Minnesota Twins offense is FINALLY healthy and clicking

Minnesota Twins offense is FINALLY healthy and clicking

it’s the score North Twin shell all right score North Extra Innings we are back it’s been like two weeks almost since the last time I sat in this chair and talked to you from Target Field twins opening a home stand against the Tigers over the holiday weekend it’s the Christmas of July right like it’s Fourth July I am I by the way am I stealing a quick hitting question no you’re not actually you’re not you’re good I did that just came to me that just oh I might be stepping on the toes of Ross’s quick hitter at the end of this episode you’re good um but yeah a home stand against the Tigers and Astros over the holiday weekend uh there will be just a couple by the way programming note just a few episodes of Extra Innings uh this week due to the holiday weekend I’m actually going to be in a a suite as a fan uh on the 4th of July Ross what do you think about before I get into you know the things that I’m supposed to be talking about and doing on this podcast what do you think about a bachelor party at a Twins game 48 hours before your own wedding what are your just overall thoughts on that oh and first pitch on the 4th of July is 110 110 would you say this is a fairly debaucherous group yes yeah this is an awful idea this is this is uh thoughts and prayers to the groom and the bride because I think the groom will be uh I think I think he’ll be under the legal limit by the time he says I do but will he feel great I have my doubts yeah I do I do as well I’m just I’m along for the ride so this is uh I’m all good here but uh it will be interesting I I’ll follow up with with everyone next week on how that goes uh so RAS a lot of stuff here on Extra Innings hit the like button hit the Subscribe button this is the scor or twin Show YouTube channel appreciate everyone that has helped uh help out helped grow this channel basically from scratch that’s Ross brindle I’m Dean Goff I have boots on the ground here uh for most home games so let’s start here with the offense I have a couple other updates from the clubhouse and also some injury updates on some arms so Ross uh the twins wrapped up the month of June uh with one of the best offenses in Baseball look at almost any major uh category and you will see the twins as uh the leaders in those categories but it’s been a collective group and Rocco and ask about this said it’s not necessarily a fluke and even though you know will you have these type of numbers as a team throughout the course of the Season maybe not but if you think about it Ross he brought up the point that everyone is available everyone is finally healthy you’re not waiting on one guy because he’s injured you’re not waiting on the next guy cuz he gets hurt you’re not waiting on someone to come up and save you uh from Triple A so this team has kind of come together at the right time and outside and I don’t mean to throw shade at him outside of starts made by Christian Vasquez when you look at this lineup 1 through nine I mean everyone can hit Byron bucks’s having the best uh run of the season and he’s batting like seventh so it just goes to show that when this team is finally healthy they are finally reaching its potential and it actually I don’t think should be too much of a surprise when fans do see that they’re actually hitting pretty well at the plate yeah well a couple things off of that Dean when the team wasn’t hitting at all the first what 4 to six maybe 4 to8 weeks of the season I think you and I both had talked about on this Extra Innings podcast look they may still strike out like this all season but they’re going to start to hit because their record says that they will at least their track record says that they will Dean and they have started to do that they’re hitting better but with that the strikeouts and I think it’s no coincidence the strikeouts have come way down so that’s been a huge positive on your your part about everybody being available daan I was in De MO this last weekend with my old man watching Saints and as they call them the I Cubs it’s not the Iowa Cubs it’s why is that I thought I don’t know I don’t know it’s stupid it’s the Iowa Cubs but a couple people commented to me because they could see I was wearing Saints stuff and you know obviously a twins fan that the Saints lineup 1 through four it’s probably one of the better lineups you’ll see in Triple A and they were wondering well why is walner here with all these home runs and RB and they don’t have a place for Brooks Lee and and again I’m not saying the twins aren’t a team without a weakness but to your point Dean If There was a place for specifically probably those two guys they might be up with the big club and I know uh Julian I I think will figure it out he’s the one exception he has continued to struggle at triaa but I do think he will figure it out but there is depth and this is a good thing for a baseball team to one not only be healthy but now to see that depth okay everybody’s hitting everybody’s playing well and then you’re able to have guys at AAA when needed that can step up and not just be you know guys filling a jersey these are good baseball players so I’m very encouraged by the month I thought