Indianapolis Colts – Richardson, Taylor, Latu, and past bring optimism! Fever collapse in Vegas!

Indianapolis Colts – Richardson, Taylor, Latu, and past bring optimism! Fever collapse in Vegas!

it’s optimism Wednesday we’re going to talk about reasons legitimate reasons for optimism with the Indianapolis Colts those are obviously in some of the players the lift given by hopefully a healthy Anthony Richardson lift given by hopefully healthy Jonathan Taylor and the reason I say hopefully healthy is we ain’t playing yet it’s not September 8th right you want to remain healthy through the pre-season you hope you can do that so when you get to the season an opener and the football means something you’ve got a healthy roster and we’re hoping that that happens for the Colts but a lot of the reason lot to also a real reason for Hope if he can get to the quarterback at the level that Charlie Partridge and the rest of the defensive staff think he can that’s a Reason for Hope past past tells you something and and there have been past Seasons that were terrible and led to Good Seasons that that’s happened and and there are there are similarities between this team and last year wasn’t terrible it was n and eight but this is a little bit similar like from 94 to 95 98 to 99 uh 11 to 12 there were no reasons for Hope as you moved forward into 95 99 and 12 and hope if you had it paid off so we’re going to talk about hope we’re going to talk about optimism we’ll talk about positivity who wants to hear a bunch of tower nonsense a as we move through the month of July the Colts are at least two months and five days by my math from the possibility of losing a game so let’s be positive about them Indiana Fever they look good for a while they looked like they were in the in the heat of battle with the Las Vegas Aces and then all of a sudden the fourth quarter came po fever losers last night and losers by plenty because of a terrible fourth quarter but they have three Allstars and that’s a good thing the Cubs last night completely non-competitive against the against the Phillies I got to tell you what it the Marquee Network or and this was really I guess it was TBS that the game was on you got to stop showing tight shots of the Cubs faces because the Cubs as they continue to fail habitually look like they could give a damn less they don’t look interested in their own failures and that’s not a good sign for the Chicago Cubs or their fans when the fans clearly care more than the players do that’s not good how about two guys with the Orlando Magic making bank Goa bazza I I thought he had gone back to W torn Georgia and and was was like living his life evidently not he got paid by the Orlando Magic yesterday as did the great Gary Harris from Hamilton Southeastern High School right here in Central Indiana all those people transferring to M ver and prolific prep and L lumere you know what Gary Harris has made a lot of money in the NBA and he went to Hamilton Southeastern and played for Brian sanderfield so there’s that this is breakfast with Kat for Wednesday July 3rd 2024 brought to you by the the great people at my bookie my bookie look you use promo code k n t that spells Kent you use that promo code and you unlock a signup bonus of up to an including $1,000 how about that for Action before you even play on my bookie you can bet on anything anytime from anywhere at my bookie make sure and subscribe to this channel Because unless you do you you can’t win prizes we give away prizes all the time you got to be a subscriber to win plus it just it enhances your enjoyment your sense of belonging to this Grand floon that is the Kent Sterling YouTube channel and make sure you like the video because it’s the polite thing to do it’s who’s your hospitality you want to make a donation make a donation include a comment or a question we will share it in real time will Alec Pierce surpass 250 yards receiving this season what the hell kind of a question is that that’s the most that’s the most demeaning question I’ve ever read in the comments on this station let’s talk about reasons for optimism for the cold so it’s optimis optimistic Wednesday of course Alec Pierce will catch passes for more than 250 yards yeah I think he does it in the first nine games of the Season all right reasons to be optimistic let’s talk Anthony Richardson obviously a reason for optimism obviously ad Mitchell obviously Lau ltin uh Jonathan Taylor around hopefully for all 17 games all these are real genuine reasons for optimism look as you look at Anthony Richardson I know we all think you know Mobility he’s going to be able to RPO he’s going to make defenses make a a choice between he and Jonathan Taylor and he take keeping the ball and then throwing it I know he puts defenses in jackpots because of his Mobility but I’m telling you he is a really good quarterback from a pocket perspective he moves easily inside the pocket he’s instinctive in the way that he avoids contact he delivers the ball quickly really quick release and he is his accuracy is way underrated people continue to talk about his inability to throw the ball at accurately he throws the ball plenty accurately from where I’m sitting and he did all last year over 80 pass attempts last year one interception so there you go uh he going to throw some picks it’s all right I if you get 27 and 10 out of him 27 TDS 10 interceptions the Indianapolis Colts are going to win the AFC South all right re other reasons for optimism 1995 the 1994 Colts they weren’t terrible but they signed Craig Erikson to replace Jim Harbaugh for 1995 so there was there was crazy tumult and Chaos in the quarterback position you didn’t know who’s going to do what Erikson starts the season and then boom in that first game Harbaugh comes in because Ericson throws three interceptions anyway uh kiwi’s big adventure says keep up the great work Ken thank you kiwi’s big adventure and and so this year you do have some tumult and you have some people questioning Anthony Richardson’s ability to stay healthy you’ve got Joe flacko as a backup you know what I got no problem with any of this 1995 was not supposed to be anything for the Colts they were supposed to get lifted right because of their quarterback decision well what was old was new again all of a sudden Jim Harbaugh has his only good season as a starter in the NFL the Colts they go N9 and seven they win in San Diego they win in Kansas City when Marshall Faulk was supposed to be on the shelf and Colts fans were like oh my God they were getting all negative they were getting all cynical pessimistic and how is that rewarded the Colts they go to the AFC Championship at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh and Dam near near pull out a win in a game for the ages that the NFL Network continues to replay almost 30 years later 1995 a reason 1999 how about pton Manning as a rookie P Manning in 1998 set the all-time rookie record which still stands for rookie quarterbacks interceptions he threw 28 of them 28 picks in 1998 and nobody had any understanding whatsoever of what was about to happen and what was about to happen is Manning blossomed he cut those picks in half virtually almost 28-5 and the Colts got really really good really really fast they went from 3 and3 to 133 