What New Wrinkles Will Ryan Grubb Bring to Seattle Seahawks from Washington?

What New Wrinkles Will Ryan Grubb Bring to Seattle Seahawks from Washington?

what new wrinkles is Ryan grub going to be bringing to the Seahawks from Mont Lake we’ve got a special guest and Danny Kelly here to break it all down in our Tuesday edition of locked on Seahawks you are locked on Seahawks your daily Seattle Seahawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Every Day greetings 12 this is Corbin Smith the host of the lock on Seahawks podcast your daily Seahawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day glad to be joined as always by my coast and crime Rob rang and a special thanks to all the TW out there whether you’re listening in nearby Gig Harbor Washington or over in Jakarta Indonesia we greatly appreciate each and every one of you for making locked on Seahawks your first listen five days a week we’re fired up to welcome Danny Kelly of the ringer back to the podcast and Danny gets the special honors of opening our training camp preview this year we’re going to be breaking down a bunch of key story lines heading into the 2024 season which is certainly going to be an eventful one with all the changes that have happened in the Pacific Northwest before we get to that make sure to check out FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit fanduel.com locked on to get started as I just mentioned a moment ago Danny we greatly appreciate having you on every time that you Grace your presence on this podcast and you get the honors of being the first person to jump on and break down a key storyline for the Seattle Seahawks heading into training camp yeah I appreciate the invite this is always fun this is the time of year where we start to kind of like Turn the page on the draft and really look to the season so super exciting uh obviously this is a brand new for the Seahawks and so there’s a lot of huge questions the fun thing about this is we were trying to cater these story lines to all of our guest what they were interested in and when I reached out to you you immediately said Ryan grub this new offense coming from Washington and so we’re going to start off with the essential question here more of a big picture before we dive into specifics but Seahawk fans be expecting with Ryan grub coming to town and I’m not going to really say coming to town is the right verbage I guess he was in Tusa for like six minutes but he’s back in Seattle what new wrinkles are you anticipating that we are going to see based on what we saw the last few years at Washington and just in general what you know about Ryan grum yeah I mean I think big picture when I pictured this offense it’s a little bit more spread out vertical attack um just a little bit more high-f flying I guess is the really generic term that I would use like when you watch the Washington offense last year it was you know a lot of vertical shots down the field letting their uh receivers make plays like giving a chance for the receivers to make plays I could see that kind of being a you know focal point for the Seahawks offense this year the other thing you know that comes to mind and this is something that’s always been super frustrating watching the Seahawks over the years is like a really diverse screen game really creative diverse screen game um I remember seeing like they were doing middle screens you know to running or to receivers um little delayed screens things like that that kind of like kept defenses on their heel so I’m really excited to see you know kind of what what kind of how how creative they can get with the screen game because this has been sort of the bane of the Seahawk’s existence over the few years I know that there’s been stretches where they’ve been pretty good at screens but for the most part you know one of the worst screen teams in the NFL and that’s always been frustrating to me so that’s a big part of what I’ll be hoping they kind of like break out this year well and let me just kind of reiterate what Corbin said to start off the show Danny and thank you so much for for joining us you know it’s uh it’s kind of funny there’s a lot of folks out there that the very first time that they saw DK meaf on the field and they saw this number 14 they thought that was the first DK associated with the Seahawks not uh you know this gentleman here Danny Kelly well I’ve been following Danny’s stuff on the ringer previously SB Nation field goals uh done a lot of great work for a long time so thank you again for joining us means a lot thank you appreciate that yeah absolutely uh you know I want to kind of get back to this whole idea of just you know Ryan grub obviously making that transition from the University of Washington and you know like Scott huff and like Jay Harbaugh like H like Pete Carroll before them uh you know just making that switch from the college game to the NFL game and I’m just curious I think that that can be an advantage I think that you can you know always have an eye towards developing the players right now who are going to be your Breadwinners but also developing the young players think sometimes you get these you know old fogy kind of coaches sometimes that aren’t going to be developing their