Mark Schlereth blasts Lamar Jackson, Baltimore Ravens fans for complaints over QB’s pass-catch help

Mark Schlereth blasts Lamar Jackson, Baltimore Ravens fans for complaints over QB’s pass-catch help

former NFL offensive lineman Mark schare ripped the Ravens and their fans for defending L Mo Jackson by saying he hasn’t had enough help over the course of his career we talk about those comments the state of Lamar’s pass catching weapons currently and so much more coming up next year on this episode of lockdown [Music] Ravens you are locked on Ravens your daily Baltimore Ravens podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into another edition of locked on Ravens your daily Baltimore Ravens podcast I’m your host Kevin ostriker of ravenswire we’re here with you on the lockon podcast Network your team every day thank you so much as for being here and making lock on Ravens a part of your day and your first listen e and everyday are friend available on all podcasting platforms so in video form if you like to watch We’re Here For You on YouTube Monday through Friday and you can like And subscribe also in audio form if you prefer to listen to podcast Spotify Apple we have you covered over there as well same show both audio and video 5 days a week either way today’s episode of Locked on Ravens is brought to you by game time down the game time app create an account user code lockdown NFL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply back here on a midweek edition of the show just one day away from the Fourth of July and one day closer to Ravens training camp as that’s what everybody’s looking forward to right now still on the dog days of summer here to talk about some very spicy comments from a former NFL offensive line in the state of the Ravens in general it is Cordell Woodland of one 1057 the fan cord I really appreciate you joining me again H how has this all been for you ota’s mini camp were almost a training camp it’s F the offseason honestly has felt like it started yesterday and it feels like it’s also gone on for like five years yeah I mean you can definitely feel that the NFL is back you know pretty much it’s is right around the corner training can we’re less than a month away um it just feels like we’re in the fast lane now to everything picking back up and uh I’m excited for a football SE season is kind of the best time of year for me yeah no me too and I know that the Ravens reporting a little earlier to training camp this year obviously because uh the main reason they’re playing the Chiefs on Thursday night so they got a little more time there to get acclimated before that game which is super anticipated but Cordell there there’s a lot of discourse around the Ravens there has been really ever since the AFC Championship loss and for Lamar Jackson he is unfortunately all too familiar with discourse surrounding him and everything that goes on in his career and we got some very spicy comments from a former NFL offensive lineman NFL analyst Mark shareth who I don’t really know where these came from if for being honest I didn’t know Mark schar felt this way at all but he ripped Ravens fans for essentially saying that Lamar Jackson hasn’t had any weapons or at least not compared to some of the other quarterbacks in the NFL over the course of his career essentially what he said is he he doesn’t want to hear from everybody saying well they don’t have any weapons he hasn’t given him any weapons he ended up saying well how many first round wide receivers do you need to draft had some had some Choice comments this is a familyfriendly show he won’t get into all all the comments he had to say but the overall messaging was you draft all these first round wide receivers you have these star tight ends it hasn’t been the pathway that some of these other quarterbacks have had but he said he’s sick and tired of hearing it and it’s not an excuse and also even went as far as to say the quarterback is responsible for developing the weapons what what are your overall thoughts on that initially well I think he said a lot um and I I feel like and if we’re looking at it surface level maybe he’s right you know just looking at it on the surface but I believe context matters um yeah you could sit here and say the Ravens have drafted him all this first round talent but what also needs to be mentioned in that is Rashad baitman has had to miss quite a bit of time due to injury Hollywood Brown for uh the B I would say for some of his career to the point to where he felt like he had the A out to be traded they weren’t using him correctly the numbers will tell you one thing um and I think especially in Hollywood’s last year that was his best year as a raven but he came in hurt he came in not being able to completely be himself and then he’s in a run heavy offense at the time with Greg Roman they weren’t you I mean that was a team that was building around strictly bringing in a lot of tight ends a lot of big body guys they had a style of play that I think benefited Lamar for a while it contributed to his legs but I don’t think it contributed to the development of Lamar’s arm necessarily I mean his MVP year he was Uber efficient the efficiency numbers are through the roof we may not even see that again um so he I think while in the same breath of acknowledging that Lamar has to do better with what he’s been given I think you can also say he’s done a lot he has maximized some of the the the weapons that he’s had in some of the situations he’s been in um it’s you know I think when people have gotten stuck in saying Lamar It’s too absolute for me obviously Lamar has had weapons but I think just by saying that you can also acknowledge that some of these guys haven’t it hasn’t necessarily worked out the way that it was supposed to I think some of it goes beyond just Lamar like I said some of this was lost time in the Greg Roman era the back end of the Greg Roman era uh some of his lost time due to injuries baitman is dealt with injuries Lamar himself has dealt with injuries uh Mark has dealt dealt with injuries over the last couple of years um and then Hollywood is traded Z looks like a stud um but all in all I mean we’re talking about a guy who has had to do almost everything in this Raven’s offense he’s LED this team in rushing pretty much