and3 and optimism for the 1999 Colts was rewarded how about 2012 2011 was a dumpster Fire 2 and4 led the Colts to that first overall draft pick they had a terrific draft with Andrew luck Kobe fleiner Dwayne Allen T Y Hilton uh grigson traded up for T Y Hilton and all of a sudden with a couple of free agents added the Colts got good they went from 2 and 14 to 10 and six they make the playoff or 11 and 5 what am I talking about they make the playoffs you know what and that set them on a a trajectory where you thought in year four year five of the uh the luck era you’re going to win a a Super Bowl that obviously did not happen but the Colts in 2012 were significantly better they took a huge step up in large part because the seven comeback wins that Andrew Luck authored how about 2018 after a disappointing 4 and 12 in 2017 all of a sudden Andrew Luck is healthy he regains his health the Colts offensive line rebuilt on the fly through the draft with Quinton Nelson and Braden Smith you had hold overs castano and Kelly and all of sudden you’re pretty damn good as a football team the Colts they go 10 and six that year they go to the playoffs out of the dumpster fire that was 4 and 12 and that’s despite missing on their first two draft picks Ballard swinging a Miss on Malik hooker who who no fault of Ballard had his knee destroyed uh during that game and then Quincy Wilson in the second round that wasn’t so good either sometimes bad proceeds good sometimes it’s darkest before the dawn you know what we are on the dawn of a new season and we’re not going to think negative thoughts about this we’re not going to go into the season thinking you know what they’re going to be lucky to go six and 11 this is horrible what’s the matter with the Cults what do we out of our minds this is a time for unchecked optimism and if we’re wrong we’re wrong fine they start the season 0 and six we’re going to say this team sucks everybody’s got to go let’s make changes let’s go forward into 25 and have a reason for optimism then that’s what being a sports fan is I grew up a Cubs fan you know what they collapsed year after year after year when I was a kid it was disgusting it was disheartening but the next year by the time spring training rolled around you know what you had guys at spring training singing about winning the World Series did it happen not till 2016 but eventually it did eventually we were right with our optimism Maybe we are on the doorstep of such an ERA with the Indianapolis Colts I don’t know we’re going to find out together and we’re going to think good thoughts before it happens and we’re going to see this team and say you know what maybe latu and Mitchell are the answer to our prayers maybe Gould is going to set the world on fire as a return guy we don’t know that’ be awesome though maybe you know what balini is going to wind up being the starting right Garden he’s going to be a pro bowler I don’t know maybe Nick Coss maybe all the switches are going to finally flip in the right direction and he’s going to figure out how to play trustable football at free safety we don’t know Juju Bren could be a pro bowler second year a lot of good things can happen how about Jaylen Jones a mirical seventh rounder becomes one of the best five quarterbacks in the NFL is it likely no but it’s possible so why not embrace it Janny Woods stays healthy the entire season 80 catches 12 touchdowns it could happen are we idiots to think that it could you know what we’ll find out in uh January maybe in January we’ll feel like dumb asses but you know what in July we feel hopeful and that gets me through to tomorrow that’s a lesson to you live life with Glee the Cubs not living life with Glee I have no optimism for the Chicago Cubs because they look like they could not give a damn less they lost last night I saw a closeup of uh Bellinger after he struck out he looked like well you know what hey we’re all going to Sluggers after the game anyway so who cares this isn’t uh you know what this isn’t c-league softball this isn’t social slow pitch softball mushball out at Wells park in Chicago this is Chicago Cubs baseball for which you’re getting paid millions of dollars to go do something for for 35,000 fans who show up on a hot night on the north side of Chicago the hell are you doing and what in the world is Jed Hoyer doing W neski you out of your mind geeez uh how about these guys getting paid we’ll talk about the fever in a minute but Goa Panza I didn’t even know he was still in the NBA three years $25 million to stay with the magic he averaged Five Points a game 15 minutes a game and he’s going to make he’s going to make over $8 million a year on average from the Orlando Magic he’s going to make 8 Milli Goa Bazi is going to make over8 million to be Goa bazza have you ever heard anything so ridiculous the NBA well got okay you’re GNA pay Jason Tatum like 60 million a year 60 million plus that sounds cuckoo to me but not as cuckoo is paying Goa batad at 25 million over three years that’s insane uh Gary Harris two years $15 million wow all right you know how much money Gary Harris has made in his NBA career he’s 29 years old right now he has made 106.6 million do we don’t leave off the6 cuz that’s 600 Grand that’s a lot we’re not rounding up or down out of 106.6 good for Gary Harris that is awesome uh fever last night losers 8869 the game didn’t get out of hand until the fourth quarter when the aces out scored the fever 2310 Clark last night 136 and 11 Boston 18 and 11 Mitchell LED all fevers uh all fever in the scoring Department with 23 all are Allstars you don’t think that that chafes the rest of the wnba’s ass the rest of the the players in the East are say man that team’s like 8 and13 and they get three Allstars what the hell is going on here now the fever are back for three games uh they play the Liberty Saturday they play uh the mystics Wednesday and then the Mercury come to town for their only trip to Indiana on uh the following Friday let’s celebrate some birthdays shall we as we head into the long long Fourth of July weekend awesome Brian Jones happy birthday the great Rodney turple celebrating a birthday are you kidding me Rodney turple one of the funniest guys in the history of people celebrating a birthday had a great time me and Rodney we killed it the one night we were on stage together we killed it uh Julie Elizabeth Hall happy birthday T boso happy birthday David Bernstein happy birthday Mark Gaddy org jedin beyan happy birthday David Salter or Satler the great Dave Smiley celebrating a birthday I I don’t even know what Dave does on his birthday and I don’t want to know uh but I’ll tell you tomorrow is going to be a tougher day Marsha shook Cameron happy birthday if today’s your birthday you celebrate like hell if it’s not your birthday you celebrate somebody else that’s best done with an honest and specific compliment we are on the precipice of a holiday and so we dance doing the windmill look at the vertical it’s unbelievable I might be the most athletic person 45 and up ever I will race any man or woman anytime any place over a 40-yard course and I will beat their ass you come to my house I got a course right outside I will run circles around your ass I am a great Sprinter not a good Sprinter but a great one