their freshman their sophomores so to speak so I I’m just curious can can you do you think that that is something that is going to help Ryan grub in his Ascent to the NFL and in specifically at the quarterback position look I obviously we’re all excited about the way gin Smith might fit into uh to Ryan Grub’s offense but also Sam how so again do you how do you view uh Ryan Grub’s experience at the college level actually being helpful for him in his jump to the NFL this year I mean the first thing that I think of and this is sort of general for all College coaches is they just don’t have as much time to install things as like play people in the the pro game do these players especially now with the transfer portal are in and out every year it seems like there’s just and you know especially if you’re a really good player you’re only going to have him for two years probably and so um I think it’s just uh simplifying the language you know being able to and I think you have to be able to at this level be able to relate to the players and and know how they learn best and so there’s some things where you’re teaching you know younger guys guys that are a little more green and you have to kind of accelerate that whole thing and and try and get them you know get their feet under them much much quicker I think than a lot of teams in the NFL would do like sometimes you’ll give a rookie just a you know a year to just kind of learn and and you can’t really do that in college quite as much unless they’re they’re red shirting or whatever but um I would just say you know simplifying everything H having the ability to um you know teach your players and kind of accelerate that teaching you know ability to get on the field much much quicker I think that’s just going to be you know an advantage here especially trying to get all these guys on the same page get get Gino on the same Page’s receivers and so um I just think at the college game the teaching is a little bit different and I I know this is exactly what we’re gonna talk about with like Mike McDonald like he he’s all about simplifying calls and and teaching the the players the holistic view of the defense rather than like here’s your job here specific what you’re going to be doing so I think there’s just a lot of there could be a lot of advantages for you know these guys that are coming out of the college game in terms of just accelerating the the teaching program Rob mentioned Sam how and there’s obviously some tangible excitement from the tws out there because this is a 23y old quarterback with 18 NFL starts under his belt and there’s a lot of optimism at least for some fans out there that how may be the future for the Seahawks but we were talking about this on our show yesterday that there are a lot of stats out there that suggest Gino Smith is getting not enough love not even close to enough love from Seattle’s fans and then you look at this offense that Ryan Grub’s running Michael pennick the last two years was one of the best quarterbacks in the entire country a top 10 pick for the Atlanta Falcons and you can correct me if you think I’m wrong on this but it feels like these two quarterbacks Michael penx and Gino Smith that there’s a lot that you can look at in terms of parallels with their playing style their strengths how do you see that helping Gino Smith fit in this offense and just how do you see the fitting General with what we’ve seen from Michael penck what he did the last two years for Ryan grub I mean I think stylistically they’re they’re definitely similar both are very aggressive uh like to you know attack downfield vertical offense um I think quick processing and knowing where to go with the football are are two you know I guess like traits that they both share Michael penx and Gino Smith I actually compared penx to Smith in my draft guy just because I think if you look at like the pressure to sack rate for both of these players it’s very very low they generally speaking have a very good um ability to know where they’re going to go with the football make their reads quickly move through the progressions and and pass downfield aggressively and so um stylistically they do remind me a little bit of each other and I think you know G Smith feels like a really good fit for this Ryan Garb offense because of all the things I said before like um you know getting through your reads quickly uh attacking downfield um if if you don’t see it right away like checking down and kind of like getting a a shorter easier play I think there’s always like this option in in that offense where you either you know attack downfield or just get rid of the football quickly and and move on to the next play I think Gino has that that processing ability to like run this offense with a lot of efficiency I think last year he got into trouble few too many picks I think that really soured um some fans on on what he was doing but to me I’m like he’s not taking a lot of sacks um you know he’s he’s getting the football to his to his Playmakers he’s attacking downfield he’s making some incredible throws and I just think there is generally speaking there’s just like expectations for what the Seahawks could have at quarterback too high like goo Smith is a really