Who Are Some Of The Remaining Options To Help The Right Side Of The San Jose Sharks Defense?

Who Are Some Of The Remaining Options To Help The Right Side Of The San Jose Sharks Defense?

while mik said they does not want to add any more significant pre agents it’s still worth looking at trying to fill some holes and especially on the right hand side of the defense you’re locked on sharks your daily podcast on the San Jose Sharks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello welcome to locked on sharks the premere hockey podcast covering your favorite team in the Bay Area my name is JD young caretaker at The Reef also co-host of the Western Conference Tuesdays on the lock on NHL Channel want to thank you for making lock on sharks your first listen probably part of the lockon network recover your team every day if you want to be an every day all you have to do is just follow wherever you get Podcast or you can watch on YouTube as well and today we’re going to be looking at some of the left now that free agency is kind of slowed down right Miker has given out the big contracts and Tyler to Foley and Alex wenberg um but right roster tinkering Is Never Done um and we’re going to continue to kind of look at where the sharks can potentially add and I think their big hole right now is on the right hand side of the defense specifically in a puck moving defenseman so kind to look at some of the leftovers here and as the first wave of free agencies done um at some guys I think could be potential ads um to try to again fill some holes here so before we do that though do want to let you guys know that today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply so um yes Miker stated you know they’re they’re kind of done I know they want to look at some potential goalies like third goalies which are probably we’ll look at later this week at some some potential additions there but I still think right-handed defense is something the Sharks should be looking at right if you look at their defense core right now um you have maret rasic kind of the locked in guys right Mark vasic Jake Walman Mario Faro Yan Ruda H Henry thrun who’s gonna be kind of I think he will be on the team but is going to have to kind of fight for a spot uh Matt Benny is coming back from a hip surgery Ty Emerson who sounds like he’s good to go but did Miss kind of the end of last season uh and then you know Shakir mukad Dulan I think is kind of the other guy to to keep an eye out here for this you know for this uh job for NHL jobs you also do have some of the additions uh Jimmy schul Lucas Carlson and Jack Thompson but I feel like those guys are going to be kind of Barracuda guys this season um then you can maybe go from there um but I still think though like getting you know because the only right-handed players the sharks have right now are Ty Emerson Matt Benning uh who are actually natural right-handed players everybody uh I know like wallman’s played um on the left side vlasic’s played both uh Yan Ruda has played both but I still think trying to find a right-handed Puck movie defenseman is should still be on Mike G’s checklist so G to look at some of these players who I think uh could potentially fit the bill and the first guy uh who I think is actually the best option out there uh is won Justin Schultz so Schultz is 6 fo2 194 pounds uh played last season with the cracket he’s projected to sign a-year deal at 3.2 million it’s a little pricey but I think if maybe you try to knock it down to a I would try to stick into the one maybe twoe deals uh for for Schultz but let’s kind of keep moving on so last year 70 games he had seven goals 19 assists with 10 shots on goal play about 1628 average time on Ice 53% Cory 39% goals four uh so when he was on the ice they accounted for 53% of the shot attempts but only 39% of the actual goal scored when he was on the ice looking at his evolving hockey card um he third line kind of a guy with with the the Kraken last year 24th percentile uh player 13th percentile offensively 66 percentile defensively uh played a ton on the power play um did not play like at all short-handed um his expected goals above replacement goal uh were good his actual goals replacement were were pretty bad to be honest uh defensively even strength he also was really good um goals above replacement expected goals above replacement so defensively maybe wanting leave you a little bit more wanting in the offensive zone um looking at his war card from J fresh as is wins above replacement 22 percentile uh player in that department 24 percentile even stri offense 34th percent H uh even strict defense um finishing 68th percent he so he kind of scored was was solid with scoring goals there um was pretty good at creating the first assist um didn’t have face too tough a competition and his teammates also weren’t the greatest as well which usually happens when you’re kind of playing third pairing minutes but looking at what he does with his transition and all of his zones he’s great great at getting the puck moving out of the defensive Zone and that has kind of been the the the story for the Sharks this year and I think what they need to try to focus on is getting that puck moving um you know does a great job of like successfully retrieving exiting with the puck um is really good in that department um and also is very good at kind of at the Zone entry defense and not letting guys into the zone so kind of two big areas for the Sharks to try to to kind of work on here um it is to be noted though that that Schultz again faced uh really easy competition didn’t get a ton of Zone starts but did face pretty good pretty easy competition says um kind of why his analytics are kind of the way they are but for the sharks who are a team trying to find NHL caliber players um Justin Schultz is a NHL caliber player who I think fits a need for San Jose and that is a puck moving defenseman who not the greatest right not the greatest offensively but I think if especially if you have wman who’s going to be kind of expected to carry the load in that department finding someone else who can help out in case uh wman gets hurt or again wman can’t play 60 Minutes a night I would Schultz is a guy who I would potentially look at especially on the right side and especially if you’re may be worried about Matt Benning coming back healthy we know Ty Emerson’s also struggled with injuries as well and you know like I I think that is you’re trying to kind of avoid some of the disasters we had last year where um the Sharks just ran out of bodies at some point um you know Yan Ruda who’s going to be entered the last year if his contract is potentially a trade candidate we’ll see how this season goes um but if Schultz if he do sign him for a one-year deal do and if he has a nice season he could be a potential trade asset for you this as well uh Mario fararo is another you know we we’ we’re probably going to continue to hear about Mario fararo trade roomers until Mario farar gets traded Andor signs an extension with the sharks um but yeah it’s I I think for San Jose especially because you’re you don’t have a ton of young guys in the the pool who I think are ready to go I think Shakir Muk Mullan is is the next guy um and then you know probably Jack Thompson is the other guys I think the other you know your pulley your Canon your furong like those guys need some some really solid AHL time um so that is that’s why I think Schultz would be a really smart signing despite the