What We Learned from New York Giants Hard Knocks, Episode 1

What We Learned from New York Giants Hard Knocks, Episode 1

the New York Giants made their debut on the Hard Knock franchise series what did we learn from episode number one I have some takeaways and some thoughts from the first episode that aired Tuesday night that’s coming your way next on the lon Giants [Music] podcast you are locked on Giants your daily New York Giants podcast part of the locked on on podcast Network your team every day this episode of the lock on Giants podcast is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the promo code logged on NFL for $20 off your first purchase last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed hello New York Giant fans and welcome to another edition of The Loon Giants podcast part of the lock on podcast family your team every day I’m your host Patricia Traina credential member of the New York Giants media for locked on as well as for Giants on SI find my written work over at si.com NFL giiants and welcome on in to my blue crew community members to my everydays to my newcomers and everybody in between thank you so much for spending part of your day with us here on the lon Giants podcast it is appreciated and if you’re watching on YouTube please consider subscribing to the channel like the video that helps us out and ring the bell the notification Bell so that you are notified every time there is a new video released and on today’s lock on Giants podcast it happened ladies and gentlemen the Giants appeared on Hard Knocks something that John Mara their co-owner had said you know had resisted for the longest time but this was an offseason version of the of hard knock the uh the successful franchise for HBO and really the focus here is on the front office building the roster you know with a little bit you know on the players what not but mostly on the roster building process and there were you know in the first episode there were I wouldn’t say there were very many surprises maybe a little bit more context added to some storylines that we all follow throughout the uh the preseason um the offseason and whatnot so we’re going to talk about them the key takeaways uh of this episode and we got to start off with saquan Barkley because that was a huge huge storyline and also it was I I want to say it was one of the stories that dominated uh this particular episode and oh by the way if you have not seen the episode yet spoiler alerts here so let me just put that out there so anyway um here’s the situation with Barkley you may recall if you’re an every dayer that a while back I kept mentioning the possibility of the Giants doing a taging trade of saquin Barkley folks that was definitely a consideration Joe Shane you know talked about that in the end he decided not to do it because they qu they just weren’t sure if they were G to be able to pull it off all right because you know the running back Market was rich and talent you know they there was the draft so at the end they just decided okay you know what we’re not going to be able you know to to work with the franchise tag which was upwards of12 million for a running back and they basically you know there was a clip of Joe Shane talking to saquan on the phone saying look we’re not going to franchise tag you we’re gonna let you go and test the market now we did not see from the trailer we did not see the part where you know hey do we have your word you’re going to come back to us and give us a chance we didn’t see that part that’s still coming because they kind of chop up you know the story lines a little bit to to get in other story line so basically the decision you know they did contemplate um you know the tag and trade forsake one and at the end Shane said you know n not gonna happen and what was also interesting is in the Personnel meetings they talked about their needs and by the time they got down to running back running back was like at the bottom of the list so Shane was like look we need a cornerback we need a um a number one receiver an edge rusher you know he was he rattled off these these needs and he basically said you know look running back is at the bottom so do we really want a $40 million quarterback Daniel Jones handing off to a12 million running back so that’s actually something that was a recurring theme throughout Joe Shane talking about Daniel Jones the 40 million a year quarterback I’ll talk about that a little later um in the podcast but that was definitely a curring theme so you know the Giants they went through you know they they mentioned some of the names that they were contemplating at free agent running back you know Josh Jacobs Zach Moss um I think Tony Pard was also mentioned so they mentioned some of these guys and ultimately you know Devin single ter was the one that they went with so you know the the Barkley situation we’re just now starting to get into it um to learn a little bit more about you know what went into that but ultimately you know the Giants decided not to do anything with him now here’s what’s interesting this there was something that happened in this sequence that I think is going to dispel a common belief that giant some giant fans have and that is that John Mara calls the shots folks in this episode John Mara was in Joe Shane’s office and Joe Shane was basically talking to him about saquan and what his plan was and how his plan was to take the money that he had the resources that he had and upgrade the offensive line which as we all know has been a problem forever and John Mara you know very softly was like you know in a perfect world we find a way to make it happen now most people would say okay well if your boss says that it’s probably his way of hinting hey get it done that’s not what happened obviously so you know John weighed in gave his opinion but at the end of the day it was Joe Shane’s decision okay look we can’t afford the 12 plus million that sa Juan’s looking for or that it’ll cost us to bring them back on the cap so we take that money and um we go and we invest it in um the offensive line and and we look to upgrade you know the edge rusher and the other needs that we have that are a little bit more pressing and I want to point something out else out to you guys if you go back to when saquan was initially drafted a lot of people were screaming about it they were like why are they drafting a running back number two when this roster is not complete well wouldn’t that had been the same mistake they had made if they had signed saquan and said you know what hey look the roster’s not complete but hey let’s let’s devote $12 million to to saquon Barkley and running back when our offensive line is garbage when we don’t have a you know a a a really deep pass rush group when we don’t know who the identity of our quarterback to is going to be did it really makees sense and you know this isn’t a knock on saquin Barkley um and I know some of you will say well they spent all the money on Daniel Jones we’ll talk about Daniel Jones coming up but this would have been history almost repeating itself I think so that was kind of interesting you know there’s going to be more on the saqu on Barkley story I’m sure but we got a little bit of an insight into what was going on there okay um coming up next we’ll talk about Daniel Jones which is another big um storyline which I think they’re going to track and not just Daniel Jones’s rehab process but just the whole decision as to why he’s still on this roster all right so don’t go anywhere we will be right back hey giant fans I can’t tell you how clutch game time