[Portzline] CBJ have signed D Jack Johnson to a one-year, $775,000 contract, the league minimum. It’s a one-way NHL deal.

[Portzline] CBJ have signed D Jack Johnson to a one-year, $775,000 contract, the league minimum. It’s a one-way NHL deal.

  1. This makes my wife very happy. I don’t know why but Stanley cup champion Jack Johnson is her favorite player. I fully support bringing him back.

    Edit: My wife was yelling Jack got signed again. Saw it was posted here and didn’t read. Now she’s sad.

  2. Jack still has good skills, with limited minutes he can be a good asset. Good pickup for them.

  3. just moved to Dayton, looks like I know which (Avs) jersey I’m getting next to wear to CBJ games. luv u forever stanley cup champ banana pancakes

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