble a ball at second never so it is what it is hopefully we can find a way and um you know we can get a nice RBI knock here big swinging a miss one one count dxo I appreciate you yes and this is one of the best series in baseball you know you got a first place American League east team in the Orioles first place team in the American League West I mean you can’t ask for a better matchup for two quality teams two playoff teams two of the top six teams in the American League and two of the top 10 overall thank you so much man I appreciate you I appreciate uh some good NHL action as well stacks on Stacks racks on racks little Cactus Jack bang bang and I do Kraken games here but we also will do you know the Avalanche the Vegas golden kns the Dallas Stars and whoever else is playing if it’s a good matchup but normally my go-to after the Kraken will be Dallas uh Colorado and Vegas if they’re playing because they’re fun to watch and I have to be able to watch the best of the best and see how they compare you know to Seattle because hopefully one day we can be like them so appreciate you dxo let me know what you want to do for photos if you want to do hockey photos uh no problem past or present so let me know we’re in the bottom of the six Runners on the corners on first and third two out we had a runner thrown out at second by France to two pitch pitches outside 32 count to Cal Raley let’s go baby like sub donate comment share help your boy out let’s get to 100 in donos and let’s get to 50 lines come on Cal let’s go big dumper 66 people watching and if this game stays close uh we should get closer to 75 to 100 people in the building but normally Cal will be good in the seventh eighth and Ninth not so much in the fifth or sixth so let’s see if he comes up big here 3-2 pitch got him what a Punch Out by Rodriguez and the biggest opportunity for the Seattle Mariners gets ended by a nice pitch by Rodriguez four hits for the Orioles two for the Mariners one zero end of the sixth inning let’s see how many pitches that Rodriguez is at he’s at 89 so chances are his day is done unless they want to stretch him for one more inning which might be possible one Zer O’s that’s tough but again you know Cal righ usually comes up big in the seventh eth and nth and remember Mariner fans out of one through nine the seventh inning is the inning that where we get the most hits and the most home runs and the most production so even though that suck that we left those two stranded right there right we’re going to have a good seventh eighth and Ninth and we’re only down a run we’re not down three or four hell even if we were down two right now it would feel like 4- Z if we’re down one zero it feels like or two Z where we actually have a chance and again if the Mariners win this game we’re going to win two out of three if the Orioles win this they’re going to win two out of three or possibly sweep us so we got to get this dub and we got to keep it close as long as we possibly can if I can squeeze in a couple photos here appreciate you Megan xbo let me know what uh hockey players you want and I got you if that’s what if that’s the direction that you want to go I don’t mind it you know like I said I could really care less what people want like if we do a baseball stream and people want football or basketball or wrestling or bands or rappers or whatever I mean it really doesn’t matter it’s whatever your favorite thing is you know at the moment know um I got you little Jay-Z for you little Jim zor I’ll hook you up with uh a few more once we get further along in the broadcast let’s go Mariner moose we need a comeback baby here stat in the Box chop foul he’s 0 for two with two strikeouts he’s dhing today in the five hole hon kirad Wayne grety good choice boilers grety okay I got you yeah and we’re not going to be doing any favors for uh Yankee fans or fans of the other teams amers are already having enough problems as it is you know and of course obviously beating the Orioles helps the Yankees out the Yankees got a good enough roster where you know as long as you don’t have any major injuries de Jean Carlos ston Juan stto Aaron judge Garrett Cole and Company you’ll be able to either win the division or get second place and make a Deep Run so you know like I said most people feel regardless on who ends up winning the division these might be the two best teams in the American League with the Yankees and the Orioles and then the Guardians are right there with them and then the three below them are going to be the Mariners the Royals and the twins so no favors done here you know and if we end up winning the game we’re not doing any favors for Yankee fans we’re just trying to take care of our own facts it’s already hard enough when you know you’re going to be the number one strikeout team in the last 100 years so hopefully we end up making a couple uh options at uh you know some hitters at as well as some Bullpen guys too you know those are really the uh you know pieces of need palanco needs to go you know to The Dugout to the bench we need to bring in Ryan Bliss we need to make sure Luke Ry is the everyday left fielder right we need roas to be the everyday third baseman we need to upgrade Mitch hanar and have him DH and get someone better in right field and we need to figure out if we’re going to trade away some of the farm we better bring in a Louise Robert Jr Vlad Jr bashad you know type of player Peter Alonzo and if we don’t it better be someone solid like Brett Rooker or Brian De La Cruz from the A’s or the Marlins uh you know we got to make sure we’re bringing in pieces we we have to be able to capitalize otherwise you know we might end up getting eliminated very quickly into the playoff run because if we don’t add any pieces you know the twins are going to be better right the Royals are going to be better the Guardians are going to be better the Orioles and Yankees are going to be better but if we add a couple bats and some notable names as well as a couple in the bullpen I think we’re going to be right there with the Guardians Orioles and Yankees at the end of the year you know not saying that the twins and uh you know the Royals are going to be farther scaled back than everyone else I mean we got six quality teams that could really go deep this year in the American League facts we got a better depth I think than the uh National League this year you know Braves don’t have Strider and aunia so they’re not making it to the World Series you got Dodgers and Phillies as the best teams but they have to stay healthy the