good quarterback like count your blessings a little bit like it’s hard to find a really good quarterback um and you know everyone’s trying to get rid of him so quickly I I just you know think he he could be the type of player that could really lead him deep into the playoffs um assuming you know he’s not necessarily an elite elite guy but that doesn’t mean he’s worthless it doesn’t mean you should move on from him really like right away um so that’s kind of my take on Gino I think he’s a good player I think he could um certainly lead them to the playoffs and get them some playoff wins and you know to me that’s what you’re looking for yeah no no question about it uh and you know Danny you just took some of the words right out of my mouth there because you’re kind of talking about with like the the pressure rate for example with Michael penx and Gino Smith and how that is kind of similar I wonder if the the Huskies didn’t have the Joe Moore a winning offensive line of the year um you know penck led the country in passing yards Roma Dunes they led the country in receiving yards if if the huskys don’t get to the national championship and again if they don’t have the pass protection they have mean they allowed on average less than a sack a game I mean that’s mindboggling yeah that to me is one of the questions I have about Ryan Grub’s offense going to the NFL and do you think that his scheme is that something that you believe that the Seahawks can replicate uh again the quarterback position as you just mentioned um you know Gino Smith and Michael penx have some similarities I love the system and all the different kind of just Outlet passes developing Outlet passes but you know it’s kind of I don’t mean to make a joke of it I mean Ryan grub of course was with the University of Washington and presno state so the Huskies and the Bulldogs do the Seahawks have the dogs up front to be able to protect you Smith yeah I mean obviously that’s a huge huge question and it just depends on our guys can be healthy like I really like Charles cross when he’s healthy I think he could be a top level left tackle um you know I think that their interior offensive line of the right tackle they were they were platooning last year the health just didn’t really line up for them didn’t really um give them the opportunity to have a lot of continuity on the offensive line like we’ve seen like studies done you know continuity on the offensive line is so so important because these guys are playing next to each other it’s like they’re all tied to a string they all got to work together it’s so crucial and Seahawks just did not have that at all last year and so I think you know in theory this could be a really good offensive line um but again we’re just gonna have to see guys stay healthy and stay on the field I I like the fact that they uh you know solidified their depth quite a bit this off season season by signing a few guys they they addressed this position in the draft I lik the guys they took in the draft I thought they got a great value on Christian Haynes and so you know theoretically this could be a lot better this could be a huge Improvement um but of course like you know bestle plants it all has to kind of go to plan and the guys have to stay healthy for for I think that to succeed but I will say like yeah they did win the Joe Moore award and obviously there’s no question this is a really good offensive line but again if you go back to the pressure to sack rate like that is a quarterback stat too it’s It’s ability get rid of the football when you’re under pressure you have you know you know where your outlet is you know what you know you you see all the pieces on the board and you can get rid of the football and avoid a sack those sacks are backbreaking we saw that for so many years with Russell Wilson like sacks can end a drive before it starts and so that’s one of the things I really love about Gino and I think this is why it translates pretty well is even if this offensive line isn’t Elite it’s not like a top tier offensive line next year I think he always knows where to go with a football for the most part he he has one of the lower pressur attack rates in the NFL and so I think that really is something to keep in mind here that he generally speaking knows where to go with the football um and they can design a system Ryan grub can design a system where he knows where his Outlet is and they can just get rid of the ball check it down and you know Live to play another down when we return we’re going to continue diving into this new look offense with Ryan grub more specifics on how some of the players on Seattle’s offense are going to fit in to this scheme don’t go away you’re listening the Tuesday edition of locked on Seahawks lock on Seahawks is sponsored by betterhelp what’s the first thing you’d do if you had an extra hour in your day for me I wish I had a little bit more time to paint horror movie models you can see the Critter and the gremlin in the background behind me the best way to squeeze that special thing into your schedule is to know what’s important to you and make it a priority and therapy can help you find what matters to you so you can do more of it better help online therapy will assess