the starting pitching was pretty good there were some outings that maybe weren’t as good as you would like them to be but that’s going to happen over a 30-day stretch so as we record today dlan again you’re looking at a team that’s a couple games up on the last wild card spot they’ve started to creep back into shouting distance in the American League Central I think you have to feel really good and a lot of it is because of what you led with Dean it’s just nice that everybody’s available and they’re hitting the ball and here’s my thought on Christian Vasquez Dean since you brought him up and I don’t want to throw shade at him either but here’s what he does really well he’s really good at just dumping a ball into right field or going the opposite way he should not be trying to do anything else at the plate at this point just hit the ball the other way dump it to dump it to you you know right field take your take your first base and and go from there because he um I mean this has been his entire 10 here Dean he’s just I don’t think he’s at all the offensive player the twins thought they were getting so my advice to Vasquez which he shouldn’t listen to and probably wouldn’t listen to anyways just hit the ball the other way because that’s what he does really well do that more often or bunt just I mean that I mean I’m just bunt move a runner over put a guy Mo move a guy I get it I’m totally good with that as well yeah when you look at this twins offense Ross in the month of June there were eight players this is not a typo eight players with ops’s of 839 or above Carlos kareah had an insane month Royce Lewis came down to earth hard over the last week but he still had a 972 Ops last month uh Father Time Carlos Santana hit 337 and was great last month Jose Mira Byron buckton Willie Castro Austin Martin when he got playing time even though he didn’t start every day he was hit a lot so all good things from the twins offense and we’ll see if it carries over in June or July I should say yes they beat up on some softies they’re going to play a RedHot uh Houston Astros team this weekend which will be a really good series and on Tuesday night here they got Tariq scoel who’s probably the nastiest pitcher in the game that no one talks about so they’ll have their hands full on Tuesday night but I agree with Raco that uh when you look up and down this offense and everyone is finally healthy and clicking uh it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise so so good things with this offense here’s one for you Dean we brought this up I think about 6 weeks ago I did the old far too early for who’s the twins Allstar and at the time we thought it was oh it’s Ryan Jeffers yeah that seemed to be a sure thing at the time and then we said oh maybe Pablo Lopez and Joe Ryan could work their way into it I could buy a scenario where Joe Ryan gets there there’s no scenario that Pablo Lopez gets there I know there’s 10 worthy Short Stops in Major League Baseball but I think the twins are only getting one representative is it possible that Carlos karea because of what he did in June will be the representative for the Minnesota Twins I if I was putting percentages on a Dean I don’t know what the percentage would be but I think he’d still maybe be I think he’d be the highest percentage I think Ryan Jeffers is still in there just because there’s less catchers but I don’t think it’s going to be Duran I don’t think it’s going to be JX maybe it’s Joe Ryan I mean there’s just for as good as the month was and the team is seemingly again a pretty good team there’s not a ton of Clear Choices for an Allstar or two well with Korea the problem is is there are like four other American League Short Stops that are really good uh so yes by name recognition I think that’s actually helping him and yes he had a hell of a month the played in June that also helps him uh but when you look at Bobby Wht and gunar Anderson and Anthony bupy um so now all of the sudden Carlos K is the fourth option there I don’t know if they’ll even carry four Short Stops I think Joe Ryan is a potential Griffin it’s it’s hard for setup guys to get Allstar nods but I do think Griffin Jack definitely has a chance um you know it’s a shame Royce Lewis didn’t play enough games because I think he would have definitely had a chance uh it will be interesting to see who is their All-Star and is it probably just one because of how loaded the American League is this year yeah wouldn’t wouldn’t shock me wouldn’t shock me at all but it’s it’s Joe Ryan or kareah right I mean I suppose Jeffers is still in that conversation it’s one of those three right yeah I I would say at this point Joe Ryan kareah and probably Griffin Jack yeah you’re all on Griffin Jacks I I I don’t know he’s the yeah and this is not on the allstar thing and I know you’ve you’ve said stuff before with the got the Griffin Jax people going when he’s on he’s filthy I still would not trust Griffin Jack as far as I could throw him interesting I think he’s probably easily and it’s not even close the most reliable arm in their Bullpen way more than Durant at this point dur had a shaky season um yeah I mean I I know what you mean last year he made him walk the plank a little bit but I I think he has been arguably one of the