Brewers are good this year but usually they won’t go that far in the playoffs maybe win you know a series and then fall off and then the Padres might make the wild card and they might be able to beat the Dodgers if they play head-to-head but other than playing the Dodgers or the Phillies we don’t really know how far the Padre’s can go uh they’re very streaky you know and they can they can match up with the big boys so if there was going to be an upset to the Phillies or Dodgers the Padres would be one of the teams that could do it for sure top of the seventh one zero Baltimore George Kirby still on the mound Colton cowser in the Box yeah small Market teams like us we we can’t you know be like the big boys like the Dodgers you know and the Yankees that can just buy their team you know sometimes you got to build within the farm system and uh and again you know there’s a lot of fans you know some that are going to be loyal some bandwagon you know for teams like the Dodgers and Yankees you know with all the history and all the Championships and whatnot you know they got some great players over there right but for fans of like the Mariners and the Orioles we’re small Market you know and it takes a long time to get good but once the teams get good they’re very good hit right up the middle uhoh he’s going to third no throw good base running there by the O’s Runners at first and third with one out cower single to Center wburg to third good speed by wburg next up 0 for one with a base on ball center fielder Cedric Mullins and we need a double play desperately here to get out of this inning yeah I mean you know it’s been a long time you know you had the you know the Cal Ripken era you know and then obviously you had Adam Jones era you know and and it’s it’s been it’s been a minute you know what I mean but you know after you know being kind of crappy years and years and years now it looks like the Orioles are going to be one of the top six teams for the foreseeable future like Seattle you know and uh again I think it was like the Blue Jays and Mariners in 2022 but you could kind of see the Orioles were getting closer and now the Orioles have taken the Blue Jays spot because the Blue Jays haven’t been able to keep up you know with you know teams like Seattle and Baltimore you know they they were really good a couple years ago but now it seems like they might be sellers with bashet and Vlad and obviously bigio already you know left and he’s already on the Dodgers and whatnot so you know all those players that they were thinking about you know building a a franchise around may not be in Toronto after this year and I know their contracts are going to be up next year so that’s why some of those guys might be moved because they probably will leave Toronto anyways after next year so they want to get something for those guys rather than getting nothing tough position in sports with the contracts and the money mollins pops up one goes foul 01 count 0 for one with a walk in the third like sub donate comment share we’re at 31 likes we need nine more to get to 40 if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do we got 33 on the YouTube side and then we got 35 on the Twitter SLX side Chopper up the middle [ __ ] palanco out of [ __ ] position what the [ __ ] are you doing bro get the hell out of there two Baltimore I haven’t seen a player [ __ ] up so much as J palano [ __ ] can’t hit [ __ ] is out of position the guy can’t defend he bobbles balls get his ass out of there and get Ryan Blitz in there immediately [ __ ] that was an easy play that palanco could have got from JP right there but out of position unexcusable right there that should have definitely been uh you know we could have got out of that inning one zero you know way to [ __ ] it up you know for your pitchers and whatnot way to [ __ ] up for George Kirby palano you [ __ ] bum and I don’t get too upset with too many Mariner players you know like I said I’m going to ride or die but once I start to see some consistent bad behavior or bad effort or just bad play overall you’re done with me you know like I said there’s going to be a line and once you cross that line and you’re a habitual you know [ __ ] up type of player there’s no coming back and I think most Mariner fans would agree that palanco is the worst sighting that we’ve had in a long long time [ __ ] a Banco Boo and if he just was in position we could have possibly had a double play there ridiculous well you know to be honest even if Blanco does make that play the Baltimore Orioles are one of those teams that’s good enough to sweep us I mean hell if we if we go to to Chicago and we can only get barely a win against the white socks barely get a win against the Marlins and barely get a win against the r and I get it it’s on the road it’s a little different than being at home you know but this orial team is the real deal and if they don’t make the ALCS or the World Series this year you best believe they’re going to do it next year or the year after they’re slowly getting better and better and better and again you know the Yankees you know are always going to be like the most popular team in the American League but just because you’re popular doesn’t mean you’re going to win it all you know like I said we’ve had the Houston Astros and the Texas Rangers beat up on them in the last couple years so we’ll see how it goes but uh you know for me you know I’m a mariner fan through it through I’ve been watching since 1985 I know I look young but I’m 42 right but out of all the teams in baseball I think the funnest team to watch in the American League other than watching my own team the Mariners is this team the Baltimore Orioles and I think in the National League I think the funnest teams to watch over there are the Dodgers and the Phillies you know those teams are really fun to watch you know for what they bring and the main difference between the Phillies the Dodgers and the Yankees and the Orioles the or don’t spend a lot of money you know they’re small market like Seattle you know the other three spent shitloads of money right so salute to the Baltimore Orioles for doing it the way uh that was meant to be done but also you know you have to have you know a good farm system but at some point Baltimore will pull the trigger and spend money down the road to try to keep gunar Henderson and adley rushman there right and the development of those two players has been incredible and also the number one thing about Baltimore that gets overlooked is their pitching staff their pitching staff is