every year as a starter um and we know what he does as a passer so I think both both can be true yeah Lamar has had weapons but also I feel like the Ravens had could have done better during that time with Lamar especially when he was still on a rookie deal to use some of that money to go out there and get him Premier weapons instead they use that money elsewhere and then it’s like Lamar gives them the the option of going to go get either Odell Beckham and the or DeAndre Hopkins they go get Odell Beckham it’s like okay that that was cool but he’s the lesser of the two DeAndre Hopkins I don’t care what people say I think DeAndre Hopkins can still play I thought he showed that he could still play in Tennessee last year despite inconsistent quarterback play um and DeAndre Hopkins I think would have helped them more than obj helped them last year and I think DeAndre Hopkins would help them this year um so I like I said I think two things can be true I’ve been of the mindset that the Ravens have fumbled some of the time that they’ve had Lamar Jackson specifically when he was on a cheap deal there were times that they could have done more and they didn’t and I think at times the Ravens have have depended on Lamar to do too much at times and it’s caught up to them uh in various moments yeah Lamar has essentially had to play superhero for them on multiple multiple different occasions over the course of his career and I’m in 100% agreement with you where I’ve been very vocal about saying they approached the wide receiver position during his rookie contract a certain way by drafting talent but I think they approached it the wrong way for the most part when when you have a quarterback on a rookie deal that’s the time to go out there and get whether it’s anund million doll wide receiver even like a 70 80 60 whatever it is that’s the time because now Lamar’s on this big contract and you have to kind of do these cap gymnastics to figure out what’s going on I mean this offseason we’ve seen Prime examples of CJ Stroud getting Stefan Diggs will Levis not only has DeAndre Hopkins but they just got Calvin Ridley that list goes on and on you can back to Josh Allen and Kyler Murray and Jaylen Herz and however far you want to go the Ravens never gave that to Lamar so the Ravens have invested in wide receiver with Lamar there I’m not saying that they have done nothing to invest in wide receiver but what you mentioned was Z and I thought that was a great point because really essentially they would have hoped that the way it went with Z so far it has gone they were hoping for that with Maris Brown who I thought was a pretty good receiver with Ravens they hoped it would go that way with Rashad baitman obviously it hasn’t yet you finally got it with Z in his rookie year but that was year six for Lam more we already six years into his career at that point passed the rookie contract Plus at the end of the day you mentioned the offense and I I think we’ve had this conversation before you and I of which wide receivers which veteran wide receivers during that Greg Roman era wanted to come in and play for the Ravens when you knew that it was a tight end and running back Centric offense both rushing and passing I mean imagine Stefan Diggs in that offense Cordell he’s complaining in week four about the targets right I remember Juju Missi Shri use this all the time on Michael Irvin’s podcast a couple years ago he was choosing between the Steelers the Chiefs and the Ravens I think he ended up going back to the Steelers on a one-year deal but he said you know I love Lamar but that offense is just not suited for me and I think a lot of wide receivers felt that same way so I think context does matter you put it beautifully there because this isn’t like receivers go in there and say oh I’m going to get 10 targets a game if you’re name was not mares BR Marque angel in that Greg Roman offense you were not seeing probably more than two or three targets a game and that was just the reality yeah I mean honestly i i i two things one we’ve seen during that time when Lamar was on his on his cheap deal when the Ravens would bring in receivers they were over the hill receivers the Dez Bryant being brought in the the Sammy Watkins being brought in like how many how many Dro passes uh in 2019 did we see in that game against the Titans in the playoffs that we see hit guys right in the hands that had overachieved to that point anyway in the year and and I think chair’s words in saying that Lamar hasn’t helped develop these receivers is incorrect because anybody with Tyler that they have given him to catch the ball he has made them look really good Maris has had really good Seasons with the Ravens Mark Andrews has looked good with the Ravens Isaiah likele has looked really good Z looked really good I mean the Nelson looked good last year baitman has had his moments baitman is the one guy that has been inconsistent and I think that’s where you have to kind of look at all the mistime that baitman has had the M time Lamar has had over the last couple of seasons and it seems like they can’t connect it seems like when one is healthy the other one isn’t or vice versa and so um yeah I thought when he said that Lamar hasn’t developed these receivers has been incorrect because any true any receiver that they have brought in any pass catcher that they brought in that can play Lamar has made them look good yeah and look he won the MVP and there’s no disrespect to these guys obviously but he won the MVP with obviously Maris there but then it was Seth Roberts and Willie sne and those types of players you were talking about and even in you know his MVP season last year he did have Z it was a much better cast of weapons he had compared to 2019 but Z was a rookie albe it a very very good one but baitman missed time early Odell missed time early Andrews went down with an injury he was losing guys and getting guys back like left and right all over the place and he still may do in won the MVP again plus I don’t know about you Cordo but I’ve never heard the the notion that quarterbacks are responsible for wide receiver development have you heard that anywhere before never heard it put like that I mean I I think I know what he means I mean the quarterback and wide receiver they’re kind of tied to the