Each Wizard’s Best Play on the Team

According to Real Sports app

Each Wizard’s Best Play on the Team
byu/Snoopdoge857192 inwashingtonwizards

  1. Wonder what model they used that came up with this. AG’s play was terrible 😅

    For me, Kispert’s is a finish he had where they closed out and he blew by, then went up at the rim, got fouled and made an acrobatic layup (and made the free throw).

    Bilal’s best play was either that one hand dunk on somebody in the lane with the Chris Miller call(“AND STARING DOWN PAUL REED!”), or that great dribble move into the lane and up and under finish.

  2. I think the real sport app uses impact to determine how good the play (late game play valued way higher) that’s why there was quite a few plays from the bulls game cause we actually won that one

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