way better than people give them credit for you know they can pitch they can hit you know they got a good Bullpen even though sometimes they get a little beat up right but everyone’s Bullpen gets beat up from time to time and we try not to call you know any bias here you know like I said I try to give everyone their flowers on every stream it’s not going to be just a mariner stream you know it’ll be a mariner stream and orial stream and I think that’s why a lot of baseball basketball football hockey fans you know they appreciate this channel because I’m not going to be a hater you know towards the other team if the other team has got great players you know we’re going to make sure we recognize that it’s not necessarily about the name on the front the Jersey team name it’s about the name on the back and you want to make sure you’re appreciating greatness wherever it’s at and I really do have an honest uh genuine appreciation for this Baltimore orial team and I hope that you guys end up making a World Series and you guys win it all in the next next five to 10 years I think it would be great for baseball and great for Baltimore and great for their fans that have been loyal after the Cal Ripken era you know it’s been a a little rough you know same thing with the Mariners you know we had 20 plus years no playoffs you know we’ve had guys like King griffy Jr right Randy Johnson Edgar Martinez Ichiro right but it’s been rough we’ve had some Hall of Fame players and we’ve had some you know some of the best players that have ever put on cleats in baseball that haven’t cheated that have been amazing Edgar Martinez icho Johnson Kingery Jr and hopefully one day we can add Julio and Cal Ry to that list right you know but it’s it’s kind of cool to be able to see you know you guys kind of do it the right way and and not necessarily grab players that you are not needed at least not yet but also the reason why is because gunar Henderson and Ali rushman panned out if those guys didn’t pan out or only one panned out let’s say adley rushman panned out but Gunner didn’t then at some point you’re going to have to spend the money you know or look at the farm system but uh gunar Henderson has exceeded all expectations and adley you know was the face of the franchise when you drafted him so everyone already had those expectations from the Oregon State Beavers to the Baltimore Oriol and he’s already the best catcher in baseball now he’s got a teammate to The Bash Bros to be able to do it together but again I don’t watch just the Mariners I mean I watched the league same thing with college football same thing with the NFL same thing with the NHL you know it will never be just watching a team I’m watching the league as a whole that’s the only way you’re going to understand what’s going on big swing in a Miss to gunar Henderson one two count Bas is loaded both is in the game and hopefully we can keep this to a two Zer lead because even at two Z it feels like four- Z when you’re going against the Seattle Mariners because we strike out so much it feels like we strike out 10 to 15 times a game and that is not good onew pitch to Gunner from Austin V pitch is loow into the dirt two two count yeah I love Kyle Tucker I love Jeremy Peña Jordon Alvarez is a beast obviously not a lot of us you know have the appreciation for altu he can still be an All-Star player but again anytime you have controversy you know that’s going to be the most booed player you know not just by Mariner fans but League wide and I think as an astro fan you understand that um you know but I I definitely have lots of respect and appreciation for yordon and and again my favorite players on the roster are Jeremy pñ and Kyle Tucker and I’ve always liked those two got him back door breaking ball baby we got lucky there on gunar Henderson gunar Henderson’s got that RBI ability and that home run ability that one had some great movement there Henderson thought it was a walk next up catcher adley rushman and it’s nice that we have someone from Oregon that we can believe in and even though it is a a team in the American League that is arriv rival you know us here in Oregon we all root for adley rushman you know again you know playing for the Oregon State Beavers winning some chips uh being the best catcher in baseball Salvador Perez obviously getting second with the boats with the royal but his career is almost up and then hopefully Cal Ry can join Ali rushman in an All-Star Game in the near future but he’s got to get his batting average up 10 pitch chopped towards first base foul one-1 count 291 average 15 homers 55 ribbies for adlet rushman absolute stud we’re known for Dale Murphy you know back in the day with the Braves and then now adley rushman those are probably the two uh biggest names to come out of Oregon and we’re very proud one-1 pitch which is low and outside and it’s always good when you can get someone from your hometown State and they end up being like great you know and not only being great but like possibly being like Hall of Fame know first pick in the draft sometimes first pick in the draft doesn’t pan out know being a catcher one of the most underrated positions in baseball the hardest position beside the pitcher right I think is the hardest position in baseball overall even over a pitcher you know and uh you’ll be able to be a good defensive pitcher as well as offense they have that leadership Ali rushman got it all dip in the building what’s good and I appreciate that PES outside fre tube count what’s good brother I hope things get better for you bro oh is too popped up there we go we leave Bases Loaded stranded to give the Mariners a chance realistically we’re going to lose this game but hopefully we can get something going here in the seventh eth and Ninth and uh we’ll see right now if we’re going to have Rodriguez back out and if he ends up pitching this inning to go over a 100 pitches which might be the smart thing to do or if they decide to go with a different pitcher uh and then if they do that then we have a good chance to possibly get one or two runs but if I was the Orioles in this position I think I would keep Rodriguez out for one inning uh one more inning you know and go 100 plus and the chances of us being able to do anything against him isn’t looking very good but if they replace him that’s when we might have you know get a couple hits and possibly a sneaky home run but again the best inning out of one through nine for the Mariners this year in 2024 is the seventh thinning so we’ll see what we get here in the seventh 