your needs and can match you with your own licensed professional therapist in 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players and where they fit in and Danny the first thing that I want to get to here in this segment we’re looking at some of the individual players Rob and I kind of disagreed on this or I don’t even say disagree but we had different perspectives on what the Seahawks were going to do with Noah Fant I was assuming that they were probably gonna try to bring back Kobe Parkinson and Fant it just seemed like the last couple years it’s almost felt like one of those round Peg square hole fits it just hasn’t necessarily worked and yet Seattle gave him a deal 10 and a half million for the next two years even though we didn’t score a touchdown last year there’s been so much to talk about Washington receivers but if you watch the Huskies closely Ryan grub got his tight ends involved a lot in the passing game the last couple years so how do you see Noah Fant fitting into this offense do you like the fit with him teaming up with Ryan grub and what does he need to do to really maximize Fant to make this contract they just gave him a worthwhile investment I mean to for starters play of more than like 50% of the snaps that will help um you know because I think obviously F has been a little bit disappointing for the Seahawks you know for Seahawks fans I guess just because they had three good guys in will dley kobby Parkinson Noah fan and they were basically platooning him obviously from my point of view I I’ve cover fantasy football during the year it just like makes him useless from a fantasy point of view because he’s only playing 40 to 50% of the snaps and so when you have a three-person um you know platoon at tight end that that obviously hurts the guy’s upside it hurts their their bottom line um and you know so obviously just getting him out there 80% of snaps like his his production could Spike really sign significantly just because he’s playing all those snaps and he’s getting all those targets um and I think he will be that type of player who’s playing most of the time um and so you know obviously that’s the first thing but I think just from a big picture point of view he’s still young very athletic guy you know and everything is relative I always say this he’s very athletic but he is a elite athlete like he has the ability to run after the catch he can get up the seam we’ve seen it you know he has um I think that rare athleticism that they really still haven’t tapped into um tight ends a lot of the time end up like breaking out quite a bit later we saw this with like David and joku last year um I think Fant has always flashed um but never just really put it together whether that was a result of circumstances I think last year certainly it was just circumstances dictated they were rotating three guys the whole year um this year it should be his job and I think you know I like him I like him theoretically in in this offense um like I said before they they utiliz screens quite a bit I think they can get him going in the screen game do a lot of creative things with him that way um you know the with DK mcha Tyler Lockett jsn drawing defense and you know teams fearing those three guys in the passing game it’s gonna open up a lot of things for him like up the seam um I was actually just watching some cut UPS of of Ryan Grub’s offense it’s actually for a Alabama blog they thought he was coming to Alabama um and so they did a little bit of you know sorry that sucks for them but um use useful uh useful background there was one play where you know romad dun was running like a vertical route two safeties kind of collapsed on him and then um West over or whatever ran like an out route and he was just wide open I think like that kind of idea where teams are collapsing on the Seahawks Superstar players I don’t think no fan is going to be like a 100 Target player probably in this offense but you know because there’s just too many good receivers you got Lockett fan or sorry Lockett metf and jsn there those guys are probably goingon to be one two three in terms of targets but I think Fant as a big play threat guy that can like they can run some League plays with some screens with I think he’s going to be a big part offense and I think he can really take advantage of playing more snaps this year well and you know you mentioned fantasy football so I have to go down that route otherwise people are goingon to go nuts in the comments here Danny so uh I’m you know just I hate using the expression gun to your head but you know here we are in July 2nd uh you know give me your firework who call call your shot a little bit here for a second who do you think is going to lead the Seahawks and receptions and touchdowns and same thing with the running backs who’s going to lead in rushing yards in touchdown sir I mean I think DK meaf feels like the Odun role in this offense I think in terms of if you’re just like projecting what the the Huskies did last year how they spread the ball out I think he’s kind of the Odun guy and then um jsn feels a little bit more like the McMillan type of receiver is probably gonna be playing in the slot for the most part I think McMillan played like 90 something