hip they’re production that obviously receivers need quarterbacks to to do anything they can’t throw the ball to themselves so I I mean I I get it in that sense but to make it seem like a wide receivers development is strictly due to the quarterback you you’ve got other receivers around the league that guys like Terry mclen who has had a different quarterback every year of his career and he goes against a thousand yards so it it that situation kind of debunks that theory sure they’re tie hand in hand but no a quarterback is not strictly uh dependent or should be strictly looked at to be the guy to develop receivers you can have a receiver kind of grow out of a flower grow out of con concrete so to speak when you don’t have a quarterback around right and may maybe this how he meant it maybe not but it would have made more sense if he said that quarterbacks can Elevate receivers and receivers can Elevate quarterbacks and I know that’s exactly what you were saying there where it’s not the quarterback’s pure 100% responsibility to go out there and develop those guys but when you have a quarterback like Lam more Jackson yeah he can Elevate receivers and the the if you’re using it that way he has done it we just ran through examples of how he’s done that over the course of his career so if you’re using that as a point against Lamar Jackson it’s invalid because there is countless proof of him doing that but coming up in the second part of the show continue this conversation ask the question if Lamar has had enough help over the course of his career and how the Ravens have approached him and his past catching Talent all that more coming up next year on lockdown Ravens first the show was brought to you by game time I love going to MLB games it’s been a really big part of my life really since I grew up and for me my dad and I we used to go to a ton of Orioles games here in Baltimore and still going to games is a really great experience for me and and I love baseball I played it growing up and it’s great but game time isn’t authorized taking Marketplace in Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier presses on the game time M actually go down the closer get the first pitch with kill the deals all in prices vi from RE seat and the lowest price guarantee game time dat to gu work out of buying MLB tickets on the game time app of course upcoming Orioles games are going to be huge plus football coming up as well the Ravens game 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it’s a lot more than you see with guys like Josh Allen and Joe burrow and he seems to be discredited a lot more but the things that he does with Les has been so impressive to me because in Cincinnati you do have guys like Jamar Chase and T Higgins for Joe burrow Josh Allen has had guys like Stefan Diggs and it’s not just those guys obviously you know Mahomes had Tyreek Hill for a long time we can’t discount the tight end position obviously Lam more has had Mark Andrew isaah likely has come on a lot but do you think generally we kind of talked about this in the first part of the show have you been happy with how the Ravens have handled the wide receiver position or do you think that kind of how they’re doing it now is the right way do you think they’ve changed their philosophy where are you with how the Ravens have kind of handle Lamar’s pass catching weapons yeah I I do think they’re trending in the right way I think you know when you had Greg Roman around and um you see how they’re building that team out in LA and that Chargers team and going to get a lot of tight is they’re going to get running backs they’re building up the offensive line like no wide receiver wants to be a part of that um and so you have kind of those Lost Years where they weren’t building they weren’t putting a lot energy into the receiver position and yeah they’ve got the tight ends when you talk about pass catchers the Ravens have the tight ends Isaiah likele and Mark Andrews like you mentioned um I I I like what they’re doing now Z’s kind of the modern type of receiver that you look for it’s not just about size anymore it’s kind of the total package and I think Z provides that um I I I like TZ Walker and what he could give them in the future um but I I think now the Ravens are a more WI wide receiver friendly type of offense now you can if if a wide receiver does hit the market and you know it’s within the Ravens pay range we could see wide receivers want to come into this offense where there were years lost where they didn’t and it wasn’t due to Lamar it was just simply the type of style that they had so now the way that they have to go about it is different because Lamar is on you know he’s getting paid now he’s one of the top paid players in the league so they can’t just go out there and do what the Texans are doing and go get Stefon D go get some of the biggest name guys out there and still have some of these other guys on their team that that were monsters last year as well so um I I I do think the Ravens are headed in the right direction right now and the offense theyve run like I said is more wide receiver friendly but yeah there has been sometime loss um that they should have been investing in that wide receiver room and and they weren’t and to that point too I think even going back to the mares Brown conversation when you talk about the decision the Ravens would have had to made make on him if they didn’t trade him to Arizona there were Rumblings at that time whether he would have gotten it or not you know I don’t know but it’s like if he were to get 15 per year 20 per year 25 per year from the Ravens if that was the direction he was trending because he he improved every single season over his first three years with the Ravens if they were to give him a 15 or 20 million Pere contract would that even be worth it for the organization based off of how that offense was running is that just a waste of money at that point regardless of how good mares could have gotten in this offense obviously he felt like it wasn’t the right fit for him and now he’s over in Kansas City but it’s kind of that that thing where they were running the ball the receivers weren’t getting a ton of targets they weren’t bringing other guys in and Lamar I think made the most of what he could with that