has been for me this summer whether I want to see a Broadway show or a concert or another event where tickets are hard to come by I know I never have to worry thanks to game time’s large selection of seats at competitive prices want more reasons to check out game time start with event cancellation protection upfront information about fees seat locations at the venue last minute money saving deals and their promise that if you find 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this segment let’s talk about Daniel Jones and what was revealed there now obviously you knew that they were going to show Daniel rehabbing doing weight work weight room work you know his his his uh exercises and all the stuff on his knee but the bigger issue here is and again this was a recurring thing josi must have mentioned it at least two or three times $40 million quarterback so Shane if you remember at the start or at the end of last season basically said hey Daniel Jones is our starter once he is healthy and he never backed off of that now they didn’t go into whether the Giants tried to draft up for Drake may I suspect that will be forthcoming once they do more on the draft but really you know was the plan all along and Shane basically said that he said look the guy’s got a four-year contract you know this year is guaranteed money so they weren’t going to move him even if they had drafted a quarterback and you know so they were going to kind of stick with him and the idea was to build up around him and they they showed a graphic where okay these were the skill position players that they had you know Jaylen Hy Darius Slayton Daniel Bellinger I think at the time they showed Darren Waller because they didn’t know Waller was going to retire or not um the running back they had a question mark So the plan was to upgrade the offensive line and basically take away the last bit of excuses for Daniel Jones because you know the Daniel Jones supporters will say nobody could function with the offensive line that he had last year and you’re right it wasn’t a very good offensive line uh given the injuries and the play and just everything but basically what Sheen did with this roster is he took away all the possible excuses now unless injuries strike again which we all know could happen he took away all the excuses for Daniel Jones not to perform all right so that is the plan that’s what they’re hoping for and look it even Shane said it he says we’ve got to find out is this the guy and if he’s not we pivot and we go in a different direction next year so that’s kind of where they’re at with Daniel Jones and of course Daniel at the time was still rehabbing he’s a little further along in his rehab now but he did stay in New Jersey to do his rehab and the hope is that he’s going to be ready for training camp some that’s his hope as well as you know the hope of the team so what can we learn about you know the Jew lock thing you might remember that there were reports in the preseason about the Giants having buyers remorse about you know JW lock coming in to compete and unless something was said you know and and just blocked out or edited by the Giants who admittedly had final editing rights that does not seem to be the plan based on what was aired so you know there was no hint of really buyers remorse although Shane did acknowledge that you know the three the the three significant injuries that Jones has had over the last few years concerned so that’s kind of where they’re at with the quarterback and I’m sure there’ll be a whole lot more on Daniel Jones as we get it further into the series with four more episodes to go um also want to talk about in this segment the Brian Burns trade because that was another you know big story line how did that come about and there was actually a clip released before the episode aired in which you know you saw Brandon uh Bean of the Buffalo Bills you saw Joe Shane and Dan Morgan the GM of the Carolina Panthers they were standing around at the Senior Bowl and they were just shooting the breeze and Joe was Joe Shane was kind of teasing them hey you know Brandon you want to move up you know to number six you know kind of like throwing out scenarios and then say nah you don’t have enough Capital move up you know and then you know to Dan Morgan who Shane revealed was was a good friend of his hey you know you want to do a trade and you know they were just kind of like joking around with each other but then suddenly Dan Morgan said hey you interested in Brian Burns for a couple of ones and that caught everybody’s attention actually they actually stopped the episode to say h guess what was just introduced here so Shane obviously wasn’t going to give up a couple number ones um and then uh Dan Morgan came back and he says how about a one and a something and Shane was like you’re getting better you know so that it was still a little too much too rich of a trade for for Shane’s taste but the point being is is that’s when the trade apparently first started to take shape and they started to have discussions about it now I don’t know exactly when it was finalized was it done at the combine was it done you know later on I maybe we’ll find out um in in future episodes but that was how it kind of originated and kudos to Joe Shane on this one because look he could have jumped that it for two ones that’s what the the Panthers wanted the year before um I think uh the P the Rams if I’m not mistaken had offered two ones and the Panthers turned it down so now because Burns was in a contract year and they didn’t want to pay that contract because they wanted to rebuild their roster now they were maybe a little bit more desperate to move uh Brian Burns off the team to where they were willing to settle for basically the Giants traded um away assets the same assets they got in return for Leonard Williams which I’m sure maybe that that factors into the conversation at some point but um the Giants giving up a second round pick this year a fifth rounder next year and um the two teams also swapped orders in the fifth round this past year so Joe Shane got himself a premier pass rusher for basically a good value so that was a kind of a little backstory into how the trade you know originated which I found interesting so uh we certainly have that uh to talk about all right coming up next more takeaways from the first episode of Hard Knocks New York Giants offseason Edition so don’t go anywhere hey giant fans if you want to be among the first in the know on breaking news hot plays quotes to note and more from Giants training camp this summer consider joining the locked on Giants blue crew Community let’s continue the conversation through one-on-one chats exclusive video opportunities and so much more all of this sent directly to your phone try it for free for 14 days and if you like it do nothing and continue for just $4.99 a month and right now for a limited time only you can get your first month at a 50% discount when you use the promo code blue crew at signup for more information or to register visit join sub.com loock onny Giants and be sure to enter that promo code blue crew at the top of the page to take advantage of our one month 50% discount on your first month all right everybody welcome back to the lockon Giants podcast I’m your host Patricia tra and we’re recapping the key takeaways from hardox New York Giants offseason edition episode number one and look if you’ve made it this far you’ve already gotten some spoilers but if uh you’re just now picking this segment to tune in there are spoilers in this episode so if you have not seen it I