more lights out relievers in baseball this year so wouldn’t be surprising if he did did he get the call I I think that’s just my general distrust for relievers right it’s very volatile you never know what you’re getting I’m not saying I don’t like Griffin Jackson that he shouldn’t be on the team that’s furthest from what I what I meant by that but yeah he just I don’t know he scares me um so let me tell you about what happened today when uh I walked into the clubhouse I as I’ve mentioned this before when you walk into the twins Clubhouse Rocco’s office is on your right Mike Herman the director of team travel does a great job he’s across from Roco then there’s the clubhouse manager’s office and as you turn around turn around and and go down the tunnel the twins Clubhouse is on the right and then like the laundry room basically is on your left I walk in the twins Clubhouse and it is completely bright like insanely bright like ridiculously bright and I new LEDs did we retrofit the clubhouse so I’m still trying to really understand what the hell happened I was like were these here before and they was never turned on or were these added to the clubhouse and uh is what what what’s going on here so the twins have added new Lighting in the clubhouse now I don’t believe I can take photos of this cuz it’s a clubhouse and I can’t like show everyone but when I say it’s bright it is very very bright apparently they are doing this to change up the habits for Day games to be alert in Day games uh now tonight’s a night game I understand that uh and apparently during the closure of night games when you’re in their post game they’ll be back to the dim low lit type of lights but I guess these lights are supposed to like wake you up in a way or make you more alert and I will say when I walked in there I was like what the hell is this is this am I under the knife here what’s what’s going on so another addition to the twins Clubhouse to maybe wake some butts up not get anyone sleepy before the game time you know I know Nelson Cruz had the big nap thing can tell you right now no one in the hell could nap in that clubhouse right now it’s impossible not that anyone would want to but I’m just saying the clubhouse now is completely different I don’t know if it’s like circadium rhythm stuff I I stay away from from that type of that that type of Intel but it is bright the clubhouse has a new addition and its lights okay so here’s my thought on this is this something the Minnesota Twins are doing to catch up to everybody else or is this something we’re doing to try and differenti differentiate gain a competitive advantage and now de and gof just outed them on score North Extra Innings I mean everyone saw it everyone in the beat saw it so they like definitely are aware I I don’t think I’m breaking any rules about um like I said I don’t think I can tweet out a photo of this but everyone walked in there today being like what is this will you be entering the clubhouse during the day now wearing sunglasses is it that bad I I wouldn’t say it’s that bad but like you are definitely like wide-eyed like you are 100% like wow like you’re just you’re just a much more alert so another addition we’ve had you know the Wheel of Fortune from Pablo Lopez is that still there yeah still still doing that okay that’s still there that is still there and now uh new lighting again you know I they’re baseball people they’re creatures of habit and sometimes you need you know to for the lack of a better words shake the baby to get this team to wake up or get someone to wake up and I think the way they’re doing that for this instance is changing the lighting can I pose a question to you that’s not a quick hitter yeah absolutely it’s July 2nd this edition of Extra Innings the trade deadline literally what a month away maybe a day less than a month away yep where do you think this team is at are are do you think this is a team that is a a big buyer to some degree maybe just looking to supplement with a player here and there or is this a team that’s just going to keep the roster as is and stand Pat with what they have about a month out from the trade deadline you’re going to start seeing them now we saw some early season trades more than you typically see but once you get to the all-star break you’re typically going to see a trade or two and it picks up from there where do you think this ball club’s at I think they’re going to make a roster move or two from outside of the organization I don’t expect either player or players that are acquired for me to go whoa that’s a big move but I do expect them to make some tweaks and changes well there isn’t really like a super big pitching arm that’s on the trade market this year like Jack Flair’s a name that we even threw out today with Trevor plof um you know there there’s some like mid rotation guys and they could definitely help the twins but there’s no one I think that is like uh you know when we’ve seen guys like Justin Verlander get moved at the deadline there’s no one like that that I think is going to become available unless someone really surprises us um now do I think the twins will be buyers yeah I think they’ll look for some type of rotational depth piece I don’t think they’re looking for an ace that slots