age um just to kind of give a little bit of buffer and again we’re trying to just raise the floor of competence for San Jose as you were the worst team in the NHL last year um and one of your big struggles was just either a keeping the puck out of your own Zone and B when you did get it in your own Zone you could not get it out I think Schultz would um helped to provide some some I think he’d be a big asset in that department so we’ll see again right now we’re spots are kind of filling up so team players might be a little bit desperate and that’s where you could see a guy like Schultz where maybe willing to sign a one-year kind of smaller deal one just to get him to play and two with the knowing like if I play well I can probably get traded to a good team who’s looking to make a cup run especially if my contract’s a little bit smaller and then you know for for Schultz to try to go win uh win a cup so um so yeah I think he’s the best available guy on the market Nate Schmidt was the guy I really wanted to talk about but he got signed today um as well because I thought he’d be a really nice fit um but yeah he got signed today so Schultz is kind of next man right now when we talk about potential Defenders so we’ll at two guys here who um have some warts but could be some by low candidates um and Adam bwest and John kingberg uh and so we’ll get to the guys in just one second if you want to go catch a baseball game go see a concert uh go to a comedy show whatever you want to do this summer you need to 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on the ice at 5v5 Bist evolving hockey card um not the prettiest so he kind of played second line minutes last year uh was a 10th percentile player 30th percentile offensively sixth percentile defensively um no help on the short-handed which is fine um played about second pairing minutes even strength uh was positive offensively but neg very much a negative in the defensive Zone also played a ton a power play but wasn’t the kind of the greatest but I think Jake wman is going to kind of be the deao power play quarterback so you’re looking at a potential second PP unit got here for for with boquist so um his War thanks to J fresh uh 27th percentile War um uh overall 76 percentile even strength offense 87 percentile finishing 3 percentile even straight defense 99 percentile or 11th uh excuse me percentile power play um goals 97th percentile in that um did face tough competition 73% competition but did have good two teammates with the 92nd percentile teammate so he bed off competition but he was playing kind of with with good guys around him so looking at what boquist does well and does not do well um I don’t know if it’s a fit especially For What the sharks are looking for uh because his Zone retrievals his Zone entries are not great uh to be honest he’s really good passer um in that regard but when it comes to like getting the puck out of his Zone um he’s struggles we we’ll say nicely he struggles in that area a bunch of failed exits per 60 so it’s how many um kind of over a 60-minute period how many times he does it it’s kind of off the charts there um does get a lot of the defensive Zone touches and retrievals but he can go get the puck but struggles to actually get it out of the zone so that would again I don’t know if that’s a a fit for what San Jose likes to do um struggles to doesn’t really do a lot of Zone entries um and when he does they they usually tend to not go very well is solid on the four check um on dumpin and going to get uh that but but boquist I I I feel like yes he’s young and and stuff but it feels very kin Addison 2.0 uh is kind of how I I would think of kind of put it so um looking at his usage chart uh he did kind of he did face tough comp or um he faced fair amount of offensive zone deployments and had solid competition but again I don’t think he kind of made the most of of what was expected for him in that department so boquist you’d have I think have to talk me into it w with him so I would probably look elsewhere uh a very by low candidate is John kingberg so 6 fo30 pounds uh projected at a one-year deal at 1752 million only played 14 games last year because of it he had have hip surgery uh zero goals five assists 14 shots on goal with Toronto played 2033 cory4 51.9 one goals for 3913 so again about 52% of the shot attempts uh 39% of the goals uh when he was on the ice since didn’t play his evolving hockey card is pretty sparse he played a ton of power play time before he got hurt uh was basically playing first pairing minutes for Toronto again before he got hurt I think he got hurt right around uh American Thanksgiving and then was done for the season for for Toronto um looking at his War wins above replacement it’s the past it’s you can definitely see it going down as defense has never been there but the offense is kind of it’s think of it very much uh very very poor man’s Eric Carlson where he’s going to provide you plenty of offense but you’re not getting much in the way of Defense so 92nd 92% high or 92% off even strength offense 83% power play 8 58% finishing like his offensive numbers are really good 0% even stength defense kind of middle the pack competition and middle of the pack teammates as well um so if you’re he’s very much you partner with a defensive defenseman of the defensestorm with him though his kind of fits what the sharks are looking for at least for what I think they’re looking for at least in the offensive zone it’s good at getting the puck transporting the puck into the Zone with controlled entries I’m good at kind of getting the puck uh kind of retrieving the puck and getting it going the other way um is terrible at at denying guys um like yeah his Zone entries like not very good defensively there he gets picked on a lot with that so um little bit of a struggle there so and looking at where he you know uh definitely a lot of good offensive zone starts with against mediocre competition which is kind of putting your best putting your player in a position to succeed there so uh kingberg is is definitely a one of those guys who you could see either going really well or going really poorly or probably a combination of both where he’s going to again very Eric very very poor man’s Eric Carlson again I’m not trying to compare John kingberg and Eric Carlson uh because Eric Carlson is out of this world offensively and kingberg when plays when he’s doing well can you know be a solid offensive defenseman but the defense isn’t there and the sharks have struggled with Defenders who can’t defend as well as Defenders who can’t get the puck out of their own zone so at least he could get the puck out of Their Own Zone and if you paired him with a really solid um partner maybe like a Mario Ferraro I think would be a a really where Ferraro is going to can focus on kind of the more defensive liability issues and we’ve seen Ferraro I don’t think kingberg isn’t going to kind of take the risk that a um Eric Carlson will and maybe that could be a solid pairing where feraro can kind of focus a little bit more on the defensive area while kingberg kind of uh do offensive things but um definitely risk for a guy coming off hip surger and you already got one of those in Matt Benning um but could be a potential by low candidate and if he has a really nice season could be a really attractive um trade asset for someone at the trade deadline who’s maybe looking to add some uh help on the blue line so we’ll get to the last guy here in uh