don’t you know and and you you won’t hear me say this very often but maybe you don’t want to listen to this particular episode I hope you do but if you don’t want to be spoiled you know but anyway let’s talk about a few other things that were shown and weren’t shown in this episode now a lot of people wondered if the Giants would address the wink marale Fallout with Brian dable the Hard Knocks and NFL films crew did not come in until I believe February and the wink marale Fallout happened in January but it was mentioned in the series in the episode so you know they did voiceovers and stuff like that but it was mentioned because that paid the way for the introduction and the selection of Shane Bowen as the defensive coordinator so Brian da you know in one scene was was shown going into Joe Shane’s office saying hey I’m going to offer the DC job to Shane and then he D pulled out his phone I guess he pulled up some rankings from from uh Bowen’s defense uh from his time in Tennessee and he was showing him you know showing Joe Shane why he was so enamored with with the job that Shane Bowen could potentially do for this defense and that of course ultimately led into a Personnel meeting that they had which we saw a preview clip that was first aired during the night with Legends a couple weeks ago uh that the Giants held at the theater at Madison Square Garden so you saw Shane talking about what the base defense was going to be you know what he was looking for he did mention that he wanted four guys up front who could attack and penetrate to get pressure on the quarterback and I immediately flashed back to the old Four Aces uh defensive alignment that Steve spagnolo used to run where he had four pass rushers that just were designed to create havoc and cause headaches for the opposing offensive line so I thought that was pretty interesting I mean not a surprise but you know Bowen going into what he was looking for he talked you know the scouts were all present and you know the Giants you know the coaches telling the scouts what they want and this is important because in past years with past regimes that wasn’t always the case towards the end of the Tom coffin era there were many times ladies and gentlemen when the coaching staff and the front office just W on the same page the front office you know liked this player because he fit their mold and maybe the coaching staff was like well maybe he’s not quite a fit for what we want to do so there was no cohesiveness now there’s cohesiveness to where the GM listens to what the coach wants and then goes out and tells the scouts okay find them this guy so that was you know that that’s that’s a significant change in how they used to do things I I think da Gman tried to do it that way as well um I don’t obviously it wasn’t that successful given how things kind of worked out but certainly towards the end of the Tom coflin era it you know the coach and the the the front office weren’t always on the same uh same page which is partially why you know the Giants franchise went downhill um in that regard so okay what else did we can we take away um you know there were little things you know like I always like to look at you know the behind the scene footage stuff that I don’t get to see so for example I’m talking about how the facility changes now as a member as a credential member of the media we are allowed uh Into The Press Room which is on one end and on the other end of the building is the wait room and the locker room and during the season we’re we’re escorted from the media room through the hallway past the you know the lobby past the cafeteria down the hall or past the wait room and into the locker room to do our media veils we are not allowed however in the back you know with the training area we’re not allowed upstairs unless you know there’s a reason for us to be upstairs which you know I can’t think of any um if you get called upstairs that’s like getting called to the principal’s office so you don’t want to be upstairs if you don’t have to um but anyway just little things you know I I was observing the signage that was on the wall you know different things that have changed um there’s one of their slogans is trail and I apologize I didn’t catch what trail meant but each letter stood for something um I’ll have to look it up and see if I can find what it is and mention it next time but um even little things like how the the name plates outside the offices change like you think of a name plate they’re you think they’re horizontal and they’re actually vertical now which you know um it’s also was kind of interesting to see the size of the office Joe Shane you would think had the big corner office and I know from having been upstairs um years ago when I had a one-on-one with bed macadoo um the head coach gets usually gets the corner office which is like the biggest office uh and then the GM gets a smaller office it’s kind of a weird dynamic but I it looks like they kept you know they kept up with it so uh that was something that I took a look at obviously the new seat seats they have new seats in the auditorium that are padded with the NY logo so just little you know cosmetic changes if you will and I mentioned those because when a new coaching regime comes in they do make tweaks to um you know this stuff to how they want the rooms set up the meeting rooms the wait room all that stuff and you can kind of get a good look at how that all kind of um you know came together another thing you that I caught and I found it interesting was the internal computer system or network if you will that all 32 teams use as far as filing trades waiver requests or waiver wire transactions um watching film it it was this whole big Network and if you look real quickly on the video you’ll actually be able to see what that network is and you know it’s it’s a closed Network obviously but it was kind of interesting to see how how everything was kind of automated and they could call stuff up you know at the saap the finger so that was really interesting I thought as far as you know the little nuances and stuff that maybe nobody else would care about but I found you know of interest because I like to look at all those little things regarding um how the operations uh go um couple of other things just real quick you know they mentioned the Senior Bowl they mentioned the uh East West shrine game they talked about you know the combine just really briefly we’ll probably see more of that going forward um because this was kind of like an introductory episode but overall folks the episode was interesting there wasn’t anything that made my jaw drop there wasn’t anything that I can honestly say that I didn’t know um you know there was some more context provided into stuff that I had heard and stuff that I had reported here on this podcast as well as over on Giants country um but overall you know very intriguing series and I can’t wait to see the next episode so uh next week when they air the next episode we will of course have a summary for you the takeaways and whatnot so that’s going to do it for this edition of Lon Giants tomorrow we resume these last few opponent previews um we are off for the 4th of July and then we’re back on on uh Friday with a new episode so hope you will continue to tune in to the lock on Giants podcast folks thank you so much for making us uh your first listener of the day or if you watch on YouTube your first watch of the day and don’t forget to check out the written work over on si.com NFL giiants giant fans I’ll see you tomorrow with another opponent preview have a good one [Music]