8th and nth let’s go Kip with a Fiverr appreciate you thank you Kip every dollar counts what do you want to do for a photo brother you got a particular player you want like some Jaylen Herz stacks on Stacks racks on racks a little Cactus Jack bang bang5 holla you know just me not being biased and just being honest and real I think Paul George normally is a good regular season player but sometimes in the postseason he disappears right so if you end up you know adding him to a roster that already has another Allstar or two there it can’t hurt you know but you just got to be able to have all those guys play together and not get injured when the you know when it really counts the most so obviously with George and embiid it’s it’s a nice onew but can both of those players stay healthy you know when it matters the most in the playoffs we’ll have to wait and see but I I to me you know just being real I think he’s a little I think he’s a little overrated you know I think he’s a good player you know uh normally you know uh All-Star player or Fringe All-Star player you know and again you know will’ll probably be a Hall of Fame player one day you know depending on the accolades and who they match up against and whatnot you know has had kind of like a Tracy McGrady is kind of career even though McGrady’s career got ended short with injuries you know but I feel like uh you know for George to be able to solidify himself he needs to win a championship to be able to separate himself from some of the other guys that are considered good or really good players you know and instead of you know kind of like what Tatum and brown did with the Celtics this year you know because up to this year those guys were good now you know you have a better chance of adding to the resume and the more championships you get then you’re going to have a better chance of being a Hall of Fame player at the end of the day Ron Harper and you want Ron Harper on what team you want like Ron Harper on the Bulls or uh where do you want Ron Harper what team we in the bottom of the seventh two Orioles come on Mariners next up is Jorge lonco should be Ryan Bliss and again this guy’s a liability defensively and offensively we overpaid and uh every once in a blue moon he’ll make a play but you know one one play out of every 10 games is not cutting it big swinging a Miss no surprise there goes down palanco one away boo palanco hearing the booze from the crowd because we don’t like you sorry Polo you know you weren’t good at the beginning of the year you were batting 150 with JP and Julio right then you got injured now you came back from the injury you’re not good you’re not good defensively you’re not good offensively I mean the guy needs to be a DH play it all go to Triple A next up Dominic canzone and again you know we’re gonna have patience with certain players that are struggling but certain guys that consistently do [ __ ] over and over and over again sometimes you just got to give up on a player and uh I don’t know anybody that thinks that palano is going to turn it around especially when you got a guy like Ryan Bliss that’s better defensively better offensively and is a faster player around the bags who can actually steal bases which palanco can’t so everything is looking Ryan Bliss why aren’t we playing him yet one- one pitch to Dominic canzone another player that’s struggling but he’s a little bit more likable than palano so again we’re we’re going to have a little bit more leeway for certain players but you know the leeway for palanco is already gone you know like sub donate comment share let’s go whereever we at on the likes we got 67 people watching if you’re on the Twitter exite salute to you come over to the YouTube side and chat with us you have no chat button over there no like button no button you can share the stream and watch it over there but we’re at 36 we need four more to get to 40 so if you are in the room and haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do four more likes to get to 40 let’s go I want to try to hit somewhere between 40 and 50 canzone and that is foul not some of the best tight ends the best tight ends right except for Travis Kelce at Cincinnati right George KD right Sam laapa right Dallas Clark I mean the list goes on and on and on if you want me to keep going TJ hackinson I wouldn’t say the best in Noah Fant because Noah Fant is probably the one player that hasn’t lived up to the expectations as the other but he could be a starter you know on a team he’s not going to be as good as the other you know but he’s not terrible either but he’s not he’s not Elite either so 2 two count to dominant count zone 32 count count as high yeah Iowa is always known you know they they really the only flop that they’ve had is Robert Gallery on the offensive line pitches high and he walked them that’s really the only one that was like a Flopper for Iowa you know and again again they’re going to have some players on defense you know they’re going to have some guys in the secondary but obviously tight end is going to be what they’re most known for and even though Iowa you know may not win big 10 championships or even be in contention right at least you know that you can develop players from that college and they end up being successful Pros so if you look at it from that point of view that you know there’s other teams like Michigan and Ohio State Wisconsin and now Oregon a few others that are there that you know are going to take the spot but even if you end up being like fourth or fifth or sixth in the Big 10 but you end up developing some of the best Pros you know that’s almost just as good as winning you know the division I mean obviously winning the division is great and you know trying to be able to win your bowl games and win a Natty that’s the ultimate goal but also too you don’t want to be known as a college that’s got all these great players but they end up being bust in the NFL so at least that you know Iowa is known for like if you end up going from Iowa to the pros you’re probably very gifted you’re very welld disciplined you’re going to be a decent player and if you play tight end you probably will end up being a pro bowl all proo or maybe even a Hall of Famer depending on what team you go to facts bottom of the seventh one one out next up 0 for two with a K Julio Rodriguez he oh boy said Ron Harper OG Ron Harper and Young Ron Harper yeah Harper had some like substance abuse uh early in his career and that’s why they got rid of him but he ended up having pretty successful career after that bottom