Tyson Barry and if he worth a look or if it’s uh maybe not all this cracked up to be when you dig under it look at the numbers [Music] here all right so we’re going to finish up by looking at uh Tyson Barry who I know is another kind of popular name in the Sharks Twitter sphere of guys who could be um again we’re kind of look you know we’re we’re in we’re kind of in the scraps right now and trying to find somebody so uh Tyson Barry playing for the PRS last year 5′ 11 197 pounds projected to sign a one-year deal at 1.8 so definitely in the uh ballpark I think for for what the sharks are looking for um played 41 games last year one goal 14 assists 65 shots on goal about 1819 uh average time on ice at night uh cory4 44.120375 and 48% of the goals um but pulling up his evolving hockey card playing about second pairing minutes fourth percentile player 16 percentile offensively six percentile defensively um expected goals above replacement offensively is not good um goals above replacement expector goals above replacement even straight defensively also not good um did play a ton of power play as well last year no help on on the PK which is fine um right you have plenty of of other defenseman who can kind of fill that role uh between emberson and thrun and fro and vasic and R like you have plenty of the other guys who can kind of fulfill those roles as well but um it’s yeah it I don’t know if the offense is offensive enough for for maybe what the for the lack of of Defense so uh 15 percentile war on J Fresh’s card U 29 percentile even strength offense 3% uh defense 78% power play um solid on the goals and first assist uh 27% competition so he’s kind of facing lower competition and 44 percentile teammates are kind of in the middle uh with that you’ve seen as kind of War over the last couple Seasons really fall down um especially kind of coming over from Edmonton to uh to Nashville and kind of being stuck behind Roman Yosi and Kier like he’s you know and Barry was a healthy scratch a a lot for the PRS last year so um his zone cards from Micah uh sorry from uh Corey and all three zones not pretty um passing onetime assist he’s really good at setting guys up on the one-time um pretty solid at like kind of the entry he faces a fair amount of the entry targets per 60 so like Zone entries he’s got you know a lot they they look at him a lot uh but not the greatest at kind of denying that his defensive Zone exits are okay in area like he doesn’t do a lot of them and when he doesn’t he does okay but you know I I think there’s not a lot to like especially after this year with with Nashville um usus charts got some offensive zone deployment against weak competition and did not do much of anything with it so which worries me the thing though is you could always look back at like his time with Edmonton where he was a much better offensive defense um with Edmonton and maybe that’s where you point to and say look he was kind of the you know stuck behind Roman Yosi who’s really good right Romanos is gonna get like all the offensive zone starts Alexander kerer who you know I talked about on this show as a potential um you know like a potential Target for San Jose and end up getting a pretty solid deal with Nashville and then like you know maybe kind of wasn’t the right fit and kind of was just kind of writing out his contract uh with with Nashville and maybe a fresh start with it but I worry for for a guy who’s you see kind of the numbers really sliding over the last couple Seasons if it might be closer to the end for Tyson Barry than we are kind of maybe in the middle so may or maybe he just has a a bounceback season and he could the Sharks could be the team to to kind of capitalize on it and then again look to try to move quickly before locking him up to a long-term deal and um kind of paintting yourself into a corner with him so it’s tough It’s we’re we’re getting to the scraps out here I think out of the the four guys I think Schultz is the yes I know he’s a little bit older than the rest of the guys but I think Schultz is still the best option available for the Sharks especially if you can maybe get him for a one-year deal uh where he can kind of come in play well and if my career is like you know hey we’ll we’ll look to move you to a contender you play well for us we’ll look to move you to a contender um this season where you can try to go win uh go win a cup or go you know go play meaningful playoff games that could be a maybe that is a a an enticing offer for him just kind of knowing like play well help our young guys out here and we’ll we’ll try to do good by you by the end of season we know mik career is going to try to do that for for the veterans right he’s very much even you know the established veterans like I’m going to try to kind of do that for you help us out with our young guys we’re going to try to do right by you and make sure we put you in a position to uh try to win at some point here so um but yeah it it’s getting a little Stark out there for for the Sharks I’m curious to see if they do try to add someone at the right-handed spot or if they just kind of let it ride right now and maybe you see if getting closer to training camps if guys might be available for trade um or guys maybe on the waiver wire especially since the Sharks do have first priority on the waiver wire I think until it’s if I recall correctly it’s like the first month or so um where the Sharks B the first priority on the waiver wire and then for about the first month or maybe it’s till November 15th or something like that but um and then they will get then they’ll kind of reorder it by actual standing so um it’s kind of nice about being the worst team you get the first pick and then you get first priority on waiver wire for a while especially with the shark sewer very much in flipping over acorns trying to find some guys and last year right you got Tai emberson off of waivers and he was a really great addition when he was healthy so um I’m curious to see what Mike Gard kind of does here if uh to add a a right-handed defenseman because I I feel like that’s the slot that that’s the spot right there where the shark probably want to try to add at least one more name into the mix and then you go into training camp and try to figure out who’s available and If you need to maybe trade somebody or whatever there’s plenty of guys get traded all the time so um that’s gon to be it for me today uh we’ll continue with free agency stuff if there’s any news signings all that fun stuff uh well sometime this week we probably tomorrow to be honest we’ll probably look at potential 3G like the third goalie options guys who are like AHL guys who can make you know play play some NHL games in a pinch so we look at some of these options that are available uh of course and on Thursday I’ll be at the game for uh sharks Prospect scrimmage so I’ll be there uh we’ll have some content from that so make sure you guys are following wherever you get Podcast of course you can watch on YouTube as well and then as the July goes on we’ll dig into some of the new prospects get to know them better have some deep Dives on some of these guys and kind of get to yeah get to know their games a little bit better so plenty of great stuff coming here at lockon sharks so make sure again follow along review podcast you can watch on YouTube as well uh follow the show on Twitter Facebook and Instagram at lockon sharks follow me on Twitter at my fry hole till tomorrow bye friends [Music]