The New York Giants debuted on the “Hard Knocks” series and we’re looking at some of the revelations learned from the look inside the team’s personnel department.

What We Learned from New York Giants Hard Knocks, Episode 1

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  1. What I took away from this episode was that once Schoen was unable to get that long term contract done with Saquon, he knew he was done with him. When he spoke of the frustration of trying to get the deal done last year you could see it on his face. The whole time Schoen spoke it was about life without Saquon even though one of the player personnel (the guy breaking down the FA Running backs) was advocating to keep Saquon as they needed his offensive production and that Jones needed the running game to be effective. Schoen immediately shot that down and talked about the draft and improving the OL.
    Also, I believe that he has Jones on a very short lease this year because of his salary and the improved OL and weapons ( of course that was his thinking before the draft and FA actually took place). Going to be interesting to see how everything played out.

  2. All this episode did was make me feel like this will be a long season. Way to much faith in DJ every other qb who played last year looked much better than DJ including an undrafted rookie. Shane is the only guy who thinks DJ is a 40 million dollar QB.

  3. I’ve said all along they were trying to move up for Marvin Harrison JR. the media can’t read the room no matter how close they are to the room.
    This was the worst paraphrase ever. He said they… “We have to give DJ help. In the Miami game there was 3 practice squad players on the line. We could’ve had, Patrick Mahomes and he would’ve got killed.”

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