percent of his snaps in the snot in the slot um and so I would it not it would not be surprising if if jsn can stay healthy he’s going to probably end up being second on the team and targets because I think a lot of the stuff goes to the middle of the field um with that offense and again like I say like some of these like delayed screens some of these like T inside screens tunnel screens um I I think like when I picture this offense it’s like a lot of deep shots and a lot of like quick hitters and I think jsn can be that guy that gets open early settles into the spot a soft spot in the defense and you know he becomes a much bigger part of this offense because last year you know as much as like like I appreciate what walren did for the most part with with the Seahawks over the last few years like his plan for jsn was like I don’t have a plan for jsn let’s get him in here and run a screen like you know he was he didn’t utilize him at all um and I don’t think I hope that’s not because jsn is not good I just think that was just kind of they had locket they had DK and it wasn’t like a big priority for them to get you know jsn going and so um you know hopefully this is different this year and I think jsn has a chance to really explode so um I think he’s kind of that McMillan guy I know when McMillan was healthy with the he was a high volume guy and so um that’s kind of how I picture this and then of course Lockett can kind of do it all but I could see his targets kind of tapering off a little now that you’ve mentioned all the receivers we got to go to the Run game and we can’t go without talking about the Run game me everybody knows the explosive passing game that Washington had but they were very efficient running the football they had a thousand yard rusher last year in Dylan Johnson and I find it fascinating to me this is the biggest mystery with Ryan Grub’s offense coming to the NFL it’s not the passing game there be some differences from college but the Run game four of the five years he was an offensive coordinator heavy Zone usage they were heavy Zone running teams then last year they just completely flipped to a gap team 56% of their runs being Gap runs and you look at the Personnel that they’ve now got this is something I’m a run I’m a running back guy I’m a run game guy and even I’m kind of wondering where what are we going to see from this run game is it gonna be more Gap Centric Zone Centric how do the two backs that have different styles fit into this it just feels like there’s kind of a hodg podge of guys up front that makes it a little bit tricky to figure out what type of team this is going to be stylistically running the football yeah I mean yeah your your guess is as good as mine on that one I think you know I’ve been a huge Kenneth Walker guy like I just think he’s so talented so explosive his ability to break tackles and create on his own um I just think he’s in a in you know like honestly the elite class in terms of just pure runner in the NFL um I know that some people are are and this is a legitimate gripe I think but like he’s sort of a boomer bus type of Runner like a lot of times he’ll get kind of bogged down in the back field um try and bounce a play when he probably should not and things like that I think there’s probably some some of that had to do with like the offensive line and and you know their ability to like get protection up front but um I’m a huge huge Kenneth Walker fan and I think he’s one of the better Runner pure runners in the NFL that being said like shanet is just absolutely T like the toughest nails like he he reminds me of of Dylan Johnson honestly like you know so I could see some um I could see grub kind of falling for him and and like saying this this is the type of guy I want like he’s gonna go go from A to B and get me the three four yards that we really want here and and you know kind of like go with that so I could see it like a bigger uh rotations or or like committee approach this year than when we saw last year obviously like Kenneth Walker dominated touches last year I bet we we’ll see a little bit more chanet if not a lot more shanet this year um but that being said like I’m still kind of a Kenneth Walker truther like I I just think he’s incredible Runner and it would be silly to like not give him the ball a lot um but that’s just me I I think we could probably see shanet uh inherit quite a bit bigger role this year than maybe some people in fantasy want him to yeah and my last question for you Danny and again thank you so much is uh you know I I we can’t can’t have a show and not talk draft at least a little bit I I know that you gave the selection of Byron Murphy the second and A+ and and I agree um is there any of seal’s other picks that you really really liked and think that they’re just destined for immediate success or any selections that uh that you kind of left you scratch in your head a little bit um I I mean obviously love Bayern Murphy I I I mentioned it before the Christian Haynes pick I think was great value where they got him um you know he’s a really athletic really tough physical like he’s got the size you know the movement skills I I feel like I’m a little rusty because I haven’t looked at these guys in a