[Babiarz] Sochan’s new look & recent shot motion

[Babiarz] Sochan’s new look & recent shot motion

  1. Looking at the motion, I’m a bit concerned. A pause in the energy transfer, a sideways movement of the ball coming up, off arm is at 45 degrees over the top and side. Oof… That man needs to tear it down all the way, or he’ll end up a defensive specialist bench guy.

    Game footage looks better btw, when he doesn’t think about it too much.

  2. Man he stops his momentum on the way up and has his hand over the ball. Really hurts to watch.

  3. Watch him shoot 35% from 3 on that form somehow on like 2 attempts per game

  4. It does not look that bad in games, yikes. Idk, wouldn’t think of this practice bid too much though. Sometimes I shoot super slow when I’m just putting up shots

  5. This guy can’t shoot man. Let’s just be real, we missed in him.

  6. Oh shit at first I thought the video was lagging. His form is similar to Chuck Hayes’ free throw form.

  7. Everyone is freaking out but I feel like this is just an overly exaggerated practice shot

  8. That is awful. I want him to do well but if he does not improve I can see him getting traded depending on who we draft next year

    Everyone should be on notice, next season you need to showcase or risk missing the train

  9. I think he is just working on keeping his elbow tucked in. He has the tendency for it to flair when he brings in his guide hand (this is why he was shooting one handed free throws). I wouldn’t look into this video of a warm up drill

  10. Doesn’t really look like a game shooting motion and more of like him practicing form shooting as he progresses thru each segment of his shot.

    The new hair look def is fresh tho

  11. I’ll wait to see how he does in regular season before going crazy.

  12. lol who cares how it looks like in practice, if man can hit it at 45 to 40 percent on decent volume and improved finishing man is a long term piece. Period

  13. Form doesn’t matter as long as it goes in, this is a lot easier on the eyes than whatever the hell Marion would do and he was fairly efficient. It’s also hard to tell whether he’s being deliberately slow to see where he’s messing up on his shot or if he’s actually trying to shoot normally, I remember when vassell’s shot looked wonky in a video and dropped his draft stock a ton he ended up being just fine

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