of the seven two Orioles runner at first one away Julio try to go for the double play got the fielders Choice Runner out Rodriguez grounded into a fielders Choice with the short stop two away next up for the Mariners Mitch hanar canel in the game here going against hanar Rodriguez won 104 pitches they got a twoz lead which feels like a four- z lead against the Mariners Lauren in the building what’s good big swing in a Miss 02 count we need a little bit of this bro we got to make sure that we don’t get swept by the Orioles we got to try to win at least one out of three at the very least the goal two out of three but again tomorrow is Corbin Burns versus Logan Gilbert so it might be the same exact score that we’re looking at right now where we’re going to be looking up at a at a deficit trying to be able to catch up to a superior team than us and then the game that I’m going to on the fourth of July is Bryce Miller so again that one might be a [ __ ] show where you know we might actually get some hits and runs in that game but the hits and runs might only be on the Baltimore side so we we’ll wait and find out how you doing Lauren appreciate the like and the share appreciate you Lauren supporting with my post in the morning as well as the live streams on Twitter SLX and my Instagram post I appreciate that I recognize it shout out to Sarah Megan True North Trident Matt and Lauren on the Twitter xide we got 69 people in the room try to get to 40 likes before the stream ends let’s go baby 32 on one end 37 on the other where we at we’re at 39 we need one more like to get to 40 if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet yeah baby we just hit 40 10 more to hit the goal to get to 5050 last three streams we’ve hit 50 plus let’s see if we can make it four streams in a row of 50 plus let’s go we’re at 57 43 to go 3-2 pitch big swing in a Miss there goes hanar got to get a replacement for him end of the seventh inning two- Z Baltimore but we will be live tomorrow the game will be at 7:00 Pacific Corbin burns the Orioles best pitcher versus the Mariners best pitch Logan Gilbert will be amazing and then again I’ll be uh off to Seattle on Thursday on the 4th of July I hope you guys have a great one and then uh we’ll be back on Friday uh and then we play the Blue Jays at home so going to be very exciting hopefully I end up with a souvenir or two we’re going to we’re going have to dig deep we’re going to have to go some old school Lou Panella come on Lou we need we need good Lou Panella Vibes yell at a um throw a base get ejected let’s go come on Lou next up for the Orioles one for three first baseman Ryan o’hern rting second right fielder Anthony Santander and batting third dhing for Baltimore hon kirad col on Snider coming into the game yeah hopefully a mariner win on our way back that would be great you know it’s going to be tough I mean don’t don’t be surprised if we end up only winning one or none against this Powerhouse Baltimore orial team I’m hoping that you know best case scenario is two out of three but again we’re going to have to earn them and it’s not going to be easy know the Orioles are very complete they can hit they can pitch they got a bullpen you know they got two of the best players in baseball right now with gunar Henderson and adley rushman pitching staff is solid it’s going to be really rough but I still think that uh you know there’s still a chance here but it’s going to be very difficult here against O’s yeah Seattle does you know Pacific Northwest you know we got some really good fans you know no matter how good the team is doing they could be literally in last place and we’ll still show up and we’ll still show the passion and the love for the team T-Mobile is beautiful two two pitch Chopper and that stays Fair [ __ ] ohar with a double unbelievable I mean at this point if we can’t get our [ __ ] together we’re going to end up losing two Z or three- Z where we might not even be able to get a another hit or a run we’re only at two hits for the game not good and tomorrow might even be worse with Corbin Bur on the M Burns is even better than Rodriguez you guys are getting into your Google bag copy and paste Google Google Google stats stats stats Google Google this Google that Google here Google there top of the E two Baltimore 01 pitch to send there Chopper hold the runner throw to first one away next up dhing for Baltimore 0 for three with 3K hon kirad like sub donate comment share help your boy out we’re at 41 likes we need nine more to get to 50 to hit the goal if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do and if you’re watching on Twitter SLX hop over to the YouTube link side smash that like button and help us out top of the E two Baltimore runner at second one away 01 count from Snider the kirad 273 average two homers and eight ribbies and limited action for your care stab chops it towards first base foul one two count all right baby I’m feeling it rally time Mariner he believed it let’s go stacks on Stacks racks on racks little catch is stack B bang we need a rally baby eighth and ninth inning baby let’s go Marin moose he understands he got the message [ __ ] is hi two two count appreciate you let me know what you want to do for a photo I got you rally time baby come on baby here stad about to go 0 for four there we go keep that Runner stranded there we go two away next up for the or a sleeper hitter third baseman Jordan Westberg Brian wo a good choice unfortunate that he ended up uh getting injured because I was slated to go see Logan Gilbert on Thursday but since he got injured they moved the Castillo start in the previous series and that’s why we have George Kirby today Logan Gilbert tomorrow and then I get to see Bryce Miller which would probably be the pitcher that I would least likely to see out of the five but again you know that also means maybe more opportunities for foul balls because you know it’s not like Bryce Miller is gonna have 10 G against the Orioles so he might only have five or less so that might be a good thing for me going to the game on Thursday more opportunities for foul balls in my section 01 pitch Westberg Chopper to third Roos to France got him we leave one stranded now we need get a one run in the eighth and one run in the ninth or two in the eighth or two in the ninth let’s go two runs eight hits no errors for the Orioles no runs two hits no errors for the Mariners it’s not going to cut it I mean even two runs is not enough right you need to get four runs or more in most baseball games but two hits total golly