couple months I’ve been like you know sort of I turned the page from the draft I’m like trying to remember my scattering report on him but I remember being very very high on him you know just from a like skill set point of view I think he fits what the CX want to do perfectly I think he could drop in and be a starter from day one for them so I think that was a massive massive value um for where they got him honestly AJ Barner I think is pretty good he he’s um you know we talked about the the committee that they had at the tight end position last year and I think AJ Barner come in and just be like he’s gonna play his role as a blocker you know from the get-go that’ll open up things for fan even if they’re if they are playing 12 Personnel um or or two tight end sets or three tight end sets or what whatever have you um he’s still I think f is gonna be allowed to go do his thing as a route Runner and get yards after the catch and all that stuff and that’ll uh I think Barner could kind of open things up for him um you know I I admit I I didn’t like dig deep into tyres snight before the draft that was a little bit surprising to me that they picked him that high but when I went in and watched him after the draft I was pretty impressed I you know obviously linebacker is tough to project from the college game to the pros just because I think it’s they ask a lot of different things from from you in the NFL versus what they’re doing kind of just like run and chase in in college but um I think he had great athleticism plays really really hard he has an incredible wingspan which I think is very intriguing just for my you know it’s like the KJ Wright for the for all those years was like his wingspan played a big part of why he was so good and why he was able to get like his hands up into passing lanes and why he can make tackles that seemingly were out of his range and um so I think he’s a he’s a really fun um you know developmental guy I don’t know if he’s necessarily gonna be a starter this year but I think he has a lot of potential so I I you know coming back after not really knowing a ton about him uh in the pre-draft phrase I came back and I was like yeah I could see why they like that it sounds like that was McDonald guy so that’s also intriguing um just to see what he saw from him so um when it comes to like the mid rounds I thought you know Nehemiah pitchet and DJ James that seems like pretty good value for both of those guys um and obviously you know Corner wasn’t like a huge huge need but getting dep that cor you can never have too many corners um so I I like those two picks there was not really a pick I hated um so you know I can’t really say I didn’t like any picks other than I think Tyrese Knight kind of was surprising how high he went oh no here come the listeners saying what about this Homer he did he didn’t have any that he didn’t like uh Danny always we greatly appreciate having you on and before we let you go real quick just going to put you on the spot how many how many wins does this football team get with Mike McDonald nine nine that seems to be it kind of feels like we’re in a Jeff fiser cycle here but at least it’s good that’s good in my mind you know get nine 10 wins and you know that’s that’s solid I yeah at least gives you a chance to get to the playoffs as always man we greatly appreciate it and look forward to having you back on sometime here on locked on Seahawks absolutely appreciate it guys thanks Danny when we come back we are going to be looking at our 90 man countdown we’ve got our next three players including Jonathan henkins coming over with Aden durde don’t go away you’re listening to the Tuesday edition of locked on Seahawks welcome back to the locked on Seahawks podcast this is your host Corbin Smith glad to be joined as always by my coast and crime Rob rang and a special thanks to all the 12 who are tuning in thank you for making lock on Seahawks your first list in five days a week we greatly appreciate it and a special thanks to our friend Danny Kelly the ringer for dropping by and dishing out his Seahawks and NFL knowledge always a blast to have him on the show Rob let’s switch gears we’re now in our 90 man countdown and we are down to the 44- 42 range and so we’ve got some interesting players that could have big roles for the Seahawks this season and speaking of big we can say figuratively and literally here Jonathan henkins coming in first here on today’s podcast and the Seahawks signed him from the Dallas Cowboys they list him at 330 uh this guy is much bigger than 330 pounds if you’ve seen him play he is a big dude takes up a lot of space but he’s surprisingly Adept at getting after quarterbacks he had three sacks last year playing for Aden durde the new defensive coordinator he was the dline coach in Dallas he’s had a few other years that he’s had more than five sacks in the NFL so for being a big nose tackle type he’s played some three Tech he’s had some pass rushing ability don’t expect a bunch of sacks from it the same time there’s a reason he’s been with a starting lineup this isn’t just a space eating run stuffer well I think he’s not just a Spacey run stuffer but even if that was all that he is then I I’d be pretty happy with that too because