Optimism is just good thinking for Colts fans! It was in 1995, 1999, 2012, and 2018 and it might be justified in 2024!
Fever get trucked in fourth quarter by the Las Vegas Aces, but Clark, Boston, and Mitchell are going to be all-stars regardless!
Goga Bitadze is going to earn $25M over the next three years to remain an Orlando Magic – which is even crazier than Jayson Tatum earning more than $60M per year from the Celtics!
Promocode: KENT

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  1. The YouTube algorithm fed me a two-week old episode of Flemlo Raps which dealt with a Colts story: the tale of Brandon Burlsworth, a 1999 Indy draft pick who was killed in a car wreck right ahead of training camp. I guess there's a cheesy movie out there about his life but I hadn't heard the story before. (If you've never watched Flemlo before, he's very good…)

  2. Colts fan transplanted to Vegas. Was at Fever/Aces game last night. Fun fact….game was moved from normal Michelob Ultra Arena to T-Mobile arena due to poularity. Game set a Tmobile record attendance for a sporting event, over 20,000 people. Good competitive game till late (Sorry im a huge Aces fan). LOTS of Indiana and Iowa fans mingling about. Was fun to watch Caitlyn and Kate Martin guard each other.

  3. Players that make 50 million a year….and play ONE HUINDRED and 62 fucking games….I would get bored too. Fuck it. Dumb ass fans show up drunk whether I go o for 4 or 4 for 4….and most of the time they boo and piss and moan anyways….fuck the fans….thats why I am not one. Because as a player (like Ted Williams) I would have had no use for the fans…players should play for the love of the game not the money…..when they play for the money, they dont care. And why would they care about the fan……they dont write the players checks…….they would get paid, regardless of whether fans showed up or not

  4. I think if JELANI WOODS stays healthy I DO think he could easily out perform Kielce….easliy….hes bigger, stronger. Just as fast…….and way way way more athletic…

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