everyone else down and the rotation I can see them adding you know a a bullpen arm but also I think there’s going to be more internal options there than external options to make that room deeper I think there’s probably one decent trade here and it probably doesn’t involve um Brooks Lee or Walker Jenkins I’d be shocked if either of those guys are moved at the deadline I think it’s probably you know prospects 5 through 10 and then also I’ll throw in you know if if a team does want Matt walner Edward Julian or Alex kof these kind of tweener guys that are basically in no man’s land they’re not contributing at the big league level but another team might be able to find a place for them and give them an opportunity um I think there’s a trade do I think they’re going to be winning like mlb.com’s or ESPN’s biggest buyer of the deadline award no I would I would be pretty shocked at this point if they did that and nor do they have to by the way to to help make your team better I agree with you on depth rotation probably it’ll be a name that you know but not a name that’s going to blow you away I also think easier said than done Dean there’s not a lot of trust maybe outside of oer with the lefties in the bullpen I mean I think you’re getting to the point where this just might be it for Caleb thebar uh thunderberg has good outings he has bad outings I really think they’d like to get themselves one more Lefty but news flash so is pretty much everybody else that’s going to be a buyer but I think those are the two moves that they should be looking at and I’m never opposed to adding more offense but the price has to be right yeah I mean they’ve always been linked to Matt Moore I think that would be a now he’s not having a great year but again you know another Lefty out of the pen that’s a veteran that that’s a pretty decent arm um I could see that happening I will say internally a couple injury updates here that we got today uh Justin topa Brock Stewart making progress and their return to the twins so Stewart is going to throw two batting practices this week top is going to throw a couple bullpens this week if all goes well with both of those respective appearances you’re probably looking at rehab’s assignments starting uh soon for those guys now timetables to return to Major Leagues and again best case scenario I think we’re probably a couple weeks out or so from um from either of those guys joining the bullpen but to your point there’s been some shaky options there with thunderberg and theel bars obviously hit a cliff here um getting Brock Stewart and Justin toppo who has yet to even throw a pitch with the twins getting those guys back does make the bullpen building a little easier and then I still do wonder if Louis varlin And even Chris Paddock are part of those internal Bullpen editions like they had last year by the time September and the playoffs rolled around so as much as they could go get a reliever I think it’d be a low man on the totem pole probably a lefty to what you’re saying and then they will use internal options to supplement that Bullpen uh Amen on Paddock and varland I said that since last year I and it’s just me you know one idiot in front of a microphone but I think both those guys can be far more effective as relievers than they can be as starting pitchers but then again you also need to have enough starting pitching depth to cover those spots but we’ll see where that goes I just think if you tell Chris Paddock and Louis varland for one inning you can go in there and just throw gas I think that makes them immediately more effective on your roster do you want a quick hitter or do you have something else to get to uh yeah let’s go with quick hitter I got a couple of things I’m going to save I think for tomorrow’s uh Extra Innings episode that I’m going to dig a Little Deeper on all right this one I think is super simple as far as the question your answer can be whatever it is I want to know I have two I’m really having a tough time figuring this out but your least favorite Detroit Tiger or Tigers of all time maybe maybe you can have two because some of these guys that come to mind for me are really damn good baseball players but they drove me crazy so I’ll let you you go first and see if you say anything that comes to my mind all right I got two that I just absolutely loed as a kid Brandon in okay yep couldn’t stand him the damn forearm tattoos Bugg the crap out of me as a you know a 14-year-old no idea why now couldn’t tell you if they bugged me um Brandon in never liked him and I’ll throw you another one a deep cut at you Jeremy bonderman Jeremy wow okay Jeremy bonderman those were those were two arms and especially when they hit around by I think what I also LOE I hated I’m going to keep using the word Lo but hated is when the Tigers players back in the when before when they were really bad you know losing 100 plus games always wore those damn turtlenecks and that just bued me that just like what are we doing wearing a turtleneck it’s not that cold outside and just that look it made me think of Like A pompous baseball player and I was like take off the damn turtleneck we don’t need to see a turtleneck so those two are two guys that I don’t love um I don’t know what you have for the guys you dislike