Cody Glass potential trade candidate

This article is suggesting Cody Glass to be moved in a salary-cap move. Has he reached his ceiling? What’s the potential return?

  1. I’m ok with this. I was happy when he cracked the roster, but he hasn’t been able to produce even when given the chance to play with some of the top forwards last year. This is a chance to clear up some cap space as well.

  2. Dante fabbro as well. Cody glass is not going to get really anything if he is traded, where as fabbro definitely will. I’d be more surprised if they’re able to trade glass at all for anything, I think it would be more beneficial to just keep him and see how he pans out this season then not resign him if he doesn’t. If they can manage the cap with just moving on from one contract. If not, then you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do

  3. Salary cap move/cap dump suggests it would be Glass + a 4th or 5th round pick for future considerations.

  4. It’s hard to justify his 2.5m cap hit. Like the article says, it’s hard to see him having a role on this team moving forward. Especially considering he was a healthy scratch in Game 6 in favor of Pars.

    I would expect the return to be very little. Probably a 4th round pick at best. Would not be surprised either if he was sent along with a pick for a “future considerations” type deal.

    Also – if Joey goes on LTIR in PHI that will clear some of his 4m from the cap to get some more flexibility there. He hates Torts and vice versa, so I see that as a high probability move later in the summer.

  5. Idk if he’s reached his ceiling per se, but his ceiling is probably a lot lower than his draft position would tell you.

    Return is probably really low, cause 2.5M on the cap for a 25 year old player with only 6 goals last season, and a pretty extensive injury history is not going to be attractive for most teams.

    Best case scenario you can do a prospect swap, or get a 3rd/4th round pick probably.

  6. I would love for a Cody glass redemption arc but at this point I think it is going to happen with another team. Would love to see him as part of a rebuild team. Bruno has said he is one of the leadership guys, just sucks he hasn’t had the playtime here.

    A completely emotional response not based on any facts…
    Getting cap space to make sure we can keep Tomasino, Parsnips, Stastney on the roster would make me happy. I think Tomasino has the highest potential, and was playing well when he got to play, but he has to get off the management shit list and do what they want him to do… it’s obviously not a skill issue.

    Parsnips could be a great playoff asset. Stastney has a high ceiling in my mind as well and could be an important piece as our roster starts getting those AARP card in 2 years.

  7. I like Cody glass. From what I gather people seem to like him and his story but to me unfortunately because he can’t get out of his own head his NHL performance has just been middle bottom six. Now that’s not to say if you were to go to another team where he could really fill that role and have more ice time he could possibly move up to a 2C.

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