situation but the frustration was all across the league while no no team was necessarily running the offense Baltimore was it still felt like it was the same story every off season which was they bring in one veteran wide receiver who’s 34 35 years old or on the back end of his career to fill in and like a really big role they had a rookie but that’s it’s not impossible to win with that but it’s pretty hard especially considering that Talent at all positions is important especially for Lamar who again at the end of the day he has been very vocal about look he loves throwing the ball as he should he’s a quarterback he’s very at doing that but I think the Ravens look they lean into the running it’s a good thing but for Lamar I think just maximizing his arm talent I don’t think they did enough of that over the course of his rookie contract again I think they’re they’re getting there but I still think even now there’s a little room for improvement in terms of they’re taking a risk with Rashad baitman as being their number two it could pay off but we’ll see how it pans out for him yeah I mean and and I think they’ve been spoiled over time I think everybody has been spoiled because Lamar has shown he can you know maximize whatever they give him he’s done a lot with less um and so you know during the time where the Ravens could have could go out and spend money or should have spent money I should say on on the wide receiver position um they weren’t necessarily pushed to do it because Lamar is winning MVPs with you know really just throwing the two guys he’s he’s getting to the playoffs with over the hill wide receivers and you know is making them feel like he can do it all and I think that’s what they’re starting to get away from when you see them go and get Derrik Henry when you see them you know adding to the wide receiver room the way that they have been trying to recently and trying to get all these pass catchers in the building um I I think they are starting to understand we can’t win it all just by number eight being Superman all the time that’s just not going to work every Sunday um and and so you know you starting to see it change now but I I just feel like a a chunk of Lamar’s career to this point has just been lost because the Ravens were trying to reinvent the will so to speak you know they had a dominant rushian attack but we see now even with the Todd monin there they could still run the ball like as long as number eight is back there they’re going to have one of the best rushing attacks in the NFL it didn’t have to be as Extreme as the way that it was when Roman was here here so that that’s that’s kind of the issue I think that the Ravens are now playing catchup and and trying to build this team the way that they you know feel like is best for them which is not having everything go on Lamar’s plate right and I think again that was that was their identity that was their reputation for so many years was this is a run first team to the biggest extreme there is whereas I think under Todd monin and Steve Young went I think he didn’t interview I think it was with Kevin Clark and he ended up talking about how this first Todd monin year was almost like a transitional Year from the big run run run run run days to all right now this is going to be a little bit more of a balanced offense I think we’re going to even see more of a shift over to that this season even though they did bring in Derrick Henry but what do you feel about the receiver group right now Cordell I know that there’s a lot of conversation about flowers being the one which is I think people are okay with that that’s not the big thing it’s obviously with them they resigned Nelson agalar but he’s looked at as the three it’s really baitman as the two which has a lot of people like okay that’s a pretty big risk could pay off but also we’ve seen it go the other way do you think they’ve done enough do you think it was the right decision or would you have liked to see them maybe add more veteran Talent yeah I mean the uh bringing baitman back is you know we kind of have to see how that plays out I think everybody um is enamored with the potential that Rashad baitman has uh the glimpses that we’ve seen from him um and the Ravens are just kind of betting on it all coming together and we’ll see the talent’s there um that’s that’s not a question it’s just whether or not that connection is is truly there um and I still question that to this day I I I think training camp is going to be huge for Lamar Jackson and Rashad baitman because uh to this point in the off season I haven’t from what I’ve seen I haven’t seen enough to make me feel like okay this connection is kind of going where it needs to go um so I’m I’m I’m really going to be paying attention to that in training camp um the thing about Lamar though throughout his career the one thing that’s been consistent is he’s only GNA have but so many guys he’s consistently throwing the ball to um he has his guys that he trusts and he’s going to get them the ball so Z is in that Circle Mark is in that Circle Isaiah likely’s in that Circle Nelson’s in that Circle um I don’t know if baitman is but if you’re talking about guys that he’s going to get the ball to regularly it’s going to be Mark Andrews and Z flowers that’s going to happen a lot I think Isaiah likely could be in line for a huge year I mean everything I’ve seen from him to this point in the off season he’s looked so good he he was the most impressive offensive player to me during Min Camp really during OTAs as well he he just he just really looks like he’s taking the next step um and I don’t I’m not trying to start any drama but I he he just at times looks like he like if you didn’t know the depth chart on this Ravens team you probably would think that this dude was the tight end one at times just because of some of the wild plays he has made uh at various points in the off season I don’t I don’t want to downplay Mark Andrews because I know how good Mark Andrews is and I you know especially when he’s healthy he’s the guy Lamar’s looking to every time he gets into trouble I don’t think that’s going to change but likely definitely gives them another guy that can make some of those wild plays we saw some of it last season I really think he’s in line to take a huge step this