I do have a couple other tigers that I do like though um okay I love aren’t you give me those I I loved Craig Monroe also a former twin yes big time Craig Monroe fan I liked Austin Jackson who was lowkey a very solid center field for them for a while uh I actually really liked Curtis Granderson curtisy man Grandy man was good fun fact I saw his first major league home run it landed about eight rows in front of me um and then you know I I love me some Justin Verlander so I I can’t um I can’t ever get upset with Verlander okay so then you didn’t say any names that come to my mind as people that I necessarily Lo Brandon in is a good one the twins also had a tough time getting him out that so that drove me crazy um guys that I disliked one because they just never got him got him out two because I I think he did a lot to clean up his life but at one point was maybe not a great human being mine would be Magle or and Miguel cabera those are names though Miguel Cabrera though I’m I’m not joking I I he reached like A-Rod territory at one point where I just wouldn’t pitch to him why would you ever pitch to him you put it anywhere near the strike zone he’s going to hit home run yep and I would get I would get so frustrated by that especially when they more Cabrera than mle or adones when they would pitch to him in a game where it was close like no just put him on first base he can’t move don’t don’t even throw to him and Mago had that hair that wet that greas with the white socks and the Tigers looked like a WWE wrestler he did he looked like Scott Hall like he had the Scott Hall without without the coolness I will say Scott Hall I mean the epitome of cool but um but yeah those are good ones especially maglio I was not a big uh Mago oronia fan I mean they both just crushed I mean if you threw them anything hitable they would make you pay yeah I mean even like I don’t mean to spoil a future one but like Bobby jenss is on my Mount Rush more of players that I despise the most Bobby JS see I I try to make them you know more fun and wide ranging but the the twins played the tiger so often that it was kind of loow hanging fruit for no that’s okay which which Tigers drive you crazy uh which off the top of your head which starter that year where they won like 42 games which one lost over 20 games was that Mike maroth remember they had bonder maroth and there was another one and they all turned out to be pretty good pitchers but one of one of those poor guys lost over 20 games I’m looking this up right now I I uh Mike maroth good call R bman lost 19 of them um maroth lost 21 Nate is it cor C I don’t I think I’m butchering the name of that one doesn’t ring much of a bell uh he lost 17 games uh Corno Nate Corno that’s how you pronounce it thank God for baseball reference uh he lost 17 games yeah those were some rough Tigers teams the best I will say Demitri young had a very good year for them that year and he always was good uh and Carlos poo wasn’t terrible for them but yeah they had five hitters who were regularly below 600 680 Ops territory now different game back then there was some guys hitting for average but yeah they were sending up more than half of a lineup That was well below League average well below leag and their intention that year was obviously we’re going to let a lot of young guys play and we know we’re not going to be very good I don’t think the intention was to be that bad nobody is purposely going to put a team out that is that bad but a lot of those guys that you just listed there Dean turned out to be pretty good players bonderman had a run Mike maroth had a run but now I can’t get Bobby Jinx out of my head and that’s a different team oh God can’t stand him um all right well hit the hit the like buttonit subscribe button this is uh score North Extra Innings appreciate everyone listening watching throughout the season that’s Ross brindle I’m Dean Goff uh continue to hit the hit the Subscribe button just support us here on the score North Twin show appreciate you guys uh we’ll be back uh tomorrow for another Extra Innings piece of content as well talk to you then

Minnesota Twins offense is FINALLY healthy and clicking because everyone is healthy; Can the Twins hitters keep it going in the month of July; Which Twins player is going to All Star Game; The Twins clubhouse has brand new lighting; Injury updates to Brock Stewart and Justin Topa and more on Extra Innings.

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  1. I think you guys are forgetting about Willi Castro. He has had a remarkable first half. As a utility he would fit anywhere in the All-Star.

  2. Correa would be the #3 AL shortstop over Volpe. He leads Volpe in almost every hitting statistic including WAR, even with 20 less games played.

  3. Well we have the Astros coming up ….We shall see how far we have grown….We still leave to many batters on base still without scoring. Also we still need another hitter yet, i don't give a crap what your saying we need one more hitter like Correa. Have the outfield do better out there , way to many plays that has gone wrong. And we need a couple more pitchers. You want a class act team….This is what we need. Not to hard to figure out !!

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