The 1st Episode of Hard Knock DID NOT Disappoint… | New York Giants

The 1st Episode of Hard Knock DID NOT Disappoint… | New York Giants

episode one of Hard Knocks with the New York Giants just dropped and I’m going to recap everything for you guys right [Music] now what is going on guys what is going on 27 Squad welcome back into another video now listen there’s a lot to talk about with this new edition of Hard Knock with the New York Giants as you guys know this is the first time HBO is really doing this type of hard KN Edition where they are deep diving into the off season as as opposed to their other additions with training camp and in season this highlights all the behind the scenes things that go on with the front office especially the GM and that being Joe Shane of the New York Giants and kind of going through how they’re going to build their team for next year and Seasons after that everything from free agency to the draft to uh discussing new hires at the defensive coordinator position going through and scouting all of that stuff also guys I dropped another short dock before for this episode short documentary on Dexter Lawrence kind of documenting his life and his career up to this point and kind of going over how he’s changed the nose tackle position if you guys want to check it out click the card up above and uh you guys are going to love that one I promise you now this first episode starts out with Chris Rosetti the director of pro scouting talking to Joe Shane in his office about the sequan situation who would you say would go sign up running back to that dollar team that’s I mean anyone that has money to spend and this is what I like to see all the front office guys kind of getting together and talking because Joe Shane was convinced that saquon Barkley was not going to get upwards of about you know $12 million a year and Chris Rosetti was smart enough to predict that he said he is going to be the highest paid running back in the market and I I think that he will get $12 million because if you look at the rest of free agency does anybody really impact the game is anybody really A Difference Maker like sequan Barkley there’s a lot of running backs in free agency yeah but are any potential difference makers really and he was spoton he was correct as Philadelphia Eagles signed him to a major contract Joe Shane didn’t want to hear it now just watching this episode I don’t know if all of Hard Knocks is going to be centered around Joe Shane if you guys have watched Hard Knock they kind of jump around between different players coaches anybody to try to get a uh kind of dedicate a episode to them almost kind of follow them around I don’t know if Joe Shane is going to be the entire hard KN but as as far as episode one I think he was a great candidate for like the spotlight if there was one GM to highlight in hard knock I love the fact that they they highlighted Joe Shane he’s he’s funny he’s likable he’s younger he’s not one of these older guys that kind of outdated doesn’t know how to be on camera Joe Shane you can see that he is charming he’s very attentive he’s um observant he just fun to watch on TV and it’s very interesting to got to get his perspective on how he wants to run the team and his mindset on things another person I enjoyed watching is assistant GM Brandon Brown they brought him in from the Philadelphia Eagles again very well-spoken guy very Charming as well again another young guy Joe Shane and Brandon Brown being very young and kind of these new school of front office guys that I think the NFL needs more of Chris Rosetti is awesome now I’ll be honest I haven’t really heard of the guy until hard knock but I really like this guy not only did he predict the saquan thing like to to the point and even Joe Shane didn’t believe him but he on the open market will probably after we went through it we’ll probably get the most money just based on the explosive traits he still had he was right about it um he also is the guy obviously he’s the pro scouter right he’s not the college scouter he’s the pro scouter so he’s he’s looking at all the free agents he’s kind of giving the rundown on potential candidates that the Giants should bring in and I love how HBO did this it was awesome it was like one watching of those spy movies where you’re kind of like trying to form a team and you’re like all right who do we have and the graphic that they use as well is almost like you know going through some like confidential files or whatever it it was pretty cool to see so they go down the list of running back candidates and you can see all the running backs that they have considered now I’ve said this before and it was kind of uh said by Joe Shane during I believe during the combine I could be wrong or when free agency started Joe Shane was talking about running back candidates that they can bring in if saquon Barkley were not to come in and he just kind of threw out names and he was and and he named two players that obviously he had in Buffalo and was part of drafting in Buffalo in Devon single ter and Zach moss and I knew from that point that the Giants were heavily considering them bringing them in because they’re both free agents and they’re both from Buffalo Joe Shane very familiar he he took part in drafting both of these guys so it was no doubt to me that both of these guys were going to be top of their list in kind of consideration for the Giants running back spots