not good but you got to give credit to the Orioles they are one of the best teams in baseball they’re first place right now even over the Yankees in the American League east and the Oro you know or the Yankees or the Guardians most likely will represent one of those three teams Orioles Yankees Guardians will more than likely represent the American League unless it ends up being the twins Royals or Mariners taking advantage of injuries of the top three teams in the American League all right here we go at least we’re starting it off uh where we need it to Leading off for the Mariners in the N9 hole probably the only hitter that’s been doing anything for us the guy that has both hits for us Hollywood Josh Roos everyone else as a donut [ __ ] a batting second shortstop JP Crawford and batting third first baseman Ty France I don’t know why the hell we put Ty France in the two- hole not smart but again I’m not Scott service so you know but again palanco shouldn’t be starting ever again you know roas should be the everyday third baseman reallyy everyday left fielder Anar shouldn’t be playing every day either you know we need to figure out a way to get lock CLE and bliss into the everyday starting lineup if we actually want to start competing having La CER at first or DH or Bliss over palanco at second base gives us a better chance to win every day and then moving France to DH you know over other guys would be better you know that way that you at least get the ti France bat once in a while and then you have the other guys being able to develop their skills I miss Brian woo demo pinch hitting wish he didn’t get injured woo injury prone in the last couple years and he could just find a way to stay healthy I mean hell after Logan Gilbert he was our best pitcher overall and now Logan ended up taking back the spot because of the injury and a couple rough starts but it started off three and0 with a erra of one you know not bad for a guy that’s supposed to be the five Hole uh spot you know the fifth in the rotation demo pops up one away and why would you have Deo hit for Hollywood Josh RW if he’s the only guy that has two hits for the whole game why would you do that Scott service not very smart like if you want anyone to Pitch hit and you want Deo to come in you do it for anybody but Hollywood Ro house dumb ass next up JP Crawford especially when you know Ro house is the only guy that has both hits for us you know tell like we have 10 hits today we have two and both of them from Hollywood stupid come on JP pitch gets away from the catcher adley rushman onew count come on JP like sub donate comment share let’s go baby pitches outside two two count 38 more to get to a hundo they hit the goal 10 more likes to hit the goal we’re at 40 42 now eight more to get the goal they hit 50 Chopper throw to first barehanded two and I don’t know what Scott service was thinking by putting Ty France in the two hole and I get it you want to move Julio down and punish him and whatnot but if you’re going to move someone in the two-hole you put Hollywood Roos in the two-hole not Ty France dummy I don’t understand like you know how like fans of a team can run a team better than a manager and I get it you want to be able to give equal playing time to certain guys but you have to be able to look at the matchup you know and you have to be able to look at what’s going to give us the best shot to win and Roos can hit from the nine hole you can obviously keep him there he’s proven that he can hit three 200 to 350 he was one of the only players this year to crack 300 we have zero 300 batting average players this year right now zero so I mean Ryan Bliss and uh Hollywood Roos were really the only ones that were close and Rous now is at 260 that’s terrible and that’s number one on the roster right now that’s playing that shows you how bad the Mariners are at hitting we’re our number one is hitting 260 that’s [ __ ] terrible adding 200 to 210 as a team last year it was 220 and I thought that was bad now we’re even worse they better pull the trigger on some [ __ ] bats Ty France back back back and caught what a heck of a play there by the Orioles Outfield this might this might end up ending two- Z as a final unfortunately I hope not though and it’s not going to get any easier tomorrow you thought Rodriguez was tough today you know Corbin burs is [ __ ] pitching tomorrow and yeah we got Logan Gilbert where he might feel a little bit more comfortable than you know George Kirby but we’re only down two Z if we could just get a little bit of production with our pitching you know it’s not like the Orioles are at 8- Z right now you know but again anytime a team scores on us you multiply it by two and that’s what it feels like that we’re down by two is essentially being down 4-0 to another team tough next up for the Orioles in the top of the ninth one for three left fielder Colton gser batting second one for two with an RBI and a base on ball center fielder Cedric Mullins and batting third 0 for two with the base on ball second baseman Forte Mato let’s go marinus come on Lou come on woo get healthy bud and it sucks you know if we actually could hit you know imagine like you know what the records would be for like Castillo and Gilbert and Miller and woo you know and Kirby you know if we could just hit you know everyone would have an above 500 record and it wouldn’t be just like barely above like six and five like you know it would be like three games above 500 or more you know you’d have records like eight and five seven and five you know nine and five you know something like that instead of all our guys you know around 500 now ponco boo not over till it’s over baby you know that we’re at 44 likes we need six more before the stream ends if you’re in the room and haven’t smashed the like button please do we need six more to hit the goal for this for the stream and that’ll be our fourth straight stream with 50 I think we can do it I mean especially if we end up getting two runs in the bottom of the ninth and it goes to 10 it goes into extras then I know we’ll definitely get it because more people will come in the room to see that we made a rally but if it ends up staying like this then you know then we have to hope for a a decent game tomorrow and then hopefully on July 4th we can uh put up some runs top of the night two Baltimore and if you’re just tuning in in the top of the fourth Anthony sandir single to right Henderson scored rushman to second one zero Baltimore and then in the bottom or top of the seventh Mullen single to Center