year so I I like the weapons TZ Walker I think is as mini camp got to the back end he started to really uh come on a little bit on some of those down thefield routes and I think that’ll be kind of his calling card to Carvin out a rooll for himself in this offense is if he can be a guy that can consistently take the top off the defense on schedule because on scheduled passing is something that this Ravens offense needs to be better at in general that’s something Lamar needs to improve at um so if they could get a guy like TZ Walker that can win deep on schedule um that that’ll be huge for this offense and open up that middle for guys like L Le Z and and Mark as well so I I I like the pass catchers right now I think there’s always room for improvement they don’t have the best you know when you talk about pass catchers you have to include the tight ends it gets trick tricky when it comes to ranking the Ravens compared to other teams because it’s like all right while the Ravens have the tight ends the Bengals have the receivers how which one do you value more you know and I I don’t know how that order goes but um the Ravens do have the pass catches I think that can help them win games especially if they do get into situations where they have to throw the ball a little more yeah those are some of the biggest talking points of the offseason how can the Ravens utilize Isaiah likele and Mark Andrews together can they get together a little more of a deep passing game and have that be a bit more consistent so I think they have the Personnel to do it just a matter of if everybody can play their role effectively obviously with the spotlight being on Rashad baitman coming up though we will be talking about some general mini camp and OTA observations plus the outside linebacker position do the Ravens have enough there after losing JV and clown E States you plenty to talk about here on lockdown Ravens we are backgrounding out lock on Ravens Kevin ostriker and CTO Woodland still with you here on this Wednesday edition episode of the show be sure to like And subscribe Here video form and audio form really appreciate all the support here on the show Cordell I think when you talk about the Ravens there’s so much excitement about this year obviously the way last year ended was just so disappointing for so many people everybody thought that was the year the roster felt perfect the coaching staff felt perfect going to be a different year this time around obviously that preparation did begin during OTAs and mini camp you were out there at owing Mills I know you can’t necessarily take too much away from non-padded practices and kind of the the lightness that some of these practices get I know towards the end there guys were just joking around and having a good time and it’s a little light during this point of the off season but what what did you see whether you want to talk a bit more about baitman or likely or TZ Walker just general observations who impressed you and maybe who who did you think you wanted to see a little more out if that didn’t show you what you needed to see yeah uh I mean definitely you know like you said it’s it’s unpadded practices so you know we we want to look at the offensive line because that’s a big question for this team you know three open spots but um it’s just not a lot to Garner there I mean even when we talked to John Harbaugh about it and asked him how much stock he’s putting into those practices when it comes to the offensive line competition you know he said not a lot not a lot it’s it’s it’s really just technique and assignment and making sure guys knew what was going on now I will say um it did feel like Ben Cleveland was kind of in the back of the line when it when it came to this offensive line competition it’s two guard spots open the right tackle spot open and the thought was that Ben Cleveland at least could be in line for one of those guard spots saying that he’s kind of the veteran of that group but from everything I saw it it didn’t it didn’t feel like Ben Cleveland was truly uh in the running at least if he is in the running he’s kind like I said on the back end of that order um right now so that was a little disappoint pointing I guess for him um in terms of the wide receivers like like yeah uh Lamar and Nelly’s connection is really good they we saw it last year Nelly was a guy that was really efficient with his opportunities third fourth wide receiver on any given week um but it just felt like whenever he did get chances he took advantage of it and that’s still what you’re seeing Lamar definitely trust him quite a bit and their connection you you start looking at baitman and Lamar right and you you start trying to figure out their you know how are they building that connection or what’s wrong with it and you start look just comparing it to LaMar’s connection with other receivers and if I’m just comparing it to a guy like Nelson agular Nelson and Lamar have a they’re very their their communication with each other is is really in sync um it’s times where the you know Lamar had threw in threw an incomplete pass to Nelly because he thought Nelly was going to do something and he didn’t or vice versa and you know they instantly come up to each other they talk it out Lamar Lon be known you know what he thought what he saw and Nell he’s you know whether he’s listening or speaking his piece whatever the case is they’re working it out as opposed to when baitman has when it’s an incomplete P to baitman it feels like baitman kind of just he takes it so hard you know it feels like he takes it a little personal um I don’t want to say personal but it just feels like he he’s taking that negative play hard he you know he may need a second he may walk off by himself he may need to take his helmet off take a knee just get catch a breather or whatever but it’s just not that oh we didn’t connect all right I’m gonna come up to you and figure out what happened what did you see I’ll tell you what I saw like let’s let’s figure it out now so that the next time is better it just doesn’t feel like that communication part is there between the two um so that’s something that I’m definitely going to be paying attention to in training camp uh for sure to see how that’s continuing to evolve um I thought I I I thought Trenton Simpson