well they start with Zach moss and they kind of say oh he’s great in pass protection uh good a good runner but not very explosive then they bring in you know Devin Singletary who the Giants eventually drafted and you go down the list they even talked about Tony Pard DeAndre Swift and Josh Jacobs they kind of went through the list I’m telling you it was very very well produced very very well said another position that Chris Rosetti was in charge of kind of scouting and looking for candidates for was Defensive interior now we know that Leonard Williams who is a guy that is used a lot of the times in three technique kind of like a a hybrid between a defensive tackle and defensive end which is very effective for a 34 scheme Leonard Williams is gone ason Robinson is gone now the Giants are stuck with nacho who is a good player but a rotational guy at best and then other you know late round picks in DJ Davidson and Jordan Riley so Chris Rosetti did another list of candidates for the defensive interior position and listen this one was awesome all right this was I was like Blown Away with what they actually considered doing but they didn’t obviously do the Giants didn’t even get a they didn’t address defensive tackle at all whether it was free agency or the draft now I’m assuming that’s because they just didn’t have the funds to really throw out there for one of these guys and in the draft other other prospects took president with that but get this they considered Chris Jones they considered bringing in Chris freaking Jones to pair up with Dexter Lawrence and man that would have been absolutely insane now I don’t think it would have been the best move although we would have loved to see it that is just too much money to throw out there to two defensive tackles which honestly you don’t need those two guys it’s kind of a little bit of Overkill if the Giants were in a position to absolutely win a championship this year and they have a clear hole and a clear need and a candidate worth getting like Chris Jones then by all means go ahead and do it but where the team is at right now I just don’t think it was in the best interest to go ahead and get Chris Jones and Dexter Lawrence when the team is still a little bit in shambles another interesting nugget we hear Chris Rosetti also bring up the name Christian Wilkins and that is significant because he is another guy that’s one of the top defensive tackles in the league not only that he also played with Dexter Lawrence in college so what better of a candidate to bring in to par up with Dexter Lawrence then his best friend who they said on the show is his best friend and get this Dexter Lawrence even texted Joe Shane about bringing in Christian wil text text me about him the other day who did Dexter ask what what we thought so so he basically tried to recruit him in and man that would have been another fun one to bring in I don’t know how much Christian Wilkin sign with the Raiders but that one that one was another one where probably could have been done if the Giants had the funds for it I think that the Giants were in just a little bit of a better situation financially this season as they were kind of strapped down they just couldn’t get a lot of free agents this year but that is one guy that I think the Giants would have definitely brought in had it not been for the cap cap uh situation now the biggest thing that I can probably get out of this episode is the relationship between Joe Shane the Giants and Daniel Jones in the next scene we see Joe Shane in his off is sitting down with Brandon Brown and the director of player Personnel Tim McDonald now I think the director of player Personnel I don’t know exactly what their roles are but I just by hearing player Personnel probably uh kind of a guy that looks over the roster and kind of looks over the Personnel in the RO you know on the roster and see who we had the depth and things like that and Joe Shane had a lot of interesting things to say about Daniel Jones now this clip is going to go absolutely viral obviously because Joe Shane is like really go going hard for Daniel Jones but we see later on in the episode that is not the case whatsoever not yet but he does defend Daniel Jones to a great extent he begins talking about three injuries in two years is very concerning it’s not sustainable things like that he also talked about how the game in Miami they had three practice squad guys you know guarding for uh Daniel Jones he even brings up the very popular talking point that we hear on Twitter from one side saying if you you put Patrick Mahomes back there and he’s not winning and to an extent he I think he’s probably right but I know the anti-jones guys I I don’t know what they’re thinking right now but I know that they are eating that up because that is something we they hear on Twitter from the pro Jones guys like like forever adding on to that he said you know I don’t want to give up on him I’m not going to give up on him he has three more years under this contract and he just wants to see him get a fair shot he does not think to this point that he’s had a fair shot to show that he is the Fran quarterback and to an extent I understand that but at the same time it’s just a sad situation to see Daniel Jones has had six seasons with the New York Giants and it’s just a weird sort of phenomenon to see that we’re still trying to figure out if he’s the guy after six seasons whether it is