Philadelphia 76ers Off Day Discussion Thread – July 03, 2024

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Posted: 07/03/2024 05:00:03 AM EDT, Update Interval: 5 Minutes

  1. Not sure if they’ll have the assets, but if they can make salaries work from the Hield trade, I’d love to see the sixers go for Lauri and sign Haywood highsmith and Lowry to round out the rotation.

    Starters: Maxey/Oubre/PG/Lauri/Embiid
    Bench: Lowry/Gordon/Highsmith/RC4/Drummond

    Unfortunately, I lean toward the sixers not quite having the assets and highsmith going for above the minimum. Would be a championship caliber roster if it happened though

  2. Sounds like if we take back the additional salary in a Reed trade then we are hardcapped at the 1st Apron, which essentially means the KJ Martin Human Trade Exception plan won’t be available? 

    Personally, if this is the case, I’d much rather not waste that bullet on someone like DFS and would like to have the KJ+picks plan available in Feb. 

    It’s either gotta be a sensational move now or we target someone within the salary constrains that BBall has so we can hunt for some bigger fish at the deadline. 

    In Morey we trust, I guess. But hopefully we see some movement today!

  3. So theoretically… if we land DFS for Santos + Reed, could we turn around and package DFS + McCain for Lauri?

  4. I hope whatever this team looks like, it’s constructed to be together for at least three years. Embiid hasn’t just been injury prone, our teams have been wildly different each year. Kyrie and Luka, the Heat big 3, the warriors original 3, Tatum and Brown… it usually takes multiple years together for a team’s core to win or compete for a championship.

    Embiid and maxey (now along with PG) deserve some consistency.

  5. I’m hoping GSW go all-in on Lauri in a multi-team trade that lands us Kuminga (let me hope).

    But I feel like, if GSW trades for Lauri, Kuminga more so fits Utah’s timeline – even as a future trade asset.

  6. Blast from the past, but Donyell Marshall would fit us like a glove.

    Good shooter and defender (before he got fat) and a great rebounder for a forward.

  7. I haven’t done the math myself, but in theory we could voluntarily hard cap ourselves with a Paul Reed trade as long as the roster is already filled out? As in: 1) Replace all empty roster charges with vet min players, 2) Sign KJM for deadline flexibility, 3) Finalize Maxey’s contract, 4) Aggregate Paul Reed with Gui Santos / Jared McCain / whoever to acquire a ~$16M starter and lock our cap. Then we could legally still trade KJM down the road for anyone making less?

  8. I still can’t get over the fact that Paul George actually signed with us. I’m so excited.

  9. Who else is looking forward to the endless posts re: made up reasons the Sixers didn’t trade for Lauri, a thing that was never going to happen in the first place lol

  10. Hope we don’t make any trades now and just collect tradeable salaries to make a more defined move at the deadline. I’m looking at Kuzma at $23M, I think we need to get to $20M to make it work. Paul Reed (or FA signing) at $7.7M + KJM (call it $8M) gets us to about $16M. Add in another small contract or 2 minimums to get us over $20M (or inflate KJM further). Someone correct me on the mechanics if I’m a bit off here.

    Other wing options in that range would be Cam Johnson, Keldon Johnson, Bruce Brown, Hunter. If you really want to go mad lad I’m sure there’s a path to Wiggins, Draymond or Barrett lol.

    Less focused on guard options but Brogdon or Lonzo (if he somehow looks like himself and stays healthy he’s very intriguing). But still I’d prioritize adding a wing.

  11. Seeing the Warriors fans happy with Melton and Hield, two relative zeros in the playoffs, over Klay is certainly something.

  12. So hypothetically, if we get Gui from the Warriors and then flip him with Paul Reed for DFS, how does that affect our cap?

  13. LeBron max so think that rules them out of theDemra sweepstakes. 

    Unrelated but the more I think about potential trade pieces at the 4, I really think we could go after Santi Aldama. Last year of his contract, stuck behind JJJ, Clarke, GG Jackson and Edey, good shooter and great passer. Very cheap deal. Worth a shot?

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