was pretty good he flew around quite a bit um you know obviously a lot of eyes on him filling in for Patrick Queen I think initially he’ll be a better cover guy than Patrick Queen was a couple of years ago when he initially came in um but I do think there’s going to be some rawness there I think there’s going to be you know times where maybe his his eyes get him into trouble because he’s a he’s going to be a downhill guy he’s a he’s a guy whose speed is kind of his superpower so when you’re young and you know you’re figuring it out you you wanna you’re playing fast you know which he’s supposed to do um but you know he’s going to make some mistakes fast as well I think and they’re going to be growing pains with him at the start of the year that should be expected but the hope is that over time um he starts to mature in those things uh some of the things he messed up in earlier they go away um I thought Nate Wiggins was a pleasant surprise you don’t really get to notice how frail he is at times because his speed does show his speed does play on the field that’s good um he didn’t get a lot of opportunities uh you know the ball thrown his way but it seemed like technique wise and positioning he was there uh the Ravens did things where they you know kind of had the young guys on one field and the the veteran guys on another and Tate his credit he was not really on the field with the young guys he was out there with the veteran guys quite a bit so that’s a good thing TJ Tampa I thought he had an up and down off season but I thought he finished strong him and TZ Walker have really been kind of connected the way that Kyle Hamilton and Isaiah likely were that rookie year as well it reminds me a lot of those two battles um so uh for the most part TZ Walker was was beating him but uh what I liked about TJ Tampa is that the thing is and and I encourage people to know this especially people that are going to go out to training camp um and you see these guys especially in these unpadded practices the DBS aren’t allowed to make a play on the ball down the field they’re just there to be in position but they’re not allowed to try to make a play to try to intercept the ball or anything like that they want to minimize the injuries as much as they can so you got to see TZ Walker take advantage of that at times um but at the back end of the camp TJ Tampa uh I thought he really did some good things um playing a little more physical within reason and uh making some plays on the ball so I was impressed with him as as Camp went on and lastly I say Marcus Williams had a really good camp I I thought Marcus Williams was all over the field and he was really vocal um it had a he brought he brought the energy every day um to practice I would say um usually guys like ran Smith and Mark Andrews and it was still the case they’re barking you know they’re doing a lot of the talk throughout practice but Marcus Williams was the guy that every day you heard him crack whether it’s cracking jokes or whether it’s him getting guys in position calling out stuff while the play is going on he was he was really locked in uh throughout many Camp so it was good to see and um you know as long as he’s healthy that duo of him and Kyle Hamilton that’s that’s going to be one of the best safety Duos in the in the league uh the question Still Remains though who’s going to be that third guy to kind of play that Gino Stone Ro um because they’re going to miss those seven interceptions and they’re just going to miss somebody that they can to be back there to allow Kyle Hamilton to be that ultimate chess piece yeah and I think with with Williams it’s just about you’re right staying healthy and being able him and Hamilton there’s no question they’re the best sa to do on the league in my opinion at least but uh that safety depth I know whether the team wants to trust out Aras Washington sen Kan Bo bra there is a bunch of conversation there about just what that depth will look like behind those guys now one more thing about baitman Cordell you mentioned him a bit and just like what his process has been there was a clip of Lamar Jackson thrown to Nelson aglar I think TZ Walker was there and I I don’t know where it was I don’t know if it was confirmed Florida just where it was Lamar talked about getting guys together and throwing during the course of ota’s in mini camp and seems to be that came to fruition now Rashad baitman was not there and it caused the fan base to go two two sides either he should be there why isn’t he there or it doesn’t matter he’s not there it matters if he’s there at training camp that’s when really starts where are you on that fence I mean look it’d be great if he was there but at the same time it kind of reminds me of voluntary OTA where it’s like it’s their decision like they’re not required to be there yes it’d be great if he was there I’d love it but I’m not gonna sit here and just rag on him because he wasn’t yeah I’m I’m kind of in the middle I’m kind of in the middle because um like you said it is voluntary if they want to go they can go I’m I’m not you know forcing anybody to do anything um especially when it’s voluntary I felt that same way about OTAs and people were upset that Lamar was barely there and I’m just like you know for a guy like him especially two-time MVP it’s not like if Lamar’s not there we’re gonna look back on this come week 10 and say oh Lamar is struggling because he wasn’t at OTAs in April or May like that that’s just that’s just not my line of thinking um but what I did say at that time was that I I do believe that Rashad bman and Lamar Jackson need to get together as much as they can whether it’s out in Owens Mill South Florida Arizona wherever they need to strengthen that bond that connection that they have with each other at all costs and because last year all we got was all these highlight rails of Rashad baitman running wide open and not getting the ball and we all attributed that to the connection with Lamar not being there the Ravens make this monetary investment in Rashad baitman okay so we had met and they’ve talked it up all offseason that this was Rashad Batman’s year that he was going to you know be a big part of the offense okay so you would like to start seeing something to Trend in that direction and them getting