his fault or not at some point you have to look at the front office and not just the players or even Daniel Jones of like what the hell are we doing here why is it taking six seasons and a new contract to see if you’ve got the guy or not like I I said whether it be Daniel Jones’s fault or not why haven’t we supported him and surrounded him with the talent needed to succeed so I can understand what Shane is saying but at the same time what are we doing with a six-year quarterback trying to see he if he’s the guy or not why aren’t we just cutting our losses and saying like let’s move on to another quarterback let’s reset the quarterback clock we could even say like listen this is not Daniel Jones’s fault this is not personal but we need to reset the quarterback clock next dble pulls Joe Shane into an office and says Hey listen you know I want to bring in Shane Bowen to be our next guy here’s his here’s his numbers I thought it was a cool interaction where his name or you know the candidacy wasn’t brought up in like a meeting or they’re going through defensive coordinator candidates and there’s a reason for that but I’ll get to that in a second but I thought it was cool how he just brought him in showed showed his cell phone I I don’t know if he pulled up stats from or whatever or just said Hey listen this is what he’s done over the past couple of Seasons especially in the run defense department and I want our run defense to look like that now there’s a reason why Shane Bowen was signed so late by the New York Giants as wink marale that situation happened like all the way back in January and the Giants were doing a bevy of defensive coordinator interviews and meetings and things like that and the Giants were just missing on guys over and over and over again there were guys taking off the board there was like a dard uh dard Wilson or something like that I forgot his name uh the Baltimore Ravens secondary coach which a lot of people really liked and he W up not being a guy uh he was hired somewhere I think he took the Titans job actually and I personally do not think dble or the rest of the Giants front office even consider Shane Bowen top priority I don’t I think that honestly the Giants were just running out of options they had to pick up a defensive coordinator I believe Shane Bowen was fired from Tennessee if I’m not mistaken so it was kind of uh you know pick up the SC scraps that I goty and Shane Bowen is not a bad candidate whatsoever he just has a different philosophy the Giants are really built as an aggressive blitzing team that plays a lot of man defense Shane Bowen is kind of the opposite of that where he focuses more on a four-man Rush it’s still a base 34 but heavy zone defense which the Giants haven’t really ran to a full extent in quite a while now and I thought it was interesting they brought in Shane Bowen he was already hired and he’s just going through kind of the basics of his scheme he said it is a base three4 defense but he really want to F he really want to focus on four Elite pass rushers there and I thought it was so cringe it was so funny where he brings up Boogie Basham and Ryder Anderson as being you know that guy that plays 3 Tech FTE kind of the Leonard Williams type guy right where in a 34 where based on your alignment if you’re playing over or under you know looks you know you’ve got either that main priority rusher who plays either five tech or three Tech just based on if you’re playing over or under and they brought up those two names like come on are We serious right now are we serious right now now if the Giants focus on a fourman rush I don’t I don’t think any of those guys would be that good Boogie bashman probably be the best out of Ryder Anderson and whoever the hell you br you bring up but honestly you know we’ll see what happens obviously the guys are going to be Kavon Tibido Brian Burns Dexter Lawrence and they’re going to have to bring in you know somebody else now that’s not going to be Bas defense at all the base defense is probably going to be you know the three down lineman is going to be Dexter Lawrence nacho and I’m assuming uh Boogie Basham and then um you know you’re going to have you know cave on Tibido Brian Burns that that that’s who you’re going to have in like your typical you know 34 now they don’t Blitz a lot so you’re looking at that 34 and somebody’s going to drop back and it’s probably going to be Kavon so I just don’t want them running base 34 really at all unless they’re on like run stuffing Downs I don’t want them in base 34 at all I want to stick with the nickel I want to stick with Dexter Lawrence uh you’re going to have to put in nacho in there Dexter Lawrence nacho Kavon and Brian Burns that’s who I want there and we get a little taste we saw this on Twitter but we get a little taste of the trade with Brian Burns it was a cool exchange man with uh new GM Dan Moore and Dan Moore and Joe Shane go back a long time as Dan Moore was drafted when Joe Shane was in the front office of the Carolina Panthers and he was D Moore was a player and he worked his way to GM so they go back a long time their families are very close and Joe Shane takes his opportunity to go to his mentor Brenan bean and his good friend Dan Moore and says hey like what do you guys want to do for the sixth pick you know what do you guys want to do and then all of a sudden Dan Moore is like uh what do you want to do for Brian Burns and then