While Mike Grier has said he is done with any significant additions to the roster, the San Jose Sharks still need a right-handed puck-moving defenseman. With free agency winding down, look at some of the best options on the market for the Sharks. Start with Justin Schultz and why he would provide exactly what San Jose is looking for despite being the oldest player in this group. Look at Schultz’s metrics and how they match a huge need for the Sharks. Then, Adam Boqvist has become a popular name among Sharks fans. Is he worth a swing, or are the Sharks looking at a Calen Addison 2.0? John Klingberg lost most of the 2023-24 season due to a hip injury. Is he the perfect bounce-back candidate? Or is the defense going to be an issue? Finally, Tyson Barrie is another popular name among Sharks fans to help fill the void. Do the analytics agree, or are Barrie’s best days gone?

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  1. I was surprised he said that he's pretty much done with the big stuff. I felt like he coulda had one of these D as part of a signing. But if there wasnt much interest then there's not much we can do. 🤷

  2. I was surprised he said that he's pretty much done with the big stuff. I felt like he coulda had one of these D as part of a signing. But if there wasnt much interest then there's not much we can do. 🤷

  3. I feel like Grier might just not sign anyone and try to add a younger barracuda talent on the back end. Not really sure why he didn’t try to add a defensive piece on the 1st, but it’s what it’s

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