I think that he does that job incredibly well um you know he’s done it at a high level for a long time and this is a former second round pick he’s played at the Giants he’s played at the Cowboys they stayed in the division it’s always interesting to me when when guys move within the division that just suggest to me that the opponents know the player is a very effective one um and so the fact again that Aden dur you know of course played a role in the Seahawks bringing in Jonathan henkins I love the fact that you mentioned the sack production I also think about what the Dallas Cowboys had of course Micah Parson Demarcus Lawrence they had some pretty dominant outside guys as well so it made it a little bit easier in my opinion so I don’t think that we’re going to see henkins put up a bunch of sacks and as you said as well I do fully expect jonath the henkins to seize that nose guard position in the middle and be able to significantly help the Seahawks from that run defense that finished 31st in the NFL a year ago its size its strength it’s awareness um it’s that same reach that uh that Danny just highlighted with with Tyrese Knight the linebacker that the Seahawks draft Jonathan henkins is just a massive massive human being and considering the way that most of the offenses in the NFC West are a little bit more tailored to the passing game again I don’t think that John the henkins is gonna lead the Seahawks defensive lineman in tackles but I do think that his placement in the middle of Seattle’s defense is going to make them much more formidable against the run and the nice thing is I mentioned I know he’s getting to be a little bit older player now well into his 30s but he has played a lot of snaps at three Tech and four I so it’s not like he is only been a nose tackle he has played thousands of snaps lined up as a more traditional DT and he’s had success in those position so we talk about the versatility Baltimore had some big dudes that they could do that with Michael Pierce can play a little bit all over the line so if Jonathan henkins can provide them even a little bit of Versatility as a starter that’s mainly gonna be playing nose tackle that is only going to help this football team and I anticipate his presence is going to be a big part of getting this run defense turned around as you mentioned now let’s go to the flash on offense and I’m not calling Jake Bobo the flash because that would not be the superhero that he probably fits the mold of not known for his speed but at the same time what an impressive rookie year Jake Bobo had his an undrafted free agent coming out of UCLA 19 catches had a couple of touchdown catches during the year he had a touchdown run near the goal line on a Jet Sweep that was something I never thought I would see from Jake Bobo and the Run blocking he was maybe the best run block Locker on the outside for the Seahawks last year and that includes DK metap I thought he was fantastic in the Run game played some special teams for the Seahawks as well there were a lot of people going into this season saying ah new coaching staff I’m not feeling confident about Jake Bobo being able to make this team again he’s gotta completely impress a new coaching staff he’s starting from scratch just like everybody else is but I have seen nothing on the practice field that suggests to me that this coaching staff has him on a bubble at all I I think that he is very much on this roster and once the pads come on I think he’s going to look even better because this is a guy that he might not have blazing speed but there are players that are slower with pads on Jake Bobo is not that way and his soft hands his blocking skills all the intangibles he brings to the table Ryan grub I think is gonna love this guy and so I think he is very much penil in as that number four receiver I have to agree with you and the Scout In Me Is remain skeptical I I I still see a guy that just doesn’t have much juice and I think how is this going to fit into an offense that we just talked about with Danny is built on explosive plays and yet you watch uh Jake Bobo and he is just such an incredibly instinctive player he he just it’s it’s like the game is slower for him and it’s kind of ironic because again the biggest question mark about him is that that 40 yard dash time but it just it’s like he sees the play developing before it actually takes place and so whether it be his ability to pluck the ball sense a defens a Defender coming in to try and swipe at it he he’s already moved the ball protected his body is you know spinning off of that contact to create yardage after the hit and again that’s something that you don’t expect for a guy who doesn’t have Elite burst to him um the Special Teams Acumen the Run blocking you mentioned the Jet Sweep I mean the guy just does very well in so many different things that he’s one of those guys that you know I think the coaches are going to absolutely fall in love with the scouts are still going to have their questions but it doesn’t matter what the scouts say anymore this is going to be about what Mike mcdd and obviously Ryan grub have to feel um about what Jake Bobo is able to bring to the field and that’s the thing is he brings as much we talked about