PGT: It’s 1 AM. happy we got the W but fuck open-air stadiums and rain delays. [F: 5-1]

PGT: It’s 1 AM. happy we got the W but fuck open-air stadiums and rain delays. [F: 5-1]

  1. Was I upset they didn’t call the game? Yes. Did I like the final outcome? Yes.

    Rays over .500!

  2. We’re above .500 and our run differential is better than it would have been if the game was called after the 5th. GOODNIGHT

  3. Should have called the game to save the royals embarrassment lol and I couldnt even watch after the rain delay because of a spectrum maintenance outage 😫

  4. if you cannot afford a roof you should not be able to own a team. period!

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