Westberg scored cowser to third two- Z and here’s another base hit pitching boo now the Mariner fans are booing pitching bad hitting bad you know and normally the pitchers aren’t going to get booed that much but again you’re going to start to see more fans Boo palanco and they going to have more fans start bullying the bullpen I mean if that isn’t assigned to the ownership that we need to start spending some [ __ ] money for a couple Bullpen guys and a couple hitters I don’t know what is because the mirer fans normally don’t boo you know even if it’s terrible if even if we’re getting [ __ ] rock you know like 10-1 you don’t really hear the fans boo until they’ hit a boiling point you know especially when we see our our lead dwindling you know of being in first place because if we don’t make moves as a trade deadline it is a very realistic possibility that Astros and Rangers catch up and pass us and we don’t want that to happen we want to make the playoffs and we want to win the AL West we don’t want the Astros and Rangers to [ __ ] catch up but if we don’t make any moves they will you know and even if we do make moves they may catch up but we want to make sure we’re building this team in the right direction come on Mariners now we just have to figure out if Bowman can get us out of this inning and I don’t really like Bowman either you know there’s certain guys in the bullpen that I like like Andre Munos and Matt Brash you know and I like stanard but as far as you know bazardo and sacio Bowman I don’t like these guys you know you know I I don’t know about some of y’all Mariner fans if you like them but you know a lot of these guys are very hidden mess and most of the time it’s a miss you know it’s like they do good one out of every like four opportunities and that’s not good enough if you’re coming into a game especially if we’re tied or we’re down but I’m not a fan of bazardo I don’t like Sao I’m not a fan of uh Bowman either you know if you’re Matt Brash I like you right and he’s injured for the whole year so right really stanic and Munos are the only ones I like and this Los bombos 62 doll hair 38 to go to hit the goal let’s go six more likes to 50 let’s go like sub donate comment share all right thank you so much for your support love you appreciate you I hope you feel better Chopper towards third foul from Cedric Mullins and when we score three runs or less our record is terrible it’s like four or five wins and 30 to 40 losses so again you know getting zero or one or two you know even three doesn’t really cut it now the only thing that helps us when we get to three is if it ends up being a one-run game which we are pretty good at this year you know so if it ends up being like 2-1 or 32 we might be able to squeak out a couple wins that way but unless we get four runs or more you know almost every single time that it plays out we lose so two two pitch from Bowman to Mullins pitches High 3-2 count stolen bag got him and a good throw to JP Crawford not Jorge palanco because palanco can’t [ __ ] catch even though he ended up getting one of the guys out from a caly throw earlier today nice job by JP by stepping up there and Cal throwing to JP not palano even the players know that they can’t trust Polo nice job JP good job Cal cowser one away and that helps from them not extending the lead any further than it could be two Bas Steelers thrown out tonight Cal Ry one of the top catchers in baseball throwing out bit Steelers he’s going to be like number one number two almost every year 32 pitch popped up be an easy out here palanco bu at least he catches it sarcastic clapping by the Mariner fans do away next up for the Orioles second baseman Jorge mato get out of this inning and then we have to have a rally Chopper towards third foul 01 pitch Chopper towards thir 02 count yeah we definitely made a mistake with palano and garve should have never got those players I would have been much better of us not spending any money and bringing guys up from single a high a double A triaa Cole Emerson col young right Harry Ford Lazaro Montes and I know some of those guys aren’t ready yet you but like Bliss and La cleer I would have rather had those guys play every day but instead of you know grabbing palanco and garve waste of money big swing in a Miss I mean if that’s what you get for 10 or 11 million for a year for for a guy like palanco and garve no thank you you know hell based on how they’ve been playing this year they don’t even deserve a million they deserve like half of a million 200,000 Triple A [ __ ] a all right let’s go to the bottom of the N let’s see if the Mariners can get a rally like sub donate comment share help your boy out baby try to get to 50 likes and 100 in the Don no and like I mentioned multiple times in the Stream make sure you guys are taking care of your mental health addiction depression anxiety these are things that a lot of us go through on the regular we have in the past so if you feel like you’re slipping a little bit make some minor adjustments to your daily routine if you’re eating a lot of fast food cut back on that eat a little bit healthier exercise if you’re not doing it at all go for a walk once in a while it’ll make you feel great okay and then another thing you can do is listen to music I feel if you listen to music every day and you listen to it for more than a half hour a day it really helps on the mental health and then it’ll help you get back on track and you can win the day big facts next up for the Mariners 0 for three with 2ks Luke rayy batting second ker big dumper Cal righ and batting third shouldn’t be Jorge pongco hopefully they’re smart enough to put in Ryan Bliss and then hopefully Bliss can get a chance to bat because uh I don’t know how many more games that they’re going to play with Banco um before the fans start booing heavily you know and again I feel kind of bad for polo but again if you don’t play well you know and there’s other guys that are waiting that are uh you know in Triple A or on the bench that are better than you at some point you got to pull the trigger and it has to you know stop being political and you know oh we paid him 10 million I don’t give a [ __ ] if you paid him 10 million 50 million 100 million oh Julio he gave a half a billion dollars to and he’s in the Su hole so what’s what’s the excuse for polo you know Doom soundtrack nice stacks on Stacks racks on racks little Cactus bang bang Duke Nukem 3D Doom Wolfenstein I used to play all those appreciate you DX 36 to go stacks on Stacks racks on racks Jack Jack b b d appreciate