before we believe that he has the softest hands on the field I think that he’s the most instinctive receiver that the Seahawks have one of their best allaround players so yes I feel at this point Jake Bobo is absolute locked to take to take as a roster spot this year and I did not see that coming but the he has proven that uh that he’s a a terrific football player who is better than the some of his Parts going from a rookie who vastly exceeded expectations to a second round pick who didn’t meet expectations at least for most fans dererk Hall had a pretty quiet first season in Seattle didn’t have a single sack only five quarterback hits but he did have almost 40 tackles and going back and watching a lot of these games in all 22 again there was more quality play from Derek Hall than I think a lot of fans are giving him credit for it didn’t result in sacks not a lot of pressures the pass rushing aspect that was what was most disappointing but as far as run defense goes there were some bad plays but there were also some plays where including the Ravens game in the second half he had a couple tackles for a loss in that game where you saw some of those Splash plays but the consistency was not there I still believe in the talent Derk Hall has the motor that he plays with and I think that Mike McDonald this defense I think they’re going to have a better idea of how to maximize him it did feel like at times last year that the Seahawks coaching staff didn’t necessarily know how to fit him into their scheme and try to maximize his skill set and I think that was part of the reason that he struggled so much when he had his opportunities now he’s gonna have to prove himself to a new coaching staff he’s got to show that he’s got more juice than he showed in the regular season tape last year particularly pass rushing aspect but the talent is there we’ve seen it against top college competition we’ve seen the motor we know the backstory for this kid he’s an easy one to root for he is one that really is a wild card for me that could be a top candidate for a sophomore breakout just because of the coaching staff change and the scheme change no I agree again I agree with you I think that there is a possibility here for a sophomore breakout I don’t know that we’re ever going to see Derek Hall become a a top-notch sack Guy and because there’s so many out there who that’s all they base any evaluation off of defensive lineman and and front seven Defenders is did they get sacks and I just don’t know that that’s Derrick Hall’s game but he plays with a level of violence Corbin that to me is only matched on the Seahawks front by uh you know Chen nuosu and jiren Reed and there is just violence with his hands we’ve heard heavy hands before LJ Collier and all that kind of stuff and and he but this young man does play with that he’s just mean he’s nasty he does not stay blocked for very often and I think that now that you have a system that is going to be a little bit more versatile and allow Derek Hall to uh you know be able to move around a little bit more and just his own familiarity his own Comfort uh I do think that we are going to see Derek Hall continue to prove that he is somebody the CX can rely on as part of the rotation again not necessarily A Frontline starter but definitely somebody part of the rotation that hopefully creates the waves that the Seahawks need to bring back to Seattle as always you can follow me on exit Corbin Smith NFL you can follow Rob Rob rang make sure to subscribe to lockon Seahawks on YouTube and wherever you listen to your podcast to make sure you don’t miss a single episode when we come back tomorrow we’ll be joined by another special guest we are going to flip over to the defense and take a close look at Seattle’s unheralded linebacker group heading into the 2024 season you won’t want to miss it enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and thanks for tuning in gohawks

Bringing his high-octane offense to the NFL for the first time, it remains to be seen how similar Ryan Grubb’s system will be with the Seahawks compared to his tenure in Montlake. Hosts Corbin Smith and Rob Rang welcome special guest Danny Kelly of the Ringer back to the podcast to take a deep dive into how Grubb found success with the Huskies, what his arrival may mean for Seattle’s talented group of skill players and how they are deployed, and assess Geno Smith’s fit running the show as well as other topics in a jam-packed episode!

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Beat reporter Corbin Smith and NFL Draft guru Rob Rang provide comprehensive analysis and commentary on the Seattle Seahawks with the daily Locked On Seahawks podcast. A former player, high school coach, and standup comedian, Smith shares his wealth of football knowledge and insight on the pulse of the team with a splash of humor, while Rang has thrived as an NFL draft analyst for nearly two decades and has had his work featured on FOX, CBS, and many other outlets.

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  1. A lot more depth and potential now. Will the LB crew be ready and able to do what McDonald wants out of them? That's the big question to me.

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