together a training camp that’s great but the thing is I would say is that you know so all these other guys are going to be there too Z’s gonna be there Nelly’s gonna be all these guys that do have that already have a better rapport with Lamar that have been working out with Lamar they’re going to be there too so I I think that one of the issues that baitman has had to deal with is that he’s behind in the pecking order in terms of the trust meter and my question is what has happened since the AFC Championship to today to help grow that trust meter between the two if they’re not getting together on their own on their free time it’s kind of just like doing the same thing all over again expecting a different result um so that’s that I will that’s kind of how I look at it I’m not forcing baitman to go down there I mean I feel like it’s a it’s both of them like Lamar said it he while he while in that clip he said guys don’t want to leave their state and of course everybody insinuates that he’s talking about baitman and that’s a I would say that’s an educated guess I’m not going to sit here lie and act like I didn’t think that’s what he said standing there as he said it um but also Lamar in that same clip acknowledges he’s not leaving Florida he doesn’t want to leave South Florida so he himself is acknowledging that he’s kind of being stubborn as well not wanting to go anywhere else so it’s it’s on both of them and the reality is LaMar’s not going anywhere Lamar’s here he’s the face of the franchise so yes fair or unfair the onus is on Rashad baitman to do what he can do to make that connection strong because Z doing it Nelson’s doing it lele’s doing it it’s it’s like nobody’s going to nobody’s going to feel sorry that Rashad baitman is the odd man out when all off season he while we could say the same thing for Lamar that he didn’t go out his way to link with Rashad baitman that doesn’t change what Lamar’s doing Lamar’s got other people to throw the ball Rashad baitman only has one guy that can throw him the ball he doesn’t have options so it’s imperative for him if he wants want to get the best version of him you know go out there and have the great year that he wants to have he’s got to build that connection with this quarterback some way somehow and them working out in separate states or working out separately all off seon like I’m I’m not the guy that that sits here and watches social media to see who’s working out with who and all that stuff I really don’t but because I feel like it comes out when the games matter it’ll show when we’re watching the games I don’t need to see your 10-second clip on Instagram or something like that so that’s my concern is that the the the trust Meer the relationship that connection is borderline where it was when we ended last season when we pick up in training camp and that in itself would be concerning to me right and I think we’re we’re on the same wavelength there because again like you’re not saying you’re gonna say oh he he has to be there and I’m forcing it but at the same time the work would be beneficial if he was there and I think that it would while again think they’re going to win or lose a Super Bowl off of him not being there for one workout or whatever with Lamar before training camp I think any works it’s my same stance with voluntary OTAs I would love if every single person showed up if I were the Ravens I know the Ravens would love if every single person showed up voluntary OTAs but they’re not required to so I I can’t just sit here and say yeah well this is an absolute disgrace because at the end of the day it is his choice but at the same time when you’re in the position Rashad baitman is it’s a little different than let’s say Z who and Mark Andrews like you talked about Gordo who do have that connection so there were two sides of that argument like we we didn’t even talk about the outside linebackers yet we got so so caught up in the wide receivers which again I think is the bigger point so let’s wrap it up quickly with that outside linebacker wise you lose should DAV and Clowny if you’re the Ravens you’re expecting a big year from adaf o hopefully for the organization David ajabo hopefully takes a big step up do you think they have enough there with resigning Cy vanoi or are you a little concerned with the uncertainty that guys like a and maybe even ad Isaac to the table Yeah I I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned about the pass rush right now and and usually in the past I feel like over the last few seasons everybody’s questioning the Ravens pass rush going into the training camp everybody’s concerned about it I typically haven’t been because I felt like the scheme uh is built in the scheme to get pressure on the quarterback so it the the Personnel didn’t necessarily concern me because I felt like just naturally they’ get to the quarterback right now I’m a little concerned because they lose Clowney who’s uh had a monster year for them last year you lose Patrick Queen who was so good for them as a Blitzer getting pressure on the on the quarterback um and sure Trenton Simpson may be able to do some of that stuff we’ll see um the jury is still out on the DAR o way and it’s sad to say that because it’s you know it’s been some time and I like adaf o I do think he’s better than some of the some of the people give him credit for um but it’s time to start showing up now in terms of the pass rush uh Department uh Adisa Isaac I mean it’s kind of wait and see with him we haven’t really gotten to see him at all he’s he’s kind of been on the sideline uh from rookie mini camp so he’s one in the David ajabo Boat that’s just like is wait and see ajabo I I just it’s tough for me to get excited about him anymore um the injuries and then when we did see him last preseason it was kind of underwhelming you know he’s he’s not really popping out in these preseason games against backups and stuff like that so um I just first need to see him healthy and able to practice and able to do something um and then I can start worrying about the football related stuff but it’s just hard to find guys that you can trust right now in the pass rush department for the Ravens is matter BK going to be a 13 and a half sack guy again I doubt it I still think he’ll be good but it’s just tough to