you brother let’s go we need a rally like sub donate comment share let’s go baby let’s get to 50 likes yeah I Bray you you got to cut him you know if you’re not playing well you just have to be able to take that L and say [ __ ] we [ __ ] up you know and uh there Luke rayley the first here we go tying run to the plate baby just on the front part of the back leg we’ll take it next up big dumper Cal Ry let’s go with one swing he can tie this game up he’s electric he’s our best clutch hitter on the Seattle Mariners overall and especially in the seventh e8th n9th and Innings it’s Cal Ry but you got Craig Kimbrell on the mound he ain’t going to make it easy come on Cal come on Cal let’s go baby 01 pitch pitches outside one-1 count from K crimbo to C Ry let’s go baby we need one of these ASAP crowd will go crazy one- one pitch pitches High good eye by cow he doesn’t swing at garbage like Julio does but again no Superstar player gets pitched inside more than Julio at some point Julio’s got to learn come on cow two1 pitch from Kimber the Raleigh [ __ ] High 3-1 count hell we might be able to tie the game up even if we don’t swing we might just get walk walk walk walk and we can get bases loaded and then just walk a runner in let’s go I don’t even think Polo deserves any photos but we will 3-1 pitch oh he crushed it that would have been a home run that would have tied the game up 22 and he crushed the [ __ ] out of that one and it just went towards the foul pull [ __ ] G Raley [ __ ] a man let’s go Cal bottom of the ninth 2-0 Baltimore runner at first no outs 3-2 pitch to Cal righ come on Cal got him [ __ ] one away that pitch that last one that was it he needed to get a homer there next up oh for three with two KS why not put in Ryan Bliss to pinch hit right here are we stupid I guess we are Jorge palanco I mean the only way that Polo is going to be a her to days if he ends up going yard and for uh for his case he might need to to get on the good side of Mariner fans including myself and Captain Oreo and everyone else I mean he definitely is the probably most disliked player on the Seattle Mariner roster by a lot so one pitch to palanco Wild go go go Luke rley to Second here we go runner in scoring position hit by pitch palano to First oh what do you know Ryan Bliss finally gets in no Dominic canzo not Ryan Bliss you stupid ass announcers Bliss is coming in to pinch it or pinch run and that’s what he is he’s pinch running okay I going to say well let’s get Bliss in the game damn it but they’re going to have him run Bliss is running for palanco why not have him bat for palanco but at least we got Ryan Bliss uh on second base and that’s exactly who you would want just like Sam Hagerty you know you want that speed on the bases and obviously hagri went back down to Triple A and ended up having a season ending injury and you’re not going to get him back up into the lineup at all but Ryan Bliss is probably the fastest Mariner on Seattle let’s go Ryan we got Runners at first and second and again we are a very very good seventh eighth and ninth inning team let’s go Ryan next up for the Mariners Dominic canzone 0 for two with a base on Ball and a k let’s go dirty Dom come on Mariners oh why did he swing at that why did he swing at that garbage G on Mariners keep digging [ __ ] run the first two away all right Julio has a chance to be a hero coincidentally the first time that he’s ever been in the seven hole and he be a hero here and to win the game with a walk-off three-run Homer that’ll definitely get everyone on everyone’s Julio’s good side let’s go boo boo boo I mean if you’re talking about a moment that we need that electricity it’s [ __ ] now we haven’t had too many walk-off home and even if he doesn’t Homer get in RBI okay Julio Pops that one foul 01 count come on Julio it’s been a while since I’ve actually hated a player on the team you know I wasn’t really big on Robinson uh Canó you know with that contract that we gave him but I didn’t hate him the way that I hate Polo like you know he’s and and he’s brand new to the team so it’s kind of weird for me to like dislike a player so much but again you know if you’re not going to be able to defend or hit why the [ __ ] are you playing bottom of the ninth Runners at second and third two Z Orioles and with one swing Julio can tie this game up with an RBI double or win the game with a home run a walk-off one- one pitch Julio crushes that one foul onew count come on Julio like sub donate comment share if you haven’t smashed the like button just yet please do game on the line we need four more likes to 50 get there if you haven’t smashed the like button yet please do that one chops out we’re at 47 we need three more people that are in the room we got 44 on the tube 44 on the Twitter SLX Julio the hero or the zero onew pitch and there it is can’t count on Julio Rodriguez in the seven hole can’t count on him in the one hole can’t count on him in the two hole not a reliable clutch hitter late in games and that’s very disappointing final score Baltimore Orioles 2 Seattle Mariners zero two runs nine hits no errors for Baltimore zero runs two hits zero errors for Seattle that is not going to get it done against one of the best teams in baseball we play tomorrow 7 PM Pacific I will be here right Corbin Burns their best pitcher going against our best pitcher Logan Gilbert and hopefully tomorrow will be better day Matt happy birthday hopefully tomorrow will’ll be a little bit better and I’ll be live at 7 p.m. Pacific and then on July 4th we’ll have the day off because I’m traveling to see Seattle for the game at 1:00 Pacific and then we’ll be back on July 5th uh when we have a home game against the Toronto Blue Jays shout out to all the people watching on Twitter SLX as well as YouTube and if you are in the room please smash the like button for your boy so that way we can get to 50 for five straight streams and see where we’re at we’re at 47 we are so [ __ ] close so hopefully by the time the stream ends we’ll get a couple people to hop in to smash that like button but we’re at 47 likes and we didn’t hit the goal on the donos but we had people participating and that definitely means a lot so I appreciate you very much dxo Judah Matt Captain Oreo and the rest I love you and appreciate you and I got one question for you who you know talk sports like us your boy oryan Northwest sports fanatics and I’m out gang

Baltimore Orioles vs Seattle Mariners Live Play-By-Play & Reactions
#MLB #Orioles #Mariners

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