that’s when the trade sort of kicked off the trade situation kicked off where Joe Shane his interest was peaked and he was like oh snap you want to trade Brian Burns and Dan Moore says um you know would you give up two ones for Brian Burns now we obviously know that did not happen as the Giants only gave up a second rounder and a couple of fifths so I’m very interested to see later on this is going to be after the combine and during free agency where we get that trade with Brian Burns I’m very interested to see how that negotiation goes cuz obviously we all know Brian Burns needs to be signed there’s no way that you’re going to you know give up two on for Brian Burns who needs to be signed to play and then towards the end we see John mea and Joe Shane talking and this is what I don’t like I obviously I’m not in a front office but I really don’t like how an owner is kind of giving his thoughts on what a GM should do and kind of just let the GM do his thing you see John mea kind of kind of making a case on possibly keeping sequan and doing what he can to keep him and Joe Shane honestly seems checked out Joe Shane seems like he just does not want to bring saquan back at all he was not interested at all he’s been talking every time he’s brought up he’s talked about replacing him every time he’s brought up in this episode even outside in during the combine interviews and stuff like that every time he’s brought up he’s talked about replacing him so it’s very clear that Joe Shane doesn’t really have clear intentions of bringing back saquin Barkley there’s a lot of running backs in free agency but you see John Mara say quote in a perfect world I would bring back saquon bar L and CH Shane just seemed like he don’t want to hear it and now we’re at the end of the episode where there’s some information that could have some major implications to where the giant move in the future as they are talking about saquon Barkley again but it kind of moves to Daniel Jones they kind of Replay what happened at the beginning of the episode where Chris Rosetti says listen he’s going to get somewhere around $12 million do we really want to let someone like that go and again Joe Shane doesn’t want to hear it and he says listen we signed Daniel Jones to a major contract we signed him for $40 million he emphasizes that and he says this paying the guy $40 million it’s not to hand the ball off to a $12 million back and I love that he said that where he is wanting to put responsibility on the quarterback and not having to you know pay unnecessary positions to do that because they are a little bit cap Strack and at the end of the episode the final statement Joe Shane says this all along let give him a couple years is he our guy for the next 10 years or do we need to Pivot and you know find somebody else so I know the beginning of the episode and I know this all of Hard Knock is going to be tailored it’s going to be edited to make the giants look a lot better and kind of clear up some you know controversy but I truly don’t think Joe Shane I think he defends him I think he likes Daniel Jones I don’t think Joe Shane is really willing to lose his job over Daniel Jones I know he resigned him I know it looks terrible but I don’t think Joe Shane is is set in stone that is my guy Daniel Jones is my guy he said it he said we don’t even know if like he basically said we don’t even know if he’s the guy yet the plan was to surround people you know give him a couple years surround him with talent and see if he’s a guy if not we’ve got to find somebody else and catch what Tim McDonald says over here like we’re losing yeah a large part of offense our explosiveness our touchdowns quarterback if it’s Daniel depends on the Run game now I don’t know if many of you caught that but he says if Daniel Jones is the guy now that really tells me that there is possibly talks of about replacing Daniel Jones that we are not seeing in Hard Knocks because up to this point we have never even talked about even had an idea of possibly getting another quarterback in here so how is Tim Donald the director of player Personnel saying what is our identity next year um is it going to be with the quarterback if it’s Daniel Jones Come on come on so that is the recap guys let me know thoughts in the comment section below what do you guys think um I’m excited for episode 2 and I think episode two we’re going to be focusing a lot more on the combine and I think that’s the next order of operations there is the combine and maybe they’ll focus on another person player whoever so uh that being said leave your thoughts in the comment section below leave a like if you guys enjoyed subscribe if you guys are new and I’ll see you guys in the next video Woo [Music]

The 1st episode of Hard Knocks gave tons of great insight into what goes on in an offseason with the New York Giants! Saquon, Daniel Jones, Free Agency, and More!

0:00 Intro
2:09 Joe Schoen is GREAT for Hard Knocks
3:24 Giants target free agents
6:25 Chris Jones was going to be a Giant!?
8:17 Schoen defends Daniel Jones
10:57 The hiring of Shane Bowen
14:42 Brian Burns trade talk
16:01 Giants decide on Saquon
17:20 Daniel Jones talk

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  1. You don't reset the Qb position after a playoff appearance and win. Also, who were we going to sign rather than Daniel Jones at that point? I'm listening 👂🏽

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