depend on anybody that plays in as an interior defensive lineman to go get you double digit sacks let alone 13 uh you know so I don’t what’s his ceiling now you know what’s his floor really um going from that 13 and a half are we is eight the good number is is eight solid I I mean I think I’d take eight uh with him still being able to do the things that he does in the Run game and just uh getting pressure on the quarterback I like vanoi um but at some point Father Time catches up and uh you don’t know if that’ll be the year this year I think Clowny did a lot of things for the Ravens last year and gave them that edge guy that teams really had to gain plan for and double team at times as good as vanoi was last year as strong as o way can be I don’t think they have a guy right now that’s demanding the type of attention that Clowney demanded last year as the year went on so that’s something that I’m going to be watching um but like I said this scheme does allow them to cut Corners they Blitz their linebackers quite a bit and that’s work they love that nickel Blitz Kyle Hamilton does things so we’ll see what types of things uh you know they’re they’re able to cook up schematically to kind of offset their personnel lacks yeah and it’s a big storyline because I think there is a lot of uncertainty really it’s the year of replacement play I mean we talked about in 1057 Cordell it’s the the replacement plans these guys stepping up and bunch of vets leave they’re replacing them with a bunch of young guys essentially which is a risk but it could pay off in a very big way it also could backfire in a big way as well I think outside linebacker is one of those positions for sure but I appreciate you hopping on thanks so much for giving me the time please tell people where they can find you and what you’re working on yeah you can uh check out my show shiing it up Sports on 1057 the fin you can download the Odyssey app Listen wherever you are even if you’re not here in Maryland you can follow me on social media at Cordell Woodland uh constantly putting out updates uh covering the Ravens also covers the Baltimore Oriol so we’re in baseball season as well so a lot going on for sure links will be in the description down below be sure to check out cordell’s work follow him on social media he does an awesome job and Cordell thanks again for the time and thank you for tuning to lockon Ravens today coming up tomorrow more Ravens content on Fourth of July so be sure to stay tuned we’ll see you right back here tomorrow on lockdown Ravens

We look at Mark Schlereth’s comments blasting Lamar Jackson and Baltimore Ravens fans for complaints over the quarterbacks’ lack of pass-catching help with Cordell Woodland, discussing what he meant and more. We also look at Rashod Bateman, if the Baltimore Ravens have enough at outside linebacker and more.

Mark Schlereth blasts Lamar Jackson, Baltimore Ravens fans for complaints over QB’s pass-catch help



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  1. Fans always saying the ravens wasted lamars early years with not getting a reciever…but all do respect the organization did try!
    How many recievers chose OTHER teams for LESS $$ cause they diddnt want to play in the offense…it has changed now but we had a handful of quality recievers turn down the cash and take less money to go play in other offenses on other teams…thats how we ended up with the dez's & watkin's….they did try!

  2. It is their fault for keeping that run scheme for so long, and Lamar showed he could pass and carry the team, the season we had like 18 starters injured before the season started. Greg Roman had to lead a more pass heavy offense by default because of all the loss. Lamar carried the team with flying colors with mid receivers, we were number one in our division until Lamar got injured behind the offensive line. What do we do so the next season keep Roman and go right back to the run heavy scheme instead of advancing on the progress we saw from the offense the prior season. Trying is not enough.

  3. Of course the Ravens could've and should've done better. They know it, in given Lamar better recievers. Ravens always give Lamar old leftovers recievers or draft not top tier wide outs.

  4. Look at the injury numbers and drop totals by his pass catchers. Hollywood dropped passes Bateman dropped passes even Zay has dropped passes. It’s about the front office not spending at that position. But at the end of it all we’re STILL top tier in the NFL and Lamar is a 2x mvp

  5. Great quarterbacks find ways to win the big games – Lamar has not done that yet – we have had really strong teams that under perform in the playoffs

  6. They stay saying joe burrows is a better passer if you compare his career passes yo Lamar's joe throws so many under thrown and in accurate balls where Chase and Higgins were the reason for the catches its not funny if Lamar would have been that inaccurate he would have been lost his job go check it out the truth is racism exists and it's not about race they just don't want him to work 🤷🏿‍♂️

  7. He's not even a little bit right Cordell. QB's don't develop WR's period. That's like saying Justin Jefferson is only good because of Kurt Cousins or Chase is only good because of Burrow

  8. Look at it this way, how many wide outs have the Raven's developed during the Harbaugh years ?
    Torey Smith was probably our best receiver, and not even he was a true #1 wide receiver ! We've always been a bit more runningback, tightened centric.
    Part of that is on the Raven's running culture, thats gone back way beyond Harbaugh's tenure, but lets face it. Under Harbs the Ravens have never developed any wide receivers to become what they themselves weren't going to already be.
    16:53 It's just sad that it took blowing Lamar's rooky contract years, plus a couple, before Harb's decides it's time to go another direction with the Best all round QB in the league !

  9. Bateman may see the writing on the wall he is a avg injury prone 3rd wr option tez a beast he and zay are the wr duo for yal in the future and running a 2 TE system would be insane with likely and andrews as they can be extra blockers for henry and receiving threats may as well chalk bateman up as a bust

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